As well as yes/no questions,
you can also form tag questions with 吗 (ma). Tag questions are quick
questions that are tagged on the end of a sentence to ask for
confirmation. In English, this is often done with "right?" or negatively
with "isn't it?"
The easiest way to do this in Chinese is to add some kind of
confirmation word and 吗 (ma) on the end of the sentence.
As you can see below, the pattern typically involves words like 好
(hǎo), 对 (duì), 是 (shì), or 可以 (kěyǐ), followed by 吗 (ma).
⋯⋯, 好 / 对 / 是 / 可以 + 吗?
By placing these on the end of a sentence, you can soften a suggestion
or request confirmation.
- 这样 做,对 吗 ? Zhèyàng zuò, duì
ma?Do it like this, right?
- 你们 见 过,对 吗 ? Nǐmen jiàn guo,
duì ma?You’ve met, right?
- 他们 昨天 都 没 去, 是 吗 ? Tāmen
zuótiān dōu méi qù, shì ma?They
didn't go yesterday, right?
- 你 没 来 过, 是 吗 ? Nǐ méi lái guo,
shì ma?You haven't been here,
- 你 喜欢 我妹妹, 是 吗 ? Nǐ xǐhuan wǒ
mèimei, shì ma?You like my
younger sister, huh?
- 我们 去 你 家 , 好 吗 ? Wǒmen qù nǐ
jiā, hǎo ma?Let's go to your
place, OK?
- 不要 告诉 他 , 好 吗 ? Bùyào gàosu
tā, hǎo ma?Don't tell him,
- 今天 我们 都 不 喝酒, 好 吗 ?
Jīntiān wǒmen dōu bù hējiǔ, hǎo
ma?Let's all not drink alcohol
today, OK?
- 我 现在 想 去 洗手间, 可以 吗 ?Wǒ
xiànzài xiǎng qù xǐshǒujiān, kěyǐ
ma?I want to go to the bathroom now.
Is that OK?
- 妈妈,我 要 吃 巧克力 , 可以 吗 ?
Māma, wǒ yào chī qiǎokèlì, kěyǐ
ma?Mom, I want to eat chocolate. May
Sources and Further Reading
Category:A1 grammar points