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  4. <META NAME='classification' content='Education'>
  5. <META NAME='description' content='Exploration of intellectual history based on 40 rare editions of philosophy, politics, economics, and science. Includes Galileo, Newton, John Locke, Martin Luther, Adam Smith, and Magna Carta. Photographs, essays and lectures accompany many books.'>
  6. <META NAME='keywords' content='Magna Carta, medieval, mediaeval, King John, England, jury system, calligraphy, illumination'>
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  12. <title>Reading Revolutions -- Main Index -- Intellectual History</title>
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  26. A Cooperative Project of:
  27. The Univeristy of Maine at Farmington and
  28. The Remnant Trust. Over forty rare editions or works central to changes in our history are included in the project. Magna Carta, Constitution of the United States, Declaration of Independence, Leviathan, The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, Newton, Areopagitica, Milton Marilyn Shea
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  56. For those who love books:
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  58. First editions of Aristotle, Plato, Newton, Galileo, Luther, Emerson, de Tocqueville, Hobbes, Locke,
  59. Hume, Wollstonecraft, Machiavelli, Montaigne, Euclid, John Adams, Adam Smith, Confucius, Thomas Paine's Common Sense among others. Lecture series and photographs.
  60. <p>
  61. <a href="">Text Index</a>
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  63. A cooperative project of the University of Maine at Farmington and the Remnant Trust.<p>Marilyn Shea, 2006</font>
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