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  37. <blockquote>
  38. <font size=-1><P><B>Cantonese/Wu/Hakka Dictionaries</B></P><i>A Chinese-English Dictionary of the Wu Dialect (Featuring the Dialect of the City of Shanghai).</i>&nbsp; (eds. Creamer, Thomas; Lu, Gusun; Lu Ji; trans. Wu, Ying; Lin, Zhiling; Rong, Dawei; Yu, Huizhong; Yu, Bufan). Kensington, MD: Dunwoody Press, 1992.<br><br>
  39. <i>Chinese-English Dictionary:</i>&nbsp; <i>Cantonese in Yale Romanization, Mandarin in Pinyin.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Man, Chik H.; Yuk, Ng L.). Philadelphia, PA: Coronet Books, 1989.<br><br>
  40. Cowles, Roy T.&nbsp; <i>The Cantonese Speaker's Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Reprint. Ann Arbor, MI: Books on on Demand, on demand.<br><br>
  41. Eitel, Ernest J.&nbsp; <i>A Chinese-English Dictionary in the Cantonese Dialect, 1910-1911:</i>&nbsp; <i>Set.</i>&nbsp; Western Linguists and the Languages of China Series. Bristol: Ganesha Publishing, Limited; Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.<br><br>
  42. Eitel, Ernest J.&nbsp; <i>A Chinese-English Dictionary in the Cantonese Dialect, 1910-1911.</i>&nbsp; Set. Western Linguists and the Languages of China Series. Bristol: Ganesha Publishing, 2002.<br><br>
  43. Eitel, Ernest J.&nbsp; <i>Chinese Dictionary:</i>&nbsp; <i>Cantonese Dialect.</i>&nbsp; North Stratford, NH: Ayer Company Publishers, Incorporated, 1977.<br><br>
  44. <i>English-Cantonese Dictionary:</i>&nbsp; <i>Cantonese in Yale Romanization.</i>&nbsp; Yale-in-China Chinese Language Center. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press; New York: Columbia University Press, 2000.<br><br>
  45. <i>Hani-English/English-Hani Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (comp. Lewis, Paul W.; Bai, Bibo). London: Kegan Paul International Limited, 1996.<br><br>
  46. Hutton, Christopher; Bolton, Kingsley.&nbsp; <i>A dictionary of Cantonese slang:</i>&nbsp; <i>the language of Hong Kong movies, street gangs and city life.</i>&nbsp; Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2005.<br><br>
  47. Li, Zhuging.&nbsp; <i>Fuzhou-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Springfield: McNeal Technologies, 1997.<br><br>
  48. MacIver, D.&nbsp; <i>Chinese-English Dictionary:</i>&nbsp; <i>Hakka-Dialect.</i>&nbsp; Pasadena, CA: The Oriental Book Store, 1982.<br><br>
  49. Schwalm, Claudia.&nbsp; <i>Cantonese - English Picture Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (Juvenile). Alameda, CA: Cultural Connections, 1995.<br><br>
  50. Williams, Samuel Wells.&nbsp; <i>A Tonic Dictionary of the Chinese Language in the Canton Dialect 1856:</i>&nbsp; <i>Set.</i>&nbsp; Western Linguists and the Languages of China Series. Bristol: Ganesha Publishing, Limited; Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.<br><br>
  51. Williams, Samuel Wells.&nbsp; <i>A Tonic Dictionary of the Chinese Language in the Canton Dialect 1856.</i>&nbsp; Set. Western Linguists and the Languages of China Series. Bristol: Ganesha Publishing, 2001.<br><br>
  52. Williams, Samuel Wells.&nbsp; <i>A Syllabic Dictionary of the Chinese Language:</i>&nbsp; <i>Arranged According to the Wu-Fang Yuen Yin, with the Pronunciation as Heard in Peking, Canton, Amoy, and Shanghai 1874.</i>&nbsp; Set. Western Linguists and the Languages of China Series. Bristol: Ganesha Publishing, 2001.<br><br>
  53. Xin Ya Zhong Guo Yu Wan Yan Xi Suo.&nbsp; <i>English-Cantonese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1991.<br><br>
  54. Zhu, Xiaonong.&nbsp; <i>A grammar of Shanghai Wu.</i>&nbsp; LINCOM studies in Asian linguistics; No. 66. Munich: Lincom GmbH 2007.<br><br>
  55. Zifan, Zeng.&nbsp; <i>Colloquial Cantonese and Putonghua Equivalents.</i>&nbsp; New York: Hippocrene Books, Incorporated, 1988.<br><br>
  56. </font>[<a class=alp href=#Top>Return to the top</a>]<br><br>
  57. <P><B>Mandarin Dictionaries</B></P><a name=A></a>
  58. <strong><font size =+3>A </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  59. <i>ABC (Alphabetically Based Computerized) Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (ed. DeFrancis, John). Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai'i Press, 1996.<br><br>
  60. <i>ABC Chinese-English Dictionary:</i>&nbsp; <i>Alphabetically Based Computerized.</i>&nbsp; (ed. DeFrancis, John). Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2000.<br><br>
  61. <i>ABC Chinese-English, Pocket Edition:</i>&nbsp; <i>Alphabetically Based Computerized.</i>&nbsp; (ed. DeFrancis, John). ABC Chinese Dictionary Series. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1998.<br><br>
  62. <i>Advanced English - Chinese Pinyin Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Torrance, CA: Heian International Publishing, Incorporated, 1993.<br><br>
  63. <i>An alphabetical index to the Hanyu Da Cidian.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Mair, Victor H. and Fang, Shizeng). Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2003.<br><br>
  64. <a name=B></a>
  65. </font><strong><font size =+3>B </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  66. Barme, Geremie; Lee, Bennett.&nbsp; <i>China Traveler's Phrasebook.</i>&nbsp; San Francisco, CA: China Books &amp; Periodicals, Incorporated, 1980.<br><br>
  67. <i>The Basic English-Chinese, Chinese-English Dictionary with PINYIN Transliteration.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Bergman, Peter). Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press International, Incorporated, 1979.<br><br>
  68. <i>The Basic English-Chinese, Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Bergman, Peter M.). New York: NAL/Dutton, 1980.<br><br>
  69. Beijing Language Institute Staff.&nbsp; <i>The Pinyin Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Wu Jingrong). New York: John Wiley &amp; Sons, Incorporated, 1982.<br><br>
  70. Beijing Language Institute Staff.&nbsp; <i>Everyday Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: Hippocrene Books, Incorporated, 1990.<br><br>
  71. Berlitz International, Inc.&nbsp; <i>Mandarin Chinese picture dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (Illus. Chris L. Demarest). New York: Berlitz International, Inc. 2008.<br><br>
  72. Berlitz, Charles.&nbsp; <i>Passport to Chinese.</i>&nbsp; New York: NAL/Dutton, 1988.<br><br>
  73. <i>Best Chinese Idioms. Vol. 1.</i>&nbsp; San Francisco, CA: China Books &amp; Periodicals, Incorporated, 1988.<br><br>
  74. <i>Best Chinese Idioms. Vol. 2.</i>&nbsp; San Francisco, CA: China Books &amp; Periodicals, Incorporated, 1988.<br><br>
  75. <i>Bilingual visual dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: Dorling Kindersley, Inc. 2008.<br><br>
  76. Bliss, Bill; Molinsky, Steven.&nbsp; <i>Pictoral Dictionary Chinese-English.</i>&nbsp; Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995.<br><br>
  77. Bolton, Kingsley; Hutton, Chris.&nbsp; <i>Chinese Dictionaries.</i>&nbsp; London: Ganesha Publishing, Limited, 2001.<br><br>
  78. Bucher, Urs.&nbsp; <i>Vocabulary of Modern Chinese:</i>&nbsp; <i>English Translation of Illustrative Sentences.</i>&nbsp; New York: French &amp; European Publications, Incorporated, 1986.<br><br>
  79. <a name=C></a>
  80. </font><strong><font size =+3>C </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  81. Ceta Group Staff.&nbsp; <i>Optilex Chinese - English General Dictionary Database.</i>&nbsp; Kensington, MD: Dunwoody Press, N/A<br><br>
  82. Chao Yuen-Ren,; Yang, Lien-Sheng.&nbsp; <i>Concise Dictionary of Spoken Chinese.</i>&nbsp; Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1947.<br><br>
  83. Chen, Janey.&nbsp; <i>Practical English-Chinese Pronouncing Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Boston: Charles E. Tuttle Company, Incorporated, 1992.<br><br>
  84. Chen, Janey.&nbsp; <i>A Practical English-Chinese Pronouncing Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: French &amp; European Publications, Incorporated, 1980.<br><br>
  85. <i>Cheng and Tsui Chinese-Pinyin-English Dictionary for Learners.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Wang, Huan). Boston: Cheng & Tsui Company 1999.<br><br>
  86. Chiang Ker-Chiu.&nbsp; <i>Practical English-Mandarin Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Daly City, CA: Colton Book Imports, 1985.<br><br>
  87. <i>A Child's Picture English-Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (illus. Sheheen, Dennis). Reprint. (Juvenile). Bellmore, NY: Modan/Adama Books, 1987.<br><br>
  88. <i>Chinese Dictionary of Verbs.</i>&nbsp; Torrance, CA: Heian International Publishing, Incorporated, 1989.<br><br>
  89. <i>A Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Beijing: Foreign Languages Teaching & Research Press, 1995.<br><br>
  90. <i>Chinese-English Dictionary of Contemporary Usage.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Chi Wen-Shun). Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1977.<br><br>
  91. <i>Chinese-English Dictionary of Idioms:</i>&nbsp; <i>Compiled by Specialists of English from Sichuan Province.</i>&nbsp; New York: Hippocrene Books, Incorporated, 1988.<br><br>
  92. <i>A Chinese-English Dictionary of the Wu Dialect (Featuring the Dialect of the City of Shanghai).</i>&nbsp; (eds. Creamer, Thomas; Lu, Gusun; Lu Ji; trans. Wu, Ying; Lin, Zhiling; Rong, Dawei; Yu, Huizhong; Yu, Bufan). Kensington, MD: Dunwoody Press, 1992.<br><br>
  93. <i>Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Guilford, CT: Audio-Forum. in print<br><br>
  94. <i>The Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Beijing Foreign Institute Staff). Torrance, CA: Heian International Publishing, Incorporated, 1989.<br><br>
  95. <i>Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; San Francisco, CA: China Books &amp; Periodicals, Incorporated, 1988.<br><br>
  96. <i>Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: State Mutual Book &amp; Periodical Service, Limited, 1979.<br><br>
  97. <i>Chinese-English Dictionary:</i>&nbsp; <i>Cantonese in Yale Romanization, Mandarin in Pinyin.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Man, Chik H.; Yuk, Ng L.). Philadelphia, PA: Coronet Books, 1989.<br><br>
  98. <i>Chinese-English Expressions for Travellers.</i>&nbsp; San Francisco, CA: China Books &amp; Periodicals, Incorporated, 1981.<br><br>
  99. <i>Chinese-English Handbook:</i>&nbsp; <i>Idioms.</i>&nbsp; San Francisco, CA: China Books &amp; Periodicals, Incorporated, 1986.<br><br>
  100. <i>Chinese-English, English-Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Kinderhook, NY: E. J. Brill U. S. A., Incorporated., OP.<br><br>
  101. <i>Chinese-English, English-Chinese Pocket Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Kinderhook, NY: i. b. d., Limited., OP.<br><br>
  102. <i>Chinese-English-Uighur dictionary of science and technology.</i>&nbsp; Urumchi, Xinjiang: Shinjang Universiteti Nashriyati, 2002.<br><br>
  103. <i>Chinese-English:</i>&nbsp; <i>New.</i>&nbsp; Reprint. Kinderhook, NY: i. b. d., Limited, 1990.<br><br>
  104. <i>Chinese.</i>&nbsp; <i>Handy Dictionaries.</i>&nbsp; New York: Hippocrene Books, Incorporated, 1991.<br><br>
  105. <i>Chinese.</i>&nbsp; Maspeth: Langenscheidt Publishers, 2001.<br><br>
  106. <i>Classified and Illustrated Chinese - English.</i>&nbsp; New York: Hippocrene Books, Incorporated, 1988.<br><br>
  107. Coblin, W. South.&nbsp; <i>A handbook of 'Phags-pa Chinese.</i>&nbsp; Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2007.<br><br>
  108. <i>Collins Chinese dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: HarperCollins, 2008.<br><br>
  109. <i>Collins Mandarin Chinese dictionary.</i>&nbsp; London: HarperCollins, 2009.<br><br>
  110. Commercial Press Staff.&nbsp; <i>A Pocket English-Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: French &amp; European Publications, Incorporated, 1980.<br><br>
  111. Commercial Press Staff.&nbsp; <i>The Sino Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: French &amp; European Publications, Incorporated, 1980.<br><br>
  112. Commercial Press Staff.&nbsp; <i>General Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: French &amp; European Publications, Incorporated, 1979.<br><br>
  113. Commercial Press Staff.&nbsp; <i>A Practical English-Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: French &amp; European Publications, Incorporated, 1979.<br><br>
  114. Commercial Press Staff.&nbsp; <i>A New Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: French &amp; European Publications, Incorporated, 1979.<br><br>
  115. Commercial Press Staff.&nbsp; <i>A Junior English-Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: French &amp; European Publications, Incorporated, 1977.<br><br>
  116. Commercial Press Staff.&nbsp; <i>New English-Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: French & European Publications, Incorporated, 1975.<br><br>
  117. Commercial Press Staff.&nbsp; <i>Model English-Chinese Dictionary with Illustrative Examples.</i>&nbsp; New York: French &amp; European Publications, Incorporated, 1979.<br><br>
  118. Commercial Press Staff.&nbsp; <i>Times Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: French &amp; European Publications, Incorporated, 1980.<br><br>
  119. Commercial Press Staff.&nbsp; <i>A Concise English-Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: French & European Publications, Incorporated, 1972.<br><br>
  120. <i>A Concise English-Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: Larousse &amp; Company, Incorporated, 1984.<br><br>
  121. <i>Concise English-Chinese, Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Cowie, A. P.; Evison, A.). New York: Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 1994.<br><br>
  122. Cowles, Roy T.&nbsp; <i>The Cantonese Speaker's Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Reprint. Ann Arbor, MI: Books on on Demand, on demand.<br><br>
  123. <a name=D></a>
  124. </font><strong><font size =+3>D </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  125. DeFrancis, John.&nbsp; <i>ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2003.<br><br>
  126. <i>A Dictionary of New Chinese Words.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Creamer, Thomas). Second Edition, Enlarged, Revised. Kensington, MD: Dunwoody Press, 1994.<br><br>
  127. <i>Dictionary of New Chinese Words.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Creamer, Thomas). Kensington, MD: Dunwoody Press, 1989.<br><br>
  128. <i>Dictionary of New Terms and Phrases of Contemporary China:</i>&nbsp; <i>Chinese-English Edition.</i>&nbsp; Beijing: New World Press; Boston: Cheng & Tsui Company, 2000.<br><br>
  129. <a name=E></a>
  130. </font><strong><font size =+3>E </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  131. Eitel, Ernest J.&nbsp; <i>Chinese Dictionary:</i>&nbsp; <i>Cantonese Dialect.</i>&nbsp; North Stratford, NH: Ayer Company Publishers, Incorporated, 1977.<br><br>
  132. Eitel, Ernest J.&nbsp; <i>A Chinese-English Dictionary in the Cantonese Dialect, 1910-1911.</i>&nbsp; Set. Western Linguists and the Languages of China Series. Bristol: Ganesha Publishing, 2002.<br><br>
  133. Eitel, Ernest J.&nbsp; <i>A Chinese-English Dictionary in the Cantonese Dialect, 1910-1911:</i>&nbsp; <i>Set.</i>&nbsp; Western Linguists and the Languages of China Series. Bristol: Ganesha Publishing, Limited; Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.<br><br>
  134. <i>Elementary Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 1993.<br><br>
  135. <i>English - Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 1993.<br><br>
  136. <i>English-Cantonese Dictionary:</i>&nbsp; <i>Cantonese in Yale Romanization.</i>&nbsp; Yale-in-China Chinese Language Center. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press; New York: Columbia University Press, 2000.<br><br>
  137. <i>English-Chinese and Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; San Francisco, CA: China Books &amp; Periodicals, Incorporated, 1977.<br><br>
  138. <i>English-Chinese Advanced (Pinyin) Times Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Kinderhook, NY: i. b. d., Limited, 1988.<br><br>
  139. <i>English-Chinese Comprehensive Dictionary:</i>&nbsp; <i>New.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Ding, Guang-Xun). New York: Hippocrene Books, Incorporated, 1996.<br><br>
  140. <i>English-Chinese Pinyin Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (contr. Hippocrene Books Staff). New York: Hippocrene Books, Incorporated, 1995.<br><br>
  141. <a name=F></a>
  142. </font><strong><font size =+3>F </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  143. <i>Far East Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Chang Fang-chieh). (traditional characters) Taipei: Far East Book Co., 2000.<br><br>
  144. <i>Far East Illustrated English-Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Far East Book Company Staff). Beijing: Far East Book Company, 1995.<br><br>
  145. <i>Fifty Common Radicals.</i>&nbsp; New Haven, CT: Yale University, Far Eastern Publications, 1988.<br><br>
  146. <i>Five Thousand Dictionary:</i>&nbsp; <i>A Chinese-English Pocket Dictionary and Index to the Character Cards of the College of Chinese Studies.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Fenn, Courtenay H.). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1942.<br><br>
  147. Foreign Language Teaching &amp; Research Press Editorial Staff.&nbsp; <i>A Modern Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 1990.<br><br>
  148. Freeman, Daniel B.; Rosenthal, Marilyn S.&nbsp; <i>Longman English-Chinese Photo Dictionary:</i>&nbsp; <i>Hanyu Pinyin Edition.</i>&nbsp; White Plains, NY: Longman Publishing Group, 1989.<br><br>
  149. <a name=G></a>
  150. </font><strong><font size =+3>G </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  151. Go, Ping-Gam.&nbsp; <i>What Character Is That? An Easy-Access Dictionary of 5,000 Chinese Characters.</i>&nbsp; Dallas, TX: Simplex Publications, 1995.<br><br>
  152. Goodrich, C.&nbsp; <i>Chinese-English:</i>&nbsp; <i>Pocket.</i>&nbsp; Kinderhook, NY: i. b. d., Limited, 1987.<br><br>
  153. Gramer, Margot F.&nbsp; <i>The Basic Oxford Picture Dictionary:</i>&nbsp; <i>English/Chinese.</i>&nbsp; (Juvenile). New York: Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 1996.<br><br>
  154. Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Language.&nbsp; <i>Chinese-English:</i>&nbsp; <i>Classified and Ill.</i>&nbsp; Kinderhook, NY: i. b. d., Limited, 1981.<br><br>
  155. <a name=H></a>
  156. </font><strong><font size =+3>H </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  157. <i>Hani-English/English-Hani Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (comp. Lewis, Paul W.; Bai, Bibo). London: Kegan Paul International Limited, 1996.<br><br>
  158. <i>Hanyu da Cidian:</i>&nbsp; <i>An Unabridged Chinese Dictionary on Historical Principles.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Luo, Zhufeng). Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2006.<br><br>
  159. Hart, Scott A.&nbsp; <i>Nexus-Lex:</i>&nbsp; <i>A Multimedia Chinese-English Lexicon of Characters.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Reiser, Ramon F.). (CD-ROM) Logan, UT: Nexus Laboratory (Utah State University), 1995.<br><br>
  160. Hemeling, Karl E.&nbsp; <i>English-Chinese Dictionary:</i>&nbsp; <i>Standard Chinese.</i>&nbsp; North Stratford, NH: Ayer Company Publishers, Incorporated, 1977.<br><br>
  161. Heng, Xiao-jun; Zhang, Xue-sh.&nbsp; <i>A Chinese-English Dictionary of Idioms and Proverbs.</i>&nbsp; New York: French &amp; European Publications, Incorporated, 1988.<br><br>
  162. Hippocrene Books Staff.&nbsp; <i>English-Chinese Pocket Pinyin Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: Hippocrene Books, Incorporated, 1995.<br><br>
  163. <i>Hippocrene Children's Illustrated Chinese Dictionary:</i>&nbsp; (contr. Hippocrene Books Staff). Hippocrene Children's Illustrated Foreign Language Dictionaries Series. New York: Hippocrene Books, 2001.<br><br>
  164. Ho, Yong&nbsp; <i>Chinese-English English-Chinese (mandarin) dictionary & phrasebook.</i>&nbsp; New York: Hippocrene Books, 2006.<br><br>
  165. Ho, Yong.&nbsp; <i>Chinese-English/English-Chinese Dictionary of 500 Most Frequently Used Words:</i>&nbsp; <i>Teaching and Learning: A Study Guide to Mandarin.</i>&nbsp; New York: Hippocrene Books, Incorporated, 2001.<br><br>
  166. Hornby, A. S.; Gatenby, E. V.; Wakefield, H.&nbsp; <i>Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translations.</i>&nbsp; New York: Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 1980.<br><br>
  167. Huang, Quanyu.&nbsp; <i>McGraw-Hill's Chinese dictionary & guide to 20,000 essential words.</i>&nbsp; New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010.<br><br>
  168. Hutton, Christopher; Bolton, Kingsley.&nbsp; <i>A dictionary of Cantonese slang:</i>&nbsp; <i>the language of Hong Kong movies, street gangs and city life.</i>&nbsp; Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2005.<br><br>
  169. <a name=J></a>
  170. </font><strong><font size =+3>J </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  171. Jongrong, Wu; Ponxin.&nbsp; <i>The Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: French &amp; European Publications, Incorporated, 1981.<br><br>
  172. <a name=K></a>
  173. </font><strong><font size =+3>K </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  174. Kimball, Richard L.&nbsp; <i>China Beginner's Traveler's Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; San Francisco, CA: China Books &amp; Periodicals, Incorporated, 1980.<br><br>
  175. <a name=L></a>
  176. </font><strong><font size =+3>L </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  177. Langenscheidt Staff.&nbsp; <i>Langenscheidt Picture Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (Juvenile). Maspeth, NY: Langenscheidt Publishers, Incorporated, 1992.<br><br>
  178. <i>Learner's Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; San Francisco, CA: China Books & Periodicals, Incorporated, 1979.<br><br>
  179. <i>Learner's Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; 8th ed. Revised. Singapore: UMUM Publisher PTE. LTD., (dist. Singapore: Shanghai Book Co.), 1990.<br><br>
  180. Li, Dong,&nbsp; <i>Tuttle English-Chinese dictionary.</i>&nbsp; North Clarendon, VT: Tuttle, 2010.<br><br>
  181. Li, Huaju.&nbsp; <i>21st century unabridged English-Chinese dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Beijing: Chinese People's University Publishing House, 2003.<br><br>
  182. Li, Huang Dong.&nbsp; <i>Beginner's Chinese dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Tuttle language library. Boston, MA: Tuttle, 2005.<br><br>
  183. Li, Zhuging.&nbsp; <i>Fuzhou-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Springfield: McNeal Technologies, 1997.<br><br>
  184. Liang, Shi-Chiu.&nbsp; <i>The Far East Practical English-Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Boston: Cheng & Tsui Company, 1983.<br><br>
  185. Lin, Shou-ying.&nbsp; <i>College Chinese:</i>&nbsp; <i>A First-Year Textbook.</i>&nbsp; Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989.<br><br>
  186. Link, Perry; Ch'en, Ta-Tuan; Tai, Yih-Jian; Tang, Hai-Tao.&nbsp; <i>Chinese Primer:</i>&nbsp; <i>Pinyin Edition.</i>&nbsp; Set. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989.<br><br>
  187. Lo, C. H.&nbsp; <i>Ten Thousand - A Dictionary of New Chinese-English-Chinese.</i>&nbsp; New York: French &amp; European Publications, Incorporated, 1980.<br><br>
  188. <i>Longman New Junior English-Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (Anhui, China): Hong Kong: Longman-Brown, 1994.<br><br>
  189. <a name=M></a>
  190. </font><strong><font size =+3>M </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  191. MacIver, D.&nbsp; <i>Chinese-English Dictionary:</i>&nbsp; <i>Hakka-Dialect.</i>&nbsp; Pasadena, CA: The Oriental Book Store, 1982.<br><br>
  192. Makkai, Adam.&nbsp; <i>A Dictionary of American Idioms in Chinese.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Gates, Boatner). Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series, Incorporated, 1985.<br><br>
  193. Manser, Martin H., Zhu, Huan. Wang, Liangbi, Ren, Yongchang, and Wu, Jingrong.&nbsp; <i>Oxford Chinese dictionary:</i>&nbsp; <i>English-Chinese, Chinese-English.</i>&nbsp; Includes CD. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press; Beijing: Commercial Press, 2003.<br><br>
  194. Mao, Daniel P.&nbsp; <i>A Dictionary of Contemporary American Collocations.</i>&nbsp; <i>Part 1, A-M; Part 2, N-Z: (English-Chinese)</i>&nbsp; (Self published). Attleboro, MA: Brothers Publishing Company, 2005.<br><br>
  195. Mathews, Robert H.&nbsp; <i>Chinese-English Dictionary:</i>&nbsp; <i>A Chinese-English Dictionary Compiled for the China Inland Mission.</i>&nbsp; Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1943.<br><br>
  196. Matthews, Betty.&nbsp; <i>English - Chinese Picture Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (Juvenile). Torrance, CA: Heian International Publishing, Incorporated, 1981.<br><br>
  197. <i>The Modern Pinyin Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Chicago: Dearborn Trade, 1980.<br><br>
  198. Mohammat, Uli, Abduvali, Tahir, Akhmat, Anvar, Sattar, Jamila and Nabi, Aidin.&nbsp; <i>A pocket Chinese-Uyghur-English dictionary of classified situations.</i>&nbsp; Urumchi, Xinjiang: Shinjang Universiteti Nashriyati, 2003.<br><br>
  199. Molinsky, Steven; Bliss, Bill.&nbsp; <i>Word by Word Picture Dictionary:</i>&nbsp; <i>English /Chinese Edition.</i>&nbsp; Paramus: Prentice Hall PTR, 1996.<br><br>
  200. Montanaro.&nbsp; <i>Getting by in Chinese.</i>&nbsp; Set. New York: Barron's Educational Series, Incorporated, 1983.<br><br>
  201. Mowry, Hua-Yuan L.&nbsp; <i>Mandarin Phrasebook.</i>&nbsp; 4th ed. Phrasebooks Series. Oakland: Lonely Planet Publications, 2000.<br><br>
  202. <a name=N></a>
  203. </font><strong><font size =+3>N </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  204. <i>A New Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Ding Guang-Xun). Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 1986.<br><br>
  205. <i>A New Concise Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Chen-Pu). New York: Hippocrene Books, Incorporated. OP.<br><br>
  206. <i>New English-Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Reprint, Revised. San Francisco, CA: China Books &amp; Periodicals, Incorporated, 1988.<br><br>
  207. <i>A New English-Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: Ungar Publishing Company, 1982.<br><br>
  208. <i>A New English-Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Ge Chuan-Gui). Enlarged, Revised. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 1988.<br><br>
  209. <i>New English-Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: French & European Publications, Incorporated, 1979.<br><br>
  210. <i>The new Oxford English-Chinese dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Pearsall, Judy et al.). Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2007.<br><br>
  211. <i>A New Practical Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Liang, Shi-Chiu). Boston: Cheng &amp; Tsui Company, 1973.<br><br>
  212. <i>A New Practical English-Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Liang, Shi-Chiu). Boston: Cheng &amp; Tsui Company, 1980.<br><br>
  213. <a name=O></a>
  214. </font><strong><font size =+3>O </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  215. <i>Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Hornsby, A. S.). 4th Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 1995.<br><br>
  216. <i>Oxford Chinese desk dictionary : English-Chinese, Chinese-English.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Zhu Yuan, Wang Liangbi, Ren Yongchang) Fourth Edition. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2009.<br><br>
  217. <i>Oxford Chinese mini dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Second Edition. New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.<br><br>
  218. <i>Oxford Compact Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; 2nd Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.<br><br>
  219. <i>Oxford Compact English-Chinese Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.<br><br>
  220. Oxford Staff.&nbsp; <i>Oxford International Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 1993.<br><br>
  221. <i>The Oxford Starter Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Yuan, Boping and Church, Sally K.). New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.<br><br>
  222. <i>The Oxford Starter Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Yuan, Boping; Church, Sally). New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.<br><br>
  223. <i>The Oxford-Duden Pictorial Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (no pinyin). New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.<br><br>
  224. <i>The Oxford-Duden Pictorial English and Chinese Dictionary:</i>&nbsp; <i>Simplified Character Edition.</i>&nbsp; New York: Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 1989.<br><br>
  225. <a name=P></a>
  226. </font><strong><font size =+3>P </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  227. <i>Picture Dictionary in Six Languages, Vol. I:</i>&nbsp; (Juvenile). Cantonese, English, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese. Cultural Connections, 1994.<br><br>
  228. Ping-Gam, Go.&nbsp; <i>What Character is That:</i>&nbsp; <i>An Easy-Access Dictionary of 5,000 Chinese Characters.</i>&nbsp; 2nd Edition San Francisco: Simplex Publications, 1997.<br><br>
  229. <i>Pocket Chinese Dictionary, (Pinyin).</i>&nbsp; Asian Language Pocket Dictionaries. Maspeth: Langenscheidt Publishers, 2000.<br><br>
  230. <i>Pocket Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (Pinyin). Asian Language Pocket Dictionaries. Maspeth: Langenscheidt Publishers, Incorporated, 2000.<br><br>
  231. <i>A Pocket Concise Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: French &amp; European Publications, Incorporated, 1978.<br><br>
  232. <i>The Pocket English-Chinese (Pinyin) Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Wang Liangbi,; Zhu Yuan,; Ren Yongchang). Boston: Cheng &amp; Tsui Company, 1983.<br><br>
  233. <i>The Pocket English-Chinese (Pinyin) Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: French &amp; European Publications, Incorporated, 1991.<br><br>
  234. <i>A Pocket English-Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; San Francisco, CA: China Books &amp; Periodicals, Incorporated, 1980.<br><br>
  235. <i>Pocket Oxford Chinese dictionary:</i>&nbsp; <i>English-Chinese, Chinese-English = Ying-Han, Han-Ying - monolingual text.</i>&nbsp; (Eds. Martin H. Manser, Zhu Yuan, Wang Liangbi, Ren Yongchang, Wu Jingrong). New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.<br><br>
  236. <i>Practical English-Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; San Francisco: China Books & Periodicals, 1996.<br><br>
  237. <a name=Q></a>
  238. </font><strong><font size =+3>Q </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  239. Qavuz, Qadir.&nbsp; <i>The English-Uighur dictionary (for the students).</i>&nbsp; Urumchi: Shijiang Khalq Sahiya Nashriyati, 2004.<br><br>
  240. Qavuz, Qadir.&nbsp; <i>A Chinese idioms dictionary with English and Uighur translations.</i>&nbsp; Urumchi, Xinjiang: Shinjang Khalq Nashriyati, 2004.<br><br>
  241. <i>Quaille's Practical Chinese Students' Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Yaosheng, Yu). Hong Kong: Asia Two Thousand, 1999.<br><br>
  242. Qun, Zhao C.&nbsp; <i>An Illustrated English-Chinese Dictionary for Pupils.</i>&nbsp; San Francisco, CA: China Books &amp; Periodicals, Incorporated, 1981.<br><br>
  243. Quo, James C.&nbsp; <i>Concise Chinese-English Dictionary Romanized.</i>&nbsp; Boston: Charles E. Tuttle Company, Incorporated, 1961.<br><br>
  244. Quo, James C.&nbsp; <i>English-Chinese Dictionary Romanized.</i>&nbsp; New York: French & European Publications, Incorporated, 1964.<br><br>
  245. Quo, James C.&nbsp; <i>Concise Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: French &amp; European Publications, Incorporated, 1980.<br><br>
  246. <a name=R></a>
  247. </font><strong><font size =+3>R </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  248. <i>Random House Chinese to English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: Random House Reference & Information Publishing, 1999.<br><br>
  249. <i>Renyi Bilingual Picture Dictionary Chinese.</i>&nbsp; (Juvenile). Lake Forest, IL: Forest House Publishing Company, Incorporated, 1995.<br><br>
  250. <i>A Reverse Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Beijing: The Commercial Press, (distr. Boston: Cheng &amp; Tsui), 1993.<br><br>
  251. <i>A <B>Reverse</B> Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Beijing: The Commercial Press, (distr. Boston: Cheng &amp; Tsui), 1993.<br><br>
  252. <a name=S></a>
  253. </font><strong><font size =+3>S </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  254. Schwalm, Claudia.&nbsp; <i>Cantonese - English Picture Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; (Juvenile). Alameda, CA: Cultural Connections, 1995.<br><br>
  255. Season, S. M.&nbsp; <i>Chinese-English Idioms and Phrases.</i>&nbsp; New York: French &amp; European Publications, Incorporated, 1978.<br><br>
  256. Shapiro, Norma; Adelson-Goldstein, Jayme.&nbsp; <i>The Oxford Picture Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.<br><br>
  257. Snyder, Wil.&nbsp; <i>Libo Buyi-Chinese-English Glossary.</i>&nbsp; Language Data, Asia-Pacific Series, No. 18. Dallas, TX: Summer Institute of Linguistics, Academic Publications, 1995.<br><br>
  258. <i>A Student English-Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: Hippocrene Books, Incorporated, 1983.<br><br>
  259. <a name=T></a>
  260. </font><strong><font size =+3>T </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  261. Tan Huay Peng.&nbsp; <i>Chinese Idioms.</i>&nbsp; Vol. 2. Torrance, CA: Heian International Publishing, Incorporated, 1987.<br><br>
  262. Tan Huay Peng.&nbsp; <i>Chinese Idioms.</i>&nbsp; Vol. 1. Torrance, CA: Heian International Publishing, Incorporated, 1987.<br><br>
  263. <i>Times New Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Singapore: Federal Publications (S) Pte Ltd, 1999.<br><br>
  264. Tung, Wendy.&nbsp; <i>Easy Chinese Prasebook and Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Lincolnwood, IL: Passport Books, 1994.<br><br>
  265. <a name=W></a>
  266. </font><strong><font size =+3>W </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  267. Wang, Fred Fangyu.&nbsp; <i>Mandarin Chinese Dictionary:</i>&nbsp; <i>English-Chinese.</i>&nbsp; Mineola: Dover Publications, Incorporated, 2002.<br><br>
  268. Wang, Fred Fangyu.&nbsp; <i>Mandarin Chinese Dictionary:</i>&nbsp; <i>Chinese-English.</i>&nbsp; Mineola: Dover Publications, Incorporated, 2002.<br><br>
  269. Wen Shin.&nbsp; <i>English-Chinese Dictionary of Contemporary English.</i>&nbsp; Taipei: Wen Shin Press, 1984.<br><br>
  270. Wieger, Leon.&nbsp; <i>Chinese Characters, Their Origin, Etymology, History, Classification and Signification.</i>&nbsp; (trans. Davrout, L.). Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, Incorporated, 1927.<br><br>
  271. Williams, Samuel W.&nbsp; <i>Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; North Stratford, NH: Ayer Company Publishers, Incorporated, 1977.<br><br>
  272. Williams, Samuel Wells.&nbsp; <i>A Tonic Dictionary of the Chinese Language in the Canton Dialect 1856:</i>&nbsp; <i>Set.</i>&nbsp; Western Linguists and the Languages of China Series. Bristol: Ganesha Publishing, Limited; Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.<br><br>
  273. Williams, Samuel Wells.&nbsp; <i>A Tonic Dictionary of the Chinese Language in the Canton Dialect 1856.</i>&nbsp; Set. Western Linguists and the Languages of China Series. Bristol: Ganesha Publishing, 2001.<br><br>
  274. Williams, Samuel Wells.&nbsp; <i>A Syllabic Dictionary of the Chinese Language:</i>&nbsp; <i>Arranged According to the Wu-Fang Yuen Yin, with the Pronunciation as Heard in Peking, Canton, Amoy, and Shanghai 1874.</i>&nbsp; Set. Western Linguists and the Languages of China Series. Bristol: Ganesha Publishing, 2001.<br><br>
  275. <a name=X></a>
  276. </font><strong><font size =+3>X </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  277. Xiao, Richard; Rayson, Paul, McEnery; Tony.&nbsp; <i>A frequency dictionary of Mandarin Chinese:</i>&nbsp; <i>core vocabulary for learners.</i>&nbsp; New York: Routledge, 2008.<br><br>
  278. Xin Ya Zhong Guo Yu Wan Yan Xi Suo.&nbsp; <i>English-Cantonese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1991.<br><br>
  279. Xin Ya Zhong Guo Yu Wan Yan Xi Suo.&nbsp; <i>Chinese-English Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1989.<br><br>
  280. <a name=Y></a>
  281. </font><strong><font size =+3>Y </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  282. Yale Institute Of Far Eastern Languages.&nbsp; <i>Dictionary of Spoken Chinese.</i>&nbsp; New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1966.<br><br>
  283. Yannong, Wang; Pangyong, Jiao.&nbsp; <i>A Collocational Dictionary of Common Chinese Verbs (with English Explanations).</i>&nbsp; Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins North America, Incorporated, 1985.<br><br>
  284. Yuan, Boping.&nbsp; <i>The Oxford Chinese Minidictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.<br><br>
  285. Yutang, Lin.&nbsp; <i>Chinese-English Dictionary of Modern Usage.</i>&nbsp; New York: State Mutual Book &amp; Periodical Service, Limited, 1990.<br><br>
  286. Yutang, Lin.&nbsp; <i>Chinese-English Dictionary of Modern Usage.</i>&nbsp; New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, 1973.<br><br>
  287. <a name=Z></a>
  288. </font><strong><font size =+3>Z </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  289. Zhang Wen Hwa.&nbsp; <i>Selected Chinese-English and English-Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Skokie, IL: Distribooks, Incorporated. <br><br>
  290. Zheng, Yi Li.&nbsp; <i>New English-Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; New York: French &amp; European Publications, Incorporated, 1985.<br><br>
  291. Zheng, Yi Li; Hu Xue Yuan; Dang Feng De; Liu Bang Shen; Xu Shi Gu; Shen Feng Wei.&nbsp; <i>A New English-Chinese Dictionary.</i>&nbsp; Second Edition, Revised. New York: John Wiley &amp; Sons, Incorporated, 1985.<br><br>
  292. Zhou Long Ru&nbsp; <i>English-Chinese Dictionary of Abbreviation and Acronyms.</i>&nbsp; San Francisco, CA: China Books &amp; Periodicals, Incorporated, 1980.<br><br>
  293. Zhu, Xiaonong.&nbsp; <i>A grammar of Shanghai Wu.</i>&nbsp; LINCOM studies in Asian linguistics; No. 66. Munich: Lincom GmbH 2007.<br><br>
  294. Zifan, Zeng.&nbsp; <i>Colloquial Cantonese and Putonghua Equivalents.</i>&nbsp; New York: Hippocrene Books, Incorporated, 1988.<br><br>
  295. </font>
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