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  7. <p>CM 0184 S</p><h1>STAN DAFRD CHINESE</h1>
  10. <p>This publication is to be used primarily in support of instructing military personnel as part of the Defense Language Program (resident and nonresident). Inquiries concerning the use of materials, including requests for copies, should be addressed to:</p>
  11. <p>Defense Language Institute</p>
  12. <p>Foreign Language Center</p>
  13. <p>Non resident Training Division</p>
  14. <p>Presidio of Monterey, CA 93944-5006</p>
  15. <p>Topics in the areas of politics, international relations, mores, etc” which may be considered as controversial from some points of view, are sometimes included in the language instruction for DLIFLC students since military personnel may find themselves in positions where a clear understanding of conversations or written materials of this nature will be essential to their mission. The presence of controversial state men ts- -whether real or apparent—in DLIFLC materials should not be construed as representing the opinions of the writers, the DLIFLC, or the Department of Defense,</p>
  16. <p>Actual brand names and businesses are sometimes cited in DLIFLC instructional materials to provide instruction in pronunciations and meanings. The selection of such proprietary terms and names is based solely on their value for instruction in the language. It does not constitute endorsement of any product or commercial enlerprise, nor is it intended to rnvste a comparison with other brand names and businesses not mentioned.</p>
  17. <p>In DLIFLC publications, the words he<sub>f</sub> him, and/or his denote both masculine and feminine genders. This statement does not apply to translations of foreign language texts.</p>
  18. <p>The DLIFLC may not have full rights to the materials it produces Purchase by the customer does not constitute authorization for reproduction, resale, or showing for profit. Generally, products distributed by the DLIFLC may be used in any not-for-profit setting without prior approval from the DLIFLC.</p><h4>PREFACE</h4>
  19. <p>BtsMard Chinese: A Modular Approach originated in ňīi interagency conference hold at the Foreign Service Institute In Au^ufit 19T3 to addreaa thft n«ed gener&amp;Uy f嗶It in tbe U*S, GovemBL€nt language tr&amp;lnlag coumtmity for iBsproving aiid upd&amp;tiii£ Chiueae mteriala to reflect current usege in Belji&amp;g and Talp«i*</p>
  20. <p>The confeMnce resolved to develop aateri&amp;le vhich ver« flexlblt «xkou^h in fora ud content to meet the r€«iulr«MDti of • vide mng« of gOTtram«nt agendab and &amp;cAdemle institutions«</p>
  21. <p>A ProJect Board vm establish&amp;d consisting of r«presentat1y«a of the Central Intelligence Agenc?<sup>1</sup> LiLoguage learning Centtir<sub>t</sub> the Bef«ns« Lsmgu»£9« Institute<sub>T</sub> tbe State Department<sup>f</sup> s For«l^ Borrice InBtitut«<sub>v</sub> tb« Cryptologic School of th« Hatiozml Security Agency<sub>t</sub> emd the U.S. Office of Educ«ticii<sub>t</sub> later Joined \sy the C«o&amp;dlAn Forces Foreign Language School* Th% repr蓽bto_ tatives h&amp;ve included Arthur T* McSeill 丨 John Hopkins <sub>v</sub> ud John (CIA)i Colonel John F. Elder ĪII<sub>S</sub> Joseph C. Hutchinson<sub>p</sub> īyy dlbi&amp;n, and Major Bernard Maller-Tbym (DLI)| j£mea H. Frith and John B, Hatllff III (F8Ī);</p>
  22. <p>Kazuo Sbltaa« {HSA)i Biehurd T. Tbompeon and Jiilia Potrov (OE); &amp;M Lieutenant Colonel O^orge Kosorts (CFFIS)*</p>
  23. <p>The Project Board set tip tbe Chlnesa Core Curriculum &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In 197^</p>
  24. <p>In opac« provided at tho Foreign Service Institute* Eacb of tbē six U.S. emd Canadian gov«rziB«nt agencies provided ftiods a^d oth_r</p>
  25. <p>Gward P* Kbk vas appointed pro^«ct coordinator <sub>t</sub> &amp;&nbsp;plazmlog council vajt fomed comiistliic; of Mr* Kbk<sub>t</sub> Frftnces LI of the B«fenBe Langusge lMtitirte<sub>t</sub> Patricia 0丨Coimor of the UnlTeraity of T«&amp;», Earl M. Bickmrton of th© Language Learning C«nter« &amp;nd J«on«s Vrenn of Brcwn Univ«rfiity« In tlt« fall of 1977* Lucille A* Barbie vm appointed deputy proj««t coordinator# David W* Dellinger of the Lemguage &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;C«Bter ud Ch&amp;rlefi fi. S^eban of</p>
  26. <p>th« Foreign Service Institute also semd on tbe plesnlag council and eentribut^d n&amp;teri&amp;l to the project. The pIwdId^ council dr«v up the origineLl overall design for tlie materials a^d mat regularly to review th«lr dcnrelopMot • &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;</p>
  27. <p>Writers for the first half of th« i»terlals vere JohB H* T* Harvey<sub>t</sub> Lucille A. BorAle<sub>fl</sub> and Roberta S. Barry, ¥ho worked in close cooperation vith the planning council and vith the CblneBQ stāff of the Foreign Service Institute. Mr* Harvey developed the instructional formate of the compreh^n-aion and production self-otudy materials <sub>t</sub> &lt;md also design&amp;d the commmic^ tion-based clusroom activities Eusd wrote the teacher<sup>9</sup> &amp;&nbsp;guides • Lucille A, Begpāle and Roterta S_ Barry vrote the tape scripts and the stude&amp;t text*</p>
  28. <p>By 19?ō Thoioas M&amp;dden and Susan C, Pcla had joined the staff. Led by Ms* Barale» they have wrlted as a team to produce tbe materials subsequent to Module 6,</p>
  29. <p>All Chinese language material vae prepared or selected 'by Chuan 0_ Chao <sub>t</sub> Ylng-cMh Chen<sub>f</sub> Haiao-Jung Chi, Ehm Dia。* Jan Hu<sub>s</sub> Tsung-mi Li, and if unhid C,. Ymg, ftSBiated for part of the time by Chieh-fang Ōu Lee^ Ying-ming Chen,, ■ndL Joseph Yu Sau Vans* Anna Affholder, Mei-li Chen, and Heni^r Khuo helped in tli« preparation of a prellmiimry corpus of dialogues.</p>
  30. <p>Administrative aesia七ance was provided at various times &quot;by Vincent BaAciano, Liea A, Bovden, Jill W. Ellis<sub>f</sub> Donna Fong. Renee T, C* Liang, Thomas E* Madden<sub>f</sub> Suaān C_ Pola, aud Kathleen Strype,</p>
  31. <p>The production of tape recordings vas directed by Jose M. Ramirez: of the Foreign Service Institute Recording Studio* The Chinese script was voiced by He. Chao, Ms* Chen<sub>t</sub> Mr. Chen, Ms, Diao, Ms. ¥.u<sub>f</sub> Mr. tQiuo* Mr, Ll<sub>t</sub> and Ms, Yang* The English script was read by Ms, Bar ale, Ws* Barry,.</p>
  32. <p>Hr* Bascl«no<sub>t</sub> Ms* —lie* Ms. Pola, and Ma<sub>#</sub> Strype.</p>
  33. <p>Th曾 graphlcB vere produced by John McClelland of the Foreign Service Iastitute Audlo*Vi3ual staffs under the general eupervlsion of Joseph A* 8&amp;dote<sub>t</sub> Chief of Audlo«Vlfiual«</p>
  34. <p>Stftndsrd Chinese: A Modular A^proacji vaa field-tasted vith the corporation of Brown University| the Defense Language Institute <sub>t</sub> Foreign Language Center; the Foreign Service Inatitute; the Language Learning Center! the United States Mr Force Acadejay; the University of Illinois; amd the Uaiveralty of Virginia.</p>
  35. <p>Colonel Saauel L. Stapleton and Colonel Thomaa Foster <sub>f</sub> Ccwianaiidants of th« Defense Language Institute<sub>s</sub> Foreign Language Center, authorized the DLIFLC support necea&amp;KTy for preparation of this edition of the course materials. This support included coordination, graphic arts* editing, typlligi proofreadingpriating, and materials necesaary to carry out these</p><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-1.jpg" style="width:273pt;height:119pt;"/><h5>CONTENTS</h5>
  36. <p>Preface</p>
  37. <p>MODULE 3s MONEf UHIT 1</p>
  38. <p>C-2 Workbook &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;......1 P-2 Workbook........*.....3</p>
  39. <p>CoMQuya i c at ion Game A &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;了</p>
  40. <p>Communication Game £ <sub>fc</sub> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;11</p>
  41. <p>UNIT 2</p>
  42. <p>C-2 Workbook ......................<sup>16</sup></p>
  43. <p>P-£ Workbook ■ * • *.............. • • 17</p>
  44. <p>CoEmxanicst ion Game A</p>
  45. <p>Communication Game B &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;灿 UHIT 3</p>
  46. <p>C-2 Workbook &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;£9</p>
  47. <p>P-2 Workbook................... • , • 3}</p>
  48. <p>Comikun i c at ion Game •警 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•-■•••■•■■执</p>
  49. <p>UNIT k</p>
  50. <p>C-2 Worlcbook</p>
  51. <p>P-2 Workbook ...............................p</p>
  52. <p>Consaun i c at ion Game A &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;* 从 5</p>
  53. <p>CoiEDBxmic at ion Gaae B &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;51</p>
  54. <p>UBĪT 5</p>
  55. <p>C-2 Worklsoolc &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;* ...........</p>
  56. <p>P-2 Workbook &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;_ •圓•■圓■乏8</p>
  57. <p>Coinniiin ic&amp;t ion &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Gsme &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•■*61</p>
  58. <p>UNIT 6</p>
  59. <p>C-2 Workl?ook * • ............@6</p>
  60. <p>P-2 Workbook &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;…■…的</p>
  61. <p>Coimnimlc&amp;t ion Game A &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;T含</p>
  62. <p>Comnnmication Game B ..................78</p>
  63. <p>MODULE k: DIBECTIOUE _ 1</p>
  64. <p>C-2 Workbook ...................<sup>9 m</sup> a</p>
  65. <p>P-2 Workbook , ...................._ ?</p>
  66. <p>Coinmun icat ion Game &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;9奴</p>
  67. <p>UNIT 2 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sub>Q</sub> C-2 UorYbook</p>
  68. <p>F-2 Workbook &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;m Ceamnunleation Game A ••••**_***■■•_■,* 1Ǐ5</p>
  69. <p>Conmsun i c at ion Game B &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;m</p>
  70. <p>CoiomunicatiDn Game C &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;123</p>
  71. <p>UNIT 3</p>
  72. <p>C-2 Workbook . , , ..............................125</p>
  73. <p>P-2 Workbook &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;128</p>
  74. <p>Coimiiiin 1 c at Ion Game A &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;*,»*•»**■•»•_•••• 131</p>
  75. <p>CommuniceLtion Game B...... ......... • 136</p>
  76. <p>UHIT k</p>
  77. <p>C-2 WorkbooK .................. . _ , 1^0</p>
  78. <p>P-2 Horkbook.....................</p>
  79. <p>Coinmuni c at ion Game A &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;150</p>
  80. <p>Communication Game B ........... . • ■ • 155</p>
  81. <p>UNIT 5</p>
  82. <p>C-2 Workbook &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;l60</p>
  83. <p>P-£ Workbook &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;..............162</p>
  84. <p>Commmicat Ion Geuse &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;l66</p>
  85. <p>Vocabulary ................ • » » » ■醒麵■ « ■ 111</p><h5>MODULE 3: MONEY UNIT 1 C-2 WORKBOOK</h5>
  86. <p>EXERCtSE 1</p>
  87. <p>Thin is a rcYiev dialogue similar to dieLloguee at th« ēūd of C-l t&amp;pea. You vill test your understanding of vocdl&gt;ulftry &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;and grmssmv introduced</p>
  88. <p>in this unit*</p>
  89. <p>In this ooōversation, Mr. Jacobsen is making some purchases at &amp;&nbsp;news-it and in Taipei. You vill hear tbe eonverBation twice. Then each ientence ixi the dialogue vill te foliovtd &quot;by a paus« during vhich you are to ®ay th® English equivalent. After each pauae<sub>s</sub> the speaker vill give an accept English tranelation for comparleon.</p>
  90. <p>EXERCISE 2</p>
  91. <p>In this exercise you will work on your cosiprehenslon of ejnounts of īaōn^y and prices p«r unit. Zh§ng Sic has 100 Taivaa doll暴ra to »pend in the book* atore. You vill hear his cauveraatton with the c\erk three time®. Āa you lieten the first tiro &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jot āowū on th« chart Iselov prices of &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;be</p>
  92. <p>vants to l?uy^ and anever the first question md«r the chart - Aa you lieten to the dialogue for the third time<sub>g</sub> aaover the second nnd third qiieetioni.</p>
  93. <p>Here are tvo titles you vill ne«d for this exercise:</p>
  94. <p>Shongsuo Wěmcul Shi (History of CMgefla Literature)</p>
  95. <p>T&amp;iviji WĚntňn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Taivaa Llter&amp;yy Mag&amp;asliaa)</p>
  96. <p>ITm &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;PRICĒ</p>
  97. <p>History of Chiiaeae Literatiure __</p>
  98. <p>Taiwan Literary Magazine &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;_________</p>
  99. <p>History of England map of England</p>
  100. <p>qUESTlQNS</p>
  101. <p>1* Did Mr. Zhang hftve enough money for everything he wanted to 'buy?</p>
  102. <p>£ ) Yes ( ) Bo</p>
  103. <p>2* Which item did Mr. ZhSng decide not to ()History af Chinese Literature ()Talvan Literary Mage^lne { ) History of England { ) map of ^igland</p>
  104. <p>3* Hov much money did Mr. Zbaag have left out of hi日 100 Taiwan dollars? EXERCISE 3</p>
  105. <p>In this exercise you vill work on your cousprehension of counters to indicate amounte_ You vill hear three eonvereations* The firet and third take pl&amp;ce at nev^stands^ and the second in &amp;&nbsp;bookstore^</p>
  106. <p>After listening to the series of conversationB for the second time* wsver the question belov. Then listen to the conversations again.</p>
  107. <p>QUEST</p>
  108. <p>1. Which tvo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;people bought the same nuater of itema?</p>
  109. <p>()No. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 and No- 2</p>
  110. <p>{ ) No. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2 and No* 3</p>
  111. <p>()No. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 and No- 3</p>
  112. <p>EXERCISE 4</p>
  113. <p>TMs exercise vill give you more practice iistening for prices. Levis Rosb, an American student in Taipei, is tjrovsing through a bookstore. You vill hear his conversation vith tbe clerk three times. After listening to the diajogue for the second time, answer the questions belov. Then listen to the conversation again,</p>
  114. <p>QUESTIONS</p>
  115. <p>1, Did the clerk get the total rightī { ) Yes ()如 2- What Is the correct tot&amp;l? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;_</p><h5>UNIT 1 P-2 WORKBOOK</h5>
  116. <p>EXERCISE 1</p>
  117. <p>TbiB exercise glvts you practice in finding out vb«tbtr bh Item i* aold, flōdiag out the pric« per milt* wd completing the pure恤■«•</p>
  118. <p>Display I lists the Itemn you vont to buy »t a nenmBtud on _i典t diffar«nt OGc&amp;Bloiis<sub>k</sub> For eňch it«m<sub>f</sub> fint m*k if it ii aold th*r_* It the n&amp;m vendor says that it JU<sub>t</sub> aak tim price per copy. When hm t«ll8 you the price, 3町 that you will buy one copy, aiad tell him bow ouch you sjrft giving Msifr—tlio *xact ch«ng« • &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;.</p>
  119. <p>Example</p>
  120. <p>YOU ASK; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;NImu Jliili sĀ.1 Zh5n^vSa Islo bu laaiT CB«p«Rt coanrfiitioii*]</p>
  121. <p>TAPE: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WSioen ia£i. Jift ali aJtli,</p>
  122. <p>YOU ASK: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhige Zbo&amp;gvSn <sup>?</sup>dSo duSahao q.ifin ylfJii? CEep«*t confirmation. 2</p>
  123. <p><sup>&lt;</sup>EAFĒ: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;SSaXuil ql&amp;u yīfin.</p>
  124. <p>YOU SAI:戒0酵 W3 yifSn* Sit afakull Q,iin« CB*p«*t cenfir-</p>
  125. <p>The underlined B^Qtence in fhm lASt liw of th« eami^ple 1 霧 <sup>w</sup>B«r*<sup>f</sup> * tb«fl doHarB<sup>n</sup> (literally* &quot;Thi* it thre* 舭</p>
  126. <p>Here the n«nr Yocihulwry item* you vtll a#«4 tor thi»</p>
  127. <p>Hln-Yīns īīOl&amp;a &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Qil^#««-2ngllttb dlctiouMy)</p>
  128. <p>YlnK-ian xidlSc &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(EogliBli-QilMS® dictionary)</p>
  129. <p>DISPLAY t You vant to bvy</p>
  130. <p>1, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ū CiiiMfl o (-language} nempAptr</p>
  131. <p>2# &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a Chinese msgaaiae</p>
  132. <p>3, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a zd&amp;p of Taipei</p>
  133. <p>I*, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a CMn«ee-Engllfih dictiomry,</p>
  134. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;an Americeji nagazIni</p>
  135. <p>6<sub>#</sub> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;an EngllBb(-1 an^uage} n«w«pAper</p>
  136. <p>T# &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;map of Tftivma</p>
  137. <p>8. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;an Eaglisb-Chinese dictionary</p>
  138. <p>EX£RCI5E 2</p>
  139. <p>This exercise givea you practice in t&amp;lliiiis s-Tiout byying and aelling varioufl aaounta of things. You vill an&amp;ver questlonfl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bo™ mW <sup>booltB</sup></p>
  140. <p>atuHent« bought and toli at tha bcEinnlna of last saafiBter.</p>
  141. <p>Display II pbovs the name® of various atudenta and tbe mm'ber of book a each ntudeat &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;sold at tbe university too3tstore<sub>f</sub> Use this infor-</p>
  142. <p>nation to aaav^r the auenticca. (Uotiee that all the students have finished &quot;buying and selling their boūlta,)</p>
  143. <p>Exiunple</p>
  144. <p>Q; Lin YSngpīnfl mītile Jītīn fihuT</p>
  145. <p>A: Tā n&amp;ile liSngbSn ahu. CRep*at confirmation,]</p>
  146. <p>Q: Jhlo Defen raSile jtbīn shūT</p>
  147. <p>Aj Tā mKile (līTjīn shu. CFepeat confirmation^</p>
  148. <p>0($PLAV »</p>
  149. <p>STUDENT: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;BOOKS BOUGHT BOOKS SOLE</p>
  150. <p>_ - - ■ <sup>1 11</sup></p>
  151. <p>1. Lfn īSngpīos &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;6 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;£</p>
  152. <p>■ <sup>1</sup> ■■</p>
  153. <p>£. Zhlo DĚfēn _T_3</p>
  154. <p>3, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tiag HuīrĒu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**</p>
  155. <p>1*, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chtn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3</p>
  156. <p>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sāng Zlqifirig &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;*♦ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;®</p>
  157. <p>6, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;JiSng Bīngylng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sup>1</sup> 7<sub>1</sub> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MS Zhīyuln &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;7 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0 8* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhou DěxiSň &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5 9* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;SīniS Chfing &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;6 _ 3</p>
  158. <p>10 &gt;&nbsp;Fing wSnrG &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;_ <sup>g</sup></p>
  159. <p>EXERCISE 3</p>
  160. <p>Xhlo nerciae InvolToi buying and B«lli叫 l&gt;oolui <sub>t</sub> but tbii tim« you momt pay attention to vh«tber or not the atud«£kta bwe eqnp:l«t«d their pwchu«s and s&amp;l«8« Biaplay III show the purchuea snā flftlfls Htud«ntB hmn as of tb« day before &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ub« this information to in*v*r the quwtioM</p>
  161. <p>on tape* {Not all studonts hām fl&amp;lsbeā buying asd b«111d8 «1I books*)</p>
  162. <p>Whej3 giving your as8VQr<sub>t</sub> you will Hfl.d to cboos€ 'b&amp;twra 瓢 aln^ld l£,</p>
  163. <p>助d dfiuble le conBtnaetion. Ab you r^embar froa thm BIO &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;th» doubl*</p>
  164. <p>le coMtrucŪon Is used to t&amp;lk about actions itartefi in th© p«t «cd still ^Log on<sub>R</sub> bm in \fiS liila ll&amp;Mge jdĒMqī la, <sup>tt</sup>ī hav« t«eri b«r* tvo v«ckB.<sup>n</sup> In thio exerciiō you vill tm talking not about duration of tine but r*.th«r about amounts of goods <sub>4</sub> &amp;8 In iritile lifcigbfa BbS īe<sub>f</sub> 打1 httvt 'bought tvo books (so far)»<sup>H</sup></p>
  165. <p>Example</p>
  166. <p>Q: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lin YSn^pftig aXil« JtbSn xSn abū Imī</p>
  167. <p>A: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;TS yījīn« &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;vSb^n aān ahīi 1«. [Repeat eonflrōfttlfflu]</p>
  168. <p>Q: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;TS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;jībSn jiīl *bu7</p>
  169. <p>As &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;TS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;liSīigbSn slm. [Beptat conflniEtion.3</p>
  170. <p>Q: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zh&amp;o D^fin iolll€ Jīb^n jlīi ®liS lot</p>
  171. <p>A; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;TS yljlog mill* yibSn Jift abū 1«* CRisp«at eoafin»tipti_]</p>
  172. <p>Eer« we the additional we«Ml«y it_ you vin nwd for thii exerciseī</p>
  173. <p>3tīa (now)</p>
  174. <p>^ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;jlft (old)</p>
  175. <p>DISPLAY III</p>
  176. <p>BOOKS BOUGHT &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;BOCK SOLD</p>
  177. <p><sup>STUDENT</sup> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(xīn Bhu) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Jia ibu}</p>
  178. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;lin iSngplng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5 out of 6 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2 out of 2</p>
  179. <p>2, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhko DĚfSn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;** out of 7 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 out of 3 3_ lĒ&amp;ag Sulrfin &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;6 out of 6 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B out of h k<sub>m</sub> Cb£n CuSqu^n &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3 out of 5 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3 out of 3 5» SdiLg ZĪ免i&amp;Q甚 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;k out of k &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 out of 2 6* JiSng BlsgyJng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3 out of 5 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 out of 1 T_ 戚 ZhĪTuSn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;7 out of 7 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2 out of 3 ē_ ZhSu DSxiĚn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3 out of k &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5 out of 5 9. S&amp;sS ChSng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5 out of 6 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3 out of 3</p>
  180. <p>10 _ FSng WSnrG &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5 out of 5 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 out of 1</p><h5>UNIT 1 COMMUNICATION GAME A</h5>
  181. <p>INSTRUCTIONS:</p>
  182. <p>Types Book Exchange</p>
  183. <p>Sit^i<sup>ft</sup>tĪQas You are one of four B«cond-year etudente at a college la T&amp;Ivah# It is the start of the school year, mā each studeat vants to eell ih% books he has left over from last year ^nd vants to buy th« boolts h« needs for this year.</p>
  184. <p>All students st this college take the sase eight courses during the ■ first two years, four each year* but may taQce the couraes in either year# Th«re la one textoook for each course* You therefore h»va four textbooka you vftīit to seilj anā you vant to btsy tbe four texfbooks you do not h&amp;ve«</p>
  185. <p>There are tvo set prices for each secondhsnd textbook, one price for copies in good condition and one for copies in ^ad condition# &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Atudeil'bB</p>
  186. <p>can afford and insist on the good copl^B <sub>t</sub> and some can ooly Afford and must settle for the bed copies *</p>
  187. <p>Goal: To sell the four texfbocks you h&amp;va at th« aet prlc€« «id to bujr th« foīur 如xtbooka you need at priees you can afford*</p>
  188. <p>Ntgal3€r of Players; Four In a group,</p>
  189. <p>Settiag 即:First <sub>t</sub> your &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;wlU list tlie eigīit coursfts on th* ehAlk_</p>
  190. <p>board.</p>
  191. <p>Then, each player Is dealt four c&amp;rdS| v^ieb reprei«nt th« four textbooks h« has 1 ^ch card giv«B tha nmn^ of tba cousrō« and tha v«l« price for the text'bcgk* (See Cuds—Textbook。on th« roUoid.mg pages*)</p>
  192. <p>AlsOf each player is dealt a card vhlch re&amp;dB ēltibttr <sup>n</sup>MiGJS” (cftii afford high prices) or <sup>w</sup>L0W<sup>f</sup>; (has to shop for lov price«)<sub>t</sub> Indicating irtmt prle«i</p>
  193. <p>he can afford ■</p>
  194. <p>Each player then compares the four textbook . bts vith thm ol^t listed on the chalkboard to determine vhftt tow he needs to biy* Ht vrit«i a sbopplDg liBt of the books he n^edfl to ^yy*</p>
  195. <p>Procedure: Mingle vith tbe other players<sub>p</sub> shopping around to find who au the textbooks you need and vhat tbe high and lov prices ar«. (Xou m*ty find it more efficient to shop for one textbook at a time*) Then make your purchases.</p>
  196. <p>Example: You are Speaker 1 (SI). You need to buy a cheap copy of the textbook for the economics course (nēibtn jlngjixug, <sup>!T</sup>that volume Con3 economic b<sup>1</sup>,).</p>
  197. <p>SI: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nl y5u nibSn jIngJixxxi meiyou?</p>
  198. <p>S2: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Y5u,</p>
  199. <p>81: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HI mil bu mil? [S2 may have Just bought it for himself.3</p>
  200. <p>&amp;2: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;M&amp;l/</p>
  201. <p>SI: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Duōshao qiin?</p>
  202. <p>82: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bǎshlkujll ql&amp;a •</p>
  203. <p>31; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Xiixie. W5 xlBngylxl&amp;ng. (&quot;I’ll think it over.&quot;)</p>
  204. <p>SI: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nl y5u nib8n jxngjlxufi melyou?</p>
  205. <p>S3: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Měiyou.</p>
  206. <p>81: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zli ilia.</p>
  207. <p>SI: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nl y5u ntbSn JlugJixul xceiyou?</p>
  208. <p>Sk: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Y5u.</p>
  209. <p>SI: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HI &amp;&amp;1 bu mil?</p>
  210. <p>S^: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;M&amp;l,</p>
  211. <p>SI: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DŪPBhao qifin?</p>
  212. <p>Sb: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ji&amp;shlkuii qiin.</p>
  213. <p>61: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;W5 bi mSi&lt; Zli JiSn.</p>
  214. <p>SI: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;W5 idSl nftbSn JingJlxuS. Zhi ehi b&amp;shikuii qiSn.</p>
  215. <p>S2: HSo.</p>
  216. <p>Speaker &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2 hands over the card. You take the card, keeping it separate from your <sup>n</sup>tor a ale<sup>11</sup> cardii.</p>
  217. <p>Additional Rote: If the teacher asks for the total amount you hav« spent</p>
  218. <p>or made &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;at a given point, you will need tbe vord for ”hundred,” bSl (SUM 5)-</p>
  219. <p>T: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HI mlile Jlběn shu le?</p>
  220. <p>S: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;W5 mSile liiogbSn le,</p>
  221. <p>T: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;N&amp;IiSngbSn sbǔ ylgdng duoshao qiSnt</p>
  222. <p>8: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ylgdng yibliyttBhikull ql&amp;n. ($150)</p>
  223. <p>As may be obvious, n&amp;liSngběn ohu meana &quot;thoM tvo books^</p>
  224. <p>Practice Points: Prices, buying and selling.</p><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-2.jpg" style="width:508pt;height:595pt;"/><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-3.jpg" style="width:471pt;height:606pt;"/><h5>UNIT 1 COMMUNICATION GAME B</h5>
  225. <p>IHSTRUCTIONS: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•</p>
  226. <p>Type: Shopping Lists</p>
  227. <p>Situation: The setting is Taipei. You are one of several people who have mide&quot;oist<sup>—</sup>shopping lists* You are interested in finding out vbo baa the most ambitIoub spcndliag plans.</p>
  228. <p>Goal: To find the player vbo will be paying th€ highest total for Ms purcbsaes*</p>
  229. <p>Number of Players: Four or more in a group*</p>
  230. <p>Materials: A deck of cards, Written on «ach card are the nazac of an it«n<sub>f</sub> specific quantity, and the unit price for the item. (S«* Cards ^-Shopping,</p>
  231. <p>on th« following pages,)</p>
  232. <p>Procedure; Each player is dealt a hand of three cards- Together<sub>a</sub> tbes« make up his shopping list.</p>
  233. <p>Mingle vith the other piayera to exchange information* Aak each player for the items, quantities, and prices of his planned purchases, and work out the totals on your work sheet. (Do not aek players for thB total cost of all their purchases.)</p>
  234. <p>卿:U: You Speaker l<sub>s</sub> starting your conv€irsatioti vith Sp«Bk®r 2.</p>
  235. <p>SI: Nī xiSng īaāi shēnmcī</p>
  236. <p>S2: WB xiSng mat ylfěn Yiisgvěn bio<sub>f</sub> lilBgti&amp;i M*iguo sfiiht, yizhang</p>
  237. <p>Tāivāa</p>
  238. <p>Si: Ylngvěn b^o duoshao ql&amp;n yifSn?</p>
  239. <p>S2: WGkuāi qi&amp;n-</p>
  240. <p>When you have completed your mrvey<sub>$</sub> report to the teachcr. If you found, for example, that SL、_s pvrcbases vill be icore exp^nsire than anyone elae^Sj you will say</p>
  241. <p>SI: Shi S2 Xiinsheng, (&quot;It's S2 who io planning to spend the moat,)</p>
  242. <p>T: YīgSng duoshao qiānt</p>
  243. <p>Slī Yīgfing yibal ěrahlvttlLUi^i qifin.</p>
  244. <p>Practice Pcdjit—马:Items <sub>s</sub> amountb (with coujitcrs) * prices ^</p><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-4.jpg" style="width:474pt;height:469pt;"/><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-5.jpg" style="width:480pt;height:607pt;"/><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-6.jpg" style="width:448pt;height:604pt;"/><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-7.jpg" style="width:490pt;height:601pt;"/><h5>UNIT 2 P-2 WORKBOOK</h5>
  245. <p>EXERCISE 1</p>
  246. <p>In this exereiae you vill arnver &lt;iueBtionfl fttout quantlti^a of itemfl that have bees l&gt;o\ight and sold at &quot;marketing and supply cooiwsr&amp;tiveB<sup>11</sup> (govenuDent-oroed storafi) i which store »old what and wtiicb ptrson bought vtiat.</p>
  247. <p>Comrade Sun and Comrftdie Ji&amp;ng have made purehaies in three coDp«rativeii<sub>B</sub> (Display I shows these traDBactiono J Supply and Marketing Cooperative Number 1 sells pastries and apples. Supply eod Marketing Cooperative Humber 2 a ells aoda and beer * Supply and Marketing Ooopcrfttive Fumber 3 sells oraxtgea and gaap, euojong other things.</p>
  248. <p>Example</p>
  249. <p>TAPE: Dīyi Gongxiao HSzuSshS mil xiSo diSnxīn bu mai?</p>
  250. <p>YOU: TSmen m£i xi£o dlSnxīn«</p>
  251. <p>TAPE: TSmen m&amp;i qīshuī &quot;bu umiī YOU: Tiaen bē mĚi*</p>
  252. <p>TAPEs nSr īūSi?</p>
  253. <p>YOU: Zil DĪSr GSngxlio HizuSohS fflli.</p>
  254. <p>Here are tb« nev vocabulaiy items you will tor tMa ex«rciftes</p>
  255. <p>pljiS (yīplug pfjitt) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tueer [a tottl* Of b«rJ)</p>
  256. <p>jUii {yījīū Jiisi) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(oraogea Ca c*tty of orMigtBJ)</p>
  257. <p>烊iifc (yftaiSl rtizAo) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(aoap Cono tar of &gt;oap3)</p>
  258. <p>g5iigxi5o bĚsu&amp;BhS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Bujiply emd maxketiii« -eoopflratiT*)</p>
  259. <p>EXERCISE 2</p>
  260. <p>In thia exercise you will ask for vajrioua quantities of items ajid with prices in PRC currency: kuāl<sub>t</sub> n^o, and fēn. Display II is &amp;&nbsp;list of twelve purchases you are to make<sub>t</sub> on twelve separ&amp;te occasions*</p>
  261. <p>For each purchase<sub>f</sub> ask the shopkeeper for the quantity you want. Sbe vill respond vith the u^lt price. In your pockst you have tvo $10 &quot;bills, tvo $1 bills* and tvo dimes of ?eppIe<sup>T</sup>s currency• Give the shopkeeper an aaount of money vhich Is closest to the purchase price. Tell her hov much money you are giving her, She vill tell you vhat your change<sub>v</sub> if My* will be..</p>
  262. <p>Example</p>
  263. <p>YOU: Qīng nī gSi wo ylfēn Rěrjmln H^bSo. CRepeat eonfirmtlon.l</p>
  264. <p>TAPE: HSo. Hěnmln Rilslo vufen qińn yīfln.</p>
  265. <p>YOUs Qii nī ylmāo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[Repeat confirm&amp;tlon,3</p>
  266. <p>TAPEs Zhao ni wufSn q^iSn*</p><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-8.jpg" style="width:415pt;height:231pt;"/>
  267. <p>DISPLAY II</p>
  268. <p>(Beiaember that for «ach purchase you h&amp;ve tvo $10 bills <sub>f</sub> tvo $1 'biUs<sub>t</sub> and tvo dines*)</p>
  269. <p>1* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 copy of The People<sup>1</sup> a Dully (RSamīn _Htb&amp;o)</p>
  270. <p>2* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 copy of The Peopie<sup>%</sup> 5 Pictorial fRfipaaln</p>
  271. <p>3* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 copy of a map of BSiJlng</p>
  272. <p>U. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 copy of The Hev Chloa Dictiopary (XjplmlS Sldlln)</p>
  273. <p>5* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2 copies of &amp;&nbsp;map of C^ljia.</p>
  274. <p>6, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3 eopies of the Quangndng Dally (GuSagmtng Rtb&amp;o)</p>
  275. <p>7* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 catty of snail pastries</p>
  276. <p>8+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;12 bottles of aod&amp;</p>
  277. <p>9* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1* catties of apples</p>
  278. <p>10* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;10 Ixattles of C^ngdlo beer</p>
  279. <p>11« &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5 cattles of oranges</p>
  280. <p>12* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2 bBxs of soap</p>
  281. <p>EXERCISE 3</p>
  282. <p>In tbia exerclBc you will purchase two ItemE at a time. Display III rtiowa your stepping liate on six different oficaaiona*</p>
  283. <p>With «ach liat. tbe shopkeeper for a certain quantity of the first</p>
  284. <p>She will &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;your repeat vith fiSo. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;腳;<sup>s</sup>?<sub>v</sub><sup>auch</sup></p>
  285. <p><sub>of</sub> the second Item. She will you If you want anything el^ Beply that y如 do not. She vill t*ll you the total coot of your purcbaiita.</p>
  286. <p>Tell her how much money yo\x are giving Her, on the ftesumption that you have two ilū tills, tvo Mils, and tvo limee W14 v&amp;nt to give her</p>
  287. <p>t cover th; pur=h^<sub>eB</sub>. She will tell you 如咖也如卩咖 U</p>
  288. <p>giviag you<sub>t</sub> if any •</p>
  289. <p>Example</p>
  290. <p>YOU: Qlng ni gel li&amp;ngzhang Shongguo dīttl. [Repeat</p>
  291. <p>C OSī i SHLfli'L'^ OC ■ J</p>
  292. <p>TAPE: HSo.</p>
  293. <p>You: WS hai ylo yī^Sn XEn3iu£ ZidlSn. [Repeat confiraation,3 TAPEs Hao, Nl h&amp;i yāo ehlnmeī</p>
  294. <p>YOU: WS bfi yāo sbenne le* [Repeat confirmation*!]</p>
  295. <p>TAPE: USugīhang Zhongguo dltfi wGkuEl q±hi<sub>t</sub> yībSti Xīūhufi EtdiSn yfKual liSnpiāo wu* 竹gSag liōkuāi liEngmSo vu*</p>
  296. <p>YOU: Gěi ni shlku&amp;i qlSn. ERepeat confirmation^</p>
  297. <p>TAPE: ZhSo ni sankuli qīmSo wū,</p>
  298. <p>DISPLAY III</p>
  299. <p>(Heiūeiaber you have tvo $10 Mils, tvo $1 Ulla, and two dimes each tiM.]</p>
  300. <p>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2 copies of a map oī China AMD &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;,; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\</p>
  301. <p>1 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sub>CD</sub>py of The Kev China Dictionary (Xlnhufe Sldlaii)</p>
  302. <p>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 copy of The Peopled Dally. (RĒūiaīň HĪTbno) AlTO</p>
  303. <p>2 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;copies of the GuangiiJnj:: Dally (Guāiipilnfc HIbāo)</p>
  304. <p>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 copy of &amp;&nbsp;map of Beijīng AHD</p>
  305. <p>1 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;copy of The Peopled Pictorial (R&amp;ūinln HuS^ěo)</p>
  306. <p>h<sub>t</sub> 1 catty of small pastries AND 12 TaDttles of soda</p>
  307. <p>5* If cattles of apples AND 10 bottles of Qīngdlo beer</p>
  308. <p>6, 5 catties of oretngftB AHD</p>
  309. <p>2 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bSLPS of BOap</p><h5>UNIT 2 COMMUNICATION GAME A</h5>
  310. <p>INSTRUCTIONS:</p>
  311. <p>Types Shopping Lists (This is the seme &amp;a Communication Game B in Unit l<sub>t</sub> except that it is set in Beijing and involves the new material in thie unit.)</p><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-9.jpg" style="width:454pt;height:595pt;"/><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-10.jpg" style="width:479pt;height:592pt;"/><h5>UNIT 2 COMMUNICATION GAME B</h5>
  312. <p>INSTEUCTIONS:</p>
  313. <p>Type: Shopping</p>
  314. <p>Situation: The setUtlg i&amp; BSijī^e- Yom are either one of several ehoppere <sub>or</sub> one of gsveral storekeepers. The 6hoppers have llflte o, items to toe purchftBĒd and ths saovxit of each item. The storekeepers have stack lints of the items for sale and tbe unit price of each item* The shoppers are looking for the best b\ays*</p>
  315. <p>{Ip most cases, you will find that a specific item ia sold for the same price througho'jt the PRC. The BSiJīng setting is used here to give you work on prices vith m|o and fen. The imreGlietic price competition is used in thie game to make you investigate prices carefully.)</p>
  316. <p>goal; For shoppers, to make their purchases as cheaply ūb possible• For Btorekeepera<sub>t</sub> to sell ¥bat they can at sat prices.</p>
  317. <p>Number of Flayersj Groups of four students or sore.</p>
  318. <p>Materials; One decH of cardB for shoppers and one deck for storekeepera*</p>
  319. <p>{See Cardfl—Shopping<sub>t</sub> whieh follov.)</p>
  320. <p>Each shopper is dealt a hand of cards representing his shopping Each card gives m item and a quantity. For exofflple* o bottles of beer.</p>
  321. <p>Each storekeeper is dealt a hand of cardā representing his stock liat.</p>
  322. <p>Each cfl^d Eives an Item and a unit price. Different storekeepers have cards giving different prices for the same item* For example^ beer at ¥八5 a bottle&quot;<sup>1</sup> and %eer at ¥.W a bottled Play saoney may also be provided.</p>
  323. <p>Procedure: Players mingle to make their purchases and sales*</p>
  324. <p>TShoppers tallc only vith storekeepers <sub>t</sub> and storekeepers talk only vifcīi shoppers*}</p>
  325. <p>As a shopper* vhen you find the storekeeper vho has tbe lovest price and make your purchase<sub>t</sub> write down tha price« As a storekesp«r <sub>t</sub> When you make ā sale, write down the quantity sold. You will neeā these notes when your teacher talks vith you after sales ar« coapleted.</p>
  326. <p>Exm^3L_e_: You are Speaker l<sub>f</sub> a shopper. The l&amp;at item oq your chopping liat ia <sup>Tl</sup>6 bottles of beer,<sup>IT</sup> Speaker 2 and Speaker 3 are atorek«eperB.</p>
  327. <p>SI: NLflen zhhr mil pl3iu bu mai?</p>
  328. <p>B2t M&amp;l. Jiū zil</p>
  329. <p>SI: Ihioshao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yiplngī</p>
  330. <p>S2: Sācm£o qifin yīping.</p>
  331. <p>SI; XUxie.</p>
  332. <p>Sli Nlmen shir mill pljifi bu mai? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;,</p>
  333. <p>S3: Mil. Jiīl z&amp;l shSll*</p>
  334. <p>Slī Duoshao qi&amp;n yiplogt S3i Llingm^o ylplng.</p>
  335. <p>SI: B&amp;o, Qing ni gll wo liilplng,</p>
  336. <p>S3: Nl hii yāo Bhěnme?</p>
  337. <p>81; WS yāo shěnnie le*</p>
  338. <p>^īgong yikuāi liSngm&amp;o ql&amp;n*</p>
  339. <p>SI: Zhei Bhi ll&amp;^gkuli qiin.</p>
  340. <p>S3: ZhSǒ ni thdio</p>
  341. <p>(If play money Is not being useda pick any reaflonable roimd figurā for the total amount given to tbe storekeeper.)</p>
  342. <p>After the shopping haa been completed<sub>f</sub> your teacher vill question you;</p>
  343. <p>T: Hī mSi sbēnme le? [Coiapletion follows tbe object Bhfaaa■</p>
  344. <p>一 See Unit 1*,3~</p>
  345. <p>Si: W5 mSile iiīlplng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;lifingjln dā plngguS. C templet ion le</p>
  346. <p>precedes these ^asQOunt<sup>11</sup> objects, juat as It pr«e«dea aiaomti of time in duration sentences-3 T: YlgSng āuoehao qiinī Si: Yigong llSngkuai yha&amp;o</p>
  347. <p>T: Pijiu duoshao qi&amp;n yīplngT &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;,</p>
  348. <p>SI: LiSngmfio qifin yiptng-(etc *}</p>
  349. <p>PrRctlce Points: Items, amounts* prieee通</p><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-11.jpg" style="width:469pt;height:600pt;"/><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-12.jpg" style="width:468pt;height:590pt;"/><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-13.jpg" style="width:476pt;height:579pt;"/><h6>UNIT 3 C-2 WORKBOOK</h6>
  350. <p>EXEACISE 1</p>
  351. <p>This ex«rclee ie tased on the re view dlalogus at the end of th« C-l tape. You vill vork on your comprehension of words and patterns l&amp;trodue«d in this milt.</p>
  352. <p>In tbifl conversation l£r. SAund«rs la talking to &amp;&nbsp;clerk mt thm Frltnd-ship Department Store in BSijīng, You vill bear the conven&amp;tion tvict. Then each sentence vill te followed, yy a. p姐im clurlūg vhich you ar* to transl&amp;tt It. After each pause <sub>v</sub> the speokvr vill give &amp;n accept Alt Engllfib eqiiivalent*</p>
  353. <p>EXERCISE 2</p>
  354. <p>Thio exercise vill give you practice llst€id,Eig for cosqp^rieons In &amp;&nbsp;conversationi Prof^asor Lllī id looking for &amp;&nbsp;atud^nt to belp him vltb ft reee&amp;rch project that vill involve tbe use of French an^, seme Oiin€8«<sub>ň</sub> The professor 1ē talking to Mrs. Mfeo, vbo t«achea Chinese to Asuerieans#</p>
  355. <p>He is coī&amp;slderlzig two of her Btudente for th« r©j»«arcb jot. The two otudtnta are Pin Tlngfisig (Timothy Pappu) and Bfil LlrSng {Loui66 B«dEer) <sub>v</sub></p>
  356. <p>ton vill hear the conversatioa three tiiD^e# Ae you lletra to it for tiie third tima, ňmver. the three quAStione</p>
  357. <p>Here is &amp;&nbsp;nev ptoue you vill hear in this</p>
  358. <p>tiMQ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;rin &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;( th. tvo of th趣i)</p>
  359. <p>QUESTIONS</p>
  360. <p>1* īa the Btudect vho is b«tt«r at Chinwm also &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;at French?</p>
  361. <p>{ ) Yen ( ) No</p>
  362. <p>2* How long did Bfil LtrStig study Chin*s® in the United</p>
  363. <p>3_ Hov long did ?Sii Tīmgfeng study Chinese In the United Stat^aT</p>
  364. <p>EXERCISE 3</p>
  365. <p>In thia exercise you vill listen for modifiers. Mra. JtfferaūD ia buying gifts for her faaily and friends liaek hone. Listen to the conver-satiūTi two times ; then answer the q,uaetion belov &amp;b ym listen for the third time.</p>
  366. <p>You vill need three colors for this exercises lin &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(to be blue)</p>
  367. <p>lu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(to be green)</p>
  368. <p>huSng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(to tie yellow)</p>
  369. <p>QUESTION</p>
  370. <p>1<sub>#</sub> How many of each kind of vase did Mrs* Jefferson tuy?</p>
  371. <p>large yellow &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;_</p>
  372. <p>small yellow</p>
  373. <p>large blue &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;____</p>
  374. <p>small &quot;blue __ —</p>
  375. <p>large green ______</p>
  376. <p>small green __________一</p><h5>UNIT 3 P-2 WORKBOOK</h5>
  377. <p>EXERCISE 1</p>
  378. <p>In aiisverlng the que*tionB In thia w^rclie you vill not only giv« prices of itenB but also compare &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The iteoui &amp;re deflcrfbed only u</p>
  379. <p>^large onftB<sup>n</sup> or &quot;small one«<sub>f</sub><sup>n ff</sup>r«d ones<sup>1</sup>* or <sup>n</sup>gr«en on&lt;sa<sub>s</sub><sup>w</sup> ud so forth* Display I gives th€ prices and deicrlptloni of itēsi* being dlicuiscd*</p>
  380. <p>Give prices lo the abort form.* for exaaple, ylkuil vtt* ”oo« dollar fifty*<sup>n</sup> But remember that even dollar eoounta (th&amp;t 1b <sub>t</sub> eiiigle^eyllftbl« numberfl followed by &amp;&nbsp;counter) are nonaally rolloved qitn: yīlniAi qi&amp;a- ■</p>
  381. <p>Eaeaaiple</p>
  382. <p>TAPE: PfngguBp bfingde guj b£lehi iftde gulī WīU E6ngde guī. f Repeat conflnutlon . 3 TAPE: B6īigde duēnhao qlĒD?</p>
  383. <p>YOU: Hongde irshiku&amp;i 0$£1 yīgc.^ CBepcet confirmtttioo.3</p>
  384. <p>Here ir tte additional voeftbulary you vill ne«d jjū tMi «x«r€ia^z</p>
  385. <p>(to be green)</p>
  386. <p>Isfii &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(to 知 nMte)</p>
  387. <p>bu£ag &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(to be yellow)</p>
  388. <p>y^isSn (yiblt yfisSu ) (yml?rcll&amp; Cone umbrell&amp;])</p>
  389. <p>DISPLAY I</p>
  390. <p>APPLES: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;red &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;green</p>
  391. <p>$20 each &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$15 «och</p>
  392. <p>DICTIOHAKIES: large &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;gaall</p>
  393. <p>$250 e&amp;ch $85 «acb</p>
  394. <p>———U &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;— ■ I »■ ■丨-■ 1 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;■■_ —■ ■ - _ L</p>
  395. <p>MAPS: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;large &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;small</p>
  396. <p>$20 each &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$8 each</p>
  397. <p>VASES: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yellw &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;r«d &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;erēen</p>
  398. <p>$75 &amp;&amp;ch $60 each S&amp;5 each</p>
  399. <p>UMBRELLAS: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;vhlte &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;rad &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yellov</p>
  400. <p>SlOQ each SflO each $90 each</p>
  401. <p>Taivtin apples are sold one &quot;by one <sub>f</sub> rather than by the catty.</p>
  402. <p>EXERCISE 2</p>
  403. <p>In this exercise you vill move objectb to the topic position vhen dou is In the sentence- For each of the q.uefitionĒ on tape» assume that you are shopping for a RED, a WHITE, and a BLUE veiBe- The question vill offer you a choice of two color s« An ever that you vant one of them or 'both or neither, a@ appropriate.</p>
  404. <p>The following examples are the &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;first ttoee Itma on tape.</p>
  405. <p>Example 1</p>
  406. <p>a- Kī yio hSngde hfiishi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Do you vant a red one or</p>
  407. <p>yio lādeī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sup>a</sup> green one?) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;,</p>
  408. <p>A<sup>a</sup>, WS ylo hSngde, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(I vant a red one -)</p>
  409. <p>CHepeat confirmation.!</p>
  410. <p>Exaaple 2</p>
  411. <p>q<sub>:</sub> jfī ySuo ifinde hAishi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Do you vant a blue one or</p>
  412. <p>yao b&amp;idet &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a vhite one?)</p>
  413. <p>A: Lande, tsAlde, vS dōti yāo. (ī want 'both a blue one and &amp;</p>
  414. <p>vbite erne.)</p>
  415. <p>[Repeat eonfirmatioru]</p>
  416. <p>Exanple 3_</p>
  417. <p>q<sub>:</sub> Hī yio hyfiīsgāe hĚlshi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Do you want a yellov one or</p>
  418. <p>yso lfide? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a green one?)</p>
  419. <p>Aj HuSngde, iude, wo d6u &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(I d.on<sup>f</sup>t vant either a yellov</p>
  420. <p>ySo, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one or a green one*)</p>
  421. <p>CHepeat coīiflrmation,D</p>
  422. <p>EXERCISE 3</p>
  423. <p>In this exercise you vill use the nhi<sub>v</sub>^āe and 1« iDArkerfl vith objects * Display II sham vhftt Mrs* Anderson and Comr&amp;d« GSo一Fought last veek and on vhat day. Uge this inforaation to anaver the questioiis on tap«.</p>
  424. <p>Example</p>
  425. <p>Qs Tlndlaen Fūren ehl neitian mXlde huiplngf As Ta ahi Xīngqīyl m^lde huEpīng*</p>
  426. <p>匸Repeat confimatloīi* 3 Qī Ta &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;jīge huSplngī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;■</p>
  427. <p>♦ A: Ta miile llSngge huipīng,</p>
  428. <p>Elepeat couflrmAtion, 1</p>
  429. <p>DISPLAY II</p>
  430. <p>Mr a. Anderson &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Comrade GSo</p>
  431. <p>MONDAY &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2 YBūēB &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;i cetty of orei^ges</p>
  432. <p>TUESDAY &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I 3 cattles of apples &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 umbrella</p>
  433. <p>WEDNESDAY &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;6 bottles of soda <sup>1</sup> I bar of bosl^</p>
  434. <p>THURSDAY &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 catty of oranges &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3 bottles of sqūbl</p>
  435. <p>FRIDAY &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 ™br«lle &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;of applet</p><h5>UNIT 3 COMMUNICATION GAME</h5>
  436. <p>INSTRUCTIONS S</p>
  437. <p>■Pypg; Shopping (This is the same as Coirmiunicatlon Game B in Unit 2<sub>t</sub> except that items are deacribed by size and color and that sometimes storekeepers have cheaper and more expensive versions of the same items *)</p>
  438. <p>Exaro£le: You are Speaker 1 丨 a shopper. One of your cards reads &quot;1 large isap of BSijlngi<sup>11</sup></p>
  439. <p>Speaker 2<sub>t</sub> one of the storeteepers<sub>s</sub> bas the following card:</p>
  440. <p>iūapa of BSiJIng</p>
  441. <p>large: ¥^.0Ū<sub>f</sub> ¥3,^ smalls ¥2,50<sub>f</sub> ¥2.00</p>
  442. <p>That Ia<sub>1</sub> he has a cheaper and a more expensive version of both large and flmall maps of B?ijīng»</p>
  443. <p>Sis &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nimen shSr iflāi B吝ijīisg dltfi bu tūaiī</p>
  444. <p>S2; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mai* Kī ylo dlde hSishi xiaode?</p>
  445. <p>SI: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WS ySo dāde* BuSshao qlin yiahlngt</p>
  446. <p>B2i &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sikuai qiěn yizhSng.</p>
  447. <p>SI: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nī y5ū piĚnyi yīdlSnrde ma?</p>
  448. <p>S2i &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;YSu* Sh&amp;ige sSnku&amp;i vīmSo qi£n. yizhang.</p>
  449. <p>Haturally, the storekeeper quotes the price of the more expensive map<sub>s</sub> an占 you check to see if he ha6 a cheaper one.</p>
  450. <p>You wo^ild then talk to another storekeeper to compare prices*</p><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-14.jpg" style="width:478pt;height:603pt;"/><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-15.jpg" style="width:465pt;height:602pt;"/><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-16.jpg" style="width:481pt;height:597pt;"/><h5>UNIT 4 C-2 WORKBOOK</h5>
  451. <p>EXERCISE 1</p>
  452. <p>This ňx^rclBt the reviev dialogue from the end of the C-l tape,</p>
  453. <p>You vill work on your cDSoprebfinBlon of the vords and patterns Introduced in this im.it <sub>#</sub></p>
  454. <p>In this coDYerBation, MiēB uSing visiting Major Weiss<sup>f</sup> B ho^ae, Sbe is atandlng in front of the china cloaet talking to Mrs* Weiss. You vill beitr the conversation tvlcft* Then ea sli Bent ©nee in the dialo gue vill be followed l^y a paus« for your troaBlatioii^ After the pause, the speaker vill give on acceptable En^liBh equivalent for the aantence,</p>
  455. <p>EXERCISE 2</p>
  456. <p>This exercise ie Intended to give you practice In diitingulohing completion le from nev-^sltuition le. The exercioe ^onaiatB of five short exchanges about 油 at so&amp;eone has bought, Thw exchange a are talcen from longer convera&amp;tioos, irith all cluee removed<sub>f</sub> so that you have to figure out from the position of the 1« markers whcthor th« person 1b stm shopping or not■</p>
  457. <p>You vill hear the aeriea of exchangee three times• After listenirig f<sub>0r</sub> the third time <sub>t</sub> aMver the question <sup>n</sup>Ia the person planňitig to buy of the itesi?<sup>w</sup> for each exchange.</p>
  458. <p>Here are vocabulary &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;items for this exercise;</p>
  459. <p>i&amp;huāad &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(table)</p>
  460. <p>yīxi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(chair)</p>
  461. <p>shujil:£i &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(bookcase)</p>
  462. <p>hufing &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(to he yellw, to be brown)</p>
  463. <p>-TaS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[counter tor chalri3</p>
  464. <p>QUE5TIQM</p>
  465. <p>1, la the pereon planning to buy more of the item?</p>
  466. <p>Exchange 1; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;( &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yee &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;( &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;No</p>
  467. <p>Exchuxge 2: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ye® &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;) No</p>
  468. <p>Exchange 3: { &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;( &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;No</p>
  469. <p>Exchange h: ( &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;( &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;) Ho</p>
  470. <p>Exchange 5: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;C &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yea &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;( &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;) No</p>
  471. <p>—3</p>
  472. <p>In this exercise yon vill vork on your eompr«heaDlon of poo^.fylne cl&amp;us€s. The «x«rclse ccnAietB of 龜 seriee of quofltion* and amrvttre About tb« objectv lifted in Display I, belgnr« Each item litted 1* ālBQUBmmā In tv© »chaiLg«fl. Esch item will t*e ā^Bcrlbmd by a modifying clauift sbcut either 1) vfao bought it or 2} who 1b reading it now. Bach question and etch flniv«r vlli be followed Isy a. pauae for your tranelatlon, Aft«r tbe pause» tha sp^Bker will glY« «n acceptable SagliBh equlv&amp;lfsnt fo, conparliioQ.</p>
  473. <p>Esceagsle 1 (the first €rxchAJig« la Bispl«y 1)</p>
  474. <p>IAPE: Hfi XlSojiS xiSnzKi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bhā sM nlbSa *huī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•</p>
  475. <p>YOU: Which book is tlw om that Mies ffll 1« readiiig nwt CONFIEMATION</p>
  476. <p>TAPES Shi Wfing Xiinsheng mlide nftbln</p>
  477. <p>YOU: It^ th« book tbat Mr. ^f&amp;og &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;+</p>
  478. <p>COHPIRMATION &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;零■</p>
  479. <p>jbeaaple 2 {the second exchange in Display I)</p>
  480. <p>TAPE: Wfing &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;mKlde ebū shi oSbSn abut</p>
  481. <p>YOU: Which book is the one that Mr. wSag ^ougbtī C0HF1BMATI0H</p>
  482. <p>TAPI: Shi Htl Xilojil &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;klnd« i£bMn sbQ-</p>
  483. <p>YOUs It*s the book that Hiss HĪl is &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bov«</p>
  484. <p>CONFIRMATION</p>
  485. <p>DISPLAY I</p>
  486. <p>BĒCaASGīS BUYERS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEADERS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;TmB</p>
  487. <p>丨 1*2 Hr. Wing &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;KIbs Bt &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;teok</p>
  488. <p>Miss Hfi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mr. W£ng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;j sagaain*</p>
  489. <p>5-6 Mr^ Wfing &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mbb Hfi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;n«vspttp«r</p>
  490. <p>7-0 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hr* Wfing &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Eixgllafa u«irap&amp;p«r</p>
  491. <p>Hies Efi CblnMe nemp&amp;per ----</p>
  492. <p>EXERCISE 4</p>
  493. <p>Thia exercise will give you. practice in getting informtlon from &amp;&nbsp;eonvarsation that you do not fully uaderetand* You will be listening to <sub>a</sub> conversation in Taipei between Mrs, Freeāman,油0 has recently moved to Taiwan <sub>t</sub> and her frlefid Sīin#</p>
  494. <p>You will hear the conversation three times * Answer the questions 'belov you listen to tb« dialogue for the third</p>
  495. <p>The nev vocjabulary itfim dttSn&gt; <sup>11</sup> rug*<sup>11</sup> is uB€d in this exercise- Both tbe word for <sup>H</sup>rug&quot; and the vōrdTor ^table'<sup>1</sup> are uue4 with the counter *zhin£i</p>
  496. <p>yīs&amp;hSīig dltSa (one rug) yīzh&amp;ng ^hiiSzi (one ta'ble)</p>
  497. <p>QUESTIONS</p>
  498. <p>1. Hov long has Krs. Ficemdm&amp;ū teen in Taipeiī ____</p>
  499. <p>2<sub>r</sub> Have all her household things arrivedT __________</p>
  500. <p>3<sub>#</sub> ^icn did Mrs# Freedman buy some things at the First Ccunpaayī</p>
  501. <p>!*• Which of the following items did Mra. Freedtaan buyī</p>
  502. <p>ITgW &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;NUMBER OF</p>
  503. <p>table &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;__</p>
  504. <p>bookcase &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;— _</p>
  505. <p>chair &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;__<sub>_</sub></p>
  506. <p>rice ^owIb &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;_</p>
  507. <p>rug &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;.</p>
  508. <p>te&amp;cups</p>
  509. <p>5, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What color do tsh眘 tvo women llkeī</p>
  510. <p>6, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Are Mrs* Sūn^s dishea more or lee日 eacpenaive than Mrs. Freetown<sup>f</sup>aT</p>
  511. <p>()More ( ) Less</p><h6>unit 4 P-2 WORKBOOK</h6>
  512. <p>EXERCISE 1</p>
  513. <p>ex«rolS6 glvea you a chanq« to produce senteacea with rodlfyliig clauses. For each it«a, you vill hear tvo Bentenc«s deacrlMng ■ Bitwtion and then ft W««tion about that aitmtiom Aa«v«r the question bued on thm infonaatlon in tha first two B«nteDces, (Display I a職aariuB the infor-</p>
  514. <p>īsatlo迫 for esch Item, j</p>
  515. <p>TAPES W&amp;ig XiSMhs 明 miile yS^Sn shu<sub>v</sub> Hfi XI Id J IS xllaiil kin ntbla shu,</p>
  516. <p>Hfi ZiSoJiS zlā^z&amp;i klnd« 8hu ahl nXb^n shU?</p>
  517. <p>YOU: Shi W&amp;ig XlSDdbe^g loSlda nKbSci ehS*</p>
  518. <p>The first sentence afeov«, ^Mr. VSng ^ou^fatr one boolt^ eontoina tli« mvk«f l£ for completed action. But irben the ssjw vords are used In a modifyliag el&amp;uaep the saarker 1« is dropped, bs in tfa_ lait sentence« <sup>w</sup>It<sup>f</sup>B the book th&amp;t Mr* w£zi^ boughw*</p>
  519. <p>DISPLAY I</p>
  520. <p>ITE2^ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;BOTERS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;READERS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;OBJECTS</p>
  521. <p>1-2 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hr* Wfing &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mlee SS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;book</p>
  522. <p>3-^ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mis® Hfi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mr« W&amp;ng</p>
  523. <p>5-6 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mr* irtbg &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Miss Hfi</p>
  524. <p>nenspapcr Ezigllsb nevspāp^r</p>
  525. <p>丨 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mfi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chinese nwsp*p«r</p>
  526. <p>EXERCISE 2</p>
  527. <p>In thiB exercise you vill practice using dSu<sub>t</sub> &quot;all,” e.nd ySude• <sup>w</sup>aome*&quot; Mrs. Weiaa is talking vltb a friend about the houeehold baggage she shipped from the United States to Taivaa, Some of the items have already arrived at the WeiBS<sup>f</sup>s nev home in Taipei, and some have not* (Display II rises tbe situation,) Mrs. Weiea onaver5 questions about her belongings* including questions about the colors of items。</p>
  528. <p>Take the part of Mrs, Weiss, answering the questions before she does and then repeating her aasvers *</p>
  529. <p>Example &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;*</p>
  530. <p>TAPE (friend): Nl Jialide dongxl dou āic le m&amp;l</p>
  531. <p>YOU: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;YSude dio le<sub>§</sub> ySude h£l měi dlo,</p>
  532. <p>CHepeat confirmation.3</p>
  533. <p>TAPE (friend): Zbuozi dou dao le m?</p>
  534. <p>YOU: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zhuosi dou d^o le*</p>
  535. <p>CRepeat conflrmatiOD.3</p>
  536. <p>TAPE (friend); Nīmen ySu jizhang?</p>
  537. <p>YOU: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WSmen ySu ilSngahiisg zhuSzi.</p>
  538. <p>CKepeat confirmation*3</p>
  539. <p>TAPE (friend); Dou abi sběmne yĚnside?</p>
  540. <p>YOU: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dōu shi bSide.</p>
  541. <p>CHepe&amp;t confirmation•]</p>
  542. <p>DISPLAY II</p>
  543. <p>HAVE HAVE ffOT &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sub>v</sub>_<sub>Trtl</sub>-</p>
  544. <p>AHRIVēD PMIVED YET 晒!孤<sup>1</sup>^ <sup>BLUĒ</sup> 啦庇 GREEN TABLES all~2 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;all</p>
  545. <p>CHAIRS some—6 some—6 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;, some &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;some</p>
  546. <p>BOOKCASES &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;all—3 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;all</p>
  547. <p>RUGS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;aoioc—2 some—2 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;some &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;soia任</p>
  548. <p>DISHES some some</p>
  549. <p>TEACUPS all &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;some some</p>
  550. <p>一 3</p>
  551. <p>'HiiB exeTciee gives you pr&amp;ctlce in the use of cos&amp;plttion !«_ vith <sup>it</sup>amount<sup>rt</sup> objects and <sup>H</sup>nonaaount<sup>w</sup> objects« Before beginning thii ex«rclse<sub>a</sub> you may want to review the Reference llotes on lfoe_ 3-5 for this unit in your textbook*</p>
  552. <p>In this *xarciae<sub>s</sub> you are voriclng in w onbMfly. &amp;nb&amp;esy officials feaye decided to 'ouy as moy goods aa poflaible fron local stores* As one of your duties, you oversee the purchMlng of all tti^ppliea • You muBt k^ep el record of all supplies bought for buBlseBB and entertal&amp;mexLt <sub>t</sub> Dlapl^y III, &amp;&nbsp;page from this r«cord<sub>t</sub> provides yon vitb the Inforoatlon neceasuy for this €£ersisē<sub>4</sub> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-</p>
  553. <p>As the cxerciae begiw, jou asre talking vitto tb« new suppli«r of fruits <sub>f</sub> pastries« He vill ask you ^u«stiona ftbout vhat of these item have *beea purchased in p&amp;&amp;t months <sub>t</sub> so that he can wtlcl* pati ftittire n*eds. If tbere Is a n^unb*r is the appropriate box in Displ«y III, tell Mm how math of that item you &quot;bought* If there In a cb«ck sāwk in tbe box<sub>t</sub> tell him th&amp;t you bought the item but th&amp;t you do not knov how much vas purchaBed. If there is a zero in the l30x<sub>t</sub> t«ll bia th&amp;t you did not b蹲 tbat it棚.</p>
  554. <p>Example</p>
  555. <p>TAPE: KSCmen Ylyue mal cblyl le ma?</p>
  556. <p>YOU: Women mSile s£jin cbfiyS<sub>f</sub></p>
  557. <p>TAPE: PlngfiuB ne?</p>
  558. <p>YQUt W5men yS roSl pīngguS 1^* 成bM zhīdluQ mSil» SuSsbno*</p>
  559. <p>Here are voeatulaiy iteafi you vill ne^id In Dcerclse 3 =</p>
  560. <p>eMyS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(tea Cliterally &quot;tw leave.”])</p>
  561. <p>W® dSlle liSo^jīn chSy^* (ī Iwufibt two cattles of *t姊•)</p>
  562. <p>īhīdao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(to lrnow)</p>
  563. <p>KSfihi 幼īdSo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(But 1 dosiH taiow hqv mwh</p><h5>一, —</h5>
  565. <p>APPLES OHAMGĒS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;PASTRIES &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;TEA &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;BEER</p>
  566. <p>{number of catties) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(nufi'ber of bottles) Jtrn. \/ 15 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;95 \/ Feb. 12 v^ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I<sup>6</sup> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0 50</p>
  567. <p>Mar. 23 27 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;22 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;l/ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0 y&gt;</p>
  568. <p>Apr. 18 s/ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;60</p>
  569. <p>May / 30 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;31 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;/ 96</p>
  570. <p>Jun. v/ 0 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;/ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;00 90</p>
  572. <p>MSTRUCTIOMS:</p>
  573. <p>I^ominoea (Shoppen}</p>
  574. <p>Situations The setting is BSijīug, You ud th« other people In • groMp ape talkie about four BbopperB wtw skade ,ix purcbAniis each*</p>
  575. <p>Eaoh person in the group knows Ecmt of th« items th« shoppers bought.</p>
  576. <p>For exaarple<sub>s</sub> you ml幼t kcow that the ebopper vho bought apples also bou^t paetriM<sub>f</sub> mň another player ttdght knew that thm aboppar vho bought paatri«o alec bcmfiňt aodft. Together ^ th«»for*, the tvo of you kiioir tbx« <sup>of</sup> the purchases cae shopper made. Similarly<sub>B</sub> th« players io your group <sup>r</sup> can figure out the six it抑通 e&amp;ch shopper tsought,</p>
  577. <p>Gogls To figure out the six &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;purcbe^ed by each eZioppeT.</p>
  578. <p>Rumbar of Flayers a Groups of three to ei热t stt2d«ntB ,</p>
  579. <p>l^terials s Each round ie pl«^«d vltb ū 冶eek of 2k earda* Ba也 ňmck con'fc^ins four chdlns of six c&amp;£*dB <sub>t</sub> on€ ch&amp;ln tow of foux<sup>1</sup> Bfaoppsrs* Eacli c^rd in a ctolc lists tvo of the shopper<sup>9</sup>b pureīiaseB* 取命 pujrebse* is listed on tvo cerdfi, fid that the cards cay b« &quot;chained<sup>11</sup> llk« ācadnoes imtil thty form a loop. Here is a simplified e^cazsple of a looping chain of cards listing one shopper^ purchues (witb three item iutttaul of elatj*</p>
  580. <p>card* for the first round list items only. Tbe eardi for tb« second round also list quojitlti«s for some items.</p><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-17.jpg" style="width:177pt;height:210pt;"/>
  581. <p>Procedures Discuflsion in a group. Each player is dealt a hand from the deck of 2知 cards. (All cards are dealt*) One person playB &amp;&nbsp;card from ble hand, announcing one of the purcbues listed on it: W8 zhir ySu ylge rSn<sub>#</sub> [This sentence <sup>IT</sup>introduc«s<sup>,f</sup> the shopper. 1 Ta mSi aSzh全 le,~</p>
  582. <p>The player vho has the other card listing that purchase then <sup>n</sup>chains<sup>TP</sup> with the other purchA.se written on his card: HSl ^£zhtde n^lge r6n y8 miTi ehu le* CNotice hov the modifying clause identifies the shopper as the same one Juflt mentioned*1</p>
  583. <p>Eventually the chain loops back to &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the first player, who points tbls</p>
  584. <p>out: MiCl bllode n^ige rfo yj m&amp;i z6.zht &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;le, Hlmen yījlng zhldao t&amp; gAi la.</p>
  585. <p>Then another player starts another &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;chain In the sane</p>
  586. <p>Exaarple: You are Speaker 1, You hev* a card listing ^newapetpers/magazines«<sup>n</sup> Speaker 2 and Speaker 3 have <sup>,T</sup>magazinea /Taooks<sup>11</sup> and &quot;books/nevopapers •<sup>n</sup></p>
  587. <p>Sis WS zhěr ySu ylge rSn, TS mai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;le.</p>
  588. <p>一S2: M&amp;i sfizhtde niige rSn yS mSi shu le,</p>
  589. <p>S3: Mai shude nSlge rin yS mSi b4o le*</p>
  590. <p>61; MSi bāode ndige rSn yS mSl z&amp;zhf le, Nlmen yljlng zhīd&amp;o tS m£i ^£zhī le«</p>
  591. <p>(Remember that there vill be six cards in a cbaln«)</p>
  592. <p>Additional Note: In the follow-up discussion, it may be helpful to place the cards on &amp;&nbsp;t«ible to form chains <sub>9</sub> 払s In &amp;&nbsp;real game of dominoes.</p>
  593. <p>Practice Point丨 s Modifying clauses <sub>t</sub> completed action with <sup>n</sup>amount<sup>11</sup> and</p><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-18.jpg" style="width:479pt;height:600pt;"/><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-19.jpg" style="width:447pt;height:608pt;"/><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-20.jpg" style="width:466pt;height:617pt;"/><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-21.jpg" style="width:457pt;height:599pt;"/><h6>UNIT 4 COMMUNICATION GAME B</h6>
  594. <p>IlfSmjCTlONS:</p>
  595. <p>t</p>
  596. <p>&quot;Type: Bcaainofts (BIO Review) This gme la played tb« eaae iray ■霉 Communication Game A for &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;unit«</p>
  597. <p>Materials; ĪEiateftd of th« aameo of two purchasefl <sub>9</sub> you will find on each card biographic Infomation about one of four Amerlc&amp;n^ in Talp«i, (Sm Cwds—Dominoes<sub>%</sub> which follow) Here la on« ebain of Bix ca^de:</p><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-22.jpg" style="width:462pt;height:397pt;"/>
  598. <p>Sample; You are Speaker 1. You have the '<sup>T</sup>Taivan Univerflitjr/Flrst Hotel&quot; and V~c hildren/teaeupa&quot; =ards.</p>
  599. <p>SI: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;VS ihSli y5u yīge ren, Tā zhil iai Dīyl D£fIndian.</p>
  600. <p>32<sub>;</sub> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;zhn aai Dīyī Daf&amp;fidi&amp;nde n£ge rin y®u sīge hki.zi,</p>
  601. <p>Sli &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;YSu sīge hS.iiide nage rln xīhuaū mSi ūh^ēi.</p>
  602. <p>S3: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;XĪhuan eh&amp;&quot;bclile &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;rĚn shi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;lĒide.</p>
  603. <p>Sit: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Qifintiān l£id« nlge rSn niānguo Zhōngeuo līshī,</p>
  604. <p>S3: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Niingy。Zb5ti<sub>Ē</sub>guū līshīie ū^e ren iil Tiivān D&amp;xsiĒ^onesua.</p>
  605. <p>SI: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zāi Tfi-ivān D&amp;xue gōngzuSāe nage ren shi t&amp;i Dīyī Dafāndian,</p>
  606. <p>VSinen yījlrg zbīdao tǎ Jhil ^ai Dīyi DafSndian, ahi Iju ahiī</p><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-23.jpg" style="width:453pt;height:604pt;"/><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-24.jpg" style="width:469pt;height:603pt;"/><h6>UNIT 5 C-2 WORKBOOK</h6>
  607. <p>EXERCISE 1</p>
  608. <p>This exercise ia 'b&amp;aed oia the review dialogue at the end of the C*1 tape. You will work on your comprdienBloQ of the vords and pfttterna Introduced in this unit*</p>
  609. <p>In tbifi conversfttion * Mr, Ferrare. is eheckio^ out of Ms hotel Is BSiJIng, He ii recftiviBg his &quot;bill.</p>
  610. <p>You irlll hear the con vers at ion tvice. Then each aent«Dce vill b« folloved &quot;by &amp;&nbsp;pause for your ta^slatiōn* After the paus€<sub>v</sub> tbē epeoker vill giv眘 an acceptable English equlvaltnt of the sentence*</p>
  611. <p>EXERCISE 2</p>
  612. <p>This exercise will give you practice in following currency transsctloiifi involving PRC currency. In this exerclee you vill liet«a to aa Americas in BSljTng vbo is talking to e Chlneae &amp;cquaibtacc««</p>
  613. <p>You vill hear the converaatlqa three times <sub>v</sub> After listening to it for the second time<sub>t</sub> r^ad the questions belov, and vrite th« ancv^n &amp;a you listen for the third time* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sub>+</sub></p>
  614. <p>QUESTIONS</p>
  615. <p>1* Did the American hove any money left after he mde Ms purchases? ( ) !fes 【)Ro</p>
  616. <p>2* Hov such money ix\ People * s currency did the Aroriean h&amp;mT</p>
  617. <p>(HINTī Find out from the dialogue hov mucb P^oplt<sup>1</sup>! curwney you get for one U^S* dollajr* Then siultiply &quot;by the asiouttt of tbe Aaerican<sup>f</sup>b traveler<sup>1</sup> s checks ») &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;__</p>
  618. <p>3« What iteaiĒ did he t&gt;uy<sub>f</sub> aiid hov much did h« spend for</p>
  619. <p>ITEMS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;PRICE IH PEOPLE *5 CUBREKCT</p>
  620. <p>In Peopled currency, vhat Is the total amount that the American spent? EXERCISE 3</p>
  621. <p>In thio e3£«rcise<sub>t</sub> a Canadian student in BliJIng is t&amp;lking to r Chinese atiident about Borne gifts the Canadian feaa just bought to send to her family* You vill hear th« conversation three tlmea <sub>H</sub> Anever tbe question below as you listen for tbe third tla«*.</p>
  622. <p>Here is &amp;&nbsp;nw wori you vilī find in the dialogues</p>
  623. <p>YSuyi Sbangdi&amp;c &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Frlendebip Department Ētor«)</p>
  624. <p>aUESTION</p>
  625. <p>1* List the faniily ambers that tHe Canadian bought things for and tbe item that she bought for each person.</p>
  626. <p>PERSON &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ITEM &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HOW MANX</p>
  627. <p>EXERCESE 4</p>
  628. <p>In this exercise you vill listesi tOT &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;■ Ions you UDderB'tfltid In a</p>
  629. <p>convereatioD that le partly over your h«ad. Mr, Todd Is Just finiBhiug hie shopping in the Friendship Depertiaent Store in llljīng,, While liatening to his conYersation for th# third U咖,anever tli« quest Iona below.</p>
  630. <p>QUESTIONS</p>
  631. <p>1* How mach money did th« Amerlcmi need to pay for hlu purcbaaesf</p>
  632. <p>2* How Emch did he h&amp;ve?</p>
  633. <p>3» What kind and amount of currency did h« chsage at t^e 'batilt? What amount did he tnň up wittt?</p>
  634. <p>aummcr changed ___</p>
  635. <p>CURHEUCY 0BTAIR1D ___</p>
  636. <p>It, Does the Nationalities Hot«l accept U.S. currency!</p>
  637. <p>()Yen ( ) No</p>
  638. <p>UNIT 5 P-2 WORKBOOK</p>
  639. <p>EXERCISE 1</p>
  640. <p>This exercise vill give you a chance to talk about aicounts of monev changed* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sup>J</sup></p>
  641. <p>Display I ahovs the names of four people, the ojnovnt of mon^y they</p>
  642. <p>^<sup>erta</sup>f? dy.如 <sup>the</sup> total tuDovnt they changed during that time.</p>
  643. <p>Use this i nronaa'tion to answer the quest ions on tape,</p>
  644. <p>Exajnple</p>
  645. <p>TAPE: Ānděsēu Xiineheng SSnyue Ērshihko huānle duōshao &lt;iiSn?</p>
  646. <p>YOU: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;TS huānle ySTbSikvai MSijīnde luxing zhlplSo.</p>
  647. <p>TAPE: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā Sānyuě £rahiiafli£o hu&amp;nle duSshao qifin?</p>
  648. <p>YOU: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tā mil huān qifin*</p>
  649. <p>TAP£: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta jTnl^lSn huSnle duoshcio qlin?</p>
  650. <p>YGU: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta JTntiah hulnle qīshlvGkuāl MSijln»</p>
  651. <p>TAPr.: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ta yīgfing huSole duSah&amp;o qi£rt le?</p>
  652. <p>咖:T5 yleāng huSnle ylbSi ^shivBkvAi HěijTn le.</p>
  653. <p>samsr二m &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;咖馳-池⑶邮他:■</p><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-25.jpg" style="width:457pt;height:270pt;"/>
  654. <p>EXERCISE 2</p>
  655. <p>In this exercise you vill have a chance to use the coīapletioB marker le vith amount and īionajnoxmt objects. Display 1 工 Bhovs what certaia Americans bought for their nev residences<sup>1</sup> in Taipei. If &amp;n item was bought <sub>v</sub>, there ;s a check in the appropriate box. If the amount bought is lsjiovn<sub>t</sub> then the n'jjcber is shown. If&quot; none was bought<sub>t</sub> there ±b &amp;&nbsp;<sup>M</sup>no<sup>11</sup> in the box*</p>
  656. <p>Use the &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;display information to rasver the questions* Repeat confirmatiotis«</p>
  657. <p>Example</p>
  658. <p>TAPE: WSag Xiansheng max ahoijiyīīijT le ma7</p>
  659. <p>YOU: T&amp; maile liSngge shouyīnjl.</p>
  660. <p>TAPE: Mānsbī ne?</p>
  661. <p>YOU: Tā yS cili diānsbī le.</p>
  662. <p>TAPE: Shūji^i neī</p>
  663. <p>YOU: Ta nei oiai.</p>
  664. <p>The additional required vocabiilary used in this exercise is: shouyīnjT {yīge shouylnjl) (radio) diānshī (yīge diānahī) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(television)</p><h2>——</h2><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-26.jpg" style="width:445pt;height:138pt;"/>
  665. <p>EXERCISE 3</p>
  666. <p>In thia exercise you vill use place phraseb like vStGen &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Pl*=<sup>e</sup></p>
  667. <p>ima Wāne xiā^sbeng nāli, &quot;Mr. WĚng'a place (there),<sup>11</sup> The =onver-aatioti takes place in Taipei* vhere tavr vomeu Bhaq a college dormitory room_ Eacb peraoia has her own corner of the room, her placa. He Gmfen and Ql£n Ailing are sitting on their beds* They are asking each other where in the room (i.e., in vhose corner of the room) varlouB items are. (Display 工II 曰hows the room*}</p>
  668. <p>AnBver each question on tape before the roommate does; then Hsten to her ansver and repeat It#</p>
  669. <p>gxafflple</p>
  670. <p>liPĒ: qińii ftilīns, vSie nābSn (QlĚn Ailing, vhere is that poli-zh^agzhisoi^ 7.H nāli? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tieal science took of miaeī)</p>
  671. <p>TOUī zSi vS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(It's here in my place.)</p>
  672. <p>Notice that full names are us ad.</p><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-27.jpg" style="width:459pt;height:302pt;"/>
  673. <p>I &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;. UNIT 5 COMMUNICATION GAME</p>
  674. <p>mSTHUCTĪŌNS:</p>
  675. <p>Types Five of a Kind</p>
  676. <p>Situation: You and &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;other people exchange moD«y bo thāt each of you</p>
  677. <p>vill have only bill a or coIqb o f ū single denomination.</p>
  678. <p>Goal: To get five cards sbovisg tbe Bame denomiji«tion*</p>
  679. <p>Number of Players: Groups of four to nix students*</p>
  680. <p>Materials: Cards listing six different cooi'binatlona of money, The total value of each card i« ¥10 in People<sup>1</sup> b currency. Tbe six co&amp;binatlone ar®</p>
  681. <p>one ¥10 bill &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yixb&amp;ng ®blku£ide tvo ¥5liSngzhSng</p>
  682. <p>ten ¥1 coins &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ebīgfr yīkuālde tventy ¥, 50 coins yūsa&amp;od^</p>
  683. <p>one hundred ¥.10 coins &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yīb£lge yta&amp;ode</p>
  684. <p>tvo hundred ¥.05 coinfi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ll&amp;igbilgfi vufiud«</p>
  685. <p>There are fiv« card互 for 钕ach eos&amp;bisatioD. Bills are eīiova as r«etugle8 aad coins m circlcB* (Bee Cards-■Five of 往 Kind, which follow, ī</p>
  686. <p>Procedure: 1} Make iip a deck of Gf&amp;rde iBcluālng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;m zoauoy moamy combiīi&amp;r-</p>
  687. <p>tiona th^re are players. For exemplm^ if there 泣e four players<sub>t</sub> remoT« the ten cardfl for tvo coimldi£&amp;tlOQi.</p>
  688. <p>2) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shuffl« the ceird»» &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sub>t</sub></p>
  689. <p>3) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Beal &amp;11 tbe cardt* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;play«r then hM a flts-cwd hand*</p>
  690. <p>h) Fl^rers take tumfl trfiūg to exchange certain cards vith other playere* Tbe vlm^r is the player vlio gets fiv* eardA Alik*.</p>
  691. <p>5) Cord曰 may b« scuffled and redealt for «iGOtb«r rouDd* In a group of fever than Bix players <sub>s</sub> the mon町 caobinatloEia not In play shouLld b«</p>
  692. <p>Ejc&amp;aple* You are Speaker 1. You have the following hand:</p>
  693. <p>one ¥10 bill one ¥10 Mil tvo ¥5 Mils tvo ¥5 bill曰 ten ¥1 coins</p>
  694. <p>You naturally want to exchange your ¥1 coififl for ¥5 or ¥10 bills.</p>
  695. <p>Sis Mfifan nl<sub>t</sub> wB zbSr ySu sh£ge ylkmide* ^tng ni gSi wo hx^nhuan. 32* Nf ySo zliune buān? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;、</p>
  696. <p>SI; qlag gSi wo llangzhijig wSku&amp;ide#</p>
  697. <p>B2i Dulbuqlp y^S mi± wukiAlde. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sub>?</sub></p>
  698. <p>Sis rS ySu mllyou srtthSsg eīilkuildfiī S2s YSu,</p>
  699. <p>Bit HSmen hulnhuan ba«</p>
  700. <p>82k hSop</p>
  701. <p>You noir have a full bouee* ī^ter you will try to exch_e your ¥5 billa for ¥10 bills to give you five of &amp;&nbsp;Idnd,</p>
  702. <p>PraatlgA Points_g Changing Biocey*</p><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-28.jpg" style="width:490pt;height:614pt;"/><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-29.jpg" style="width:474pt;height:598pt;"/><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-30.jpg" style="width:462pt;height:616pt;"/>
  703. <p>UNIT 6 C-2 WORKBOOK</p>
  704. <p>EXERCISE 1</p>
  705. <p>Nov you will practice following money transactions involving bills of different d^nomiD&amp;tlons* In this conversation, Mr. Pere2 is Just completing a purchase at a fruit seller^, vhich happens to be next door to a small tailor shop In Taipei.</p>
  706. <p>You vill hear the convereation three tines • As you listen to it for the third time, ansv»r the question® belov,</p>
  707. <p>QUESTIOĪĪS</p>
  708. <p>1, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At firBt, tbe customer wanted to pay vith vhat kiad of MU? _____</p>
  709. <p>2, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The clerk gets bills of vbat denomination for the cuetoiner? _____</p>
  710. <p>3, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What change does the clerk give to the customer vhen he finally</p>
  711. <p>PsysT _</p>
  712. <p>k. Is this the correct change? ( ) Yes ( ) No EXERCISE 2</p>
  713. <p>Six young men (Hated on the next page) vork in the some office 'building In Taipei. One day last veek they arranged to meet during the day to make plane for a aountain—climbing trip* Ab it happened, their vorking hours that day vere rather unusual.</p>
  714. <p>You vill hear their vorking hours three tizses, Afl you listen, write tbia information next to tbe men<sup>f</sup>B names« Then ansver the quest ion <sup>lt</sup>What time did the sen meet?<sup>11</sup> (The anawer vill be on the hour or half hour.)</p>
  715. <p>Here are the nev vords you vill need for this exercise:</p>
  716. <p>z&amp;oBhang (morning—6 a.m. to 11 a.m.■ full daylight until almost noon)</p>
  717. <p>ohangvā (morning» forenoon—-9 a-&gt;m* to noon<sub>ft</sub> normal business day until noon)</p>
  718. <p>xl&amp;vu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(afternoon~noon to 5 p-m.<sub>9</sub> the end of the business</p>
  719. <p>day)</p>
  720. <p>vSnshang (evening--5 P»su to 11 p*m»)</p>
  721. <p>Time spane given for these terme are, of course, approxixaate. (For additional details, see the last Reference Notes in the Unit 6 text.)</p>
  722. <p>Clock tine in Chinese may te preceded try a tlme^of-da^r word* Here are a fev examples:</p>
  723. <p>eh&amp;ngvu shldi&amp;3 shong^ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(ten o<sup>f</sup>clock in laomlag)</p>
  724. <p>xiāvǔ Eidi£n tan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(four-thirty in the afternoon)</p>
  725. <p>v&amp;isha^g J1 iidlS» 怎hēfig (nine D<sup>1</sup> clock Id tbe evening)</p>
  726. <p>Notice that the time-of-niay vord precedes the hour in Chinese«</p>
  727. <p>MSH GAME I^EFT<sup>1</sup> Yfing Zhīyu&amp;n &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;____</p>
  728. <p>Lin Z£qi&amp;ng</p>
  729. <p>Zh&amp;ng Sh£ov€ň &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;_________</p>
  730. <p>Duyfing Hu£ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;_____________</p>
  731. <p>Hu£ng Zhenbāī) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;___</p>
  732. <p>Jiaog Shi^lTig &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;_</p>
  733. <p>QUESTXQK EXERCISE 3</p>
  734. <p>la this exercise you vill hear Mr. Paulsen talking to «. t«ll«r ia &amp;&nbsp;T&amp;ipel ^ank. Listen for the variouifl kindn of bills involved in tbe tnmsoiC^</p>
  735. <p>tion. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-•</p>
  736. <p>You will bear tbe convexeation tbr«e ti^es. ka you listen to it for the third time<sub>f</sub> acsver the questions belov.</p>
  737. <p>QUESTIONS</p>
  738. <p>1. VHaat did Mr. Paul sen start out vith?</p>
  739. <p>()one S200 traveler's check ()tvo $100 traveler<sup>%</sup>e cheeks ()tventy $10 traveler^ checks</p>
  740. <p>2- Hov many of each kind of bill did Mr, Paulsen end up vittiT _ S100 biiiB &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;_SIO bills</p>
  741. <p>EXERCISE 4</p>
  742. <p>Nov you irlll lĪBtcn to time-of-day vords and clock times. You may not understand every word ic th* conversation <sub>f</sub> but you should be able to an ever the &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;belov.</p>
  743. <p>Klsi S5ng<sub>t</sub> a nurse<sub>t</sub> i» beiag aaked aljout vhen she starta wrk. Listen to the conversation tbree times. Then onsver the question*</p>
  744. <p>are fiom« n#v vords you vill need for this cKercise:</p>
  745. <p>^iiahl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(to start, to begin)</p>
  746. <p>ygud* Bhltou (ionetiinos) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-</p>
  747. <p>CUESTIOM</p>
  748. <p>1* What are the fit&amp;rtlng tlsn«i of the shift a Mias Bing might wrk7 TIME OF DAY &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CLOCK TIME</p>
  749. <p>UNIT 6 P-2 WORKBOOK</p>
  750. <p>EXERCISE 1</p>
  751. <p>In this exercise you will h&amp;ve a chance ta giv« someone th« exact time of day and to uee tbe aspect majrk«r flhl. ■ *de*</p>
  752. <p>Display I sbova the nanoea of people coming for &amp;&nbsp;conference today at a locail msiveraity. It alflo shove their arrival times» Mr* Zbiītgf vho has Just arrived, la interested Id Moving vhat time people got Is or are due to arrive- An ever Mb quest Ions according to the infora&amp;tion In thě display.</p>
  753. <p>Example 1</p>
  754. <p>Q; Bm &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jiatian jldiSn abong ifildeT</p>
  755. <p>A- Tā Jifidlia bao i&amp;lde.</p>
  756. <p>If Bostecne hat not arrived y«t <sub>t</sub> you icuBt first explain thi屢岛nd then provide Me tiae of arrival*</p>
  757. <p>Examplji^ 2</p>
  758. <p>Q: LS Tingfīn neT</p>
  759. <p>A; Tā h£i īĚĚi X£i. TS ehl^rdlin ābong l£i,</p><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-31.jpg" style="width:490pt;height:292pt;"/><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-32.jpg" style="width:397pt;height:298pt;"/>
  760. <p>EXERCISE 2</p>
  761. <p>In thiB exercise you practice giving clock time and ^slng time-nDf*day words■</p>
  762. <p>Display II shovfl tbe names of nurse0 working at a hospital in Beijing. It also Ehovs the shifts they vill be working for the next two weeks. Base your answers to the recorded qu^BtionB on the information in this display.</p>
  763. <p>TAPE: Hfi WSnqlng jldiizi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kAiiihl gōngzu3?</p>
  764. <p>YOU: Ti xloihAng qidlbi xhong kāishl goDgīiEO.</p>
  765. <p>Kotice t'A&amp;t» in the Bnsmr <sub>v</sub> the vord ^mornlag^ 1b added to the hour to avoid confuilon about vhich &quot;seven 0<sup>1</sup> clock<sup>11</sup> ia meant, Include the vords <sup>IT</sup>mrntng<sub>t</sub><sup>H</sup> ^afternoon*<sup>11</sup> acd &quot;evening'<sup>1</sup> in your anavera.</p>
  766. <p>Here &amp;r&amp; the nev vocabulary iteu^ you vill need In this exercise: īSoehang (ūwjniiug—fi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to 11 ftoin,}</p>
  767. <p>翼(afternoon—noon until the mā of the buslaeflB day) vSostiaiig (evening—ead of the &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•甸 day until 11 p.m.)</p>
  768. <p>k&amp;iahl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(to iitart<sub>f</sub> to begin)</p>
  769. <p>EXERCISE 3</p>
  770. <p>I</p>
  771. <p>Display III shoiffl the nscses of people vbo came for &amp;&nbsp;conference at 龜 local university and their departure tlmea* Using the display <sub>t</sub> as ever the tvo recorded questions about each p«r&amp;on.</p>
  772. <p>Example</p>
  773. <p>TAPE I Eūn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ahi w&amp;i sbaiig £5ud« mat</p>
  774. <p>YOU: Bfi ehi, tā ehl zSoshang s@ude.</p>
  775. <p>TAPE: Ta ah± jldlSn shēng zSudd?</p>
  776. <p>YOU: Ta sbl qidiic shfiag sBude.</p>
  777. <p>For tMs fixerciae you vill need the vocftbulary item Bh&amp;agiril<sub>t</sub> ^morning (9 to noon) -<sup>w</sup> Although gSoshiftDg may \&gt;ě used to refer to the vbole uioralagi shiSngvu often used to refer to a 'buBinABA-^d&amp;y īoomisg. Is this context <sub>s</sub> aSosbang refers only to 6 &amp;«&amp;» until 9 <sub>t</sub> and eh&amp;agiig refers to 9 &amp;_边》until noon.</p><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-33.jpg" style="width:453pt;height:304pt;"/>
  779. <p>IHSTBUCTIONB:</p>
  780. <p>Type; Meeting</p>
  781. <p>Situation: Xt ie tbe beginning of the school ye^r at a &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;in Taipei.</p>
  782. <p>You and three other student a have your nev elass schedules. You are trying to figure out vhen you can get together evary as ft stuňf</p>
  783. <p>goal; jo find an hour during tbe school day vhen all four of you are free‘ Humber of Playem : Groups of four stuāen'ta*</p>
  784. <p>Material a: A vork sheet for each player. (Sea Saaple Work Sheet a, vtiich tollov,) Under your nane far thia game, your dally clase achcdule ia flhow■ ■ ulth cb«ck marlcs maic&amp;tlng tb* bours at vhich you have clasue*-</p>
  785. <p>Procailute: Mingle vith the player a In your group to exchacge information.</p>
  786. <p>SiīBirril a ; You are SpeaJter 1, It ia Bound 1.</p>
  787. <p>Ēl: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;VǒiMn Jciyl JiOdiSn bhi jiin m&amp;t</p>
  788. <p>aa; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bi kēyi. M3 y5u ki.</p>
  789. <p>Sit &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WĪSmexi yīdiSn abōne JiSn, x£ng bu xiag?</p>
  790. <p>02: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xis. MS mĚiyon ke-</p>
  791. <p>SI; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;SāndlSn ^10叫 ni y5 mSiyou kĒ aal</p>
  792. <p>S2: MSlyou, SandiSn ahōng yī liĚyi-v<sub>0Vt</sub> vould nev aue&amp;ticm the other ployers. You wH only about tbe hourū that Ēpeelter 2 Ib free.</p>
  793. <p>Practice Points: Clock tine.</p>
  794. <p>—</p><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-34.jpg" style="width:444pt;height:618pt;"/><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-35.jpg" style="width:404pt;height:464pt;"/><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-36.jpg" style="width:425pt;height:622pt;"/><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-37.jpg" style="width:404pt;height:619pt;"/><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-38.jpg" style="width:414pt;height:611pt;"/>
  796. <p>INĒTEUCTIDNS:</p>
  797. <p>Troe; MftteMng</p>
  798. <p>Situation: It ie tbe 'beginning of the sehool year at a college in Taipei* Y^^nSdTthree other etudentB have your new class schedules * You ajre comparing them to s« vhat clasBee tvo or more of you vill be attending together/ (There is only one claas for each subject at my given hour;</p>
  799. <p><sub>BO</sub> hEvIng a class at the Baffie time means attending it tog«th«r*)</p>
  800. <p>Goal; To find matches ia claaBes.</p>
  801. <p>Nmsber of Playergi Groups of four students,</p>
  802. <p>Haterialei A work sheet for each player. (See Sample Vork Sheets<sub>t</sub> wMeh follov.J</p>
  803. <p>Example: You are Speaker 1. It is Hound 1.</p>
  804. <p>SI: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;JiMiSn zbODg nī ySu kS mat</p>
  805. <p>S2: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;YSu,</p>
  806. <p>ālī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;YBu Bhinme kiī</p>
  807. <p>S2: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I3u yitfine jlngjl^cul. K5C neī</p>
  808. <p>SI : JiiidiMn zhong vS y5u yītlue %hin^zhtsuir</p>
  809. <p>(etc.)</p>
  810. <p>Addltlopal Hote: For this gm^<sub>f</sub> you vill need to know the equator for</p>
  811. <p>class periods» 齡t&amp;ag.</p>
  812. <p>Practice Pointb: Clock tiiae, rsviev of academic subjects.</p><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-39.jpg" style="width:448pt;height:631pt;"/><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-40.jpg" style="width:421pt;height:630pt;"/><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-41.jpg" style="width:445pt;height:615pt;"/><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-42.jpg" style="width:414pt;height:614pt;"/><img src="0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook_files/0086-FSI-StandardChinese-Module03MON-StudentWorkbook-43.jpg" style="width:455pt;height:615pt;"/>
  813. <p>VOCABULARY</p>
  814. <p>Module &amp;&nbsp;Unit</p>
  815. <p>a &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Oh! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.t</p>
  816. <p>Si &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be short (of stature) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.3</p>
  817. <p>-ba &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{counter for things &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.3</p>
  818. <p>with handles} bāi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be vhite</p>
  819. <p>-bSl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hundred &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3#5</p>
  820. <p>BSihuS DālSu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(name of a d«pstrt*acat &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;k,3</p>
  821. <p>曰tore in Beijing)</p>
  822. <p>baihuo gōīigsī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;department store &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^*3</p>
  823. <p>ban &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;half &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*ě_</p>
  824. <p>ban jia &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to move one<sup>f</sup>B residence &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;b.t&quot;</p>
  825. <p>bangongshi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;office &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;k為:</p>
  826. <p>bānshīchil &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;office &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^#2*</p>
  827. <p>■bāny 各 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;midnight &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3%6*</p>
  828. <p>bāo (ylfen) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;newspaper &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-1</p>
  829. <p>baoahī (ylfiti) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;newspaper &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3_1</p>
  830. <p>■bii &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a cup of &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;知</p>
  831. <p>bei &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;north &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U<sub>#</sub>2</p>
  832. <p>tiSlbiaňtr) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;north side &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;k<sub>#</sub>2</p>
  833. <p>*bSn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;volume {counter for books &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*1</p>
  834. <p>and m&amp;gaziMS 9</p>
  835. <p>hi (ylzhī) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pen &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*1.</p>
  836. <p>-bī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;currency &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.5</p>
  837. <p>-bian(r) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;side, edge (used In place &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^.2</p>
  838. <p>vords)</p>
  839. <p>bi3o &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;watch (tlmspi«c^) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;li.3</p>
  840. <p>biērēii (biěren) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;another per a on, aomeone &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I*. 5</p>
  841. <p>else</p>
  842. <p>bīngxlIng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;refrigerator &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3•^</p>
  843. <p>bfi kěqi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;you<sup>r</sup>re veicome &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*5</p>
  844. <p>caishichSng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;market &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;“_2</p>
  845. <p>canting &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dining room &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;k^k</p>
  846. <p>cesuS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;toilet &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;k^k</p>
  847. <p>chit &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to lack &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;t&amp;D k</p>
  848. <p>chĚbei &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;teacup &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.■知</p>
  849. <p>chang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be long &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.3<sup>P</sup></p>
  850. <p>chso &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to, towards &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1*.3</p>
  851. <p>chayě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tea leaves <sub>t</sub> tea (the &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.</p>
  852. <p>prepared leaves)</p>
  853. <p>Module &amp;&nbsp;Unit</p>
  854. <p>chu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to go outj to exit &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;知*2</p>
  855. <p>chūl&amp;i &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to come out &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^-3</p>
  856. <p>Chuqu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to go out &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I*-<sup>3</sup></p>
  857. <p>cong &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;from &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;卜工.</p>
  858. <p>c6ng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;through, via</p>
  859. <p>• &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to make a mistake, to be</p>
  860. <p>vrong</p>
  861. <p>d&amp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be large &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3,2</p>
  862. <p>da^ai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;probably &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;卜5</p>
  863. <p>dai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to wear (glasses, gloves<sub>f</sub> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4塞3</p>
  864. <p>a vatch, Jewelry, etc.) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;册</p>
  865. <p>dāi biSo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to wear a watch</p>
  866. <p>d6j ie &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;boulevard &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^ • 3</p>
  867. <p>aālSu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;building (mUtistoried) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;知.3</p>
  868. <p>dāměn(r) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;main entrance, main gate &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;私.3,^-5</p>
  869. <p>dlo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to,tovrardB &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;知,1</p>
  870. <p>-dSo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;route, path &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;“-5</p>
  871. <p>dilren &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;adult &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.2 ,</p>
  872. <p>(marker of modification) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.2</p>
  873. <p>agi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;must &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*6</p>
  874. <p>d@ng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to wait &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.6</p>
  875. <p>dengyidĚng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to vait &amp;&nbsp;fflomeD't &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-6</p>
  876. <p>(used in forming ordinal &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;NUM k numbers Ci ■ e •,diyī, <sup>T,</sup>the first<sup>11</sup>; dier* ”the second<sup>11</sup>])</p>
  877. <p>-diSn • &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(coimter for hours on the &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*6, T&amp;D 3</p>
  878. <p>clock)</p>
  879. <p>dian(r) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a little, some &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.2</p>
  880. <p>diānshan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;electric fan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.5</p>
  881. <p>dlunshī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;television &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.5</p>
  882. <p>diāntī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;elevator</p>
  883. <p>diSnxin (ylku&amp;i) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pastry, snack &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*2</p>
  884. <p>diānyīng(r) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;movie, film &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^-2</p>
  885. <p>dtfang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a place &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3■山</p>
  886. <p>ditan (yīzhang) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;rug &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3•“</p>
  887. <p>dltū (yīzhang) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;map &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-1</p>
  888. <p>dīxiň &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the underneath, underneath &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^*3</p>
  889. <p>dixia &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;underground &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^*5</p>
  890. <p>dlxia xlngrěn dāo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pcdeetrian underground valkvay &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^-5</p>
  891. <p>My5 Gongsl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the First Cpmpany (department &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*b</p>
  892. <p>store in Taipei) dong &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;east</p>
  893. <p>dongtei &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;northeast &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4.2</p>
  894. <p>dongbian(r) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;east side</p>
  895. <p>Dongdan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a neighborhood in B?ijlng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;k<sub>m</sub>2^</p>
  896. <p>dongn^n &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;southeast &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;知*2</p>
  897. <p>Module h Unit</p>
  898. <p>dongxi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;thing</p>
  899. <p>duan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;_ to be short &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-3</p>
  900. <p>-duSn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;section <sub>t</sub> block &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5</p>
  901. <p>duj &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be correct</p>
  902. <p>duibuqī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;t<sup>%</sup>m sorry<sub>t</sub> excuse me &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.1</p>
  903. <p>d\iīiīiian(r) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;across from* oppoaite, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;facing</p>
  904. <p>āuo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be Diany &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3***</p>
  905. <p>duō yu£n &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hov far &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^ ■ 3</p>
  906. <p>duoshao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;how much, hov raaay &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*1</p>
  907. <p>Ēng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;™<sub>f</sub> 酿* uh-huh (actually &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-3</p>
  908. <p>pronounced lil^e ng. or &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ma)</p>
  909. <p>fangbian (f&amp;ngbiaa) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be convenient &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;k<sub>m</sub>l</p>
  910. <p>fanguSur &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;restaurant (Běijīng)</p>
  911. <p>fangiiSnzi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;restaurant (Taiwan) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^*1</p>
  912. <p>itngzl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;home</p>
  913. <p>fānvSn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;rice bowl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-^</p>
  914. <p>fěijl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;airplane &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;TStD b</p>
  915. <p>i^izao (ylkuSi) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;soap &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-2</p>
  916. <p>-feīi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;minute &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;TliD 3</p>
  917. <p>-fēn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;c«Dt &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*2</p>
  918. <p>-fSn(r) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;copy {counter for iftagaaslners or &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.1</p>
  919. <p>newspapers) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-1</p>
  920. <p>rājīn (fttjln} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;area, vicinity &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;12</p>
  921. <p>gao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be tall &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3- 3</p>
  922. <p>gioxīng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be happy &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*3</p>
  923. <p>gel &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to give &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.2</p>
  924. <p>gdi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;for &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.5.</p>
  925. <p>Sen &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;with &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4.3</p>
  926. <p>ĒongBĪ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;company &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.\ •</p>
  927. <p>gongxiao hosuoāhe &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;marketing and supply &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.2 ,知.2</p>
  928. <p>cooperative (PRC)</p>
  929. <p>g5ugy\i&amp;n &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;park</p>
  930. <p>gāu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to 'be enough &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^-2</p>
  931. <p>guSi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to turn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;知*3</p>
  932. <p>guSn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to close &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*6</p>
  933. <p>giiSn mēa &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to close (for the business &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*6</p>
  934. <p>day) i to eloee dom<sub>t</sub> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to go out of ^TiSineBB</p>
  935. <p>Guangminfz; Rtbao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tbe Guanfimlag Daily &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.2*</p>
  936. <p>Gygong BSvuyuan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Palace Museum &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;b.2</p>
  937. <p>Module &amp;&nbsp;Unit</p>
  938. <p>guī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to ^ «cp,i仰</p>
  939. <p>eu&amp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;past the hour &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;™ <sup>4</sup></p>
  940. <p>guS' &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to cross„ to pass &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sup>40</sup></p>
  941. <p><sub>h</sub>gj_ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;alsOi additionally &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*2<sub>h</sub></p>
  942. <p>h在i \&gt;u yfdine &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;not yet certain &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^</p>
  943. <p>HāiSī aīdiSn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chines e-Japanese dictionary &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;■</p>
  944. <p>aan-yīng iīdiāū &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chinese-English dictionary &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*1</p>
  945. <p>hSo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to get better &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^ •</p>
  946. <p>hĒcskan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to &quot;be good looking, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.3</p>
  947. <p>to iooX nice</p>
  948. <p>Hi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be &quot;blac^ī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*</p>
  949. <p>Hepīng Dōnglu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HĚpīng East Road</p>
  950. <p>hSng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to te red</p>
  951. <p>hSu . &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;M &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;J*:</p>
  952. <p>houbiantr} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;side &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;?*,-</p>
  953. <p><sub>hu</sub>g_ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;glorious i abbreviation for &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U</p>
  954. <p>ChlD&amp;</p>
  955. <p>Hu&amp;nei KafEitlng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hu£mSi Coffeehouse</p>
  956. <p>bjān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to change, to exchange &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.5</p>
  957. <p>to \&gt;ě yellow, to Ue ^rown &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.3</p>
  958. <p>huāplīie &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;īflower) vase &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^.3</p>
  959. <p>huaxul &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;chemiBtiy</p>
  960. <p><sub>hu</sub>j &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the opposite direction<sub>#</sub> tack</p>
  961. <p>hfitong (UtitSngr) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;narrow street, lane &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U</p>
  962. <p>, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Beijing)</p>
  963. <p>Jī- u&gt;) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<sup>a few</sup> ^ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;j,</p>
  964. <p>jia &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;plus; to add &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;“</p>
  965. <p>H ǎii &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;houfiehold</p>
  966. <p>jiSn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to meet</p>
  967. <p>一jLńn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;piece (counter for pieces of &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**-3</p>
  968. <p>clothing) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;,</p>
  969. <p>jiāo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be called, to &quot;be giYen-named ^*3</p>
  970. <p>jīdiSn thong &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;what hour, what tim« &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.6, 3</p>
  971. <p>Jlge (jige) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;several</p>
  972. <p>jSlou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;vhat floor &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;“</p>
  973. <p>*jīn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;catty ( 1.1 po™d) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3m2</p>
  974. <p>jīngguo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fey way of<sub>t</sub>' via! to pass througji h^X*</p>
  975. <p>Jin &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be close, to be near &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^*3</p>
  976. <p>jtn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to enter &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;h<sub>m</sub>k^</p>
  977. <p>Ji^ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;right <sub>f</sub> immediately, exactly</p>
  978. <p>(vith reference to apace) jiS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be olds to be used<sub>f</sub> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3,1*» 3*3</p>
  979. <p>to be worn</p>
  980. <p>' &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Module fc Unit</p>
  981. <p>jiu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;immediately (vith reference to &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*6</p>
  982. <p>* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;time)</p>
  983. <p>Jiu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;then</p>
  984. <p>jūāi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;or&amp;n^es <sub>B</sub> tang«rln«s &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.2</p>
  985. <p>kafeitlng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;coTfeehouse &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I</p>
  986. <p>kāl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to open &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-6 -</p>
  987. <p>kai men &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to open (for the business day); 3.6</p>
  988. <p>to open for business</p>
  989. <p>kai xu€ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;*to begin school &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;厶.1*</p>
  990. <p>kidshī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to start <sub>p</sub> to begin &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-6*</p>
  991. <p>kan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to read, to look at* to visit &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*3</p>
  992. <p>kin &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to think (hold an opinion) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-3</p>
  993. <p>ksLnJian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to see</p>
  994. <p>-kē &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;quarter of an hour &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;T®lD 3</p>
  995. <p>keshi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;but &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3- U</p>
  996. <p>kěyi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;may, can <sub>ff</sub> to be permitted to; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*6<sub>f</sub> U* 3</p>
  997. <p>to be all right, to be okay, to be feasible, to te possible</p>
  998. <p>-ku&amp;i &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;doULar &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-1</p>
  999. <p>-Kuāi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a piece (counter) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*2</p>
  1000. <p>lĀn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to fee blue &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*3^</p>
  1001. <p>l5o &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be old &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-3*</p>
  1002. <p>laojiā. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;excuse me (BSiJJCng) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4*3</p>
  1003. <p>-li (ll) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;inside, in &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^.2</p>
  1004. <p>ll &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;from,apart, from &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U- 3</p>
  1005. <p>LībAi ri &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sunday &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;T&amp;D 3</p>
  1006. <p>lTbiantr) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;inside &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U.2</p>
  1007. <p>lTrS (lTfa) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to cut hair ,</p>
  1008. <p>līrltde dīfang (-fa-) a place where hair is cut &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;h<sub>m</sub>h</p>
  1009. <p>一lone t-ndng) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;alley &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U.5</p>
  1010. <p>-lou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;floor<sub>t</sub> story of a building &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;h<sub>m</sub>U</p>
  1011. <p>loutī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;stairs &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;h<sub>r</sub>k</p>
  1012. <p>īS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be green &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-3</p>
  1013. <p>luboi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;north side of the street &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U*3</p>
  1014. <p>ludōng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;east side of the street &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U-3</p>
  1015. <p>l&amp;kou(r) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;intersection &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;k^l</p>
  1016. <p>lunān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;south side of the street- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U* 3</p>
  1017. <p>luxī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;vest, side of the street &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U.3</p>
  1018. <p>luxfng zhīpiāo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;traveler<sup>r</sup>e check &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.5 (yīabāng)</p>
  1019. <p>Module k Unit</p>
  1020. <p>osifan ni &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;sorry to bother you &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*5</p>
  1021. <p>m&amp;i &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to Vuy &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.1</p>
  1022. <p>mai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to sell &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.1</p>
  1023. <p>inaimal &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hMsi nea a &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3 * ^</p>
  1024. <p>měmahūhǔ <sub>t</sub> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;so-s。,fair &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-6</p>
  1025. <p>-mfio &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;diiflĒ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3 • £</p>
  1026. <p>nigi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to te beautifiil &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^*1</p>
  1027. <p>inēi shenme &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;it<sup>f</sup>s nothing &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*6</p>
  1028. <p>Meijīn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U.S. currency &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*5 ,</p>
  1029. <p>mēn(r) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^oot</p>
  1030. <p>Bilntr) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;gate &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;卜 9</p>
  1031. <p>mlnkōu(r) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;doorway, gateway<sub>s</sub> sntrajice &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;V-5</p>
  1032. <p>nS- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;vhich &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**_5.</p>
  1033. <p>na &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;well<sub>s</sub> then, in that case &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U,2 <sub>9</sub></p>
  1034. <p>nSbian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;which aide, vhere &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;h.h</p>
  1035. <p>nābian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;that side<sub>3</sub> there &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;知</p>
  1036. <p>nage &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;which &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;禽,<sup>5</sup></p>
  1037. <p>nāge &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;that</p>
  1038. <p>nān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;south &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;b.2</p>
  1039. <p>nfinMan(r) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;south side &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;总_2</p>
  1040. <p>SinJīng Donglu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nlojīng East Koad &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;h_2</p>
  1041. <p>Eānjīng Xīlfi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nānjīng West Road &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^*2</p>
  1042. <p>■ nānkSn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to tie ugly &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-3</p>
  1043. <p>n@^ie &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;those &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3« ^</p>
  1044. <p>neiblan(r) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;which Bide, where &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;知</p>
  1045. <p>nii'bianCr'l &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;that ^ide<sub>3</sub> ttiere &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;知</p>
  1046. <p>něixie &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;those &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3_\</p>
  1047. <p>niān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to &quot;be pronouncedi &amp;s, to be &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U*3</p>
  1048. <p>raad as</p>
  1049. <p>nlānqlng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to &quot;be young &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*3</p>
  1050. <p>-nong (-lāng) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;alley &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^-5</p>
  1051. <p>pSiJIa &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;exchange rate (currency) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*5</p>
  1052. <p>pāngbiantr) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;beside, neict to, alongside of &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^.3</p>
  1053. <p>panzi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;plates &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.^</p>
  1054. <p>pānzivSn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;di shes &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.^</p>
  1055. <p>piāisyi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be inexpensive, to &quot;be cheap 3,3</p>
  1056. <p>piSozi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bills, (currency) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.6</p>
  1057. <p>pi J ill &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;beer &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.2</p>
  1058. <p>-ping &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bottle (counter) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*2</p>
  1059. <p>pīngguS (pīngguci) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;apple &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.2</p>
  1060. <p>pQai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shop I store (Kijlng) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;h^X</p>
  1061. <p>Module It Unit</p>
  1062. <p>q.Ia.n &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one thousand &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*6, NUM 6</p>
  1063. <p>qiān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'money &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.1</p>
  1064. <p>qińn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;front, ahead &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;总•知</p>
  1065. <p>qiāo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;bridge &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^*5</p>
  1066. <p>qlng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;please &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-2</p>
  1067. <p>^ishya &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3dda» carbonated soft drink &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*2</p>
  1068. <p>qu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tō go &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;如*1</p>
  1069. <p>rinhāu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;afterwards, after that &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^.1</p>
  1070. <p>rě &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be hot &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^.2*</p>
  1071. <p>rimoln &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;people &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*5<sub>#</sub></p>
  1072. <p>Rěnmlo Huabjlg^ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The People ^ Pictorial &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3# 2^</p>
  1073. <p>Renmfn Rtb^o~ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The People<sup>1</sup>s Daily &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-2*</p>
  1074. <p>HěDmīnbi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Peopled curreiicy, RStaola^t, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.2*, 3.5</p>
  1075. <p>HMB (FBC) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;,</p>
  1076. <p>renshi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to recognize<sub>f</sub> to kncnr &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;k<sub>t</sub>l</p>
  1077. <p>Rt-Hān ztdiSn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Japasese-ChineBe dictionary &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^*3*</p>
  1078. <p>shāng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to go up &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hi</p>
  1079. <p>sbāng iSu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to go<sup>1</sup> upstairs &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^</p>
  1080. <p>ehang l6u (qu) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to go upstairs</p>
  1081. <p>shangbian(r) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the upper surface» above &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;V.3</p>
  1082. <p>shingdlāi) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;shop, store &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;h<sub>m</sub>\</p>
  1083. <p>shāngwQ (ehangvu) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;forenoon, morning &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*6, Tkl '</p>
  1084. <p>skěmne (shemnja) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;anything &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-2</p>
  1085. <p>shěnroje dlfang &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;where <sub>9</sub> vhat place &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3A</p>
  1086. <p>ēhěnj^e alaihou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;vhen* vhat tii&amp;e &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*6</p>
  1087. <p>shī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;matter, affair, buflineas &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fe*5</p>
  1088. <p>shi bu shim &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;la lt« * * <sub>a</sub> la it so that-.. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3- 5</p>
  1089. <p>shou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to accepts to receive &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3_5</p>
  1090. <p>shoubiSo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;wriatwEktch &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-5</p>
  1091. <p>shoijyinj ī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;radi o &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*5</p>
  1092. <p>shi (ytbSnS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;book &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.1<sub>#</sub></p>
  1093. <p>3h5di&amp;n &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bookstore &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^-3</p>
  1094. <p>^hūJleLīi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;bo&amp;kcase &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*^</p>
  1095. <p>shuo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to speak <sub>t</sub> to speaJt (&amp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;叔*5</p>
  1096. <p>language)to say that</p>
  1097. <p>shībcue &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;mathematics &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*1</p>
  1098. <p>tai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;too (excessive) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*3</p>
  1099. <p>Tiibī &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Taiwan currency (NT^) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*6</p>
  1100. <p>Tāxvrin Wentaji &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Taivart Literaj-y Magň艺i:ae &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-1*</p>
  1101. <p>Module &amp;&nbsp;Unit</p>
  1102. <p>t^ng cajady, augar &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*6^</p>
  1103. <p>-■tāing {counter for class periods) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*6</p>
  1104. <p>tianqi&amp;o pedestrian overpass &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^-5</p>
  1105. <p>-tiāo (counter for long,vlndlng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^*5</p>
  1106. <p>tblixgs) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•</p>
  1107. <p>--t6u * one of two ends of something &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U*li</p>
  1108. <p>wcli'blan(r) outside &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^+*2 ,</p>
  1109. <p>wĒtn ten thousand &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;NLJM^6</p>
  1110. <p>wang to forget &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'</p>
  1111. <p>vang (vang) to, towards &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^.1</p>
  1112. <p>WangfSjIng D&amp;Jiē WǎngfiSjing Boulevard (Bffijing) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;k.2</p>
  1113. <p>vanshatig evening &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*6,T&amp;D U</p>
  1114. <p>wen *to ask &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^-5</p>
  1115. <p>xT west &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U,2</p>
  1116. <p>xia to go dovn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U*U</p>
  1117. <p>xia lSu &quot;to go/come downstairs &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;奴 xiS lou (lai) to come downstairs</p>
  1118. <p>xi^bian(r) tbe bottom side<sub>s</sub> the under &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U,3</p>
  1119. <p>surface</p>
  1120. <p>xiān first; ahead of time, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U.l\</p>
  1121. <p>&quot;beforehand</p>
  1122. <p>xiSng to think that; be thinking of &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*1</p>
  1123. <p>(doing) i to wanti to,vould like to</p>
  1124. <p>xiang toward b &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U*1</p>
  1125. <p>xiāng • lane &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U* 5</p>
  1126. <p>xiSngyixlang to think it over &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*1</p>
  1127. <p>xianzal nov &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;T&amp;B 3</p>
  1128. <p>xiao to be small &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.2</p>
  1129. <p>xiaohāizi cbild &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3,2</p>
  1130. <p>xiSomailDu variety shop &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;h<sub>m</sub>2</p>
  1131. <p>xiSoxuě elementary school &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U.1*, h<sub>m</sub>2</p>
  1132. <p>xiawu (xiāvu) afternoon &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*6, T&amp;D k</p>
  1133. <p>xxbei northwest &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U*2</p>
  1134. <p>xlbi&amp;n(r) west side &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U,2</p>
  1135. <p>-xie (一xlē) (counter for an indefinite &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3•“</p>
  1136. <p>pl\iral number of things ;</p>
  1137. <p>xlhuan to like &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3,U</p>
  1138. <p>xin to be new &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*1&quot;* 3,3</p>
  1139. <p>xīīiān southwest &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;J+* 2*</p>
  1140. <p>xing to be all right &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3,6</p>
  1141. <p>Xīngqiri Sunday &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;T&amp;D 3</p>
  1142. <p>xlngrěn pedestrian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;k, 5</p>
  1143. <p>Module &amp;&nbsp;Unit</p>
  1144. <p>Xinhua Shudiān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nev China Bookstore (FBC)</p>
  1145. <p>XlnhuA ZīdlSn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Nev China PictiQuajy &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*2</p>
  1146. <p>xfshSujian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;washroom &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;k^h</p>
  1147. <p>?cu€xillo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;school</p>
  1148. <p>yān&amp;e &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;color &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.“</p>
  1149. <p>yao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to want &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3&lt; 2</p>
  1150. <p>yāoshi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if</p>
  1151. <p>yēli &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;at night &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-6j T&amp;B k <sub>#</sub></p>
  1152. <p>yibēi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;one cup of {counter}</p>
  1153. <p>ylee &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a, an &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^*3</p>
  1154. <p>ylgBng &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;altogether &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.1</p>
  1155. <p>ylhou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;after . &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;h<sub>m</sub>2</p>
  1156. <p>Yīng-HSn sīdiSn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Efiglish-Chinese dictionary &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*1</p>
  1157. <p>yiqlān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;before &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U_Ē -</p>
  1158. <p>yīshang iyljiSn) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;clothiag &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;b. 3*</p>
  1159. <p>yizhi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;straight &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;h,l</p>
  1160. <p>yīzi (yībS) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;chair &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*紅</p>
  1161. <p>you &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;right (direction)</p>
  1162. <p>you(de) shīhou &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;sometiines &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*6</p>
  1163. <p>ySubīan(r) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;right aide &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;b*2</p>
  1164. <p>youde &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;soae &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-知</p>
  1165. <p>Yo\iyi Shingdian (_y£) Friendship Department Store &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*5' 1+.2*<sub>s</sub></p>
  1166. <p>(BSiJīng) ’ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;h<sub>m</sub>3]</p>
  1167. <p>yufin &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;garden &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;h<sub>t</sub>2</p>
  1168. <p>y\iSn &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be far &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;U,3</p>
  1169. <p>yuan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;liall &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1+.2*</p>
  1170. <p>yusan (ylbS) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;umbrella &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-3</p>
  1171. <p>zai &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;then {in commands) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;k_l</p>
  1172. <p>2&amp;ijiān &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;good«bye ^ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.2</p>
  1173. <p>zao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to &quot;be early &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;h.3*</p>
  1174. <p>zSochen (sLSochen) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;early morning &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.6</p>
  1175. <p>īloshang (zāoshang} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;morning &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3*6<sub>f</sub> T&amp;D U</p>
  1176. <p>ztzhl (yībln) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;magazine &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-1</p>
  1177. <p>z?fime &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;how &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3,5</p>
  1178. <p>zemneyāxifi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hov (someone or something) is; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3-3</p>
  1179. <p>hov</p>
  1180. <p>-ahlng (counter ror flat things: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.1</p>
  1181. <p>tables, paper, pictures <sub>f</sub> etc*)</p>
  1182. <p>zhao &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to give eh&amp;nge &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.2</p>
  1183. <p>shāo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to look for &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1**5</p>
  1184. <p>zhē- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tMs &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;丛,5</p>
  1185. <p>ahēTaian &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;this side, here &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;t*5</p>
  1186. <p>ahege &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;this &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;, 1*. 5</p>
  1187. </body>
  1188. </html>