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  38. <a name= ></a>
  39. <strong><font size =+3> </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  40. Pomplun, Trent.&nbsp; <i>Jesuit on the roof of the world:</i>&nbsp; <i>Ippolito Desideri's mission to eighteenth-century Tibet.</i>&nbsp; Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.<br><br>
  41. <a name=A></a>
  42. </font><strong><font size =+3>A </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  43. Alexander, Andr?.&nbsp; <i>The Temples of Lhasa:</i>&nbsp; <i>Tibetan Buddhist architecture from the 7th to the 21st centuries.</i>&nbsp; Tibet Heritage Fund's conservation inventory; Vol. 1. Chicago: Serindia, 2005.<br><br>
  44. Allen, Charles.&nbsp; <i>The search for Shangri-la:</i>&nbsp; <i>A journey into Tibetan history.</i>&nbsp; Boston: Abacus, Little, Brown & Company, 2001.<br><br>
  45. Allen, Charles.&nbsp; <i>Duel in the snows:</i>&nbsp; <i>the true story of the Younghusband mission to Lhasa.</i>&nbsp; London: John Murray, 2005.<br><br>
  46. <i>Amdo Tibetans in Transition:</i>&nbsp; <i>Society and Culture in the Post-Mao Era.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Huber, Toni ). Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, 2/5. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2002.<br><br>
  47. Ardley, Jane.&nbsp; <i>The Tibetan independence movement:</i>&nbsp; <i>political, religious and Gandhian perspectives.</i>&nbsp; London; New York: RoutledgeCurzon, 2002.<br><br>
  48. Arpi, Claude.&nbsp; <i>Born in Sin: the Panchsheel Agreement:</i>&nbsp; <i>The Sacrifice of Tibet.</i>&nbsp; 1st edition. New Delhi: Mittal Publications, 2004.<br><br>
  49. <a name=B></a>
  50. </font><strong><font size =+3>B </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  51. Bass, Catriona.&nbsp; <i>Education in Tibet:</i>&nbsp; <i>Policy and practice since 1950.</i>&nbsp; Politics in Contemporary Asia Series. London: Zed Books, Limited, 1998.<br><br>
  52. Bellezza, John Vincent.&nbsp; <i>Zhang Zhung:</i>&nbsp; <i>foundations of civilization in Tibet: a historical and ethnoarchaeological study of the monuments, rock art, texts, and oral tradition of the ancient Tibetan upland.</i>&nbsp; (Illus. Quentin Devers). Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2008.<br><br>
  53. Bellezza, John Vincent.&nbsp; <i>Spirit-mediums, sacred mountains, and related Bon textual traditions in upper Tibet:</i>&nbsp; <i>calling down the gods</i>&nbsp; Brill's Tibetan Studies Library. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2005.<br><br>
  54. Bertsch, W.&nbsp; <i>A Study of Tibetan Paper Money:</i>&nbsp; <i>With a Critical Bibliography.</i>&nbsp; Dharmasala, HP, IND: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 1997.<br><br>
  55. Blondeau, Anne-Marie.&nbsp; <i>Authenticating Tibet:</i>&nbsp; <i>answers to China's 100 Questions.</i>&nbsp; Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 2008.<br><br>
  56. Boyd, Helen R.&nbsp; <i>The future of Tibet:</i>&nbsp; <i>the government-in-exile meets the challenge of democratization.</i>&nbsp; New York: Peter Lang, 2004.<br><br>
  57. Brown, Mick.&nbsp; <i>The Dance of 17 lives:</i>&nbsp; <i>The Incredible True Story of Tibet's 17th Karmapa</i>&nbsp; New York: Bloomsbury, 2004.<br><br>
  58. <i>Buddhist Art and Tibetan Patronage:</i>&nbsp; <i>Ninth to Fourteenth Centuries.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Klimburg-Salter, Deborah; Allinger, Eva ). Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, 2/7. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2002.<br><br>
  59. Butler, Alex.&nbsp; <i>Feminism, nationalism, and exiled Tibetan women.</i>&nbsp; New Delhi: Kali for Women, 2003.<br><br>
  60. <a name=C></a>
  61. </font><strong><font size =+3>C </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  62. Cabot, Mabel H., Reid, Phyllis Thompson.&nbsp; <i>Vanished kingdoms:</i>&nbsp; <i>a woman explorer in Tibet, China and Mongolia, 1921-1925.</i>&nbsp; New York: Aperture, 2003.<br><br>
  63. Campbell, June.&nbsp; <i>Traveller in space:</i>&nbsp; <i>gender, identity, and Tibetan Buddhism.</i>&nbsp; Rev. ed. London; New York: Continuum, 2002.<br><br>
  64. Campbell, June.&nbsp; <i>Traveller in Space:</i>&nbsp; <i>In Search of Female Identity in Tibetan Buddhism.</i>&nbsp; Collingdale: DIANE Publishing Company, 1998.<br><br>
  65. Caraman, Philip.&nbsp; <i>Tibet:</i>&nbsp; <i>the Jesuit Century.</i>&nbsp; Series IV, Studies on Jesuit Topics, Vol. 20. Saint Louis: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 1997.<br><br>
  66. Carlson, Allen.&nbsp; <i>Unifying China, integrating with the world:</i>&nbsp; <i>securing Chinese sovereignty in the reform era.</i>&nbsp; Studies in Asian security. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2005.<br><br>
  67. Carlson, Allen.&nbsp; <i>Beijing's Tibet policy:</i>&nbsp; <i>securing sovereignty and legitimacy.</i>&nbsp; Washington, DC: East-West Center Washington, 2004.<br><br>
  68. <i>Central Asian textiles and their contexts in the early Middle Ages.</i>&nbsp; (eds., Otavsky, Karel, Bivar, A. D. H., Schorta, Regula, & Abegg-Stiftung) Riggisberger Berichte; 9. Riggisberg: Abegg-Stiftung, 2006.<br><br>
  69. Chapman, William R.&nbsp; <i>The face of Tibet.</i>&nbsp; Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2001.<br><br>
  70. Chhaya, Mayank.&nbsp; <i>Dalai Lama:</i>&nbsp; <i>man, monk, mystic.</i>&nbsp; Doubleday, New York: 2007.<br><br>
  71. <i>China's Great Leap West.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Tibet Information Network). London: Tibet Information Network, 2000.<br><br>
  72. Conant, Danny.&nbsp; <i>Vanishing Tibet.</i>&nbsp; New York: Tibet House, 2008.<br><br>
  73. Conboy, Kenneth J.; Morrison, James.&nbsp; <i>The CIA's secret war in Tibet.</i>&nbsp; Modern War Studies. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2002.<br><br>
  74. <i>Contemporary Tibet.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Dreyer, June T.; Sautman, Barry). East Gate Book. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe Incorporated, 2005.<br><br>
  75. <i>Contemporary Tibet:</i>&nbsp; <i>Politics, Development, and Society in a Disputed Region.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Sautman, Barry; Dreyer, June Teufel). Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 2005.<br><br>
  76. Cuevas, Bryan J.&nbsp; <i>The hidden history of the Tibetan book of the dead.</i>&nbsp; New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.<br><br>
  77. <a name=D></a>
  78. </font><strong><font size =+3>D </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  79. Dai, Yingcong.&nbsp; <i>The Sichuan frontier and Tibet:</i>&nbsp; <i>imperial strategy in the early Qing.</i>&nbsp; Seattle, Washington: University of Washington Press, 2009<br><br>
  80. Dalai Lama XIV.&nbsp; <i>The Buddha's Art of Healing:</i>&nbsp; <i>Tibetan Paintings Rediscovered.</i>&nbsp; New York: Rizzoli International Publications, 1998.<br><br>
  81. Dalai Lama XIV.&nbsp; <i>Tibet, The Sacred Realm:</i>&nbsp; <i>Photographs 1880-1950.</i>&nbsp; Gordonsville: Aperture Foundation, 1997.<br><br>
  82. Dalai Lama XIV.&nbsp; <i>The Essential Dalai Lama.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Mehrotra, Rajiv). Toronto: Penguin Books Canada, 2005.<br><br>
  83. <i>Dalai Lamas.</i>&nbsp; Published in conjunction with exhibition 'Die 14 Dalai Lamas,' Z?rich, Switzerland, August 4, 2005 to April 30, 2006. Z?rich: Ethnographic Museum of the University of Z?rich; Chicago: In association with Serindia Publications, 2005.<br><br>
  84. Dautcher, Jay.&nbsp; <i>Down a narrow road:</i>&nbsp; <i>identity and masculinity in a Uyghur community in a Uyghur community in Xinjiang China.</i>&nbsp; Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2009.<br><br>
  85. Davidson, Ronald M.&nbsp; <i>Tibetan renaissance:</i>&nbsp; <i>Tantric Buddhism in the rebirth of Tibetan culture.</i>&nbsp; New York: Columbia University Press, 2005.<br><br>
  86. Deasy, Henry Hugh Peter.&nbsp; <i>In Tibet and Chinese Turkestan:</i>&nbsp; <i>Being the record of three years' exploration.</i>&nbsp; London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1901.<br><br>
  87. <i>Delivery and deficiency:</i>&nbsp; <i>health and health care in Tibet.</i>&nbsp; London: Tibet Information Network, 2002.<br><br>
  88. Dhungel, Ramesh Kumar.&nbsp; <i>Political history of the Kingdom of Lo/Mustang.</i>&nbsp; Thesis (Ph. D.) -- Columbia University, 1999. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, 1999.<br><br>
  89. Douglas, Nik.&nbsp; <i>Tibetan tantric charms and amulets:</i>&nbsp; <i>230 examples reproduced from original woodblocks.</i>&nbsp; Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 2002.<br><br>
  90. Dreyfus, Georges B. J.&nbsp; <i>The sound of two hands clapping:</i>&nbsp; <i>the education of a Tibetan Buddhist monk.</i>&nbsp; Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003.<br><br>
  91. Dunham, Mikel.&nbsp; <i>Buddha's warriors:</i>&nbsp; <i>the story of the CIA-backed Tibetan freedom fighters, the Chinese invasion, and the ultimate fall of Tibet.</i>&nbsp; New York: J.P. Tarcher, 2004.<br><br>
  92. <a name=F></a>
  93. </font><strong><font size =+3>F </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  94. <i>Facets of Tibetan religious tradition and contacts with neighbouring cultural areas.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Cadonna, Alfredo; Bianchi, Ester). Orientalia Venetiana; 12. Firenze: Leo S. Olschki, 2002.<br><br>
  95. Fischer, Andrew Martin.&nbsp; <i>State growth and social exclusion in Tibet:</i>&nbsp; <i>Challenges of recent economic growth.</i>&nbsp; Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2005.<br><br>
  96. Fischer, Andrew.&nbsp; <i>Poverty by design:</i>&nbsp; <i>the economics of discrimination in Tibet.</i>&nbsp; Montr?al, Quebec: Canada Tibet Committee, 2002.<br><br>
  97. Fjeld, Heidi.&nbsp; <i>Commoners and nobles:</i>&nbsp; <i>hereditary divisions in Tibet.</i>&nbsp; Copenhagen: NIAS, 2005.<br><br>
  98. Francke, A. H.&nbsp; <i>History of Western Tibet:</i>&nbsp; <i>One of the Unknown empires: with Maps and Illustrations.</i>&nbsp; New Dehli: Motilal Banarsidass, 1998.<br><br>
  99. <a name=G></a>
  100. </font><strong><font size =+3>G </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  101. Goldstein, Melvyn C., Sherap, Dawei & Siebenschuh, William R.&nbsp; <i>A Tibetan revolutionary:</i>&nbsp; <i>the political life and times of Bapa Ph?ntso Wangye.</i>&nbsp; Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004.<br><br>
  102. Goldstein, Melvyn C.&nbsp; <i>The snow lion and the dragon, China, Tibet, and the Dalai Lama.</i>&nbsp; Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999.<br><br>
  103. Goldstein, Melvyn C.; Kapstein, Matthew T.&nbsp; <i>Buddhism in Contemporary Tibet:</i>&nbsp; <i>Religious Revival and Cultural Identity.</i>&nbsp; Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998.<br><br>
  104. Grenard, Fernand.&nbsp; <i>Tibet:</i>&nbsp; <i>The Country and Its Inhabitants.</i>&nbsp; (Originally published 1904). Whitefish, MT: Kessinger Publishing, 2007.<br><br>
  105. <a name=H></a>
  106. </font><strong><font size =+3>H </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  107. Hanrahan, Clare.&nbsp; <i>Tibet.</i>&nbsp; Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2009.<br><br>
  108. Heath, J. B.&nbsp; <i>Tibet and China in the twenty-first century:</i>&nbsp; <i>non-violence versus state power.</i>&nbsp; London: Saqi, 2005.<br><br>
  109. Heller, Amy.&nbsp; <i>Discoveries in western Tibet and the western Himalayas:</i>&nbsp; <i>essays on history, literature, archaeology and art : PIATS 2003, Tibetan studies, proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Oxford, 2003.</i>&nbsp; Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2007.<br><br>
  110. Henders, Susan.&nbsp; <i>Territoriality, Asymmetry, and Autonomy:</i>&nbsp; <i>Catalonia, Corsica, Hong Kong, and Tibet.</i>&nbsp; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.<br><br>
  111. <i>The history of Tibet.</i>&nbsp; (ed. McKay, Alex). 3 volumns. London; New York: RoutledgeCurzon, 2003.<br><br>
  112. Huang, Jing.&nbsp; <i>The Tibet Issue and China's Peaceful Development.</i>&nbsp; Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific Publishing Company, 2009.<br><br>
  113. Huc, Evariste Regis.&nbsp; <i>Recollections of a Journey Through Tartary, Thibet, and China, During the Years 1844-1846.</i>&nbsp; (Originally published 1852.). Watertown, Massachusetts: BiblioLife, 2009.<br><br>
  114. Hyde-Chambers, Frederick.; Hyde-Chambers, Audrey.&nbsp; <i>Tibetan folk tales.</i>&nbsp; Boston: Shambhala Publications, Incorporated, 2001.<br><br>
  115. <a name=I></a>
  116. </font><strong><font size =+3>I </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  117. <i>Impressions of Bhutan and Tibetan Art:</i>&nbsp; <i>Tibetan Studies III.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Blezer, Henk). Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, 2/3. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2002.<br><br>
  118. <i>Intelligence and statecraft:</i>&nbsp; <i>the use and limits of intelligence in international society.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Jackson, Peter; Siegel, Jennifer). Contains chapter on Youngusband). Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2005.<br><br>
  119. <i>International Association for Tibetan Studies.</i>&nbsp; <i>Seminar (10th : 2003 : Oxford, England).</i>&nbsp; (eds., Davidson, Ronald M., & Wedemeyer, Christian K.) Brill's Tibetan studies library, ISSN 1568-6183; Vol. 10/4. Boston: Brill, 2006.<br><br>
  120. International Association for Tibetan Studies.&nbsp; <i>Religion and secular culture in Tibet:</i>&nbsp; <i>Tibetan studies II.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Blezer, Henk; Zadoks, A.). Ninth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2002.<br><br>
  121. International Association for Tibetan Studies.&nbsp; <i>Tibet, self, and the Tibetan diaspora:</i>&nbsp; <i>voices of difference.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Klieger, P. Christiaan). Tibetan studies: proceedings of the ninth seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000. Brill's Tibetan Studies Library; Vol. 2/8. Boston: Brill, 2002.<br><br>
  122. International Association for Tibetan Studies.&nbsp; <i>Territory and identity in Tibet and the Himalayas.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Buffetrille, Katia; Diemberger, Hildegard). Ninth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2002.<br><br>
  123. International Association for Tibetan Studies.&nbsp; <i>Buddhist art and Tibetan patronage:</i>&nbsp; <i>ninth to fourteenth centuries.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Klimburg-Salter, Deborah E.; Allinger, Eva). Ninth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2002.<br><br>
  124. International Association for Tibetan Studies.&nbsp; <i>Tibet, past and present:</i>&nbsp; <i>Tibetan studies I.</i>&nbsp; (eds. Blezer, Henk; Zadoks, A.). Ninth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2002.<br><br>
  125. <a name=J></a>
  126. </font><strong><font size =+3>J </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  127. <i>Jokhang:</i>&nbsp; <i>Tibet's most sacred Buddhist temple.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Dorje, Gyurme et al.). New York: distributed in the United states and Canada by Thames & Hudson, 2010.<br><br>
  128. <a name=K></a>
  129. </font><strong><font size =+3>K </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  130. Kapstein, Matthew.&nbsp; <i>The Tibetans.</i>&nbsp; Peoples of Asia. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., 2006.<br><br>
  131. Karma-gli??-pa.&nbsp; <i>The Tibetan book of the dead:</i>&nbsp; <i>the great liberation by hearing in the intermediate states.</i>&nbsp; (eds., Gyurme, Dorje, Coleman, Graham, & Thupten, Jinpa) 1st American ed. New York: Viking, 2006.<br><br>
  132. Kerr, Blake.&nbsp; <i>Sky burial:</i>&nbsp; <i>an eyewitness account of China's brutal crackdown in Tibet.</i>&nbsp; Chicago: Noble Press, 1993.<br><br>
  133. Kh?tsun, Tubten.&nbsp; <i>Memories of life in Lhasa under Chinese rule.</i>&nbsp; New York: Columbia University Press, 2008.<br><br>
  134. Kogonis, Laura.&nbsp; <i>Finding Aid for Tibet and Areas of Influence :</i>&nbsp; <i>Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University.</i>&nbsp; Cambridge, MA: Peabody Museum Press, 2007.<br><br>
  135. Kol?s, ?shild; Thowsen, Monika P.&nbsp; <i>On the margins of Tibet:</i>&nbsp; <i>cultural survival on the Sino-Tibetan frontier.</i>&nbsp; Studies on ethnic groups in China. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2005.<br><br>
  136. Kuijp, Leonard W. J. van der.&nbsp; <i>The Ka-lacakra and the patronage of Tibetan Buddhism by the Mongol imperial family.</i>&nbsp; Bloomington, Ind.: Dept. of Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana University, 2004.<br><br>
  137. <a name=L></a>
  138. </font><strong><font size =+3>L </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  139. Laird, Thomas.&nbsp; <i>The Story of Tibet:</i>&nbsp; <i>Conversations With the Dalai Lama.</i>&nbsp; New York, NY: Grove Press (distrib. Publishers Group West), 2007.<br><br>
  140. Laird, Tom.&nbsp; <i>Into Tibet:</i>&nbsp; <i>The CIA's First Atomic Spy and His Secret Expedition to Lhas.</i>&nbsp; New York: Grove Atlantic, 2002.<br><br>
  141. Lam, Jimmy: Tan, Ju Kuang.&nbsp; <i>Greater Tibet:</i>&nbsp; <i>Where Earth Touches the Heavens</i>&nbsp; Singapore: Times Editions; Marshall Cavendish, 2005.<br><br>
  142. Lee, Don Y.&nbsp; <i>The history of early relations between China and Tibet:</i>&nbsp; <i>From Chiu Tang-shu, a documentary survey.</i>&nbsp; Bloomington, IN: Eastern Press, 1981.<br><br>
  143. Levine, Nancy E.&nbsp; <i>The Dynamics of Polyandry:</i>&nbsp; <i>Kinship, Domesticity, and Population on the Tibetan Border.</i>&nbsp; Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998.<br><br>
  144. <i>Lhasa in the seventeenth century:</i>&nbsp; <i>the capital of the Dalai Lamas.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Pommaret, Francoise). Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, Vol. 3. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2003.<br><br>
  145. Lin, Hsiao-ting.&nbsp; <i>Tibet and nationalist China's frontier:</i>&nbsp; <i>intrigues and ethnopolitics, 1928-49.</i>&nbsp; Contemporary Chinese studies, ISSN 1206-9523. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2006.<br><br>
  146. Linrothe, Robert N.&nbsp; <i>Paradise and plumage:</i>&nbsp; <i>Chinese connections in Tibetan Arhat painting.</i>&nbsp; New York: Rubin Museum of Art; Chicago: Serindia Publications, 2004.<br><br>
  147. Lixiong, Wang.&nbsp; <i>Struggle for Tibet.</i>&nbsp; London: Verso: 2009.<br><br>
  148. Lobsang Tubten Jigme Gyatso,&nbsp; <i>Surviving the dragon:</i>&nbsp; <i>a Tibetan lama's account of 40 years under Chinese rule.</i>&nbsp; Rodale; New York: Distributed to the trade by Macmillan, 2010.<br><br>
  149. Logan, Pamela.&nbsp; <i>Among Warriors.</i>&nbsp; New York: The Overlook Press, 2004.<br><br>
  150. Logan, Pamela.&nbsp; <i>Tibetan rescue:</i>&nbsp; <i>the extaordinary quest to save the sacred art treasures of Tibet.</i>&nbsp; Boston: Tuttle Pub., 2002.<br><br>
  151. Lopez, Donald S. Jr.&nbsp; <i>The Madman's Middle Way:</i>&nbsp; <i>Reflections on Reality of a Tibetan Monk Gendun Chopel.</i>&nbsp; Buddhism and Modernity Series. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005.<br><br>
  152. Lopez, Donald S., Jr.&nbsp; <i>Prisoners of Shangri-La:</i>&nbsp; <i>Tibetan Buddhism and the West.</i>&nbsp; Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998.<br><br>
  153. Lustgarten, Abrahm.&nbsp; <i>China's great train:</i>&nbsp; <i>Beijing's drive west and the campaign to remake Tibet.</i>&nbsp; New York: Times Books, 2008.<br><br>
  154. Lustgarten, Abrahm.&nbsp; <i>China's great train:</i>&nbsp; <i>Beijing's drive west and the campaign to remake Tibet.</i>&nbsp; New York: Henry Holt and Company, 2009.<br><br>
  155. <a name=M></a>
  156. </font><strong><font size =+3>M </font></strong><FONT SIZE=-1>&nbsp; <a class=alp href=#Top> Return to the top</a><br><br>
  157. Makley, Charlene E..&nbsp; <i>The violence of liberation:</i>&nbsp; <i>gender and Tibetan Buddhist revival in post-Mao China.</i>&nbsp; Berkely: University of California Press, 2007.<br><br>
  158. <i>The Many Canons of Tibetan Buddhism.</i>&nbsp; (ed. Eimer, Helmut; Germano, David). Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, 2/10. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2002.<br><br>
  159. Marshall, Julie G.&nbsp; <i>Britain and Tibet 1765-1947:</i>&nbsp; <i>a select annotated bibliography of British relations with Tibet and the Himalayan states including Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan.</i>&nbsp; Revised and updated to 2003. London; New York: RoutledgeCurzon, 2005.<br><br>
  160. Marshall, Steven D.&nbsp; <i>In the interests of the state:</i>&nbsp; <i>hostile elements III--political imprisonment in Tibet, 1987-2001.</i>&nbsp; London: Tibet Information Network, 2002.<br><br>
  161. McMillin, Laurie Hovell.&nbsp; <i>English in Tibet, Tibet in English:</i>&nbsp; <i>self-presentation in Tibet and the diaspora.</i>&nbsp; New York: Palgrave, 2001.<br><br>
  162. Meyer, Karl; Brysac, Shareen.&nbsp; <i>Tournament of Shadows:</i>&nbsp; <i>The Great Game and the Race for Empire in Central Asia.</i>&nbsp; Washington: Counterpoint Press, 2000.<br><br>
  163. <i>Mining Tibet:</i>&nbsp; <i>mineral exploitation in Tibetan areas of the PRC.</i>&nbsp; London: Tibet Information Network, 2002.<br><br>
  164. Moran, Peter Kevin.&nbsp; <i>Buddhism observed: travellers,</i>&nbsp; <i>exiles and Tibetan Dharma in Kathmandu.</i>&nbsp; London; New York: RoutledgeCurzon, 2004.<br><br>
  165. Mullin, Glenn H.&nbsp; <i>The flying mystics of Tibetan Buddhism.</i>&nbsp; (ed., Arenas, Amelia) New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2006.<br><br>
  166. <a name=N></a>
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