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  21. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1"><a href=""><b>INDEX</b></a><br><br><font size="+1"><center><i>Reading Revolutions: Great Minds, Great Thoughts</i><br><br><font size="+0">University of Maine at Farmington, 2005<br><br><font size="+1">Brief Titles</center>
  22. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">
  23. <ul> <a href="">Adams</a> <ul> A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America 1787 (3 Volumes, 1st.). </ul> </ul>
  24. <ul> <a href="">Aristotle</a> <ul> Politics & Economics (complete) 1496 (1st.). </ul> </ul>
  25. <ul> <a href="">Aristotle</a> <ul> Ethics (complete) 1496 (1st.). </ul> </ul>
  26. <ul> Augustine <ul> Citie of God 1610 (1st. English). </ul> </ul>
  27. <ul> <a href="">Confucius</a> <ul> The Morals of Confucius 1691 (1st. English). </ul> </ul>
  28. <ul> Constitution <ul> The Constitutions of the Several Independent States of America; The Declaration of Independence; The Articles of Confederation Between the Said States; The Treaties Between His Most Christian Majesty and the United States of America 1781 (1st.). </ul> </ul>
  29. <ul> <a href="">Corn Laws</a> <ul> The Battle for Native Industry. The Debate upon the Corn Laws. 1846 (2 volumes, 1st.). </ul> </ul>
  30. <ul> <a href="">Crevecoeur</a> <ul> Letters from an American Farmer 1782 (1st.). </ul> </ul>
  31. <ul> Domesday <ul> Domesday Book (Yorkshire) 1862 </ul> </ul>
  32. <ul> Douglass <ul> My Bondage & My Freedom 1855 </ul> </ul>
  33. <ul> <a href="">Emancipation</a> <ul> Emancipation Proclamation 1862 (1st.). </ul> </ul>
  34. <ul> Emerson <ul> Essays: including "Self-Reliance" 1841 (1st.). </ul> </ul>
  35. <ul> Erasmus <ul> Praise of Folly, The 1765 </ul> </ul>
  36. <ul> Euclid <ul> The First Six Elements of Geometry 1705 </ul> </ul>
  37. <ul> Federalist <ul> The Federalist 1788 (2 Volumes, 1st.). </ul> </ul>
  38. <ul> Galilei <ul> Dialogo di Galileo Galilei linceo matematico supremo dello studio di padova [Galileo's Dialogues] 1710 </ul> </ul>
  39. <ul> Goethe <ul> Faust 1833 (1st.). </ul> </ul>
  40. <ul> Grotius <ul> Treating of the Rights of War & Peace 1682 (1st.). </ul> </ul>
  41. <ul> Hobbes <ul> Leviathan 1651 (1st.). </ul> </ul>
  42. <ul> Hugo <ul> Les Miserables 1887 </ul> </ul>
  43. <ul> Hume <ul> Philosophical Essays Concerning Human Understanding 1748 (1st.). </ul> </ul>
  44. <ul> Locke <ul> Some Thoughts Concerning Education 1693 (1st.). </ul> </ul>
  45. <ul> Locke <ul> Collected Works 1727 (3 volumes). </ul> </ul>
  46. <ul> Luther <ul> To the Christian Nobility of the German 1553 </ul> </ul>
  47. <ul> Machiavelli <ul> Works of Machiavelli 1675 </ul> </ul>
  48. <ul> <a href="" target="blank">Magna Carta</a> <ul> Magna Carta 1542 (1st. English). </ul> </ul>
  49. <ul> <a href="">Henry Mackenzie</a> <ul> The Letters
  50. of Brutus to Certain Celebrated Political Characters 1791 </ul> </ul>
  51. <ul> <a href="">Malthus</a> <ul> Principles of Political Economy 1820 (1st.). </ul> </ul>
  52. <ul> Mill <ul> John Stuart on Liberty 1859 </ul> </ul>
  53. <ul> Milton <ul> Areopagitica 1644 (1st.). </ul> </ul>
  54. <ul> Montaigne <ul> Essays of 1685 (3 Volumes). </ul> </ul>
  55. <ul> Newton <ul> The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy 1729 (2 Volumes, 1st.). </ul> </ul>
  56. <ul> <a href="">Paine</a> <ul> Common Sense 1776 (1st.). </ul> </ul>
  57. <ul> Plato <ul> Republic of Plato 1763 (1st. English). </ul> </ul>
  58. <ul> Plutarch <ul> The Virtues of Women and the Parallel Lives 1485 </ul> </ul>
  59. <ul> Ricardo <ul> Political Works 1846 </ul> </ul>
  60. <ul> Rousseau <ul> Social Compact 1797 (1st.). </ul> </ul>
  61. <ul> Sanderson <ul> Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence 1820-1827 (9 Volumes, 1st.). </ul> </ul>
  62. <ul> Schweitzer <ul> The Decay and The Restoration of Civilization 1923 </ul> </ul>
  63. <ul> Smith <ul> The Theory of Moral Sentiments 1759 (1st.). </ul> </ul>
  64. <ul> Smith <ul> Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations 1776 (2 Volumes, 1st.). </ul> </ul>
  65. <ul> Tocqueville <ul> Democracy in America 1841 (2 Volumes, 1st English). </ul> </ul>
  66. <ul> <a href="">Vattel</a> <ul> Law of Nations; or Principles of the Law of Nature: Applies to the Conduct & Affairs of Nations & Sovereigns 1759 (1st. English). </ul> </ul>
  67. <ul> Voltaire <ul> Letters Concerning the English Nation 1733 (1st.). </ul> </ul>
  68. <ul> Wollstonecraft <ul> A Vindication of the Rights of Men 1790 (1st.). </ul> </ul>
  69. <ul> Wollstonecraft <ul> Letters -- written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway and Denmark 1796 (1st.). </ul> </ul>
  70. <br><br><br><br>
  71. <blockquote>Marilyn Shea, 2005, 2006</font><blockquote>
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