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  38. <a name= ></a>
  39. <strong><font size =+3> </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  40. Lee, Joann.&nbsp; <i>Asian Americans in the Twenty-first Century:</i>&nbsp; <i>Oral Histories of First- to Fourth-generation Americans from China, Japan, India, Korea, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Laos.</i>&nbsp; New York, NY: The New Press, 2009.<br><br>
  41. <a name=A></a>
  42. </font><strong><font size =+3>A </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  43. Ahmad, Diana L.&nbsp; <i>The opium debate and Chinese exclusion laws in the nineteenth-century American West.</i>&nbsp; Reno, NV: University of Nevada Press, 2007.<br><br>
  44. Alexseev, Mikhail A.&nbsp; <i>Immigration phobia and the security dilemma:</i>&nbsp; <i>Russia, Europe, and the United States.</i>&nbsp; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2006.<br><br>
  45. Anderson, Dale&nbsp; <i>Chinese Americans.</i>&nbsp; Vero Beach, Florida: Rourke Publishing, 2007.<br><br>
  46. Ang, Ien.&nbsp; <i>On Not Speaking Chinese:</i>&nbsp; <i>Living Between Asia and West.</i>&nbsp; New York: Routledge, 2001.<br><br>
  47. Arlt, Wolfgang Georg.&nbsp; <i>China's outbound tourism.</i>&nbsp; Contemporary geographies of leisure, tourism, and mobility. New York: Routledge, 2006.<br><br>
  48. <i>Aspects of Diaspora:</i>&nbsp; <i>Studies on North American Chinese Writers.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Bernier, Lucie). Euro-Sinica Series, Vol. 10. Bern: Peter Lang, 2001.<br><br>
  49. <i>Astronaut families and parachute children:</i>&nbsp; <i>the cycle of migration between Hong Kong and Australia.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Pe-Pua, Rogelia). Canberra: Australian Government Pub. Service, 1996.<br><br>
  50. Auerbach, Sascha.&nbsp; <i>Race, law, and "the Chinese puzzle" in imperial Britain.</i>&nbsp; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.<br><br>
  51. <a name=B></a>
  52. </font><strong><font size =+3>B </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  53. Barkan, Elliott Robert.&nbsp; <i>From all points:</i>&nbsp; <i>America's immigrant West, 1870s-1952.</i>&nbsp; Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2007.<br><br>
  54. Belden, Elionne L.&nbsp; <i>Claiming Chinese Identity.</i>&nbsp; Asian Americans Series, Reconceptualizing Culture, History, Politics. New York: Garland Publishing, 1997.<br><br>
  55. Benton, Gregor.&nbsp; <i>The Chinese in Britain, 1800-present:</i>&nbsp; <i>economy, transnationalism, identity.</i>&nbsp; New York: Basingstoke, California: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.<br><br>
  56. Benton, Gregor.&nbsp; <i>Chinese migrants and internationalism:</i>&nbsp; <i>forgotten histories, 1917-1945.</i>&nbsp; New York, NY: Routledge, 2007.<br><br>
  57. Benton, Gregor.&nbsp; <i>Chinese in Europe.</i>&nbsp; New York: Saint Martin's Press, 1998.<br><br>
  58. <i>Beyond China:</i>&nbsp; <i>migrating identities.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Shen, Yanfang; Edwards, Penny) Migrating Identities and Ethnic Minorities in the Chinese Diaspora' international conference held at the Australian National University in September 2001. Canberra: Centre for the Study of the Chinese Southern Diaspora, Division of Pacific and Asian History, The Australian National University, 2002.<br><br>
  59. <i>Beyond Chinatown:</i>&nbsp; <i>new Chinese migration and the global expansion of China.</i>&nbsp; (ed., Thun, Mette) Copenhagen: NIAS, 2006.<br><br>
  60. Bloom, Barbara Lee.&nbsp; <i>The Chinese Americans.</i>&nbsp; Immigrants in America Series. Farmington Hills: Gale Group, 2001.<br><br>
  61. Bolt, Paul J.&nbsp; <i>China and Southeast Asia's Ethnic Chinese:</i>&nbsp; <i>State and Diaspora in Contemporary Asia.</i>&nbsp; Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2000.<br><br>
  62. Butler, Alex.&nbsp; <i>Feminism, nationalism, and exiled Tibetan women.</i>&nbsp; New Delhi: Kali for Women, 2003.<br><br>
  63. <a name=C></a>
  64. </font><strong><font size =+3>C </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  65. Cao, Cong.&nbsp; <i>The brain drain problem in China.</i>&nbsp; Singapore: East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore, 2004.<br><br>
  66. Cao, Cong.&nbsp; <i>China's efforts at turning "brain drain" into "brain gain."</i>&nbsp; Singapore: East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore, 2004.<br><br>
  67. Carino, Theresa C.&nbsp; <i>Chinese Big Business in the Philippines:</i>&nbsp; <i>Political Leadership and Change</i>&nbsp; Portland: International Specialized Book Services, 1998.<br><br>
  68. Chaliand, Garard; Rageau, Jean-Pierre.&nbsp; <i>Atlas des diasporas.</i>&nbsp; (trans. Berrett, A. M. ). Penguin atlas of diasporas. New York: Penguin, 1997.<br><br>
  69. Chan, Kwok Bun.&nbsp; <i>Smoke and fire:</i>&nbsp; <i>the Chinese in Montreal.</i>&nbsp; Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1991.<br><br>
  70. Chan, Sucheng.&nbsp; <i>Chinese American Transnationalism:</i>&nbsp; <i>The Flow of People, Resources, and Ideas Between China and America During the Exclusion Era.</i>&nbsp; Asian American history and culture. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2006.<br><br>
  71. Chang, Iris.&nbsp; <i>The Chinese in America.</i>&nbsp; New York: Viking, 2003.<br><br>
  72. Chang, Joanne.&nbsp; <i>Transforming Chinese American Literature:</i>&nbsp; <i>A Study of History, Sexuality, and Ethnicity.</i>&nbsp; Modern American Literature Series, New Approaches, Vol. 20. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 1999.<br><br>
  73. Chang, Leslie.&nbsp; <i>Beyond the Narrow Gate:</i>&nbsp; <i>The Journey of Four Chinese Women from the Middle Kingdom to Middle America.</i>&nbsp; New York: Dutton/Plume, 2000.<br><br>
  74. Chang, Michael.&nbsp; <i>Racial politics in an era of transnational citizenship:</i>&nbsp; <i>the 1996 "Asian Donorgate" controversy in perspective.</i>&nbsp; Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2004.<br><br>
  75. Chen, Shehong.&nbsp; <i>Being Chinese, Becoming Chinese American.</i>&nbsp; The Asian American Experience Series. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2002.<br><br>
  76. Chen, Yong.&nbsp; <i>Chinese San Francisco, 1850-1943:</i>&nbsp; <i>A Trans-Pacific Community.</i>&nbsp; Asian America Series. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2000.<br><br>
  77. Chin, Frank.&nbsp; <i>Bulletproof Buddhists and Other Essays.</i>&nbsp; Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1998.<br><br>
  78. Chin, Ko-Lin.&nbsp; <i>Chinatown Gangs:</i>&nbsp; <i>Extortion, Enterprise and Ethnicity.</i>&nbsp; Studies in Crime and Public Policy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.<br><br>
  79. Chin, Ko-Lin.&nbsp; <i>Smuggled Chinese:</i>&nbsp; <i>Clandestine Immigration to the United States.</i>&nbsp; Asian American History & Culture Series. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1999.<br><br>
  80. Chin, Ung-Ho.&nbsp; <i>Chinese Politics in Sarawak:</i>&nbsp; <i>A Study of the Sarawak United People's Party.</i>&nbsp; South-East Asian Historical Monographs. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.<br><br>
  81. <i>Chinese America:</i>&nbsp; <i>History and Perspectives 1995.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Hom, Marlon K.). San Francisco: Chinese Historical Society of America, 1996.<br><br>
  82. <i>Chinese American death rituals:</i>&nbsp; <i>respecting the ancestors.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Chung, Sue Fawn & Wegars, Priscilla). Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press, 2004.<br><br>
  83. <i>Chinese Americans in Loss and Separation:</i>&nbsp; <i>Social, Medical and Psychiatric Perspectives.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Chen, Clarence). Brooklyn: Center for Thanatology Research & Education, 1996.<br><br>
  84. <i>Chinese and Indian Diasporas:</i>&nbsp; <i>Comparative Perspectives.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Wong, Siu-lun). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2004.<br><br>
  85. <i>Chinese Beliefs and Practices in Southeast Asia:</i>&nbsp; <i>Studies on the Chinese Religion in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Cheu Hock Tong). Malaysia: Pelanduk Publications, 1997.<br><br>
  86. <i>Chinese Culture Within the American Context:</i>&nbsp; <i>Notes from the Chinese Culture Foundation Symposium 1996.</i>&nbsp; San Francisco: Chinese Culture Foundation of San Francisco, 1998.<br><br>
  87. <i>The Chinese Diaspora:</i>&nbsp; <i>Selected Essays.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Wang, Ling-chi; Wang, Gungwu). Vol. 1. Portland: International Specialized Book Services, 1998.<br><br>
  88. <i>The Chinese diaspora:</i>&nbsp; <i>space, place, mobility, and identity.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Ma, Laurence J. C.; Cartier, Carolyn L.). Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2003.<br><br>
  89. <i>The Chinese Diaspora:</i>&nbsp; <i>Selected Essays.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Wang, Ling-chi). Vol. 2. Portland: International Specialized Book Services, 1998.<br><br>
  90. Chinese Historical Society of America.&nbsp; <i>The Repeal and Its Legacy -</i>&nbsp; <i>Proceedings of the Conference on the 50th Anniversary of the Repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Acts.</i>&nbsp; Joint project of CHSA and Asian American Studies, San Francisco State University, 1993. San Francisco, CA: Chinese Historical Society of America, 1993.<br><br>
  91. <i>Chinese immigrants and American law.</i>&nbsp; (ed. McClain, Charles). Asian Americans and the Law, Vol. 1 New York: Garland Pub., 1994.<br><br>
  92. <i>The Chinese in Malaysia.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Lee, Kam Hing; Tan Chee-Beng). New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.<br><br>
  93. <i>The Chinese in the Caribbean</i>&nbsp; (ed. Wilson, Andrew R.). Princeton, NJ: M. Wiener Publishers, 2004.<br><br>
  94. <i>The Chinese Learner:</i>&nbsp; <i>Cultural, Psychological and Contextual Influences.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Watkins, John). Camberwell: Australian Council for Educational Research, 1997.<br><br>
  95. <i>Chinese women traversing diaspora:</i>&nbsp; <i>Memoirs, essays and poetry.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Hom, Sharon K.). Gender, Culture, & Global Politics Series, Vol. 3. New York: Garland Publishing, 1999.<br><br>
  96. Choi, Sheena.&nbsp; <i>Gender, Ethnicity and Market Forces:</i>&nbsp; <i>Observations of Ethnic Chinese in Korea.</i>&nbsp; East Asia: History, Politics, Sociology and Culture. New York: Routledge, 2001.<br><br>
  97. Chong, Douglas D.&nbsp; <i>Ancestral Reflections:</i>&nbsp; <i>Hawaii's Early Chinese of Waipahu, an Ethnic Community Experience, 1885-1935.</i>&nbsp; Waipahu: Tsoong Nyee Society, 1998.<br><br>
  98. Chow, Lily.&nbsp; <i>Sojourners in the North.</i>&nbsp; Prince George, BC: Caitlin Press, 1997.<br><br>
  99. Christoff, Peggy Spitzer.&nbsp; <i>Tracking the "Yellow Peril":</i>&nbsp; <i>the INS and Chinese immigrants in the midwest.</i>&nbsp; Rockport, ME: Picton Press, 2001.<br><br>
  100. Chu, T. K.&nbsp; <i>Chinese Students Encounter America.</i>&nbsp; Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2002.<br><br>
  101. Chun, Gloria H.&nbsp; <i>Of Orphans and Warriors:</i>&nbsp; <i>Inventing Chinese-American Culture and Identity.</i>&nbsp; Piscataway: Rutgers University Press, 2000.<br><br>
  102. <i>Claiming America:</i>&nbsp; <i>Constructing Chinese American Identities During the Exclusion Era.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Wong, K. Scott). Asian American History and Culture Series. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1998.<br><br>
  103. Clyne, Michael; Kipp, Sandra.&nbsp; <i>Pluricentric Languages in an Immigrant Context:</i>&nbsp; <i>Spanish, Arabic and Chinese.</i>&nbsp; Hawthorne: Walter De Gruyter Incorporated, 1999.<br><br>
  104. Cohen, Lucy M.&nbsp; <i>Chinese in the Post-Civil War South:</i>&nbsp; <i>A People without a History.</i>&nbsp; Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1984.<br><br>
  105. <i>Coming man:</i>&nbsp; <i>19th century American perceptions of the Chinese.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Choy, Philip P.; Dong, Lorraine; Hom, Marlon K.). Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1996.<br><br>
  106. <i>Cosmopolitan Capitalists:</i>&nbsp; <i>Hong Kong and the Chinese Diaspora at the End of the Twentieth Century.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Hamilton, Gary G.). Seattle, University of Washington Press, 1999.<br><br>
  107. Cronin, Kathryn.&nbsp; <i>Colonial Casulaties:</i>&nbsp; <i>Chinese in Early Victoria.</i>&nbsp; Melbourne, Melbourne University Press, 1982.<br><br>
  108. <i>The Cultural Experiences of Chinese Students Who Studied in the United States During the 1930s-1940s.</i>&nbsp; Chinese Studies, Vol. 22. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2002.<br><br>
  109. <a name=D></a>
  110. </font><strong><font size =+3>D </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  111. DeBernardi, Jean Elizabeth.&nbsp; <i>The way that lives in the heart:</i>&nbsp; <i>Chinese popular religion and spirit mediums in Penang, Malaysia.</i>&nbsp; Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2006.<br><br>
  112. <i>Departures:</i>&nbsp; <i>how societies distribute their people.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Siikala, Jukka). Based on a symposium held May 1999 at the University of Helsinki. TAFAS, 46. Helsinki: Finnish Anthropological Society, 2001.<br><br>
  113. <i>Diaspora Philanthropy and Equitable Development in China and India.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Geithner, Peter F.; Chen, Lincoln C., Johnson, Paula D.). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005.<br><br>
  114. <i>Diasporic identity.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Mortland, Carol A.). Arlington, VA: American Anthropological Association, Committee on Refugees and Immigrants, General Anthropology Division, 1998.<br><br>
  115. Duncan, Patti.&nbsp; <i>Tell this silence:</i>&nbsp; <i>Asian American women writers and the politics of speech.</i>&nbsp; Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2004.<br><br>
  116. <a name=E></a>
  117. </font><strong><font size =+3>E </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  118. <i>Essential Outsiders:</i>&nbsp; <i>Chinese and Jews in the Modern Transformation of Southeast Asia and Central Europe.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Chirot, Daniel). Jackson School Publications in International Studies. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1997.<br><br>
  119. <i>Ethnicity.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Hutchinson, John; Smith, Anthony D.). Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.<br><br>
  120. Evans, Karin.&nbsp; <i>The lost daughters of China:</i>&nbsp; <i>adopted girls, their journey to America, and the search for a missing past.</i>&nbsp; New York, NY: Tarcher (Distr. Penquin Group USA), 2008.<br><br>
  121. <i>The expanding roles of Chinese Americans in U.S.-China relations:</i>&nbsp; <i>transnational networks and trans-Pacific interactions.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Koehn, Peter H.; Yin, Xiao-huang). An East Gate Book.. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 2002.<br><br>
  122. <a name=F></a>
  123. </font><strong><font size =+3>F </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  124. Fitzgerald, C. P.&nbsp; <i>The Southern Expansion of the Chinese People.</i>&nbsp; New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972.<br><br>
  125. <i>Floating lives:</i>&nbsp; <i>the media and Asian diasporas.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Cunningham, Stuart; Sinclair, John). Critical Media Studies. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2001.<br><br>
  126. Freedman, Amy L.&nbsp; <i>Political Participation and Ethnic Minorities:</i>&nbsp; <i>Chinese Overseas in Malaysia Indonesia and United States.</i>&nbsp; New York: Routledge, 2000.<br><br>
  127. Fu, Poshek.&nbsp; <i>China forever:</i>&nbsp; <i>the Shaw Brothers and diasporic cinema.</i>&nbsp; Champaign, Illinois: University of Illinois Press, 2008.<br><br>
  128. <a name=G></a>
  129. </font><strong><font size =+3>G </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  130. <i>Gatherings in diaspora:</i>&nbsp; <i>religious communities and the new immigration.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Warner, R. Stephen; Wittner, Judith G.). Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1998.<br><br>
  131. Gentelle, Pierre.&nbsp; <i>Chine et "diaspora".</i>&nbsp; Paris: Edition Ellipses, 2000.<br><br>
  132. Glad, Ingrid.&nbsp; <i>An Identity Dilemma:</i>&nbsp; <i>A Comparative Study of Primary Education for Ethnic Chinese in the Context of National Identity and Nation Building in Malaysia & Singapore.</i>&nbsp; Acta Humaniora Series. Cambridge: Scandinavian University Press North America, 1998.<br><br>
  133. <i>Global migration and education:</i>&nbsp; <i>schools, children, and families.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Adams, Leah D.; Kirova, Anna). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007.<br><br>
  134. <i>The global opportunity.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe). An Expanding World, Vol. 1 Aldershot, Great Britain; Brookfield, Vt.: Variorum, 1995.<br><br>
  135. <i>The globalization of Chinese food.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Wu, David Y. H. & Cheung, Sidney C. H.). Anthropology of Asia series. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2002.<br><br>
  136. <i>Globalizing Chinese migration:</i>&nbsp; <i>trends in Europe and Asia.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Nyiri, Pal; Savel'ev, I. R). Research in Migration and Ethnic Relations Series. Based on the workshop "The Past Decade of Migration from the People's Republic of China" held in Budapest on May 26-27, 2000. Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2002.<br><br>
  137. <a name=H></a>
  138. </font><strong><font size =+3>H </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  139. Halporn, Roberta.&nbsp; <i>Gods, Ghosts and Ancestors:</i>&nbsp; <i>The Ching Ming Memorial Festival in America.</i>&nbsp; Brooklyn: Center for Thanatology Research & Education, 2000.<br><br>
  140. Hilf, Susanne.&nbsp; <i>Writing the Hyphen:</i>&nbsp; <i>The Articulation of Interculturalism in Contemporary Chinese-Canadian Literature.</i>&nbsp; European University Studies, Anglo-Saxon Language and Literature, Vol. 378. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2000.<br><br>
  141. Ho, Elaine Yee Lin.&nbsp; <i>China abroad:</i>&nbsp; <i>travels, subjects, spaces.</i>&nbsp; Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2009.<br><br>
  142. Ho, Jennifer Ann.&nbsp; <i>Consumption and identity in Asian American coming-of-age novels.</i>&nbsp; New York: Routledge, 2005.<br><br>
  143. Hodder, Rupert A.&nbsp; <i>Merchant Princes of the East:</i>&nbsp; <i>Cultural Delusions, Economic Success and the Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia.</i>&nbsp; 1st Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1996.<br><br>
  144. Hodder, Rupert.&nbsp; <i>Overseas Chinese and trade between the Philippines and China:</i>&nbsp; <i>the intertwining of family, social, and business interests in promoting trade.</i>&nbsp; Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press, 2006.<br><br>
  145. Hom, Marlon K.; Him Mark Lai.&nbsp; <i>Chinese America, History and Perspectives.</i>&nbsp; San Francisco: Chinese Historical Society of America, 1999.<br><br>
  146. Hoobler, Dorothy; Hoobler, Thomas.&nbsp; <i>The Chinese American Family Album.</i>&nbsp; American Family Albums Series. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.<br><br>
  147. Hsu, L. K.&nbsp; <i>The Overseas Chinese:</i>&nbsp; <i>Ethnicity in National Context.</i>&nbsp; Lanham: University Press of America, 1998.<br><br>
  148. Hsu, Madeline Y.&nbsp; <i>Dreaming of gold, dreaming of home:</i>&nbsp; <i>Transnationalsim and migration between the United States and south China. 1882-1943.</i>&nbsp; Asian America Series. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2000.<br><br>
  149. Huang, Jianyi.&nbsp; <i>Chinese Students and Scholars in American Higher Education.</i>&nbsp; Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1997.<br><br>
  150. <a name=I></a>
  151. </font><strong><font size =+3>I </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  152. <i>An interethnic companion to Asian American literature.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Cheung, King-Kok). Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997.<br><br>
  153. International Association for Tibetan Studies.&nbsp; <i>Tibet, self, and the Tibetan diaspora:</i>&nbsp; <i>voices of difference.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Klieger, P. Christiaan). Tibetan studies: proceedings of the ninth seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000. Brill's Tibetan Studies Library; Vol. 2/8. Boston: Brill, 2002.<br><br>
  154. <a name=J></a>
  155. </font><strong><font size =+3>J </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  156. Jan, Flora Belle.&nbsp; <i>Unbound spirit:</i>&nbsp; <i>letters of Flora Belle Jan.</i>&nbsp; (Editor: Yano, Fleur; Daly, Saralyn) Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2009.<br><br>
  157. Jespersen, T. Christopher.&nbsp; <i>American images of China, 1931-1949.</i>&nbsp; Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999.<br><br>
  158. Jung, Marshall.&nbsp; <i>Chinese American Family Therapy:</i>&nbsp; <i>A New Model for Clinicians.</i>&nbsp; San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1998.<br><br>
  159. <a name=K></a>
  160. </font><strong><font size =+3>K </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  161. Kenley, David L.&nbsp; <i>New culture in a new world:</i>&nbsp; <i>the May Fourth movement and the Chinese diaspora in Singapore, 1919-1932</i>&nbsp; New York: Routledge, 2003.<br><br>
  162. Kuah, Khun Eng.&nbsp; <i>At home in the Chinese diaspora:</i>&nbsp; <i>memories, identities and belongings.</i>&nbsp; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.<br><br>
  163. Kuhn, Philip A..&nbsp; <i>Chinese among others:</i>&nbsp; <i>emigration in modern times.</i>&nbsp; Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2008.<br><br>
  164. Kuwayama, George.&nbsp; <i>Chinese Ceramics in Colonial Mexico.</i>&nbsp; Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1997.<br><br>
  165. Kwong, Peter.&nbsp; <i>Chinatown, New York:</i>&nbsp; <i>Labor and Politics, 1930-1950.</i>&nbsp; New York: NEW Press, 2001.<br><br>
  166. Kwong, Peter.&nbsp; <i>Forbidden Workers:</i>&nbsp; <i>Illegal Chinese Immigrants and American Labor.</i>&nbsp; New York: New Press, 1999.<br><br>
  167. Kwong, Peter; Miscevic, Dusanka.&nbsp; <i>Chinese Americans:</i>&nbsp; <i>Immigrant Experience.</i>&nbsp; Immigrant Experience Series. Southport: Hugh Lauter Levin Associates, 2000.<br><br>
  168. <a name=L></a>
  169. </font><strong><font size =+3>L </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  170. La Fargue, Thomas E. (Thomas Edward).&nbsp; <i>China's first hundred:</i>&nbsp; <i>educational mission students in the United States, 1872-1881.</i>&nbsp; Pullman, WA: Washington State University Press, 1987.<br><br>
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