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  5. <META Name= "description" Content = "The Shepherd's Field Children's Village is an unusual orphanage that serves orphans in China who have special needs.">
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  46. <td><font size="-1" color="white" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">The children go to preschool within Shepherd's Field and attend local elementary and high schools. The children learn a little English in preschool, but everything else is in Chinese. When the children start elementary school, the ayi and staff help support their studies with extra help with homework and extra tutoring. The eye is always on the future.</font>
  47. <p><font size="-1" color="white" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Orphanages in China support the children to age 14 or 16 depending on the area and the level of government support. Shepherd's Field supports them through high school and then helps them find work and a living arrangement. For those children who cannot live independently, China has adult care centers, and later, old age homes to care for them.</font></p>
  48. <p><font size="-1" color="white" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Some of these kids are sharp even at this age. They are comfortable with visitors and with the camera. One boy came over to me and took my camera and proceded to turn on the preview and page through the pictures. I use a digital SRL that confounds adults. It was no problem for him. He then did the same thing with a compact camera. I don't know if he liked the shots or not.</font></p>
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  63. <font size="-1" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"><a class="white" href="http://hua.umf.maine.edu/China/china.html"> China Index </a></font><font size+1 class="white"> >> </font><font size="-1" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"><a class="white" href="http://hua.umf.maine.edu/China/beijing4.html"> Modern Culture in Beijing </a></font><font size+1 class="white"> >> </font><font size="-1" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"><a class="white" href="http://hua.umf.maine.edu/China/ModernBeijing/pages/001_childrens_village.html"> Shepherd's Field Children's Village </a></font>
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  66. <P><font size="-1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">http://hua.umf.maine.edu/China/beijing4.html<BR>Last
  67. update: July 2009<BR>&copy; Marilyn Shea, 2009 </FONT></P><HR>
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