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  128. <div class="row"><p><input type="checkbox" name="tempInfo[]" value="30482" />&nbsp;<img src="../enggrey.jpg" title="He jumped onto his horse and rode off into the sunset." alt="He jumped onto his horse and rode off into the sunset." />&nbsp;<img src="../zigrey.jpg" title="他 骑 上 马 在 夕 阳 中 远 去 。" alt="他 骑 上 马 在 夕 阳 中 远 去 。" />&nbsp;<img src="../pygrey.jpg" title="Ta1 qi2 shang4ma3 zai4 yi1yang2 zhong1 yuan3 qu4." alt="Ta1 qi2 shang4ma3 zai4 yi1yang2 zhong1 yuan3 qu4." /></p>
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  134. <div class="row"><p><input type="checkbox" name="tempInfo[]" value="9712" />&nbsp;<img src="../enggrey.jpg" title="Confucius said, &quot;Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.&quot;" alt="Confucius said, &quot;Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.&quot;" />&nbsp;<img src="../zigrey.jpg" title="子 曰 ; 己 所 不 欲 , 勿 施 于 人 。" alt="子 曰 ; 己 所 不 欲 , 勿 施 于 人 。" />&nbsp;<img src="../pygrey.jpg" title="Zi3 yue1: Ji3 suo3 bu2yu4, wu4 shi1 yu2 ren2." alt="Zi3 yue1: Ji3 suo3 bu2yu4, wu4 shi1 yu2 ren2." /></p>
  135. <table class="speech_samples">
  136. <tr><td><a href="../../Language/Sound9a/9712wy.wav"><img src="../tingsmgl.jpg" alt="" /></a><a href="../../Language/Sound9a/9712wy.wav">Wang Yong</a></td><td><a href="../../Language/Sound9b/9712dd.wav"><img src="../tingsmgl.jpg" alt="" /></a><a href="../../Language/Sound9b/9712dd.wav">Da Di</a></td><td><a href="../../Language/Sound9d/9712gmj.wav"><img src="../tingsmgl.jpg" alt="" /></a><a href="../../Language/Sound9d/9712gmj.wav">Gao Mingjiang</a></td><td><a href="../../Language/Sound9e/9712clh.wav"><img src="../tingsmgl.jpg" alt="" /></a><a href="../../Language/Sound9e/9712clh.wav">Cao Lihua</a></td><td><a href="../../Language/Sound9f/9712wx.wav"><img src="../tingsmgl.jpg" alt="" /></a><a href="../../Language/Sound9f/9712wx.wav">Wei Xing</a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>
  137. <tr><td><a href="../../Language/Sounde9a/9712as.wav"><img src="../tingsmwn.jpg" alt="" /></a><a href="../../Language/Sounde9a/9712as.wav">April</a></td><td><a href="../../Language/Sounde9b/9712jd.wav"><img src="../tingsmwn.jpg" alt="" /></a><a href="../../Language/Sounde9b/9712jd.wav">James</a></td><td><a href="../../Language/Sounde9d/9712bl.wav"><img src="../tingsmwn.jpg" alt="" /></a><a href="../../Language/Sounde9d/9712bl.wav">Brian</a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>
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  140. <div class="row"><p><input type="checkbox" name="tempInfo[]" value="30481" />&nbsp;<img src="../enggrey.jpg" title="My cat jumps onto my shoulder when I come in the door. When he does it to guests, well, it can be really funny." alt="My cat jumps onto my shoulder when I come in the door. When he does it to guests, well, it can be really funny." />&nbsp;<img src="../zigrey.jpg" title="我 一 进 门 猫 就 跳 上 我 的 肩 膀 。 客 人 来 时 , 它 也 这 样 , 有 时 就 会 很 滑 稽 。" alt="我 一 进 门 猫 就 跳 上 我 的 肩 膀 。 客 人 来 时 , 它 也 这 样 , 有 时 就 会 很 滑 稽 。" />&nbsp;<img src="../pygrey.jpg" title="" alt="" /></p>
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  146. <div class="row"><p><input type="checkbox" name="tempInfo[]" value="18235" />&nbsp;<img src="../enggrey.jpg" title="He doesn't know how to hold onto money. It slips through his fingers like water." alt="He doesn't know how to hold onto money. It slips through his fingers like water." />&nbsp;<img src="../zigrey.jpg" title="他 不 知 道 怎 样 省 钱 , 钱 像 水 一 样 从 他 手 边 流 走 了 !" alt="他 不 知 道 怎 样 省 钱 , 钱 像 水 一 样 从 他 手 边 流 走 了 !" />&nbsp;<img src="../pygrey.jpg" title="Ta1 bu4 zhi1dao4 zen3yang4 sheng3qian2, qian2 xiang4 shui3 yi2yang4 cong2 ta1 shou3 bian1 liu2 zou3 le." alt="Ta1 bu4 zhi1dao4 zen3yang4 sheng3qian2, qian2 xiang4 shui3 yi2yang4 cong2 ta1 shou3 bian1 liu2 zou3 le." /></p>
  147. <table class="speech_samples">
  148. <tr><td><a href="../../Language/Sound18a/18235lyr.wav"><img src="../tingsmgl.jpg" alt="" /></a><a href="../../Language/Sound18a/18235lyr.wav">Liu Yu Rong</a></td><td><a href="../../Language/Sound18b/18235chg.wav"><img src="../tingsmgl.jpg" alt="" /></a><a href="../../Language/Sound18b/18235chg.wav">Cheng Hong</a></td><td><a href="../../Language/Sound18c/18235df.wav"><img src="../tingsmgl.jpg" alt="" /></a><a href="../../Language/Sound18c/18235df.wav">Du Feng</a></td><td><a href="../../Language/Sound18d/18235li.wav"><img src="../tingsmgl.jpg" alt="" /></a><a href="../../Language/Sound18d/18235li.wav">Li Chunjiang</a></td><td><a href="../../Language/Sound18e/18235gz.wav"><img src="../tingsmgl.jpg" alt="" /></a><a href="../../Language/Sound18e/18235gz.wav">Gu Zheng</a></td><td><a href="../../Language/Sound18g/18235zzd.wav"><img src="../tingsmgl.jpg" alt="" /></a><a href="../../Language/Sound18g/18235zzd.wav">Zhang Zhida</a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>
  149. <tr><td><a href="../../Language/Sounde18a/18235as.wav"><img src="../tingsmwn.jpg" alt="" /></a><a href="../../Language/Sounde18a/18235as.wav">April</a></td><td><a href="../../Language/Sounde18c/18235rs.wav"><img src="../tingsmwn.jpg" alt="" /></a><a href="../../Language/Sounde18c/18235rs.wav">Rachel</a></td><td><a href="../../Language/Sounde18d/18235fu.wav"><img src="../tingsmwn.jpg" alt="" /></a><a href="../../Language/Sounde18d/18235fu.wav">Frank</a></td><td><a href="../../Language/Sounde18f/18235au.wav"><img src="../tingsmwn.jpg" alt="" /></a><a href="../../Language/Sounde18f/18235au.wav">Austin</a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>
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  152. <div class="row"><p><input type="checkbox" name="tempInfo[]" value="30489" />&nbsp;<img src="../enggrey.jpg" title="I have caught onto the material, but my grade will still be bad." alt="I have caught onto the material, but my grade will still be bad." />&nbsp;<img src="../zigrey.jpg" title="这 些 内 容 我 学 会 了 , 但 是 我 的 成 绩 还 是 好 不 了 。" alt="这 些 内 容 我 学 会 了 , 但 是 我 的 成 绩 还 是 好 不 了 。" />&nbsp;<img src="../pygrey.jpg" title="Zhe4 xie1 nei4rong2 wo3 xue2hui4 le, dan4shi4 wo3 de cheng2li4 hai2shi hao3 bu4 le." alt="Zhe4 xie1 nei4rong2 wo3 xue2hui4 le, dan4shi4 wo3 de cheng2li4 hai2shi hao3 bu4 le." /></p>
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