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  32. <a href="china.html"><IMG ALIGN=RIGHT BORDER=0 WIDTH = 223 height = 112
  33. SRC="beij10ny.gif" ALT="Bei Jing"></a><font class="times"><H1>Beijing</H1></font>
  34. <HR size=5 >
  35. <font class = "verdana" size=-1>
  36. <P>Although Beijing is an ancient city and was often used as the capital by one
  37. warlord or another, its modern history as a capital begins in the Yuan dynasty
  38. (1271-1368) with Kublai Khan, grandson of Ghengis Khan.&nbsp; It is here that Marco
  39. Polo made his base as he visited and travelled with the Khan.&nbsp; He spent over 20
  40. years
  41. as a guest of the Khan before returning to Europe with his vivid descriptions of the
  42. great civilization to
  43. the east.&nbsp; Most of what we see today in Beijing was built during the Ming dynasty
  44. (1368-1644).</P>
  45. <P>It is a city built to inspire; to awe the populace with the power of the emperor.
  46. Built for the rites and ceremonies performed to maintain the Mandate of Heaven as
  47. well as for defense, it achieves grace through power and size rather than through
  48. ornament and variety.</P>
  49. <P>The Mings looked to the past for their design.&nbsp; Beijing, like most major cities in
  50. China was built with a series of concentric walls.&nbsp; The outermost wall surrounded
  51. what was the Chinese city.&nbsp; A major highway which provides access to the outskirts
  52. and links the city with the major arteries to the rest of the country sits on its bed.&nbsp; At
  53. various points along the highway you can see the guard towers which loomed above
  54. the old gates to the city and provided early warning of invasion.&nbsp; One might regret
  55. the loss of this ancient wall, but the alternative would have been to raze whole
  56. neighborhoods in one of the most densely packed cities in the world.&nbsp; </P>
  57. <H3><EM>Tiananmen Square</EM></H3>
  58. <P>Tiananmen Square lies within the area defined by the next wall.&nbsp; Formal access to
  59. the square is through the Zhengyang Gate, which marks the boundary of what was
  60. once
  61. an enclosing wall of grey stone and brick.&nbsp; The tomb of Chairman Mao is centered in
  62. the path of the gate.&nbsp; The square itself is fairly recent.&nbsp; It used to be filled with shops
  63. and alleys, as the streets surrounding it still are today.&nbsp; Tiananmen is large enough to
  64. diminish
  65. the impact of two enormous and recent additions to the center of the city.&nbsp; On one
  66. side of
  67. the square lies the People's History Museum and on the other, the Great Hall of the
  68. People.&nbsp; The Great Hall is used for major meetings of the government and State
  69. occasions.&nbsp; Elaborate receptions are held there for foreign dignitaries and it contains
  70. over
  71. 50 rooms, each dedicated to a particular province or minority.</P>
  72. <P>The square serves as a setting for the Imperial City in which lies the Forbidden
  73. City.&nbsp; The red walls, golden roof tiles, and the portrait of Mao Zedong contrast
  74. strongly with the surroundings of grey and buff.&nbsp; Thousands of tourists from all over
  75. China visit the Forbidden City daily.&nbsp; Fred observed at this point that we were of
  76. as much interest to the Chinese as was the Forbidden City.&nbsp;
  77. <A HREF="mens.jpg">Westerners still are a</A> rare
  78. sight.<P>
  79. <P>At one time there were vast gardens and parks adjacent to the Forbidden City
  80. where the elite could walk freely.&nbsp; Although urban encroachment has swallowed
  81. many, we visited Zhongshan Gongyuan, named after and anchored by a statue of
  82. Sun Ya-tsen.&nbsp; If that is confusing try this; Sun Zhongshan is the formal name for Sun
  83. Yixian which is the new spelling of the informal name of the person we call Sun
  84. Ya-tsen or Sun Yatsen.
  85. Sun is the family name and Zhongshan is the given name.&nbsp; In China, to indicate
  86. respect, admiration, <em>and</em> fondness the given name is often used.
  87. Therefore, Zhongshan Gongyuan is Sun Ya-tsen Park.&nbsp; By
  88. whatever name, the park was beautiful.</P>
  89. <P><A HREF="bkay328.jpg"><IMG ALIGN=LEFT BORDER=0 WIDTH = 150 HEIGHT = 227
  90. SRC= "bkay.gif" ALT="Kay picture"></A><BR><BR>It was a Sunday and the
  91. <A HREF="pictu.jpg">place was filled</A> with the
  92. laughter of children and the
  93. sight of couples strolling among the trees. Children were often dressed in their finest
  94. so that
  95. their parents could take their pictures.&nbsp; There was a long winding covered walk that
  96. ran through the trees.&nbsp; A path eventually led us to a building which housed a
  97. formal garden.&nbsp; Kay discovered the magic and shed off the fatigue of 35 hours of
  98. traveling to relax and discover China.&nbsp; </P>
  99. <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
  100. <H3><EM>The Imperial City</EM></H3>
  101. <A HREF="ic2s.jpg"><IMG ALIGN=LEFT BORDER=0 WIDTH =250 HEIGHT = 170 VSPACE =
  102. 10
  103. HSPACE = 20 SRC = "ics2.jpg" ALT="Tian An Men Square Picture"></A><P>As you cross the bridge in front of Mao's
  104. portrait and enter the Imperial City through Tiananmen (Gate of Heavenly Peace)
  105. you
  106. see the Meridian Gate which leads to the Forbidden City.&nbsp; Only those who had
  107. official business with the emperor or one of his ministers were allowed inside the
  108. Forbidden City.&nbsp; That doesn't mean that it was a quiet place.&nbsp; It was the center of
  109. vast empires.&nbsp; There
  110. were hundreds of ministers who had offices there or in the immediate area, there
  111. were probably over a thousand servants, and then there were the palace guards . . .
  112. At one point there were over 70,000 eunuchs attached to the Forbidden City in one
  113. capacity or another.
  114. Today the area is filled with museum offices, ministries, tourists, small souvenir
  115. shops, and restaurants.</P>
  116. <P>The first Ming capital was at Nanjing.&nbsp; The first Ming emperor Hung Wu
  117. wanted to rid the
  118. country of Mongol influence just as he had rid it of Mongol rule.&nbsp; Traditional rites
  119. and ceremonies
  120. of the Chinese were brought back and celebrated.&nbsp; Nanjing was close to the supply
  121. routes from the southern breadbasket and provided much better
  122. communication with the provinces both for defense and administration.&nbsp; Yongle (Yung Lo), the
  123. third
  124. Ming emperor, overthrew the second Ming emperor from his stronghold in the
  125. northern
  126. provinces.&nbsp; He gave up the advantages of the southern capital and moved his capital
  127. to Beijing for political support.&nbsp; </P>
  128. <P>He continued to emphasize Chinese and Confucian principles and incorporated
  129. them into his design for the new
  130. northern capital.&nbsp; The design of the city
  131. reflects a return to Confucian principles of order, ethical
  132. conduct, and the importance of rites to express filial duty.&nbsp; The emperor was the Son
  133. of
  134. Heaven and this was the source of his Mandate to rule.&nbsp; All others owed filial duty
  135. to the emperor.</P>
  136. <P>Yongle sent a survey team to catalog the city of the Yuan dynasty and then he
  137. had it destroyed.&nbsp; The new city would be Chinese.&nbsp; Over two hundred thousand
  138. workers
  139. dedicated 20 years to the building of the new city and palaces.&nbsp; The Palace wasn't
  140. finished until 1421.&nbsp; As you go through the gates and penetrate the depths of the
  141. city, it
  142. is still possible to feel the remove, the isolation from common concerns required by
  143. and of the emperor.</P>
  144. <P>As you cross an open courtyard, you approach the Hall of Supreme Harmony
  145. where vigorous final examinations were given to scholars during the early Ming
  146. dynasty.&nbsp; The Ming emperors revived and expanded the civil service system which
  147. required mastery of the classics to enter government service.&nbsp; If a family could
  148. educate a son to this level, the entire family benefited and the scholar became a
  149. revered figure among the ancestors in following generations.&nbsp; The system continued
  150. until the early 1900s and provided stability to successive governments. </P>
  151. <P>After the Supreme Hall of Harmony, you encounter two more major structures;
  152. the Hall of Middle Harmony and the Hall of Perfect Harmony, which were also used
  153. for public functions.&nbsp; Only as you retreat further and further into the center of the
  154. palace do you find some sort of quiet and repose.&nbsp; The actual quarters of the emperor
  155. are rather simple by palatial standards.&nbsp; The low slung buildings have large rooms,
  156. but not so large as to uncomfortable for daily living. </P>
  157. <P>The Imperial family would never be alone.&nbsp; There would always be someone in
  158. attendance.&nbsp; The emperor ate with an attendant at his elbow to remind him not to
  159. take more than three bites from any dish.&nbsp; If he had a favorite dish, he had to keep it
  160. to himself and hope that by accident it would show up again.&nbsp; Poison and
  161. assassination was a constant presence in daily life by dint of the measures used to
  162. prevent them.&nbsp; Imagine living and accepting a life of such paranoia that your fears
  163. of those close to you were as great as the fear of threat from outside.&nbsp; Mao Zedong
  164. lived a
  165. similar life in his compound adjacent to the Imperial City.&nbsp; His thorough knowledge
  166. of classical history led him to adopt many of the same personal safeguards developed
  167. through
  168. the centuries of dynastic reign.
  169. <H3><EM>The Temple of Heaven -- Tiantan Park</EM></H3>
  170. <P>The Forbidden City and the three Halls of Harmony look directly south,
  171. toward the Temple of Heaven.&nbsp; Twice a year at the Winter Solstice and again
  172. in the fourth lunar month the
  173. emperor would proceed from the Forbidden City to the Temple of Heaven to ask for
  174. blessings for the people.&nbsp; He would dress in the Hall of Middle
  175. Harmony and then go to the Hall of Supreme Harmony to form the procession.&nbsp;
  176. <P>The streets between the Forbidden City and the Temple of Heaven were cleared.
  177. All
  178. doors and windows would be shuttered, the people closed in behind them.&nbsp; It was
  179. forbidden that a commoner look upon the person of the divine emperor.&nbsp; The
  180. procession, made of all high ranking ministers marching in order of importance,
  181. would go through the Meridian Gate, out through the main gates, and cross what is
  182. now Tiananmen Square.&nbsp; Only the emperor could use the center doors.&nbsp; The two side
  183. doors were designated for either the military or the civil ministers.&nbsp; Separating the
  184. military and civil ministers was a custom which arose after many squabbles about
  185. rank and order of precedence between the two branches of government.
  186. <P><A HREF="mainbln2.jpg"><IMG ALIGN=right BORDER=0 WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=286 SRC="mainbuln.gif" ALT="Tian Tan Picture"></A>When
  187. they arrived at
  188. the Temple of Heaven, the emperor would retire to the Hall of Abstinence to
  189. meditate
  190. and pray alone for the night.&nbsp; <A HREF="maint2s.jpg">Sacrifices</A>
  191. would be prepared in the triple roofed Hall of Prayer for a Good Harvest.&nbsp;
  192. Just before dawn, he would rise
  193. and prepare.&nbsp; Each ritual, movement, utensil, and costume had purpose and symbol.
  194. The emperor wore a blue gown embroidered with gold, the roofs of the
  195. buildings were tiled in blue -- a sacred color symbolizing Heaven. Just as the gold
  196. roofs of the Imperial Palaces were only used on buildings of the emperor, blue was
  197. reserved for Heaven.&nbsp; The procession passed down a long elevated concourse
  198. to arrive at the Altar of Heaven.&nbsp; </P>
  199. <A HREF="tt2ds.jpg"><IMG ALIGN=LEFT BORDER=0 WIDTH = 250 HEIGHT = 173 SRC=
  200. "tt2.gif" ALT="Three Tiers of White Marble Picture"></A><P>Three tiers of white marble glistening in the false light of
  201. predawn lent beauty
  202. and
  203. majesty to the ceremony, the only roof -- the Heaven above.&nbsp; There, as the tip of the
  204. sun shown over the horizon, the emperor would offer the animal, grain, and silk
  205. sacrifices which had been prepared the previous day.</P>
  206. <P>This ceremony was first performed in the Zhou dynasty (1100-771 B.C.).&nbsp; The last
  207. time it was performed (December 23, 1914) a republic had been founded and Yuan
  208. Shikai,
  209. the President, wore the imperial robes of the emperor.</P>
  210. <P>These rites linked culture and tradition through multiple dynasties.
  211. The cost of this heritage was painful.&nbsp; Hundreds of thousands of workers labored
  212. to
  213. build the palaces and fortifications at Beijing, Xi'an, Nanjing and other major cities of
  214. the
  215. Ming dynasty.&nbsp; Taxes were deep and production was diverted to provide
  216. material for the construction.&nbsp; Due to graft and corruption, much of the good farm
  217. land
  218. was used by the nobility for pleasure sports or mismanaged until it was barely
  219. productive.&nbsp;
  220. By the end of the Ming dynasty, the population of the country
  221. had been reduced by about half through starvation.&nbsp; While reviving
  222. Neo-Confucianism
  223. the rites and rituals, they forgot the Confucian ideal that good government takes
  224. care of the needs of the people first.&nbsp; </P>
  225. <P><A HREF="bflynet3.jpg "><IMG ALIGN=LEFT BORDER=0 WIDTH =200 HEIGHT =289
  226. VSPACE = 10 HSPACE = 20 SRC = "bflynet3s.jpg" ALT="Butterfly Kites Picture"></A>Today the grounds of the
  227. Temple of Heaven are a welcome relief from the dense
  228. crowding of the city.&nbsp; Each day, but especially on Sunday, thousands come to walk,
  229. play,
  230. practice Dai Qi, listen to or play music and fly kites.&nbsp; I spent an hour listening to a
  231. group
  232. play selections from the Beijing opera.&nbsp;
  233. <A HREF="tt-operc.jpg">An elderly woman sang</A>.&nbsp;
  234. I was told that she had only studied for the past four years --
  235. after her retirement.&nbsp; Her voice
  236. was as clear as a bell; she easily sang some of the most difficult trills.</P>
  237. <P>The long covered walk which leads to the main Temple is a meeting place,
  238. gaming
  239. room, private club, and way of life.&nbsp; Mahjongg and dominos are the most popular
  240. choices, but you also find <A HREF="s-game1s.jpg">Chinese chess</A>, card
  241. games, and dice.&nbsp; A
  242. <A HREF="ladies2s.jpg">group of women</A>
  243. were doing complicated march/dances in formation while playing a straightforward
  244. beat
  245. on their drums.&nbsp; They may or may not have been practicing <EM>for</EM> some
  246. future
  247. performance; just doing it is enough for many groups.&nbsp; Watching is also a popular
  248. pastime.&nbsp; Activities from a game of mahjongg to the women marchers were
  249. surrounded
  250. by groups of spectators.</P>
  251. <BR><BR>
  252. <H3><EM>The Summer Palace</EM></H3>
  253. <P>It takes three days to get to the Summer Palace if you go by barge along the
  254. canals
  255. and river to Kunming Lake in an imperial convoy.&nbsp; It takes about a half-hour by bus.
  256. The Summer Palace seemed like a remote "get-away" for the emperors who were
  257. enclosed in their own stifling prison.&nbsp; </P>
  258. <P>The "palace" is actually a garden encompassing a small mountain, a lake, a river,
  259. and innumerable buildings.&nbsp; Most gardens in China are places to enjoy the
  260. shape and contour of nature.&nbsp; The gardener creates a perfection of nature and
  261. tries to encourage appreciation of its beauty.&nbsp; It has little resemblance to
  262. what we would call a garden.</P>
  263. <P>Qianlong of the Qing dynasty, built a garden here in honor of his mother in
  264. 1750.&nbsp; He expanded an earlier Ming temple, enlarged the lake and called
  265. it Kunming Lake, and renamed the mountain the temple stands on from Jug
  266. Mountain to Longevity Mountain.&nbsp; His name for The Summer Palace was the
  267. Garden of Pure Ripples.</P>
  268. <P>In 1860 the British and French destroyed the Garden of Pure Ripples as
  269. well as Yuan Ming Yuan (what we call the Old Summer Palace).&nbsp; Yuan Ming Yuan
  270. comprised acres and acres of buildings housing the treasures of China.
  271. The British and French were "negotiating" with the emperor to get
  272. better trade agreements.&nbsp; Victor Hugo wrote an open letter at the
  273. time, deploring the action and calling it one of the great tragedies of
  274. history.&nbsp; </P>
  275. <P>The Dowager Empress Cixi began rebuilding the Summer Palace in 1873 for
  276. her retirement and renamed it Yi He Yuan -- Garden of Peace and
  277. Harmony in Old Age.&nbsp; That remains it proper name in Chinese.&nbsp;
  278. The Dowager Empress Cixi served as regent and was able to
  279. channel funds from the treasury which had been targeted for the navy.&nbsp; She
  280. is often blamed for the easy victory won by the Japanese navy and the
  281. subsequent humiliation of the Chinese government in 1895.&nbsp; </P>
  282. <P>It was
  283. burnt again by Russian, British and Italian troops in 1900 as retaliation
  284. for the Boxer Rebellion.&nbsp; Cixi began rebuilding in 1902 and actually got
  285. to use it for awhile.&nbsp; She died in 1908.&nbsp; </P>
  286. <P>We entered the grounds through the back door to visit "little Suzhou" in
  287. full sunlight.&nbsp; This village was build to replicate one near Shanghai to
  288. give the emperor the illusion of shopping and exploring its beauty.&nbsp; Eunuchs
  289. and ladies from the court would play the roles of shopkeepers and
  290. artisans while the emperor meandered through the stalls.&nbsp; There is still
  291. a feeling of play-acting as you go from shop to shop.&nbsp; The only thing
  292. that seemed quite real was the river.</P>
  293. <P>We climbed Longevity Mountain to the Lama Temple at the top.&nbsp; On the
  294. way you could begin to appreciate what Cixi had planned.&nbsp; The entire garden is
  295. laid out to create moments.&nbsp; Cixi would have an entire wall built so she
  296. could put a window in it.&nbsp; As you walked along the wall, your senses would
  297. relax and the sudden view framed by the window would recall the freshness
  298. of the view.&nbsp; </P>
  299. <A HREF= "suboat.jpg"> <IMG ALIGN= LEFT HSPACE = 20 VSPACE =10
  300. BORDER=0 WIDTH =278 HEIGHT =206 SRC = "suboat1.jpg" ALT="The Marble Boa Picture"></A><P>The Marble Boat was
  301. built by Qianlong who compared the boat to
  302. the state and the water to the people.&nbsp; The people keep the state
  303. afloat and without their support the ship sinks.&nbsp; Cixi changed the
  304. top of the boat, adding the superstructure and paddle-wheels.&nbsp; She
  305. also installed a large mirror in the cabin so she could sit gazing
  306. at it on rainy days.&nbsp; The mirror would act as a frame for the
  307. different views behind her.&nbsp; </P>
  308. <P>The names of the sights at the Summer Palace are as much a part of the
  309. experience as are the structures themselves: Hall of Dispelling Clouds,
  310. Strolling through Painted Scenery, Floating Heart Bridge, Gate of Welcoming
  311. the Moon, Hall for Listening to Orioles Sing.&nbsp; While the Summer Palace is not
  312. a simple thing, part of its purpose is to enhance the perception of and
  313. enjoyment of simple things. </P>
  314. <P>At the end of the day, as were were waiting for our bus, Denise and
  315. <A HREF="sud-fs1.jpg"><IMG ALIGN=RIGHT BORDER=0 WIDTH =250 HEIGHT =366
  316. VSPACE = 10 HSPACE = 20 SRC = "sud-fs1.gif" ALT="Denise and Fred Picture"></A>
  317. Fred were talked into doing one of the simple things.&nbsp; We not only had
  318. a great time setting this up, I am afraid I missed the best picture; when
  319. I finished shooting with the various cameras from the group and was
  320. paying the vendor, I noticed that a crowd of about 50 people had gathered
  321. to watch the show.&nbsp; I imagine we made an interesting story over the dinner
  322. table that night.</P><br><br>
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  335. <P><FONT SIZE=-2><BR>Last
  336. update: February, 2002<BR>&copy; Marilyn Shea 1996, 1999, 2000, 2002</FONT></FONT></P></blockquote>
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