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  9. <font class="times"><H1><CENTER>The Great Wall</CENTER></H1><HR ALIGN=CENTER BORDER=0 WIDTH = 25%> <H1><CENTER>and Ming Tombs</CENTER></H1></font>
  10. <BR><BR><BR><BR><font class = "verdana" size=-1>
  11. <blockquote>
  12. <DL COMPACT>
  13. <DT><A HREF= " gw5.jpg"> <IMG ALIGN= LEFT HSPACE = 20
  14. BORDER=0 WIDTH =100 HEIGHT = 136 SRC = " gw5.gif" ALT="People climbing the Great Wall"></A><DD>There is a holiday
  15. atmosphere on the Great Wall.
  16. <DT><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
  17. <A HREF= " gwbeths.jpg"> <IMG ALIGN= LEFT
  18. HSPACE = 20
  19. BORDER=0 WIDTH =100 HEIGHT =100 SRC = " gwbeths.gif" ALT="Group sitting on the Great Wall"></A><DD>Beth made new friends
  20. while climbing and they sat down to look at pictures.
  21. <DT><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
  22. <A HREF= " gw1nel.jpg"> <IMG ALIGN= LEFT HSPACE = 20
  23. BORDER=0 WIDTH =100 HEIGHT =118 SRC = " gw1nel.gif" ALT="Great Wall climbing steep hill"></A><DD>In places the architects
  24. seemed to have chosen the steepest path.
  25. <DT><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
  26. <A HREF= " gw2netp.jpg"> <IMG ALIGN= LEFT HSPACE = 20
  27. BORDER=0 WIDTH =100 HEIGHT =106 SRC = " gw2netp.gif" ALT="Great Wall from distance"></A><DD>
  28. This is the one I use as my wallpaper.
  29. <DT><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
  30. <A HREF= " gw3.jpg"> <IMG ALIGN= LEFT HSPACE = 20
  31. BORDER=0 WIDTH =100 HEIGHT =97 SRC = " gw3s.gif" ALT="Great Wall winding across mountains."></A><DD>Supplies must have been hard to deliver to the garrisons.
  32. <DT><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
  33. <A HREF= " 9454bws.jpg"> <IMG ALIGN= LEFT HSPACE = 20
  34. BORDER=0 WIDTH =100 HEIGHT =97 SRC = " 9454bwss.jpg" ALT="Great Wall at Simatai."></A><DD>In the Northeast, the Great Wall at Simatai looks over valleys.
  35. <DT><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
  36. <A HREF= " 9445ws.jpg"> <IMG ALIGN= LEFT HSPACE = 20
  37. BORDER=0 WIDTH =100 HEIGHT =102 SRC = " 9445wss.jpg" ALT="Great Wall at Simatai."></A><DD>The watch towers provided some relief from the weather. Simatai.
  38. <DT><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
  39. <A HREF= " 9446ws.jpg"> <IMG ALIGN= LEFT HSPACE = 20
  40. BORDER=0 WIDTH =100 HEIGHT =117 SRC = " 9446wss.jpg" ALT="Great Wall at Simatai."></A><DD>The outer passageways have begun to crumble. Simatai.
  41. <DT><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
  42. <A HREF= " 9476ws.jpg"> <IMG ALIGN= LEFT HSPACE = 20
  43. BORDER=0 WIDTH =100 HEIGHT =105 SRC = " 9476wss.jpg" ALT="Great Wall at Simatai."></A><DD>There are sixteen watch towers along the Simatai section.
  44. <DT><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
  45. <A HREF= " 9490bws.jpg"> <IMG ALIGN= LEFT HSPACE = 20
  46. BORDER=0 WIDTH =100 HEIGHT =104 SRC = " 9490bwss.jpg" ALT="Great Wall at Simatai."></A><DD>The climb should be eased by the steps and pavement, but often the steps are over a foot and a half high. Simatai.
  47. <DT><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
  48. <A HREF= " 9521ws.jpg"> <IMG ALIGN= LEFT HSPACE = 20
  49. BORDER=0 WIDTH =100 HEIGHT =122 SRC = " 9521wss.jpg" ALT="Great Wall at Simatai."></A><DD>That's why donkeys are still used to bring up building materials and supplies. The use paths that run next to the wall. Simatai.
  50. <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR></blockquote>
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