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  4. <TITLE>Reading Revolutions -- Chronological List Confucius to Schweitzer</TITLE>
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  29. <td BGCOLOR="#C0C0C0"><blockquote>
  30. <blockquote><blockquote><font face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif"
  31. size="+2" color="white"><center><i>Chronological List</i>
  32. <br>
  33. </font></blockquote></blockquote>
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  37. <tr>
  38. <td><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote>
  39. <br><br>
  40. <TABLE BORDER="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
  41. <TR> <TD width="105" bgcolor="#808080">
  42. <font face="Tahoma" size="2" color="#FFFFFF"><b>Date of Original Edition or
  43. Date of Author's Life</b></font></TD>
  44. <TD width="10" bordercolor="#C0C0C0" bgcolor="#808080"></TD>
  45. <TD width="140" bgcolor="#808080">
  46. <FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2" color="#FFFFFF" ><B>
  47. Author</B></FONT></TD><TD bgcolor="#808080" align="center"></TD>
  48. <TD width="417" bgcolor="#808080">
  49. <FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2" color="#FFFFFF" ><B>
  50. Title</B></FONT></TD><TD width="60" bgcolor="#808080">
  51. <FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2" color="#FFFFFF" ><B>
  52. Date of Edition</B></FONT></TD><TD bgcolor="#808080">
  53. <FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2" color="#FFFFFF" ><B>
  54. Edition</B></FONT></TD> </TR>
  55. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  56. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">551-479 BC</font></TD>
  57. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  58. <TD width="140" height="40">
  59. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Confucius</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  60. <TD width="417" height="40">
  61. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2"><a href="" target="_blank">The Morals of Confucius</a></font></TD>
  62. <TD width="60" height="40">
  63. <font size="2">1691</font></TD><TD height="40">
  64. <font size="2">1st. English</font></TD> </TR>
  65. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  66. <font size="2">427-347 BC</font></font></TD>
  67. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  68. <TD width="140" height="40">
  69. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Plato</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  70. <TD width="417" height="40">
  71. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">Republic of Plato</font></TD>
  72. <TD width="60" height="40">
  73. <font size="2">1763</font></TD><TD height="40">
  74. <font size="2">1st. English</font></TD> </TR>
  75. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  76. <font size="2">384-322 BC</font></font></TD>
  77. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  78. <TD width="140" height="40">
  79. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Aristotle</a></font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  80. <TD width="417" height="40">
  81. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2"><a href="">Politics &amp; Economics (complete)</a></font></TD>
  82. <TD width="60" height="40">
  83. <font size="2">1496</font></TD><TD height="40">
  84. <font size="2">1st.</font></TD> </TR>
  85. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  86. </font></TD><TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  87. <TD width="140" height="40">
  88. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Aristotle</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  89. <TD width="417" height="40">
  90. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2"><a href="">Ethics (complete)</a> </font> </TD>
  91. <TD width="60" height="40">
  92. <font size="2">1496</font></TD><TD height="40">
  93. <font size="2">1st.</font></TD> </TR>
  94. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  95. <font size="2">325-265 BC</font></font></TD>
  96. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  97. <TD width="140" height="40">
  98. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Euclid of Alexandria</font></TD>
  99. <TD height="40"></TD> <TD width="417" height="40">
  100. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">The First Six Elements of Geometry</font></TD>
  101. <TD width="60" height="40">
  102. <font size="2">1705</font></TD> </TR>
  103. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  104. <font size="2">45-120</font></font></TD>
  105. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  106. <TD width="140" height="40">
  107. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Mestrius Plutarch</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  108. <TD width="417" height="40">
  109. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">The Virtues of Women and the Parallel Lives</font></TD>
  110. <TD width="60" height="40">
  111. <font size="2">1485</font></TD> </TR>
  112. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  113. <font size="2">426</font></font></TD>
  114. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  115. <TD width="140" height="40">
  116. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">St. Augustine of Hippo</font></TD>
  117. <TD height="40"></TD> <TD width="417" height="40">
  118. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">Citie of God </font> </TD>
  119. <TD width="60" height="40">
  120. <font size="2">1610</font></TD><TD height="40">
  121. <font size="2">1st. English</font></TD> </TR>
  122. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  123. <font size="2">1086</font></font></TD>
  124. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  125. <TD width="140" height="40">
  126. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Domesday</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  127. <TD width="417" height="40">
  128. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">Domesday Book (Yorkshire)</font></TD>
  129. <TD width="60" height="40">
  130. <font size="2">1862</font></TD> </TR>
  131. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  132. <font size="2">1215</font></font></TD>
  133. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  134. <TD width="140" height="40">
  135. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Magna Carta</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  136. <TD width="417" height="40">
  137. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2"><a href="" target="_blank">Magna Carta</a></font></TD>
  138. <TD width="60" height="40">
  139. <font size="2">1542</font></TD><TD height="40">
  140. <font size="2">1st. English</font></TD> </TR>
  141. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  142. <font size="2">1509</font></font></TD>
  143. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  144. <TD width="140" height="40">
  145. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Desiderius Erasmus</font></TD>
  146. <TD height="40"></TD> <TD width="417" height="40">
  147. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">The Praise of Folly</font></TD>
  148. <TD width="60" height="40">
  149. <font size="2">1765</font></TD> </TR>
  150. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  151. <font size="2">1520</font></font></TD>
  152. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  153. <TD width="140" height="40">
  154. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Martin Luther</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  155. <TD width="417" height="40">
  156. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation</font></TD>
  157. <TD width="60" height="40">
  158. <font size="2">1553</font></TD> </TR>
  159. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  160. <font size="2">1527</font></font></TD>
  161. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  162. <TD width="140" height="40">
  163. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Niccolo Machiavelli</font></TD>
  164. <TD height="40"></TD> <TD width="417" height="40">
  165. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">Works of Machiavelli</font></TD>
  166. <TD width="60" height="40">
  167. <font size="2">1675</font></TD> </TR>
  168. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  169. <font size="2">1588</font></font></TD>
  170. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  171. <TD width="140" height="40">
  172. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Michel de Montaigne</font></TD>
  173. <TD height="40"></TD> <TD width="417" height="40">
  174. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">Essays of Montaigne</font></TD>
  175. <TD width="60" height="40">
  176. <font size="2">1685</font></TD><TD height="40">
  177. <font size="2">3 Volumes</font></TD> </TR>
  178. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  179. <font size="2">1625</font></font></TD>
  180. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  181. <TD width="140" height="40">
  182. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Hugo Grotius</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  183. <TD width="417" height="40">
  184. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">Treating of the Rights of War &amp; Peace</font></TD>
  185. <TD width="60" height="40">
  186. <font size="2">1682</font></TD><TD height="40">
  187. <font size="2">1st.</font></TD> </TR>
  188. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  189. <font size="2">1632</font></font></TD>
  190. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  191. <TD width="140" height="40">
  192. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Galileo Galilei</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  193. <TD width="417" height="40">
  194. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">Dialogo di Galileo Galilei linceo matematico supremo dello studio di padova [Galileo's Dialogues]</font></TD>
  195. <TD width="60" height="40">
  196. <font size="2">1710</font></TD> </TR>
  197. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  198. <font size="2">1644</font></font></TD>
  199. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  200. <TD width="140" height="40">
  201. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">John Milton</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  202. <TD width="417" height="40">
  203. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">Areopagitica</font></TD>
  204. <TD width="60" height="40">
  205. <font size="2">1644</font></TD><TD height="40">
  206. <font size="2">1st.</font></TD> </TR>
  207. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  208. <font size="2">1651</font></font></TD>
  209. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  210. <TD width="140" height="40">
  211. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Thomas Hobbes</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  212. <TD width="417" height="40">
  213. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">Leviathan</font></TD>
  214. <TD width="60" height="40">
  215. <font size="2">1651</font></TD><TD height="40">
  216. <font size="2">1st.</font></TD> </TR>
  217. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  218. <font size="2">1693</font></font></TD>
  219. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  220. <TD width="140" height="40">
  221. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">John Locke</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  222. <TD width="417" height="40">
  223. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">Some Thoughts Concerning Education</font></TD>
  224. <TD width="60" height="40">
  225. <font size="2">1693</font></TD><TD height="40">
  226. <font size="2">1st.</font></TD> </TR>
  227. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  228. <font size="2">1693</font></font></TD>
  229. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  230. <TD width="140" height="40">
  231. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">John Locke</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  232. <TD width="417" height="40">
  233. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">Collected Works</font></TD>
  234. <TD width="60" height="40">
  235. <font size="2">1727</font></TD><TD height="40">
  236. <font size="2">3 volumes</font></TD> </TR>
  237. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  238. <font size="2">1729</font></font></TD>
  239. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  240. <TD width="140" height="40">
  241. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Isaac Newton</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  242. <TD width="417" height="40">
  243. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy</font></TD>
  244. <TD width="60" height="40">
  245. <font size="2">1729</font></TD><TD height="40">
  246. <font size="2">2 Volumes, 1st. </font> </TD> </TR>
  247. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  248. <font size="2">1733</font></font></TD>
  249. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  250. <TD width="140" height="40">
  251. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Françumes, 1st. </font> </TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  252. <TD width="417" height="40">
  253. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">Letters Concerning the English Nation</font></TD>
  254. <TD width="60" height="40">
  255. <font size="2">1733</font></TD><TD height="40">
  256. <font size="2">1st.</font></TD> </TR>
  257. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  258. <font size="2">1748</font></font></TD>
  259. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  260. <TD width="140" height="40">
  261. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">David Hume</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  262. <TD width="417" height="40">
  263. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">Philosophical Essays Concerning Human Understanding</font></TD>
  264. <TD width="60" height="40">
  265. <font size="2">1748</font></TD><TD height="40">
  266. <font size="2">1st.</font></TD> </TR>
  267. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  268. <font size="2">1758</font></font></TD>
  269. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  270. <TD width="140" height="40">
  271. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Emmerich de Vattel</font></TD>
  272. <TD height="40"></TD> <TD width="417" height="40">
  273. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2"><a href="" target="_blank">Law of Nations; or Principles of the Law of Nature: Applies to the Conduct &amp; Affairs of Nations &amp; Sovereigns</a></font></TD>
  274. <TD width="60" height="40">
  275. <font size="2">1759</font></TD><TD height="40">
  276. <font size="2">1st. English</font></TD> </TR>
  277. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  278. <font size="2">1759</font></font></TD>
  279. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  280. <TD width="140" height="40">
  281. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Adam Smith</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  282. <TD width="417" height="40">
  283. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">The Theory of Moral Sentiments</font></TD>
  284. <TD width="60" height="40">
  285. <font size="2">1759</font></TD><TD height="40">
  286. <font size="2">1st.</font></TD> </TR>
  287. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  288. <font size="2">1762</font></font></TD>
  289. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  290. <TD width="140" height="40">
  291. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Jean-Jacques Rousseau</font></TD>
  292. <TD height="40"></TD> <TD width="417" height="40">
  293. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">Social Compact</font></TD>
  294. <TD width="60" height="40">
  295. <font size="2">1797</font></TD><TD height="40">
  296. <font size="2">1st.</font></TD> </TR>
  297. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  298. <font size="2">1776</font></font></TD>
  299. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  300. <TD width="140" height="40">
  301. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Thomas Paine</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  302. <TD width="417" height="40">
  303. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2"><a href="" target="_blank">Common Sense</a></font></TD>
  304. <TD width="60" height="40">
  305. <font size="2">1776</font></TD><TD height="40">
  306. <font size="2">1st.</font></TD> </TR>
  307. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  308. <font size="2">1776</font></font></TD>
  309. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  310. <TD width="140" height="40">
  311. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Adam Smith</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  312. <TD width="417" height="40">
  313. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations</font></TD>
  314. <TD width="60" height="40">
  315. <font size="2">1776</font></TD><TD height="40">
  316. <font size="2">2 Volumes, 1st.</font></TD> </TR>
  317. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  318. <font size="2">1781</font></font></TD>
  319. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  320. <TD width="140" height="40">
  321. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Constitutions</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  322. <TD width="417" height="40">
  323. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">The Constitutions of the Several Independent States of America; The Declaration of Independence; The Articles of Confederation Between the Said States; The Treaties Between His Most Christian Majesty and the United States of America</font></TD>
  324. <TD width="60" height="40">
  325. <font size="2">1781</font></TD><TD height="40">
  326. <font size="2">1st.</font></TD> </TR>
  327. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  328. <font size="2">1782</font></font></TD>
  329. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  330. <TD width="140" height="40">
  331. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur</font></TD>
  332. <TD height="40"></TD> <TD width="417" height="40">
  333. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2"><a href="">Letters from an American Farmer</a></font></TD>
  334. <TD width="60" height="40">
  335. <font size="2">1782</font></TD><TD height="40">
  336. <font size="2">1st.</font></TD> </TR>
  337. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  338. <font size="2">1787</font></font></TD>
  339. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  340. <TD width="140" height="40">
  341. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">John Adams</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  342. <TD width="417" height="40"><FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE="2" >
  343. <a href="">A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America</a></FONT></TD>
  344. <TD width="60" height="40">
  345. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">1787</font></TD><TD height="40">
  346. <font size="2">3 Volumes, 1st.</font></TD> </TR>
  347. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  348. <font size="2">1788</font></font></TD>
  349. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  350. <TD width="140" height="40">
  351. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Federalist</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  352. <TD width="417" height="40">
  353. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">The Federalist</font></TD>
  354. <TD width="60" height="40">
  355. <font size="2">1788</font></TD><TD height="40">
  356. <font size="2">2 Volumes, 1st.</font></TD> </TR>
  357. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  358. <font size="2">1790</font></font></TD>
  359. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  360. <TD width="140" height="40">
  361. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Mary Wollstonecraft</font></TD>
  362. <TD height="40"></TD> <TD width="417" height="40">
  363. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Vindication of the Rights of Men, (A)</font></TD>
  364. <TD width="60" height="40">
  365. <font size="2">1790</font></TD><TD height="40">
  366. <font size="2">1st.</font></TD> </TR>
  367. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  368. <font size="2">1791</font></font></TD>
  369. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0">&nbsp;</TD>
  370. <TD width="140" height="40">
  371. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Henry Mackenzie</font></TD>
  372. <TD height="40">&nbsp;</TD> <TD width="417" height="40">
  373. <font face="Tahoma" size="2"><a href="">The Letters
  374. of Brutus to Certain Celebrated Political Characters</a></font></TD>
  375. <TD width="60" height="40">
  376. <font size="2">1791</font></font></TD><TD height="40">
  377. <font size="2">1st.</font></TD> </TR>
  378. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  379. <font size="2">1796</font></font></TD>
  380. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  381. <TD width="140" height="40">
  382. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Mary Wollstonecraft</font></TD>
  383. <TD height="40"></TD> <TD width="417" height="40">
  384. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">Letters -- written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway and Denmark</font></TD>
  385. <TD width="60" height="40">
  386. <font size="2">1796</font></TD><TD height="40">
  387. <font size="2">1st.</font></TD> </TR>
  388. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  389. <font size="2">1820</font></font></TD>
  390. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  391. <TD width="140" height="40">
  392. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Thomas Robert Malthus</font></TD>
  393. <TD height="40"></TD> <TD width="417" height="40">
  394. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2"><a href="">Principles of Political Economy</a></font></TD>
  395. <TD width="60" height="40">
  396. <font size="2">1820</font></TD><TD height="40">
  397. <font size="2">1st.</font></TD> </TR>
  398. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  399. <font size="2">1820</font></font></TD>
  400. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  401. <TD width="140" height="40">
  402. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">John Sanderson</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  403. <TD width="417" height="40">
  404. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence</font></TD>
  405. <TD width="60" height="40">
  406. <font size="2">1820-1827</font></TD><TD height="40">
  407. <font size="2">9 Volumes, 1st.</font></TD> </TR>
  408. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  409. <font size="2">1823</font></font></TD>
  410. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  411. <TD width="140" height="40">
  412. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">David Ricardo</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  413. <TD width="417" height="40">
  414. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">Political Works</font></TD>
  415. <TD width="60" height="40">
  416. <font size="2">1846</font></TD> </TR>
  417. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  418. <font size="2">1833</font></font></TD>
  419. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  420. <TD width="140" height="40">
  421. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Johann Wolfgang von Goethe</font></TD>
  422. <TD height="40"></TD> <TD width="417" height="40">
  423. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">Faust</font></TD>
  424. <TD width="60" height="40">
  425. <font size="2">1833</font></TD><TD height="40">
  426. <font size="2">1st.</font></TD> </TR>
  427. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  428. <font size="2">1835</font></font></TD>
  429. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  430. <TD width="140" height="40">
  431. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Alexis DeTocqueville</font></TD>
  432. <TD height="40"></TD> <TD width="417" height="40">
  433. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">Democracy in America</font></TD>
  434. <TD width="60" height="40">
  435. <font size="2">1841</font></TD><TD height="40">
  436. <font size="2">2 Volumes, 1st English</font></TD> </TR>
  437. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  438. <font size="2">1841</font></font></TD>
  439. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  440. <TD width="140" height="40">
  441. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Ralph Waldo Emerson</font></TD>
  442. <TD height="40"></TD> <TD width="417" height="40">
  443. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">Essays: including &quot;Self-Reliance&quot;</font></TD>
  444. <TD width="60" height="40">
  445. <font size="2">1841</font></TD><TD height="40">
  446. <font size="2">1st.</font></TD> </TR>
  447. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  448. <font size="2">1846</font></font></TD>
  449. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  450. <TD width="140" height="40">
  451. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Corn Laws</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  452. <TD width="417" height="40">
  453. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2"><a href="">The Battle for Native Industry. The Debate upon the Corn Laws.</a></font></TD>
  454. <TD width="60" height="40">
  455. <font size="2">1846</font></TD><TD height="40">
  456. <font size="2">2 volumes, 1st.</font></TD> </TR>
  457. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  458. <font size="2">1855</font></font></TD>
  459. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  460. <TD width="140" height="40">
  461. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Frederick Douglass</font></TD>
  462. <TD height="40"></TD> <TD width="417" height="40">
  463. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">My Bondage &amp; My Freedom</font></TD>
  464. <TD width="60" height="40">
  465. <font size="2">1855</font></TD> </TR>
  466. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  467. <font size="2">1862</font></font></TD>
  468. <TD width="10" height="40" bordercolor="#C0C0C0"></TD>
  469. <TD width="140" height="40">
  470. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Emancipation</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  471. <TD width="417" height="40">
  472. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2"><a href="">Emancipation Proclamation</a></font></TD>
  473. <TD width="60" height="40">
  474. <font size="2">1862</font></TD><TD height="40">
  475. <font size="2">1st.</font></TD> </TR>
  476. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  477. <font size="2">1862</font></font></TD>
  478. <TD width="10" bordercolor="#C0C0C0" height="40"></TD>
  479. <TD width="140" height="40">
  480. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Victor Hugo</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  481. <TD width="417" height="40">
  482. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">Les Miserables</font></TD>
  483. <TD width="60" height="40">
  484. <font size="2">1887</font></TD> </TR>
  485. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  486. <font size="2">1869</font></font></TD>
  487. <TD width="10" bordercolor="#C0C0C0" height="40"></TD>
  488. <TD width="140" height="40">
  489. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">John Stuart Mill</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  490. <TD width="417" height="40">
  491. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">On Liberty</font></TD>
  492. <TD width="60" height="40">
  493. <font size="2">1859</font></TD> </TR>
  494. <TR> <TD width="105" height="40">
  495. <font size="2">1923</font></font></TD>
  496. <TD width="10" bordercolor="#C0C0C0" height="40"></TD>
  497. <TD width="140" height="40">
  498. <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Albert Schweitzer</font></TD><TD height="40"></TD>
  499. <TD width="417" height="40">
  500. <font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">The Decay and The Restoration of Civilization</font></TD>
  501. <TD width="60" height="40">
  502. <font size="2">1923</font></font></TD> </TR>
  503. </TABLE>
  504. <br><br>
  505. </td>
  506. </tr>
  507. <tr>
  508. <td BGCOLOR="#C0C0C0"><blockquote>
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  512. <tr>
  513. <td width="100%"><blockquote><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1"><br>URL: <a href=""></a> <br><br>Marilyn Shea, 2005<br><br>
  514. </blockquote></td></tr></table></center>
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