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  7. <META NAME="description" content="Classroom activities to enhance history and reading original sources from the American experience.">
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  28. <blockquote><blockquote><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="-1"><a href="learningactivities.html"><b>INDEX</b></a><br><br><font size="+1"><center><i>Reading Revolutions: Ideas for Teaching</i><br><br><font size="+1">Learning Activities
  29. <p><i><font face="Verdana"><font size=+1>History Activities:&nbsp; Creating a Sense of Time and Place</i></center>
  30. <p><b><font size=-1>You Are There</b>
  31. <p><font face="Verdana"><font size=-1>While this is not a new method, it
  32. is an effective one.&nbsp; The students can create short plays surrounding
  33. the debate and actions incorporated in the works.&nbsp; King George can
  34. have a rousing argument with George Washington about the role of the colonies
  35. and their responsibilities to the crown.
  36. <p>Mary Wollstonecraft can try to convince
  37. the wife of a nobleman to become an activist for women's rights.</font></font>
  38. <p>Galileo meets secretly with other scientists of the time to discuss the new and wonderful things they are discovering about nature.
  39. <p>State versus Federal powers should lend itself to some interesting debates.&nbsp; The Federalist papers contain lively discussions about matters that still concern us.&nbsp; Should education be standardized across the country or should there be local control?&nbsp; What if each state had its own money?
  40. <p>What would Emerson say if he were to visit your classroom? The students can have various "guest" speakers -- as they work to portray them, they should explore the implications of the ideas for their lives today.
  41. <p><i>Les Miserables</i> by Victor Hugo provides the opportunity for students to explore social conditions and the effects on the behavior of individuals.&nbsp; Les Miserables can help fill in the background of the Industrial Revolution for the students.&nbsp; They should enjoy it, it's a better plot than TV's "Law and Order."
  42. <br><br><br>
  43. Marilyn Shea<br>
  44. Professor of Psychology<br>
  45. University of Maine at Farmington<br>
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