Communicate-in-Russian-part2-1972.xml 133 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <?xml-model href="" schematypens=""?>
  3. <book xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="5.0"
  4. xml:lang="en">
  5. <info>
  6. <title>Communicate in Russian</title>
  7. <subtitle>Part 2 (1972)</subtitle>
  8. <date>1972</date>
  9. <author xmlns:xi=""
  10. xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:ns4=""
  11. xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns="">
  12. <orgname>Dade County Public Schools, Miami, Fla.</orgname>
  13. </author>
  14. <abstract>
  15. <para>This second volume of a three-part series intended to follow the Quinmester course
  16. "Survive a Russian Party" prescribes broad goals and performance objectives for the
  17. development of listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills. Cultural objectives
  18. and desirable student attitudes are suggested. Students take an imaginary flight to
  19. Leningrad, tune in a radio broadcast by cosmonauts, and learn more of the
  20. communication process of the Russian language, including idiomatic expressions and
  21. how to use direct objects. The course uses units 6, 7, and 8 of "A-LM Russian" as
  22. basic text material. A vocabulary list and references are included. For the
  23. companion documents, see FL 003 640 and FL 003 643. (RL)</para>
  24. </abstract>
  25. </info>
  26. <colophon xmlns:xi=""
  27. xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:ns4=""
  28. xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns="">
  33. <figure>
  34. <title>Communicate-in-Russian-part2-1972-1.png</title>
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  41. </figure>
  42. <note>
  43. <para>Document edited by Eric Streit (<email></email>) (May 2012) in
  44. docbook format.</para>
  45. <para>PDF and Epub versions available on <uri></uri></para>
  46. <para>Russian part checked by Goulya Streit (<email></email>)</para>
  47. </note>
  48. </colophon>
  49. <acknowledgements xmlns:xi=""
  50. xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:ns4=""
  51. xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns="">
  52. <informaltable colsep="0" frame="none" rowsep="0">
  53. <tgroup cols="1">
  54. <colspec align="center" colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  55. <thead>
  56. <row>
  57. <entry>DADE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD</entry>
  58. </row>
  59. <row>
  60. <entry/>
  61. </row>
  62. </thead>
  63. <tbody>
  64. <row>
  65. <entry>Mr. William Lehman, Chairman</entry>
  66. </row>
  67. <row>
  68. <entry>Mr. G. Holmes Braddock, Vice-Chairman</entry>
  69. </row>
  70. <row>
  71. <entry>Mrs. Ethel Beckham</entry>
  72. </row>
  73. <row>
  74. <entry>Mrs. Crutcher Harrison</entry>
  75. </row>
  76. <row>
  77. <entry>Mrs. Anna Brenner Meyers</entry>
  78. </row>
  79. <row>
  80. <entry>Dr. Ben Sheppard</entry>
  81. </row>
  82. <row>
  83. <entry>Mr. William H. Turner</entry>
  84. </row>
  85. <row>
  86. <entry/>
  87. </row>
  88. <row>
  89. <entry/>
  90. </row>
  91. <row>
  92. <entry>Dr. E. L. Whigham, Superintendent of Schools</entry>
  93. </row>
  94. <row>
  95. <entry/>
  96. </row>
  97. <row>
  98. <entry>Dade County Public Schools</entry>
  99. </row>
  100. <row>
  101. <entry>Miami, Florida 33132</entry>
  102. </row>
  103. <row>
  104. <entry>Published by the Dade County School Board</entry>
  105. </row>
  106. </tbody>
  107. </tgroup>
  108. </informaltable>
  109. </acknowledgements>
  110. <preface>
  111. <title>Course description</title>
  112. <para>The student will take a flight to Leningrad - the Venice of the North. He will tune in
  113. to a radio broadcast by cosmonauts. He will learn more of the communication process of
  114. this language, including idiomatic expressions and how to use direct objects.</para>
  115. <para>The student's vocabulary will grow, and he will begin to be able to function in more
  116. complicated Russian. Success in this course will depend upon the degree with which the
  117. student controls the material of the previous quins.</para>
  118. <para>The course uses units 6,7 and 8 of ALM RUSSIAN as basic text material.</para>
  119. </preface>
  120. <preface>
  121. <title>Broad goals and performance objectives<footnote>
  122. <para> These objectives are presented in five skills groups: listening (L), speaking
  123. (S), reading (R), writing (W), culture (C), and a sixth group called attitudes
  124. (A) The letter-numbers used here will have corresponding letter-numbers in the
  125. evaluation section for this course to help relate objectives to evaluation
  126. sample..</para>
  127. </footnote></title>
  128. <para>These minimum goals will be achieved with 70% accuracy by a majority of the class
  129. unless otherwise specified:</para>
  130. <para>
  131. <orderedlist>
  132. <listitem>
  133. <para><emphasis role="bold">Listening</emphasis> The learner at the end of this
  134. course, according to his level of maturity and achievement will:<variablelist>
  135. <varlistentry>
  136. <term>L-1</term>
  137. <listitem>
  138. <para>discriminate between stressed and unstressed vowels by
  139. indicating whether the first vowel of an orally presented
  140. word is stressed or unstressed</para>
  141. </listitem>
  142. </varlistentry>
  143. <varlistentry>
  144. <term>L-2</term>
  145. <listitem>
  146. <para>distinguish between orally presented questions and
  147. statements, based upon inflection at the end of a sentence,
  148. by marking the proper column on an answer sheet with 80%
  149. accuracy.</para>
  150. </listitem>
  151. </varlistentry>
  152. <varlistentry>
  153. <term>L-3</term>
  154. <listitem>
  155. <para>determine gender and number of person or persons addressed
  156. in an orally presented dialog, and indicate the appropriate
  157. gender.</para>
  158. </listitem>
  159. </varlistentry>
  160. <varlistentry>
  161. <term>L-4</term>
  162. <listitem>
  163. <para>demonstrate comprehension of spoken Russian by indicating
  164. which of two orally presented answers to each orally
  165. presented question is correct.</para>
  166. </listitem>
  167. </varlistentry>
  168. </variablelist></para>
  169. </listitem>
  170. <listitem>
  171. <para><emphasis role="bold">Speaking</emphasis> According to his levels of
  172. maturity and achievement and in a manner acceptable to the teacher, the
  173. student will:<variablelist>
  174. <varlistentry>
  175. <term>S-1</term>
  176. <listitem>
  177. <para>pronounce Russian words sampling stressed and unstressed
  178. vowels after hearing the model. Hearing any average length
  179. sentence on content taught, the learner will imitate with
  180. 90% accuracy in the time allotted.</para>
  181. </listitem>
  182. </varlistentry>
  183. <varlistentry>
  184. <term>S-2</term>
  185. <listitem>
  186. <para>speak with acceptable Russian pronunciation, intonation,
  187. juncture and stress in a free response situation using
  188. previously learned Russian content or recombinations
  189. thereof.</para>
  190. </listitem>
  191. </varlistentry>
  192. <varlistentry>
  193. <term>S-3</term>
  194. <listitem>
  195. <para>perform necessary changes in form and order as regards the
  196. following oral drills ( person-number, substitution,
  197. replacement etc. ):<itemizedlist>
  198. <listitem>
  199. <para>-a, person-number agreement of first and
  200. second conjugation verbs in contrast.</para>
  201. </listitem>
  202. <listitem>
  203. <para>-b. plural of nouns</para>
  204. </listitem>
  205. <listitem>
  206. <para>-c. long-form adjectives</para>
  207. </listitem>
  208. <listitem>
  209. <para>-d. adjective-noun agreement</para>
  210. </listitem>
  211. <listitem>
  212. <para>-e. reflexive verb usage</para>
  213. </listitem>
  214. <listitem>
  215. <para>-f. the accusative case of nouns and
  216. adjectives</para>
  217. </listitem>
  218. <listitem>
  219. <para>-g possessive adjectives in the accusative
  220. case</para>
  221. </listitem>
  222. <listitem>
  223. <para>-h. personal pronouns in the accusative
  224. case.</para>
  225. </listitem>
  226. </itemizedlist>
  227. </para>
  228. </listitem>
  229. </varlistentry>
  230. <varlistentry>
  231. <term>S-4</term>
  232. <listitem>
  233. <para>answer questions about his usual activities or material
  234. studied. Hearing five questions, the learn will answer
  235. orally three.</para>
  236. </listitem>
  237. </varlistentry>
  238. <varlistentry>
  239. <term>S-5</term>
  240. <listitem>
  241. <para>ask questions about his usual activities or material
  242. studied. Hearing five statements, the learner will ask an
  243. appropriate question to produce at least three of the
  244. statements.</para>
  245. </listitem>
  246. </varlistentry>
  247. </variablelist></para>
  248. </listitem>
  249. <listitem>
  250. <para><emphasis role="bold">Reading</emphasis> According to his level of
  251. maturity and achievement, the student will:<variablelist>
  252. <varlistentry>
  253. <term>R-1</term>
  254. <listitem>
  255. <para>read aloud from a printed list of familiar Russian words
  256. sampling stressed and unstressed vowels with special
  257. attention given to correct pronunciation of the vowels.
  258. Accuracy level - 80%.</para>
  259. </listitem>
  260. </varlistentry>
  261. <varlistentry>
  262. <term>R-2</term>
  263. <listitem>
  264. <para>read (orally) familiar material in sentence form with
  265. pronunciation, meaningful intonation, stress and juncture
  266. judged to be acceptable to a native speaker in 80% of
  267. sentences attempted.</para>
  268. </listitem>
  269. </varlistentry>
  270. <varlistentry>
  271. <term>R-3a</term>
  272. <listitem>
  273. <para>demonstrate direct reading comprehension in Russian of
  274. material already mastered audio-lingually by selecting the
  275. correct printed answers to printed questions on a short
  276. printed selection.</para>
  277. </listitem>
  278. </varlistentry>
  279. <varlistentry>
  280. <term>R-3b</term>
  281. <listitem>
  282. <para>prove his skill of reading especially written materials
  283. that introduce new vocabulary and grammar progressively.
  284. Given a paragraph of such content, the student will answer
  285. in either language seven of ten comprehension
  286. questions.</para>
  287. </listitem>
  288. </varlistentry>
  289. </variablelist></para>
  290. </listitem>
  291. <listitem>
  292. <para><emphasis role="bold">Writing</emphasis> According to his level of
  293. maturity and achievement, the student will:<variablelist>
  294. <varlistentry>
  295. <term>W-1</term>
  296. <listitem>
  297. <para>copy correctly in Cyrillic script from Cyrillic print any
  298. previously audio-lingually mastered material.</para>
  299. </listitem>
  300. </varlistentry>
  301. <varlistentry>
  302. <term>W-2</term>
  303. <listitem>
  304. <para> write in Cyrillic script from dictation of familiar
  305. idiomatic expressions and "dialogs" mastered
  306. audio­lingually.</para>
  307. </listitem>
  308. </varlistentry>
  309. <varlistentry>
  310. <term>W-3</term>
  311. <listitem>
  312. <para>
  313. <itemizedlist>
  314. <listitem>
  315. <para>-a write exercises requiring minimal
  316. structural changes. Given any ten sentences with
  317. one change only in each, the learner will write
  318. seven correctly.</para>
  319. </listitem>
  320. <listitem>
  321. <para>-b rewrite printed sentences in Cyrillic
  322. script changing the subject from singular to
  323. plural, and making all additional necessary
  324. changes.</para>
  325. </listitem>
  326. <listitem>
  327. <para>-c write short complete sentences in answer to
  328. printed or oral questions.</para>
  329. </listitem>
  330. </itemizedlist>
  331. </para>
  332. </listitem>
  333. </varlistentry>
  334. </variablelist></para>
  335. </listitem>
  336. <listitem>
  337. <para><emphasis role="bold">Culture</emphasis> According to his level of
  338. maturity and achievement, the student will:<variablelist>
  339. <varlistentry>
  340. <term>C-1</term>
  341. <listitem>
  342. <para>show comprehension of cultural differences on topics
  343. discussed in this quin.<itemizedlist>
  344. <listitem>
  345. <para>a- Given ten statements on education, the
  346. student will indicate if the statement applies to
  347. Russia, the USA, or both by marking R,U, or В
  348. beside each statement.</para>
  349. </listitem>
  350. <listitem>
  351. <para>b- Given "Air Travel," "Space Exploration,"
  352. and "The Soviet School Day," as topics for a
  353. report, the student will choose one and make a ten
  354. minute presentation to the class.</para>
  355. </listitem>
  356. </itemizedlist></para>
  357. </listitem>
  358. </varlistentry>
  359. <varlistentry>
  360. <term>C-2</term>
  361. <listitem>
  362. <para>report upon current events which support the practicality
  363. of studying the target language.</para>
  364. </listitem>
  365. </varlistentry>
  366. <varlistentry>
  367. <term>C-3</term>
  368. <listitem>
  369. <para>sing-along with folk music records and make observations
  370. about their influence on serious Russian music.</para>
  371. </listitem>
  372. </varlistentry>
  373. </variablelist></para>
  374. </listitem>
  375. <listitem>
  376. <para><emphasis role="bold">Attitudes</emphasis> The learner<variablelist>
  377. <varlistentry>
  378. <term>A-1</term>
  379. <listitem>
  380. <para> is aware of various reasons for studying a foreign
  381. language as evidenced in participation in discussion groups,
  382. research projects and making of art.</para>
  383. </listitem>
  384. </varlistentry>
  385. <varlistentry>
  386. <term>A-2</term>
  387. <listitem>
  388. <para>wishes to continue studying a foreign language as
  389. evidenced by responses on an attitudinal
  390. questionnaire.</para>
  391. </listitem>
  392. </varlistentry>
  393. <varlistentry>
  394. <term>A-3</term>
  395. <listitem>
  396. <para>seeks additional knowledge, joins a language club, or
  397. corresponds with a pen pal.</para>
  398. </listitem>
  399. </varlistentry>
  400. </variablelist></para>
  401. </listitem>
  402. </orderedlist>
  403. </para>
  404. </preface>
  405. <chapter>
  406. <title>Course content</title>
  407. <para>
  408. <orderedlist numeration="upperroman">
  409. <listitem>
  410. <para>My first Plane Trip (3 weeks)<orderedlist numeration="upperalpha">
  411. <listitem>
  412. <para>Conversations topics<orderedlist>
  413. <listitem>
  414. <para>Actions<orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
  415. <listitem>
  416. <para>being busy</para>
  417. </listitem>
  418. <listitem>
  419. <para>being late</para>
  420. </listitem>
  421. <listitem>
  422. <para>resting</para>
  423. </listitem>
  424. <listitem>
  425. <para>checking (baggage, tickets, etc. )</para>
  426. </listitem>
  427. <listitem>
  428. <para>selling (tickets, etc.)</para>
  429. </listitem>
  430. <listitem>
  431. <para>conversing</para>
  432. </listitem>
  433. </orderedlist></para>
  434. </listitem>
  435. <listitem>
  436. <para>Taking a plane trip<orderedlist
  437. numeration="loweralpha">
  438. <listitem>
  439. <para>taxi</para>
  440. </listitem>
  441. <listitem>
  442. <para>airport</para>
  443. </listitem>
  444. <listitem>
  445. <para>flight</para>
  446. </listitem>
  447. </orderedlist></para>
  448. </listitem>
  449. <listitem>
  450. <para>Asking for<orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
  451. <listitem>
  452. <para>telephone</para>
  453. </listitem>
  454. <listitem>
  455. <para>newsstand</para>
  456. </listitem>
  457. <listitem>
  458. <para>the porter etc.</para>
  459. </listitem>
  460. </orderedlist></para>
  461. </listitem>
  462. </orderedlist></para>
  463. </listitem>
  464. <listitem>
  465. <para>Grammar explanations<orderedlist>
  466. <listitem>
  467. <para>comparison of <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase
  468. xml:lang="ru">там</foreignphrase></emphasis> and
  469. <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  470. >туда</foreignphrase></emphasis></para>
  471. </listitem>
  472. <listitem>
  473. <para> comparison of <emphasis role="bold"
  474. ><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  475. >просить</foreignphrase></emphasis> and <emphasis
  476. role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  477. >спрашивать</foreignphrase></emphasis> .</para>
  478. </listitem>
  479. <listitem>
  480. <para> the second conjugation of verbs</para>
  481. </listitem>
  482. <listitem>
  483. <para>the plural of nouns</para>
  484. </listitem>
  485. <listitem>
  486. <para>spelling rules</para>
  487. </listitem>
  488. </orderedlist></para>
  489. </listitem>
  490. <listitem>
  491. <para>Introduction of narrative and questions</para>
  492. </listitem>
  493. <listitem>
  494. <para>Culture<orderedlist>
  495. <listitem>
  496. <para>research on air travel in the USSR.</para>
  497. </listitem>
  498. <listitem>
  499. <para>song, "<emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase
  500. xml:lang="ru"
  501. >Katyusha</foreignphrase></emphasis>"</para>
  502. </listitem>
  503. </orderedlist></para>
  504. </listitem>
  505. </orderedlist></para>
  506. </listitem>
  507. <listitem>
  508. <para>Tass Reports ( 3 weeks )<orderedlist numeration="upperalpha">
  509. <listitem>
  510. <para>Conversation topics<orderedlist>
  511. <listitem>
  512. <para>Doing<orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
  513. <listitem>
  514. <para>studying</para>
  515. </listitem>
  516. <listitem>
  517. <para>transmitting</para>
  518. </listitem>
  519. <listitem>
  520. <para>continuing to _____</para>
  521. </listitem>
  522. <listitem>
  523. <para>working</para>
  524. </listitem>
  525. <listitem>
  526. <para>reporting</para>
  527. </listitem>
  528. <listitem>
  529. <para>feeling</para>
  530. </listitem>
  531. </orderedlist></para>
  532. </listitem>
  533. <listitem>
  534. <para>family members</para>
  535. </listitem>
  536. <listitem>
  537. <para>qualities<orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
  538. <listitem>
  539. <para>energetic</para>
  540. </listitem>
  541. <listitem>
  542. <para>lazy</para>
  543. </listitem>
  544. <listitem>
  545. <para>nice</para>
  546. </listitem>
  547. </orderedlist></para>
  548. </listitem>
  549. <listitem>
  550. <para>mastery of additional vocabulary</para>
  551. </listitem>
  552. </orderedlist></para>
  553. </listitem>
  554. <listitem>
  555. <para>Grammar explanations<orderedlist>
  556. <listitem>
  557. <para>masculine and feminine forms of most
  558. surnames</para>
  559. </listitem>
  560. <listitem>
  561. <para>long-form adjectives</para>
  562. </listitem>
  563. <listitem>
  564. <para>the demonstrative pronoun <emphasis role="bold"
  565. ><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  566. >этот</foreignphrase></emphasis> .</para>
  567. </listitem>
  568. </orderedlist></para>
  569. </listitem>
  570. <listitem>
  571. <para>More extensive writing</para>
  572. </listitem>
  573. <listitem>
  574. <para>More extensive recombination exercises</para>
  575. </listitem>
  576. <listitem>
  577. <para> Cultures research, song "Evenings Around Moscow"</para>
  578. </listitem>
  579. </orderedlist></para>
  580. </listitem>
  581. <listitem>
  582. <para>The School Year Begins ( 3 weeks )<orderedlist numeration="upperalpha">
  583. <listitem>
  584. <para> Conversation topics<orderedlist>
  585. <listitem>
  586. <para>Actions<orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
  587. <listitem>
  588. <para>entering</para>
  589. </listitem>
  590. <listitem>
  591. <para>teaching</para>
  592. </listitem>
  593. <listitem>
  594. <para>liking</para>
  595. </listitem>
  596. </orderedlist></para>
  597. </listitem>
  598. <listitem>
  599. <para> Summer vacation</para>
  600. </listitem>
  601. <listitem>
  602. <para>Colors</para>
  603. </listitem>
  604. <listitem>
  605. <para>I still have to buy a _____:<orderedlist
  606. numeration="loweralpha">
  607. <listitem>
  608. <para>shirt</para>
  609. </listitem>
  610. <listitem>
  611. <para>blouse</para>
  612. </listitem>
  613. <listitem>
  614. <para>ticket</para>
  615. </listitem>
  616. </orderedlist></para>
  617. </listitem>
  618. <listitem>
  619. <para>Mastery of additional vocabulary</para>
  620. </listitem>
  621. </orderedlist></para>
  622. </listitem>
  623. <listitem>
  624. <para>Grammar explanations<orderedlist>
  625. <listitem>
  626. <para>reflexive verbs</para>
  627. </listitem>
  628. <listitem>
  629. <para>verb stems ending in <emphasis role="bold"
  630. ><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  631. >6</foreignphrase></emphasis>, <emphasis
  632. role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  633. >в</foreignphrase></emphasis>, <emphasis
  634. role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  635. >м</foreignphrase></emphasis> and <emphasis
  636. role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  637. >п</foreignphrase></emphasis> add <emphasis
  638. role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  639. >л</foreignphrase></emphasis> .</para>
  640. </listitem>
  641. <listitem>
  642. <para>the accusative singular of nouns, adjectives and
  643. possessive, demonstrative and personal
  644. pronouns</para>
  645. </listitem>
  646. </orderedlist></para>
  647. </listitem>
  648. <listitem>
  649. <para>Introduction of reading Cyrillic script</para>
  650. </listitem>
  651. <listitem>
  652. <para> Introduction of rewriting paragraphs</para>
  653. </listitem>
  654. <listitem>
  655. <para>Culture<orderedlist>
  656. <listitem>
  657. <para>Research topic - Soviet education</para>
  658. </listitem>
  659. <listitem>
  660. <para>Song - "Song About a Friend”</para>
  661. </listitem>
  662. </orderedlist></para>
  663. </listitem>
  664. </orderedlist></para>
  665. </listitem>
  666. </orderedlist>
  667. </para>
  668. </chapter>
  669. <chapter>
  670. <title>Expansion of materials</title>
  671. <para>This course is intended to follow the Dade County Board of Public Instruction,
  672. Division of Instruction's course #7543.02, entitled COMMUNICATE IN RUSSIAN, Part
  673. 1.</para>
  674. <para>All three units presented in this course (Part 2), utilize typical audio-lingual
  675. methods and procedures. A review of the same prior to instruction will prove beneficial
  676. to the instructor.</para>
  677. <para>It is felt that the teacher's edition and supplementary materials from the publisher
  678. provide thorough expansion of text content.</para>
  679. <para>Items dealing with culture may be handled in many ways. It is suggested that some
  680. regular exposure to Russian culture will maintain the initial enthusiasm with which most
  681. students of this language begin. This can be through films, slides, posters, records and
  682. tapes. The picture section of <emphasis role="bold">ALM Russian I</emphasis>. Second
  683. Edition, lends itself to further research and class discussion. Long range projects will
  684. spring from interests generated here.</para>
  685. <para>Library usage is strongly recommended as a valuable independent study tool, and may be
  686. employed either as an in or out class activity.</para>
  687. <para>Non-singers should make use of records even more -than those teachers who might be
  688. able to lead the class in the singing of folk and popular tunes. While there are not
  689. always immediate choruses developing from classes. eventually most all of the students
  690. will sing along. Some success has been met by playing records at the beginning or end of
  691. class without any apparent intent of teaching, both to familiarize the class with the
  692. melodies and words and to set the mood for a pleasant experience - perhaps a little less
  693. sterile than verbs and nouns.</para>
  694. <para>Should time remain after the teacher has been satisfied that the objectives of this
  695. course have been met, proceed to the next unit. If at the beginning of this course it is
  696. found that students have not completed the previous quin or its equivalent, the teacher
  697. should seek the average level of the class and then proceed. Thus a more solid
  698. foundation can be established prior to presenting the units herein described.</para>
  699. </chapter>
  700. <chapter>
  701. <title>Sample evaluation</title>
  702. <para>
  703. <variablelist>
  704. <varlistentry>
  705. <term>L-1</term>
  706. <listitem>
  707. <para>Listen to the following list of words. Decide whether the first vowel
  708. of each word is stressed or unstressed. Indicate your choice by writing
  709. either "S" (stressed), or "U" (unstressed) on your paper in the space
  710. provided.</para>
  711. <para><emphasis role="bold">EXAMPLE</emphasis>: You hear <emphasis
  712. role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  713. >радио</foreignphrase></emphasis> . You mark your paper "S," because
  714. the <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  715. >а</foreignphrase></emphasis> in <emphasis role="bold"
  716. ><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">ра́дио</foreignphrase></emphasis>
  717. is stressed.</para>
  718. <para>Ready?<informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  719. <tgroup cols="4">
  720. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  721. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="5.0*"/>
  722. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  723. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="5.0*"/>
  724. <tbody>
  725. <row>
  726. <entry>1.</entry>
  727. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  728. >хорошо</foreignphrase></entry>
  729. <entry>6.</entry>
  730. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  731. >мороз</foreignphrase></entry>
  732. </row>
  733. <row>
  734. <entry>2.</entry>
  735. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  736. >студент</foreignphrase></entry>
  737. <entry>7.</entry>
  738. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  739. >глупый</foreignphrase></entry>
  740. </row>
  741. <row>
  742. <entry>3.</entry>
  743. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  744. >дама</foreignphrase></entry>
  745. <entry>8.</entry>
  746. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  747. >отец</foreignphrase></entry>
  748. </row>
  749. <row>
  750. <entry>4.</entry>
  751. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  752. >брат</foreignphrase></entry>
  753. <entry>9.</entry>
  754. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  755. >сестра</foreignphrase></entry>
  756. </row>
  757. <row>
  758. <entry>5.</entry>
  759. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  760. >учитель</foreignphrase></entry>
  761. <entry>10.</entry>
  762. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  763. >угол</foreignphrase></entry>
  764. </row>
  765. </tbody>
  766. </tgroup>
  767. </informaltable></para>
  768. </listitem>
  769. </varlistentry>
  770. <varlistentry>
  771. <term>L-2</term>
  772. <listitem>
  773. <para>Listen to the following sentences. Decide whether it is a question or
  774. a statement, based on the end inflection (melody) of the sentence. Mark
  775. your paper either "Q" (question), or "S" (statement) in the pause
  776. provided.</para>
  777. <para><emphasis role="bold">EXAMPLE</emphasis>: You hear: <foreignphrase
  778. xml:lang="ru">ты идёшь домой?</foreignphrase>
  779. </para>
  780. <para>You mark your paper with "Q," because the inflection went up,
  781. indicating that <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">ты идёшь
  782. домой?</foreignphrase> is a question.</para>
  783. <para>Ready?<informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  784. <tgroup cols="2">
  785. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  786. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="11.0*"/>
  787. <tbody>
  788. <row>
  789. <entry>1.</entry>
  790. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Ты идёшь
  791. домой?</foreignphrase></entry>
  792. </row>
  793. <row>
  794. <entry>2.</entry>
  795. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Парад
  796. сегодня!</foreignphrase></entry>
  797. </row>
  798. <row>
  799. <entry>3.</entry>
  800. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Парад
  801. вечером?</foreignphrase></entry>
  802. </row>
  803. <row>
  804. <entry>4.</entry>
  805. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Миша твой
  806. брат?</foreignphrase></entry>
  807. </row>
  808. <row>
  809. <entry>5.</entry>
  810. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Это ваша
  811. учительница?</foreignphrase></entry>
  812. </row>
  813. <row>
  814. <entry>etc.</entry>
  815. <entry/>
  816. </row>
  817. </tbody>
  818. </tgroup>
  819. </informaltable></para>
  820. </listitem>
  821. </varlistentry>
  822. <varlistentry>
  823. <term>L-3</term>
  824. <listitem>
  825. <para>You will hear some questions and statements. Some are addressed to one
  826. person, some to more than one; some are addressed to males, others to
  827. females, Indicate the grammatical number (S- singular, or P- plural) and
  828. the gender (M- masculine, or F- feminine) of the person or persons
  829. addressed in these sentences. Note that you may not always be able to
  830. determine both the number and gender.</para>
  831. <para>When you wish to indicate this inability to determine something, use a
  832. question mark.</para>
  833. <para><emphasis role="bold">EXAMPLES</emphasis>: <orderedlist>
  834. <listitem>
  835. <para>You hear <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase
  836. xml:lang="ru">Ваня, это твой
  837. брат?</foreignphrase></emphasis> On your paper you mark
  838. "S" for singular and "M" for masculine.</para>
  839. </listitem>
  840. <listitem>
  841. <para>You hear <emphasis role="bold"><foreignphrase
  842. xml:lang="ru">Куда ты
  843. идёшь?</foreignphrase></emphasis> You know that it is
  844. singular, because of the word <emphasis role="bold"
  845. ><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  846. >ты</foreignphrase></emphasis>, but you cannot determine
  847. the gender, so your paper should read "S" "?". </para>
  848. </listitem>
  849. </orderedlist></para>
  850. </listitem>
  851. </varlistentry>
  852. <varlistentry>
  853. <term>L-4</term>
  854. <listitem>
  855. <para>You will hear a series of questions. After each question, you will
  856. hear two answers, "A" and "B". Only one is correct. Indicate the choice
  857. on your paper.</para>
  858. <para><emphasis role="bold">EXAMPLE</emphasis>: You hear <emphasis
  859. role="bold"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Он
  860. читает?</foreignphrase></emphasis></para>
  861. <para>Then you hear <itemizedlist>
  862. <listitem>
  863. <para>А-<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"> Нет, говорит по
  864. телефону.</foreignphrase></para>
  865. </listitem>
  866. <listitem>
  867. <para>В- <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Нет, говорю по
  868. телефону.</foreignphrase></para>
  869. </listitem>
  870. </itemizedlist></para>
  871. <para>You mark A on your answer sheet because it correctly answers the
  872. Question <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Он читает</foreignphrase>? </para>
  873. <para>Ready?<informaltable frame="all" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  874. <tgroup cols="2">
  875. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  876. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="11.0*"/>
  877. <tbody>
  878. <row>
  879. <entry>1.</entry>
  880. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Они
  881. разговаривают?</foreignphrase></entry>
  882. </row>
  883. <row>
  884. <entry>A-</entry>
  885. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Нет,
  886. молчат.</foreignphrase></entry>
  887. </row>
  888. <row>
  889. <entry>B-</entry>
  890. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Нет,
  891. молчит.</foreignphrase></entry>
  892. </row>
  893. <row>
  894. <entry>2.</entry>
  895. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Он
  896. свободен?</foreignphrase></entry>
  897. </row>
  898. <row>
  899. <entry>A-</entry>
  900. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Да,
  901. отдыхает.</foreignphrase></entry>
  902. </row>
  903. <row>
  904. <entry>B-</entry>
  905. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Да,
  906. отдыхают.</foreignphrase></entry>
  907. </row>
  908. <row>
  909. <entry>etc.</entry>
  910. <entry/>
  911. </row>
  912. </tbody>
  913. </tgroup>
  914. </informaltable></para>
  915. </listitem>
  916. </varlistentry>
  917. <varlistentry>
  918. <term>S-1</term>
  919. <listitem>
  920. <para>Number your paper from 1 to 10. This is an individual oral evaluation.
  921. You will hear ten words. You are to imitate each one» paying particular
  922. attention to the stress. You will be marked either PLUS or MINUS for
  923. each response. Plus indicates that you could have been understood by a
  924. native speaker, while MINUS indicates the opposite.</para>
  925. <para><emphasis role="bold">SAMPLE WORDS FOR THE TEACHER</emphasis>:
  926. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">автобус</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase
  927. xml:lang="ru">биология</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  928. >назначенный</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  929. >разговаривать</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">и
  930. тд</foreignphrase>.</para>
  931. </listitem>
  932. </varlistentry>
  933. <varlistentry>
  934. <term>S-2</term>
  935. <listitem>
  936. <para>Number your paper from 1 to 5. Then place these letters across the top
  937. of the pages "Р" "I" "J" and "S". This is an individual oral
  938. evaluation.. You will hear five questions or statements. After each you
  939. are expected to make a logical rejoinder.</para>
  940. <para>You will be evaluated on pronunciation, intonation, juncture and
  941. stress. A check mark in any one of these columns indicates poor
  942. performance. An acceptable answer will receive no check marks. </para>
  943. <para><emphasis role="bold">SAMPLE SENTENCES FOR THE TEACHER</emphasis>:
  944. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Куда ты?</foreignphrase>
  945. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Здравствуй!</foreignphrase>
  946. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">какой сегодня фильм?</foreignphrase>
  947. <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Температура</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase
  948. xml:lang="ru">здесь</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  949. >кажется</foreignphrase>, <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"
  950. >нормальная</foreignphrase>!</para>
  951. </listitem>
  952. </varlistentry>
  953. <varlistentry>
  954. <term>S-3</term>
  955. <listitem>
  956. <para> (you are referred to the text - units 6-8 drills)</para>
  957. </listitem>
  958. </varlistentry>
  959. <varlistentry>
  960. <term>S-4</term>
  961. <listitem>
  962. <para>Answer any three of the following five questions orally</para>
  963. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Пора завтракать?</foreignphrase></para>
  964. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Куда ты идёшь?</foreignphrase></para>
  965. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Сегодня хороший
  966. фильм?</foreignphrase></para>
  967. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Какие это
  968. пластинки?</foreignphrase></para>
  969. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Парад здесь
  970. сегодня?</foreignphrase></para>
  971. </listitem>
  972. </varlistentry>
  973. <varlistentry>
  974. <term>S-5</term>
  975. <listitem>
  976. <para>You will hear five statements. You are to give questions which would
  977. be logical precedes of three of the statements.</para>
  978. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Недалеко!</foreignphrase></para>
  979. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Его любимый предмет
  980. химия.</foreignphrase></para>
  981. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Домой.</foreignphrase></para>
  982. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Да!</foreignphrase></para>
  983. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Карандаш.</foreignphrase></para>
  984. </listitem>
  985. </varlistentry>
  986. <varlistentry>
  987. <term>R-1</term>
  988. <listitem>
  989. <para>Number your paper from 1-10. You will be asked to read a list of
  990. familiar Russian words aloud. You will be evaluated on your
  991. pronunciation of stressed and unstressed vowels.</para>
  992. <para><emphasis role="bold">PLUS</emphasis> - indicates satisfactory
  993. pronunciation. <emphasis role="bold">MINUS</emphasis> indicates poor
  994. pronunciation.</para>
  995. </listitem>
  996. </varlistentry>
  997. <varlistentry>
  998. <term>R-2</term>
  999. <listitem>
  1000. <para>Number your paper from 1-5. Then place these letters across the top of
  1001. the pages "Р" "I" "J" "S". You . will be asked to read five Russian
  1002. sentences containing familiar words, aloud. You will be evaluated on
  1003. pronunciation, intonation, juncture and stress.</para>
  1004. <para>A check mark in any one of these columns indicates poor performance in
  1005. that area. An acceptable answer will receive no check marks.</para>
  1006. </listitem>
  1007. </varlistentry>
  1008. <varlistentry>
  1009. <term>R-3a</term>
  1010. <listitem>
  1011. <para> Read the following selection. Following it are five questions and
  1012. five pairs of answers. Show complete comprehension of printed Russian by
  1013. reading the selection, questions and answers, and by indicating the
  1014. correct answers to each question.</para>
  1015. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Мы летим в Волгоград. Это мой первый
  1016. полёт. Моя сестра, маша и я сидим и разговариваем. Я смотрю в окно.
  1017. Влади уже вижу город. как это интересно
  1018. лететь.</foreignphrase><informaltable frame="all" xml:lang="ru">
  1019. <tgroup cols="3">
  1020. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  1021. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="5.5*"/>
  1022. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="5.5*"/>
  1023. <tbody>
  1024. <row>
  1025. <entry>1.</entry>
  1026. <entry>Куда они летят? </entry>
  1027. <entry>
  1028. <para>A - Ленинград </para>
  1029. <para>B- Волгоград</para>
  1030. </entry>
  1031. </row>
  1032. <row>
  1033. <entry>2.</entry>
  1034. <entry>
  1035. <para>Почему он всё смотрит в окно? </para>
  1036. </entry>
  1037. <entry>
  1038. <para>A - Это его первый полёт.</para>
  1039. <para>B - Он энергичный.</para>
  1040. </entry>
  1041. </row>
  1042. <row>
  1043. <entry>3.</entry>
  1044. <entry>Он летит один? Кто тоже летит?</entry>
  1045. <entry>
  1046. <para>A - Да - он один.</para>
  1047. <para>B - Нет, сестра тоже летит.</para>
  1048. </entry>
  1049. </row>
  1050. <row>
  1051. <entry>4.</entry>
  1052. <entry>
  1053. <para>что делает Маша и Ваня? </para>
  1054. </entry>
  1055. <entry>
  1056. <para>A — разговаривают</para>
  1057. <para>B - читают журнал</para>
  1058. </entry>
  1059. </row>
  1060. <row>
  1061. <entry>5.</entry>
  1062. <entry>Он любит лететь?</entry>
  1063. <entry>
  1064. <para>A - Нет, он нервный.</para>
  1065. <para>B - Да! это интересно.</para>
  1066. </entry>
  1067. </row>
  1068. </tbody>
  1069. </tgroup>
  1070. </informaltable></para>
  1071. </listitem>
  1072. </varlistentry>
  1073. <varlistentry>
  1074. <term>R-3b</term>
  1075. <listitem>
  1076. <para>Read the following selection which includes some new vocabulary.
  1077. Answer three of the four questions which follow the selection.</para>
  1078. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Сегодня первый день учебного года. Я сижу
  1079. около окна. Скоро входит учитель и мы все встаём, учитель говорит о
  1080. физике. Он говорит что Исаак Ньютон первый великий
  1081. физик.</foreignphrase></para>
  1082. <para>
  1083. <orderedlist>
  1084. <listitem>
  1085. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Какой сегодня
  1086. день?</foreignphrase></para>
  1087. </listitem>
  1088. <listitem>
  1089. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Где сидит
  1090. автор?</foreignphrase></para>
  1091. </listitem>
  1092. <listitem>
  1093. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Почему они
  1094. встают?</foreignphrase></para>
  1095. </listitem>
  1096. <listitem>
  1097. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Учитель говорит о
  1098. математике.</foreignphrase></para>
  1099. </listitem>
  1100. </orderedlist>
  1101. </para>
  1102. </listitem>
  1103. </varlistentry>
  1104. <varlistentry>
  1105. <term>W-1</term>
  1106. <listitem>
  1107. <para>Copy the following printed selection in Cyrillic script:</para>
  1108. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Звонит будильник. Виктор быстро встаёт и
  1109. надевает форму - чёрные брюки и красный шарф. Сегодня Пятница. у
  1110. него сегодня его любимый предмет - математика. Он спешит. Первый
  1111. урок через двадцать минут.</foreignphrase></para>
  1112. </listitem>
  1113. </varlistentry>
  1114. <varlistentry>
  1115. <term>W-2</term>
  1116. <listitem>
  1117. <para>Write the following dictation» paying attention to spelling and
  1118. punctuations</para>
  1119. <para><emphasis role="bold">SAMPLE FOR THE TEACHER</emphasis>: </para>
  1120. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Смотри! школа украшена.
  1121. </foreignphrase></para>
  1122. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы не знакомы?</foreignphrase></para>
  1123. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Это новый ученик.</foreignphrase></para>
  1124. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Почему Кира
  1125. довольна?</foreignphrase></para>
  1126. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Она много
  1127. отдыхает!</foreignphrase></para>
  1128. </listitem>
  1129. </varlistentry>
  1130. <varlistentry>
  1131. <term>W-3a</term>
  1132. <listitem>
  1133. <para>Fill in the appropriate missing word in each sentences</para>
  1134. <para><emphasis role="bold">SAMPLES FOR THE TEACHER</emphasis>:</para>
  1135. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Он надевает _____
  1136. .</foreignphrase></para>
  1137. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Маша читает _____
  1138. .</foreignphrase></para>
  1139. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">ребята ждут _____
  1140. .</foreignphrase></para>
  1141. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Почему ты не _____
  1142. .</foreignphrase></para>
  1143. </listitem>
  1144. </varlistentry>
  1145. <varlistentry>
  1146. <term>W-3b</term>
  1147. <listitem>
  1148. <para>Rewrite the following sentences, changing the subject from singular to
  1149. plural. Make all other necessary changes.</para>
  1150. <para><emphasis role="bold">EXAMPLES FOR THE TEACHER</emphasis>:</para>
  1151. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Сегодня начинается новый <emphasis
  1152. role="bold">урок</emphasis>.</foreignphrase></para>
  1153. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru"><emphasis role="bold">Она</emphasis>
  1154. читает рассказ.</foreignphrase></para>
  1155. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Мальчик болен.</foreignphrase></para>
  1156. </listitem>
  1157. </varlistentry>
  1158. <varlistentry>
  1159. <term>W-3c</term>
  1160. <listitem>
  1161. <para>Write short, complete answers to the following oral questions:</para>
  1162. <para><emphasis role="bold">SAMPLES FOR THE TEACHER</emphasis>:</para>
  1163. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы ученик или
  1164. ученица?</foreignphrase></para>
  1165. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Сегодня пятница?</foreignphrase></para>
  1166. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Что ты теперь
  1167. делаешь?</foreignphrase></para>
  1168. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вы любите играть в
  1169. шахматы?</foreignphrase></para>
  1170. </listitem>
  1171. </varlistentry>
  1172. <varlistentry>
  1173. <term>C-1a</term>
  1174. <listitem>
  1175. <para>Read the following ten statements about EDUCATION. Decide whether they
  1176. apply to Russian education, United States education, or could apply to
  1177. both countries. Mark each statement "R" "U" or "B" to indicate to whom
  1178. the statements apply.</para>
  1179. <para><emphasis role="bold">SAMPLES FOR THE TEACHER</emphasis>:</para>
  1180. <para>
  1181. <orderedlist>
  1182. <listitem>
  1183. <para>Students rise when the teacher enters the room.</para>
  1184. </listitem>
  1185. <listitem>
  1186. <para>Students choose their colleges and universities.</para>
  1187. </listitem>
  1188. <listitem>
  1189. <para>Public kindergartens are provided.</para>
  1190. </listitem>
  1191. </orderedlist>
  1192. </para>
  1193. </listitem>
  1194. </varlistentry>
  1195. <varlistentry>
  1196. <term>C-1b</term>
  1197. <listitem>
  1198. <para>Make a ten minute oral report on "Air Travel,” "Space Exploration," or
  1199. "The Soviet School Day."</para>
  1200. </listitem>
  1201. </varlistentry>
  1202. <varlistentry>
  1203. <term>C-2</term>
  1204. <listitem>
  1205. <para>Make a scrapbook of paper clippings, etc., which support the
  1206. practicality of studying Russian as a modern foreign language.</para>
  1207. </listitem>
  1208. </varlistentry>
  1209. <varlistentry>
  1210. <term>C-3</term>
  1211. <listitem>
  1212. <para>Find information in the library which refers to the presence of, or
  1213. the importance of folk music in "classical" or "serious" Russian
  1214. music.</para>
  1215. </listitem>
  1216. </varlistentry>
  1217. <varlistentry>
  1218. <term>A-1,2,3</term>
  1219. <listitem>
  1220. <para>This is difficult to evaluate except for the pupils' active interest
  1221. in the language in all its phases and in the people who speak it. He
  1222. should display an attitude of sympathetic understanding toward the
  1223. culture, its people, and its language without developing an unrealistic
  1224. or unhealthy attitude toward communism. He should demonstrate his
  1225. awareness of some of the many reasons for studying Russian and perhaps
  1226. the best way to evaluate this would be by his desire to continue the
  1227. study of this language. To facilitate as objective an evaluation as
  1228. possible, the following guide for noting activities of each student
  1229. could be kept:</para>
  1230. <para><inlinemediaobject>
  1231. <imageobject>
  1232. <imagedata fileref="Images/images.png" width="8cm"/>
  1233. </imageobject>
  1234. </inlinemediaobject><inlinemediaobject>
  1235. <imageobject>
  1236. <imagedata fileref="Images/image2.png" width="3cm"/>
  1237. </imageobject>
  1238. </inlinemediaobject></para>
  1239. </listitem>
  1240. </varlistentry>
  1241. </variablelist>
  1242. </para>
  1243. </chapter>
  1244. <chapter>
  1245. <title><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Словарь</foreignphrase></title>
  1246. <para>
  1247. <informaltable frame="all" xml:lang="ru" pgwide="1">
  1248. <tgroup cols="3">
  1249. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  1250. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  1251. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  1252. <tbody>
  1253. <row>
  1254. <entry/>
  1255. <entry/>
  1256. <entry/>
  1257. </row>
  1258. <row>
  1259. <entry><emphasis role="bold"> ГЛАВА 6 </emphasis></entry>
  1260. <entry> </entry>
  1261. <entry> </entry>
  1262. </row>
  1263. <row>
  1264. <entry> автобус </entry>
  1265. <entry> маленький </entry>
  1266. <entry> сосед </entry>
  1267. </row>
  1268. <row>
  1269. <entry> автомобиль </entry>
  1270. <entry> лететь </entry>
  1271. <entry> справа </entry>
  1272. </row>
  1273. <row>
  1274. <entry> аэродром </entry>
  1275. <entry> машина </entry>
  1276. <entry> такси </entry>
  1277. </row>
  1278. <row>
  1279. <entry> багаж </entry>
  1280. <entry> медленно </entry>
  1281. <entry> телефон </entry>
  1282. </row>
  1283. <row>
  1284. <entry> билет </entry>
  1285. <entry> молчать </entry>
  1286. <entry> чемодан </entry>
  1287. </row>
  1288. <row>
  1289. <entry> больной </entry>
  1290. <entry> надо </entry>
  1291. <entry> через </entry>
  1292. </row>
  1293. <row>
  1294. <entry> бортпроводница </entry>
  1295. <entry> наконец </entry>
  1296. <entry> </entry>
  1297. </row>
  1298. <row>
  1299. <entry> быстро </entry>
  1300. <entry> носильщик </entry>
  1301. <entry>
  1302. <emphasis role="bold">ГЛАВА 7 </emphasis></entry>
  1303. </row>
  1304. <row>
  1305. <entry> вдали </entry>
  1306. <entry> огромный </entry>
  1307. <entry> английский </entry>
  1308. </row>
  1309. <row>
  1310. <entry> ведь </entry>
  1311. <entry> озеро </entry>
  1312. <entry> анекдот </entry>
  1313. </row>
  1314. <row>
  1315. <entry> видеть </entry>
  1316. <entry> окно </entry>
  1317. <entry> аппетит </entry>
  1318. </row>
  1319. <row>
  1320. <entry> внимание </entry>
  1321. <entry> опаздывать </entry>
  1322. <entry> бабушка </entry>
  1323. </row>
  1324. <row>
  1325. <entry> вокзал </entry>
  1326. <entry> отдыхать </entry>
  1327. <entry> беркут </entry>
  1328. </row>
  1329. <row>
  1330. <entry> всё время </entry>
  1331. <entry> пароход </entry>
  1332. <entry> больной </entry>
  1333. </row>
  1334. <row>
  1335. <entry> высокий </entry>
  1336. <entry> пассажиры </entry>
  1337. <entry> время </entry>
  1338. </row>
  1339. <row>
  1340. <entry> газета </entry>
  1341. <entry> первый </entry>
  1342. <entry> глупый </entry>
  1343. </row>
  1344. <row>
  1345. <entry> говорить </entry>
  1346. <entry> позвонить </entry>
  1347. <entry> гражданин </entry>
  1348. </row>
  1349. <row>
  1350. <entry> гора </entry>
  1351. <entry> полёт </entry>
  1352. <entry> давление </entry>
  1353. </row>
  1354. <row>
  1355. <entry> дальше </entry>
  1356. <entry> пошли </entry>
  1357. <entry> дедушка </entry>
  1358. </row>
  1359. <row>
  1360. <entry> деревня </entry>
  1361. <entry> проверять </entry>
  1362. <entry> двоюродный </entry>
  1363. </row>
  1364. <row>
  1365. <entry> диктор </entry>
  1366. <entry> продавать </entry>
  1367. <entry> друг с другом </entry>
  1368. </row>
  1369. <row>
  1370. <entry> ещё </entry>
  1371. <entry> просить </entry>
  1372. <entry> дядя </entry>
  1373. </row>
  1374. <row>
  1375. <entry> закусить </entry>
  1376. <entry> разговаривать </entry>
  1377. <entry> женщина </entry>
  1378. </row>
  1379. <row>
  1380. <entry> замечательный </entry>
  1381. <entry> реактивный </entry>
  1382. <entry> изучать </entry>
  1383. </row>
  1384. <row>
  1385. <entry> занимать </entry>
  1386. <entry> река </entry>
  1387. <entry> интересный </entry>
  1388. </row>
  1389. <row>
  1390. <entry> картина </entry>
  1391. <entry> самолет </entry>
  1392. <entry> испанский </entry>
  1393. </row>
  1394. <row>
  1395. <entry> касса </entry>
  1396. <entry> сдать </entry>
  1397. <entry> Французский </entry>
  1398. </row>
  1399. <row>
  1400. <entry> киоск </entry>
  1401. <entry> село </entry>
  1402. <entry> комфорт </entry>
  1403. </row>
  1404. <row>
  1405. <entry> книга </entry>
  1406. <entry> сидеть </entry>
  1407. <entry> копейка </entry>
  1408. </row>
  1409. <row>
  1410. <entry> книга </entry>
  1411. <entry> слева </entry>
  1412. <entry> корабль </entry>
  1413. </row>
  1414. <row>
  1415. <entry> колхоз </entry>
  1416. <entry> слышать </entry>
  1417. <entry> космический </entry>
  1418. </row>
  1419. <row>
  1420. <entry> кричать </entry>
  1421. <entry> смотреть </entry>
  1422. <entry> космонавт </entry>
  1423. </row>
  1424. <row>
  1425. <entry> курить </entry>
  1426. <entry> спешить </entry>
  1427. <entry> ленивый </entry>
  1428. </row>
  1429. <row>
  1430. <entry> купить </entry>
  1431. <entry> стоять </entry>
  1432. <entry> лишний </entry>
  1433. </row>
  1434. <row>
  1435. <entry> любить </entry>
  1436. <entry> скучный </entry>
  1437. <entry> звонить </entry>
  1438. </row>
  1439. <row>
  1440. <entry> люди </entry>
  1441. <entry> сменной </entry>
  1442. <entry> звонок </entry>
  1443. </row>
  1444. <row>
  1445. <entry> мало </entry>
  1446. <entry> сокол </entry>
  1447. <entry> зелёный </entry>
  1448. </row>
  1449. <row>
  1450. <entry> милый </entry>
  1451. <entry> сообщать </entry>
  1452. <entry> история </entry>
  1453. </row>
  1454. <row>
  1455. <entry> много </entry>
  1456. <entry> старый </entry>
  1457. <entry> каникулы </entry>
  1458. </row>
  1459. <row>
  1460. <entry> молодой </entry>
  1461. <entry> стихотворение </entry>
  1462. <entry> карандаш </entry>
  1463. </row>
  1464. <row>
  1465. <entry> назначенный </entry>
  1466. <entry> такой </entry>
  1467. <entry> коричневый </entry>
  1468. </row>
  1469. <row>
  1470. <entry> настроение </entry>
  1471. <entry> температура </entry>
  1472. <entry> костюм </entry>
  1473. </row>
  1474. <row>
  1475. <entry> немецкий </entry>
  1476. <entry> тётя </entry>
  1477. <entry> красивый </entry>
  1478. </row>
  1479. <row>
  1480. <entry> нормальный </entry>
  1481. <entry> товарищ </entry>
  1482. <entry> красный </entry>
  1483. </row>
  1484. <row>
  1485. <entry> остроумный </entry>
  1486. <entry> умный </entry>
  1487. <entry> лежать </entry>
  1488. </row>
  1489. <row>
  1490. <entry> отличный </entry>
  1491. <entry> человек </entry>
  1492. <entry> лекция </entry>
  1493. </row>
  1494. <row>
  1495. <entry> передавать </entry>
  1496. <entry> чувствовать себя </entry>
  1497. <entry> летний </entry>
  1498. </row>
  1499. <row>
  1500. <entry> передача </entry>
  1501. <entry> энергичный </entry>
  1502. <entry> любимый </entry>
  1503. </row>
  1504. <row>
  1505. <entry> плохой </entry>
  1506. <entry> этот </entry>
  1507. <entry> надевать </entry>
  1508. </row>
  1509. <row>
  1510. <entry> по-испански </entry>
  1511. <entry> язык </entry>
  1512. <entry> начинаться </entry>
  1513. </row>
  1514. <row>
  1515. <entry> пока </entry>
  1516. <entry> </entry>
  1517. <entry> открывать </entry>
  1518. </row>
  1519. <row>
  1520. <entry> полный </entry>
  1521. <entry>
  1522. <emphasis role="bold">ГЛАВА 8 </emphasis></entry>
  1523. <entry> открываться </entry>
  1524. </row>
  1525. <row>
  1526. <entry> по-немецкий </entry>
  1527. <entry> белый </entry>
  1528. <entry> пение </entry>
  1529. </row>
  1530. <row>
  1531. <entry> порядок </entry>
  1532. <entry> блузка </entry>
  1533. <entry> передний</entry>
  1534. </row>
  1535. <row>
  1536. <entry> последний </entry>
  1537. <entry> брюки </entry>
  1538. <entry> пиджак </entry>
  1539. </row>
  1540. <row>
  1541. <entry> по-французски</entry>
  1542. <entry> будильник </entry>
  1543. <entry> платье </entry>
  1544. </row>
  1545. <row>
  1546. <entry> прекрасный </entry>
  1547. <entry> все </entry>
  1548. <entry> пора </entry>
  1549. </row>
  1550. <row>
  1551. <entry> привет </entry>
  1552. <entry> вставать </entry>
  1553. <entry> предмет </entry>
  1554. </row>
  1555. <row>
  1556. <entry> продолжать </entry>
  1557. <entry> входить </entry>
  1558. <entry> преподавать </entry>
  1559. </row>
  1560. <row>
  1561. <entry> работа </entry>
  1562. <entry> год </entry>
  1563. <entry> приветствовать </entry>
  1564. </row>
  1565. <row>
  1566. <entry> работать </entry>
  1567. <entry> голубой </entry>
  1568. <entry> программа </entry>
  1569. </row>
  1570. <row>
  1571. <entry> радиопередача </entry>
  1572. <entry> галстук </entry>
  1573. <entry> рисование </entry>
  1574. </row>
  1575. <row>
  1576. <entry> разговор </entry>
  1577. <entry> громко </entry>
  1578. <entry> рубашка </entry>
  1579. </row>
  1580. <row>
  1581. <entry> рассказ </entry>
  1582. <entry> дверь </entry>
  1583. <entry> ручка </entry>
  1584. </row>
  1585. <row>
  1586. <entry> родственник </entry>
  1587. <entry> день </entry>
  1588. <entry> ряд </entry>
  1589. </row>
  1590. <row>
  1591. <entry> рубль </entry>
  1592. <entry> директор </entry>
  1593. <entry> садиться </entry>
  1594. </row>
  1595. <row>
  1596. <entry> русский </entry>
  1597. <entry> жёлтый </entry>
  1598. <entry> синий </entry>
  1599. </row>
  1600. <row>
  1601. <entry> свободный </entry>
  1602. <entry> завтракать </entry>
  1603. <entry> скоро </entry>
  1604. </row>
  1605. <row>
  1606. <entry> симпатичный </entry>
  1607. <entry> звать </entry>
  1608. <entry> словарь </entry>
  1609. </row>
  1610. <row>
  1611. <entry>становиться</entry>
  1612. <entry/>
  1613. <entry/>
  1614. </row>
  1615. <row>
  1616. <entry>студент</entry>
  1617. <entry/>
  1618. <entry/>
  1619. </row>
  1620. <row>
  1621. <entry>студентка</entry>
  1622. <entry/>
  1623. <entry/>
  1624. </row>
  1625. <row>
  1626. <entry>тетрадка</entry>
  1627. <entry/>
  1628. <entry/>
  1629. </row>
  1630. <row>
  1631. <entry>украшен</entry>
  1632. <entry/>
  1633. <entry/>
  1634. </row>
  1635. <row>
  1636. <entry>улица</entry>
  1637. <entry/>
  1638. <entry/>
  1639. </row>
  1640. <row>
  1641. <entry>упражнение</entry>
  1642. <entry/>
  1643. <entry/>
  1644. </row>
  1645. <row>
  1646. <entry>учебный</entry>
  1647. <entry/>
  1648. <entry/>
  1649. </row>
  1650. <row>
  1651. <entry>учебник</entry>
  1652. <entry/>
  1653. <entry/>
  1654. </row>
  1655. <row>
  1656. <entry>ученик</entry>
  1657. <entry/>
  1658. <entry/>
  1659. </row>
  1660. <row>
  1661. <entry>ученица</entry>
  1662. <entry/>
  1663. <entry/>
  1664. </row>
  1665. <row>
  1666. <entry>учиться</entry>
  1667. <entry/>
  1668. <entry/>
  1669. </row>
  1670. <row>
  1671. <entry>форма</entry>
  1672. <entry/>
  1673. <entry/>
  1674. </row>
  1675. <row>
  1676. <entry>чёрный</entry>
  1677. <entry/>
  1678. <entry/>
  1679. </row>
  1680. <row>
  1681. <entry>физкультура</entry>
  1682. <entry/>
  1683. <entry/>
  1684. </row>
  1685. <row>
  1686. <entry>экзамен</entry>
  1687. <entry/>
  1688. <entry/>
  1689. </row>
  1690. <row>
  1691. <entry>юбка</entry>
  1692. <entry/>
  1693. <entry/>
  1694. </row>
  1695. <row>
  1696. <entry>
  1697. <emphasis role="bold">1-8 a </emphasis></entry>
  1698. <entry> вдали </entry>
  1699. <entry> два </entry>
  1700. </row>
  1701. <row>
  1702. <entry> автобус </entry>
  1703. <entry> ведь </entry>
  1704. <entry> дверь </entry>
  1705. </row>
  1706. <row>
  1707. <entry> автомобиль </entry>
  1708. <entry> вечером </entry>
  1709. <entry> двоюродный </entry>
  1710. </row>
  1711. <row>
  1712. <entry> акт </entry>
  1713. <entry> вещи </entry>
  1714. <entry> девочки </entry>
  1715. </row>
  1716. <row>
  1717. <entry> актёр </entry>
  1718. <entry> видеть </entry>
  1719. <entry> девять </entry>
  1720. </row>
  1721. <row>
  1722. <entry> альбатрос </entry>
  1723. <entry> виза </entry>
  1724. <entry> дедушка </entry>
  1725. </row>
  1726. <row>
  1727. <entry> алгебра </entry>
  1728. <entry> вино </entry>
  1729. <entry> дела </entry>
  1730. </row>
  1731. <row>
  1732. <entry> алло </entry>
  1733. <entry> вирус </entry>
  1734. <entry> делать </entry>
  1735. </row>
  1736. <row>
  1737. <entry> американский </entry>
  1738. <entry> витамин </entry>
  1739. <entry> дельфин </entry>
  1740. </row>
  1741. <row>
  1742. <entry> английский </entry>
  1743. <entry> вместе </entry>
  1744. <entry> день </entry>
  1745. </row>
  1746. <row>
  1747. <entry> анекдот </entry>
  1748. <entry> внизу </entry>
  1749. <entry> деньги </entry>
  1750. </row>
  1751. <row>
  1752. <entry> аппетит </entry>
  1753. <entry> внимание </entry>
  1754. <entry> деревня </entry>
  1755. </row>
  1756. <row>
  1757. <entry> апрель </entry>
  1758. <entry> водка </entry>
  1759. <entry> десять </entry>
  1760. </row>
  1761. <row>
  1762. <entry> армия </entry>
  1763. <entry> вокзал </entry>
  1764. <entry> джаз </entry>
  1765. </row>
  1766. <row>
  1767. <entry> асфальт </entry>
  1768. <entry> волейбол </entry>
  1769. <entry> джунгли </entry>
  1770. </row>
  1771. <row>
  1772. <entry> атлет </entry>
  1773. <entry> восемь </entry>
  1774. <entry> диктор </entry>
  1775. </row>
  1776. <row>
  1777. <entry> аэродром </entry>
  1778. <entry> вот </entry>
  1779. <entry> директор </entry>
  1780. </row>
  1781. <row>
  1782. <entry> бабушка </entry>
  1783. <entry> время </entry>
  1784. <entry> диск </entry>
  1785. </row>
  1786. <row>
  1787. <entry> багаж </entry>
  1788. <entry> все </entry>
  1789. <entry> доберман-пинчер </entry>
  1790. </row>
  1791. <row>
  1792. <entry> балерина </entry>
  1793. <entry> всегда </entry>
  1794. <entry> доктор </entry>
  1795. </row>
  1796. <row>
  1797. <entry> балет </entry>
  1798. <entry> всё </entry>
  1799. <entry> дома </entry>
  1800. </row>
  1801. <row>
  1802. <entry> банан </entry>
  1803. <entry> всё время </entry>
  1804. <entry> дороге </entry>
  1805. </row>
  1806. <row>
  1807. <entry> бандит </entry>
  1808. <entry> вставать </entry>
  1809. <entry> драма </entry>
  1810. </row>
  1811. <row>
  1812. <entry> банк </entry>
  1813. <entry> входить </entry>
  1814. <entry> друг с другом </entry>
  1815. </row>
  1816. <row>
  1817. <entry> баскетбол </entry>
  1818. <entry> вы </entry>
  1819. <entry> думать </entry>
  1820. </row>
  1821. <row>
  1822. <entry> бейсбол </entry>
  1823. <entry> высокий </entry>
  1824. <entry> дядя </entry>
  1825. </row>
  1826. <row>
  1827. <entry> белый </entry>
  1828. <entry> газета </entry>
  1829. <entry> ей </entry>
  1830. </row>
  1831. <row>
  1832. <entry> беркут </entry>
  1833. <entry> галстук </entry>
  1834. <entry> его </entry>
  1835. </row>
  1836. <row>
  1837. <entry> бизон </entry>
  1838. <entry> где </entry>
  1839. <entry> её </entry>
  1840. </row>
  1841. <row>
  1842. <entry> билет </entry>
  1843. <entry> генерал </entry>
  1844. <entry> есть </entry>
  1845. </row>
  1846. <row>
  1847. <entry> биология </entry>
  1848. <entry> география </entry>
  1849. <entry> ещё </entry>
  1850. </row>
  1851. <row>
  1852. <entry> бифштекс </entry>
  1853. <entry> гимн </entry>
  1854. <entry> жакет </entry>
  1855. </row>
  1856. <row>
  1857. <entry> близко </entry>
  1858. <entry> гимнастика </entry>
  1859. <entry> ждать </entry>
  1860. </row>
  1861. <row>
  1862. <entry> блузка </entry>
  1863. <entry> глупый </entry>
  1864. <entry> же </entry>
  1865. </row>
  1866. <row>
  1867. <entry> болен </entry>
  1868. <entry> гном </entry>
  1869. <entry> женщина </entry>
  1870. </row>
  1871. <row>
  1872. <entry> больной </entry>
  1873. <entry> говори </entry>
  1874. <entry> жёлтый </entry>
  1875. </row>
  1876. <row>
  1877. <entry> большой </entry>
  1878. <entry> говорить </entry>
  1879. <entry> жираф </entry>
  1880. </row>
  1881. <row>
  1882. <entry> бомба </entry>
  1883. <entry> год </entry>
  1884. <entry> жить </entry>
  1885. </row>
  1886. <row>
  1887. <entry> бортпроводница </entry>
  1888. <entry> голубой </entry>
  1889. <entry> журнал </entry>
  1890. </row>
  1891. <row>
  1892. <entry> борщ </entry>
  1893. <entry> гора </entry>
  1894. <entry> журналист </entry>
  1895. </row>
  1896. <row>
  1897. <entry> брат </entry>
  1898. <entry> горилла </entry>
  1899. <entry> завтра </entry>
  1900. </row>
  1901. <row>
  1902. <entry> брать </entry>
  1903. <entry> готов </entry>
  1904. <entry> завтракать </entry>
  1905. </row>
  1906. <row>
  1907. <entry> бросать </entry>
  1908. <entry> гражданин </entry>
  1909. <entry> закусить </entry>
  1910. </row>
  1911. <row>
  1912. <entry> брюки </entry>
  1913. <entry> гражданка </entry>
  1914. <entry> закуска </entry>
  1915. </row>
  1916. <row>
  1917. <entry> будет </entry>
  1918. <entry> грамматика </entry>
  1919. <entry> замечательный </entry>
  1920. </row>
  1921. <row>
  1922. <entry> будильник </entry>
  1923. <entry> громко </entry>
  1924. <entry> занимать </entry>
  1925. </row>
  1926. <row>
  1927. <entry> бутерброды </entry>
  1928. <entry> гусь </entry>
  1929. <entry> занят </entry>
  1930. </row>
  1931. <row>
  1932. <entry> бутылка </entry>
  1933. <entry> да </entry>
  1934. <entry> звать </entry>
  1935. </row>
  1936. <row>
  1937. <entry> быстро </entry>
  1938. <entry> давление </entry>
  1939. <entry> звонить </entry>
  1940. </row>
  1941. <row>
  1942. <entry> в </entry>
  1943. <entry> далеко </entry>
  1944. <entry> звонок </entry>
  1945. </row>
  1946. <row>
  1947. <entry> варенье </entry>
  1948. <entry> дальше </entry>
  1949. <entry> здесь </entry>
  1950. </row>
  1951. <row>
  1952. <entry> ваш </entry>
  1953. <entry> дата </entry>
  1954. <entry> ЗДОРОВ </entry>
  1955. </row>
  1956. <row>
  1957. <entry> она </entry>
  1958. <entry> по-английски </entry>
  1959. <entry> редко </entry>
  1960. </row>
  1961. <row>
  1962. <entry> оно </entry>
  1963. <entry> по-испански </entry>
  1964. <entry> река </entry>
  1965. </row>
  1966. <row>
  1967. <entry> они </entry>
  1968. <entry> позвонить </entry>
  1969. <entry> репортёр </entry>
  1970. </row>
  1971. <row>
  1972. <entry> опаздывать </entry>
  1973. <entry> пока </entry>
  1974. <entry> рептилия </entry>
  1975. </row>
  1976. <row>
  1977. <entry> опера </entry>
  1978. <entry> поле </entry>
  1979. <entry> ресторан </entry>
  1980. </row>
  1981. <row>
  1982. <entry> опять </entry>
  1983. <entry> полёт </entry>
  1984. <entry> рис </entry>
  1985. </row>
  1986. <row>
  1987. <entry> орангутанг </entry>
  1988. <entry> полный </entry>
  1989. <entry> риск </entry>
  1990. </row>
  1991. <row>
  1992. <entry> оставь </entry>
  1993. <entry> полотенце </entry>
  1994. <entry> рисование </entry>
  1995. </row>
  1996. <row>
  1997. <entry> остроумный </entry>
  1998. <entry> по-немецки </entry>
  1999. <entry> родители </entry>
  2000. </row>
  2001. <row>
  2002. <entry> ответьте </entry>
  2003. <entry> понимать </entry>
  2004. <entry> родственник </entry>
  2005. </row>
  2006. <row>
  2007. <entry> отвечать </entry>
  2008. <entry> пожалуйста </entry>
  2009. <entry> рубашка </entry>
  2010. </row>
  2011. <row>
  2012. <entry> отдыхать </entry>
  2013. <entry> позовите </entry>
  2014. <entry> рубль </entry>
  2015. </row>
  2016. <row>
  2017. <entry> отец </entry>
  2018. <entry> пора </entry>
  2019. <entry> румба </entry>
  2020. </row>
  2021. <row>
  2022. <entry> открывать </entry>
  2023. <entry> порт </entry>
  2024. <entry> русский </entry>
  2025. </row>
  2026. <row>
  2027. <entry> открываться </entry>
  2028. <entry> по-русски </entry>
  2029. <entry> ручка </entry>
  2030. </row>
  2031. <row>
  2032. <entry> отличный </entry>
  2033. <entry> порядок </entry>
  2034. <entry> рюкзак </entry>
  2035. </row>
  2036. <row>
  2037. <entry> очень </entry>
  2038. <entry> последний </entry>
  2039. <entry> ряд </entry>
  2040. </row>
  2041. <row>
  2042. <entry> очки </entry>
  2043. <entry> по-французский </entry>
  2044. <entry> садиться </entry>
  2045. </row>
  2046. <row>
  2047. <entry> палатка </entry>
  2048. <entry> почему </entry>
  2049. <entry> салют </entry>
  2050. </row>
  2051. <row>
  2052. <entry> пальто </entry>
  2053. <entry> почта </entry>
  2054. <entry> салями </entry>
  2055. </row>
  2056. <row>
  2057. <entry> паника </entry>
  2058. <entry> пошли </entry>
  2059. <entry> самолёт </entry>
  2060. </row>
  2061. <row>
  2062. <entry> пантера </entry>
  2063. <entry> предмет </entry>
  2064. <entry> сандвич </entry>
  2065. </row>
  2066. <row>
  2067. <entry> папа </entry>
  2068. <entry> прекрасный </entry>
  2069. <entry> сардина </entry>
  2070. </row>
  2071. <row>
  2072. <entry> парад </entry>
  2073. <entry> преподавать </entry>
  2074. <entry> свитер </entry>
  2075. </row>
  2076. <row>
  2077. <entry> парашют </entry>
  2078. <entry> привет </entry>
  2079. <entry> свободен </entry>
  2080. </row>
  2081. <row>
  2082. <entry> парк </entry>
  2083. <entry> приветствовать </entry>
  2084. <entry> свободный </entry>
  2085. </row>
  2086. <row>
  2087. <entry> пароход </entry>
  2088. <entry> приходи </entry>
  2089. <entry> сдать </entry>
  2090. </row>
  2091. <row>
  2092. <entry> пассажиры </entry>
  2093. <entry> приятель </entry>
  2094. <entry> себе </entry>
  2095. </row>
  2096. <row>
  2097. <entry> пение </entry>
  2098. <entry> проверять </entry>
  2099. <entry> сегодня </entry>
  2100. </row>
  2101. <row>
  2102. <entry> первый </entry>
  2103. <entry> провизия </entry>
  2104. <entry> село </entry>
  2105. </row>
  2106. <row>
  2107. <entry> передавать </entry>
  2108. <entry> программа </entry>
  2109. <entry> семь </entry>
  2110. </row>
  2111. <row>
  2112. <entry> передача </entry>
  2113. <entry> продавать </entry>
  2114. <entry> сенбернар </entry>
  2115. </row>
  2116. <row>
  2117. <entry> передник </entry>
  2118. <entry> продолжать </entry>
  2119. <entry> сержант </entry>
  2120. </row>
  2121. <row>
  2122. <entry> перчатки </entry>
  2123. <entry> проигрыватель </entry>
  2124. <entry> сестра </entry>
  2125. </row>
  2126. <row>
  2127. <entry> петь </entry>
  2128. <entry> просить </entry>
  2129. <entry> сеттер </entry>
  2130. </row>
  2131. <row>
  2132. <entry> печенье </entry>
  2133. <entry> профессор </entry>
  2134. <entry> сидеть </entry>
  2135. </row>
  2136. <row>
  2137. <entry> пиджак </entry>
  2138. <entry> пульс </entry>
  2139. <entry> симпатичный </entry>
  2140. </row>
  2141. <row>
  2142. <entry> пилот </entry>
  2143. <entry> пума </entry>
  2144. <entry> синий </entry>
  2145. </row>
  2146. <row>
  2147. <entry> пингвин </entry>
  2148. <entry> пять </entry>
  2149. <entry> сироп </entry>
  2150. </row>
  2151. <row>
  2152. <entry> пинг-понг </entry>
  2153. <entry> работа </entry>
  2154. <entry> скажите </entry>
  2155. </row>
  2156. <row>
  2157. <entry> пирожки </entry>
  2158. <entry> работать </entry>
  2159. <entry> сколько </entry>
  2160. </row>
  2161. <row>
  2162. <entry> писать </entry>
  2163. <entry> радар </entry>
  2164. <entry> скоро </entry>
  2165. </row>
  2166. <row>
  2167. <entry> письмо </entry>
  2168. <entry> радио </entry>
  2169. <entry> скунс </entry>
  2170. </row>
  2171. <row>
  2172. <entry> питон </entry>
  2173. <entry> радиопередача </entry>
  2174. <entry> скучный </entry>
  2175. </row>
  2176. <row>
  2177. <entry> план </entry>
  2178. <entry> радиоприёмник </entry>
  2179. <entry> слева </entry>
  2180. </row>
  2181. <row>
  2182. <entry> пластинки </entry>
  2183. <entry> раз </entry>
  2184. <entry> словарь </entry>
  2185. </row>
  2186. <row>
  2187. <entry> платье </entry>
  2188. <entry> разговаривать </entry>
  2189. <entry> слушать </entry>
  2190. </row>
  2191. <row>
  2192. <entry> плащ </entry>
  2193. <entry> разговор </entry>
  2194. <entry> слышать </entry>
  2195. </row>
  2196. <row>
  2197. <entry> плохо </entry>
  2198. <entry> ракета </entry>
  2199. <entry> смешной </entry>
  2200. </row>
  2201. <row>
  2202. <entry> плохой </entry>
  2203. <entry> рассказ </entry>
  2204. <entry> смотреть </entry>
  2205. </row>
  2206. <row>
  2207. <entry> плюс </entry>
  2208. <entry> реактивный </entry>
  2209. <entry> советский </entry>
  2210. </row>
  2211. <row>
  2212. <entry> по </entry>
  2213. <entry> ребята </entry>
  2214. <entry> согласен </entry>
  2215. </row>
  2216. <row>
  2217. <entry> сода </entry>
  2218. <entry> турист </entry>
  2219. <entry> чемодан </entry>
  2220. </row>
  2221. <row>
  2222. <entry> сокол </entry>
  2223. <entry> тур </entry>
  2224. <entry> чемпион </entry>
  2225. </row>
  2226. <row>
  2227. <entry> соль сообщать </entry>
  2228. <entry> тут ты </entry>
  2229. <entry> через четыре </entry>
  2230. </row>
  2231. <row>
  2232. <entry> сосед </entry>
  2233. <entry> У </entry>
  2234. <entry> чёрный </entry>
  2235. </row>
  2236. <row>
  2237. <entry> соус </entry>
  2238. <entry> у кого </entry>
  2239. <entry> читать </entry>
  2240. </row>
  2241. <row>
  2242. <entry> соя спальный </entry>
  2243. <entry> у меня уверен </entry>
  2244. <entry> чувствовать себя шакал </entry>
  2245. </row>
  2246. <row>
  2247. <entry> спаржа </entry>
  2248. <entry> уже </entry>
  2249. <entry> шанс </entry>
  2250. </row>
  2251. <row>
  2252. <entry> спасибо </entry>
  2253. <entry> украшен </entry>
  2254. <entry> шарада </entry>
  2255. </row>
  2256. <row>
  2257. <entry> спешить </entry>
  2258. <entry> улица </entry>
  2259. <entry> шахматы </entry>
  2260. </row>
  2261. <row>
  2262. <entry> спички </entry>
  2263. <entry> умный </entry>
  2264. <entry> шпинат </entry>
  2265. </row>
  2266. <row>
  2267. <entry> спорт </entry>
  2268. <entry> университет </entry>
  2269. <entry> шербет </entry>
  2270. </row>
  2271. <row>
  2272. <entry> спортивный </entry>
  2273. <entry> упражнение </entry>
  2274. <entry> шесть </entry>
  2275. </row>
  2276. <row>
  2277. <entry> справа </entry>
  2278. <entry> уметь </entry>
  2279. <entry> школа </entry>
  2280. </row>
  2281. <row>
  2282. <entry> спрашивать </entry>
  2283. <entry> урок </entry>
  2284. <entry> шпиц </entry>
  2285. </row>
  2286. <row>
  2287. <entry> спросите </entry>
  2288. <entry> учебник </entry>
  2289. <entry> штат </entry>
  2290. </row>
  2291. <row>
  2292. <entry> спутник </entry>
  2293. <entry> учебный </entry>
  2294. <entry> шторм </entry>
  2295. </row>
  2296. <row>
  2297. <entry> стадион </entry>
  2298. <entry> ученик </entry>
  2299. <entry> экзамен </entry>
  2300. </row>
  2301. <row>
  2302. <entry> становиться </entry>
  2303. <entry> ученица </entry>
  2304. <entry> эксперт </entry>
  2305. </row>
  2306. <row>
  2307. <entry> старый </entry>
  2308. <entry> учитель </entry>
  2309. <entry> эмигрант </entry>
  2310. </row>
  2311. <row>
  2312. <entry> стихотворение </entry>
  2313. <entry> учительница </entry>
  2314. <entry> энергичный </entry>
  2315. </row>
  2316. <row>
  2317. <entry> стоять </entry>
  2318. <entry> учиться </entry>
  2319. <entry> это </entry>
  2320. </row>
  2321. <row>
  2322. <entry> студент </entry>
  2323. <entry> факт </entry>
  2324. <entry> этот </entry>
  2325. </row>
  2326. <row>
  2327. <entry> студентка </entry>
  2328. <entry> фельдмаршал </entry>
  2329. <entry> юбка </entry>
  2330. </row>
  2331. <row>
  2332. <entry> стюардесса </entry>
  2333. <entry> физика </entry>
  2334. <entry> я </entry>
  2335. </row>
  2336. <row>
  2337. <entry> сумка </entry>
  2338. <entry> Физкультура </entry>
  2339. <entry> ягуар </entry>
  2340. </row>
  2341. <row>
  2342. <entry> суп </entry>
  2343. <entry> филе </entry>
  2344. <entry> язык </entry>
  2345. </row>
  2346. <row>
  2347. <entry> так </entry>
  2348. <entry> фильм </entry>
  2349. <entry> як </entry>
  2350. </row>
  2351. <row>
  2352. <entry> так себе </entry>
  2353. <entry> фламинго </entry>
  2354. <entry> яхта </entry>
  2355. </row>
  2356. <row>
  2357. <entry> такой </entry>
  2358. <entry> фокс </entry>
  2359. <entry> </entry>
  2360. </row>
  2361. <row>
  2362. <entry> такси </entry>
  2363. <entry> форма </entry>
  2364. <entry> </entry>
  2365. </row>
  2366. <row>
  2367. <entry> такт </entry>
  2368. <entry> фотоаппарат </entry>
  2369. <entry> </entry>
  2370. </row>
  2371. <row>
  2372. <entry> там </entry>
  2373. <entry> французский </entry>
  2374. <entry> </entry>
  2375. </row>
  2376. <row>
  2377. <entry> тарантул </entry>
  2378. <entry> фронт </entry>
  2379. <entry> </entry>
  2380. </row>
  2381. <row>
  2382. <entry> твой </entry>
  2383. <entry> фрукт </entry>
  2384. <entry> </entry>
  2385. </row>
  2386. <row>
  2387. <entry> телевизор </entry>
  2388. <entry> футбольный </entry>
  2389. <entry> </entry>
  2390. </row>
  2391. <row>
  2392. <entry> телефон </entry>
  2393. <entry> характер </entry>
  2394. <entry> </entry>
  2395. </row>
  2396. <row>
  2397. <entry> температура </entry>
  2398. <entry> химия </entry>
  2399. <entry> </entry>
  2400. </row>
  2401. <row>
  2402. <entry> теннис </entry>
  2403. <entry> хлеб </entry>
  2404. <entry> </entry>
  2405. </row>
  2406. <row>
  2407. <entry> теперь </entry>
  2408. <entry> хороший </entry>
  2409. <entry> </entry>
  2410. </row>
  2411. <row>
  2412. <entry> термит </entry>
  2413. <entry> хорошо </entry>
  2414. <entry> </entry>
  2415. </row>
  2416. <row>
  2417. <entry> терьер </entry>
  2418. <entry> хулиган </entry>
  2419. <entry> </entry>
  2420. </row>
  2421. <row>
  2422. <entry> тетрадка </entry>
  2423. <entry> цемент </entry>
  2424. <entry> </entry>
  2425. </row>
  2426. <row>
  2427. <entry> тётя </entry>
  2428. <entry> цензор </entry>
  2429. <entry> </entry>
  2430. </row>
  2431. <row>
  2432. <entry> тигр </entry>
  2433. <entry> центр </entry>
  2434. <entry> </entry>
  2435. </row>
  2436. <row>
  2437. <entry> товарищ </entry>
  2438. <entry> цирк </entry>
  2439. <entry> </entry>
  2440. </row>
  2441. <row>
  2442. <entry> только </entry>
  2443. <entry> чай </entry>
  2444. <entry> </entry>
  2445. </row>
  2446. <row>
  2447. <entry> тоже </entry>
  2448. <entry> часто </entry>
  2449. <entry> </entry>
  2450. </row>
  2451. <row>
  2452. <entry> тост </entry>
  2453. <entry> чей </entry>
  2454. <entry> </entry>
  2455. </row>
  2456. <row>
  2457. <entry> три </entry>
  2458. <entry> чек </entry>
  2459. <entry> </entry>
  2460. </row>
  2461. <row>
  2462. <entry> туннель </entry>
  2463. <entry> человек </entry>
  2464. <entry> </entry>
  2465. </row>
  2466. </tbody>
  2467. </tgroup>
  2468. </informaltable>
  2469. </para>
  2470. </chapter>
  2471. <chapter>
  2472. <title>References</title>
  2473. <para> Record: Arfa Records, Publishers. <emphasis role="bold">Russian Folk
  2474. Songs</emphasis>. Arfa, 12 in. 331/3 rpm.</para>
  2475. <para> (may be secured from Russian language .Specialties P.O. Box 4546, Chicago, Illinois
  2476. 60680)</para>
  2477. </chapter>
  2478. </book>