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  1. Lesson Thirty Three: Dialogue It has started raining outside
  2. (One day, Renmei went to Teacher Lin, their conversation class
  3. teacher's place to chat. Teacher Lin is very young. He has not
  4. yet married. So he lives in the single faculty and staff's
  5. dormitory of Beijing University. )
  6. (Renmei knocks, Teacher Lin opens the door.)
  7. Teacher Lin: Oh, it's Renmei. Welcome, welcome.
  8. Renmei: Thank you, Teacher Lin.
  9. Teacher Lin: What's happening? Xueyou is not coming?
  10. Renmei: Xueyou is waiting for his mom and dad's phone call in his dorm.
  11. He said that he is coming after the call.
  12. Teacher Lin: Good. Renmei, please sit down. Don't be too polite (make
  13. yourself at home). What would you like to drink, tea,
  14. coffee, or soft drinks?
  15. Renmei: I would like to drink tea. Xueyou also likes to drink tea very
  16. much.
  17. Teacher Lin: Does he? I also love to drink tea. I have Fujian
  18. Tieguanyin, Hangzhou Longjing and Anhui Maojian. Which
  19. one would you like to drink?
  20. Renmei: Longjing is very good. In the states, Teacher Wang who taught us
  21. Chinese often invited me and Xueyou to drink Longjing tea.
  22. (Xueyou knocks at the door.)
  23. Renmei: Listen, someone is knocking at the door. Probably it is Xueyou.
  24. Teacher Lin: I'll go and open the door. (Teacher Lin opened the door.)
  25. It is Xueyou. Come in, please. What's happening? You are
  26. wet.
  27. Xueyou: Thanks, Teacher Lin. It has started raining outside. I didn't
  28. bring my umbrella with me. Fortunately, it is not raining
  29. hard.
  30. Teacher Lin: That's good. Xueyou, have a cup of Longjing tea.
  31. Xueyou: Thanks. I like to drink Longjing tea the most.
  32. Teacher Lin: Have you received the phone call from your mom and dad?
  33. Xueyou: Yes. They asked me on the phone, what was the weather like
  34. in Beijing? Was it hot? Did it rain? I told them that it has
  35. been kind of hot these days, and it has not rained. But, no,
  36. it has started raining now.
  37. Teacher Lin: In recent years, the summer in Beijing is getting hotter and
  38. hotter. If it rains in summer, it will become much cooler.
  39. Renmei: How is the spring in Beijing?
  40. Teacher Lin: Beijing's spring is very windy, and it doesn't rain very
  41. often. The spring in the south of China is the most
  42. beautiful. From ancient times to now, scholars and writers
  43. have written many poems for the spring rain and spring
  44. flower in the south of China.
  45. Xueyou: Could you read a poem for us?
  46. Teacher Lin: O.K. Let me read you a classical poem. It is "Spring Dawn"
  47. by Meng Haoran, a poet in the Tang Dynasty.
  48. Dawn arrives unnoticed after a spring sleep.
  49. Chirping birds are heard all around.
  50. The sound of wind and rain had come in the night.
  51. How many flowers had fallen in their wake!
  52. Renmei: This poem is very well written. Teacher Lin, could you explain
  53. the poem for us?
  54. Teacher Lin: Sure.
  55. (Teacher Lin explained the poem to Xueyou and Renmei.)
  56. Xueyou: Chinese classical poems are very beautiful. Teacher Lin, please
  57. introduce another poem to us.
  58. Renmei: It is getting late. Xueyou, Teacher Lin needs to take a rest.
  59. Xueyou: Yes. We should leave. Teacher Lin, we will ask you to introduce
  60. Chinese classical poems to us next time.
  61. Teacher Lin: No problem. (You) wait a moment. Let me see if the rain
  62. has stopped or not. (Teacher Lin went to the window to have a
  63. look.) Very good. The rain stopped.
  64. Xueyou, Renmei: Then we are leaving. Thank you, Teacher Lin! Bye!
  65. Teacher Lin: Bye! Please come and visit (my place) often!
  66. 初级第三十三课: 对话 外边下雨了
  67. (这一天,人美去他们的口语老师林老师那儿聊天。 林老师很年轻。 他还没有结婚。
  68. 所以,他住在北京大学的单身教师宿舍。)
  69. (人美敲门, 林老师开门。)
  70. 林老师:噢, 是人美, 请进, 请进。
  71. 人美:谢谢林老师。
  72. 林老师:怎麽,学友没来?
  73. 人美: 学友正在宿舍等他爸爸﹑妈妈的电话。 他说, 他接了电话就来。
  74. 林老师:好。 人美,请坐,别客气。 你想喝什麽, 茶, 咖啡, 还是饮料?
  75. 人美:我想喝茶。 学友也很喜欢喝茶。
  76. 林老师:是吗?我也爱喝茶。 我这儿有福建的铁观音, 杭州的龙井和安徽的毛尖,
  77. 你想喝哪一种?
  78. 人美:龙井就很好。 在美国教我们汉语的王老师常常请我和学友喝龙井茶。
  79. (学友敲门。)
  80. 人美:听,有人敲门, 可能是学友。
  81. 林老师:我去开门。(林老师开门。) 是学友, 请进。 怎麽, 你的身上湿了。
  82. 学友:谢谢林老师。 外边下雨了, 我没有带雨伞。 还好, 雨下得不大。
  83. 林老师:那就好。 学友, 喝杯龙井茶吧。
  84. 学友:谢谢。 我最爱喝龙井茶了。
  85. 林老师:接到爸爸妈妈的电话了吗?
  86. 学友:接到了。 他们在电话里问我, 北京的天气怎麽样?热不热?下雨吗? 我
  87. 告诉他们, 这儿的天气比较热,又不下雨。 这不, 现在就下雨了。
  88. 林老师:这几年, 北京的夏天越来越热。 夏天如果下雨, 就会凉快很多。
  89. 人美:北京的春天怎麽样?
  90. 林老师:北京的春天风很大, 也不常下雨。 中国南方的春天最美。 从古到今,
  91. 文人墨客为中国南方的春雨,春花写了不少诗。
  92. 学友:您能给我们念一首吗?
  93. 林老师:好。 我给你们念一首古诗吧, 是唐代诗人孟浩然的“春晓“:
  94. 春眠不觉晓, 处处闻啼鸟,
  95. 夜来风雨声, 花落知多少。
  96. 人美:这首诗写得真好。 林老师, 您能给我们解释一下儿这首诗吗?
  97. 林老师:可以。
  98. (林老师给学友和人美解释这首诗的意思。)
  99. 学友:中国的古诗真美。 林老师, 请您再介绍一首。
  100. 人美:时间不早了。 学友, 林老师该休息了。
  101. 学友:对,我们该走了。 林老师,我们下一次再请您给我们介绍古诗。
  102. 林老师:没问题。 你们等一下, 我看看雨停了没有。(林老师去窗口看
  103. 了一下儿。) 很好, 雨停了。
  104. 学友,人美:那我们走了。 谢谢林老师! 再见!
  105. 林老师:再见!欢迎你们常来!
  106. 初級第三十三課: 對話 外邊下雨了
  107. (這一天﹐人美去他們的口語老師林老師那兒聊天。 林老師很年輕。 他還沒有結婚。
  108. 所以﹐他住在北京大學的單身教師宿舍。)
  109. (人美敲門, 林老師開門。)
  110. 林老師﹕噢﹐ 是人美﹐ 請進﹐ 請進。
  111. 人美﹕謝謝林老師。
  112. 林老師﹕怎麼﹐學友沒來﹖
  113. 人美﹕ 學友正在宿舍等他爸爸﹑媽媽的電話。 他說﹐ 他接了電話就來。
  114. 林老師﹕好。 人美﹐請坐﹐別客氣。 你想喝什麼﹐ 茶﹐ 咖啡﹐ 還是飲料﹖
  115. 人美﹕我想喝茶。 學友也很喜歡喝茶。
  116. 林老師﹕是嗎﹖我也愛喝茶。 我這兒有福建的鐵觀音﹐ 杭州的龍井和安徽的毛尖﹐
  117. 你想喝哪一種﹖
  118. 人美﹕龍井就很好。 在美國教我們漢語的王老師常常請我和學友喝龍井茶。
  119. (學友敲門。)
  120. 人美﹕聽﹐有人敲門﹐ 可能是學友。
  121. 林老師﹕我去開門。(林老師開門。) 是學友﹐ 請進。 怎麼﹐ 你的身上濕了。
  122. 學友﹕謝謝林老師。 外邊下雨了﹐ 我沒有帶雨傘。 還好﹐ 雨下得不大。
  123. 林老師﹕那就好。 學友﹐ 喝杯龍井茶吧。
  124. 學友﹕謝謝。 我最愛喝龍井茶了。
  125. 林老師﹕接到爸爸媽媽的電話了嗎﹖
  126. 學友﹕接到了。 他們在電話裡問我﹐ 北京的天氣怎麼樣﹖熱不熱﹖下雨嗎﹖ 我
  127. 告訴他們﹐ 這兒的天氣比較熱﹐又不下雨。 這不﹐ 現在就下雨了。
  128. 林老師﹕這幾年﹐ 北京的夏天越來越熱。 夏天如果下雨﹐ 就會涼快很多。
  129. 人美﹕北京的春天怎麼樣﹖
  130. 林老師﹕北京的春天風很大﹐ 也不常下雨。 中國南方的春天最美。 從古到今﹐
  131. 文人墨客為中國南方的春雨﹐春花寫了不少詩。
  132. 學友﹕您能給我們念一首嗎﹖
  133. 林老師﹕好。 我給你們念一首古詩吧﹐ 是唐代詩人孟浩然的“春曉“﹕
  134. 春眠不覺曉﹐ 處處聞啼鳥﹐
  135. 夜來風雨聲﹐ 花落知多少。
  136. 人美﹕這首詩寫得真好。 林老師﹐ 您能給我們解釋一下兒這首詩嗎﹖
  137. 林老師﹕可以。
  138. (林老師給學友和人美解釋這首詩的意思。)
  139. 學友﹕中國的古詩真美。 林老師﹐ 請您再介紹一首。
  140. 人美﹕時間不早了。 學友﹐ 林老師該休息了。
  141. 學友﹕對﹐我們該走了。 林老師﹐我們下一次再請您給我們介紹古詩。
  142. 林老師﹕沒問題。 你們等一下﹐ 我看看雨停了沒有。(林老師去窗口看
  143. 了一下兒。) 很好﹐ 雨停了。
  144. 學友﹐人美﹕那我們走了。 謝謝林老師﹗ 再見﹗
  145. 林老師﹕再見﹗歡迎你們常來﹗
  146. Wàibian Xià Yǔ Le
  147. (Zhè yì tiān, Rénměi qù tāmen de kǒuyǔ lǎoshī Lín lǎoshī nàr liáotiān.
  148. Lín lǎoshī hěn niánqīng. Tā hái méi yǒu jiēhūn. Suǒyǐ, tā zhùu zài
  149. Běijīng dàxué de dān shēn jiàoshī sùshè.)
  150. (Rénměi qiāo mén, Lín lǎoshī kāi mén.)
  151. Lín láoshī: Ò, shì Rénměi, qǐng jìn, qǐng jìn.
  152. Rénměi: Xièxie Lín lǎoshī.
  153. Lín láoshī: Zěnme, Xuéyǒou méi lái?
  154. Rénměi: Xuéyǒu zhèngzài sùshè děng tā bàba, māma de diànhuà. Tā shuō,
  155. tā jiē le diànhuà jiù lái.
  156. Lín láoshī: Hǎo. Rénměi, qǐng zuò, béi kèqi. Nǐ xiǎng hē shénme, chá,
  157. kāfēi, háishì yǐnliào ?
  158. Rénměi: Wǒ xiǎng hē chá. Xuéyǒu yěe hěn xǐhuan hē chá.
  159. Lín láoshī: Shì ma ? Wǒ yě ài hē chá. Wǒ zhèr yǒu Fújiàn de Tiěguānyīn,
  160. Hángzhōu de Lóngjǐng hé Ānhuī de Máojiān, nǐ xiǎng hē nǎ yì
  161. zhǒng?
  162. Rénměi: Lóngjǐng jiù hěn hǎo. Zài Měiguo jiāo wǒmen Hànyǔ de Wǎng
  163. lǎoshī chángcháng qǐng wǒ hé Xuéyǒu hé Lǒngjǐng chá.
  164. (Xuéyǒu qiāo mén.)
  165. Rénměi: Tīng, yǒu rén qiāo mén, kěnéng shì Xuéyǒu.
  166. Lín láoshī: Wǒ qù kāi mén. (Lín lǎoshī kāi mén.) Shì Xuéyǒou, qǐng jìn.
  167. Zěnme, nǐ de shēn shang shī le.
  168. Xuéyǒu : Xièxie Lín lǎoshī. Wài biān xià yǔ le, wǒ méi yǒu dài yǔsǎn.
  169. Hái hǎo, yǔ xià de bú dà.
  170. Lín láoshī: Nà jiù hǎo. Xuéyǒu, hē bēi Lóngjǐng chá ba.
  171. Xuéyǒu: Xièxie. Wǒ zuì ài hē Lóngjǐng chá le.
  172. Lín láoshī: Jiē dào bàba māma de diànhuà le ma ?
  173. Xuéyǒu: Jiē dào le. Tāmen zài diànhuà lǐ wèn wǒ, Běijīng de tīanqi zěnmeyang ?
  174. Rè bu rè? Xià yǔ ma? Wǒ gàosu tāmen, zhèr de tiānqi biǎojiào rè,
  175. yòu bú xià yǔ. Zhè bu, xiànzài jiù xià yǔ le.
  176. Lín láoshī: Zhè jǐ nián, Běijīng de xiàtiān yuèlái yuèrè. Xiàtiān rúguǒ xià yǔ,
  177. jiù huì liángkuai hěn duō.
  178. Rénměi: Běijīng de chūntiān zěnmeyang?
  179. Lín láoshī: Běijīng de chūntiān fēng hěn dà, yě bù cháng xià yǔ. Zhōngguo nánfāng
  180. de chūntiān zuì měi. Cóng gǔ dào jìn, wénrén mòkè wèi Zhōngguo nánfāng
  181. de chūn yǔ, chūn huā xiě le bù shǎo shī.
  182. Xuéyǒu: Nín néng gěi wǒmen niàn yì shǒu ma?
  183. Lín láoshī: Hǎo. Wǒ gěi nǐmen niàn yì shǒu gǔshī ba, shì Tángdài shírén Mèng Hàorán
  184. de « Chūn Xiǎo » :
  185. Chūn mián bù jué xiǎo, chù chù wén tí niǎo,
  186. Yè lái fēng yǔ shēng, huā luò zhī duō shǎo.
  187. Rénmĕi: Zhè shŏu shī xiĕ de zhēn hăo. Lín lăoshi, nín néng gĕi wŏmen jiĕshi
  188. yí xiàr zhè shŏu shī ma?
  189. Lín Lăoshi: Kĕyĭ.
  190. (Lín lăoshi gĕi Xuéyŏu hé Rénmĕi jiĕshi zhè shŏu shī de yìsi.)
  191. Xuéyŏu: Zhōngguó de gŭshī zhēn mĕi. Lín lăoshi, qĭng nín zài jièshào yì shŏu.
  192. Rénmĕi: Shíjiān bù zăo le. Xuéyŏu, Lín lăoshi gāi xīuxi le.
  193. Xuéyŏu: Duì, wŏmen gāi zŏu le. Lín lăoshi, wŏmen xià yí cì zài qĭng nín gĕi
  194. wŏmen jièshào gŭshī.
  195. Lín Lăoshi: Méi wèntí. Nĭmen dĕng yí xià, wŏ kànkan yŭ tíng le méiyŏu.
  196. (Lín lăoshi qù chuāng kŏu kàn le yí xiàr.) Hĕn hăo, yŭ tíng le.
  197. Xuéyŏu, Rénmĕi: Nà wŏmen zŏu le. Xièxie Lín lăoshi! Zàijiàn!
  198. Lín Lăoshi: Zàijiàn! Huānyíng nĭmen cháng lái!
  199. Lesson Thirty Three: Article The fall in Beijing
  200. Beijing has four distinctive seasons. Like New York city, Beijing has
  201. hot summers, very cold winters, warm springs and cool autumns. Among
  202. these four seasons, the autumn is the best.
  203. From September to November, it is the fall in Beijing. The weather is
  204. neither cold nor hot. The average temperature is about 18 degrees
  205. centigrade. Starting from September, people can feel the pleasantly
  206. coolness of the fall. The sky is always clear. It is seldom windy,
  207. and it doesn't rain. October in Beijing is the most beautiful (season).
  208. October 1st is the Chinese National day. In order to celebrate
  209. National Day, People display a lot of flowers in streets. Beijing
  210. looks like a big garden.
  211. When November arrives, the leaves at Fragrant Hill turn red.
  212. People all go to see the autumn leaves there. Du Mu, a Tang Dynasty poet,
  213. once wrote a poetic line that reads "The frost-covered leaves are redder
  214. than the flowers of February ", lauding the leaves at this time as
  215. redder that the flowers in the spring.
  216. The fall in Beijing is also the best touring season. A lot of
  217. foreign friends come to vist Beijing. They can vist many famous
  218. sites such as the Forbidden City, Bei Hai Park, the Temple of
  219. Heaven etc. They can also see the newly-built highway and modern
  220. international airport. They can even taste Beijing's various unique
  221. local delicacies. Present Beijing is not only an ancient city, but also
  222. a rapidly developing modern city.
  223. 初级第三十三课: 短文 北京的秋天
  224. 北京的气候四季分明。 像纽约一样,北京有炎热的夏天,寒冷的冬天,
  225. 暖和的春天和凉快的秋天。在这四个季节中,秋天是北京最好的季节。
  226. 从九月到十一月,北京的秋天气温不冷也不热,平均温度在18摄氏度
  227. 左右。 从九月开始,人们就会感到秋天的凉爽。 天空常常是晴朗的,
  228. 很少刮风,也不下雨。 十月的北京是最美丽的。 十月一日是国庆节。
  229. 为了庆祝国庆节,人们在街上摆满了鲜花,北京就像一座大花园。
  230. 十一月到了,香山的树叶都红了,人们都去那儿看红叶,中国唐代
  231. 诗人杜牧曾写过:“霜叶红于二月花”的诗句,赞美了这时的红叶比
  232. 春天里的鲜花还要红。
  233. 北京的秋天,也是最好的旅游季节。 有很多外国朋友来北京参观。
  234. 他们可以游览故宫﹑北海﹑天坛等名胜古迹;又可以看到北京新建
  235. 的高速公路和现代化国际机场,还可以品尝到北京特有的风味小吃。
  236. 今天的北京既是一座古老的城市又是一座快速发展的现代化城市。
  237. 初級第三十三課: 短文 北京的秋天
  238. 北京的氣候四季分明。 像紐約一樣﹐北京有炎熱的夏天﹐寒冷的冬天﹐
  239. 暖和的春天和涼快的秋天。在這四個季節中﹐秋天是北京最好的季節。
  240. 從九月到十一月﹐北京的秋天氣溫不冷也不熱﹐平均溫度在18攝氏度
  241. 左右。 從九月開始﹐人們就會感到秋天的涼爽。 天空常常是晴朗的﹐
  242. 很少颳風﹐也不下雨。 十月的北京是最美麗的。 十月一日是國慶節。
  243. 為了慶祝國慶節﹐人們在街上擺滿了鮮花﹐北京就像一座大花園。
  244. 十一月到了﹐香山的樹葉都紅了﹐人們都去那兒看紅葉﹐中國唐代
  245. 詩人杜牧曾寫過﹕“霜葉紅于二月花”的詩句﹐讚美了這時的紅葉比
  246. 春天裡的鮮花還要紅。
  247. 北京的秋天﹐也是最好的旅游季節。 有很多外國朋友來北京參觀。
  248. 他們可以游覽故宮﹑北海﹑天壇等名勝古蹟﹔又可以看到北京新建
  249. 的高速公路和現代化國際機場﹐還可以品嚐到北京特有的風味小吃。
  250. 今天的北京既是一座古老的城市又是一座快速發展的現代化城市。
  251. Běijīng De Qīutiān
  252. Běijīng de qìhou sì jì fēnmíng. Xiàng Niǔyuē yíyàng, Běijīng
  253. yǒu yánrè de xiàtiān, hánlěng de dōngtiān, nuǎnhuo de chūntiān
  254. hé liángkuài de qiūtiān. Zài zhè sì ge jìjié zhōng, qiūtiān shì
  255. Běijīng zuì hǎo de jìjié. Cóng jiǔ yuè dào shíyī yuè, Běijīng de
  256. qiūtiān qìwēn bù lěng yě bù rè, píngjūn wēndù shì 18 shèshìdù
  257. zuǒyòu. Cóng jiǔ yuè kāishǐ, rénmen jiù huì gǎndào qiūtiān de
  258. liángshuǎng. Tiānkōng chángcháng shì qínglǎng de, hěn shǎo guā
  259. fēng, yě bú xià yǔ. Shí yuè de Běijīng shì zuì měilì de. Shí yuè
  260. yī rì shì guóqìngjié. Wèile qìngzhù guóqìngjié, rénmen zài jiē
  261. shang bǎi mǎn le xiānhuā, Běijīng jiù xiàng yí zuò dà huāyuán.
  262. Shíyī yuè dàao le, Xiāngshān de shùyè dōu hóng le, rénmen dōu qù
  263. nàr kàn hóngyè, Zhōngguo Tángdài shīrén Dù Mù céng xiě guò:”Shuāng
  264. yè hóng yú èr yuè huā”de shījù, zànměi le zhè shí de hóngyè bǐ
  265. chūntiān lǐ de xiānhuā hái yào hóng.
  266. Běijīng de qiūtiān, yě shì zuì hǎo de lǚyóu jìijié. Yǒu hěn duō
  267. wàiguo péngyou lái Běijīng cānguān. Tāmen kěyǐ yóulǎan Gùgōng, Běihái,
  268. Tiāntán děng míngshèng gǔjì; yòu kěyǐ kàn dào Běijīng xīn jiàn de
  269. gāosù gōnglù hé xiàndàihuà guójì jīchǎng, hái kěyǐ pǐncháng dào Běijīng
  270. tèyǒu de fēngwèi xiǎochī. Jīntiān de Běijīng jì shì yí zuò gǔlǎo de
  271. chéngshì yòu shì yí zuò kuàisù fāzhǎn de xiàndàihuà chéngshì.
  272. 词 汇
  273. Chinese Words Pinyin Part of Speech Engl. Trans. Examples
  274. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  275. 聊天 lia2o tia1n v. to chat
  276. 口语 ko3u yu3 n. spoken language
  277. 年轻 nia2n qi1ng adj. young
  278. 结婚 ji2e hu1n v. to marry
  279. 单身 da1n she1ng adj. single (not married)
  280. 敲(门) qia1o me2n v. to knock (on the door)
  281. 怎麽 ze3n me idiomatic exp. what's happening
  282. 饮料 yi3n lia4o n. beverage; drink (esp.
  283. a soft drink
  284. 福建 fu2 jia4n place name a province of China
  285. 杭州 ha2ng zho1u place name a city of China
  286. 安徽 a1n hui1 place name a province of China
  287. 铁观音 tie3 gua1n yi1n proper noun a special type of tea
  288. 龙井 lo2ng ji3ng proper noun a special type of tea
  289. 毛尖 ma2o jia1n proper noun a special type of tea
  290. 湿 shi1 adj. wet
  291. 雨伞 yu3 sa3n n. umbrella
  292. 还好 ha2i ha3o idiomatic exp. fortunately
  293. 南方的 na2n fa1ng de adj. southern
  294. 这不 zhe4 bu idiomatic exp. but, no...
  295. 越来越 yue4 la2i yue4 ad. more and more
  296. 凉快 lia2ng kua4i adj. nice and cool
  297. 从...到 co2ng...da4o conj.
  298. 文人墨客 we2nre2nmo4ke4 n. phrase scholar; man of letters man of letters
  299. 为... we4i... prep. for
  300. 春雨 chu1n yu3 n. spring rain
  301. 春花 chu1n hua1 n. spring flowers
  302. 念 nia4n v. to read
  303. 首 sho3u measure word for songs and poems
  304. 诗 shi1 n. poems; poetry
  305. 古诗 gu3 shi1 n. ancient poem(s)
  306. 唐代 ta2ng da4i n. phrase Tang Dynasty
  307. 诗人 shi1 re2n n. poet
  308. 孟浩然 Me4ng Ha4ora2n person name a well known poet in
  309. the Tang Dynasty
  310. 解释 jie3 shi4 v. to explain
  311. 意思 yi4 si n. meaning
  312. 气候 qi4 ho4u n. weather
  313. 四季 si4 ji4 n. four seasons
  314. 分明 fe1n mi2ng adj. distinctive
  315. 炎热 ya2n re4 adj. hot
  316. 夏天 xia4 tia1n n. summer
  317. 寒冷 ha2n le3ng adj. cold
  318. 冬天 do1ng tia1n n. winter
  319. 暖和 nua3n huo adj. warm
  320. 春天 chu1n tia1n n. spring
  321. 秋天 qi1u tia1n n. fall, autumn
  322. 平均 pi2ng ju1n n. average
  323. 摄氏度 she4 shi4 du4 n. degree in centigrade
  324. 左右 zuo3 yo4u adv. about
  325. 开始 ka1i shi3 n. begin
  326. 凉爽 lia2ng shua3ng adj. pleasantly cool
  327. 天空 tia1n ko1ng n. the sky
  328. 晴朗 qi2ng la3ng adj. clear, sunny
  329. 刮风 gua1 fe1ng v. to blow wind
  330. 美丽 me3i li4 adj. beautiful
  331. 国庆节 guo2 qi4ng jie2 n. the national day
  332. 庆祝 qi4ng zhu4 v. to celebrate
  333. 摆 ba3i v. to display, to place
  334. 满 ma3n adj. full
  335. 树叶 shu4 ye4 n. leaf
  336. 香山 xia1ng sha1n place name Fragrant Hill
  337. 红叶 ho2ng ye4 n. red leaf
  338. 杜牧 Du4 Mu4 person name a well-known poet in the
  339. Tang Dynasty
  340. 曾 ce2ng adv. once
  341. 诗句 shi1 ju4 n. poetic line; verse
  342. 赞美 za4n me3i v. to praise; to laud
  343. 鲜花 xia1n hua1 n. fresh flowers
  344. 游览 yo2u la3n v. to tour
  345. 新建 xi1n jia4n adj. new-built
  346. 品尝 pi3n cha2ng v. to taste (to evaluate
  347. or enjoy)
  348. 特有 te4 yo3u adj. unique, special to
  349. 风味 fe1ng we4i adj. local style
  350. 小吃 xia3o chi1 n. local delicacies
  351. 快速 kua4i su4 adv. rapidly
  352. 发展 fa1 zha3n v. to develop
  353. 语 法
  354. 1. The Use of the Modal Particle 了 for New or Changed Situations
  355. The modal particle 了 appears frequently at the end of a sentence to
  356. indicate a new or changed situation. The sentence pattern should be:
  357. subject + predicate + 了
  358. (1.) When a sentence has an adjectival predicate, the modal particle 了
  359. is used at the end of the sentence to indicate a changed situation.
  360. For example:
  361. 1.)北京的天气热了。 (以前不热)
  362. Beijing's weather is getting hot. (It was not hot before.)
  363. 2.)时间不早了。 (刚才还早)
  364. It is getting late. (It was still early just now.)
  365. 3.)香山的树叶都红了。(以前不红)
  366. The leaves in the Fragrant Hill have all turned red. (They were not
  367. red before.)
  368. 4.)他的女儿漂亮了。 (以前没有那麽漂亮)
  369. His daughter is getting pretty. (She was not that pretty before.)
  370. (2.) When a sentence has a nominal predicate, the modal particle 了 is
  371. used at the end of the sentence to indicate a new situation.
  372. For example:
  373. 1.)今天七月一号了, 应该交房租了。
  374. Today is already July 1st, (we) should pay the rent.
  375. 2.)现在七点半了, 应该吃晚饭了。
  376. It is already 7:30 now, (we) should eat dinner.
  377. 3.)他的女儿今年三十岁了, 应该结婚了。
  378. His daughter has turned 30 this year, (she) should get married.
  379. 4.)这个小女孩今年七岁了, 应该上小学了。
  380. This little girl has turned 7 this year, (she) should go to
  381. elementary school.
  382. (3.) When a sentence has a verbal predicate, the modal particle 了 is
  383. used at the end of the sentence to indicate either a new or a changed
  384. situation.
  385. For example:
  386. 1.)外边下雪了。 (原来没有下)
  387. It has started to snow outside. (It was not snowing just a moment ago.)
  388. 2.)我们该走了。 (原来还早,还可以坐坐)
  389. We should go (now). (It was early before, and we could sit for a while.)
  390. 3.)现在雨停了。 (刚才还在下雨)
  391. The rain has stopped now. (It was still raining just a moment ago.)
  392. 4.)他喜欢喝龙井茶了。 (原来他不喜欢喝龙井茶)
  393. He has started to like drinking Longjing tea. (He didn't like to drink
  394. Longjing tea before.)
  395. 5.)我会说中文了。 (原来我不会说中文)
  396. I can speak Chinese (now). (I couldn't speak Chinese before.)
  397. 2. Subjectless Sentences
  398. (1.) In Chinese, when describing natural phenomena, especially when
  399. describing the weather, people usually use subjectless sentences. The reason why
  400. people use subjectless sentences, as can be observed in the following
  401. examples , is because when describing natural phenomena, the subject can
  402. not be specified into a particular agent. (Note that English supplies
  403. the subject "it", which is not done in Chinese.)
  404. For examples:
  405. 1.)明天会下雪, 你要多穿一点儿衣服。
  406. It will snow tomorrow. You should wear more clothes.
  407. 2.)外边刮风了,天很冷。
  408. It started to get windy outside. It was very cold.
  409. 3.)昨天下雨,今天出太阳,天气变化真大。
  410. It rained yesterday, and it is sunny today. The weather changes a lot.
  411. 4.)今天起大雾了,开车要小心。
  412. It is very foggy today. Be careful when you drive.
  413. (2.) Another commonly used type of subjectless sentences is one that
  414. indicates existence. This type of sentences begin with 有 or
  415. 没有, corresponding to the "there is/are..." or "there is not/are not..."
  416. pattern in English. However, this type of subjectless sentences is
  417. usually only about people, not about matter or things. The pattern of
  418. this type of subjectless sentences is:
  419. 有人 + Verb / 有 + Noun (about people) + Verb
  420. 没有人 + Verb / 没有 + Noun (about people) + Verb
  421. For example:
  422. 1.)有人在敲门,可能是学友。
  423. Someone is knocking at the door. Probably it is Xueyou.
  424. 2.)有学生给林老师打电话。
  425. Some student called Teacher Lin on the phone.
  426. 3.)没有人带雨伞。 还好,雨下得不大。
  427. one brought an umbrella. Fortunately, it is not raining hard.
  428. 4.)没有学生看过这部电影。
  429. None of the students has seen this movie.
  430. 3. Adjectival Comparisons
  431. To compare the degree of an adjective, the degree adverbs 还要(even),
  432. 更(more) and 最(most) are used. To express the meaning of something/
  433. somebody is better than something else/somebody else, the pattern
  434. "比 + n./pron. + 还要(更) + adj." is used. To express the meaning that
  435. something/somebody is the best, the pattern "最 + adj." is used.
  436. (1.) 比 + n./pron. + 还要(更) + adj.
  437. For example:
  438. 1.)北京的夏天比纽约的夏天更热。
  439. The summer in Beijing is hotter that the summer in New York.
  440. 2.)北京秋天的红叶比春天里的鲜花还要红。
  441. Red leaves in the fall in Beijing are even redder than flowers
  442. in the spring.
  443. 3.)美国大学生的暑假比中国大学生的暑假还要长。
  444. The summer break of American college students is even longer than
  445. the summer break of Chinese college students.
  446. 4.)北京的冬天比上海的冬天更冷。
  447. The winter in Beijing is colder than the winter in Shanghai.
  448. (2.) 最 + adj.
  449. For example:
  450. 1.)秋天是北京最好的季节。
  451. The fall is the best season in Beijing.
  452. 2.)中国南方的春天最美。
  453. The spring in the south of China is the most beautiful (season).
  454. 3.)林老师是中文系最年轻的老师。
  455. Teacher Lin is the youngest teacher in the Chinese Department.
  456. 4.)上海是中国最现代化的城市。
  457. Shanghai is the most modernized city in China.
  458. 4. The Structure “越来越...”
  459. The structure “越来越...”is used when the speaker would like to
  460. express the meaning of "something/somebody (becoming) more and more...".
  461. The basic pattern is:
  462. something/somebody + 越来越 + adj.
  463. For example:
  464. 1.)这几年,北京的夏天越来越热。
  465. In recent years, the summer in Beijing hass become hotter and hotter.
  466. 2.)小丁的中文口语越来越好。
  467. Xiaoding's Chinese oral speaking is getting better and better.
  468. 3.)这几年,来美国的中国留学生越来越多。
  469. In recent years, more and more Chinese students have come to study in
  470. the U.S.
  471. 5. The Structure“如果...就...”
  472. The structure“如果...就...”is a commonly used conditional pattern,
  473. meaning "if...then...". 如果 is followed by a conditional clause, and
  474. 就 is followed by a result clause.
  475. For example:
  476. 1.)夏天如果下雨,天气就会凉快很多。
  477. If it rains in the summer, it (the weather) will become much cooler.
  478. 2.)如果你十月去北京,你就能看到香山的红叶。
  479. If you go to Beijing in October, you will see the red leaves in the
  480. Frangrant Hill.
  481. 3.)如果你有语法问题,就给我打电话。
  482. If you have grammar question, (you can) call me.
  483. 6. The Structure “既...又...”
  484. The structure “既...又...”means "both...and", "as well as". It is
  485. used when the speaker would like to talk about two situations that occur
  486. concurrently or two things/features that are of the same importance.
  487. For example:
  488. 1.)今天的北京既是一座古老的城市,又是一座快速发展的现代化城市。
  489. The present Beijing is an ancient city as well as a rapidly developing
  490. and modernized city.
  491. 2.)林老师既是小丁和学友的老师,又是他们的朋友。
  492. Teacher Lin is Xiaoding and Xueyou's teacher, as well as their friend.
  493. 3.)北京大学既是一所有名的大学,又是一个美丽的大花园。
  494. Beijing University is a famous university, as well as a beautiful
  495. garden.
  496. 4.)这家中国餐馆的菜既好吃,又便宜。
  497. The food in this Chinese restaurant is both good to eat and cheap.
  498. 语 型
  499. 1. The Use of the Modal Particle 了 for New or Changed Situations
  500. 1.)时间很晚了,该睡觉了。
  501. It is getting late, (we/you) should go to sleep.
  502. 2.)现在七月了,可以去海边游泳了。
  503. It is already July now, (we/you) can go to the seaside to swim.
  504. 3.)现在九点了,应该起床吃早饭了。
  505. It is already 9:00am, (we/you) should get up and eat breakfast.
  506. 4.)王老师的儿子开开高了。 他今年该上小学了。
  507. Teacher Wang's son Kaikai has grown tall. He should go to the elementary
  508. school this year.
  509. 5.)外边刮风了,别去图书馆了。
  510. It got windy outside. Don't go to the library.
  511. 6.)王老师以前不喝咖啡,现在他喝了。
  512. Teacher Wang didn't drink coffee before. Now he has started to drink
  513. coffee.
  514. 2. Subjectless Sentences
  515. 1.)今天下午会下雨,别忘了带雨伞。
  516. It will rain this afternoon. Don't forget to bring your umbrella.
  517. 2.)现在刮风了,多穿一点儿衣服。
  518. It's windy. Wear more clothes.
  519. 3.)有朋友送我一本英文小说。
  520. A friend gave me an English novel as a gift.
  521. 4.)昨天有人给她打了一个电话。
  522. Someone called her yesterday.
  523. 5.)没有学生喜欢考试。
  524. No student likes exams.
  525. 3. Adjectival Comparisons
  526. 1.)昨天很热,今天比昨天还要热。
  527. Yesterday was very hot. Today is even hotter than yesterday.
  528. 2.)她的妹妹很漂亮,她比她妹妹更漂亮。
  529. Her younger sister is very pretty. She is more pretty than her
  530. younger sister.
  531. 3.)学友的中文很好,小丁的中文比学友的中文更好。
  532. Xueyou's Chinese is very good. Xiaoding's Chinese is better than
  533. Xueyou's Chinese.
  534. 4.)北京的秋天,中外游客最多。
  535. In the fall in Beijing, (the number of ) Chinese and foreign tourists
  536. is the greatest.
  537. 5.)这个学生食堂的饭菜最好。
  538. The food of this student dining hall is the best.
  539. 4. The Structure “越来越...”
  540. 1.)春天来了,天气越来越暖和。
  541. Spring has come. It is getting warmer and warmer.
  542. 2.)这几年,中国的变化越来越大。
  543. In recent years, the changes in China are greater and greater.
  544. 3.)到中国旅游的外国游客越来越多。
  545. More and more foreign tourists are traveling to China.
  546. 4.)这几年,北京的汽车越来越多。
  547. In recent years, there are more and more cars in Beijing.
  548. 5. The Structure“如果...就...”
  549. 1.)如果你想今天晚上去看电影,我就和你一起去。
  550. If you would like to see a movie tonight, I will go with you.
  551. 2.)如果你喜欢吃中国菜,你就应该去这个中国餐馆。
  552. If you would like to eat Chinese food, you should go to this Chinese
  553. restaurant.
  554. 3.)如果你想了解中国文化和历史,你就应该去北京。
  555. If you would like to understand Chinese culture and history, you should
  556. go to Beijing.
  557. 4.)如果明天天气很好,我们就去长城玩儿。
  558. If it is fine tomorrow, we will go to the Great Wall and have fun.
  559. 6. The Structure “既...又...”
  560. 1.)小丁既喜欢听中国音乐,又喜欢看中国电影。
  561. Xiaoding likes to listen to Chinese music, as well as to watch Chinese
  562. movies.
  563. 2.)学友妈妈作的点心既好看,又好吃。
  564. The dessert that Xueyou's mom made both looks good and tastes good.
  565. 3.)当小丁和学友到北京机场的时候,他们既高兴,又惊讶。
  566. When Xiaoding and Xueyou arrived at Beijing Airport, they were both
  567. happy and surprised.
  568. 4.)北京大学既是林老师的母校,又是他工作的地方。
  569. Beijing University is Teacher Lin's Alma Mater, as well as the place
  570. where he works.
  571. 7. The Structure 为了... "in order to"
  572. 1.)为了庆祝国庆节,人们在北京的街上摆满了鲜花。
  573. In order to celebrate National Day, people displayed flowers in the
  574. streets in Beijing.
  575. 2.)为了学习中文,小丁和学友来北京大学学习。
  576. In order to study Chinese, Xiaoding and Xueyou came to Beijing University
  577. to study.
  578. 3.)为了参加星期六的晚会,我买了一条新裙子。
  579. In order to attend the party on Saturday, I bought a new skirt.
  580. 4.)为了去机场接朋友,他早上六点就起床了。
  581. In order to pick up his friend at the airport, he got up early at 6:00am.