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  7. <title>Cognitive Experiments</title>
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  25. <h1>
  26. <font face="Verdana"><font color="#000099"></font></font></h1></center>
  27. <center>
  28. <h1>
  29. <font face="Verdana"><font color="#000099">COGNITIVE EXPERIMENTS</font></font></h1></center>
  30. <blockquote><font face="Verdana"><font color="#000000"><font size=-1>The
  31. set of cognitive experiments were written primarily as demonstrations of
  32. classical experiments in psychology.&nbsp; However, students have used
  33. them extensively to create their own experiments.&nbsp; The only disadvantage
  34. is that you must write down your data after each subject and then enter
  35. into Quattro Pro or Systat for analysis.</font></font></font>
  36. <p><font face="Verdana"><font color="#000000"><font size=-1>You might take
  37. a look at the experiments in the Cognitive program and write something
  38. similar in Superlab and have full control over your variables.</font></font></font>
  39. <p><font face="Verdana"><font color="#000000"><font size=-1>Each experiment
  40. in the Cognitive program has a brief introduction and several references
  41. to articles.&nbsp; That is a good place to start.</font></font></font>
  42. <br>&nbsp;</blockquote>
  43. <center>
  44. <h3>
  45. <font face="Verdana"><font color="#000099">The Experiments</font></font></h3></center>
  46. <ol>
  47. <ol>
  48. <ol>
  49. <ol>
  50. <ol>
  51. <ol>
  52. <li>
  53. <font face="Verdana"><font color="#000000">Stroop Effect</font></font></li>
  54. <li>
  55. <font face="Verdana"><font color="#000000">Lexical Decision Making</font></font></li>
  56. <li>
  57. <font face="Verdana"><font color="#000000">Recall</font></font></li>
  58. </ol>
  59. </ol>
  60. </ol>
  61. </ol>
  62. </ol>
  63. <br>&nbsp;
  64. <br>&nbsp;
  65. <ol><b><font face="Verdana"><font color="#85645C"><font size=-1>Possible
  66. variations include:</font></font></font></b>
  67. <br>&nbsp;
  68. <ol>
  69. <ol>
  70. <li>
  71. <font face="Verdana"><font color="#000000"><font size=-1>Changing the word
  72. list in the Recall experiment to contrast different types of words.</font></font></font></li>
  73. <li>
  74. <font face="Verdana"><font color="#000000"><font size=-1>Giving different
  75. instructions to subjects to test for learning set.</font></font></font></li>
  76. <li>
  77. <font face="Verdana"><font color="#000000"><font size=-1>Changing the level
  78. of stress by varying the amount of time given for a task.</font></font></font></li>
  79. </ol>
  80. </ol>
  81. </ol>
  82. </ol>
  83. <br>&nbsp;
  84. <br>&nbsp;
  85. <center>
  86. <h3>
  87. <font face="Verdana"><font color="#000099">Previous Experiments by UMF
  88. Students</font></font></h3></center>
  89. <ol>
  90. <ul>
  91. <li>
  92. <font face="Verdana"><font size=-1>Contrasted the performance on the paper
  93. version of the Stroop and the computer version.</font></font></li>
  94. <li>
  95. <font face="Verdana"><font size=-1>Compared the performance of males and
  96. females on the Stroop task.</font></font></li>
  97. <li>
  98. <font face="Verdana"><font size=-1>Compared the recall of high frequency
  99. words to low frequency words.</font></font></li>
  100. <li>
  101. <font face="Verdana"><font size=-1>Correlated lexical decision making performance
  102. with major in school.</font></font></li>
  103. </ul>
  104. </ol>
  105. <hr SIZE=4 WIDTH="30%">
  106. <hr SIZE=4 WIDTH="60%">
  107. <br>&nbsp;
  108. <blockquote><font face="Verdana"><font size=-1>At present, the Cognitive
  109. Experiments are located on the computer in my office.&nbsp; To use the
  110. program, when you start the computer choose Psychology on the first menu
  111. by hitting the up arrow once.&nbsp; You will be presented with a second
  112. menu.&nbsp; Use the arrow keys to choose Cognitive Experiments.</font></font>
  113. <p><font face="Verdana"><font size=-1>As always, we will be happy to help
  114. you the first few times until you are comfortable using the program.</font></font></blockquote>
  115. <br>&nbsp;
  116. <p>
  117. <hr SIZE=4 WIDTH="60%">
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  122. <p><font face="Verdana"><font color="#666666"><font size=-2>&copy; <a href="">Marilyn
  123. Shea</a>, November 1999</font></font></font>
  124. <br><font face="Verdana"><font color="#666666"><font size=-2>Department
  125. of Psychology, University of Maine at Farmington</font></font></font>
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