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  10. <p>In this lesson we will learn the days of the week and the months of the year.</p>
  11. <p>"42.01"</p>
  12. <p>style="border-spacing:0;width:7.786cm;"</p>
  13. <p>一月 Yīyuè January 二月 Èryuè February 三月 Sānyuè March 四月 Sìyuè April</p>
  14. <p>五月 Wǔyuè May 六月 Liùyuè June 七月 Qīyuè July 八月 Bāyuè August</p>
  15. <p>九月 Jiǔyuè September 十月 Shíyuè October 十一月 Shíyīyuè November 十二月 Shí'èryuè December</p>
  16. <blockquote>
  17. <blockquote>
  18. <p>[http://MP3/E104201.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)]</p>
  19. </blockquote>
  20. </blockquote>
  21. <p>"42.02"</p>
  22. <p>style="border-spacing:0;width:13.286cm;"</p>
  23. <p>你几月去哈尔滨? Nǐ jǐ yuè qù Hā'ěrbīn? What month will you go to Harbin?</p>
  24. <p>我们几月回沈阳?Wǒmen jǐ yuè huí Shěnyáng?<br/> What month will we come back to Shenyang?</p>
  25. <p>他几月回北京?Tā jǐ yuè huí Běijīng? What month will he return to Beijing?</p>
  26. <p>留学生几月回国?Liúxuéshēng jǐ yuè huíguó? What month will the exchange studentsreturn to their country?</p>
  27. <blockquote>
  28. <blockquote>
  29. <p>[http://MP3/E104202.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)]</p>
  30. </blockquote>
  31. </blockquote>
  32. <p>"42.03"</p>
  33. <p>style="border-spacing:0;width:8.315cm;"</p>
  34. <p>星期一 Xīngqīyī Monday 星期二 Xīngqī'èr Tuesday 星期三 Xīngqīsān Wednesday 星期四 Xīngqīsì Thursday</p>
  35. <p>星期五 Xīngqīwǔ Friday 星期六 Xīngqīliù Saturday 星期天 Xīngqītiān Sunday 星期日 Xīngqīrì Sunday</p>
  36. <blockquote>
  37. <blockquote>
  38. <p>[http://MP3/E104203.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)]</p>
  39. </blockquote>
  40. </blockquote>
  41. <p>"42.04"</p>
  42. <p>style="border-spacing:0;width:5.613cm;"</p>
  43. <p>align=right 马特":" 今天几月几号? Jīntiān jǐ yuè jǐ hào?</p>
  44. <p>align=right 莎拉":" 今天 7 月 24 号。 Jīntiān qīyuè èrshí sì hào.</p>
  45. <p>align=right 马特":" 今天星期几? Jīntiān xīngqī jǐ?</p>
  46. <p>align=right 莎拉":" 今天星期五。 Jīntiān xīngqīwǔ.</p>
  47. <p>"42.05"</p>
  48. <p>style="border-spacing:0;width:10.058cm;"</p>
  49. <p>align=right 安娜":" 今天几月几号? Jīntiān jǐ yuè jǐ hào?</p>
  50. <p>align=right 陈大同":" 今天三月十二号。 Jīntiān sānyuè shí'èr hào</p>
  51. <p>align=right 安娜":" 今天星期几? Jīntiān xīngqī jǐ?</p>
  52. <p>align=right 陈大同":" 今天星期四。 Jīntiān xīngqīsì.</p>
  53. <p>align=right 安娜":" 二十号是星期天吧? Èrshí hào shì xīngqītiān ba?</p>
  54. <p>align=right 陈大同":" 二十号不是星期天,是星期五。 Èrshí hào bú shì xīngqītiān, shì xīngqīwǔ.</p>
  55. <p>"42.06"</p>
  56. <p>style="border-spacing:0;width:12.227cm;"</p>
  57. <p>咱们...Zánmen... ...we....</p>
  58. <p>咱们星期...Zánmen xīngqī ... ....day of the week...we...</p>
  59. <p>咱们星期几... Zánmen xīngqī jǐ... What day of the week...we...</p>
  60. <p>咱们星期几考试?Zánmen xīngqī jǐ kǎoshì? What day of the week do we have the test?</p>
  61. <blockquote>
  62. <blockquote>
  63. <p>[http://MP3/E104206.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)]</p>
  64. </blockquote>
  65. </blockquote>
  66. <p>Notes:</p>
  67. <p>咱们 ''zánmen'' is called an "inclusive pronoun", it means "we" in the sense of "including you, the person with whom I am speaking". It is used often in the Northern dialects of Chinese. Using 咱们 ''zánmen'' correctly will give your speech an authentic feel if you are in Northern China.</p>
  68. <p>我们 ''wǒmen'' has both an inclusive "me and you" and exclusive "us without you" meaning. When all else fails, use 我们 ''wǒmen.''</p>
  69. <p>Grammar geeks should note that 咱们 ''zánmen'' can not be an object of a verb, it can only be used as the subject of a sentence.</p>
  70. <p>"42.07"</p>
  71. <p>style="border-spacing:0;width:9.82cm;"</p>
  72. <p>咱们...Zánmen... ...we....</p>
  73. <p>咱们哪...Zánmen nǎ... Which...we...</p>
  74. <p>咱们哪天... Zánmen nǎ tiān... Which day...we...</p>
  75. <p>咱们哪天考试?Zánmen nǎ tiān kǎoshì? Which day do we have the test?</p>
  76. <blockquote>
  77. <blockquote>
  78. <p>[http://MP3/E104207.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)]</p>
  79. </blockquote>
  80. </blockquote>
  81. <p>"42.08"</p>
  82. <p>style="border-spacing:0;width:14.079cm;"</p>
  83. <p>你们星期几回南京? Nǐmen xīngqī jǐ huí Nánjīng? What day of the week will you return to Nanjing?</p>
  84. <p>你星期几去市场?Nǐ xīngqī jǐ qù shìchǎng? What day of the week will you go to the market?</p>
  85. <p>留学生星期几回国?Liúxuéshēng xīngqī jǐ huíguó?<br/> What day of the week will the exchange students return to their country?</p>
  86. <p>咱们星期几去公园?Zánmen xīngqī jǐ qù gōngyuán? What day of the week will we go to the park?</p>
  87. <blockquote>
  88. <blockquote>
  89. <p>[http://MP3/E104208.mp3 Listen to the MP3 (right click to save)]</p>
  90. </blockquote>
  91. </blockquote>
  92. <p>"42.09 You cheeky monkey!"</p>
  93. <p>style="border-spacing:0;width:10.058cm;"</p>
  94. <p>align=right 王冬梅":" 你是哪国人? Nǐ shì nǎ guórén?</p>
  95. <p>align=right 大卫":" 我是外星人! Wǒ shì wàixīngrén!</p>
  96. <p>align=right 王冬梅":" 你骗我! Nǐ piàn wǒ!</p>
  97. <p>align=right 大卫":" 我没骗你,我真是一个外星人! Wǒ méi piàn nǐ, wǒ zhēn shì yí gè wàixīngrén!</p>
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