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  9. <p>Although sometimes translated as "in passing" or even
  10. "conveniently," the most common way that the idea of <a href=
  11. "adverb" class="uri" title="wikilink">adverb</a> 顺便 (shùnbiàn) is
  12. expressed in English is "while you're at it" (or "while I'm at it,"
  13. etc.). It's the idea of doing something at a convenient and logical
  14. time to save effort. Now you just have to get used to expressing
  15. this concept as an adverb.</p>
  16. <h2 id="general-use-of-顺便">General use of 顺便</h2>
  17. <h3 id="structure">Structure</h3>
  18. <div class="jiegou">
  19. <p>Subj. +Verb Phrase 1,顺便 + Verb Phrase 2</p>
  20. </div>
  21. <h3 id="example">Example</h3>
  22. <div class="liju">
  23. <ul>
  24. <li>你 去 买 早饭 的 时候 <em>顺便</em> 帮 我 带 杯 咖啡 吧。<span class="pinyin">
  25. chūqù de shíhou <em>shùnbiàn</em> bāng wǒ dài bēi kāfēi
  26. ba.</span><span class="trans">Bring me a cup of coffee when you go
  27. to buy breakfast.</span></li>
  28. <li>你 去 超市 能 不 能 <em>顺便</em> 帮 我 买 一 瓶 牛奶?<span class="pinyin">
  29. qù chāoshì néng bu néng <em>shùnbiàn</em> bāng wǒ mǎi yī píng
  30. niúnǎi?</span><span class="trans">Could you please buy me a bottle
  31. of milk when you go to the supermarket?</span></li>
  32. <li>老板 去 见 客户,<em>顺便</em> 吃 了 午饭。<span class="pinyin">Lǎobǎn qù
  33. jiàn kèhù, <em>shùnbiàn</em> chī le wǔfàn.</span><span class=
  34. "trans">The boss went to see the client and also eat lunch with
  35. him.</span></li>
  36. <li>我 下周 去 北京 出差,<em>顺便</em> 去 看 一 个 朋友。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ xià
  37. zhōu qù Běijīng chūchāi, <em>shùnbiàn</em> qù kàn yīgè
  38. péngyou.</span><span class="trans">I'm going to Beijing on a
  39. business trip next week. I'll go to visit a friend while I'm
  40. there.</span></li>
  41. <li>我 出门 的 时候 都 会 <em>顺便</em> 扔 垃圾。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ chūmén
  42. de shíhou dōu huì <em>shùnbiàn</em> rēng lājī.</span><span class=
  43. "trans">I take out the trash every time I leave the
  44. house.</span></li>
  45. <li>你 见 他 的 时候 <em>顺便</em> 问 一下 他 周末 来 不 来。<span class="pinyin">
  46. jiàn tā de shíhou <em>shùnbiàn</em> wèn yīxià tā zhōumò lái bu
  47. lái.</span><span class="trans">Ask him if he's coming this weekend
  48. when you meet him.</span></li>
  49. </ul>
  50. <h2 id="colloquial-usage-of-顺便">Colloquial usage of 顺便</h2>
  51. <p>Here 顺便 means by the way.</p>
  52. <h3 id="common-phrases">Common phrases</h3>
  53. <div class="jiegou">
  54. <p>顺便说一下</p>
  55. <p>顺便问一下</p>
  56. </div>
  57. <h3 id="example-1">Example</h3>
  58. <div class="liju">
  59. <ul>
  60. <li><em>顺便</em> 说 一下,我 最近 搬 家 了。<span class=
  61. "pinyin"><em>Shùnbiàn</em> huō yīxià, wǒ zuìjìn bān jiā
  62. le.</span><span class="trans">By the way, I moved
  63. lately.</span></li>
  64. <li><em>顺便</em> 问 一下,你 下周 什么 时候 回来?<span class=
  65. "pinyin"><em>Shùnbiàn</em> wèn yīxià, nǐ xià zhōu shénme shíhou
  66. huílái?</span><span class="trans">By the way, when are you coming
  67. back next weekend?</span></li>
  68. <li><em>顺便</em> 说 一下,电脑 已经 修 好 了。<span class=
  69. "pinyin"><em>Shùnbiàn</em> huō yīxià, diànnǎo yǐjīng xiū hǎo
  70. le.</span><span class="trans">By the way, the computer's been
  71. fixed.</span></li>
  72. </ul>
  73. </div>
  74. <h2 id="see-aslo">See aslo</h2>
  75. <h2 id="sources-and-further-reading">Sources and further
  76. reading</h2>
  77. <h3 id="books">Books</h3>
  78. <h3 id="dictionaries">Dictionaries</h3>
  79. <p><a href="Category:B2_grammar_points" title=
  80. "wikilink">Category:B2 grammar points</a> <a href=
  81. "Category:_Adverbs" title="wikilink">Category: Adverbs</a></p>
  82. </div>
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