
词 汇
Chinese Words  Pinyin  Part of Speech	Engl. Trans.	Examples
相亲		xiāngqīn	v.o.		to get look at prospective spouse 									before engagement			
阴历		yīnl		n.		lunar calendar			
照常		zhàocháng	set phrase	as usual			
做媒		zuòméi		v.o.		to do matchmaking 
八字		bāz		n.		birthday characters used in 
						fortune telling 			
算命		suànmìng	v.o.		to tell fortune			
排		pái		v.		to arrange	
吉利		jìl		adj.		fortune, lucky			
开通		kāitōng		adj.		open-minded			
洋行		yángháng	n.		foreign firm			
市侩		shìkuài		n.		monger, trafficker 		
中意		zhòngy		v.		to be satisfied 			
勉强	 	miănqiăng	v.		to push, to force to do something
花旗		Huānq		n.		Citibank			
书记		shūj		n.		secretary			
买办		măibàn		n.		comprador			
工本		gōngbĕn		n.		cost, investment 
栽培		zāipéi		v.		to cultivate			
教会		jiàohu		n.		church			
婿 		x		n.		son-in-law			
说亲		shuōqīn		v.		to propose			
磋商		cuōshāng	v.		to discuss, to talk about
廉		lián		adj.		cheap		
手头紧		shŏutóujĭn	set phrase	out of money		
盘算		pánsuàn		v.		calculate			
作罢		zuòb		v.		to stop, to give up
无谓		wúwèi		adj.		meaningless	
嵌		qiàn		v.		inlay, embed				
妆点		zhuāngdiăn	v.		to decorate				
缝		fèng		n.		aperture			
屑		xi		n.		bits, scraps				
维妙维肖	wéimiào-wéixiào	set phrase	to imitate to perfection
鼻音		bìyīn		n.		nasal sound
过火		guòhu		adj.		extreme, radical
伤风		shāngfēng	v.		to catch cold				
塞鼻子		sāibìzi		v.		to have a stuffy nose
橱		ch		n.		cabinet					
收藏		shōucáng	v.		to collect				
磁器		cìq		n.		porcelain, chinaware	
赏鉴		shăngjiàn	v.		to appreciate			
盛		chéng		v.		to contain
康熙		Kāngx		n.		a famous empire of Qing Dynasty
窑		yáo		n.		kiln
古色古香	gŭs? gŭxiāng	set phrase	antique, quaint	
花 纹		huāwén		n.		pattern of pictures	
灵机 一动	lìngj? yìdòng	set phrase	think up a good idea
古董		gŭdŏng		n.		antiques 
掮客		qiánk		n.		broker	
佩服		pèif		v.		to admire
休想		xiūxiăng	set phrase	don't think about doing something
铃		lìng		n.		bell			
佣人		yòngrén		n.		servant			
分付		fēnfu		v.		to tell, to instruct		
惭		cán		v.		to feel ashamed, to be embarrassed
寡		gu		adj.		tasteless, few
陋		lòu		n.		narrow, ignorant		
俏		qiào		adj.		pretty, handsome
灵验		lìngyàn		adj.		effective		
打仗		dăzhàng		v.		to wage war	
流弹		luìdàn		n.		stray bullet	
设备		shèbèi		n.		apparatus 
烘		hōng		v.		to warm up
手运		shŏuyùn		n.		luck (at gambling/ect.)	
指望		zhĭwàng		v.		to expect	
如梦初醒	rúmèng-chūxĭng	set phrase	like waking from a dream 
糊涂		hútu		adj.		muddled, confused		
钞票		chāopiào	n.		bills 	
散		săn		adv.		scattered		
读者文摘	Dúzh? wénzhāi	n.		Readers' Digest
莎士比亚	Sháshìbĭy	n.		Shakespeare				
新旧约全书	Xīnjiùyu? quánsh	n.		New and Old Testament
乱世佳人	Luànsh? jiārén	n.		Gone with the Wind			
守		shŏu		v.		to keep 			
甜蜜		tiánm		adj.		sweet
移		y		v.		to move		
收敛		shōuliăn	v.		to pull back, to restrain oneself
钢琴		gāngqìn		n.		piano
弹		tán		v.		to play
补救		bŭji		v.		to remedy
误解		wùji		v.		to misunderstand 
抢先		qiángxiān	v.o.		to vie to be first
洋车		yángch		n.		rickshaw 
饭桶		fàntŏng		n.		good-for-nothing
顿足		dùnz		v.o.		stamp one's foot
气量		qìliàng		n.		tolerance
赖		lài		v.		to repudiate
可笑		kĕxiào		adj.		ridiculous 
欧战		ōuzhàn		n.		The World War One
落伍		luòw		v.o.		straggle, drop out
饶恕	 	ráosh		v.		to forgive
讨厌		tăoyàn		adj.		disgusting
吃相		chīxiàng	n.		the way of eating
蘸		zhàn		v.		to dip in liquid
烤	 	kăo		v.		to roast	
拈		nián		v.		to grasp
咬		yăo		v.		bite	
猪猡		zhūlu		n.		pig, swine
扫兴		săoxìng		v.		to be disappointed 
三国演义	Sángu? yăny	n.		The Three Kingdom
添		tiān		v.		to add
损失		sŭnsh		v.		to lose



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