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  18. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1"><b><a href="lectures.html">INDEX</a></b><br><br><font size="+1"><center><i>Reading Revolutions: Intellectual History</i><br><br><font size="+1">
  19. Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Father of the French Revolution<br><br>
  20. <font size="+0">Grace Denison</center>
  21. <br>
  22. <br>
  23. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">
  24. The following is based on the presentation and slides of Grace Denison:<p>
  25. Rousseau as a revolutionary thinker and philosopher begins by questioning
  26. the premise of society as the protector and arbiter of good.&nbsp; One of
  27. his basic principles is that man is free in the natural state but that
  28. within society his is more or less enslaved to that society.&nbsp; He refers
  29. to this free man as the &quot;noble savage&quot; and sees him and the natural state he
  30. lives in as good.&nbsp; If there is evil it is due to the constrictions on
  31. freedom and to the corruption of the social compact.</p>
  32. <font size="+1">
  33. <p align="center"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">
  34. &nbsp;</font><font size="+1"><img border="0" src="pictures/Rousseau/ROUSSEAU1.jpg" width="450" height="280"></font></p>
  35. <p>
  36. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">In his description in the <i>
  37. Social Compact</i> of the relationship between the individual and society
  38. and the <font size="+1" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica">
  39. <img border="0" src="pictures/Rousseau/ROUSSEA3.jpg" align="left" width="281" height="52" hspace="8"></font>population
  40. and society, he lays out the forces which act within the society.&nbsp;
  41. Throughout the <i>Compact</i> he says that all will be well as long as the
  42. government abides by &quot;the general will.&quot;&nbsp; He never quite says what it
  43. is, although he specifies that it is not necessarily the majority.&nbsp; The
  44. best example that I can think of applied to Maine is that we all want peace,
  45. we all want prosperity.&nbsp; If we were to hold an election to decide how
  46. to get there, there would be vast differences of opinion on how to achieve
  47. these goals.&nbsp; There would most likely be a &quot;lunatic fringe&quot; that would
  48. advocate extreme measures but the central core would be an amalgam of other
  49. positions.&nbsp; The majority might not be right or reflect the &quot;general
  50. will.&quot; </font></p>
  51. <p><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">According to Charles
  52. Frankl, a Rousseau scholar from Cornell, &quot;What most immediately appealed to
  53. Rousseau's generation was his insistence that men's social arrangements are
  54. the products of human choice...&quot;&nbsp; If they are not, they ought to be.&nbsp;
  55. During the reign of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette many people did not feel
  56. that they had a human choice in their poverty and standards of justice.&nbsp;
  57. They were rather unhappy.&nbsp; </font></p>
  58. </font>
  59. <p>Rousseau insisted that men must bear the moral responsibility for the
  60. kind of society they construct or accept.&nbsp; Of course, Rousseau used men
  61. as the inclusive &quot;mankind&quot;, not being barred from sexist language during
  62. that era.&nbsp; Both men and women had the moral responsibility for the
  63. society, if they accepted what is and it wasn't good, then they bore the
  64. responsibility for it.&nbsp; This concept struck a cord with the French
  65. people. <font size="+1">
  66. <img border="0" src="pictures/Rousseau/lectRousseau2756w.jpg" width="350" height="263" align="right" hspace="8" vspace="8"></font></p>
  67. <p>Frankl
  68. notes further that &quot;...<i>The Social Compact</i> was an incitement to
  69. revolution because it did what a revolutionary book has to do:&nbsp; it
  70. joined justice and utility, and showed men that their interest and their
  71. duty were on the same side.&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp; &quot;...<i>The Social Compact</i> made
  72. social change not only a matter of self-interest but a <u>moral obligation
  73. incumbent upon all</u>.&quot;&nbsp; The changes in society, the extreme
  74. indulgence of the ruling classes, and an increased awareness of just how bad
  75. the situation was among the common people created the perfect climate for
  76. Rousseau's words to both hit home and inflame.</p>
  77. <p>According to Rousseau when man passed through the state of nature, he
  78. passed from a place where he was perfectly free to do what he wanted to a
  79. place where he was constrained by others.&nbsp; In nature he could choose to
  80. build a house wherever he wished, but in society he has to defend it.&nbsp;
  81. He must defend it because there may be somebody else who feels that he has a
  82. right to it.&nbsp; Rousseau was not a supporter of wealth, property is fine
  83. as everyone has some and nobody has too much.&nbsp; </p>
  84. <p>It gets tiresome to constantly defend your property in the state of
  85. nature.&nbsp; There will be those who are bigger than you are, more able,
  86. and more aggressive.&nbsp; It gets to the point, according to Rousseau, that
  87. it makes sense to band together to form a society to protect the rights of
  88. everybody.&nbsp; According to Rousseau, that is how society first came into
  89. being.&nbsp; When we move from the state of nature to the civil state we
  90. observe a great change.&nbsp; We can no longer use instinct in our conduct
  91. and substitute justice.&nbsp; </p>
  92. <font size="+1">
  93. <p align="center">
  94. <img border="0" src="pictures/Rousseau/ROUSSEA6.jpg" width="450" height="302"></p>
  95. <p><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">So while man looses his
  96. natural freedoms in return he has civil liberty and the compact frees him
  97. from the necessity of defending himself, and yes, it frees him from the need
  98. to attack others.&nbsp; Man is safe in his possessions and property.&nbsp;
  99. Rousseau placed great emphasis on property and the laws governing property
  100. as the justification for a society.&nbsp; </font></p>
  101. <p>
  102. <font size="+0" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica">
  103. <a href="pictures/Rousseau/lectRousseau2817wl.jpg">
  104. <img border="0" src="pictures/Rousseau/lectRousseau2817w.jpg" width="293" height="400" align="left" hspace="8"></a></font></p>
  105. </font></font>
  106. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="0">
  107. <p><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">Rousseau was not one to
  108. speak simply.&nbsp; He could take one sentence and blow it up into three
  109. chapters.&nbsp; I have never read so flowery a writer in my life.&nbsp; But
  110. even he said that if you take the Social Compact and look at the barest
  111. elements you would get the essentials of society:</font></p>
  112. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  113. </font>
  114. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">
  115. <blockquote>
  116. <blockquote>
  117. <blockquote>
  118. <blockquote>
  119. <blockquote>
  120. <blockquote>
  121. <blockquote>
  122. <ul>
  123. <li>Each of us places in common his
  124. person and all his power under the
  125. supreme direction of the general will</li>
  126. <li>...and as one body we all receive
  127. each member as an indivisible part of
  128. the whole.</li>
  129. </ul>
  130. </blockquote>
  131. </blockquote>
  132. </blockquote>
  133. </blockquote>
  134. </blockquote>
  135. </blockquote>
  136. </blockquote>
  137. </font>
  138. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="0">
  139. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  140. <p><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">This sounds like a lot of
  141. fellowship and friendship, and it does mean just that, because that is the way it
  142. should be.&nbsp; We should be doing things by common agreement.&nbsp;
  143. Rousseau is not suggesting gamboling elves in a forest glen, but a smoothly
  144. running society based on justice.&nbsp; If we
  145. are not achieving that, there is something wrong.</font></p>
  146. </font>
  147. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">
  148. <p>Rousseau published the <i>Social Compact</i> in 1762 but he didn't pull
  149. all of the ideas out of the blue.&nbsp; Earlier, in 1751, he entered an
  150. essay contest to address the question whether the progress of the arts and
  151. sciences improved the morals and habits of man.&nbsp; He answered with a
  152. resounding no.&nbsp; He proposed that the development of the arts and
  153. sciences had promoted inequality, idleness and luxury.&nbsp; He won first
  154. prize.&nbsp; In 1755, he published his &quot;Discourse on Inequality&quot; in which he
  155. reflected on the state of society around him.&nbsp; He draws an explicit
  156. picture of the injustice and poverty of the time, the suffering of the
  157. populace and the excesses of the rich.</p>
  158. <p>Also in <i>Discourse on Inequality</i>, Rousseau argues that in the state
  159. of nature, the noble savages possessed a natural dispositions to compassion.&nbsp;
  160. Thus, he saves his argument from despair and begins to develop his more
  161. general theory of the natural good and the general responsibility for civil
  162. justice.&nbsp; It's a fascinating work.&nbsp; He ends it by saying &quot; is
  163. plainly contrary to the law of nature, however defined, that children should
  164. command old men, fools wise men, and that the privileged few should gorge
  165. themselves with superfluities, while the starving multitude are in want of
  166. the bare necessities of life.&quot;</p>
  167. <p>The essay is only about twelve pages long, but it was powerful and
  168. inflammatory.&nbsp; He is also the first philosopher to assert that
  169. compassion is in the nature of man.&nbsp; He later expanded this idea and
  170. included it in his work on education to say that compassion is something we
  171. must instill in our children because society and the arts and sciences and
  172. all of the bad and corrupt characteristics of civilization have gotten us
  173. away from the idea of compassion, so we have to go back to our centers to
  174. find the goodness which must serve as a foundation for a good society.</p>
  175. <p>In 1762, Rousseau published two works.&nbsp; In addition to <i>The Social
  176. Compact</i> he published <i>Emile, or On Education</i>.&nbsp; This was a
  177. very productive period for him.&nbsp; A year earlier he had published <i>
  178. Julie, ou la nouvelle Héloïse, </i>also a major work.&nbsp; In<i> Emile </i>
  179. he explores the same theme:&nbsp; &quot;Everything is good as it leave the hands
  180. of the Author of things; everything degenerates in the hands of man.&quot;</p>
  181. <p>To understand Rousseau and his attitude both toward society and toward
  182. childhood it is instructive to look at his background.&nbsp; R
  183. <font size="+0" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"><img border="0" src="pictures/Rousseau/lectRousseau2779wrel.jpg" width="400" height="300" align="right" hspace="8"></font>ousseau
  184. was born in 1712 and his mother died a week later of complications due to
  185. childbirth.&nbsp; He lived with his father until he was ten and then his
  186. father had to flee Geneva following a duel and move to Lyons.&nbsp; Rousseau
  187. was abandoned to his relatives and bounced from place to place.&nbsp; He was
  188. apprenticed to a lawyer, that failed, he was apprenticed to an engraver,
  189. that failed, and he fled to Italy.&nbsp; He met Madame de Warens there and
  190. she introduced him to polite society.&nbsp; He met writers, musicians,
  191. philosophers, and began to self-educate.&nbsp; He didn't like much of what
  192. he observed.&nbsp; He was both attracted and repulsed by the degraded state
  193. of society.</p>
  194. <p>In Emile, he places himself in the role of tutor and governor to explain
  195. how young men should be educated.&nbsp; In this instance, Rousseau intends
  196. the pronoun in the limiting sense.&nbsp; The first teacher should be the
  197. mother.&nbsp; She should have total control until the age of five or six and
  198. then the responsibility shifts to the fathers.&nbsp; He comes down hard on
  199. fathers, and in this he is referring to aristocratic fathers and those in
  200. wealthy families because poor people don't need an education, life gives
  201. them one.&nbsp; </p>
  202. <p>He says that when &quot;A father, when he engenders and feeds children, does
  203. with that only a third of his task. He owes to his species men; he owes to
  204. society sociable men; he owes to the state citizens.&quot;&nbsp; &quot;He who cannot
  205. fulfill the duties of a father has no right to become one.&quot;&nbsp; This is
  206. interesting when you consider that Rousseau and Therese le Vasseur had five
  207. illegitimate children, all of whom were placed in care.&nbsp; He didn't
  208. raise a single one.&nbsp; The story goes that the woman in charge of the
  209. orphanage berated Rousseau for his neglect and he explained that he just
  210. wasn't meant to be a father, to which she replied, &quot;Then you must stop being
  211. one!&quot;&nbsp; Eventually, late in life he married Therese but that did not
  212. mean that he mended his parental neglect.</p>
  213. <p>What gets to me about this man was that he was right.&nbsp; He was right
  214. about education.&nbsp; Education begins before birth, before speaking,
  215. before understanding.&nbsp; We know now that this is true.&nbsp; The child
  216. starts learning in utero, they already have learned before they are born.&nbsp;
  217. With the older child Rousseau observed that reading is a terrible pain for
  218. children.&nbsp; They don't want to learn to see Spot run.&nbsp; They
  219. couldn't care less.&nbsp; They have other interests and concerns.&nbsp;
  220. Rousseau says that [Emile] &quot;must know how to read when reading is useful to
  221. him.&quot;&nbsp; I've seen examples in my own teaching.&nbsp; I had a student in
  222. the third grade who could not read a word.&nbsp; Then he fell in love.&nbsp;
  223. The object of his affections sent him a letter.&nbsp; Now he needed to read!&nbsp;
  224. He finished the three pre-primers of first grade, the second grade readers,
  225. and the third grade readers in three months.&nbsp; We call that reading
  226. readiness today and know that it applies to mathematics as well.&nbsp; Some
  227. children, not only because of lack of interest, but also because of
  228. maturation level, will not perform just because we specify something in the
  229. curriculum.&nbsp; The &quot;No Child Left Behind&quot; initiative is taking us
  230. backward and driving teachers into a frenzy of frustration.&nbsp; Rousseau
  231. would understand.</p>
  232. <p>
  233. <img border="0" src="pictures/Rousseau/ROUSSE17.jpg" width="450" height="303" align="left" hspace="8">You
  234. have to make things interesting if you want to teach a child about anything.&nbsp;
  235. If you want to teach them about nature, take them out into the woods, take
  236. them out in a boat, let them see, feel, and smell to excite their curiosity.
  237. &quot;Make your pupil attentive to the phenomena of nature.&nbsp; Soon you will
  238. make him curious.&nbsp; But to feed his curiosity, never hurry to satisfy
  239. it.&nbsp; Put the questions within his reach and leave them to him to
  240. resolve.&quot;&nbsp; &quot;Let him know something not because you told it to him but
  241. because he has understood it himself.&nbsp; ...If ever you substitute in his
  242. mind authority for reason, he will no longer reason.&quot;&nbsp; Today we call
  243. this &quot;Discovery Learning&quot; and strive to incorporate such experiences into
  244. each child's day.&nbsp; And of course you are going to have to discover the
  245. truth of it for yourself.&nbsp; </p>
  246. <p><i>Emile </i>got Rousseau kicked out of France, so he went back to
  247. Switzerland.&nbsp; In Switzerland people stoned his home and attacked him in
  248. the streets.&nbsp; He renounced his citizenship in Geneva, wanders, and the
  249. David Hume offered him asylum in England.&nbsp; Why was there such a furor
  250. over the book?</p>
  251. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  252. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  253. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  254. <div align="left">
  255. <table border="0" width="100%" id="table2">
  256. <tr>
  257. <td>
  258. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">
  259. He wrote of ideas that were not only challenging to the authority of the
  260. government and Catholic Church but were considered scandalously immoral at
  261. the time.&nbsp; While such quotes as:</font></td>
  262. </tr>
  263. <tr>
  264. <td>
  265. <p align="center"><font size="+1" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"><img border="0" src="pictures/Rousseau/ROUSSE18.jpg" width="450" height="309" lowsrc="Our%20passions%20are%20the%20principle%20instruments%20of%20our%20preservation.%20%20The%20love%20of%20oneself%20is%20always%20good%20and%20always%20in%20conformity%20with%20order.%20%20To%20be%20loved,%20one%20has%20to%20make%20oneself%20lovable."></font></td>
  266. </tr>
  267. <tr>
  268. <td>
  269. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">
  270. may seem tame by our standards, the ideas which underlie them presaged a
  271. revolution in social standards and structure.&nbsp; People were taught that
  272. they must control, suppress their passions.&nbsp; That self-sacrifice not
  273. self-love is the highest goal and that grace and God determine who will be
  274. lovable.&nbsp; If that weren't bad enough, Rousseau goes on to say &quot;It is
  275. from the moral system formed by this double relation to oneself and to one's
  276. fellows that the impulse of conscience is born.&quot;&nbsp; God is not the source
  277. of conscience, nature and our sense of self is.&nbsp; &quot;Conscience,
  278. conscience!&nbsp; Divine instinct, immortal and celestial voice, certain
  279. guide of a being that is ignorant and limited but intelligent and free;
  280. infallible judge of good and bad that makes man like unto God;&quot;</font></td>
  281. </tr>
  282. </table>
  283. </div>
  284. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  285. <p>
  286. <img border="0" src="pictures/Rousseau/lectRousseau2792w.jpg" width="350" height="322" align="right"></p>
  287. <p>He is reflecting on the destructive force of society when he asks, &quot;If it
  288. speaks to all hearts, then why are there so few of them that hear it?&quot; and
  289. answers &quot;Well, this is because it speaks to us in nature's language, which
  290. everything has made us forget.&quot;&nbsp; We can no longer hear the passions,
  291. the compassion, the conscience, or even the goodness of our natural self.&nbsp;
  292. We start this at a very young age with children, we teach them not to
  293. express their feelings.&nbsp; Boys don't cry, today, yes, but, men have
  294. forgotten how.&nbsp; For Rousseau, if you were good you would express your
  295. passions and develop a conscience, not because of anything the Church told
  296. you, but by nature.</p>
  297. <p>Rousseau does not speak of religion in his education of Emile.&nbsp; He
  298. explains this when he says:</p>
  299. <blockquote>
  300. <p>&quot;I foresee how many readers will be surprised at seeing me trace the
  301. whole first age of my pupil without speaking to him of religion.&quot;<br>
  302. <br>
  303. &quot;If I had to depict sorry stupidity, I would depict a pedant teaching
  304. the catechism to children. If I wanted to make a child go mad, I would
  305. oblige him to explain what he says in saying his catechism.&quot;</p>
  306. <p>&quot;You must believe in God to be saved.&quot;<br>
  307. <br>
  308. &quot;This dogma badly understood is the principle of sanguinary intolerance
  309. and the cause of all those vain instructions that strike a fatal blow to
  310. human reasoning in accustoming it to satisfy itself with words.&quot;<br>
  311. <br>
  312. &quot;Doubtless there is not a moment to lose in order to merit eternal
  313. salvation. But if in order to obtain it, it is enough to repeat certain
  314. words, I do not see what prevents us from peopling heaven with starlings
  315. and magpies just as well as with children.&quot;</p>
  316. </blockquote>
  317. <p>There doesn't seem to be much doubt as to why the Church would object to
  318. those observations.&nbsp; While the <i>Emile</i> was condemned in France and
  319. Geneva, only the <i>Social Compact</i> made it to the <i>Index</i> of books
  320. banned by the Catholic Church.&nbsp; Perhaps they felt that was sufficient
  321. to prevent any of his works from being read.</p>
  322. <table border="0" width="100%" id="table5" cellspacing="7">
  323. <tr>
  324. <td><font size="+0" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica">
  325. <img border="0" src="pictures/Rousseau/ROUSSE22.jpg" width="450" height="257" align="left" hspace="8"></font></td>
  326. <td>
  327. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">
  328. Rousseau did not feel that the responsibility for education ended until
  329. the child married and then it would pass on to his wife.&nbsp; She would
  330. teach him the passions of life and sexuality.&nbsp; Emile is to marry
  331. Sophie.&nbsp; Sophie is given a complementary education to prepare her to
  332. guide and support he husband while helping him maintain his individuality
  333. and independence.&nbsp;</font></td>
  334. </tr>
  335. </table>
  336. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  337. <blockquote>
  338. <blockquote>
  339. <p>&quot;A woman's education must therefore be planned in relation to
  340. man.&nbsp; To be pleasing in his sight, to win his respect and love,
  341. to train him in childhood, to tend him in manhood, to counsel and
  342. console, to make his life pleasant and happy, these are the duties
  343. of woman for all time, and this is what she should be taught while
  344. she is young.&nbsp; The further we depart from this principle, the
  345. further we shall be from our goal, and all our precepts will fail to
  346. secure her happiness or our own.&quot;<font size="+0" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica">&nbsp;
  347. </font></p>
  348. </blockquote>
  349. </blockquote>
  350. </font>
  351. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="0">
  352. <p align="left">
  353. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">Rousseau did marry Therese
  354. finally.&nbsp; The reason he didn't do so earlier was that, as he said in
  355. his confessions, she was boring!&nbsp; So Sophie must be something more.&nbsp;
  356. Although Rousseau doesn't use the word, a major part of Sophie's education
  357. was to learn how to flirt.&nbsp; This is how she will get Emile to do her
  358. bidding.&nbsp; When she has a good idea, she will lead him to think that it
  359. was his idea.&nbsp; He was not unsympathetic to the role of women, he says,
  360. &quot;Has not a woman the same needs as a man, but without the same right to make
  361. them known?&nbsp; Her fate would be too cruel if she had no language in
  362. which to express her legitimate desires except the words which she dare not
  363. utter.&quot;</font></p>
  364. </font>
  365. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">
  366. <p align="left">Late in life Rousseau turned down a lucrative job writing
  367. book reviews for a newspaper.&nbsp; He said he couldn't write to
  368. prescription like a hack, but could only write from passion.&nbsp; And write
  369. from passion he did.&nbsp; In 1761, a year before the <i>Social Compact</i>
  370. and <i>Emile</i>, he published <i>Julie, ou la nouvelle Héloïse, </i>a novel
  371. that became a big best-seller, probably the biggest best-seller of that
  372. century.&nbsp; It went through 70 editions and was in such demand that book
  373. sellers resorted to renting it, first by the day and then by the hour, to
  374. meet demand.&nbsp; It was a novel about his search for the perfect woman.&nbsp;
  375. Now he had been searching, through seven volumes he had been searching.&nbsp;
  376. Rousseau was not hesitant to express his passions and to find new challenges
  377. for his passion.&nbsp; Before his novel was published he found the company
  378. of women, many different women, pleasurable.&nbsp; Both men and women were
  379. deeply moved by reading the story of Julie.&nbsp; She died in the 6th volume
  380. and people mourned her to the point of hysteria.&nbsp; </p>
  381. <p align="left">
  382. <font size="+0" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica">
  383. <img border="0" src="pictures/Rousseau/Jean-Jacques_Rousseau_(painted_portrait).jpg" width="300" height="397" align="right"></font>Rousseau
  384. became an instant celebrity.&nbsp; Although romantic novels existed during
  385. that period, it was unusual for the writer to use his or her own name.&nbsp;&nbsp;
  386. In one letter written to him by an army officer, the man says &quot;that reading
  387. created such an effect on me that I would have gladly died during that
  388. supreme moment.&quot;&nbsp; I have never had a book have such an effect on me,
  389. and I read a lot!&nbsp; People attributed all of the passion of the novel to
  390. Rousseau himself.&nbsp; Women threw themselves at him.&nbsp; They thought
  391. that anyone who could write so accurately about their feelings and create
  392. such empathy of grief must understand their inner soul.&nbsp; They could not
  393. separate the fiction from reality, and to be frank, he was very good
  394. looking.</p>
  395. <p align="left">I tried reading some of <i>Julie </i>in translation.&nbsp; I
  396. like romance novels, but I've got to tell you, the action has to come along
  397. with the story.&nbsp; Seven volumes!</p>
  398. <p align="left">The passion with which he wrote came through everything that
  399. he wrote.&nbsp; People responded to it even if it seems verbose today.&nbsp;
  400. When he wrote the <i>Social Compact</i> people were ready for it and they
  401. read much more passion into it than you or I would because they now expected
  402. it and as Frankl says we
  403. read differently.&nbsp; I bet we do.&nbsp; We want the end of the story by
  404. page 5 not by volume 17.&nbsp; </p>
  405. <p align="left">Rousseau is not known today as a novelist, the only reason
  406. <i>Julie</i> survives beyond a footnote is because of his political and
  407. educational theories.&nbsp; The novel serves to show the complexity of the
  408. man.&nbsp; Certainly his own enjoyment of passion is important to the
  409. understanding of his view of man and his fellow creatures.&nbsp; But beyond
  410. that he had far-reaching influences with his
  411. theories.&nbsp; What should we remember from Rousseau?</p>
  412. <font size="+1">
  413. <div align=right>
  414. <font size="+0" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica">
  415. <p align="left">
  416. <img border="0" src="pictures/Rousseau/lectRousseau2790awend.jpg" width="400" height="300" align="left"></font></font></font><font face="Verdana" size="-1">&#8212;</font><font size="+1" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"><font size="+0" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">The
  417. noble savage&#8230;that man is by nature good<br>
  418. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This is the philosophy that you see in our schools today.&nbsp;
  419. John Dewey took up where Rousseau left off.&nbsp; Most everything you see in
  420. Dewey is straight out of Rousseau.</font></font></font></p>
  421. <p align="left">
  422. <font size="+1" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica">
  423. <font size="+0" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica">
  424. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1"><br>
  425. </font>
  426. </font>
  427. </font>
  428. <font face="Verdana" size="-1">&#8212;</font><font size="+1" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"><font size="+0" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">The
  429. general will&#8230;<br>
  430. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; If we are unhappy with our government it is probably
  431. because it has departed from what we feel in the general will.</font></font></font></p>
  432. <p align="left">
  433. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1"><br>
  434. </font>
  435. <font face="Verdana" size="-1">&#8212;</font><font size="+1" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"><font size="+0" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">The
  436. Social Compact&#8230;<br>
  437. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; That we are morally responsible for the state of the
  438. social world, if it is corrupt it is because we tolerate it.</font></font></font></p>
  439. <p align="left">
  440. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1"><br>
  441. </font>
  442. <font face="Verdana" size="-1">&#8212;</font><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité&#8230;<br>
  443. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The cry that led people to storm the Bastille is right
  444. out of the <i>Social Compact</i>.</font></p>
  445. <p align="left">
  446. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1"><br>
  447. </font>
  448. <font face="Verdana" size="-1">&#8212;</font><font size="+1" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"><font size="+0" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">Education
  449. begins at birth<br>
  450. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; And by extension the total responsibility of the
  451. parents and the society for shaping that child.&nbsp; No longer can you
  452. leave it in the hands of </font></font></font>
  453. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">fate to form or deform the
  454. child.&nbsp; If the child is bad, it is because the civil world destroyed
  455. what was good.</font></p>
  456. <p align="left">
  457. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1"><br>
  458. </font>
  459. <font face="Verdana" size="-1">&#8212;</font><font size="+1" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"><font size="+0" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">Education
  460. should be done according to nature<br>
  461. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Reading and mathematics education must follow the
  462. normal development of the child and the child should be involved in the
  463. discovery process in order to make a reasoning, logical adult.</font></font></font></p>
  464. <p align="left">
  465. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1"><br>
  466. </font>
  467. <font face="Verdana" size="-1">&#8212;</font><font size="+1" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"><font size="+0" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">Passions,
  468. feelings&#8230;<br>
  469. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Controlling the passions and denying their existence
  470. warps and destroys what is good in us.&nbsp; We must express and enjoy those
  471. feelings so that we may develop a conscience.</font></font></font></p>
  472. <p align="left">
  473. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1"><br>
  474. </font>
  475. <font face="Verdana" size="-1">&#8212;</font><font size="+1" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"><font size="+0" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">Compassion<br>
  476. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; He was the first philosopher to propose that we
  477. naturally develop compassion and that we nurture it and support it in our
  478. children. </font>
  479. </font>
  480. </font></p>
  481. <p align="left">
  482. <font size="-1" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica">His influence on the United
  483. States can be found throughout the writings of the early founders.&nbsp;
  484. Read the words of the Declaration of Independence with the Social Compact in
  485. mind:</font></p>
  486. <div align="center">
  487. <table border="0" width="80%" id="table3" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="8">
  488. <tr>
  489. <td><font size="-1" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica">When in the Course of human events it becomes <u>necessary
  490. for one people to dissolve</u> the political bands which have
  491. connected them with another and to assume among the powers of
  492. the earth, the separate and equal station to which the <u>Laws
  493. of Nature</u> and Nature&#8217;s God entitle them, a decent respect to
  494. the opinions of mankind required that they should declare the
  495. causes which impel them to the separation.<br>
  496. <br>
  497. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are
  498. created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with
  499. certain unalienable Rights, that among these are <u>Life,
  500. Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness</u>.&#8212;That to secure these
  501. rights, Governments are instituted among Men, <u>deriving their
  502. just power</u> from the consent of the governed.&#8212;That whenever
  503. any Form of Government becomes <u>destructive</u> of these ends,
  504. it is the <u>Right</u> of the People to alter or to abolish it,
  505. and to institute new Government&#8230;<br></font>
  506. &nbsp;</td>
  507. <td>
  508. <img border="0" src="pictures/Rousseau/SheaFlag161ws.jpg" width="250" height="250"></font></td>
  509. </tr>
  510. </table>
  511. </div>
  512. <p align="left"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">
  513. Then again in the Constitution:&nbsp; We the People of the United States, in
  514. Order to form a more perfect <u>Union, establish Justice, insure domestic
  515. Tranquility, provide for the common defence</u>, promote the <u>general
  516. Welfare</u>, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our
  517. Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States
  518. of America.</font></p>
  519. <p align="left"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">
  520. Rousseau died of a stroke on July 2, 1778.&nbsp; Following the French
  521. Revolution, his body was moved to the Pantheon in Paris and laid to rest in
  522. a crypt.&nbsp; He was and is a national hero to the French and hero to those
  523. who benefit from his teachings and the freedom that it engendered.<br>
  524. &nbsp;</p>
  525. <table border="0" width="100%" id="table4">
  526. <tr>
  527. <td>
  528. <p align="center"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">
  529. <img border="0" src="pictures/Rousseau/Pantheon_paris.jpg" width="350" height="256"></font></td>
  530. <td>
  531. <p align="center"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">
  532. <img border="0" src="pictures/Rousseau/rousseaucrypt.jpg" width="235" height="411"></font></td>
  533. </tr>
  534. <tr>
  535. <td>
  536. <p align="center"><font size="2">Pantheon in Paris</font></td>
  537. <td>
  538. <p align="center"><font size="2">Rousseau's tomb</font></td>
  539. </tr>
  540. </table>
  541. <p>
  542. &nbsp;</p>
  543. <p>
  544. &nbsp;</p>
  545. <p>
  546. &nbsp;</p>
  547. <hr width="60%">
  548. <hr width="40%">
  549. <p align="left"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">
  550. Following the presentation the audience was invited to examine the three
  551. volumes of essays.</font></p>
  552. </font>
  553. <font size="+1" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica">
  554. <table border="0" width="100%" id="table1">
  555. <tr>
  556. <td><a href="pictures/Rousseau/lectRousseau2811fwl.jpg">
  557. <img border="0" src="pictures/Rousseau/lectRousseau2811fw.jpg" width="441" height="350"></a></td>
  558. <td>
  559. <a href="pictures/Rousseau/lectRousseau2830wl.jpg">
  560. <img border="0" src="pictures/Rousseau/lectRousseau2830w.jpg" width="300" height="400" lowsrc="Dissertation%20on%20Political%20Economy%20To%20Which%20Is%20Added%20A%20Treatise%20on%20the%20Principles%20of%20Political%20Law%20Title%20Page"></a></td>
  561. </tr>
  562. </table>
  563. <p align="left"><br>
  564. </font>
  565. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-2">Rousseau painted</font><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1"><font size="+1"><font size=-2 face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica">
  566. portrait from <a href="">Wikipedia</a>,
  567. etched portrait from frontispiece of 1797 edition shown above.</font></font><br><br>
  568. <font size=-2 face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica">The photographs of the book may
  569. be used freely on non-commercial sites (no advertisements).&nbsp; Please
  570. provide a link to this page with the image.</font><br>
  571. </p>
  572. <center><table border="6" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="80%" id="decorative" bgcolor="#cccccc">
  573. <tr>
  574. <td width="100%"><center><table border="6" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="100%" id="credits" bordercolor="#111111" bgcolor="#cccccc">
  575. <tr>
  576. <td width="100%"><blockquote><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1"><br>
  577. Citation:<br><br>
  578. "Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Father of the French Revolution."&nbsp;
  579. Summary of a lecture by Grace Denison.&nbsp; University of Maine at Farmington, November 2, 2005.&nbsp;
  580. Retrieved _______.&nbsp; &lt;;. <br><br>URL: <a href=""></a> <br><br>Marilyn Shea, 2005<br><br>
  581. </blockquote></td></tr></table></center>
  582. </td></tr></table></center>
  583. </td>
  584. <td width="110" background="wrightcenter.jpg" height="456">&nbsp;</td>
  585. </tr>
  586. <tr>
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  588. <img border="0" src="wleftbottcorner.jpg" align="top" width="108" height="105"></td>
  589. <td width="100%" background="wbottcenter.jpg" height="105">&nbsp;</td>
  590. <td width="109" height="105">
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