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  18. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1"><b><a href="lectures.html">INDEX</a></b><br><br><font size="+1"><center><i>Reading Revolutions: Intellectual History</i><br><br><font size="+1">Euclid's Elements and the Declaration of Independence<br><br>
  19. <font size="+0">Mike Molinsky</center>
  20. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">
  21. <p>Following is a summary of Dr. Molinsky's talk with copies of his slides.</p>
  22. <p>The earliest documents we have in mathematics are 3 to 4,000 years old.&nbsp;
  23. The Babylonians and Egyptians as well as other cultures used mathematics in
  24. astronomy, building, and calculation.&nbsp; In this example from an Egyptian
  25. papyrus from 1700 BC the problem illustrates a simple linear equation.&nbsp;
  26. </p>
  27. <p align="center">
  28. <img border="0" src="pictures/Euclid/3.jpg" width="450" height="349"></p>
  29. <p align="left">
  30. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">The Egyptians
  31. did not try to provide an abstraction or create a theoretical model.&nbsp;
  32. They dealt with the specific problems.&nbsp; All that changed with the
  33. Greeks.&nbsp; They began to ask why things happened in astronomy, medicine,
  34. mathematics, and the world around them.&nbsp; By the time of Euclid (325 -
  35. 265 BC) mathematics had changed drastically as compared to early Egyptian
  36. attempts. </p>
  37. <p align="center">
  38. <img border="0" src="pictures/Euclid/DSCN0981w.jpg" width="400" height="300"></p>
  39. <p>Euclid's <i>Elements</i> comprises thirteen volumes.&nbsp; It
  40. revolutionized mathematics by establishing definitions and postulates and
  41. based on these going on to offer proofs of propositions.</p>
  42. <p align="center"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">
  43. <img border="0" src="pictures/Euclid/5.jpg" width="450" height="349"></font><br><br>
  44. <img border="0" src="pictures/Euclid/6.jpg" width="450" height="348"></p>
  45. <p align="left">Examples of definitions and postulates:</p>
  46. <p align="center">
  47. <img border="0" src="pictures/Euclid/DSCN0994w.jpg" width="400" height="287"></p>
  48. <p align="center">
  49. <img border="0" src="pictures/Euclid/8.jpg" width="450" height="349"></p>
  50. <p align="center">
  51. <img border="0" src="pictures/Euclid/9.jpg" width="450" height="350"></p>
  52. <p align="center">
  53. <img border="0" src="pictures/Euclid/10.jpg" width="450" height="350"></p>
  54. <p align="center">
  55. <img border="0" src="pictures/Euclid/11.jpg" width="450" height="349"></p>
  56. <p align="left"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">The
  57. first proposition proves that the three sides of an equilateral triangle are
  58. actually equal.&nbsp; Start by drawing a straight line.</p>
  59. <p align="center">
  60. <img border="0" src="pictures/Euclid/12.jpg" width="450" height="350"></p>
  61. <p align="left">Using the definition of a circle, draw a circle around point
  62. A, then around point B:</p>
  63. <p align="center">
  64. <img border="0" src="pictures/Euclid/13.jpg" width="450" height="349"></p>
  65. <p align="center">
  66. <img border="0" src="pictures/Euclid/14.jpg" width="450" height="350"></p>
  67. <p align="left">Draw two more lines:</p>
  68. <p align="center">
  69. <img border="0" src="pictures/Euclid/15.jpg" width="450" height="351"></font></p>
  70. <p align="left">By definition, a straight line from the center of the circle
  71. to the edge is equal to any other straight line drawn from the center of the
  72. circle to the edge.</p>
  73. <p align="center">
  74. <img border="0" src="pictures/Euclid/16.jpg" width="450" height="350"></p>
  75. <p align="center">
  76. <img border="0" src="pictures/Euclid/17.jpg" width="450" height="350"></p>
  77. <p align="center">
  78. <img border="0" src="pictures/Euclid/18.jpg" width="450" height="350"></p>
  79. </font>
  80. <p align="left">Finally, it is shown that the three sides of the triangle
  81. are equal and therefore the triangle is equilateral.</p>
  82. <p align="center">
  83. <img border="0" src="pictures/Euclid/19.jpg" width="450" height="349"></p>
  84. <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
  85. <p align="center">
  86. <img border="0" src="pictures/Euclid/20.jpg" width="450" height="350"></p>
  87. <p align="left"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">Thomas
  88. Jefferson lived 2000 years later.&nbsp; By then, Euclid's <i>Elements </i>
  89. had not only influenced mathematics but all other branches of knowledge.&nbsp;
  90. The idea of proof, evidence and the use of reason and logic to approach the
  91. world underlay science and medicine as well as philosophy.&nbsp; </font></p>
  92. <p align="center">
  93. <img border="0" src="pictures/Euclid/21.jpg" width="450" height="349"></p>
  94. <p align="left">The first lines of the Declaration of Independence propose
  95. that before taking an action one has to show that it has cause and that it
  96. needs to be explained.</p>
  97. <p align="center">
  98. <img border="0" src="pictures/Euclid/22.jpg" width="450" height="349"></p>
  99. <p align="left">The first step in the argument is to declare the postulates:&nbsp;
  100. 1) All men are created equal and have unalienable Rights, 2) Governments are
  101. to secure those Rights, 3) Governments get their powers from the consent of
  102. the governed, 4) It is the right of the governed to change Government if it
  103. is destructive.</p>
  104. <p align="center">
  105. <img border="0" src="pictures/Euclid/23.jpg" width="450" height="349"></p>
  106. <p align="left">Proof of destructiveness must be submitted.&nbsp; Since the
  107. Government has failed to secure the Rights of the governed it is neglecting
  108. its duty.</p>
  109. <p align="center">
  110. <img border="0" src="pictures/Euclid/24.jpg" width="450" height="349"></p>
  111. <p align="left">By submitting proofs of the violation of Rights, Thomas
  112. Jefferson completed the logic of the Declaration of Independence, making it
  113. a document based on law -- universal law.</p>
  114. <p align="left">The form of logic used parallels Euclidian logic and the
  115. system of proof.&nbsp; Euclid not only established modern mathematics but
  116. gave us a new way to think about our social affairs.&nbsp; It is not
  117. sufficient to assert a position, one must prove it based on fundamental
  118. principles.&nbsp; </p>
  119. <p align="left">At the end of his talk, Dr. Molinsky invited the audience to
  120. examine the edition of the Elements on loan to Mantor library.&nbsp; It is
  121. the first English translation made from a Greek manuscript.&nbsp; Previous
  122. translations had been based on Arabic documents.&nbsp; </p>
  123. <p align="center">
  124. <img border="0" src="pictures/Euclid/DSCN1066w.jpg" width="229" height="350"></p>
  125. <p align="center">Click on the images below for enlarged views of the
  126. manuscript.</p>
  127. <p align="center"><a href="pictures/Euclid/DSCN1059wl.jpg">
  128. <img border="0" src="pictures/Euclid/DSCN1059w.jpg" width="350" height="259"></a></p>
  129. <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
  130. <p align="center"><a href="pictures/Euclid/DSCN1049wl.jpg">
  131. <img border="0" src="pictures/Euclid/DSCN1049w.jpg" width="350" height="225"></a></p>
  132. <p align="left"><br>
  133. </p>
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  137. <tr>
  138. <td width="100%"><blockquote><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1"><br>Citation:<br><br>"Euclid's Elements and the Declaration of Independence."&nbsp; Summary of a lecture by Mike Molinsky.&nbsp;
  139. University of Maine at Farmington, September 7, 2005.&nbsp; Retrieved _______.&nbsp; &lt;;.<br><br>URL: <a href=""></a> <br><br>Marilyn Shea, 2006<br><br>
  140. </blockquote></td></tr></table></center>
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