Wiktionary-4.csv 72 KB

  1. 情報, 情报 (qíngbào) - poop,intelligence,intelligencer,tip-off,information,info,gen,dope
  2. 前來, 前来 (qiánlái) - come
  3. 飛彈, 飞弹 (fēidàn) - doodlebug,guided missile,V-1,flying bomb,stray bullet,buzz bomb,missile,missilery,robot bomb,payload
  4. 虎, 虎 (hǔ) - tiger
  5. 寂寞, 寂寞 (jímò) - be lonely
  6. 專題, 专题 (zhuāntí) - special subject/topic
  7. 排名, 排名 (páimíng) - put names in order
  8. 怎樣, 怎样 (zěnyàng) - no matter how,in any way,in a certain way,how?,what,how
  9. 案例, 案例 (ànlì) - moot,precedent,common law,example of case,case,case law
  10. 傳送, 传送 (chuánsòng) - transmit,deliver
  11. 排名, 排名 (páimíng) - put names in order
  12. 允許, 允许 (yǔnxǔ) - permit,allow
  13. 允許, 允许 (yǔnxǔ) - permit,allow
  14. 認定, 认定 (rèndìng) - firmly believe,set one's mind on sth.
  15. 威脅, 威胁 (wēixié) - threat
  16. 認定, 认定 (rèndìng) - firmly believe,set one's mind on sth.
  17. 大聲, 大声 (dàshēng) - loud,loud voice
  18. 傳送, 传送 (chuánsòng) - transmit,deliver
  19. 當做, 当做 (dāngzuò) - consider/treat as,function,consider,regard_as,regard as,serve,consider as,look upon as,treat as
  20. 經銷商, 经销商 (jīngxiāoshāng) - dealership,bookdealer,manufacturer's agent,dealer,book seller,stockist,outlet,franchiser,franchisee
  21. 將近, 将近 (jiāngjìn) - almost
  22. 戰, 战 (zhàn) - war,warfare,battle
  23. 愛心, 爱心 (àixīn) - liking,pity,love,benevolence,mercy,fondness,commitment
  24. 回國, 回国 (huíguó) - return to one's country
  25. 跑到, 跑到 (pǎodào) - run to
  26. 過來, 过来 (guòlái) - come over/up,up,come over,come up,come_over,come here
  27. 印度, 印度 (yìndù) - Hindustan,Ind,India,Indic,Bharat
  28. 音, 音 (yīn) - voice,rhyme,news,D,blast,F,sound,tone,aspirate,tidings,asterisk,pure tone
  29. 待遇, 待遇 (dàiyū) - treatment (salary/etc.)
  30. 開會, 开会 (kāihuì) - hold/attend meeting
  31. 身分, 身分 (shēnfèn) - dignity,status,position,capacity,individuality,identity
  32. 存, 存 (cún) - harbour,keep,deposit (money),gather,harbor,cherish,accumulate,existence,live,leave with,retain,reserve,save,consist,accumulation,preserve,survival,store,survive,check (luggage),collect,deposit,place,bank,check,exist,be in stock,remain on balance
  33. 留學, 留学 (liúxué) - study abroad
  34. 重要性, 重要性 (zhòngyàoxìng) - moment,eminence,significance,importance,essentiality,ponderance,amount,belongingness,emphasis,magnitude,meaning,account,consequence,gravity,matter,momentousness,distinction,import,accent,essentialness,mark,weight,value,signification,consideration,fundamentality,weightiness,vitalness,stress,prominence,heft,preeminence,materiality,note
  35. 時機, 时机 (shíjī) - moment,day, an occasion,occasion,go,an opportune moment,opportunity,conjunction,conjuncture,juncture,a suitable (or right) time,turn,opportune moment
  36. 國科會, 国科会 (guókēhuì) - The National Science Council
  37. 時刻, 时刻 (shíkè) - moment,occasion,juncture,sand,hour,time
  38. 節, 节 (jié) - m.[event]
  39. 開會, 开会 (kāihuì) - hold/attend meeting
  40. 遭到, 遭到 (zāodào) - endure,encounter,meet with,run into,suffer,soak_up
  41. 不已, 不已 (bùyǐ) - incessantly,endlessly
  42. 中油, 中油 (zhōngyóu) - Chinese Petroleum Corporation
  43. 景氣, 景气 (jǐngqì) - conjuncture,activity,boom,prosperity
  44. 補充, 补充 (bǔchōng) - supply,supplement,augment,replenishment,complement,eke,fill again,accompany,add,renew,replenish,implement,stock,recruit,refill
  45. 公主, 公主 (gōngzhǔ) - princess
  46. 千萬, 千万 (qiānwàn) - by all means; absolutely
  47. 公布, 公布 (gōngbù) - promulgate,announce,publish
  48. 公布, 公布 (gōngbù) - promulgate,announce,publish
  49. 豬, 猪 (zhū) - piggy,porcine,pig,porker,hoggery,Sus scrofa,piggish,hog,piggery,swine
  50. 潛力, 潜力 (qiánlì) - bottom,possibility,ability,potency,capability,capableness,potentiality,potential,potential(ity),latent capacity
  51. 黃金, 黄金 (huángjīn) - gold
  52. 單元, 单元 (dānyuán) - module,unit,unit of teaching materials,residential unit
  53. 街道, 街道 (jiēdào) - neighborhood,mews,gate,residential district,neighbourhood,street
  54. 略, 略 (luè) - a little bit,cursorily,any,something,slightly,somewhat,a little,poco,a bit
  55. 財產權, 财产权 (cáichǎnquán) - estate,property_right,[Law] the property right, the property right,property right
  56. 地理, 地理 (dìlǐ) - geographical,geographic,geographics,geographical features of a place,geography
  57. 周, 周 (zhōu) - Surname
  58. 到達, 到达 (dàodá) - find,arrive at,go_into,get_in,go,come,show,hit,strike,arrive,fetch_up,range,show_up,gain,come_to,win,reach,come to,attain,lead,go_down,come_in,arrival,get_at,get to,get,touch,make,come_through,arrive_at,land
  59. 電信局, 电信局 (diànxìnjú) - The Directorate of Telecommunications
  60. 促銷, 促销 (cùxiāo) - merchandise,sell
  61. 工程師, 工程师 (gōngchéngshī) - technologist,engineer,applied scientist
  62. 確實, 确实 (quèshí) - definitely true/real/certain/reliable
  63. 遠距, 远距 (yuǎnjù) - distant
  64. 驚人, 惊人 (jīngrén) - alarming,whacking,astounding,spectacular,amazing,astonishing
  65. 為, 为 (wèi) - because of,for (someone or something)
  66. 促銷, 促销 (cùxiāo) - merchandise,sell
  67. 為, 为 (wèi) - because of,for (someone or something)
  68. 彩色, 彩色 (cǎisè) - colour,chromatic,multicolour,colorful
  69. 真理, 真理 (zhēnlǐ) - god,true,gospel truth,verity,true statement,truism,gospel,truth,veritas
  70. 宣佈, 宣佈 (xuānbù) - expose,disclose,herald,outlaw,bid,preconize,announce,hail,acclaim,condemn,certify,give,decree,blazon,kithe,break,say,hammer,bring out,divulge,delate,enunciate,impart,publish,reveal,intimate,let on,pronounce,proclaim,discover,let out,hand_down,declare,black,promulgate,give away
  71. 變動, 变动 (biàndòng) - change,fluctuate
  72. 點, 点 (diǎn) - dot,decimal point,point,spot,drop (of liquid),dot stroke (in Ch. characters),place,aspect,feature,appointed time
  73. 變動, 变动 (biàndòng) - change,fluctuate
  74. 市政府, 市政府 (shìzhèngfǔ) - municipality,city government,municipal government,city_hall,corporation,city hall
  75. 躺, 躺 (tǎng) - couch,lie,lean back,recline
  76. 漸, 渐 (jiàn) - gradually,by degrees
  77. 普通, 普通 (pǔtōng) - ordinary,common,average
  78. 進來, 进来 (jìnlái) - come in,enter
  79. 涉及, 涉及 (shèjí) - come to,pertain,involvement,implicate,entail,relate,cover,deal,concern,bear on,run_on,involve,touch on,refer,touch upon,deal with,touch,come_to,relate to
  80. 保護區, 保护区 (bǎohùqū) - reserve,reservation,nature preserve,wilderness area
  81. 版本, 版本 (bǎnběn) - variant,text,variation,version,edition
  82. 制定, 制定 (zhìdìng) - formulate,draft
  83. 制定, 制定 (zhìdìng) - formulate,draft
  84. 定義, 定义 (dìngyì) - definition
  85. 事項, 事项 (shìxiàng) - issue,item,topic,subject,particular,transaction,matter
  86. 法則, 法则 (fǎzé) - principle,rule,formula,standard method,binding agreement,theorem,statute,law,precept
  87. 否認, 否认 (fǒurèn) - deny,disavow,repudiation,naysay,denial,gainsay,reject,veto,negate,disclaim,disown,challenge,dispute,renounce,disaffirm,negative,contradict,contravene,repudiate
  88. 抱怨, 抱怨 (bàoyuàn) - croak,kvetch,scold,quarrel,bitch,squeal,complain,bellyache,plain,grumble,whimper,natter,grizzle,repine,nark,complaint,sound off,nag,whine,quetch,grouch,kick,yammer,backbite,squawk,crab,beef,yawp,rail,rabbit,gripe,inveigh,grouse,moan,holler
  89. 宜蘭, 宜兰 (yílán) - Yilan (city in Taiwan)
  90. 人群, 人群 (rénqún) - multitude,scrooge,herd,ruck,scrouge,meiny,crowd,troop,confluence,drove,throng,flock,gang
  91. 廣大, 广大 (guǎngdà) - large,wide,vast,ample,large-scale,numerous,wide-spread
  92. 鄰居, 邻居 (línjū) - neighbor
  93. 模型, 模型 (móxíng) - formula,pattern,mould,mold,modeling,construct,die,convention,exponent,plaything,former,modelling,model,simulation,normal,rule,moulding,molding,shape,matrix,clay sculpture,restoration,toy
  94. 忍不住, 忍不住 (rěnbúzhù) - unable to endure,can't help but do something,can't help but do sth.,cannot help,unable to bear,can't bear
  95. 現行, 现行 (xiànxíng) - operation,in force/operation,currently in operation,in effect,force,currently in effect,in effect/force/operation,active,current
  96. 瓷器, 瓷器 (cíqì) - porcelain,chinaware
  97. 荷蘭, 荷兰 (hélán) - Dutch,Benelux,Netherland,The Netherlands,Netherlands,Holland
  98. 家鄉, 家乡 (jiāxiāng) - fatherland,country,home,country of origin,native place,mother country,hometown,native land,motherland,homeland
  99. 前途, 前途 (qiántú) - lookout,future,prospects,prospect,futurity,career
  100. 花蓮, 花莲 (huālián) - city in Taiwan,Hualien(city in Taiwan)
  101. 含, 含 (hán) - keep in mouth,cherish
  102. 合約, 合约 (héyuē) - contract,booking,obligation,treaty
  103. 官方, 官方 (guānfāng) - authorities,official,authority,regime,authorization,government
  104. 成效, 成效 (chéngxiào) - effect,result
  105. 克服, 克服 (kèfú) - surmount,conquer,put up with (hardship/etc.)
  106. 循環, 循环 (xúnhuán) - circulate,cycle.circulatory system
  107. 新鮮, 新鲜 (xīnxiān) - freshen,novel,fresh,new,strange
  108. 和解, 和解 (héjiě) - become reconciled
  109. 和解, 和解 (héjiě) - become reconciled
  110. 原先, 原先 (yuánxiān) - ab initio,at_first,initially,at the start,in_the_beginning,at first,originally
  111. 金, 金 (jīn) - metals,gold,money,ancient metal percussion instruments
  112. 油, 油 (yóu) - oil,fat,grease
  113. 臺, 台 (tái) - the short for Taiwan
  114. 巨大, 巨大 (jùdà) - gigantic,gargantuan,huge
  115. 公車, 公车 (gōngchē) - bus,cars provided by an organization
  116. 傳說, 传说 (chuánshuō) - legend
  117. 動力, 动力 (dònglì) - driving force,impetus,motivity,(motive) power,wheel,(motive) power/force,agency,vector,dynamics,force,motive_power,momentum,power
  118. 推行, 推行 (tuīxíng) - carry out,practice
  119. 雞, 鸡 (jī) - capercailzie,Gallus gallus,giblets,chook,horse of the wood,capercaillie,gallinaceous,Tetrao urogallus,sultan,chicken
  120. 回應, 回应 (huíyìng) - echo,react,answer,respond
  121. 介入, 介入 (jièrù) - intervene,interpose,get involved
  122. 內在, 内在 (nèizài) - inhesion,intrinsic,internality,inherent,internal,immanence,inherence
  123. 人體, 人体 (réntǐ) - soma,form,body,build,human body,anatomy,figure,chassis,physique,bod,carcass,shape,frame,physical body,material body,flesh,anthropometry
  124. 介入, 介入 (jièrù) - intervene,interpose,get involved
  125. 謂, 谓 (wèi) - mean,be called,say
  126. 臺大, 台大 (táidà) - National Taiwan University
  127. 確, 确 (què) - firmly,indeed,truly
  128. 能, 能 (néng) - can,be able to,be capable of
  129. 美術, 美术 (měishù) - constructivism,beaux arts,beaux-arts,artistic production,artistic creation,painting,fineart,fine_art,cubism,art,fine arts
  130. 活力, 活力 (huólì) - juvenility,sprightliness,pulse,youthfulness,stamina,bounciness,birr,sparkle,will,vigor,life,energy,vinegar,zap,vim,viridity,pride,livingness,vis,starch,get-up-and-go,mercury,vitality,zing,ginger,sap,pepper,zip,bang,verve,verdure,lifeblood,devilry,dynamism,nature,oomph,vigour,flush,punch,ambition,virility,life-blood,liveliness,pazazz,peppiness,pep,p
  131. 致, 致 (zhì) - incur,cause
  132. 活動, 活动 (huódòng) - exercise,move about,use personal influence or irregular means
  133. 完, 完 (wán) - exhaust,run_out,wipe_out,run out,pay,complete,completion,finish,be through,be over,use_up,wind up,payment,use up,pay (taxes),end up
  134. 那麼多, 那么多 (nàmeduō) - det.: so much
  135. 物理, 物理 (wùlǐ) - physical,physics,natural philosophy,physical science
  136. 推行, 推行 (tuīxíng) - carry out,practice
  137. 終, 终 (zhōng) - eventually,after all,in the end
  138. 分成, 分成 (fēnchéng) - divide,split a bonus,divide into,divide (into)
  139. 台中市, 台中市 (táizhōngshì) - Taichung(big city in Taiwan)
  140. 代理, 代理 (dàilǐ) - act as agent/proxy
  141. 代理, 代理 (dàilǐ) - act as agent/proxy
  142. 樂趣, 乐趣 (lèqù) - amusement,playfulness,fun,merriment,pleasure,sweet,delight,bang,entertainment,enjoyment,pleasance,joy
  143. 超級, 超级 (chāojí) - super
  144. 勞動, 劳动 (láodòng) - work,labor
  145. 勞動, 劳动 (láodòng) - work,labor
  146. 唯有, 唯有 (wéiyǒu) - only,alone
  147. 宣傳, 宣传 (xuānchuán) - propagandist,publicist
  148. 交給, 交给 (jiāogěi) - relinquish,give_away,submit,give to,hand/give to,hand to,give_up,reach,hand
  149. 受傷, 受伤 (shòushāng) - injure,bruise,injured,be wounded,crush,hurt,sustain an injury,be injured,wounded,maimed,wound
  150. 講師, 讲师 (jiǎngshī) - docent,professor,lecturer,instructor,reader,lector
  151. 抵達, 抵达 (dǐdá) - reach,arrive at
  152. 體重, 体重 (tǐzhòng) - body weight,beef,(body) weight,avoirdupois,weight
  153. 不見得, 不见得 (bújiàndé) - not likely,not necessarily/likely,likely,unlikely,not necessarily
  154. 領導, 领导 (lǐngdǎo) - leader
  155. 蝸牛, 蜗牛 (guānióu) - snail
  156. 群眾, 群众 (qúnzhòng) - swarm,posse,herd,huddle,ruck,concourse,crowd,varletry,the masses/People,lineup,throng,the masses,mob,multitude,press,mobility,clamjamfry,People,crush,jam,horde,the People,confluence,army,flock,mass
  157. 抵達, 抵达 (dǐdá) - reach,arrive at
  158. 刻意, 刻意 (kèyì) - fastidiously,sedulously,conscious,purposely,painstakingly
  159. 李登輝, 李登辉 (lǐdēnghuī) - Li Denghui,a past president of Taiwan
  160. 合作社, 合作社 (hézuòshè) - cooperative,cooperation,co-op,artel
  161. 印尼, 印尼 (yìnní) - Indonesia
  162. 規格, 规格 (guīgé) - quality requirements,requirement,specification,standard,spec,criterion,measure,touchstone,specifications
  163. 價值觀, 价值观 (jiàzhíguān) - values,valuation
  164. 依賴, 依赖 (yīlài) - rely/depend on
  165. 百貨公司, 百货公司 (bǎihuògōngsī) - department store
  166. 依賴, 依赖 (yīlài) - rely/depend on
  167. 負擔, 负担 (fùdān) - bear,shoulder
  168. 封, 封 (fēng) - m.[general]
  169. 馬路, 马路 (mǎlù) - drive,road,driveway,riding,a road,carriageway,avenue,street,a street used by vehicular traffic
  170. 通知, 通知 (tōngzhī) - notify,inform
  171. 普及, 普及 (pǔjí) - popularize,disseminate,spread
  172. 坪, 坪 (píng) - m.[standard]
  173. 綠, 绿 (lù) - green
  174. 不安, 不安 (bùān) - be anxious; be uneasy; be restless
  175. 不安, 不安 (bùān) - be anxious; be uneasy; be restless
  176. 鐵路, 铁路 (tiělù) - rails,railroad track,loop-line,rail,Pullman,railway,road,couchette,chemmy,railroad
  177. 普及, 普及 (pǔjí) - popularize,disseminate,spread
  178. 錄影帶, 录影带 (lùyǐngdài) - videotape,video tape,recording
  179. 局面, 局面 (júmiàn) - aspect,picture,state of affairs,situation,conjuncture,facet,position,phase
  180. 團隊, 团队 (tuánduì) - team
  181. 優先, 优先 (yōuxiān) - preferential,preferred,priority
  182. 對, 对 (duì) - treat,be trained on,answer,reply,compare,check,set,adjust
  183. 進去, 进去 (jìnqù) - enter,entry,go_in,get in,go in
  184. 黃, 黄 (huáng) - Surname
  185. 神經, 神经 (shénjīng) - nervus,nerve
  186. 近來, 近来 (jìnlái) - newly,of late,lately,fresh,new,latterly,in recent times,freshly,yesterday,late,recently
  187. 英語, 英语 (yīngyǔ) - English,English (language),profit,surplus
  188. 刺激, 刺激 (cìjī) - stimulate,provoke,irritate,upset
  189. 羊, 羊 (yáng) - kidney,drover,baa,trotter,argali,mutton,sheep,Surname
  190. 老虎, 老虎 (lǎohǔ) - cat,tiger,Panthera tigris,puss
  191. 所得, 所得 (suǒdé) - harvest,gains,taking,earnings,finance,revenue,proceeds,income
  192. 健全, 健全 (jiànquán) - sound,perfect
  193. 邊, 边 (biān) - v.1 and v.2 simultaneously
  194. 主體, 主体 (zhǔtǐ) - main body,body,hypostasis,main body/part,subject,principal part,corpus,main part,part
  195. 大致, 大致 (dàzhì) - roughly
  196. 對手, 对手 (duìshǒu) - mate,competitor,opposite,antagonist,comparative,contender,adversary,opponent,opposition,counterpart,equal,counterworker,rival,match
  197. 還要, 还要 (háiyào) - even more,even/still more,even,still more
  198. 健全, 健全 (jiànquán) - sound,perfect
  199. 建構, 建构 (jiàngòu) - fabricate
  200. 星星, 星星 (xīngxīng) - star
  201. 建構, 建构 (jiàngòu) - fabricate
  202. 大哥, 大哥 (dàgē) - eldest brother,elder brother,gang leader
  203. 培育, 培育 (péiyū) - cultivate,foster,breed
  204. 用心, 用心 (yòngxīn) - be diligent/attentive
  205. 書記, 书记 (shūjì) - scribe,penpusher,clerkship,amanuensis,secretarial assistant,pencil pusher,actuary,recorder,secretary,secretariat,clerk,scrivener
  206. 財政部, 财政部 (cáizhèngbù) - exchequer,ministry of finance,Treasury Department,Ministry of Fianance,Treasury,treasury,Comptroller of the Currency,Department of the Treasury
  207. 培育, 培育 (péiyū) - cultivate,foster,breed
  208. 遊行, 遊行 (yóuxíng) - parade,march,demonstrate
  209. 遊行, 遊行 (yóuxíng) - parade,march,demonstrate
  210. 行, 行 (xíng) - be all right
  211. 太平洋, 太平洋 (tàipíngyáng) - Pacific_Ocean,the Pacific,Pacific,Pacific Ocean,the Pacific Ocean
  212. 造, 造 (zào) - arrive at,training,create,go to,build,invent,construct,education,concoction,mint,invention,cook up,educate,establish,fabricate,make,concoct,train
  213. 咖啡, 咖啡 (kāfēi) - arabica,coffee,cafe,Java,java,mocha,blackstrap
  214. 名單, 名单 (míngdān) - checklist,register,registry,list,roll,listing,roster,name list
  215. 注重, 注重 (zhùzhòng) - lay stress on,pay attention to
  216. 周圍, 周围 (zhōuwéi) - all around,circumference,circumambience,compass,ambit,periphery,circumambiency,round,surrounding,perimeter,environment,precinct,vicinity,circuit,ambience,around
  217. 主權, 主权 (zhǔquán) - imperium,ascendance,reign,ascendency,ascendancy,possession,empire,majesty,signory,paramountcy,lordship,sovereign rights,sovereignty,raj,supremacy,dominion,ownership
  218. 水泥, 水泥 (shuǐní) - cement
  219. 近, 近 (jìn) - close,near
  220. 合法, 合法 (héfǎ) - legal,well-formed,rightful,lawful,legitimate
  221. 便利, 便利 (biànlì) - facilitate
  222. 落後, 落后 (luòhòu) - fall/lay behind
  223. 詢問, 询问 (xúnwèn) - ask about,inquire
  224. 詢問, 询问 (xúnwèn) - ask about,inquire
  225. 送給, 送给 (sònggěi) - present to,to give as a present,send to,give,send/present to,to present
  226. 惟, 惟 (wéi) - only,alone,but
  227. 表, 表 (biǎo) - table,form,list
  228. 糾紛, 纠纷 (jiūfēn) - entanglement,embarrassment,cobweb,skein,embroilment,dissension,complication,issue,conflict,confusion,dispute,shindig,knottiness,dustup,aggro,tangle,betanglement,maze,imbroglio,strife
  229. 空中, 空中 (kōngzhōng) - in_the_air,air,in the sky,sky,aerial,open air/sky,open air,space,open sky,midair
  230. 過於, 过于 (guòyū) - to a fault,unduly,too_much,troppo,over-,excessively,too,too much
  231. 任, 任 (rèn) - serve in a position,appoint to a position
  232. 晚, 晚 (wǎn) - far on in time,late
  233. 車站, 车站 (chēzhàn) - station
  234. 有助於, 有助于 (yǒuzhùyū) - helpful to,lead,advantage,redound,be conducive,conduce,be conducive to,conduce to,sell,contribute to,subserve,avail,contribute
  235. 便利, 便利 (biànlì) - facilitate
  236. 落後, 落后 (luòhòu) - fall/lay behind
  237. 之類, 之类 (zhīlèi) - conj.: such like
  238. 下降, 下降 (xiàjiàng) - descend,go/come down,drop,fall,decline
  239. 下降, 下降 (xiàjiàng) - descend,go/come down,drop,fall,decline
  240. 手續, 手续 (shǒuxù) - formality,procedures,formalities,procedure
  241. 轉換, 转换 (zhuǎnhuàn) - change,transform
  242. 轉換, 转换 (zhuǎnhuàn) - change,transform
  243. 立法, 立法 (lìfǎ) - legislation,legislative,legislate
  244. 刀, 刀 (dāo) - knife,sword,blade,sth. shaped like a knife
  245. 帶給, 带给 (dàigěi) - take,bring to
  246. 涵蓋, 涵盖 (hángài) - cover, include
  247. 差不多, 差不多 (chābùduō) - good enough
  248. 主持人, 主持人 (zhǔchírén) - anchor,emcee,host,symposiarch,anchorman,director,impresario,chair,chairperson,linkman,presenter,compere,master of ceremonies,moderator
  249. 完工, 完工 (wángōng) - finish doing sth.
  250. 里, 里 (lǐ) - m.[standard]
  251. 楊, 杨 (yáng) - poplar tree,Surname,Yang,poplar
  252. 內政部, 内政部 (nèizhèngbù) - Interior,Ministry of the Interior Affairs,interior,Department of the Interior,Ministry of Home Affairs,Interior Department
  253. 躲, 躲 (duǒ) - avoid,hide,hide oneself,dodge,hide (oneself)
  254. 美術館, 美术馆 (měishùguǎn) - picture gallary,salon,art gallery,pinacotheca,museum,gallery
  255. 領先, 领先 (lǐngxiān) - lead,lead (in competition),precede,lead_up,be in lead,show,be in the lead,get the jump
  256. 不當, 不当 (búdàng) - unsuitable,inappropriate
  257. 不當, 不当 (búdàng) - unsuitable,inappropriate
  258. 用地, 用地 (yòngdì) - site,location,land (of certain purpose)
  259. 認知, 认知 (rènzhī) - cognize,perceive
  260. 認知, 认知 (rènzhī) - cognize,perceive
  261. 基層, 基层 (jīcéng) - grass-roots unit,basic/primary level
  262. 做出, 做出 (zuòchū) - throw_off,give,to make,to do,make,place
  263. 政權, 政权 (zhèngquán) - rein,political power,political/state power,state power,power,regime,political
  264. 甚麼, 什么 (shéme) - det.: what
  265. 風景區, 风景区 (fēngjǐngqū) - scenic spot
  266. 季節, 季节 (jìjié) - season
  267. 享有, 享有 (xiǎngyǒu) - enjoy (right/etc.)
  268. 對不起, 对不起 (duìbùqǐ) - be unfair to,I'm sorry,let ... down,let sb. down,excuse me
  269. 建設, 建设 (jiànshè) - build,construct
  270. 出口, 出口 (chūkǒu) - export
  271. 引導, 引导 (yǐndǎo) - guide,lead
  272. 出口, 出口 (chūkǒu) - export
  273. 引導, 引导 (yǐndǎo) - guide,lead
  274. 實行, 实行 (shíxíng) - put into effect,fulfil,put ... into practice,practise,practice,put into practice/effect,live,pass,obtain,prosecute,cause,phase,meet,carry_out,pull,effect,operate,carry out,actualize,use,effectuate,put ... into effect,perform,apply,put into practice,run,implement,execute,do,make,wage,implementation
  275. 錯誤, 错误 (cuòwù) - wrong,mistaken
  276. 國內外, 国内外 (guónèiwài) - inside and outside the country
  277. 迄, 迄 (qì) - till
  278. 神話, 神话 (shénhuà) - fairy story,fairy tale,mythos,mythic,fable,fairytale,myth,mythology
  279. 盡, 尽 (jìn) - use up,exhaust,try one's best,put to best use,end
  280. 花園, 花园 (huāyuán) - flower garden
  281. 非洲, 非洲 (fēizhōu) - Africa
  282. 組織, 组织 (zǔzhī) - organize,form
  283. 音樂會, 音乐会 (yīnyuèhuì) - musicale,philharmonic,concert
  284. 繼, 继 (jì) - then,afterwards
  285. 預估, 预估 (yūgū) - predict
  286. 預估, 预估 (yūgū) - predict
  287. 著作, 著作 (zhùzuò) - composition,writing,composing,oeuvre,work,opus,literature,writings,book,production,bookmaking,body of work
  288. 感受到, 感受到 (gǎnshòudào) - feel,sense,experience
  289. 保障, 保障 (bǎozhàng) - guarantee,safeguard
  290. 自主, 自主 (zìzhǔ) - be one's own master,take initiative
  291. 好多, 好多 (hǎoduō) - det : many, much
  292. 自主, 自主 (zìzhǔ) - be one's own master,take initiative
  293. 姑娘, 姑娘 (gūniáng) - quiff,cummer,gill,calico,girlie,missy,moll,damsel,fille,girl,jill,miss,judy,jeune fille,sheila,jane,lass,colleen,toots,daughter,young girl,lassie
  294. 財團, 财团 (cáituán) - financial group,foundation,consortium,a consortium,a syndicate,syndicate,pool,conglomerate,empire,big business,a money clique
  295. 預期, 预期 (yūqí) - expect,anticipate
  296. 安定, 安定 (āndìng) - stabilize
  297. 上升, 上升 (shàngshēng) - rise
  298. 上升, 上升 (shàngshēng) - rise
  299. 未必, 未必 (wèibì) - may_not,not necessarily,may not
  300. 噸, 吨 (dùn) - metric ton,acre,ton,m.[standard],,A,MT,tonne,t
  301. 模擬, 模拟 (mónǐ) - imitate,simulate
  302. 發言, 发言 (fāyán) - speak,make statement/speech
  303. 底下, 底下 (dǐxià) - under,below,beneath
  304. 安定, 安定 (āndìng) - stabilize
  305. 模擬, 模拟 (mónǐ) - imitate,simulate
  306. 票, 票 (piào) - ticket,ballot,note
  307. 出門, 出门 (chūmén) - go_out,go on journey,go out,go on a journey,be away from home
  308. 輔助, 辅助 (fǔzhù) - assist
  309. 傾向, 倾向 (qīngxiàng) - tendency,trend,inclination
  310. 過年, 过年 (guònián) - celebrate/spend New Year
  311. 照, 照 (zhào) - according to,in accordance with,towards
  312. 廟, 庙 (miào) - shrine,sanctorium,joss house,temple fair,temple
  313. 幫, 帮 (bāng) - help,assist
  314. 人工, 人工 (réngōng) - man-made,artificiality,manual work,manpower,art,labor
  315. 禮, 礼 (lǐ) - gift,present
  316. 信, 信 (xìn) - believe,true
  317. 勝利, 胜利 (shènglì) - win victory/success
  318. 魅力, 魅力 (mèilì) - personal appeal,allurement,charisma,fascination,spell,attractive feature,glitter,witchery,lure,appeal,grace,loveliness,attraction,allure,enticement,seduction,glamour,pazazz,charm,pishogue,prestige,enchantment,glamor,witchcraft,magnetism,attractiveness,appealingness,hypnotism,bewitchment,invitation,personal magnetism,captivation
  319. 首長, 首长 (shǒuzhǎng) - magistrate,lord,principal,header,chief,governor,raja,leading cadre,doge,senior officer
  320. 勝利, 胜利 (shènglì) - win victory/success
  321. 過年, 过年 (guònián) - celebrate/spend New Year
  322. 毫不, 毫不 (háobù) - nohow,not at all,no,no more,none,nowise,nothing
  323. 組長, 组长 (zǔzhǎng) - chief/head of group/section
  324. 專長, 专长 (zhuāncháng) - department,excellence,metier,knowledge,speciality,specialty,specialism,specialisation,special skill/knowledge,special knowledge,adept,expertise,special skill,medium,forte,specialization
  325. 物品, 物品 (wùpǐn) - whatchamacallit,sundry,stuff,commodity,affair,physical object,goods,article,object,content,whatsis,res,sundries
  326. 哇, 哇 (wā) - Wah!
  327. 後者, 后者 (hòuzhě) - latter,the latter
  328. 輔助, 辅助 (fǔzhù) - assist
  329. 珍貴, 珍贵 (zhēnguì) - valuable,precious
  330. 景象, 景象 (jǐngxiàng) - prospects,spectacle,scene,picture,sight,show
  331. 選出, 选出 (xuǎnchū) - come_up,winnow,mark,come up,mark_out,select,single_out,center out,return,single out,vote,designate
  332. 澎湖, 澎湖 (pénghú) - Peng-hu(county in Taiwan)
  333. 學員, 学员 (xuéyuán) - trainee,member of institution of learning,student
  334. 監督, 监督 (jiāndū) - supervise,superintend,control
  335. 監督, 监督 (jiāndū) - supervise,superintend,control
  336. 加拿大, 加拿大 (jiānádà) - Northman,Canadian,Canada
  337. 以色列, 以色列 (yǐsèliè) - Beulah,Israel,Zion
  338. 參賽, 参赛 (cānsài) - take part in match, enter competition
  339. 混亂, 混乱 (hǔnluàn) - confused,chaotic
  340. 走出, 走出 (zǒuchū) - leave,walk out
  341. 收到, 收到 (shōudào) - hear,find,achievement,receive,receipt,obtain,achieve,incur,get,come_to
  342. 佛, 佛 (fó) - Buddha,Buddhism,image of Buddha
  343. 如同, 如同 (rútóng) - like,similar to
  344. 初, 初 (chū) - at the beginning of,in the early part of
  345. 混亂, 混乱 (hǔnluàn) - confused,chaotic
  346. 排, 排 (pái) - stand in line,arrange,put in order,sequence
  347. 歲月, 岁月 (suìyuè) - precession,years,days,time
  348. 參賽, 参赛 (cānsài) - take part in match, enter competition
  349. 屆時, 届时 (jièshí) - at appointed time,on the occasion
  350. 這邊, 这边 (zhèbiān) - this side,here
  351. 班, 班 (bān) - m.[event]
  352. 塑造, 塑造 (sùzào) - model,mold,portray
  353. 權威, 权威 (quánwēi) - authoritativeness,sanction,pontiff,prince,pundit,a person of authority,authority,princedom,muscle,power,pope
  354. 雙重, 双重 (shuāngchóng) - twofold,dual,diploid,double
  355. 古老, 古老 (gǔlǎo) - ancient,old
  356. 廣播, 广播 (guǎngbō) - broadcast,air
  357. 樂觀, 乐观 (lèguān) - be optimistic; be hopeful
  358. 樂觀, 乐观 (lèguān) - be optimistic; be hopeful
  359. 塑造, 塑造 (sùzào) - model,mold,portray
  360. 定期, 定期 (dìngqí) - fixed (of time),periodically,regularly
  361. 強大, 强大 (qiángdà) - big and powerful,formidable
  362. 強大, 强大 (qiángdà) - big and powerful,formidable
  363. 社會主義, 社会主义 (shèhuìzhǔyì) - socialist,socialism
  364. 事宜, 事宜 (shìyí) - arrangements,matters concerned,affairs,arrangement,personal business
  365. 交往, 交往 (jiāowǎng) - associate,contact
  366. 交往, 交往 (jiāowǎng) - associate,contact
  367. 時空, 时空 (shíkōng) - time and space,space-time
  368. 露出, 露出 (lòuchū) - bare,demonstrate,disclose,expose,crop out,show,basset,uncover,protrude,appear,reveal,emerge,evidence,tell,uncase,outcrop,peep,betray,ride,ascertain
  369. 請教, 请教 (qǐngjiào) - consultation,Please enlighten me.,seek advice,take counsel,consult,ask,ask for advice
  370. 繁榮, 繁荣 (fánróng) - flourishing,prosperous,booming
  371. 嬉皮, 嬉皮 (xīpí) - flower child,hippy,hippie
  372. 繁榮, 繁荣 (fánróng) - flourishing,prosperous,booming
  373. 斤, 斤 (jīn) - m.[standard]
  374. 暨, 暨 (jì) - conj.: and
  375. 行情, 行情 (hángqíng) - prices,quotation,(market) quotations,market,price,quotations
  376. 先導, 先导 (xiāndǎo) - pacesetter,forerunner,precursor,vanguard,guide
  377. 防治, 防治 (fángzhì) - prevent and cure,prophylaxis and treatment
  378. 防治, 防治 (fángzhì) - prevent and cure,prophylaxis and treatment
  379. 列入, 列入 (lièrù) - be listed,be listed/placed,placed,be placed,rank
  380. 依據, 依据 (yījù) - basis,foundation
  381. 完美, 完美 (wánměi) - perfect,consummate
  382. 同胞, 同胞 (tóngbāo) - offspring of same parents,paisano,neighbour,countrymen,countryfolk,fellow countryman,neighbor,compatriot,countryman,cousin
  383. 原理, 原理 (yuánlǐ) - principle,tenet
  384. 財富, 财富 (cáifù) - opulence,pile,worth,fortune,moneybag,riches,mammon,substance,wealth,wealthy,gold,lucre,means,shekel,pelf,opulency,money,oof,nabobery
  385. 黃, 黄 (huáng) - yellow,spoiled,withered
  386. 難免, 难免 (nánmiǎn) - hard to avoid
  387. 中小企業, 中小企业 (zhōngxiǎoqìyè) - medium and small enterprise,middle and small types enterprises
  388. 全力, 全力 (quánlì) - all one's strength,wholehearted dedication
  389. 影響到, 影响到 (yǐngxiǎngdào) - concern,impinge_on,interfere
  390. 貴族, 贵族 (guìzú) - baron,aristocratism,atheling,nobleman,jarl,grandee,raja,aristocracy,patrician,blue blood,lord,magnifico,noble,aristocrat,baronage,peer,mogul,nobility,patricianhood,peerage,sirdar,amir,nobles
  391. 祖先, 祖先 (zǔxiān) - parent,father,forbear,forefathers,origin,progenitor,propositus,pedigree,forebear,forefather,antecedent,ascendent,grandfather,ancestor,forerunner,grandsire,stirp,root,ancestry,grandmother,antecedents,forbears,stirps,ascendant,primogenitor,ancestral,ancestors,sire,stock,forebears
  392. 待, 待 (dài) - treat,entertain
  393. 怎麼, 怎么 (zěnme) - what
  394. 流通, 流通 (liútōng) - circulate
  395. 流通, 流通 (liútōng) - circulate
  396. 姊姊, 姊姊 (jiějiě) - big_sister,older sister,big sister
  397. 純, 纯 (chún) - pure,simple
  398. 學會, 学会 (xuéhuì) - learn,master
  399. 聯繫, 联系 (liánxì) - integrate,relate,link,get in touch with
  400. 報, 报 (bào) - report,reply
  401. 報, 报 (bào) - report,reply
  402. 颱風, 台风 (táifēng) - typhoon
  403. 盤, 盘 (pán) - m.[event]
  404. 精緻, 精致 (jīngzhì) - fine,exquisite,delicate
  405. 聯考, 联考 (liánkǎo) - general examination,entrance examination
  406. 精緻, 精致 (jīngzhì) - fine,exquisite,delicate
  407. 隊伍, 队伍 (duìwǔ) - cue,procession,contingent,ranks,troops,gang
  408. 大台北, 大台北 (dàtáiběi) - Taipei area
  409. 和尚, 和尚 (héshàng) - bonze,talapoin,monk,Bhikku,Buddhist monk
  410. 聯繫, 联系 (liánxì) - integrate,relate,link,get in touch with
  411. 回收, 回收 (huíshōu) - recycle
  412. 回收, 回收 (huíshōu) - recycle
  413. 便是, 便是 (biànshì) - even if
  414. 後, 后 (hòu) - det.: later,succeeding
  415. 師範, 师范 (shīfàn) - teacher-training,pedagogical
  416. 陷入, 陷入 (xiànrù) - plunge,be immersed in,land oneself in,slump,be caught in,lapse,launch,get_into,fall_in,invaginate,be deep in,engulf,run_into,fall_into,be lost/immersed in,be lost,sink into,tangle,fall into,immerse,sink,be lost in,bed,immersed in,get bogged down in,land,sink/fall into
  417. 旅, 旅 (lǔ) - travel
  418. 高度, 高度 (gāodù) - altitude,height,high degree
  419. 租, 租 (zū) - rent out
  420. 副, 副 (fù) - m.[general]
  421. 義大利, 义大利 (yìdàlì) - Italy
  422. 籃球, 篮球 (lánqiú) - basketball
  423. 生產力, 生产力 (shēngchǎnlì) - fecundity,fertility,productive force,prolificacy,output,productivity
  424. 犯, 犯 (fàn) - violate,offend,attack,assail,work against,commit,have recurrence (of old illness),revert (to bad habit)
  425. 評鑑, 评鑑 (píngjiàn) - pass judgment on,evaluate,assess
  426. 搜尋, 搜寻 (sōuxún) - search/look for,seek
  427. 搜尋, 搜寻 (sōuxún) - search/look for,seek
  428. 有利, 有利 (yǒulì) - be advantageous/beneficial
  429. 情境, 情境 (qíngjìng) - situation,experimental condition,condition,circumstances
  430. 處處, 处处 (chùchù) - everywhere,in all respects
  431. 則, 则 (zé) - m.[general]
  432. 物價, 物价 (wùjià) - commodity prices
  433. 宜, 宜 (yí) - right,suitable
  434. 弄, 弄 (nòng) - play with,make,do,handle,engage in,obtain,get,fetch,play tricks
  435. 根, 根 (gēn) - roots of a plant,the base
  436. 評鑑, 评鑑 (píngjiàn) - pass judgment on,evaluate,assess
  437. 趟, 趟 (tàng) - m.[activity]
  438. 歌曲, 歌曲 (gēqǔ) - melody,aria,song,madrigal,chant,lied,tune
  439. 燒, 烧 (shāo) - oven broil,roast,burn,broil,run a fever,baking,stew ... in soy sauce,cook,heat,bake,burning,burnt,stew,grill,cooking,have a temperature
  440. 趙, 赵 (zhào) - Zhao,Surname
  441. 文物, 文物 (wénwù) - historical relics,cultural objects,artifact,historical relic,cultural relic,cultural/historical objects/relics,cultural,historical objects,relics
  442. 四處, 四处 (sìchù) - about,all around,everywhere,everyplace,all over,throughout,around
  443. 心臟, 心脏 (xīnzàng) - ticker,cardiac,center,pump,heart
  444. 難怪, 难怪 (nánguài) - no wonder
  445. 唱歌, 唱歌 (chànggē) - sing
  446. 數目, 数目 (shùmù) - figure,count,amount,number
  447. 不時, 不时 (bùshí) - betweentimes,every so often,frequently,somewhile,at any time,every now and then,often
  448. 修訂, 修订 (xiūdìng) - revise
  449. 詞彙, 词汇 (cíhuì) - mental lexicon,vocabulary,wordbook,lexicon,word-stock,lexis,words and phrases
  450. 乾脆, 干脆 (gāncuì) - direct, forthright
  451. 社長, 社长 (shèzhǎng) - director (of association,principal,etc.),director,president/director (of association/etc.),president
  452. 修訂, 修订 (xiūdìng) - revise
  453. 唱歌, 唱歌 (chànggē) - sing
  454. 球場, 球场 (qiúchǎng) - playing_field,gridiron,court,ball field,field,pitch,course,park,ballpark
  455. 身份, 身份 (shēnfèn) - state,dignity,station,estate,body,estate of the realm,capacity,status,standing,caste,doctorate,place,identity,condition
  456. 解釋, 解释 (jiěshì) - explanation,interpretation
  457. 計畫, 计画 (jìhuà) - plan
  458. 水果, 水果 (shuǐguǒ) - fruit
  459. 發明, 发明 (fāmíng) - invention
  460. 戶外, 户外 (hùwài) - air,outdoor,open_air,out-of-doors,open,outdoors,open air,open-air
  461. 司法, 司法 (sīfǎ) - justice,judicature,administration of justice,judicatory,judiciary,judgeship,judicial,judgship
  462. 熱門, 热门 (rèmén) - favorite,in great demand,popular
  463. 環保局, 环保局 (huánbǎojú) - State Bureau of Environmental Protection,Bureau of Environmental Protection
  464. 解放, 解放 (jiěfàng) - liberate,emancipate
  465. 草, 草 (cǎo) - female (of animals),herb,herbage,female,careless,hasty,grass,rough,wort,draft,straw
  466. 東吳, 东吴 (dōngwú) - Soochow University
  467. 幸運, 幸运 (xìngyùn) - very fortunate,lucky
  468. 幸運, 幸运 (xìngyùn) - very fortunate,lucky
  469. 解放, 解放 (jiěfàng) - liberate,emancipate
  470. 違規, 违规 (wéiguī) - violate rule/regulation
  471. 下來, 下来 (xiàlái) - come down from a higher place
  472. 熱心, 热心 (rèxīn) - be enthusiastic about
  473. 算, 算 (suàn) - calculate,compute,figure,include,count,plan,think,suppose
  474. 領, 领 (lǐng) - receive,draw,get,have jurisdiction over,be in possession of
  475. 創新, 创新 (chuàngxīn) - bring forth new ideas,blaze new trails
  476. 電, 电 (diàn) - electricity
  477. 靈魂, 灵魂 (línghún) - god,anima,Psyche,psyche,spirit,pneuma,ghost,manes,soul
  478. 尊嚴, 尊严 (zūnyán) - honour,dignity,loftiness,face,worship,self-regard,majesty,sanctity,self-respect,dignified,stateliness,self-esteem,honor
  479. 協商, 协商 (xiéshāng) - consult,talk things over
  480. 網, 网 (wǎng) - net
  481. 協商, 协商 (xiéshāng) - consult,talk things over
  482. 軍人, 军人 (jūnrén) - soldiery,soldier,swordsman,buffcoat,armyman,serviceman,military
  483. 物件, 物件 (wùjiàn) - thing,article,object
  484. 省府, 省府 (shěngfǔ) - Taiwan Provincial Government
  485. 背, 背 (bèi) - learn by heart,recite from memory
  486. 書法, 书法 (shūfǎ) - calligraphy
  487. 違規, 违规 (wéiguī) - violate rule/regulation
  488. 創新, 创新 (chuàngxīn) - bring forth new ideas,blaze new trails
  489. 運輸, 运输 (yùnshū) - transport
  490. 運輸, 运输 (yùnshū) - transport
  491. 禮拜, 礼拜 (lǐbài) - week
  492. 觀, 观 (guān) - look at,watch,observe
  493. 願望, 愿望 (yuànwàng) - wish,desire,pleasure,Eros,will,orexis,desirability,dream,wishfulness,mind,mirage,wistfulness,aspiration,ambition,hope
  494. 臨床, 临床 (línchuáng) - clinical
  495. 練, 练 (liàn) - practice,exercise,boil and scour raw silk,educate,reeducate,nurture,coach,hone,drill,school,lunge,break,breed,train
  496. 麻煩, 麻烦 (máfán) - trouble sb., bother
  497. 當成, 当成 (dāngchéng) - regard as,take for,consider as,regard/consider as,treat as,regard
  498. 皇帝, 皇帝 (huángdì) - emperor
  499. 男孩, 男孩 (nánhái) - feller,sonny boy,male child,tad,sonny,laddie,lad,child,man-child,cub,blighter,Jack,male offspring,boy
  500. 有錢, 有钱 (yǒuqián) - wealthy,be wealthy,be rich,rich,moneyed
  501. 瑞士, 瑞士 (ruìshì) - Svizzera,Swiss Confederation,bise,Schweiz,Switzerland,Suisse
  502. 何況, 何况 (hékuàng) - conj.: much less,let alone,all the more
  503. 擴充, 扩充 (kuòchōng) - expand,strengthen,augment
  504. 獎勵, 奖励 (jiǎnglì) - encourage and reward,award
  505. 擴充, 扩充 (kuòchōng) - expand,strengthen,augment
  506. 分佈, 分佈 (fēnbù) - be distributed (over an area),be scattered
  507. 分布, 分布 (fēnbù) - be distributed (over an area),be scattered
  508. 分布, 分布 (fēnbù) - be distributed (over an area),be scattered
  509. 競賽, 竞赛 (jìngsài) - contest,competition
  510. 分佈, 分佈 (fēnbù) - be distributed (over an area),be scattered
  511. 對應, 对应 (duìyìng) - correspondence,harmonize,map,homologous,corresponding,mapping,agree,reciprocal,counterpart,represent,stand for,accord,equate,homologize,correspond
  512. 嚴肅, 严肃 (yánsù) - serious,solemn
  513. 脫離, 脱离 (tuōlí) - depart,disaffiliate,sever,wander,disengage,renegade,defect,secede,splinter,break away,drop_out,free,opt,extricate,bolt,separate oneself from,break up,be divorced from,separate,deviate,swerve,break_loose,prescind,escape_from,pervert
  514. 主委, 主委 (zhǔwěi) - head member of a committee
  515. 應付, 应付 (yìngfù) - hack,cope_with,treat,stand,bridge_over,come_on,do sth. perfunctorily,cope with,handle,cope,do ... perfunctorily,deal/cope with,cut,make do,deal,deal with,respond
  516. 注意到, 注意到 (zhùyìdào) - find,acknowledge,mark,discover,observe,pay attention to,heed,notice,realize,detect,catch,note
  517. 安裝, 安装 (ānzhuāng) - install,erect,fix,mount
  518. 國王, 国王 (guówáng) - regal,crowned_head,Rex,crown,kingdom,Pharaoh,male monarch,roi,king
  519. 著, 着 (zhuó) - put on (clothes)
  520. 筆, 笔 (bǐ) - pen,technique of writing/calligraphy/drawing,stroke
  521. 發達, 发达 (fādá) - developed,flourishing
  522. 發達, 发达 (fādá) - developed,flourishing
  523. 單一, 单一 (dānyī) - one,unitary,singular,monolithic,single
  524. 安裝, 安装 (ānzhuāng) - install,erect,fix,mount
  525. 歷經, 历经 (lìjīng) - have experienced
  526. 飲料, 饮料 (yǐnliào) - stuff,bibation,drinkable,beverage,belly-wash,potation,quencher,soft_drink,slop,brewage,potable,drink
  527. 萬一, 万一 (wànyī) - conj.: just in case,if by any chance
  528. 機械, 机械 (jīxiè) - mechanics,enginery,rig,machinery,mechanism,machine,appliance,mechanical
  529. 影響力, 影响力 (yǐngxiǎnglì) - influence,potency,carry-over,impact,encroachment,force,leavening,consequence,pull,leaven,shadow,powerfulness,hold,impingement,authority,heft,juice,power,counterbalance
  530. 不免, 不免 (bùmiǎn) - unavoidably
  531. 加速, 加速 (jiāsù) - quicken,accelerate,expedite
  532. 加速, 加速 (jiāsù) - quicken,accelerate,expedite
  533. 加州, 加州 (jiāzhōu) - California
  534. 專, 专 (zhuān) - concentrated,special,specially,only,focused,tyrannical,arbitrary
  535. 比率, 比率 (bǐlù) - ratio,percentage,rate,proportion,clip,quotient
  536. 科目, 科目 (kēmù) - discipline,headings in account book,school subject,school course,school subject/course,subject,category of subjects,course
  537. 致力, 致力 (zhìlì) - concentrate_on,bend,devote oneself (to),dedicate,devote oneself,devote oneself to,devote,work for
  538. 完善, 完善 (wánshàn) - perfect,consummate
  539. 成人, 成人 (chéngrén) - grownup,adult,majority,manhood,grown-up
  540. 吵架, 吵架 (chǎojià) - quarrel,have a row/spat
  541. 名額, 名额 (míngé) - number of people allowed,quota of people
  542. 完善, 完善 (wánshàn) - perfect,consummate
  543. 吵架, 吵架 (chǎojià) - quarrel,have a row/spat
  544. 發, 发 (fā) - distribute
  545. 換句話說, 换句话说 (huànjùhuàshuō) - that is to say,viz.,namely,in other words,videlicet
  546. 產, 产 (chǎn) - give birth to,be delivered of,produce
  547. 不然, 不然 (bùrán) - conj.: otherwise, if not, or else
  548. 支付, 支付 (zhīfù) - pay (money),defray
  549. 可行, 可行 (kěxíng) - feasible
  550. 支付, 支付 (zhīfù) - pay (money),defray
  551. 變化, 变化 (biànhuà) - change,vary
  552. 競選, 竞选 (jìngxuǎn) - campaign (for office),run for
  553. 關, 关 (guān) - shut,close,turn off,lock up,close down
  554. 競選, 竞选 (jìngxuǎn) - campaign (for office),run for
  555. 雙手, 双手 (shuāngshǒu) - lily-white,both hands
  556. 有些, 有些 (yǒuxiē) - kind_of,rather,somewhat
  557. 名, 名 (míng) - famous
  558. 表, 表 (biǎo) - indicate
  559. 社員, 社员 (shèyuán) - commune member
  560. 產, 产 (chǎn) - give birth to,be delivered of,produce
  561. 反應, 反应 (fǎnyìng) - react,respond
  562. 假, 假 (jiǎ) - false,fake,phony,artificial
  563. 樂園, 乐园 (lèyuán) - Elysian Fields,paradise,Valhalla,Eden,playground,Elysium,fairyland
  564. 餓死, 饿死 (èsǐ) - famish,starve,hunger,starve to death
  565. 湖, 湖 (hú) - water,waterfront,a name referring to the provinces of Hunan and Hub,lacustrine,loch,mere,lake,lough,Hunan and Hubei,laky
  566. 國際化, 国际化 (guójìhuà) - internationlize
  567. 營養, 营养 (yíngyǎng) - nutrition,nourishment
  568. 轉, 转 (zhuǎn) - turn,revolve,rotate
  569. 不便, 不便 (búbiàn) - inconvenient,inappropriate
  570. 反, 反 (fǎn) - on the contrary,instead
  571. 不便, 不便 (búbiàn) - inconvenient,inappropriate
  572. 山地, 山地 (shāndì) - mountainous,mountainous country,fields on a hill,hillside field,mountainous region,hilly country,upland,mountainous/hilly country,hilly area
  573. 考驗, 考验 (kǎoyàn) - test,trial
  574. 不變, 不变 (búbiàn) - not change
  575. 成, 成 (chéng) - accomplish,succeed
  576. 國際化, 国际化 (guójìhuà) - internationlize
  577. 時光, 时光 (shíguāng) - years,times,days,hour,time
  578. 念書, 念书 (niànshū) - read,study
  579. 多元化, 多元化 (duōyuánhuà) - become many-faceted
  580. 交通部, 交通部 (jiāotōngbù) - Ministry of Communications
  581. 依法, 依法 (yīfǎ) - in conformity with legal provisions,lawfully,in accordance with the law,wrongfully,legally,de jure,according to law
  582. 多元化, 多元化 (duōyuánhuà) - become many-faceted
  583. 艘, 艘 (sāo) - m.[general]
  584. 強化, 强化 (qiánghuà) - strengthen,intensify,consolidate
  585. 煙, 烟 (yān) - smoke,mist,vapor
  586. 勢力, 势力 (shìlì) - strength,influence,potency,weight,hold,leverage,yoke,sway,force,steam,presence,power,puissance
  587. 敵人, 敌人 (dírén) - antagonist,enemy,enemy force,foeman,opponent,adversary,hostile force,foe,opposing force
  588. 儀器, 仪器 (yíqì) - instrumentation,device,setup,apparatus,instrumental,instrument,armamentarium
  589. 功夫, 功夫 (gōngfū) - workmanship,skill,art
  590. 不景氣, 不景气 (bùjǐngqì) - depressive,in depression,in depressing state,recession
  591. 離婚, 离婚 (líhūn) - divorce
  592. 持, 持 (chí) - hold,grasp
  593. 財政, 财政 (cáizhèng) - finance
  594. 離婚, 离婚 (líhūn) - divorce
  595. 倫理, 伦理 (lúnlǐ) - value orientation,value-system,moral,moral principle,morals,ethical,ethical motive,ethic,moral principles,morality,ethics
  596. 強盜, 强盗 (qiángdào) - hijacker,ravener,robber,rifler,freebooter,housebreaker,mugger,stickup,highwayman,brigand,ripoff,robbery,bandit,dacoit
  597. 負面, 负面 (fùmiàn) - negative,negativeness,reverse (side),reverse
  598. 企業界, 企业界 (qìyèjiè) - business,business circles,enterprise
  599. 紅色, 红色 (hóngsè) - red color
  600. 施行, 施行 (shīxíng) - put in force,execute,implement,apply,perform
  601. 施行, 施行 (shīxíng) - put in force,execute,implement,apply,perform
  602. 列為, 列为 (lièwéi) - be classified as
  603. 強化, 强化 (qiánghuà) - strengthen,intensify,consolidate
  604. 姓, 姓 (xìng) - name
  605. 關切, 关切 (guānqiè) - be deeply concerned
  606. 眾人, 众人 (zhòngrén) - everybody
  607. 關切, 关切 (guānqiè) - be deeply concerned
  608. 禮物, 礼物 (lǐwù) - tribute,giving,proffer,gift,compliment,box,benefice,acknowledgment,present,souvenir
  609. 不利, 不利 (búlì) - unfavorable,detrimental;unsuccessful
  610. 不佳, 不佳 (bùjiā) - be no good
  611. 不利, 不利 (búlì) - unfavorable,detrimental;unsuccessful
  612. 教育廳, 教育厅 (jiàoyūtīng) - Office of Education
  613. 家屬, 家属 (jiāshǔ) - blood relative,kinswoman,kinsman,household,kinfolk,kin,dependent,kinsfolk,family members,family dependents,cognate,folk,sib,people,dependents,blood relation,family members/dependents
  614. 咱們, 咱们 (zánmen) - we,you and I
  615. 呼吸, 呼吸 (hūxī) - take a breather,respiratory,take a breath,respire,catch one's breath,inspire,breathe,rest,suspire,respiration
  616. 兒女, 儿女 (érnǔ) - sons and daughters,young man and woman,children,young males and females,child
  617. 款, 款 (kuǎn) - m.[general]
  618. 象徵, 象征 (xiàngzhēng) - symbol,emblem,token
  619. 煮, 煮 (zhǔ) - boil,scald,seethe,poach,cook
  620. 顯著, 显著 (xiǎnzhù) - outstand,striking,noticeable,remarkable,appear,marked,notable,outstanding,stand_out
  621. 大躍進, 大跃进 (dàyuèjìn) - Great Leap Forward
  622. 止, 止 (zhǐ) - demeanor,bearing
  623. 付, 付 (fù) - hand/turn over to,commit to,pay
  624. 演員, 演员 (yǎnyuán) - actor or actress,playactor,imitator,stage manager,barnstormer,actor,performer,impersonator,cast,performing artist,dramatis personae,role player,histrionic,thespian,trouper,player,cast of characters,stager,histrion
  625. 嬰兒, 婴儿 (yīngér) - babe,baby infant,wean,neonate,papoose,nestling,parvulus,baby,cheeper,child,bantling,nursling,bambino,infant,nurseling,infantile,suckling,chrisom
  626. 典禮, 典礼 (diǎnlǐ) - religious rite,celebration,ceremony,ceremonial occasion,exercise,observance,function,ceremonial,ritual,order,rite
  627. 忍受, 忍受 (rěnshòu) - forbear,hack,dree,stomach,abide,hurt,aby,hold still for,stick,brave out,live on,ache,endure,cut,swallow,suffer,brave,brook,bide,thole,digest,receive,stand,absorb,go,put up,hold out,live,hold up,sustain,abye,support,stand_for,bear,stand for,survive,last,tolerate,weather
  628. 城鎮, 城镇 (chéngzhèn) - cities and towns
  629. 異常, 异常 (yìcháng) - unusual,extraordinary,abnormal
  630. 異常, 异常 (yìcháng) - unusual,extraordinary,abnormal
  631. 補助, 补助 (bǔzhù) - subsidization
  632. 案子, 案子 (ànzi) - case (of law/etc.)
  633. 好朋友, 好朋友 (hǎopéngyǒu) - gossip,chum,crony,buddie,matey,good friend,pal
  634. 輕易, 轻易 (qīngyì) - lightly,rashly
  635. 碼頭, 码头 (mǎtóu) - commercial/transportation center,port city,landing,pier,marina,commercial center,quay,wharf,levee,landing place,jetty,commercial,stage,commercial and transportation center,transportation center,wharfage,staith,dock
  636. 計劃, 计划 (jìhuà) - plan
  637. 服務業, 服务业 (fúwùyè) - service industry,service,service trades
  638. 工作站, 工作站 (gōngzuòzhàn) - work station,workstation
  639. 外表, 外表 (wàibiǎo) - shell,outward appearance,outwall,mess,presentation,resemblance,externality,semblance,guise,visual aspect,outwardness,exterior,rind,showing,look,superficies,likeness,mien,appearance,vizard,surface,garment,external,getup
  640. 熊, 熊 (xióng) - ursine,Xiong,Surname,bear
  641. 勢必, 势必 (shìbì) - certainly will,be bound to
  642. 鬥爭, 斗争 (dòuzhēng) - battle,fight
  643. 鬥爭, 斗争 (dòuzhēng) - battle,fight
  644. 研擬, 研拟 (yánnǐ) - research and formulate something
  645. 行列, 行列 (hángliè) - parade,procession,ranks,waiting line,cortege,promenade,row,single file,Indian file,column,queue,lineup,file,rank
  646. 研擬, 研拟 (yánnǐ) - research and formulate something
  647. 收藏, 收藏 (shōucáng) - collect,store up
  648. 法人, 法人 (fǎrén) - legal person,juridical/corporate person,corporate,legal/juridical/corporate person,juridical,incorporation,legal,artificial person,corporate person,incorporator,person,corp,juridic person,corporation
  649. 收藏, 收藏 (shōucáng) - collect,store up
  650. 企圖, 企图 (qìtú) - attempt,intend
  651. 再次, 再次 (zàicì) - once again,once_more,second time,again,a second time,over,third,once more/again,once more
  652. 科系, 科系 (kēxì) - department,department (in a college),faculty
  653. 贊助, 赞助 (zànzhù) - support,assist
  654. 網球, 网球 (wǎngqiú) - lawn tennis,tennis,follow-through,tennis ball
  655. 人心, 人心 (rénxīn) - the will of people,human heart,public feeling,popular feeling
  656. 有用, 有用 (yǒuyòng) - belong,profit,count,useful,avail,powerful
  657. 贊助, 赞助 (zànzhù) - support,assist
  658. 聚集, 聚集 (jùjí) - gather,assemble,collect
  659. 編列, 编列 (biānliè) - budget
  660. 證據, 证据 (zhèngjù) - support,telltale,testification,witness,case,testimonial,documentation,grounds,evidential,token,proof,earnest,testimony,cogent evidence,attestation,testament,evidence
  661. 自身, 自身 (zìshēn) - self,oneself
  662. 編列, 编列 (biānliè) - budget
  663. 寫作, 写作 (xiězuò) - writing
  664. 寫作, 写作 (xiězuò) - writing
  665. 趁, 趁 (chèn) - while
  666. 進度, 进度 (jìndù) - pace,rate of advance,schedule,rate,planned speed,gradation,tempo
  667. 提前, 提前 (tíqián) - counter,foresee,shift to an earlier date,set ahead,advance date,advanced,advancement,move up,anticipate,advance,forestall
  668. 氣息, 气息 (qìxí) - breath,flatus,look,feeling,spirit,smell,snuff,feel,breathing,flavor,tone,taste,flavour
  669. 工業區, 工业区 (gōngyèqū) - industrial estate,industrial park
  670. 聚集, 聚集 (jùjí) - gather,assemble,collect
  671. 會談, 会谈 (huìtán) - talk
  672. 慾望, 慾望 (yūwàng) - appetence,libido,desire,lust,lecherousness,drive,flesh,lustfulness,want,passion
  673. 輸, 输 (shū) - lose,be defeated
  674. 優良, 优良 (yōuliáng) - fine,good
  675. 文獻, 文献 (wénxiàn) - document,bibliography,data related to a country's history,bibliographic,literature,data,data/documents related to a country's history/culture/etc.,documents related to a country's culture,documents related to a country's history,culture,etc.
  676. 籌備, 筹备 (chóubèi) - prepare,arrange,plan
  677. 勸, 劝 (quàn) - encourage,urge,talk,advise,advice,persuade,prevail,encouragement,try to persuade,exhort
  678. 追蹤, 追踪 (zhuīzōng) - follow trail, track
  679. 籌備, 筹备 (chóubèi) - prepare,arrange,plan
  680. 有線, 有线 (yǒuxiàn) - wired
  681. 會談, 会谈 (huìtán) - talk
  682. 逐步, 逐步 (zhúbù) - step by step,progressively
  683. 安打, 安打 (āndǎ) - base hit,safe hit,bingle
  684. 每, 每 (měi) - every,each,often,frequent
  685. 列印, 列印 (lièyìn) - put a seal on,cut a stencil and mimeograph,print,stamp,mimeograph
  686. 宣導, 宣导 (xuāndǎo) - guide people by creating better understanding
  687. 宣導, 宣导 (xuāndǎo) - guide people by creating better understanding
  688. 城堡, 城堡 (chéngbǎo) - fortress,Casbah,chateau,palace,fastness,fort,alcazar,citadel,acropolis,schloss,chateaux,castle
  689. 追蹤, 追踪 (zhuīzōng) - follow trail, track
  690. 收穫, 收获 (shōuhuò) - harvest,gains,results
  691. 手冊, 手册 (shǒucè) - companion,enchiridion,pamphlet,guidebook,notebook,vade_mecum,leaflet,handbook,booklet,brochure,folder,manual,vade mecum,workbook,guide
  692. 燈光, 灯光 (dēngguāng) - light,lighting,the light of a lamp,illuminance,glim,illumination,lamplight
  693. 語文, 语文 (yǔwén) - linguistic communication,(spoken and written) language,text,language,language and literature
  694. 團, 团 (tuán) - m.[proximation]
  695. 資策會, 资策会 (zīcèhuì) - Institute for Information Industry
  696. 一連串, 一连串 (yīliánchuàn) - a string of,in a row,a series of,a chain of,a succession of,in succession
  697. 有心, 有心 (yǒuxīn) - be careful,be cautious,cautious,have a mind to,expect
  698. 雙, 双 (shuāng) - m.[general]
  699. 績效, 绩效 (jīxiào) - results,effect
  700. 逼, 逼 (bī) - extort,press for,press on towards,drive,force,compel,close in on,press up to
  701. 鏡頭, 镜头 (jìngtóu) - training,lens,scene,shot,camera lens,vertex,optical lens
  702. 開心, 开心 (kāixīn) - feel happy,rejoice
  703. 否定, 否定 (fǒudìng) - negate,deny
  704. 否定, 否定 (fǒudìng) - negate,deny
  705. 地主, 地主 (dìzhǔ) - landholder,magnate,laird,host,landowner,lessor,master,squirearch,property owner,landman,landlady,landlord
  706. 老大, 老大 (lǎodà) - leader,eldest child (in a family),guvnor,old,governor,boss,eldest child,master of a sailing vessel
  707. 研究生, 研究生 (yánjiùshēng) - don,postgraduate,grad student,grad,graduate student,student,graduate_student
  708. 氣質, 气质 (qìzhí) - kidney,fibre,charisma,crasis,mettle,humor,temper,predisposition,habit,mould,colour,class,streak,metal,temperament,disposition,strain,habitude,sensitivity,blood,proclivity,karma,gaseity,grain,makings,presence
  709. 拿出, 拿出 (náchū) - ante,produce,take_out,get out,pose,take out,bring forth,take away,bring out
  710. 訴求, 诉求 (sùqiú) - the point of demand/request
  711. 開心, 开心 (kāixīn) - feel happy,rejoice
  712. 稍微, 稍微 (shāowéi) - kind_of,sort_of,a little bit,some,slightly,passably,somewhat,moderately,a little,ratherish,a bit
  713. 利率, 利率 (lìlù) - profit,interest rate,rate_of_interest,rate of interest
  714. 當選, 当选 (dāngxuǎn) - get elected
  715. 當選, 当选 (dāngxuǎn) - get elected
  716. 台南, 台南 (táinán) - Tainan (big city in Taiwan)
  717. 擬定, 拟定 (nǐdìng) - formulate,conjecture
  718. 擬定, 拟定 (nǐdìng) - formulate,conjecture
  719. 隔, 隔 (gé) - separate,cut off,impede
  720. 經建會, 经建会 (jīngjiànhuì) - Council for Economic Planning and Development
  721. 貼, 贴 (tiē) - paste,glue,stick to
  722. 忽視, 忽视 (hūshì) - ignore,overlook,neglect
  723. 郝柏村, 郝柏村 (hǎobócūn) - ex-premier of Taiwan
  724. 查獲, 查获 (cháhuò) - track down,apprehend
  725. 拆除, 拆除 (chāichú) - demolish,remove
  726. 拆除, 拆除 (chāichú) - demolish,remove
  727. 忽視, 忽视 (hūshì) - ignore,overlook,neglect
  728. 式, 式 (shì) - m.[kind]
  729. 傳來, 传来 (chuánlái) - spread,arise,salute,deliver something to here
  730. 象徵, 象征 (xiàngzhēng) - symbolize,signify,stand for
  731. 樂, 乐 (lè) - happy,cheerful,be glad to,enjoy,be amused
  732. 罷了, 罢了 (bàle) - particle: elucidating a previous proposition so as to diminish its effect
  733. 演, 演 (yǎn) - elaborate,development,practise,practice,develop,act,performance,represent,deduction,drill,play,evolution,evolve,play the part of,perform,play the role of,mount,elaboration,deduce
  734. 出身, 出身 (chūshēn) - class origin,family background;one's previous experience/occupation
  735. 心得, 心得 (xīndé) - what one has learned from work/study/etc.,study,what one has learned from work,insight,acquaintanceship,what one has learned from study/etc.,etc.,what one has learned from work,study,etc.
  736. 出身, 出身 (chūshēn) - class origin,family background;one's previous experience/occupation
  737. 上學, 上学 (shàngxué) - attend school,be at school
  738. 去世, 去世 (qùshì) - die,pass away
  739. 上學, 上学 (shàngxué) - attend school,be at school
  740. 忙碌, 忙碌 (mánglù) - be busy,bustle about
  741. 衛生署, 卫生署 (wèishēngshǔ) - Department of Health
  742. 去世, 去世 (qùshì) - die,pass away
  743. 記憶體, 记忆体 (jìyìtǐ) - memory,[Computer] memory, memory,memory board,inner memory,memory (chip),storage,store
  744. 定位, 定位 (dìngwèi) - fixed position
  745. 忙碌, 忙碌 (mánglù) - be busy,bustle about
  746. 紀念, 纪念 (jìniàn) - commemorate,mark
  747. 場面, 场面 (chángmiàn) - occasion,tableaux,locale,front,theatre,appearance,facade,theater,scene,spectacle,scope
  748. 得意, 得意 (déyì) - be proud of; be exalted; be complacent
  749. 得意, 得意 (déyì) - be proud of; be exalted; be complacent
  750. 寄, 寄 (jì) - attach oneself to,drop,transport,mail,ship,leave,entrust,post,get off,lodge at,depend on,send,entrustment,deposit,transmit,place,consign
  751. 基隆, 基隆 (jīlóng) - Keelung (city in Taiwan)
  752. 效應, 效应 (xiàoyìng) - effect
  753. 海水, 海水 (hǎishuǐ) - waters,seawater, salt water,sea,the sea,brine
  754. 貸款, 贷款 (dàikuǎn) - loan,credit
  755. 夫婦, 夫妇 (fūfù) - conjugality,couple,man_and_wife,husband and wife
  756. 擬, 拟 (nǐ) - intend,plan
  757. 代表, 代表 (dàibiǎo) - represent
  758. 舊金山, 旧金山 (jiùjīnshān) - Frisco,San Francisco
  759. 蝴蝶, 蝴蝶 (húdié) - butterfly
  760. 盡量, 尽量 (jìnliàng) - (drink,to the full,eat) to the full,(drink/eat) to the full,to the best of one's ability
  761. 過度, 过度 (guòdù) - too,excessively
  762. 乃, 乃 (nǎi) - be
  763. 發起, 发起 (fāqǐ) - initiate,commence,stage,instigate,sparkplug,sponsor,inauguraion,start,launch,promote,inaugurate,initiation
  764. 角落, 角落 (jiǎoluò) - nook,quoin,angle,corner
  765. 防, 防 (fáng) - guard against,guard,prevent,prepare against,defence,resistance,guard/prepare against,resist,defend,provide against
  766. 附加, 附加 (fùjiā) - hang on,supervene,suffix,additional,affix,superimpose,inset,tack on,tack,attachment,tag on,append,add,subjoin,annex,engraft,attach
  767. 屏東, 屏东 (píngdōng) - Pingtung(city in Taiwan)
  768. 國籍, 国籍 (guójí) - nationality
  769. 章, 章 (zhāng) - m.[general]
  770. 義務, 义务 (yìwù) - duty,obligation,volunteer duty
  771. 開口, 开口 (kāikǒu) - uncork,open one's mouth,sharpen knife,vent,put the first edge on a knife,broach,speak_up,laugh out loudly,breach a dam,speak,start to talk
  772. 移民, 移民 (yímín) - emigrate
  773. 出, 出 (chū) - exceed,go beyond
  774. 主張, 主张 (zhǔzhāng) - view,position,stand,proposition
  775. 上漲, 上涨 (shàngzhǎng) - rise,go up (of water level/prices/etc.)
  776. 請求, 请求 (qǐngqiú) - ask,request,entreat
  777. 請求, 请求 (qǐngqiú) - ask,request,entreat
  778. 測試, 测试 (cèshì) - survey,measure and test
  779. 不到, 不到 (búdào) - less_than,be less than
  780. 恐懼, 恐惧 (kǒngjù) - fear,dread
  781. 來得, 来得 (láide) - emerge (from a comparison) as,come out as
  782. 請求, 请求 (qǐngqiú) - ask,request,entreat
  783. 得知, 得知 (dézhī) - find,hear,see,have,succeed,learn,get_onto,know,have learned of
  784. 挑戰, 挑战 (tiǎozhàn) - challenge to battle/contest
  785. 排除, 排除 (páichú) - get rid of,remove,eliminate
  786. 最為, 最为 (zuìwéi) - extremely,most,the most
  787. 排除, 排除 (páichú) - get rid of,remove,eliminate
  788. 眼淚, 眼泪 (yǎnlèi) - tear,teardrop,tears,eyedrop,waterworks
  789. 專輯, 专辑 (zhuānjí) - album,special issue,record album,special issue of periodical,short films,special collection of pamphlets, short films, etc.,special collection of pamphlets, short f,etc.
  790. 恐懼, 恐惧 (kǒngjù) - fear,dread
  791. 教導, 教导 (jiàodǎo) - instruct,give guidance
  792. 田, 田 (tián) - farmland,glebe,cropland,Surname,field,plow,Tian
  793. 僅有, 仅有 (jǐnyǒu) - have only...,there are only...
  794. 移植, 移植 (yízhí) - transplant,graft
  795. 核酸, 核酸 (hésuān) - nucleic acid,[Biochemistry] nucleic acid, nucleic acid
  796. 教導, 教导 (jiàodǎo) - instruct,give guidance
  797. 趕緊, 赶紧 (gǎnjǐn) - hasten,double-quick,losing no time,hurriedly
  798. 業績, 业绩 (yèjī) - achievement
  799. 點, 点 (diǎn) - put (a dot),drip,sow in holes,check one by one,select,choose,hint,point out,mention,light,burn,kindle,touch on briefly,skim,order (dishes/etc.)
  800. 平靜, 平静 (píngjìng) - calm,quiet,tranquil
  801. 口號, 口号 (kǒuhào) - motto,shibboleth,slogan,watch word,watchcry,catchword,war_cry,cant,watchword,buzzword
  802. 山西, 山西 (shānxī) - Shansi,Shanxi province,Shanxi
  803. 出版品, 出版品 (chūbǎnpǐn) - publication
  804. 逃避, 逃避 (táobì) - get by,sidestep,get_around,weasel,fly,avoid,evade,ditch,shirk,evasive,fudge,escape,retreat,elude,put off,get off,skive,hedge,welsh,circumvent,wangle,duck,skirt,get away,get out,bilk,hide,ware,evasion,flee,parry,dodge
  805. 咬, 咬 (yǎo) - incriminate,grip,articulation,incriminate sb. else (usu. falsely),be nitpicking (about use of words),incrimination,articulate,bark,snap at,squeak,crunch,gnaw,tooth,pronounce,gnaw_at,prick,snap,knap,nip,bite off,begnaw,pronounce distinctly,pronunciation,be nitpicking,take,bite,seize with teeth,sting,incriminate sb. else
  806. 平靜, 平静 (píngjìng) - calm,quiet,tranquil
  807. 有關, 有关 (yǒuguān) - with regard to
  808. 背, 背 (bèi) - back of body/object
  809. 石油, 石油 (shíyóu) - crude,rock oil,crude oil,oil,coal oil,fossil_oil,fossil oil,petroleum
  810. 雪, 雪 (xuě) - snow
  811. 局長, 局长 (júzhǎng) - chief,head of bureau,director (of...),superintendent,commissioner,director
  812. 展覽, 展览 (zhǎnlǎn) - exhibit,show,display
  813. 面貌, 面貌 (miànmào) - aspect,face,physiognomy,look,vestige,visage,appearance,features
  814. 展覽, 展览 (zhǎnlǎn) - exhibit,show,display
  815. 現實, 现实 (xiànshí) - practical,pragmatic
  816. 秘書長, 秘书长 (mìshūzhǎng) - secretary-general
  817. 討厭, 讨厌 (tǎoyàn) - disincline,to loathe,be disgusted with,to have a dislike of,scunner,to dislike,despise,keck,to take an aversion to,loathe,loathing,disrelish,hate,detest,dislike,disgusting,disfavor
  818. 移植, 移植 (yízhí) - transplant,graft
  819. 插, 插 (chā) - stuff,plug,get_in,insertion,insert,poke,thrust,tip,interposition,squeeze,stick,interpose,stick_in,stick in,shove
  820. 東部, 东部 (dōngbù) - orient,East,eastward,east
  821. 決心, 决心 (juéxīn) - determination,resolution
  822. 聯邦, 联邦 (liánbāng) - federacy,union,federal,nation,confederation,commonwealth,federation,confederacy
  823. 電台, 电台 (diàntái) - transceiver,transmitter-receiver,broadcasting station
  824. 講座, 讲座 (jiǎngzuò) - lecture,professorship,cathedra,talk-in,course of lecture,chair,course of lectures
  825. 貓, 猫 (māo) - pussycat,puss,malkin,cat,kitty,tabby,felid,feline,true cat,pussy
  826. 新興, 新兴 (xīnxīng) - burgeoning,new and developing,newly_arisen,rising
  827. 演講, 演讲 (yǎnjiǎng) - lecture,make speech
  828. 台電, 台电 (táidiàn) - Taiwan Power Company
  829. 曰, 曰 (yuē) - say,speak
  830. 選民, 选民 (xuǎnmín) - elector,voter,constituent,constituency,vote,electorate
  831. 充份, 充份 (chōngfèn) - full,sufficient,ample,abundant
  832. 俱樂部, 俱乐部 (jùlèbù) - club,(social) club,casino,Verein
  833. 錦標賽, 锦标赛 (jǐnbiāosài) - championship,tournament,tourney,series,championship contest
  834. 始, 始 (shǐ) - not until,not...until,only then
  835. 門, 门 (mén) - m.[general]
  836. 英, 英 (yīng) - Britain,England
  837. 推, 推 (tuī) - push,decline,refuse,reject,put off,postpone,delay
  838. 拿到, 拿到 (nádào) - take,get_hold_of,get
  839. 童年, 童年 (tóngnián) - childhood
  840. 期限, 期限 (qíxiàn) - time limit,allowed time,deadline,term
  841. 惡化, 恶化 (èhuà) - worsen
  842. 惡化, 恶化 (èhuà) - worsen
  843. 證實, 证实 (zhèngshí) - confirm,verify
  844. 碩士, 硕士 (shuòshì) - Master (of Arts),M.A.,eminent scholar
  845. 編輯, 编辑 (biānjí) - edit,compile
  846. 審核, 审核 (shěnhé) - examine and verify
  847. 編輯, 编辑 (biānjí) - edit,compile
  848. 遠, 远 (yuǎn) - far behind/beyond
  849. 審核, 审核 (shěnhé) - examine and verify
  850. 分局, 分局 (fēnjú) - branch office
  851. 申報, 申报 (shēnbào) - report to higher body,declare (dutiable goods)
  852. 申報, 申报 (shēnbào) - report to higher body,declare (dutiable goods)
  853. 證實, 证实 (zhèngshí) - confirm,verify
  854. 與否, 与否 (yǔfǒu) - particle: meaning "whether or not"
  855. 邁向, 迈向 (màixiàng) - step/stride to
  856. 總之, 总之 (zǒngzhī) - in a word,tout ensemble,on the whole,all in all,altogether,in short
  857. 職務, 职务 (zhíwù) - engagement,job,part,office,line of duty,contribution,ministration,task,responsibility,commission,post,line of work,affair,hat,function,situation,occupation,line,province,share,duties,business,duty
  858. 延續, 延续 (yánxù) - continue,go on,last
  859. 嚇, 吓 (xià) - bounce,intimidate,frighten,daunt,bludgeon,scare,cow,bluster,horrify,huff,threaten
  860. 延續, 延续 (yánxù) - continue,go on,last
  861. 費率, 费率 (fèilù) - charge per unit,cost rate,tariff,rate
  862. 美國人, 美国人 (měiguórén) - American
  863. 高速, 高速 (gāosù) - great speed,velocity,high speed,high
  864. 商標, 商标 (shāngbiāo) - marque,mark,trade name,brand,logotype,monotype,nameplate,label,idiograph,trademark
  865. 嫌, 嫌 (xián) - dislike,mind
  866. 進修, 进修 (jìnxiū) - engage in advanced studies,take refresher course
  867. 進修, 进修 (jìnxiū) - engage in advanced studies,take refresher course
  868. 傳遞, 传递 (chuándì) - transmit,deliver,transfer
  869. 場合, 场合 (chǎnghé) - conjuncture,situation,event,occasion,social occasion,affair
  870. 詩人, 诗人 (shīrén) - muse,rhymist,swan,lark,Parnassus,Maker,minstrel,harmonist,metrist,maker,bulbul,songster,versifier,poet,singer,eisteddfod,bard
  871. 腰, 腰 (yāo) - isthmus,bend,haunch,middle,strategic pass,cingulum,reins,loin,pocket,small of the back,strait,waist of a garment,middle part,waist
  872. 傳遞, 传递 (chuándì) - transmit,deliver,transfer
  873. 股價, 股价 (gǔjià) - price of stock,stock price
  874. 歌聲, 歌声 (gēshēng) - voice,song,singing,sound of singing,singing voice
  875. 桃園, 桃园 (táoyuán) - TaoYuancity in Taiwan
  876. 溫馨, 温馨 (wēnxīn) - warm and fragrant
  877. 無比, 无比 (wúbǐ) - unparalleled,matchless
  878. 溫馨, 温馨 (wēnxīn) - warm and fragrant
  879. 著重, 着重 (zhuózhòng) - underscore,accent,concentrate,emphasize,attach importance,stress,set off,underline,accentuate,bring out
  880. 減輕, 减轻 (jiǎnqīng) - lighten,ease,mitigate
  881. 提, 提 (tí) - carry,take (in hand with arm down),lift,raise
  882. 意味, 意味 (yìwèi) - signify,mean,imply
  883. 說不定, 说不定 (shuōbúdìng) - perhaps,maybe
  884. 公民, 公民 (gōngmín) - freeman,citizen,denizen,national,civic,freewoman,commonwealth,burgher,civics
  885. 中興, 中兴 (zhōngxīng) - renaissance,resurgence
  886. 移動, 移动 (yídòng) - move,shift
  887. 減輕, 减轻 (jiǎnqīng) - lighten,ease,mitigate
  888. 有待, 有待 (yǒudài) - be pending,await,remain (to be done),remain
  889. 船員, 船员 (chuányuán) - crew,sailorman,sailor,shipmate,crewman,tarpaulin,old salt,seaman,bargeman,tar,boatman,Jack-tar,mariner,sea dog,gob,waister,seafarer
  890. 中興, 中兴 (zhōngxīng) - renaissance,resurgence
  891. 丟, 丢 (diōu) - discard,put aside
  892. 走路, 走路 (zǒulù) - go away,stroam,go on foot,walk
  893. 身材, 身材 (shēncái) - stature,figure
  894. 好玩, 好玩 (hǎowán) - amusing,interesting
  895. 師父, 师父 (shīfù) - guru,address for nun/etc.,teacher,tutor,address for monk,professional,master,nun,a polite form of address to a monk or nun,address for monk/nun/etc.,etc.
  896. 架, 架 (jià) - m.[general]
  897. 服裝, 服装 (fúzhuāng) - turnout,wearing_apparel,clothing,investiture,rigging,costuming,toggery,habilimentation,habiliment,drapery,garb,attire,toilette,frock,costume,dress,investment,garmenture,rig,garment,setout,implement,garniture,getup,outfit
  898. 枚, 枚 (méi) - enzyme,flare,ferment,school,mine,Surname,stick used as mouth gag,piece,rocket,m.[general],
  899. 陳列, 陈列 (chénliè) - display,exhibit
  900. 陳列, 陈列 (chénliè) - display,exhibit
  901. 移動, 移动 (yídòng) - move,shift
  902. 前者, 前者 (qiánzhě) - predecessor,the former,former
  903. 寶貴, 宝贵 (bǎoguì) - valuable,precious
  904. 興起, 兴起 (xīngqǐ) - rise,spring up,be on the upgrade
  905. 遭受, 遭受 (zāoshòu) - suffer
  906. 遭受, 遭受 (zāoshòu) - suffer
  907. 聯合, 联合 (liánhé) - joint,combined
  908. 興起, 兴起 (xīngqǐ) - rise,spring up,be on the upgrade
  909. 摸, 摸 (mō) - feel out,sound out,fumble,feel for,palpate,feel,stroke,finger,try to find out,touch,grope for,feel/sound out
  910. 下, 下 (xià) - go downwards,descend,alight,go to,exit,leave
  911. 邏輯, 逻辑 (luójí) - logic
  912. 奶奶, 奶奶 (nǎinǎi) - nanna,address for married woman,granny,gran,grandmother,grandma,respectful form of address for an old woman,paternal grandmother
  913. 價位, 价位 (jiàwèi) - price
  914. 寶貴, 宝贵 (bǎoguì) - valuable,precious
  915. 牙齒, 牙齿 (yáchǐ) - ivory,grinder,snapper,chopper,masticator,dental,teeth,pearly,peg,dens,tooth
  916. 武力, 武力 (wǔlì) - military unit,armory,armoury,armed force,saber,arsenal,military force,armed strength,armed might,force,bayonet,force of arms
  917. 腫瘤, 肿瘤 (zhǒngliú) - tumor
  918. 題材, 题材 (tícái) - subject_matter,theme,material,content,subject,subject matter,depicted object
  919. 典型, 典型 (diǎnxíng) - typical,representative
  920. 作風, 作风 (zuòfēng) - path,way of life,idiom,style,way,style of work,expressive style,fashion
  921. 初步, 初步 (chūbù) - initially,preliminarily,tentatively
  922. 胃, 胃 (wèi) - ventriculus,solar_plexus,venter,kyte,gizzard,belly,tummy,paunch,stomach,craw,gastric,breadbasket,gut,tum,abomasum
  923. 從未, 从未 (cóngwèi) - ne'er,never
  924. 旅行社, 旅行社 (lǔxíngshè) - a tourist agency,travel_agency,a travel agency,travel service/agent,travel service,travel agent,travel agency
  925. 聊天, 聊天 (liáotiān) - jaw,visit,talk,claver,confabulate,chaffer,chat,chatter,quack,schmoose,gossip,gos,chin,natter,confab,chitchat,coze
  926. 執著, 执着 (zhízhuó) - rigid,punctilious
  927. 執著, 执着 (zhízhuó) - rigid,punctilious
  928. 鄉土, 乡土 (xiāngtǔ) - home village
  929. 頓, 顿 (dùn) - m.[event]
  930. 非法, 非法 (fēifǎ) - illegal,wrongfully,wrongful,unlawful,illegitimately,illicitly,unlawfully,lawlessly,nefariously,nefarious,illegally,illegitimate,lawless,illicit
  931. 統計, 统计 (tǒngjì) - add up,count
  932. 演唱, 演唱 (yǎnchàng) - sing in performance
  933. 十足, 十足 (shízú) - 1 0 0 percent;out-and-out;downright
  934. 介紹, 介绍 (jièshào) - introduction
  935. 古人, 古人 (gǔrén) - forefathers,our forefather,ancient,ancients,antiquity
  936. 窮, 穷 (qióng) - exhaust,exhausted,impoverished,hard-pressed,pursue to limit,poor
  937. 演唱, 演唱 (yǎnchàng) - sing in performance
  938. 細, 细 (xì) - fine,exquisite,minute,in small particles,meticulous,thin and soft,thin,careful,light,trifling,slender,delicate,detailed
  939. 體力, 体力 (tǐlì) - breath,brawn,strength,bottom,main,thews,stamina,vigor,energy,physical strength,vigour,vim,physical power,strength of body,vitality,physical power/strength,thew,muscle,sinew
  940. 涉嫌, 涉嫌 (shèxián) - alleged,be a suspect,be suspected of being involved
  941. 同性戀, 同性恋 (tóngxìngliàn) - homoeroticism,homosexual,homo,inversion,homosexuality,homosexualism,gay,gayness
  942. 無聊, 无聊 (wúliáo) - bored,boring,senseless,silly,stupid
  943. 機種, 机种 (jīzhǒng) - machine model
  944. 土, 土 (tǔ) - soil,earth,clay,land
  945. 邊緣, 边缘 (biānyuán) - margin,brink,periphery,bead,brim,borderline,skirt,lip,fringe,delimitation,flange,threshold,boundary line,perimeter,rand,outer boundary,hem,line,border,verge,marginality,marge,skirting,edging,edge,corner,rim
  946. 平安, 平安 (píngān) - safe and sound,quiet and stable
  947. 出面, 出面 (chūmiàn) - act in one's own capacity or on behalf o,act in one's own capacity or on behalf of an organization,act in one's own capacity or on behalf of an organ,appear personally
  948. 半導體, 半导体 (bàndǎotǐ) - IC
  949. 平安, 平安 (píngān) - safe and sound,quiet and stable
  950. 工研院, 工研院 (gōngyányuàn) - Industrial Technology Research Institute
  951. 燈, 灯 (dēng) - blowlamp,lantern,light source,light,lamp,tube,valve,burner
  952. 地板, 地板 (dìbǎn) - boarding,planking,hatch,plat,floorboard,hatchway,floor board,flooring,planch,floor,footplate
  953. 舒適, 舒适 (shūshì) - comfortable,cozy
  954. 著作權, 著作权 (zhùzuòquán) - right of first publication,copyright
  955. 細節, 细节 (xìjié) - circumstance,minutiae,nicety,minutia,speciality,item,detail,particulars,punctilio,particular,point,specific,respect,regard,details
  956. 侵害, 侵害 (qīnhài) - encroach on (other's rights),violate
  957. 侵害, 侵害 (qīnhài) - encroach on (other's rights),violate
  958. 好看, 好看 (hǎokàn) - embarrassed,interesting,nice,good-looking,delightful
  959. 立, 立 (lì) - set up,erect
  960. 器材, 器材 (qìcái) - materials,materiel,equipment
  961. 地形, 地形 (dìxíng) - topography,physique,landscape,terrain,chorography,landform
  962. 歡樂, 欢乐 (huānlè) - happy,joyous,gay
  963. 說出, 说出 (shuōchū) - disclose,utter,articulation,bite out,talk,escape,broach,outtell,get off,articulate,pass,speak,fall,disembosom,babble,shoot,speak out,outspeak,mouth,verbalize
  964. 陽明, 阳明 (yángmíng) - philosopher who stressed intuition in opposition to Zhu Xi's "investigation of things"
  965. 正義, 正义 (zhèngyì) - justice
  966. 分散, 分散 (fēnsàn) - divert,diversify,diffract,disperse,deconcentrate,decentralize,dispel,disgregate,decentralization,scatter,distract,decentralise,shed,break up,dispersal
  967. 回憶, 回忆 (huíyì) - recollect,recall
  968. 測驗, 测验 (cèyàn) - test
  969. 歡樂, 欢乐 (huānlè) - happy,joyous,gay
  970. 海報, 海报 (hǎibào) - throwaway,poster,bill,flier,flyer,broadside,a playbill,a placard,circular,playbill,placard,broadsheet,handbill,a poster
  971. 高階, 高阶 (gāojiē) - high-class
  972. 副教授, 副教授 (fùjiàoshòu) - associate_professor,associate professor
  973. 信念, 信念 (xìnniàn) - confession,tenet,strong belief,belief,creed,persuasion,conviction,opinion,faith
  974. 花費, 花费 (huāfèi) - spend,expend
  975. 自在, 自在 (zìzài) - comfortable,unrestrained,at_ease,free
  976. 刺激, 刺激 (cìjī) - stimulation
  977. 技能, 技能 (jìnéng) - know-how,mastery of a technique,ability,acquisition,acquirement,mastery of a skill,proficiency,skill,craft,technical ability,technique,mastery of a skill/technique,facility,quality,faculty
  978. 私立, 私立 (sīlì) - privately run,private
  979. 回憶, 回忆 (huíyì) - recollect,recall
  980. 維修, 维修 (wéixiū) - keep in (good) repair,maintain
  981. 壓迫, 压迫 (yāpò) - oppress,repress,constrict
  982. 壓迫, 压迫 (yāpò) - oppress,repress,constrict
  983. 戲劇, 戏剧 (xìjù) - dramatic_work,dramatic composition,theatricals,dramatic work,stage,theatre,theater,drama,dramaturgy,play,dramatic art,boards,dramatics
  984. 公佈, 公佈 (gōngbù) - promulgate,announce,publish
  985. 廿, 廿 (niàn) - det.: twenty
  986. 公佈, 公佈 (gōngbù) - promulgate,announce,publish
  987. 升學, 升学 (shēngxué) - enter higher school
  988. 鬧, 闹 (nào) - give vent,be troubled by,give vent to anger,suffer from,make a noise,do,stir up trouble,make,go in for
  989. 上下, 上下 (shàngxià) - above and below,up and down,high and low,superior and inferior,senior and junior,old and young,ruler and subject,heaven and earth
  990. 說道, 说道 (shuōdào) - talk over,say
  991. 升學, 升学 (shēngxué) - enter higher school
  992. 自有, 自有 (zìyǒu) - have,possess,own
  993. 維修, 维修 (wéixiū) - keep in (good) repair,maintain
  994. 傳, 传 (chuán) - pass (on),hand down,impart,teach,spread,transmit
  995. 走上, 走上 (zǒushàng) - move toward,take,mount,head for
  996. 沒辦法, 没办法 (méibànfǎ) - unable to,cannot
  997. 爬, 爬 (pá) - swarm,creep,shin,grabble,crawl,climb,go up,trail,climb up,mount,clamber,scramble
  998. 哪些, 哪些 (nǎxiē) - det.: which
  999. 清潔, 清洁 (qīngjié) - clean,sanitary
  1000. 清潔, 清洁 (qīngjié) - clean,sanitary