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  38. <a name=A></a>
  39. <strong><font size =+3>A </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  40. Abbott, Jacob.&nbsp; <i>China and the English; Or, the Character and Manners of the Chinese.</i>&nbsp; (Originally published 1835.). Chicago: Heinemann Library, 2002; Alofsin Press, 2008.<br><br>
  41. <i>After the Cold War:</i>&nbsp; <i>Domestic Factors and U.S.-China Relations.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Ross, Robert S.). Studies on Contemporary China. Armonk: M. E. Sharpe Incorporated, 1998.<br><br>
  42. Airlie, Shiona.&nbsp; <i>Reginald Johnston:</i>&nbsp; <i>Chinese Mandarin.</i>&nbsp; Scots' Lives. Edinburgh: NMS Publishing, 2001.<br><br>
  43. Alexander, Bevin.&nbsp; <i>The Strange Connection:</i>&nbsp; <i>U.S. Intervention in China, 1944-1972.</i>&nbsp; New York: Greenwood Press, 1992.<br><br>
  44. Ali, S. Mahmud.&nbsp; <i>Cold War in the High Himalayas:</i>&nbsp; <i>The U. S. A., China and South Asia in the 1950s.</i>&nbsp; New York: Saint Martin's Press, LLC, 1999.<br><br>
  45. <i>American universities in a global market.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Clotfelter, Charles T.). Chicago; London: The University of Chicago Press, 2010.<br><br>
  46. Ames, Roger T.&nbsp; <i>Interpreting culture through translation.</i>&nbsp; Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1991.<br><br>
  47. Amsden, Alice H.&nbsp; <i>The Rise of "The Rest":</i>&nbsp; <i>Challenges to the West from Late-Industrializing Economies.</i>&nbsp; Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.<br><br>
  48. Anderson, David L.&nbsp; <i>Imperialism and idealism:</i>&nbsp; <i>American diplomats in China, 1861-1898.</i>&nbsp; Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1986.<br><br>
  49. Ankerl, Guy C.&nbsp; <i>Coexisting Contemporary Civilizations:</i>&nbsp; <i>Arabo-Muslim, Bharati, Chinese, and Western.</i>&nbsp; INU Societal Research Series. Cambridge: I N U Press, 2000.<br><br>
  50. <i>Anti-Americanism.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Ross, Andrew & Ross, Kristin). New York: New York University Press, 2004.<br><br>
  51. Arnold, Lauren.&nbsp; <i>Princely Gifts and Papal Treasures:</i>&nbsp; <i>The Franciscan Mission to China and Its Influence on the Art of the West, 1250-1350.</i>&nbsp; Sunnyvale: Desiderata Press, 1999.<br><br>
  52. <i>Asia in Western Fiction.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Winks, Robin; Rush, James R.). Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1990.<br><br>
  53. Atkinson, James J.&nbsp; <i>Australian Contingents to the China Field Force 1900-1901.</i>&nbsp; New South Wales: New South Wales Military Historical Society, 1976.<br><br>
  54. Atwell, Pamela.&nbsp; <i>British mandarins and Chinese reformers:</i>&nbsp; <i>the British administration of Weihaiwei (1898-1930) and the Territory's return to Chinese rule.</i>&nbsp; New York: Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 1985.<br><br>
  55. <a name=B></a>
  56. </font><strong><font size =+3>B </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  57. Bain, Jessica.&nbsp; <i>European Union identity:</i>&nbsp; <i>perceptions from Asia and Europe.</i>&nbsp; Berlin, Germany: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2007.<br><br>
  58. Ballaster, Ros.&nbsp; <i>Fabulous Orients:</i>&nbsp; <i>Fictions of the East in England 1662-1785.</i>&nbsp; Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.<br><br>
  59. Bamo, Ayi.&nbsp; <i>Fieldwork connections:</i>&nbsp; <i>the fabric of ethnographic collaboration in China and America.</i>&nbsp; Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 2007.<br><br>
  60. Barnes, Irene H.&nbsp; <i>Behind the Great Wall:</i>&nbsp; <i>The Story of the C.e.z.m.s. Work and Workers in China.</i>&nbsp; (Originally published 1896). New York, NY: Frederiksen Press, 2007.<br><br>
  61. Bax, Ward Bonham.&nbsp; <i>The Eastern Seas: Being a Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. "Dwarf" in China, Japan, and Formosa.</i>&nbsp; <i>Volume 32. 1875 Edition. Ganesha - Japan in English: Key Nineteenth-Century Sources on Japan.</i>&nbsp; Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005.<br><br>
  62. Bays, Daniel H..&nbsp; <i>China's Christian colleges:</i>&nbsp; <i>cross-cultural connections, 1900-1950.</i>&nbsp; Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 2009.<br><br>
  63. Bays, Daniel H.&nbsp; <i>Christianity in China:</i>&nbsp; <i>From the 18th century to the present.</i>&nbsp; Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999.<br><br>
  64. Bays, Daniel H.; Stanley, Margaret.&nbsp; <i>Foreigners in Areas of China under Communist Jurisdiction Before 1949.</i>&nbsp; (contr. Snow, Helen F.). Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1987.<br><br>
  65. Beeching, Jack.&nbsp; <i>The Chinese Opium Wars.</i>&nbsp; London: Hutchinson, 1975.<br><br>
  66. Bello, David Anthony.&nbsp; <i>Opium and the Limits of Empire:</i>&nbsp; <i>Drug Prohibition in the Chinese Interior, 1729-1850.</i>&nbsp; Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005.<br><br>
  67. Bernstein, Richard; Munro, Ross H.&nbsp; <i>The Coming Conflict with China.</i>&nbsp; New York: Vintage Books, 1998.<br><br>
  68. <i>Between China and Europe:</i>&nbsp; <i>person, culture and emotion in Macao.</i>&nbsp; London School of Economics Monographs on Social Anthropology, Vol. 74. London; New York: Continuum, 2002.<br><br>
  69. Bickers, Robert A.&nbsp; <i>Britain in China:</i>&nbsp; <i>Community, Culture and Colonialism, 1900-49.</i>&nbsp; Studies in Imperialism. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1999.<br><br>
  70. Bickers, Robert; Henriot, Christian.&nbsp; <i>New Frontiers:</i>&nbsp; <i>Imperialism's New Communities in East Asia, 1842-1953.</i>&nbsp; Studies in Imperialism. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2000.<br><br>
  71. Biggs, Chester M.&nbsp; <i>The United States marines in North China, 1894-1942.</i>&nbsp; Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co. Publishers, 2003.<br><br>
  72. Birtle, Andrew J.&nbsp; <i>U. S. Army counterinsurgency and contingency operations doctrine, 1860-1941.</i>&nbsp; Collingdale: DIANE Publishing Company, 1998.<br><br>
  73. Blankert, Jan Willem.&nbsp; <i>China rising:</i>&nbsp; <i>will the West be able to cope? : the real long-term challenge of the rise of China and Asia in general.</i>&nbsp; Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific Publishing Company, 2009.<br><br>
  74. de Blij, Harm&nbsp; <i>Why Geography Matters:</i>&nbsp; <i>Three Challenges Facing America: Climate Change, the Rise of China, and Global Terrorism.</i>&nbsp; Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.<br><br>
  75. Bliss, Edward, Jr.&nbsp; <i>Beyond the stone arches:</i>&nbsp; <i>An American medical missionary in China, 1892-1932.</i>&nbsp; New York: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2000.<br><br>
  76. Bluss?, Leonard.&nbsp; <i>Visible cities:</i>&nbsp; <i>Canton, Nagasaki, and Batavia and the coming of the Americans.</i>&nbsp; Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2008.<br><br>
  77. Bouin, Olivier; Coricelli, Fabrizio; Lemoine, Francoise.&nbsp; <i>Different Paths to a Market Economy:</i>&nbsp; <i>China and European Economies in Transition.</i>&nbsp; Paris Cedex 16: Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development, 1998.<br><br>
  78. Bradley, James.&nbsp; <i>The Imperial Cruise:</i>&nbsp; <i>A True Story of Empire and War.</i>&nbsp; London: Little Brown and Company, 2009.<br><br>
  79. Brady, Anne-Marie.&nbsp; <i>Friend of China:</i>&nbsp; <i>the myth of Rewi Alley.</i>&nbsp; Chinese Worlds. London, New York: RoutledgeCurzon, 2003.<br><br>
  80. Braisted, William Reynolds.&nbsp; <i>Diplomats in blue:</i>&nbsp; <i>U.S. naval officers in China, 1922-1933.</i>&nbsp; Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida Press, 2009.<br><br>
  81. Bramsen, Christopher Bo.&nbsp; <i>Peace and friendship:</i>&nbsp; <i>Denmark's official relations with China, 1675-2000.</i>&nbsp; Copenhagen: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, 2000.<br><br>
  82. Brendon, Piers.&nbsp; <i>The decline and fall of the British Empire, 1781-1997.</i>&nbsp; New York: Knopf, 2008.<br><br>
  83. <i>Britain and China, 1945-1950.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Ashton, S. R.; Bennett, G.; Hamilton, K. ). Documents on British Policy Overseas, Series I, Vol. VIII. London: Frank Cass Publishers, 2002.<br><br>
  84. <i>British business in Asia since 1860.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Davenport-Hines, R.P.T.; Jones, Geoffrey). New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989.<br><br>
  85. <i>The British invasion of Tibet:</i>&nbsp; <i>Colonel Younghusband, 1904.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Coates, Tim). Uncovered Editions Series. London: Stationery Office Books, 2001.<br><br>
  86. <i>British military intelligence on China and the Boxer Rising, c. 1880-1930.</i>&nbsp; The Netherlands: IDC, 2005.<br><br>
  87. <i>British travel writing from China, 1798-1901.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Chang, Elizabeth H. ). Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2010.<br><br>
  88. Brockey, Liam Matthew.&nbsp; <i>Journey to the East:</i>&nbsp; <i>the Jesuit mission to China, 1579-1724.</i>&nbsp; Cambridge, MA.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2007.<br><br>
  89. Brook, Timothy; Wakabayashi, Bob T.&nbsp; <i>Opium regimes:</i>&nbsp; <i>China, Britain and Japan, 1839-1952.</i>&nbsp; Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000.<br><br>
  90. Brown, Robin.&nbsp; <i>Marco Polo:</i>&nbsp; <i>The Incredible Journey.</i>&nbsp; (forwd. Catto, Jeremy). Stroud, England: 1991; Wolfeboro Falls, NH: Sutton Publishing, 2005.<br><br>
  91. Brunero, Donna.&nbsp; <i>Britain's imperial cornerstone in China:</i>&nbsp; <i>the Chinese maritime customs service, 1854-1949.</i>&nbsp; New York, NY: Routledge, 2006.<br><br>
  92. Brunero, Donna.&nbsp; <i>Britain's Imperial Cornerstone in China:</i>&nbsp; <i>The Chinese Maritime Customs Service, 1854-1949.</i>&nbsp; London, New York: RoutledgeCurzon, 2005.<br><br>
  93. Buck, P.&nbsp; <i>American science and modern China, 1876-1936.</i>&nbsp; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1980.<br><br>
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  96. Cameron, Nigel.&nbsp; <i>Barbarians and Mandarins:</i>&nbsp; <i>Thirteen Centuries of Western Travellers in China.</i>&nbsp; New York: Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 1999.<br><br>
  97. Camilleri, Joseph A.&nbsp; <i>Chinese foreign policy:</i>&nbsp; <i>the Maoist era and its aftermath.</i>&nbsp; Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 1980.<br><br>
  98. Camps, Arnulf.&nbsp; <i>The Friars Minor in China (1294-1955), especially the years 1925-55, based on the research of Friars Bernward Willeke and Domenico Gandolfi, OFM. OFM.</i>&nbsp; Franciscan Institute Publications. History Series; No. 10. Rome; St. Bonaventure, NY: General Secretariate for Missionary Evangelization; Franciscan Institute, 1995.<br><br>
  99. Caraman, Philip.&nbsp; <i>Tibet:</i>&nbsp; <i>the Jesuit Century.</i>&nbsp; Series IV, Studies on Jesuit Topics, Vol. 20. Saint Louis: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 1997.<br><br>
  100. Carter, James Hugh.&nbsp; <i>Creating a Chinese Harbin:</i>&nbsp; <i>nationalism in an international city, 1916-1932.</i>&nbsp; Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2002.<br><br>
  101. Cassidy-Geiger, Maureen.&nbsp; <i>Fragile diplomacy:</i>&nbsp; <i>Meissen porcelain for European courts ca. 1710-63.</i>&nbsp; New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 2008.<br><br>
  102. <i>The Catholic church in modern China:</i>&nbsp; <i>Perspectives.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Tang, Edmond; Wiest, Jean-Paul). Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1992, 1993.<br><br>
  103. Chan Lau Kit-ching.&nbsp; <i>Anglo-Chinese diplomacy 1906-1920:</i>&nbsp; <i>in the careers of Sir John Jordan and Yuan Shih-kai.</i>&nbsp; New York: State Mutual Book &amp; Periodical Service, Limited, 1978.<br><br>
  104. Chan, Gerald.&nbsp; <i>China and international organizations:</i>&nbsp; <i>participation in non-governmental organizations since 1971.</i>&nbsp; New York: Oxford University Press, 1989.<br><br>
  105. Chan, Kwok Bun.&nbsp; <i>Smoke and fire:</i>&nbsp; <i>the Chinese in Montreal.</i>&nbsp; Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1991.<br><br>
  106. Chan, Sucheng.&nbsp; <i>Chinese American Transnationalism:</i>&nbsp; <i>The Flow of People, Resources, and Ideas Between China and America During the Exclusion Era.</i>&nbsp; Asian American history and culture. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2006.<br><br>
  107. Chang, Elizabeth Hope.&nbsp; <i>Britain's Chinese eye:</i>&nbsp; <i>literature, empire, and aesthetics in nineteenth-century Britain.</i>&nbsp; Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2010.<br><br>
  108. Chang, Lung-Hsi.&nbsp; <i>Mighty opposites:</i>&nbsp; <i>From dichotomies to differences in the comparative study of China.</i>&nbsp; Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999.<br><br>
  109. <i>Changing paradigms of Christian higher education in China, 1888-1950.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Ng, Peter Tze Ming.). Chinese Studies, Vol. 25. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2002.<br><br>
  110. Chen, Jerome.&nbsp; <i>China and the West:</i>&nbsp; <i>society and culture, 1815-1937.</i>&nbsp; Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1979.<br><br>
  111. Chen, Shehong.&nbsp; <i>Being Chinese, Becoming Chinese American.</i>&nbsp; The Asian American Experience Series. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2002.<br><br>
  112. Chen, Wendi.&nbsp; <i>The reception of George Bernard Shaw in China, 1918-1996.</i>&nbsp; Chinese Studies; Vol. 21. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2002.<br><br>
  113. Cheung, Siu Keung.&nbsp; <i>Gender and community under British colonialism:</i>&nbsp; <i>emotion, struggle, and politics in a Chinese village.</i>&nbsp; New York: Routledge, 2007.<br><br>
  114. Chi-kwan, Mark.&nbsp; <i>Hong Kong and the Cold War:</i>&nbsp; <i>Anglo-American Relations 1949-1957.</i>&nbsp; Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.<br><br>
  115. Chin, Ko-Lin.&nbsp; <i>Smuggled Chinese:</i>&nbsp; <i>Clandestine Immigration to the United States.</i>&nbsp; Asian American History & Culture Series. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1999.<br><br>
  116. <i>China and the United States:</i>&nbsp; <i>A New Cold War History.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Li, Xiaobing). Lanham: University Press of America, 1997.<br><br>
  117. <i>China through western eyes. The nineteenth century:</i>&nbsp; <i>a reader in history.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Roberts, J. A. G.). Stroud, England: 1991; Wolfeboro Falls, NH: A. Sutton, 1992.<br><br>
  118. <i>China's modernisation:</i>&nbsp; <i>westernisation and acculturation.</i>&nbsp; Munchener Ostasiatische Studien; Bd. 67. Stuttgart, Allemagne: F. Steiner, 1993.<br><br>
  119. <i>China's post-Jiang leadership succession:</i>&nbsp; <i>problems and perspectives.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Wong, John; Zheng, Yongnian). River Edge, NJ: World Scientific, 2002.<br><br>
  120. <i>China's Treaty Ports:</i>&nbsp; <i>Half Love and Half Hate.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Elder, Chris). New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.<br><br>
  121. <i>China, the United States, and the global economy.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Chen, Shuxun; Wolf, Charles). Santa Monica: Rand: 2001.<br><br>
  122. <i>China:</i>&nbsp; <i>accession to the WTO and economic reform.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Wang Mengkui; trans. Huang Youyi). Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2002.<br><br>
  123. <i>Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome:</i>&nbsp; <i>A Descriptive Catalogue: Japonica-Sinica.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Chan, Albert). Study of the Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History Series. Armonk: M. E. Sharpe Incorporated, 2001.<br><br>
  124. <i>Chinese economic transition and international marketing strategy.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Alon, Ilan). Westport, CN: Praeger, 2003.<br><br>
  125. <i>Chinese foreign policy:</i>&nbsp; <i>theory and practice.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Robinson, Thomas W.; Shambaugh, David). New York: Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 1996.<br><br>
  126. <i>Chinese Information Warfare:</i>&nbsp; <i>A Phantom Menace or Emerging Threat?</i>&nbsp; Carlisle: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College Commandant (AWCC-DSI/Publications), 2001.<br><br>
  127. <i>Chinese thought in a global context:</i>&nbsp; <i>A dialogue between Chinese and western philosophical approaches.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Pohl, Karl-Heinz). Sinica Leidensia, Vol. 45. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 1999.<br><br>
  128. Choa, G. H.&nbsp; <i>Heal the Sick Was Their Motto:</i>&nbsp; <i>The Protestant Medical Missionaries in China.</i>&nbsp; Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1990.<br><br>
  129. Chong, Key Ray.&nbsp; <i>Americans and Chinese reform and revolution, 1898-1922:</i>&nbsp; <i>the role of private citizens in diplomacy.</i>&nbsp; Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1984.<br><br>
  130. Chow, Rey.&nbsp; <i>Woman and Chinese modernity:</i>&nbsp; <i>the politics of reading between West and East.</i>&nbsp; Theory and History of Literature; Vol. 75. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1991.<br><br>
  131. <i>The Christian Mission in China in the Verbiest Era:</i>&nbsp; <i>Some Aspects of the Missionary Approach.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Golvers, Noel). Louvain Chinese Studies, No. VI. Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press, 1999.<br><br>
  132. Chu, Cindy Yik-yi.&nbsp; <i>The Maryknoll Sisters in Hong Kong, 1921-1969:</i>&nbsp; <i>in love with the Chinese.</i>&nbsp; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.<br><br>
  133. Chu, T. K.&nbsp; <i>Chinese Students Encounter America.</i>&nbsp; Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2002.<br><br>
  134. Chu, Wei-cheng; Hayhoe, Ruth.&nbsp; <i>Coming out of the Middle Ages:</i>&nbsp; <i>Comparative reflections on China and the West.</i>&nbsp; Armonk: M. E. Sharpe, 1990.<br><br>
  135. Clark, George B.&nbsp; <i>Treading softly:</i>&nbsp; <i>U.S. Marines in China, 1819-1949.</i>&nbsp; Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group, Incorporated, 2001.<br><br>
  136. Clarke, Gregory.&nbsp; <i>Western Reports on Taiping.</i>&nbsp; Australian National University Press Series. New York: Elsevier Science, 1998.<br><br>
  137. Clarke, John.&nbsp; <i>British diplomacy and foreign policy 1782-1865.</i>&nbsp; New York: Routledge, Chapman &amp; Hall, Incorporated, 1989.<br><br>
  138. Clifford, Nicholas R.&nbsp; <i>Retreat from China:</i>&nbsp; <i>British Policy in the Far East 1937-1941.</i>&nbsp; London: Longmans, 1967.<br><br>
  139. Clifford, Nicholas Rowland.&nbsp; <i>Spoilt children of empire:</i>&nbsp; <i>Westerners in Shanghai and the Chinese revolution of the 1920s.</i>&nbsp; Hanover: Middlebury College Press, c1991.<br><br>
  140. Coates, P. D.&nbsp; <i>The China consuls:</i>&nbsp; <i>British consular officers, 1843-1943.</i>&nbsp; New York: Oxford University Press, 1989.<br><br>
  141. Cohen, Paul A.&nbsp; <i>Discovering history in China:</i>&nbsp; <i>American historical writing on the recent Chinese past.</i>&nbsp; New York: Columbia University Press, 2010.<br><br>
  142. Cohen, Warren.&nbsp; <i>America's response to China:</i>&nbsp; <i>a history of Sino-American relations.</i>&nbsp; New York: Columbia University Press, 2010.<br><br>
  143. Cohen, Warren I.&nbsp; <i>America's Response to China:</i>&nbsp; <i>A History of Sino-American Relations.</i>&nbsp; 4th Edition. New York: Columbia University Press, 2000.<br><br>
  144. Collis, Maurice.&nbsp; <i>Foreign mud:</i>&nbsp; <i>being an account of the opium imbroglio at Canton in the 1830's and the Anglo-Chinese war that followed.</i>&nbsp; A New Directions Classic. Originally published: London: Faber and Faber Ltd., 1946. New York: New Directions, 2002.<br><br>
  145. <i>Confidential British Foreign Office political correspondence.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Kesaris, Paul). China, Series 1, 1906-1919. Bethesda: University Publications of America, 1997.<br><br>
  146. <i>Confidential British Foreign Office political correspondence.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Laas, Andrew). China, Series 2, 1920-1931. Bethesda: University Publications of America, 2001.<br><br>
  147. Cornebise, Alfred E.&nbsp; <i>The United States 15th Infantry Regiment in China, 1912-1938.</i>&nbsp; Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 2004.<br><br>
  148. Cornebise, Alfred E.&nbsp; <i>The Shanghai Stars and stripes:</i>&nbsp; <i>witness to the transition to peace, 1945-1946.</i>&nbsp; Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., 2010.<br><br>
  149. Cornelius, Wanda & Short, Thayne.&nbsp; <i>Ding Hao:</i>&nbsp; <i>America's air war in China, 1937-1945.</i>&nbsp; Gretna, La.: Pelican, 2005.<br><br>
  150. <i>Correspondence, dispatches, returns and other papers respecting British military affairs in China, 1840-69.</i>&nbsp; Irish University Press Area Studies Series. British Parliamentary Papers. China; 27. Shannon: Irish University Press, 1971.<br><br>
  151. Crawfurd, John.&nbsp; <i>Journal of an embassy to the courts of Siam and Cochin China.</i>&nbsp; (contr. Wyatt, D. K.). New York: Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 1968.<br><br>
  152. Croskey, Julian.&nbsp; <i>The Shen's Pigtail:</i>&nbsp; <i>And Other Cues of Anglo-China Life.</i>&nbsp; (Originally published 1894. Also on Google Books.). Watertown, Massachusetts: Bibliolife, 2009.<br><br>
  153. Crow, Carl.&nbsp; <i>Foreign devils in the Flowery Kingdom.</i>&nbsp; (Originally published in 1940). Shanghai: China Economic Review Publishing Ltd, 2007.<br><br>
  154. Cui, Dan.&nbsp; <i>The Cultural Contribution of British Protestant Missionaries and British-American Cooperation to China's National Development During the 1920's.</i>&nbsp; Lanham: University Press of America, 1998.<br><br>
  155. <i>Cultural encounters:</i>&nbsp; <i>China, Japan, and the West: essays commemorating 25 years of East Asian studies at the University of Aarhus.</i>&nbsp; Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 1995.<br><br>
  156. <i>The Cultural Experiences of Chinese Students Who Studied in the United States During the 1930s-1940s.</i>&nbsp; Chinese Studies, Vol. 22. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2002.<br><br>
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