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  38. <a name=A></a>
  39. <strong><font size =+3>A </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  40. Amnesty International.&nbsp; <i>People's Republic of China:</i>&nbsp; <i>China's anti-terrorism legislation and repression in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region.</i>&nbsp; London: International Secretariat, 2002.<br><br>
  41. Andrews, Fred H.&nbsp; <i>Wall paintings from ancient shrines in Central Asia.</i>&nbsp; 2 Volumes. London: Oxford University Press, 1948.<br><br>
  42. Andrews, Fred H.; Stein, Aurel, Sir.&nbsp; <i>Catalogue of wall-paintings from ancient shrines in Central Asia and Sistan.</i>&nbsp; Reprint. Originally published: London: Oxford University Press, 1933. New Delhi: Cosmo, 1981.<br><br>
  43. <i>The Archaeology of the Steppe:</i>&nbsp; <i>Methods and Strategies.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Genito, Bruno). Naples: Istituto Universario Orientale, 1994.<br><br>
  44. <i>Aspects of the maritime Silk Road:</i>&nbsp; <i>from the Persian Gulf to the East China Sea.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Kauz, Ralph). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2010.<br><br>
  45. <a name=B></a>
  46. </font><strong><font size =+3>B </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  47. Banerjee, Gauranga Nath.&nbsp; <i>India As Known to the Ancient World:</i>&nbsp; <i>Or, India's Intercourse in Ancient Times With Her Neighbours, Egypt, Western Asia, Greece, Rome, Central Asia, China, Further India and Indonesia.</i>&nbsp; (originally published 1921. Also on Google Books.). New York: Rimbault Press, 2008.<br><br>
  48. Banerjee, Gauranganath.&nbsp; <i>India As Known To The Ancient World :</i>&nbsp; <i>Or India's Intercourse in Ancient Times With Her Neighbors, Egypt, Western Asia, Greece, Rome, Central Asia, China, Further India and Indonesia.</i>&nbsp; (originally published 1921. Also on Google Books.). Whitefish, Montana: Kessinger Publishing, 2008.<br><br>
  49. Barber, E. J.&nbsp; <i>Prehistoric Textiles.</i>&nbsp; Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1991.<br><br>
  50. Barfield, Thomas J.&nbsp; <i>The perilous frontier:</i>&nbsp; <i>nomadic empires and China.</i>&nbsp; Studies in Social Discontinuity. Malden: Blackwell, 1992.<br><br>
  51. Barnett, A. Doak.&nbsp; <i>China's far West:</i>&nbsp; <i>four decades of change.</i>&nbsp; Boulder: Westview Press, 1993.<br><br>
  52. Bell-Fialkoff, Andrew.&nbsp; <i>The role of migration in the history of the Eurasian Steppe:</i>&nbsp; <i>Sedentary civilization vs. 'barbarian' and nomad.</i>&nbsp; New York: Palgrave, 2000.<br><br>
  53. Bellew, Henry Walter.&nbsp; <i>Kashmir and Kashghar:</i>&nbsp; <i>A narrative of the journey of the Embassy to Kashghar in 1873-74.</i>&nbsp; Reprint: London: Trubner & Co., 1875. Lahore: Sang-e-Meel Publications, 1999.<br><br>
  54. Bell?r-Hann, Ildik?.&nbsp; <i>Situating the Uyghurs between China and Central Asia.</i>&nbsp; Revised. Brookfield, VT: Ashgate, 2007.<br><br>
  55. Ben-Adam, Justin.&nbsp; <i>Oasis identities:</i>&nbsp; <i>Uyghur nationalism along China's Silk Road.</i>&nbsp; New York: Columbia University Press, 1997.<br><br>
  56. Benson, Linda.&nbsp; <i>The Ili Rebellion:</i>&nbsp; <i>the Moslem challenge to Chinese authority in Xinjiang, 1944-1949.</i>&nbsp; Armonk: M. E. Sharpe, 1990.<br><br>
  57. Benson, Linda; Svanberg, Ingvar.&nbsp; <i>China's Last Nomads:</i>&nbsp; <i>The History and Culture of China's Kazaks.</i>&nbsp; Studies on Modern China. Armonk: M. E. Sharpe Incorporated, 1998.<br><br>
  58. Bergman, Folke.&nbsp; <i>Archaeological researches in Sinkiang, especially the Lopnor region.</i>&nbsp; Reports from the scientific expedition to the north-western provinces of China under the leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin. The Sino-Swedish expedition. Publication 7. VII. Archaeology. Stockholm: Bokforlags aktiebolaget Thule, 1939.<br><br>
  59. Berlie, Jean A.&nbsp; <i>Islam in China:</i>&nbsp; <i>Hui and Uyghurs between modernization and sinicization.</i>&nbsp; Bangkok: White Lotus Press, 2004.<br><br>
  60. Bernstein, Richard.&nbsp; <i>Ultimate journey:</i>&nbsp; <i>retracing the path of an ancient buddhist monk who crossed Asia in search of enlightenment.</i>&nbsp; New York: A.A. Knopf, 2001.<br><br>
  61. Boravia, Judy.&nbsp; <i>Silk Road:</i>&nbsp; <i>From Xian to Kashgar.</i>&nbsp; Second Edition. Lincolnwood, IL: N T C Publishing Group, 1994.<br><br>
  62. Brose, Michael Carl.&nbsp; <i>Strategies of survival:</i>&nbsp; <i>Uyghur elites in Yuan and early-Ming China.</i>&nbsp; Thesis (Ph. D.) -- University of Pennsylvania, 2000. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, 2000.<br><br>
  63. Franck, Irene M.; Brownstone, David M.&nbsp; <i>Silk Road:</i>&nbsp; <i>a history.</i>&nbsp; New York: Facts on File, Incorporated, 1986.<br><br>
  64. <a name=C></a>
  65. </font><strong><font size =+3>C </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  66. <i>The Cambridge history of Inner Asia.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Sinor, D.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.<br><br>
  67. Cameron, Nigel.&nbsp; <i>Barbarians and Mandarins:</i>&nbsp; <i>Thirteen Centuries of Western Travellers in China.</i>&nbsp; New York: Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 1999.<br><br>
  68. China Guides Editors.&nbsp; <i>The Silk Road.</i>&nbsp; Lincolnwood, IL: N T C Publishing Group, 1994.<br><br>
  69. <i>China's campaign to "Open up the West":</i>&nbsp; <i>national, provincial, and local perspectives.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Goodman, S. G.). Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004.<br><br>
  70. <i>China's west region development:</i>&nbsp; <i>domestic strategies and global implications.</i>&nbsp; River Edge, NJ: World Scientific, 2004.<br><br>
  71. Christian, David.&nbsp; <i>A history of Russia, central Asia, and Mongolia:</i>&nbsp; <i>Inner Eurasia from prehistory to the Mongol empire.</i>&nbsp; History of the World Series, Vol. I. Inner Eurasia from Prehistory to the Mongol Empire. Oxford: Malden: Blackwell Publishers, 1999.<br><br>
  72. Chu, Wen-chang.&nbsp; <i>The Moslem rebellion in northwest China, 1862-1878:</i>&nbsp; <i>A study of government minority policy.</i>&nbsp; Central Asiatic Studies, 5. The Hague: Mouton, 1966.<br><br>
  73. Church, Percy William Palmer.&nbsp; <i>Chinese Turkestan, with caravan and rifle.</i>&nbsp; London: Rivingtons, 1901.<br><br>
  74. Clarke, Michael.&nbsp; <i>China, Xinjiang and Central Asia:</i>&nbsp; <i>History, Transition and Crossborder Interaction into the 21st Century.</i>&nbsp; New York: Routledge, 2009.<br><br>
  75. Cockburn, A.; Cockburn, E.; Reyman, T.&nbsp; <i>Mummies, Disease, and Ancient Cultures.</i>&nbsp; 2nd. Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.<br><br>
  76. Collets Staff.&nbsp; <i>Guide to the Silk Road.</i>&nbsp; New York: State Mutual Book &amp; Periodical Service, Limited, 1991.<br><br>
  77. <i>Conservation of ancient sites on the Silk Road:</i>&nbsp; <i>proceedings of an international conference on the conservation of grotto sites.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Agnew, Neville). Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute, 1997.<br><br>
  78. <a name=D></a>
  79. </font><strong><font size =+3>D </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  80. Dabbs, Jack Autrey.&nbsp; <i>The History of the Discovery and Exploration of Chinese Turkestan.</i>&nbsp; Central Asiatic Studies, 8. The Hague: Mouton, 1963.<br><br>
  81. De Silva, Anil.&nbsp; <i>The Art of Chinese Landscape Painting In the Caves of Tun-Huang.</i>&nbsp; New York: Crown, 1964.<br><br>
  82. De Weck, Christine.&nbsp; <i>The Silk Road Today.</i>&nbsp; New York: Vantage Press, 1989.<br><br>
  83. Deasy, Henry Hugh Peter.&nbsp; <i>In Tibet and Chinese Turkestan:</i>&nbsp; <i>Being the record of three years' exploration.</i>&nbsp; London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1901.<br><br>
  84. <i>Developing China's west:</i>&nbsp; <i>a critical path to balanced national development.</i>&nbsp; Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2004.<br><br>
  85. Dillon, Michael.&nbsp; <i>Xinjiang:</i>&nbsp; <i>China's Muslim far northwest.</i>&nbsp; Durham East-Asia Series. New York: RoutledgeCurzon, 2003.<br><br>
  86. Drege, Jean-Pierre.&nbsp; <i>The Silk Road Saga.</i>&nbsp; New York: Facts on File, Incorporated, 1989.<br><br>
  87. Drompp, Michael R.&nbsp; <i>Tang China and the Collapse of the Uighur Empire:</i>&nbsp; <i>A Documentary History.</i>&nbsp; Leiden; Boston; Bedfordshire: Brill, 2005.<br><br>
  88. Drompp, Michael Robert.&nbsp; <i>Tang China and the collapse of the Uighur Empire:</i>&nbsp; <i>a documentary history.</i>&nbsp; Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2005.<br><br>
  89. <a name=E></a>
  90. </font><strong><font size =+3>E </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  91. <i>Ethnic Challenges Beyond Borders:</i>&nbsp; <i>Chinese and Russian Perspectives of the Central Asian Conundrum.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Zhang, Yongjin). New York: Saint Martin's Press, 1998.<br><br>
  92. <a name=F></a>
  93. </font><strong><font size =+3>F </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  94. Foltz, Richard.&nbsp; <i>Religions of the Silk Road:</i>&nbsp; <i>premodern patterns of globalization.</i>&nbsp; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.<br><br>
  95. Forbes, Andrew D. W.&nbsp; <i>Warlords and Muslims in Chinese central Asia:</i>&nbsp; <i>a political history of republican Sinkiang, 1911-1949.</i>&nbsp; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986.<br><br>
  96. <a name=G></a>
  97. </font><strong><font size =+3>G </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  98. Ghose, Rajeshwari.&nbsp; <i>Kizil on the Silk Road:</i>&nbsp; <i>crossroads of commerce & meeting of minds.</i>&nbsp; Mumbai, India: Marg Publications: 2008.<br><br>
  99. Ghose, Rajeshwari.&nbsp; <i>In the Footsteps of Buddha:</i>&nbsp; <i>An Iconic Journey from India to China.</i>&nbsp; New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1999.<br><br>
  100. <i>The glory of the Silk Road:</i>&nbsp; <i>art from ancient China.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Li, Jian; Hansen, Valerie). Published on the occasion of an exhibition held at the Dayton Art Institute, Feb. 8-May 11, 2003, and at the Memphis Brooks Museum of Art, June 7-Aug. 3, 2003. Dayton, Ohio: Dayton Art Institute, 2003.<br><br>
  101. <a name=H></a>
  102. </font><strong><font size =+3>H </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  103. Hali, Awelkhan; Li, Zengxiang; Luckert, Karl W.&nbsp; <i>Kazakh Traditions of China.</i>&nbsp; Lanham: University Press of America, 1997.<br><br>
  104. Harris, Rachel.&nbsp; <i>The making of a musical canon in Chinese Central Asia:</i>&nbsp; <i>the Uyghur Twelve Muqam.</i>&nbsp; Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate, 2008.<br><br>
  105. Harris, Rachel.&nbsp; <i>Singing the village:</i>&nbsp; <i>music, memory and ritual among the Sibe of Xinjiang.</i>&nbsp; Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press for the British Academy, 2004.<br><br>
  106. Hasiotis, Arthur C.&nbsp; <i>Soviet political, economic, and military involvement in Sinkiang from 1928 to 1949.</i>&nbsp; Modern European History. Based on Ph. D. Thesis -- New York University, 1978. New York: Garland, 1987.<br><br>
  107. Hedin, Sven Anders.&nbsp; <i>The Silk road.</i>&nbsp; Translation of: Sidenvagen. London: Routledge, 1938.<br><br>
  108. Hedin, Sven Anders.&nbsp; <i>Riddles of the Gobi desert.</i>&nbsp; Sequel to "Across the Gobi desert". New York: E. P. Dutton & Company: London: G. Routledge, 1933.<br><br>
  109. Hedin, Sven.&nbsp; <i>The Silk Road.</i>&nbsp; (trans. Lyon, F. H.). Reprint of London: Routledge, 1938. Columbia, MO: South Asia Books, 1994.<br><br>
  110. <i>History of Civilizations of Central Asia, Volume 1:</i>&nbsp; <i>The Dawn of Civilization: Earliest Times to 700 BC.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Dani, A. H.; Masson, V. M.). Paris: UNESCO, 1992.<br><br>
  111. <i>History of Civilizations of Central Asia, Volume 2:</i>&nbsp; <i>The Development of Sedentary and Nomadic Civilizations: 700BC to AD 250.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Harmatta, J.). Paris: UNESCO, 1994.<br><br>
  112. <i>History of Civilizations of Central Asia, Volume 3:</i>&nbsp; <i>The Crossroads of Civilizations: AD 250 to 750.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Litvinsky, B. A.). Paris: UNESCO, 1996.<br><br>
  113. Honey, David B.&nbsp; <i>The rise of the medieval Hsiung-nu:</i>&nbsp; <i>the biography of Liu Yuan.</i>&nbsp; Papers on Inner Asia, No. 15. Bloomington, IN: Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies, 1990.<br><br>
  114. Hopkirk, Peter.&nbsp; <i>Foreign devils on the Silk Road:</i>&nbsp; <i>the search for the lost cities and treasures of Chinese central Asia.</i>&nbsp; Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 1984.<br><br>
  115. Hulsewe, A. F. P.&nbsp; <i>China in Central Asia.</i>&nbsp; Leiden: Brill, 1979.<br><br>
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  118. <i>Iberians in the Singapore-Melaka area and adjacent regions (16th to 18th century).</i>&nbsp; (ed. Borschberg, Peter). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz; Lisboa: Fundacao Oriente, 2004.<br><br>
  119. <i>Interaction between Indian and central Asian science and technology in medieval times.</i>&nbsp; Indo-Soviet Joint Monograph Series. New Delhi: Indian National Science Academy, c1990.<br><br>
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  121. </font><strong><font size =+3>J </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  122. Jager, Ulf.&nbsp; <i>The new old mummies from Eastern Central Asia:</i>&nbsp; <i>ancestors of the Tocharian Knights depicted on the Buddhist wallpaintings of Kucha and Turfan?</i>&nbsp; Sino-Platonic Papers, No. 84. Philadelphia: Dept. of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Pennsylvania, 1998.<br><br>
  123. Juliano, Annette L. and Learner, Judith A.&nbsp; <i>Monks and merchants:</i>&nbsp; <i>Silk Road treasures from northwest China Gansu and Ningxia Provinces, fourth-seventh century.</i>&nbsp; New York: Asia Society, Incorporated, 2001.<br><br>
  124. <a name=K></a>
  125. </font><strong><font size =+3>K </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  126. Kamberi, Dolkun.&nbsp; <i>The three thousand year old Charchan man preserved at Zaghunluq:</i>&nbsp; <i>abstract account of a tomb excavation in Charchan County of Uyghuristan.</i>&nbsp; Sino-Platonic Papers, No. 44. Philadelphia: Dept. of Oriental Studies, University of Pennsylvania, 1994.<br><br>
  127. Kim, Ho-dong.&nbsp; <i>The Muslim rebellion and the Kashghar emirate in Chinese Central Asia, 1864-1877.</i>&nbsp; Thesis (Ph. D.) -- Harvard University, 1986. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, 1986.<br><br>
  128. Klimkeit, Han-Joachim.&nbsp; <i>Gnosis on the Silk Road:</i>&nbsp; <i>Gnostic Parables, Hymns, and Prayers from Central Asia.</i>&nbsp; (contr. Robinson, James M.). San Francisco, CA: Harper San Francisco, 1994.<br><br>
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  130. </font><strong><font size =+3>L </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  131. Lattimore, Eleanor Holgate.&nbsp; <i>Turkestan reunion.</i>&nbsp; Reprint: New York: John Day Co., 1934. New York: Kodansha International, 1994.<br><br>
  132. Lattimore, Eleanor Holgate.&nbsp; <i>Turkestan reunion.</i>&nbsp; (intro. Lattimore, Owen). Reprint: New York: John Day Co., 1934. New York: AMS Press, 1975.<br><br>
  133. Lattimore, Owen.&nbsp; <i>High Tartary.</i>&nbsp; (intro. Schell, Orville). Reprint: New York: AMS Press, 1975. (New photographs). New York: Kodansha America, 1994.<br><br>
  134. Lattimore, Owen.&nbsp; <i>Inner Asian frontiers of China.</i>&nbsp; New York: Oxford University Press, 1989.<br><br>
  135. Lattimore, Owen.&nbsp; <i>High Tartary.</i>&nbsp; Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1930.<br><br>
  136. Le Coq, Albert von.&nbsp; <i>Buried treasures of Chinese Turkestan.</i>&nbsp; (originally published 1928). Oxford in Asia Paperbacks. 1st ed. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1928. Translation of: Auf Hellas spuren in Ostturkistan. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985.<br><br>
  137. Le Coq, Albert von.&nbsp; <i>Buried treasures of Chinese Turkestan.</i>&nbsp; (trans. Barwell, Anna). Translation of: Auf Hellas spuren in Ostturkistan. London: G. Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1928.<br><br>
  138. Le Coq, Albert von.&nbsp; <i>Buried treasures of Chinse Turkestan:</i>&nbsp; <i>An account of the activities and adventures of the second and third German Turfan expeditions.</i>&nbsp; First published in German under the title "Auf Hellas Spuren in Ostturkistan" in 1926. New York: Longmans, Green, 1929.<br><br>
  139. Lieu, Samuel N.&nbsp; <i>Manichaeism in Central Asia and China.</i>&nbsp; Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 1998.<br><br>
  140. Ling-hu, Te-fen.&nbsp; <i>Accounts of Western nations in the history of the Northern Chou dynasty.</i>&nbsp; (ed. trans. Miller, Roy Andrew). Berkeley: University of California Press, 1959.<br><br>
  141. Liu, Xinru.&nbsp; <i>The Silk Road in world history.</i>&nbsp; Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.<br><br>
  142. Liu, Xinru.&nbsp; <i>Ancient India and ancient China:</i>&nbsp; <i>trade and religious exchanges AD 1-600.</i>&nbsp; New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.<br><br>
  143. Liu, Xinru.&nbsp; <i>Ancient India and ancient China:</i>&nbsp; <i>trade and religious exchanges AD 1-600.</i>&nbsp; New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.<br><br>
  144. Liu, Xinru.&nbsp; <i>The silk road:</i>&nbsp; <i>overland trade and cultural interactions in Eurasia.</i>&nbsp; Washington, D.C.: American Historical Association, 1998.<br><br>
  145. <a name=M></a>
  146. </font><strong><font size =+3>M </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  147. Macartney, Catherine, Lady.&nbsp; <i>An English lady in Chinese Turkestan.</i>&nbsp; Originally published London: Ernest Benn, 1931. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985.<br><br>
  148. Mackerras, Colin.&nbsp; <i>The Uighur Empire According to the T'ang Dynastic Histories:</i>&nbsp; <i>A Study in Sino-Uighur Relations, 744-840.</i>&nbsp; (ed. trans. Mackerras, Colin). Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1972, 1973.<br><br>
  149. Maillart, Ella.&nbsp; <i>Forbidden journey - from Peking to Kashmir.</i>&nbsp; (trans. McGreevy, Thomas). New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1937.<br><br>
  150. Mair, Victor H.&nbsp; <i>Tunhuang Popular Narratives.</i>&nbsp; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1984.<br><br>
  151. Mallory, J. P..&nbsp; <i>Tarim Mummies:</i>&nbsp; <i>Ancient China and the Mystery of the Earliest Peoples from the West.</i>&nbsp; New York: London: Thames & Hudson, 2008.<br><br>
  152. Mallory, J. P.; Mair, Victor H.&nbsp; <i>The Tarim mummies:</i>&nbsp; <i>Ancient China and the mysteries of the earliest peoples from the west.</i>&nbsp; New York: Thames & Hudson, 2000.<br><br>
  153. Mclaughlin, Raoul.&nbsp; <i>Rome and the Distant East:</i>&nbsp; <i>Trade Routes to the Ancient Lands of Arabia, India and China.</i>&nbsp; New York: Continuum, 2009.<br><br>
  154. Millward, James A.&nbsp; <i>Beyond the Pass:</i>&nbsp; <i>Economy, Ethnicity, and Empire in Qing Central Asia, 1759-1864.</i>&nbsp; Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998.<br><br>
  155. Myrdal, Jan; Kessle, Gun.&nbsp; <i>The Silk Road:</i>&nbsp; <i>A Journey from the High Pamirs and Ili Through Sinkiang and Kansu.</i>&nbsp; Translation of Sidenvagen. New York: Pantheon Books, 1980.<br><br>
  156. <a name=N></a>
  157. </font><strong><font size =+3>N </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  158. Ning, Qiang.&nbsp; <i>Art, religion, and politics in medieval China:</i>&nbsp; <i>the Dunhuang cave of the Zhai Family.</i>&nbsp; Honolulu: University of Hawai? Press, 2004.<br><br>
  159. <i>Nomads of the Eurasian Steppes in the Early Iron Age.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Davis-Kimball, J.; Bashilov, V. A.; Yablonsky, L. T.). Berkeley: Zinat Press, 1995.<br><br>
  160. <i>Nomads, traders and holy men along China's silk road.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Juliano, Annette L.; Lerner, Judith A.). Papers presented at a symposium held at the Asia Society in New York, November 9-10, 2001. Silk Road Studies, VII. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2002.<br><br>
  161. Nyman, Lars-Erik.&nbsp; <i>Great Britain and Chinese, Russian and Japanese interests in Sinkiang, 1918-1934.</i>&nbsp; Lund Studies in International History; 8. Stockholm: Esselte Studium, 1977.<br><br>
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  163. </font><strong><font size =+3>P </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
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