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  6. <META NAME='description' content='A collection of over 40 rare editions of philosophy, politics, economics, and science. Includes Galileo, Newton, John Locke, Martin Luther, Adam Smith, and Magna Carta. Photographs, essays and lectures accompany many books.'>
  7. <META NAME='keywords' content='Newton, Adam Smith, Henry MacKenzie, John Adams, Confucius, Vattel, Thomas Paine, Declaration of Independence, Emancipation Proclamation, Wollstonecraft, first editions, John Locke, Charles Cotton, Montaigne'>
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  13. <TITLE>Reading Revolutions -- Index -- For those who love books</TITLE>
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  27. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1"><a href="index.html"><b>FLASH INDEX</b></a><br><br><font size="+1"><center><i>Reading Revolutions:
  28. Intellectual History</i></font><br><br><font size="+0">Text Index</font></center>
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  34. <p><br>
  35. The Reading Revolutions
  36. project was based on a collection of over 40 rare and first editions
  37. from the Remnant Trust focused on the writers who have had great impact
  38. on our ideas of science, government, and social standards.&nbsp; First editions of Aristotle, Plato, Newton, Galileo, Luther, Emerson, de Tocqueville, Hobbes, Locke,
  39. Hume, Wollstonecraft, Machiavelli, Montaigne, Euclid, John Adams, Adam Smith, Confucius, Vattel, Malthus, Henry Mackenzie, and Thomas Paine's Common Sense among others are included in the collection.&nbsp; In connection with the Reading Revolutions project, a lecture series was arranged
  40. at UMF.&nbsp; Lecture titles are linked to either a paper written by the author or a paper written based on their talk by a student or myself.&nbsp;
  41. More photographs of the books and background information concerning the books or their authors are available
  42. under the <a href="http://hua.umf.maine.edu/Reading_Revolutions/alphalist.html">Alphabetical List</a>.
  43. </p>
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  49. <td width="100%"><blockquote><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1">
  50. <p><a href="http://hua.umf.maine.edu/Reading_Revolutions/alphalist.html">Alphabetical List of Books</a>&nbsp; Contains links to further descriptions and photographs of the books.
  51. <p><a href="http://hua.umf.maine.edu/Reading_Revolutions/chronlist.html">Chronological List of the Books</a>&nbsp; By date of first appearance, not date of the present edition.
  52. <p><a href="http://hua.umf.maine.edu/Reading_Revolutions/brieflist.html">Brief List of the Books</a> &nbsp;For printing.
  53. <p><a href="http://hua.umf.maine.edu/Reading_Revolutions/MagnaCarta/index.html">Magna Carta 1350 calligraphy and illumination -- Unique parchment edition.</a> &nbsp;Photographs.
  54. <p><a href="http://hua.umf.maine.edu/Reading_Revolutions/lectures.html">Lecture Series</a>&nbsp; A lecture series based on the Reading Revolutions Collection. Includes lectures on Newton, Emerson, Galileo, Rousseau. Themes are the scientific revolution and the American revolution.
  55. <p><a href="http://hua.umf.maine.edu/Reading_Revolutions/learningactivities.html">Learning Activities</a>&nbsp; Historical, social, artistic, and literacy activities for the classroom or summer camp. They are intended to focus the learner not just on the concepts in the book, but on the history and social times which produced the urge to write them.
  56. <p><a href="http://hua.umf.maine.edu/Reading_Revolutions/gallery.html">Gallery of Images</a>&nbsp;
  57. Includes the images of Magna Carta shown in the Flash index to this site. Those images are courtesy of Brian Bex and the Remnant Trust.<p>
  58. <a href="contact.html">Contact us</a></blockquote></td></tr></table></center>
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  64. Marilyn Shea, January 2006</font>
  65. </font></blockquote></blockquote></blockquote>
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