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  35. </font><font size="-1" color="white" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Imitation of Yu Shinan's Writing of One Thousand Characters<br />
  36. 1 of 2<br />
  37. Zhao Gou (1107-1187)<br />
  38. Cursive script <br />Zhao Gou was the first emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty. He reigned from 1127 to 1162 but lived on following his<br />
  39. abdication until he was 80. As emperor, he was known as Gaozong. Zhao Gou was the ninth son of Zhao Ji, the last acting<br />
  40. emperor of theNorthern Song. The demarkation between the Northern and Southern Song was due to the invasion of the the<br />
  41. Jurchens from the north. Zhao Ji first led attempts to repel them and then switched to a policy of consolidation and containment<br />
  42. in the south. He established his capital at Lin'an, today's Hangzhou. Zhao Gou is one of many emperors who have excelled at poetry,<br />
  43. calligraphy and painting. Other emperors have lived a life of leisure focused on their poetry rather than on their<br />
  44. responsibilities. Zhao Gou was not one of them. He was active militarily, politically, and economically in government.<br />
  45. Southern Song Dynasty</font>
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  63. <p align="left"><font size="-1" color="white" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><br />
  64. (c) Marilyn Shea, 2006, 2007<br />
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