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  5. <TITLE>China Bibliography</TITLE>
  6. <META NAME="description" CONTENT="A bibliography of Chinese sources -- primarily culture and history. Most are in English and recent publications.">
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  14. <br><br><center><font color="#993366"><font size=+2>China Bibliography
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  33. <td width="146" valign="top"><font class="verdana" size=-1>
  34. <a href="#general">General References</a><br>
  35. <a href="#topics">Selected Topics</a><br>
  36. <a href="#dynasty">Dynastic History</a></font></td>
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  60. <br>
  61. <CENTER><a name="general"></a><TABLE BORDER=4 >
  62. <TR>
  63. <TD align=center valign=middle width=400>
  64. <H3><BR>
  65. <em><font class="verdana">General References</font></em></H3>
  66. </TD>
  67. </TR>
  68. </TABLE></CENTER>
  69. <P><BR>
  70. <BR>
  71. </P>
  72. <FONT SIZE=-1>
  73. <P><A HREF=""><strong>BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHINA SOURCES</strong>
  74. <BR>
  75. </A>A potpourri of interesting topics in Chinese history, culture, and biography.&nbsp; Emphasis on more
  76. recent references up to 2006.</P>
  77. <P><A HREF=""><strong>GENERAL HISTORY</strong>
  78. <BR>
  79. </A>A bibliography of surveys of history, culture, and literature.&nbsp; Reference works such as atlases, chronologies, and bibliographies are included.&nbsp; Most references
  80. are after 1983.</P>
  82. DICTIONARIES</strong> <BR>
  83. </A>Contributions with comments are welcome.</P>
  85. <BR>
  86. </A>Contributions with comments are welcome.</P>
  88. <BR>
  89. </A>Science, idioms, library, medicine, social science, agriculture...arranged
  90. by topic..</P>
  91. <P><A HREF=""><strong>PUBLISHER ADDRESSES</strong>
  92. <BR>
  93. </A><FONT SIZE=-1>Addresses of selected publishers. Emphasis on U.S. publishers
  94. of materials which relate to psychology or China. Particularly useful for those
  95. outside the U.S. who would have trouble finding publisher addresses. Would
  96. like to add addresses for major publishers around the world...with your help.
  97. </P>
  98. <P><A HREF=""><strong>CHINESE MAP - PRONUNCIATION</strong>
  99. <BR>
  100. </A>Click on a province and hear several different people say
  101. the names of the provinces and provincial capitals in China, it might help you remember them.&nbsp; Choose "More Information" to see a table of provinces with some of the different spellings used in the west.&nbsp; Makes it all the more confusing!&nbsp; Use your back button to return here, or go to the home page and choose Bibliographies.</P>
  102. <P><A HREF=""><strong>CHINESE DYNASTIES - PRONUNCIATION</strong>
  103. <BR>
  104. </A>The major dynasties are listed chronologically.&nbsp; If you have a Chinese font installed for your browser, you can even see the characters.&nbsp; You will need to be able to play .mp3 files to listen to the pronunciations.</P>
  105. <P><a name="topics"></a></P>
  106. <CENTER><P>&nbsp;</P></CENTER>
  108. <TR>
  109. <TD align=center valign=middle width=400>
  110. <H3><BR>
  111. <em><font class="verdana">Selected Topics</em></H3>
  112. </TD>
  113. </TR>
  114. </TABLE></CENTER>
  115. <P><BR>
  116. <BR>
  117. </P>
  119. </A></B>Historical and cultural analyses of the spread of Buddhism and the place of Buddhism in Chinese culture today.</FONT></P>
  120. <P><A HREF=""><strong>ART IN CHINESE SOCIETY</strong>
  121. <BR>
  122. </A>Art both as a cultural expression and a cultural influence on Chinese society. The life of the artist and the role
  123. of the artist through history. </P>
  124. <P><A HREF=""><strong>ARTS OF CHINA</strong>
  125. <BR>
  126. </A>Historical and current works focused on architecture, cinema, drama, sculpture, folk art, painting, and poetry.</P>
  127. <P><A HREF=""><strong>CHINESE CALLIGRAPHY</strong>
  128. <BR>
  129. </A>The history and art of calligraphy.</P>
  131. </A></B>Includes population problems, migration patterns, rebuilding the city to serve new purposes, consideration of the impact of rural/urban differentiation.
  132. </FONT></P>
  134. </A></B>Political and analytical considerations of the causes and long term impact of the Cultural Revolution.
  135. </FONT></P>
  136. <P><A HREF=""><strong>ECONOMICS IN CHINESE HISTORY</strong>
  137. <BR>
  138. </A>Political and social trends in relation to economic survival. Includes works focused on economic conditions during different dynasties, as well as the post-revolutionary era.</P>
  139. <P><A HREF=""><strong>ECONOMICS IN MODERN CHINA</strong>
  140. <BR>
  141. </A>References concerning current adjustments in economic policy and conditions as the Chinese enter competitive international markets and modernize business, industry and the distribution of wealth at home.</P>
  142. <P><A HREF=""><strong>ECONOMICS - CHINA IN THE WTO</strong>
  143. <BR>
  144. </A>References concerning the implications of membership in the World Trade Organization.</P>
  145. <P><A HREF=""><strong>ECONOMICS - CHINA AND THE REST OF THE WORLD</strong>
  146. <BR>
  147. </A>References concerning the economic agreements, patterns, or practices or comparing China's economy to those of other countries. Overlaps Near Neighbors.</P>
  148. <P><A HREF=""><strong>EAST/WEST</strong>
  149. <BR>
  150. </A>Historical, social, economic, religious, and cultural exchange
  151. between China and the West.</P>
  152. <P><A HREF=""><strong>GANGS, TRIADS, AND CRIMINALS</strong>
  153. <BR>
  154. </A>Sources describing organized crime, criminal trends, and police efforts. Includes Chinese, Hong Kong, and American settings.</P>
  155. <P><A HREF=""><strong>HONG KONG</strong>
  156. <BR>
  157. </A>The development of Hong Kong and speculation and analysis concerning its
  158. future. </P>
  159. <P><A HREF=""><strong>FOR KIDS</strong>
  160. <BR>
  161. </A>Stories and histories for young people. </P>
  162. <P><A HREF=""><strong>LAW</strong>
  163. <BR>
  164. </A>Historical tradition of law as well as modern topics concerning intellectual property, trade, and the civil code.&nbsp; Dictionaries are available to translate Chinese law terms as well as American law terms. </P>
  165. <P><A HREF=""><strong>LITERATURE</strong>
  166. <BR>
  167. </A>Criticism and analysis of major literary works in Chinese history. Includes references to modern translations of major works to English.</P>
  168. <P><A HREF=""><strong>MILITARY</strong></A><BR>
  169. Historical and current military analyses, accounts, and essays.
  170. <BR>
  171. </A>
  172. <P><A HREF=""><strong>NEAR NEIGHBORS</strong>
  173. <BR>
  174. </A>Japan, Russia, Korea, Indonesia, India. . .</P>
  175. <P><A HREF=""><strong>OUT OF CHINA</strong>
  176. <BR>
  177. </A>Enculturation, culture clashes, and cultural influences as Chinese settle in new countries.</P>
  179. <BR>
  180. </A>General political and economic history and philosophy.</P>
  182. <BR>
  183. </A>General political and economic history and philosophy.</P>
  184. <P><A HREF=""><strong>RELIGIONS IN CHINA</strong>
  185. <BR>
  186. </A>Sociological and historical approaches to religious trends in China through history. Includes references to Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism and Christianity among others. Also see EAST/WEST for references concerning the missionary era and the bibliography for each dynasty for historical references.</P>
  187. <P><A HREF=""><strong>RURAL CHINA</strong>
  188. <BR>
  189. </A><FONT SIZE=-1>Agricultural production, export products, and
  190. social customs in the rural areas.</P>
  191. <P><A HREF=""><strong>SOCIAL FORCES</strong>
  192. <BR>
  193. </A>Social and environmental forces; culture, mores and beliefs.</P>
  194. <P><A HREF=""><strong>SCIENCE</strong>
  195. <BR>
  196. </A>The scientific perspective -- the science of China and the scientific
  197. approaches to the study of China. </P>
  198. <P><A HREF=""><strong>SILK ROAD</strong>
  199. <BR>
  200. </A>The path from Chang'an through the desert to Inner Asia and then on to Rome was based on more than silk. Uyghur, Mongolian, Persian, Indian, Hungarian, and Chinese all passed through and some stayed to create a rich and diverse culture.
  201. </P>
  202. <P><A HREF=""><strong>TIBET</strong>
  203. <BR>
  204. </A>The early contacts with the west had a strong influence
  205. on the development of Tibet through Buddhism, social customs and culture.&nbsp; Today's questions
  206. about Tibet have stimulated renewed interest in its history and traditions. Most citations since
  207. 1990.</P>
  208. <P><A HREF=""><strong>WOMEN IN CHINESE HISTORY</strong>
  209. <BR>
  210. </A>Chinese women in politics, literature, and work. Social and
  211. environmental studies of their role.
  212. </P><BR>
  213. <HR><BR><CENTER><a name="dynasty"></a><TABLE BORDER=4 >
  214. <TR>
  215. <TD align=center valign=middle width=400>
  216. <H3><BR>
  217. <em><font class="verdana">Dynastic History</em></H3>
  218. </TD>
  219. </TR>
  220. </TABLE></CENTER>
  222. </A><FONT SIZE=-1>A selection of resources organized by dynasty. The individual bibliographies below provide more extensive material on the major dynasties.</FONT></P>
  224. </A><FONT SIZE=-1>These works span multiple dynasties, with an emphasis on the early formation of China.</FONT></P>
  225. <P><A HREF=""><B><FONT SIZE=-1>THE REPUBLIC 1911 - 1949 AD</FONT></B> <BR>
  226. </A><FONT SIZE=-1>The influence of modern thought, philosophy, technology, the move to an industrial city,
  227. and the increase of both education and communication led to the demand for a more popular form of government. During this period, China shakes off feudalism and experiments with new models of government while facing the external threat from Japan and World War II. </FONT></P>
  228. <P><A HREF=""><B><FONT SIZE=-1>THE QING DYNASTY 1644 - 1911 AD</FONT></B> <BR>
  229. </A><FONT SIZE=-1>Enlightened rulers such as Qian Long, expanded contacts with the west, an enlarged middle-class, economic diversity, and a peppering of rebellions, protests against imperialism, and the final shift toward a new form of government. </FONT></P>
  230. <P><A HREF=""><B><FONT SIZE=-1>THE MING DYNASTY 1368 - 1644 AD</FONT></B> <BR>
  231. </A><FONT SIZE=-1>The Ming Dynasty reestablished self-rule by overthrowing the Mongolian Yuan dynasty. As a symbol of the return, when the capital was moved to Beijing, the remains of the Yuan city were destroyed and a new Imperial Palace constructed. </FONT></P>
  232. <P><A HREF=""><B><FONT SIZE=-1>THE YUAN DYNASTY 1271-1368 AD</FONT></B> <BR>
  233. </A><FONT SIZE=-1>China fell under the world shaking power of the Mongolian horsemen under Genghis Khan as did much of the rest of the continent. This is the China of Kubla Khan and that early adventurer Marco Polo. </FONT></P>
  234. <P><A HREF=""><B><FONT SIZE=-1>THE NORTHERN SONG 960 - 1126 AND THE SOUTHERN SONG 1127 - 1279 AD</FONT></B> <BR>
  235. </A><FONT SIZE=-1>The Song dynasty ushered in a new era of trade and prosperity. It was a time of production, art, and progress. </FONT></P>
  236. <P><A HREF=""><B><FONT SIZE=-1>THE TANG DYNASTY 618 - 906 AD</FONT></B> <BR>
  237. </A><FONT SIZE=-1>Trade along the Silk Road brought in new ideas, fresh perspectives, as well as new products. The result: great poetry, art, music, literature and new concepts of ethics of justice from the Buddhist texts.</FONT></P>
  238. <P><A HREF=""><B><FONT SIZE=-1>THE HAN DYNASTY 202-206 BC - 220 AD</FONT></B> <BR>
  239. </A><FONT SIZE=-1>While the Qin was the first to centralize power and use it for common projects, during the Han Dynasty statehood was developed. The more sophisticated approach to rule stimulated development in all areas of life.</FONT></P>
  241. </A><FONT SIZE=-1>The University of Maine is hosting a collection of first editions including:
  242. The Morals of <A HREF="">Confucius</a>, the first English edition, published in 1691, John Milton's <A HREF="">Areopagitica</a>,
  243. and other <A HREF="">rare books</a> important to intellectual history.</FONT></P>
  244. <P>
  245. <HR></P>
  246. <IMG SRC="5starvl.gif" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=20 WIDTH=70 ALIGN=LEFT ALT="Essential Rating 5 Stars"></a>Awarded by <a href=''>Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library</a>
  247. <BR>
  248. <BR>
  249. <FONT SIZE=-2>To contribute to the bibliography, please send e-mail
  250. to:<BR>
  251. Marilyn Shea<BR>
  252. Department of Psychology<BR>
  253. University of Maine at Farmington<BR>
  254. <A HREF=""></A>
  255. <BR><BR><HR><BR><BR>
  256. <H5>Return to the <A HREF="">China Page and Main
  257. Menu </A></H5>
  258. <P><FONT SIZE=-2><BR>
  259. Last update: January 2006<BR>
  260. &copy; Marilyn Shea 1996, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006</FONT></font></ul>
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