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  18. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1"><b><a href="lectures.html">INDEX</a></b><br><br><font size="+1"><center><i>Reading Revolutions: Intellectual History</i><br><br>
  19. <font size="+1">
  20. Newton:&nbsp; Planets, Apples, and Scientific Revolution<br><br>
  21. <font size="+0">Theo Kalikow</font></font></font><p>&nbsp;</p>
  22. </font>
  23. <table border="0" width="60%" id="table2">
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  25. <td>
  26. <p align="left"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">The scientific progress from Ptolemy's geocentric
  27. universe to Newton's mathematical definition of the elliptical
  28. orbits of the planets produced multiple revolutions, but none so
  29. far-reaching as that of Newton's physics. </td>
  30. <td>
  31. <p align="left">
  32. <a href="pictures/Newton/1480wl.jpg">
  33. <img border="0" src="pictures/Newton/1480w.jpg" width="275" height="400"></a></td>
  34. </tr>
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  37. <p align="left">&nbsp;</td>
  38. <td>
  39. <p align="center"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">
  40. Newton shown behind an armillary sphere with Earth at the
  41. center.&nbsp; Click to enlarge.
  42. </td>
  43. </tr>
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  45. </center>
  46. <font size="+0">
  47. &nbsp;<p><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">
  48. The following is a summary of Dr. Kalikow's presentation:</font></p>
  49. </font>
  50. <p>I<font size="+0"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">
  51. heard on the radio yesterday that it was the 100th anniversary of e=mc<sup>2
  52. </sup> but it was also the 318<sup>th</sup> birthday of <b>m</b>!&nbsp;
  53. Newton, is of course, the person who made mass a scientific and lawful
  54. concept.&nbsp; But before we get into that we have to look at the history of
  55. the problem.</p>
  56. <p>Even before there was a written record there was an oral tradition of
  57. astronomy.&nbsp; In caves we find marks indicating that people followed the
  58. phases of the moon, kept track of stellar objects and paid attention to the
  59. sky above them.&nbsp; All over the world, each civilization carried out
  60. traditions of astronomy whether for agriculture or travel.&nbsp; What is
  61. common to all of these traditions is the assumption that the earth is the
  62. center of the universe.&nbsp; If you get outside and look at the sky, that
  63. is what it looks like.&nbsp; This is called the two-sphere universe -- the
  64. earth in the center and a second sphere rotating around it.&nbsp; Very early
  65. in history, people realized that the earth was a sphere, not flat.&nbsp; A
  66. librarian, Eratosthenes, actually measured the circumference of the earth in
  67. the third century BC.<img border="0" src="pictures/Newton/1619w.jpg" width="336" height="350" align="right"></p>
  68. <p>Around 300 BC, Aristotle codified all of the traditions into a single
  69. system.&nbsp; The earth was the center and all bodies would fall toward it.&nbsp;
  70. The heavens were perfect and motion in the heavens would be perfectly
  71. circular.&nbsp; If there were no planets we might still be there.&nbsp; The
  72. planets move in peculiar ways given the Aristotelian method.&nbsp; Ptolemy
  73. in 150 AD collected all the observations he could find and made ingenious
  74. mathematical models to explain the planetary motions.&nbsp; (<a href="Galileo.html">Chris
  75. Magri </a>went into this in some detail).</p>
  76. <p>This was the situation up until 1543 when Copernicus proposed the
  77. heliocentric system.&nbsp; There was no physics to support it but Copernicus
  78. solved the problem of the planets with a sun centered universe.&nbsp; If
  79. Earth is a planet going around the sun, how do you explain the motions on
  80. earth and the motions in the heavens?&nbsp; Tycho Brahe attempted to solve
  81. the problem and refine the data by making more exact observations.&nbsp; He
  82. used very very large instruments to increase the degree of accuracy of
  83. positional measurements.&nbsp; If you have a measuring stick on the side of
  84. a building rather than a small ruler, you are going to be able to measure a
  85. degree of arc much more accurately.&nbsp; Kepler studied Brahe's data to
  86. create a system that would fit the data.&nbsp; Kepler tried to make circles
  87. work but they were only accurate to 8 minutes to degree of arc and Brahe's
  88. data was accurate to 4 minutes to degree of arc.&nbsp; After many years of
  89. work Kepler found that the only thing that would work was elliptical orbits
  90. for the planets going around the sun at the center.&nbsp; There still was no
  91. physics to back it up, still no understanding of why it should work.</p>
  92. <p>Galileo (1564-1642) was the first to have a new astronomical instrument --
  93. the telescope.&nbsp; He used it to look at all sorts of things.&nbsp; He
  94. pointed it at the moon and was actually able to see that it had mountains on
  95. it and was able to measure their height by the shadows they cast.&nbsp; He
  96. saw&nbsp; the phases of Venus and the moons of Jupiter.&nbsp; The moons of
  97. Jupiter provide a model of how the solar system could work.&nbsp; Galileo
  98. had the first new data and method of seeing the universe.&nbsp; He didn't
  99. like the ellipses of Kepler, preferring circles.&nbsp; He still didn't have
  100. the physics to explain the motion of the planets.&nbsp; If the sun is the
  101. center of the solar system and the earth revolves around it, why don't
  102. things fall off the earth?&nbsp; That's how things stood until the time of
  103. Newton.&nbsp; </p>
  104. <p>During the 16<sup>th</sup> century, the locus of scientific and political
  105. power had shifted from the south of Europe to the north primarily due to the
  106. building of ships for trade and defense.&nbsp; As this shifted the economy
  107. toward import/export and urbanization, it was recognized that the economy
  108. would do better if they knew more about navigation, natural phenomena, and
  109. of course astronomy.&nbsp; In 1660 a group of scientists including Wren,
  110. Boyle, Hooke, and Moray who had been meeting to discuss scientific matters
  111. established the Royal Society.&nbsp; People in other countries were also
  112. working on similar issues -- Descartes, Spinoza, Leibnitz -- and carried on
  113. lively correspondence throughout Europe.&nbsp; </p>
  114. <p>In 1684 Halley goes to Newton to ask him about a question circulating at
  115. the time.&nbsp; If a force falls off as a square of the distance what shape
  116. would the orbit take?&nbsp; Newton said ellipse.&nbsp; How do you know?&nbsp;
  117. Newton said that he had proved it previously.&nbsp; Halley wants to see the
  118. proof and nags Newton until he finally sent it to him.&nbsp; Halley takes it
  119. to </p>
  120. <div align="center">
  121. <table border="0" width="30%" id="table3">
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  124. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">
  125. <img border="0" src="pictures/Newton/1554w.jpg" width="416" height="400" align="left"></td>
  126. </tr>
  127. <tr>
  128. <td>
  129. <p align="center"><font size="2">A page from t</font><font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica">he
  130. <i>Principia</i> in Latin</font></td>
  131. </tr>
  132. </table>
  133. </div>
  134. <p>the Royal Society and continued to nag Newton to write out his major
  135. theories.&nbsp; Finally, in 1687 the <i>Principia</i> (full title<i> --
  136. Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica</i>) was published in Latin
  137. with the formal proofs of Newton's physics. </p>
  138. <p>Newton was born the same year that Galileo died, 1642.&nbsp; He didn't
  139. show any signs of genius at an early age.&nbsp; He graduated from Cambridge
  140. and would have stayed on but 1665-1666 was a plague year and the
  141. universities closed.&nbsp; Newton stayed home for two years and thought
  142. about things.&nbsp; This appears to be the time that he created much of his
  143. later work.&nbsp; He didn't write much and didn't publish anything.&nbsp; He
  144. returned to Cambridge and two years later became the Lucasian Professor of
  145. Mathematics at age 26.&nbsp; His most famous early work is a paper on optics
  146. in which he showed that light was made up of waves.</p>
  147. <p>
  148. <img border="0" src="pictures/Newton/1621w.jpg" width="450" height="338" align="left" hspace="5" vspace="7">He
  149. did a very simple experiment to prove it.&nbsp; He passed light through a
  150. prism to produce a rainbow of colors.&nbsp; This had been seen often enough,
  151. but he got a second prism and was able to show that by passing the rainbow
  152. of light through it he could rejoin the different colors to produce the
  153. original white light.&nbsp; In 1671 he published his paper on optics and
  154. light.&nbsp;
  155. It was his first scientific publication and it was the first scientific
  156. paper on the physics of colors.</p>
  157. <p>In the meantime, Newton continued to lecture on mathematics and began to
  158. get quite a reputation.&nbsp; His correspondence increased.&nbsp; But he
  159. found that when he wrote to other scientists they would write back and often
  160. wouldn't agree with him.&nbsp; He didn't like that.&nbsp; He tended to stay
  161. in Cambridge and avoid active contact with others.&nbsp; Thus, Halley had to
  162. come to him.&nbsp; History justifiably gives Halley great credit for the the
  163. <i>Principia</i>.&nbsp; He not only nagged Newton but edited and bore the
  164. cost of publication himself.</p>
  165. <p>The <i>Principia</i> described the entire physical world using a single
  166. set of laws.&nbsp; The book is set up like a geometry with propositions,
  167. proofs and diagrams.&nbsp; It looks like geometry, but in fact all through
  168. the book Newton is using the calculus.&nbsp; The fundamental concept is the
  169. concept of limits.&nbsp; What happens when a fundamental quantity, ratio or
  170. proportion moves toward a vanishing point or starts at nothing and
  171. increases.&nbsp; That's the underlying mathematical thinking underlying the
  172. <i>Principia</i> and of course, Newton invented it.</p>
  173. <p>Newton invented what he called mathematical philosophy but what we call
  174. mathematical physics.&nbsp; He used observation but relied on mathematics to
  175. refine his physics.&nbsp; This is the first comprehensive use of what we
  176. call the scientific method:&nbsp; creating hypotheses, doing experiments,
  177. refining the hypothesis and going back to make it into a theory.</p>
  178. <p>The end product was not a collection of disjointed laws that applied to
  179. specific problems, but a cohesive set of laws within the theory that applied
  180. to all matter.&nbsp; These laws can be used to derive the predictions for
  181. all matter.&nbsp; For instance, he described the law of inertia:&nbsp; a
  182. body at rest tends to remain at rest, a body in uniform motion in a straight
  183. line will go on forever.&nbsp; It is indifferent which state of motion is
  184. true.&nbsp; Those are the only two natural states of motion.&nbsp; The
  185. circles of Copernicus are excluded from the natural state.</p>
  186. <p>Newton also invented the concept of mass.&nbsp; The quantity of matter
  187. that adheres in a body is important, its weight will vary depending on
  188. conditions, but its mass will remain the same.&nbsp; Another law from
  189. Newton is universal gravitation.&nbsp; Between any two bodies in the
  190. universe there is a force of attraction which is mutual, and is directly
  191. proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely proportional to
  192. the square of the distance between the two bodies.</p></font>
  193. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="5">
  194. <p align="center">
  195. <img border="0" src="pictures/Newton/gravityformulaw.jpg" width="250" height="153"></p>
  196. </font>
  197. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">
  198. <p>With these tools and a few others Newton could explain the planetary
  199. orbits, the behavior of falling bodies near the earth and the tides.&nbsp;
  200. The laws apply to everything, including apples.&nbsp; Basically what Newton
  201. said is that the apple falls from the tree because it and the earth are
  202. attracted to each other and the earth is a lot bigger.&nbsp; The apple is
  203. just like the moon.&nbsp; It and the earth are also attracted to one
  204. another, so why doesn't it fall?&nbsp; Newton says because it is affected by
  205. another law, the law of inertia.
  206. <img border="0" src="pictures/Newton/1584w.jpg" width="454" height="450" align="left"></p>
  207. <p>The moon is trying to fall toward the earth and it is also trying to fall
  208. into outer space.&nbsp; At every point on the orbit, both laws are at work.&nbsp;
  209. The result is that the moon is trapped into an orbit.&nbsp; A similar
  210. explanation describes the effect on the planets as they revolve around the
  211. sun.</p>
  212. <p>Newton was able to apply the same laws to describe the apple, the moon,
  213. and the planets.&nbsp; When the book came out, it caused a sensation.&nbsp;
  214. Within about 40 years or so everybody was a Newtonian.</p>
  215. <p>Newton became a celebrity.&nbsp; He became president of the Royal Society
  216. in 1703 and was knighted in 1705.&nbsp; He published <i>
  217. Opticks</i> in 1704. &nbsp;He produced revised editions of the <i>Principia</i> in
  218. 1713 and 1726.</p>
  219. <font size="+0">
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  225. <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
  226. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  227. <p>
  228. <img border="0" src="pictures/Newton/1525w.jpg" width="353" height="400" align="right"></p>
  229. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  230. <p>The <i>Principia </i>provided the solution to a 10,000 year old problem.&nbsp;
  231. It showed people what they could do with science.&nbsp; Using a system of
  232. laws, theorems and proofs it provided a universal system for understanding
  233. the physical world.&nbsp; It is taken as a model by other fields of science
  234. like chemistry but also as a model in the social realm.&nbsp; In politics it
  235. triggered a search for mechanisms or systems.&nbsp; It engendered a belief
  236. that there were systems which people could find that would be better.&nbsp;
  237. By extension it supported the growth of the belief that there should be more
  238. revolutions, more change, as people discovered better systems.</p>
  239. <p>The Enlightenment of the 18th century was strongly influenced by Newton's
  240. revolution.&nbsp; The goal of philosophers like Voltaire, Rousseau, Locke,
  241. or Hume was to understand everything and that included the social world.&nbsp;
  242. The search was on to find universals, one of which was equality.&nbsp; The
  243. application of equal rights, a universal set of principles, as well as the
  244. concept that our understanding of the world could change underlay a century
  245. of political, social, and economic revolution and our own Constitution.</p>
  246. <p>The 19th century built upon Newtonian physics with each science working
  247. toward finding and describing the system that connected the minutia of
  248. observation and away from minor models that described limited sets of data.&nbsp;
  249. Newton is responsible for the physics behind the space program, meteorology,
  250. hydrology, and a vast array of other scientific and social changes that
  251. depended on the model in the <i>Principia</i>.&nbsp; Even the Einsteinian
  252. revolution follows the Newtonian model of searching for a set of universal
  253. laws that will govern everything and supports the principle that revolutions will continue to
  254. happen as knowledge is not static.</p><hr width="60%"><hr width="40%">
  255. <p>The audience was able to examine a copy of the first English edition of
  256. the <i>Principia</i> published in MDCCXXIX.</p>
  257. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  258. <p align="center"><a href="pictures/Newton/1630wl.jpg">
  259. <img border="0" src="pictures/Newton/1630w.jpg" width="400" height="380"></a></p>
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  266. <img border="0" src="pictures/Newton/1634w.jpg" width="400" height="300"></a></td>
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  268. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">
  269. <a href="pictures/Newton/1625wl.jpg">
  270. <img border="0" src="pictures/Newton/1625w.jpg" width="394" height="300"></a></td>
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  274. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">Click on book images
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  278. <p><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">
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  284. <tr>
  285. <td width="100%"><blockquote><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1"><br>Citation:<br><br>"Newton:&nbsp; Planets, Apples, and Scientific Revolution."&nbsp; Summary of a lecture by Theodora Kalikow.&nbsp;
  286. University of Maine at Farmington, September 28, 2005.&nbsp; Retrieved _______.&nbsp;
  287. &lt;<br>Newton.html&gt;. <br><br>URL: <a href=""></a> <br><br>Marilyn Shea, 2005<br><br>
  288. </blockquote></td></tr></table></center>
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