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  1. 壁 壁 bì wall, cliff Cheng Hong ../../Language/Sound17b/17319chg.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  2. 避 开 避 開 bìkāi to avoid Shao Danni ../../Language/Sound11a/11753ds.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  3. 避 开 避 開 bìkāi to avoid Zhang Ning ../../Language/Sound11b/11753zn.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  4. 避 开 避 開 bìkāi to avoid Zhang Li ../../Language/Sound11c/11753zl.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  5. 避 开 避 開 bìkāi to avoid Cao Hui ../../Language/Sound11d/11753ch.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  6. 避 开 避 開 bìkāi to avoid Shu Chang ../../Language/Sound11e/11753sc.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  7. 步 步 bù a step, a pace, steps, stages; to go on foot, to march Li Yu Zheng ../../Language/Sound1a/1825lyz.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  8. 步 步 bù a step, a pace, steps, stages; to go on foot, to march Li Yu Zheng ../../Language/Sound1b/1825lyz.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  9. 步 步 bù a step, a pace, steps, stages; to go on foot, to march Li Zhen ../../Language/Sound1c/1825lz.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  10. 步 步 bù a step, a pace, steps, stages; to go on foot, to march Li Si ../../Language/Sound1d/1825ls.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  11. 成 为 成 爲 chéngwéi to become, to turn into Zhou Shuo ../../Language/Sound13a/13251zs.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  12. 成 为 成 爲 chéngwéi to become, to turn into Zhao Jian ../../Language/Sound13b/13251jian.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  13. 成 为 成 爲 chéngwéi to become, to turn into Wang Cheng ../../Language/Sound13c/13251wc.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  14. 成 为 成 爲 chéngwéi to become, to turn into Zhou Hui ../../Language/Sound13d/13251zhh.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  15. 成 为 成 爲 chéngwéi to become, to turn into Li Xinzhou ../../Language/Sound13e/13251lxz.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  16. 成 为 成 爲 chéngwéi to become, to turn into Na Zitao ../../Language/Sound13f/13251nzt.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  17. 耻 骨 恥 骨 chǐgǔ pubic bone, pubis (the front point of the hip bone) Cheng Hong ../../Language/Sound17b/17315chg.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  18. 触 摸 觸 摸 chùmō to touch, to feel Cheng Hong ../../Language/Sound17b/17314chg.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  19. 洞 穴 洞 穴 dòngxué cave, cavern, grotto Cheng Hong ../../Language/Sound17b/17311chg.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  20. 手 指 手 指 shǒuzhǐ finger Wang Jin ../../Language/Sound8a/8352jes.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  21. 手 指 手 指 shǒuzhǐ finger Huang Jiali ../../Language/Sound8b/8352hjl.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  22. 手 指 手 指 shǒuzhǐ finger Cao Hui ../../Language/Sound8c/8352ch.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  23. 手 指 手 指 shǒuzhǐ finger Shu Chang ../../Language/Sound8d/8352sc.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  24. 汇 匯 huì to converge, to mingle, to gather together, to assemble Cheng Hong ../../Language/Sound17b/17321chg.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  25. 仅 僅 jǐn only, just, merely, hardly (usually doubled jin3jin or in combination with other syllables) Cheng Hong ../../Language/Sound17b/17318chg.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  26. 仅 仅 僅 僅 jǐnjǐn only, merely, barely, just, but only Zhang Meng ../../Language/Sound11a/11098jz.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  27. 仅 仅 僅 僅 jǐnjǐn only, merely, barely, just, but only Liu Xiao Yun ../../Language/Sound11b/11098am.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  28. 仅 仅 僅 僅 jǐnjǐn only, merely, barely, just, but only Chu Pingan ../../Language/Sound11c/11098cpa.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  29. 仅 仅 僅 僅 jǐnjǐn only, merely, barely, just, but only Gao Mingjiang ../../Language/Sound11d/11098gmj.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  30. 仅 仅 僅 僅 jǐnjǐn only, merely, barely, just, but only Wei Xing ../../Language/Sound11e/11098wx.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  31. 矿 层 礦 層 kuàngcéng ore bed, strata of ores, ledge Cheng Hong ../../Language/Sound17b/17310chg.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  32. 流 流 liú to wander, to circulate, to drift, to flow; current, flow, stream Zhao He ../../Language/Sound8a/8751zh.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  33. 流 流 liú to wander, to circulate, to drift, to flow; current, flow, stream Zhang Meng ../../Language/Sound8b/8751jz.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  34. 流 流 liú to wander, to circulate, to drift, to flow; current, flow, stream Li Zhen ../../Language/Sound8c/8751lz.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  35. 流 流 liú to wander, to circulate, to drift, to flow; current, flow, stream Mi Zhaoxi ../../Language/Sound8d/8751mz.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  36. 流 流 liú to wander, to circulate, to drift, to flow; current, flow, stream Zhang Li ../../Language/Sound8e/8751zl.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  37. 流 流 liú to wander, to circulate, to drift, to flow; current, flow, stream Feng Xi ../../Language/Sound8f/8751fxi.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  38. 留 留 liú to keep, to remain, to let grow, to leave (behind or for somebody), to ask somebody to stay Zhang Meng ../../Language/Sound1a/1197jz.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  39. 留 留 liú to keep, to remain, to let grow, to leave (behind or for somebody), to ask somebody to stay Li Yu Zheng ../../Language/Sound1b/1197lyz.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  40. 留 留 liú to keep, to remain, to let grow, to leave (behind or for somebody), to ask somebody to stay Li Zhen ../../Language/Sound1c/1197lz.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  41. 留 留 liú to keep, to remain, to let grow, to leave (behind or for somebody), to ask somebody to stay WT Zheng ../../Language/Sound1d/1197wt.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  42. 留 留 liú to keep, to remain, to let grow, to leave (behind or for somebody), to ask somebody to stay Li Di ../../Language/Sound1e/1197ld.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  43. 留 留 liú to keep, to remain, to let grow, to leave (behind or for somebody), to ask somebody to stay Cao Hui ../../Language/Sound1f/1197ch.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  44. 努 力 努 力 nǔlì to try hard, to strive, to apply oneself, to endeavor; hard-working, studious Feng Xie ../../Language/Sound0a/847fx.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  45. 努 力 努 力 nǔlì to try hard, to strive, to apply oneself, to endeavor; hard-working, studious Liu Xiaoyun ../../Language/Sound0b/847am.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  46. 努 力 努 力 nǔlì to try hard, to strive, to apply oneself, to endeavor; hard-working, studious Wang Jun ../../Language/Sound0c/847wj.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  47. 努 力 努 力 nǔlì to try hard, to strive, to apply oneself, to endeavor; hard-working, studious Cao Hui ../../Language/Sound0d/847ch.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  48. 前 进 前 進 qiánjìn to advance, to go forward, to go ahead Cheng Hong ../../Language/Sound17b/17322chg.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  49. 绕 繞 rào to detour, to go around, to bypass, to coil, to wind, to revolve around something, to become entangled Shao Danni ../../Language/Sound11a/11747ds.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  50. 绕 繞 rào to detour, to go around, to bypass, to coil, to wind, to revolve around something, to become entangled Zhang Ning ../../Language/Sound11b/11747zn.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  51. 绕 繞 rào to detour, to go around, to bypass, to coil, to wind, to revolve around something, to become entangled Zhang Li ../../Language/Sound11c/11747zl.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  52. 绕 繞 rào to detour, to go around, to bypass, to coil, to wind, to revolve around something, to become entangled Cao Hui ../../Language/Sound11d/11747ch.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  53. 绕 繞 rào to detour, to go around, to bypass, to coil, to wind, to revolve around something, to become entangled Shu Chang ../../Language/Sound11e/11747sc.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  54. 人 民 人 民 rénmín people Feng Xie ../../Language/Sound0a/763fx.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  55. 人 民 人 民 rénmín people Chu Lin ../../Language/Sound0b/763cl.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  56. 人 民 人 民 rénmín people Cao Hui ../../Language/Sound0d/763ch.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  57. 人 民 人 民 rénmín people Shu Chang ../../Language/Sound0f/763sc.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  58. 入 入 rù to enter, to receive, to take in, to conform; income (most often used in combinations -- will see the character at public places to indicate the entrance while 出 chu1 indicates the exit.) Zhang Meng ../../Language/Sound11a/11123jz.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  59. 入 入 rù to enter, to receive, to take in, to conform; income (most often used in combinations -- will see the character at public places to indicate the entrance while 出 chu1 indicates the exit.) Liu Xiao Yun ../../Language/Sound11b/11123am.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  60. 入 入 rù to enter, to receive, to take in, to conform; income (most often used in combinations -- will see the character at public places to indicate the entrance while 出 chu1 indicates the exit.) Gao Mingjiang ../../Language/Sound11d/11123gmj.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  61. 入 入 rù to enter, to receive, to take in, to conform; income (most often used in combinations -- will see the character at public places to indicate the entrance while 出 chu1 indicates the exit.) Wei Xing ../../Language/Sound11e/11123wx.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  62. 深 入 深 入 shēnrù to embed, to go deep into, to penetrate into; deep Li Chunjiang ../../Language/Sound17b/17309li.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  63. 石 石 shí rock, stone Cheng Miao ../../Language/Sound14b/14714cm.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  64. 石 石 shí rock, stone Ren Shuang ../../Language/Sound14c/14714rs.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  65. 熟 熟 shú ripe, cooked, familiar, proficient, skilled, experienced, deep, profound WT Zheng ../../Language/Sound0a/242wt.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  66. 熟 熟 shú ripe, cooked, familiar, proficient, skilled, experienced, deep, profound Zhang Li ../../Language/Sound0b/242zl.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  67. 熟 熟 shú ripe, cooked, familiar, proficient, skilled, experienced, deep, profound Li Zhen ../../Language/Sound0c/242lz.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  68. 熟 熟 shú ripe, cooked, familiar, proficient, skilled, experienced, deep, profound Shu Chang ../../Language/Sound0e/242sc.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  69. 熟 熟 shú ripe, cooked, familiar, proficient, skilled, experienced, deep, profound Liu Xuechun ../../Language/Sound0g/242lxc.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  70. 溯 源 溯 源 sùyuán to trace to origins Cheng Hong ../../Language/Sound17b/17316chg.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  71. 头 頭 tóu first, beginning Liu Xiaoyun ../../Language/Sound2a/2118am.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  72. 头 頭 tóu first, beginning Huang Xu ../../Language/Sound2b/2118hx.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  73. 头 頭 tóu first, beginning Huang Jiali ../../Language/Sound2c/2118hjl.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  74. 头 頭 tóu first, beginning Zhao He ../../Language/Sound2d/2118zh.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  75. 头 頭 tóu first, beginning Shu Chang ../../Language/Sound2e/2118sc.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  76. 挖 掘 挖 掘 wājué to excavate; excavation (both wa1 and jue2 are used with other syllables to mean dig, open a hole, excavate, either can appear with chu1 or kai1; to dig out or open a hole) Du Feng ../../Language/Sound16a/16458df.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  77. 挖 掘 挖 掘 wājué to excavate; excavation (both wa1 and jue2 are used with other syllables to mean dig, open a hole, excavate, either can appear with chu1 or kai1; to dig out or open a hole) Deng Yichen ../../Language/Sound16b/16458dyc.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  78. 挖 掘 挖 掘 wājué to excavate; excavation (both wa1 and jue2 are used with other syllables to mean dig, open a hole, excavate, either can appear with chu1 or kai1; to dig out or open a hole) Wang Chen ../../Language/Sound16c/16458wc.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  79. 挖 掘 挖 掘 wājué to excavate; excavation (both wa1 and jue2 are used with other syllables to mean dig, open a hole, excavate, either can appear with chu1 or kai1; to dig out or open a hole) Zhou Hui ../../Language/Sound16d/16458zhh.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  80. 挖 掘 挖 掘 wājué to excavate; excavation (both wa1 and jue2 are used with other syllables to mean dig, open a hole, excavate, either can appear with chu1 or kai1; to dig out or open a hole) Ren Shuang ../../Language/Sound16e/16458rs.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  81. 岩 巖 yán rock Cheng Hong ../../Language/Sound17b/17313chg.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  82. 岩 画 巖 畫 yánhuà rock painting Cheng Hong ../../Language/Sound17b/17312chg.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  83. 夜 夜 yè night, evening Zhang Meng ../../Language/Sound4a/4237jz.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  84. 夜 夜 yè night, evening Wang Jun ../../Language/Sound4b/4237wj.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  85. 夜 夜 yè night, evening Zhang Xiaowei ../../Language/Sound4c/4237zxw.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  86. 夜 夜 yè night, evening Zhang Li ../../Language/Sound4d/4237zl.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  87. 夜 夜 yè night, evening Liu Jinzhe ../../Language/Sound4e/4237ljz.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  88. 夜 夜 yè night, evening Zhu Mengxi ../../Language/Sound4f/4237zmx.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  89. 欲 望 欲 望 yùwàng lust, craving, desire (literary -- see ke3wang4 渴 望 ) Liu Yu Rong ../../Language/Sound10a/10355lyr.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  90. 欲 望 欲 望 yùwàng lust, craving, desire (literary -- see ke3wang4 渴 望 ) Da Di ../../Language/Sound10b/10355dd.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  91. 战 乱 戰 亂 zhànluàn chaos caused by war Li Chunjiang ../../Language/Sound17b/17308li.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  92. 种 子 種 子 zhǒngzi seed Zhang Meng ../../Language/Sound2a/2619jz.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  93. 种 子 種 子 zhǒngzi seed Wang Mei ../../Language/Sound2b/2619wm.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  94. 种 子 種 子 zhǒngzi seed Hua ../../Language/Sound2d/2619hua.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  95. 煮 煮 zhǔ to boil, to cook Shao Danni ../../Language/Sound4a/4132ds.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  96. 煮 煮 zhǔ to boil, to cook Li Yu Zheng ../../Language/Sound4b/4132lyz.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  97. 煮 煮 zhǔ to boil, to cook Song Jia ../../Language/Sound4d/4132sj.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  98. 煮 煮 zhǔ to boil, to cook Zheng Lei ../../Language/Sound4e/4132lei.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  99. 煮 熟 煮 熟 zhǔshú to cook to completion (literary -- 煮 熟 zhu3shu2 means cooked to a degree -- shu2 = cooked, ripe) Li Chunjiang ../../Language/Sound17b/17307li.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  100. 最 后 最 後 zuìhòu last, final, ultimate, eventual; finally Zhang Meng ../../Language/Sound1a/1591jz.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  101. 最 后 最 後 zuìhòu last, final, ultimate, eventual; finally Li Yu Zheng ../../Language/Sound1b/1591lyz.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  102. 最 后 最 後 zuìhòu last, final, ultimate, eventual; finally Wang Jun ../../Language/Sound1c/1591wj.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  103. 最 后 最 後 zuìhòu last, final, ultimate, eventual; finally Li Si ../../Language/Sound1d/1591ls.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu
  104. 最 后 最 後 zuìhòu last, final, ultimate, eventual; finally Mi Zhaoxi ../../Language/Sound1e/1591mz.wav CONTACT -- Bei Dao -- Chinese English Poem -- Ting MaineEdu