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  5. <title>Chinese Furniture - Ming Reception Hall</title>
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  30. <font color="white"><br />
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  32. </font><font size="-2" color="white" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Reception Hall<br />
  33. This is the equivalent of the parlor in western homes. It is a formal room used to entertain<br />guests, hold weddings or funerals, and was not normally used for daily living.<br />
  34. A long narrow table with recessed legs for serving was placed in front of a moveable wooden wall.<br />Chairs were placed in symmetrical rows facing each other. Often another side chair or folding chair was<br />
  35. placed in front of the table. The scroll painting could be rolled up and stored. It could be changed easily to suit the<br />
  36. occasion or the season. Rugs and hangings could be added and stored when the room was not in use.<br />
  37. Most of the furniture is huanghuali wood<br />
  38. Ming Dynasty</font></div>
  39. <p><font color="white"><!--url's used in the movie--><!--text used in the movie--></font></p>
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  58. <font color="white">http://hua.umf.maine.edu/China/SMfurniture/index.html<br>
  59. (c) Marilyn Shea, 2006, 2007<br>
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