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Eric Streit 1 год назад
31 измененных файлов с 3028 добавлено и 263 удалено
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+ài	唉	(sound of sighing)	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+ānxīn	安心	to be without worry, to feel at ease to feel relieved	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+-bàng	镑	pound (unit of weight)	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+bǎobao (bǎobǎo)	宝宝	baby, darling (term of endearment for a young child)	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+běnlái	本来	originally	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+bǐcǐ	彼此	each other, mutually; you too, the same to you	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+bǐjiào (bījiǎo)	比较	relatively, comparatively; fairly, rather	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+bìngqiě	并且	moreover, and	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+bīngxiāng	冰箱	refrigerator, ice box	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+bìnyíguǎn	殡仪馆	funeral home	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+bìyùn	避孕	contraception	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+bú dàn 	不但	not only	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+bù gǎn dāng	不敢当	I’m flattered, You shouldn't have, I don't deserve this	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+bù shǎo 	不少	quite a lot, quite a few	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+bù tong	不同	to be different	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+càishichǎng 	菜市场	market	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+cānjiā	参加	to take part in; to attend	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+cèsuǒ	厕所	toilet	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+chǎnfù	产妇	a woman who has given birth within the last month	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+chángshòu	长寿	long life, longevity; to live a long time	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+chǎnjià	产假	maternity leave	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+chénggōng	成功	to succeed, to be successful	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+chéngshì	城市	city	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+chéng 	成	to become, to constitute, to make	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+chī nǎi	吃奶	to nurse, to suckle	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+chū bìn	出殡	to hold a funeral procession	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+chūchāi	出差	to be out of town on business	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+chuī fēng	吹风	to have air blow on oneself, to be in a draft	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+chūshēnglü	出生率	birth rate	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+cónglái bù	从来不	never	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+cónglái dōu	从来都	always (in the past)	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+cónglái méi	从来没	have never	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+dǎ chángtū diànhuà	大长途电话	to make a long-distance phone call	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+dàdōu	大都	for the most part	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+dàfàndiàn	大饭店	hotel	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+dàgē	大哥	oldest brother	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+dài xiào	带孝	to wear mourning	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+dàlou 	大楼	building	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+dāngxīn	当心	to watch out	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+dànshi	但是	but	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+dānwèi	单位	unit	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+-dào	到	indicates successful accomplishment of something	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+dàshiguǎn 	大使馆	embassy	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+dàxǐde rìzi	大喜的日子	wedding day	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+dàxǐ	大喜	great rejoicing	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+dāying	答应	to agree (to something), to consent, to promise	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+dā	打	travel by, take (a taxi, bus, train, airplane, etc.)	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+dédao	得到	to receive, to get	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+dé	得	to get	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+diàosāng	吊嗓	to present one’s condolences at a funeral, to attend a funeral	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+dìqū	地区	region	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+dù mìyuè 	度蜜月	to go on a honeymoon, to spend one's honeymoon	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+duó kuài!	多快	how fast!	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+duōnián	多年	many years	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+dù	度	to pass	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+ěrduo	耳朵	ear	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+érnǚ	儿女	children	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+érqiě 	而且	furthermore	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+fādá	发达	to be developed, to be prosperous	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+fàndiàn	饭店	restaurant	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+fàngjiān	房间	room	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+fànguǎnzi	饭馆子	restaurant	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+fàntīng 	饭厅	dining room	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+fǎnzhèng	反正	anyway, in any case	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+fàn	犯	to have an attack (of an old disease)	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+fǎyuàn	法院	court of law	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+fēijichǎng	飞机场	airport	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+fēngqì	风气	common practice; general mood	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+fēngshī	风湿	rheumatism	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+fēngshuǐ	风水	the Chinese science of geomancy (that is, the influence of landscape on people and their fortunes)	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+fēngsū 	风俗	custom	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+fēnpèi	分配	to assign, to apportion, to allot	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+Fó	佛	Buddha	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+fūfù	夫妇	married couple, husband and wife	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+fùjìn	附近	area	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+fúqi	福气	blessings, luck	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+fúwùtái 	服务台	service desk	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+fúxiàng 	福祥	lucky physiognomy	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+fùzá (fǔzá)	复杂	to be complicated	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+gǎibiàn	改变	to change	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+gāi	该	should, ought to	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+gǎndeshàng	干得上	to be able to catch up, to be able to make it in time	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+gǎnhuilai	赶回来	to rush back	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+gǎnjīn	赶紧	quickly	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+gèdì	各地	the various places, each place	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+gègè	各个	various	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+gēnjù (gēnju)	根据	according to, based on	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+gèzhǒng	各种	various kinds, types	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+Gōngānjú 	公安局	Bureau of Public Security	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+gōngmù	公墓	public cemetery	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+gōngsī 	公司	company	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+gōngyuǎn	公园	park	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+gōngyù 	公寓	apartment	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+gōngzhèng jiēhūn	公证结婚	civil marriage	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+gōngzī  	工资	wages, pay	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+guānniàn	观念	concept, notion, view	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+gǔhuī	骨灰	bone ashes	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+guīju	规矩	special customs, established rules	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+guòqu	过去	to pass away, to die	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+guòshì	过世	to pass away, to die	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+háishi	还是	after all	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+hái	还	even, (to go) so far as to	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+héqilai	合起来	to combine, to join together	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+hé 	和	with; and	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+hóngbāo	红包	a red envelope with a gift or bribe of money in it	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+hóngdàn	红蛋	eggs dyed red	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+hóngtáng	红糖	brown sugar	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+hòudài	后代	descendants	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+hòulái	后来	later, afterwards	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+huāquān	花圈	flower wreath	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+huā	花	to be multicolored	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+huīfu	恢复	to recover	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+huìkèshì 	会客室	reception room	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+húi mén	回门	the return of the bride to her parents' home (usually on the third day after the wedding)	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+huì	会	might, to be likely to, will	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+huī	灰	to be gray	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+hūnlǐ	婚礼	wedding	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+huǒchēzhàn 	火车站	railroad station	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+huǒzàng	火葬	cremation	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+huǒzàng	火葬	to cremate; cremation	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+huò	或	or	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+hūrǎn	忽然	suddenly	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎngjiu	讲究	to be particular about; to be elegant, to be tasteful	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+jiānglái	将来	the future, someday	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+jiàotáng	教堂	church	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiāowǎng	交往	to associate with, to have dealings with	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiātíng	家庭	family	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+jià	假	vacation, leave	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+jīdūjiào	基督教	Christianity	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiēguǒ (jiēguǒ)	结果	as a result; result, results	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+jiēhūn lǐfú	结婚礼服	wedding gown (dress)	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiéhūn	结婚	(jiehūn) to get married	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+jiějué	解决	to solve	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+jièshaorén	介绍人	introducer	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+jìhua shēngyù	计划生育	planned parenthood, family planning	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+jíjiù	急救	first aid; to administer emergency treatment	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+Jílè Bìnyíguǎn	极乐殡仪馆	Paradise Funeral Home (in Tapei)	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+jǐngchájú 	警察局	police station	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+jingguò	经过	to go through, to pass by or through	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+jìniàn	纪念	memento, memorial	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+jiùguolai 	就过来	to save	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+jiù shì le	就是了	..., that’s all	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+juédìng	决定	to decide	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+juéyù	绝育	sterilization	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+jūmín wěiyuánhuì 	居民委员会	neighborhood committee	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+jǔxíng	举行	to hold (a meeting, ceremony, etc.)	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+júzhǎng	局长	head of an office or bureau (of which the last syllable is jú)	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+kāfēitīng 	咖啡厅	coffeehouse	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+kǎolǜ 	考虑	to consider; consideration	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+kě bū shi ma!	可不是吗	I’ll say, yes indeed, that’s for sure	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+kě	可	indeed, really	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+kòngzhi	控制	to control	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+...-lái...-qù	。。。-来。。。-去	(indicates repeating the action over and over again)	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+lǎojiā	老家	hometown	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+lǎorénjiā 	老人家	polite way of addressing or referring to an old person (nǐ lǎorénjiā, tā lǎorénjiā)	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+lǎoshi (lǎoshí)	老实	to be honest	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+liàn’ài	恋爱	to be romantically involved with; love	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+liǎojiě (liáojie)	了解	to understand; understanding	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+-liǎo	了	 can, to be able to	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+líhūn	离婚	to  get divorced	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+lǐwù (lǐwu)	礼物	gift, present	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+māma	妈妈	mother, mom	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+mǎnyì	满意	to be pleased	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+mǎnyuèjiǔ	满月酒	celebration meal one month after a baby is born	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+mǎnyuè	满月	a full month after the birth of a baby	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+-men	-们	plural suffix	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+miǎnfèi	免费	to be free of charge	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+ming’é	名额	the number of people assigned or allowed, quota (of people)	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+míxin	迷信	to be superstitious; superstition	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+mìyuè	蜜月	honeymoon	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+nǎ (náli, nǎr)	那(那里,那儿)	how (used in rhetorical questions to deny something)	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+nánfāng	男方	the groom's side, the groom's family 	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+nánguò	难过	 to be sad 	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+nánjiā(r)	男家	the husband’s family	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+nánnǚ	男女	male and female	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+nēnggàn	能干	to be capable	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+nénggòu 	能够	can, to be able to	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+niánji (niánjì)	年纪	age	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+niánqīng 	年轻	to be young	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+nóngcūn 	女家	rural area, countryside 	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+nóngmín	农民	peasant	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+nǚjiā(r)	女家	the wife’s family	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+nǔlì 	努力	to be hardworking, to be diligent; diligently, hard	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+nǚ	女	female	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+pàichūsuǒ(r)	派出所儿	the local police station	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+pàng	胖	to be fat	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+pèng	碰	to touch	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+píngjìng	平静	 to be calm	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+pīzhǔn	批准	to give official permission	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+pòfei	颇费	to spend a lot of money (on someone), to go to some expense	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+qiānmíngbù	签名簿	guest book	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+qiān míng	签名	to sign one’s name	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+qiānwàn	千万 	by all means, be sure to; (in com bination with a negative sentence) by no means, under no circumstances	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+qíngkuàng	情况	situation	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+qīngnián	青年	youth, young person	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+qīnjìn	亲近	to be close (to a person)	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+qīnqi	亲戚	relatives	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+qūbié	区别	difference, distinction	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+qubuliǎo	去不了	cannot go	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+qùshì	去世	to pass away, to die	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+réngōng liúchǎn	人工流产	 abortion	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+rènwéi	认为	to think that, to believe that	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+rén	人	 person, self, body	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+rúhé	如何	how, in what way; how (someone or something) is; how is it (literary form)	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+rù xí	入席	 to take one’s seat (at a gathering, meeting, or banquet)	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+sānglǐ	丧礼	funeral	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+sān tōngguò	三通过	“the three approvals”	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+shāngdiàn 	商店	store	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+shàngjìn 	上进	to be ambitious	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+shāngxīn	伤心	to be grieved, to be sorrowful, to be heartbroken	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+shǎoshù mínzú	少数民族	minority nationality, national minority	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+shēnbiān	身边	one’s vicinity, one’s immediate surroundings	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+shēnglěng	生冷	raw or cold foods	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+shēngxialai	生下来	to be born	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+shēngyù	生育	to give birth to and raise	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+shībài	失败	to fail	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+shì fǒu	是否	literary form meaning shi bu shi	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+shìqū	市区	urban area or district	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+shíxíng	实行	to practice, to carry out (a method, policy, plan, ‘reform, etc.)	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+shǒubì	手臂	arm	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+shōushù	手术	operation, surgery	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+shōuxiān	首先	first	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+shuāngfāng	双方	both sides, both parties	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+shùmu	数目	 number 	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+shú	熟	 to be familiar (with), to know well	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+sǐ	死	to die	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+sòng	送	to escort, to take (someone to a place)	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+sòng 	送	to give (something as a gift)	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+sūnzi	孙子	grandson	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+-tāi	胎	birth	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+tándao	谈到	 to talk about; speaking of ...	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+tǎng	躺	to lie,lie down, to recline	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+tánlai tánqù		to talk back and forth	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+tànqīnjià 	探亲家	leave for visiting family	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+tànqīn	探亲	to visit relatives (usually means immediate family)	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+tíchàng	提倡	to advocate, to promote, to initiate	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+tíqīn	提亲	 to bring up a proposal of marriage	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+tongguò	通过	to pass, to approve	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+tòngkǔ	痛苦	to be painful	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+tóngyì	同意	to consent, to agree	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+tóuyige	头一个	the first	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+tóuyìtāi	头一台	the first pregnancy, the first baby	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+tuō nínde fú	托您的福	thanks to your lucky influence, many thanks	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+tǔzàng	土葬	burial (the word used in contrast to cremation or burial at sea)	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+Wángjiā	王家	the Wáng family	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+wánjù	玩具	toy	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+wǎnliàn wǎnhūn	晚恋晚婚	late involvement and late marriage	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+wǎnliàn	挽联	funeral scroll	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+wèi	喂	to feed	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+xiāngdāng	相当	quite, pretty, very	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiāngxìn	相信	to believe	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+xiānhuā	鲜花	fresh flowers	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎo bǎobao (xiǎo bǎobǎo)	小宝宝	baby, darling (term of endearment for a young child)	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎode	晓得	to know	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎoháir	小孩儿	child, children	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎojiě (xiáojie)	小姐	 daughter (referring to someone else’s daughter)	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎoxīn	小心	to be careful	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+xiāoxi	消息	 news	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+xífu	媳妇	daughter-in-law	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+xíguàn	习惯	habit, custom	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+xījiù	喜酒	wedding banquet; wedding wine	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+xìn Fó	信佛	to be a Buddhist	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+xīnláng	新郎	bridegroom	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+xīnniáng	新娘	bride	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+xīnzàngbìng	心脏病	heart disease	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+xīnzàng	心脏	heart	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+xìn	信	to believe (in)	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+xǔduō	许多	many; a great deal (of), a lot (of)	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+Yàngmíngshān	阳明山	a mountain in suburban Taipei	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+yě jiù shi shuō	也就是说	to mean; in other words	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+yě	也	indeed, in fact, admittedly	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+yìbānde shuō	一般地说	generally speaking	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+yìbān	一般	ordinary, general, common	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+yíbèizi	一辈子	all one’s life	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+yídào	一道	together	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+yídìng	一定	to be specific	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+yìjian 	意见	opinion	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+yīngdāng 	应当	should, ought to	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+yíngyǎngpǐn	营养品	food items of special nutritional value	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+yíshì	仪式	ceremony	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+yíxiang	一向	(have) always, (had) always, consistently, all along	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+yíxiàzi	一下子	an instant, a moment, a while	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+yìzhí	一直	all along, all the time (up until a certain point)	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+yuèzi	月子	month of confinement after giving birth to a child	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+zài shuō	再说	furthermore, besides	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+zàng	葬	to bury	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+záo	早	long ago	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+zengjiā	增加	to increase	3	FSI-Chinese
+zhǎng	成	to grow; to be (pretty, etc.)	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+zhèngfǔ 	政府	government	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+zhènghūnrén	征婚人	chief witness at a wedding ceremony	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhènghūn	征婚	to witness a marriage	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhǐ yào	只要	as long as, if only	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+zhòng	重	to be heavy	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+zhùdao	住到	to move to, to go live at 	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+zǐsūn	子孙	descendants
+zǒngshi 	总是	always	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+zuìjìn	最近	recently; soon	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+zǔmǔ	祖母	grandmother (on the father’s side)
+zuò méi 	做媒	to act as go-between (for the families of a man and woman considering marriage)	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+zuò yuèzi	坐月子	to go through the month of confinement and special care after childbirth	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+zuò 	作,做	to serve as, to act as; as	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+zū	租	to rent	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese

+ 76 - 0

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+bǎ	把	object marker	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+bāoguǒ	包裹	package	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+bǎoxiǎn	保险	to protect by insurance, to insure	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+bènshì	本市	this city	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+-céng	-层	counter for F1oors of buildings	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+dǎ diànhuà	打电话	to make a phone call, to telephone	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+diànbào	电报	telegram	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+Diànbào Dàlóu	电报大楼	Telegraph Office	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+diànhuà	电话	phone call	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+Diànxìnjú	电信局	Telegraph Office	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+-fēng	-封	counter for letter	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+fúwùtái	服务台	service desk	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+guàhào	挂号	to register(something)	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+guàhàoxìn (yìfēng)	挂号信(一封)	registered letter	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+guówài	国外	outside the country, foreign	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+guónèi	国内	within the country, domestic	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+hǎiyùn	海运	sea mail	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+hángkōng	航空	air mail	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+hángkōng yōujiǎn	航空邮件	aerogram	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+-jiàn	-件	counter for matter, affairs	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+jiànchá	检查	to inspect examine	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+jì	寄	to mail, to send by mail	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+lóuxià	楼下	downstairs	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+míngxìnpiàn	明信片	post cards	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+píngxìn	平信	regular mail, surface mail	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+qíngfàng	轻放	fragile(lit, put down lightly)	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+shì(yíjiàn)	事(一件)	matter, affair,thing	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+tì	替	in place of (someone), for	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+tie	贴	to paste on, to stick	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+wàídí	外地	outside the local area	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+wàimian	外面	outside	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiāngzi	箱子	box, suitcase, trunk	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎoxīn	小心	to be careful	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiěshang	写上	to write on (something)	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+xìn (yìfēng)	信(一封)	letter	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+xìnfēng	信封	envelope	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+xìnzhǐ	信纸	stationery	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+yíqǐ	一起	together, together with	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+yóujú 	邮局	post office	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+yóupiào(yìzhang)	邮票	stamp	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu tǒng	邮筒	mailbox	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+post office 	邮政局	yóuzhèngjú	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+zhòngyào	重要	to be important	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+zuìhǎo	最好	the best; “it would be best”	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+zuìshǎo	最少	at least, at the minimum	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+bàngōngshì	办公室	office	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+bié	别	don’t 	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+bú yòng	不用	no need to	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+chá 	查	to look up (information)	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+dài	带	to bring with one, to carry along	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+diànhuàbù	电话簿	phone directory	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+fēnjī	分机	telephone extension	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+gōngguǎn	公管	residence, home (a polite reference to another’s residence)	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+gōngyòng	公用	public, for public use	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+guàshang	挂上	to hang up(telephone)	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+guò	过	to pass(some time)	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+huí diànhuà 	回电话	to return a phone call	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiē	接	to connect, to join	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiēguoqu 	通过去	to connect, to put through (phone call)	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+liú ge huà	留个话	to leave a message	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+Měidàsī	美大司	Bureau of American and Pacific Affairs	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+míngzi	名字	name	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+néng	能	can, to be able	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+qīngchu	清除	to be clear	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+shāngrén	商人	businessman	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+shēng 	声	sound, voice	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+ting	听	to listen to, to hear	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+tīngdong 	听懂	to understand (by listening)                    	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+Wàijiāobù	外交部	Ministry of Foreign Affairs	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+Wàimàobù	外贸部	Ministry of Foreign Trade	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+wàng  	忘	to forget      	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiàn	线	telephone line, wire	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiéxialai	写下来	to write down	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+yìhuǐr	一会儿	a short while, a moment	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhàn	占	to occupy a space	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhǎo	找	to look for, to find	POT	2	FSI-Chinese

+ 183 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+bāozi	包子	steamed rolls made of bread dough with a filling of meat and/or vegetables, or sweet bean paste. 	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+càidānzi (yìzhāng)	菜单子(一张)	menu	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+chǎo	炒	fried, to fry, sauté	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+chǎo miàn	炒面	fried noodles	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+chī	吃	to eat                               	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+diǎn	点	to order                          	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+dòujiāng	豆浆	soy bean milk, soy milk           	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+gěi nín yùbei	给您预备	to prepare for you	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+gěi wǒ lái (...)	给我来(。。。) 	bring me (something)      	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+guōtiē	锅贴	steam-fried dumplings 	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+hē	喝	to drink	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+huǒtuǐ	火腿	ham                                                 	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+-jiǎo	-饺	dumpling	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎozi	饺子	boiled dumpling	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+jīdàn	鸡蛋	(chicken) egg	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+júzi shuǐ	桔子水	orangeade, orange juice	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+kāfēi	咖啡	coffee	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+kǎo	烤	roasted, toasted           	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+là	辣	peppery-hot                       	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+mántou	馒头	steamed bread	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+miàn	面	noodles	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+miànbāo	面包	bread	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+niúròu	牛肉	beef	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+niúròu miàn	牛肉面	soup-noodles with beef       	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+páigǔ miàn	排骨面	soup-noodles with a pork chop     	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+Qǐng zài lái...	请在来。。。	Please bring another...           	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+ròusī chǎo miàn	肉丝炒面	fried noodles with shreds of pork     	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+ròusi miàn	肉丝面	soup-noodles with shreds of pork                                                       	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+sānxiān chǎo miàn	三鲜炒面	noodles fried with three fresh things	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+shāobing	饼	sesame rolls	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+...shénmede	。。。什么的	...and so on	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+shuǐguǒ	水果	fruit	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+suān	酸	to he sour	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+suíbiàn	 随便	as you like	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+tāng	汤	soup	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+tāng miàn	汤面	soup-noodles	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+tián	甜	to be sweet	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+xián	咸	to be salty	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiāngjiāo	香蕉	banana	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+xīfàn	稀饭	gruel of rice and water	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+xīhóngshìzhī	西红柿汁	tomato juice	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+yàngzi	样子	kind, variety	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+yìlóng	*笼	a tier of a steamer	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+yóutiáo	油条	deep-fried twist	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+zhēng	蒸	to cook something hy steaming	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+shàngcì	上次	last time	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+shàngge xīngqī	上个星期	last week	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+shàngge yuè	上个月	last month    	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhècì	这次	this time                                                   	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhège xīngqī	这个星期	this week	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhège yuè	这个月	this month                                              	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiàcì	下次	next time	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiàge xīngqī	下个星期	next week	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiàge yuè	下个月	next month  	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+báicài	白菜	cabbage	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+bǎo	饱	to be satisfied	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+biéde	别的	other, different	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+bié kèqi	别客气	don't be formal; don't stand on ceremony	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+bú cuò	不错	“not bad”, in the sense of “pretty good”, “pretty well”	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+cài	蔡	main dishes, food	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+chāzi	叉子	fork	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+dāngrán	当然	naturally, of course	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+dāozi	刀子	knife	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+dòufu	豆腐	soy bean curd	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+fānqié	番茄	tomato	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+hǎochī	好吃	to be tasty, good to eat	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+jī	鸡	chicken	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎndānde	简单的	something simple	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiào	叫	to order	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+jīdīng	鸡丁	diced chicken	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+jīpiàn	鸡片	chicken slices	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+kèfàn		“fixed meal”, a type of meal in which soup, a main dish, rice and tea are all served for one price.	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+qiézi	茄子	eggplant	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+qingjiāo	青椒	green pepper	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+shàor	勺儿	spoon	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+tiàogēng	调羹	spoon	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiàci	下次	next time	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiārén	虾仁	shrimp	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+xihóngshì	西红柿	tomato	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+xuédòu	雪豆	snow peas	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+yìzhǒng	一种	a kind, one kind	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+yòng	用	to use; with	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+yòng kuàizi	用筷子	to use chopsticks; with chopsticks	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhàngdānzi	账单子	check	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhīdao	知道	to know	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+bābǎo fàn	八宝饭	Eight Level Rice	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+biāozhǔn	标准	level or standard        	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+cháng	尝	to taste, to savor                	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+dàjiā	大家	everybody	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+-dào	道	counter for a course of a meal	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+dìng yìzhuō xí	订一桌席	reserve a table for a dinner party     	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+dōnggua zhōng	冬瓜中	winter melon soup served in the carved melon shell  	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+duōbàn	多半	most of, the greater part of      	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+Emèi cāntīng	峨眉餐厅	The Omei Reetaurant (a restaurant in Taipei)	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+fēngzéyuán	丰泽园 	The name of a reetaurant in Peking     	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+fùguì jī	富贵鸡	rich hicken	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+jiào huā jī	叫化鸡	beggar's chicken	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+gānshāo míngxià	干烧明虾	dry-cooked jumbo shrimp, Szechuan Style        	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+gān yìbēi	干一杯	to drink a glass (lit. to make a glass dry)  	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+gōngzuò shùnlì	工作顺利	the work that goes well   	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+héshì	合适	to be suitable, to be fitting	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+hóngshǎo yúchī	红烧鱼翅	red-cooked Shark's Fins	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎn	拣	to select, pick out, to choose	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+jiànkāng	健康	to be healthy	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+jiàng	酱	paste, bean paste	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+jǐn	仅	(continually), only, Just	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+jìng	敬	to offer someone something	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+jiǔ	酒	liquor, wine     	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+juǎnqilai	卷起来	to roll up                             	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+kǎo yā	烤鸭	Peking Duck	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+kè (kèren)	客人(客人)	guest(s)                                 	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+lěngpán	冷盘	cold dish	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+lìngwài	另外	in addition to, additionally        	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+míngxiā	虾	shrimp	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+mìzhi huǒtuǐ	蜜汁火腿	ham in honey Sauce                                          	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+pèi	配	to find something to match, to match things   	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+peì cài	配菜	to select dishes for a formal menu    	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+ràng	让	to allow, to have someone do something     	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+shēngrì	生日	birthday                          	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+shēntǐ jiànkāng	身体健康	good health 	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+shùnlì	顺利	to go well, without difficulty	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+sòngxíng	送行	to see a person off	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+suíyì	随意	according to  one's wishes                                                                	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+tángcù yú	糖醋鱼	sweet and sour fish	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+tiáncài	甜蔡	dessert	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+xiāngsū yā	香酥鸭	fragrant crispy duck	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+xīngrèn dòufu	杏仁豆腐	almond pudding	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+xūn jī	熏鸡	smoked chicken	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+yā	鸭	duck                              	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+yílù píngān	一路平安	have a nice trip; bon voyage (lit. a safe journey)     	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+yú	鱼	fish                                              	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+yúchì	鱼翅	shark's fin                  	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+zhù	祝	to wish (someone something)	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+zhǔkè	主客	guest of honor	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+zhá xiāqiú	炸虾球	deep fried shrimp balls	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+zhōngjiān	中间	middle	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+zuì jí	醉鸡	drunken chicken	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+báobǐng	薄饼	thin rolled, wheat-flour pancake  	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+chīdelái	吃的来	Is it all right for you (to eat)? 	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+chúle ..., cīwài	除了。。。,此外	aside from, in addition to  	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+cōng	葱	scallion	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+cōngbào niúròu	葱爆牛肉	beef with spring onions              	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+cù	醋	vinegar                                                    	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+dòufu fǔ	豆腐腐	fermented bean curd sauce         	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+è	饿	to be hungry                      	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+fěnsī	粉丝	cellophane noodles                	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+gōngnóngbīng	工农兵	workers, farmers, soldiers        	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+hēibǎn	黑板	blackboard	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+hóngbīnlóu	鸿宾楼	name of a restaurant	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+hóngshāo yú	红烧鱼	red-cooked fish          	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+huājuǎn	花卷	flower-rolls	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+huánghuā yú	黄鱼 	yellow fish              	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+huímín	回民	moslem                                              	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+jiànyì	建议	proposal, suggestion	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+jiàng yóu	酱油	soy sauce	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+juéde	觉得	to feel that                         	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+kǎo	烤	to roast                          	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+kǎo yángròu	烤羊肉	Mongolian barbecued lamb          	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+mǐfàn	米饭	rice (cooked)                     	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+mùxu ròu	牧畜肉	moshi pork (pork fried with eggs) and served with báobǐng           	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+qīngdòu	青豆	green peas	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+qingdòu xiārén	青豆虾仁	shrimp with green peas            	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+shítáng	食堂	eating hall	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+shuàn yángròu	涮羊肉	Mongolian (Lamb) Hot Pot	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+suàn	算	to calculate, figure out	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+suàn zhàng	算账	to figure out the check	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+sùcài	素菜	vegetable dishes    	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+tángcù	糖醋	sweet and sour                    	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+tángcù báicài	糖醋白菜	sweet and sour cabbage            	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+-wèi	一位人	counter for persons (polite)      	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+wèizi	位子	seat, place                       	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+xiāng	香	to be fragrant	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+xiāngcài	香菜	Chinese parsley	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+xiāngyóu	香油	sesame oil	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎofèi	小费	tip, gratuity        	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+xínxian	新鲜	to be fresh                             	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+yángròu	羊肉	lamb	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+yǒumíng	又名	to be famous                 	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+zhācāi	榨菜	hot pickled, cabbage (Szechwan)   	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+-zhe	着	marker of DURATION of an action   	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+zhīma jiàng	芝麻酱	sesame paste	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+zìjǐ	自己	oneself	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+zuóliào	佐料	condiments, ingredients           	RST	'	FSI-Chinese

+ 437 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+āiyō	哎哟	ouch; oh dear	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+ànmó	按摩	massage	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+āsīpīlín	阿司匹林	aspirin	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+Āyí	阿姨	auntie	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+bāng máng	帮忙	to help, to aid, to assist	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+bào	抱	to hold, to embrace	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+báo	薄	to be thin; to be light (of clothing)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+bèi	背	back	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+bèi	被	by (indicates the one who carries out the action in a passive sentence)	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+biǎntáoxiànyán	扁桃腺炎	tonsillitis	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+biǎntáoxiàn	扁桃腺	tonsils	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+bìchú	壁橱	closet	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+bīngxiāng	冰箱	refrigerator	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+bízi	鼻子	nose	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+bózi	脖子	neck	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+-buliǎo	不了	unable to ... (verb ending)	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+bú yào	不要	don’t	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+cā	擦	to rub, to wipe	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+céng	层	floor, story	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+cèsuǒ	厕所	toilet	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+chángcháng	常常	often	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+chángzi	肠子	intestines	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+cháng	常	often	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+cháng	长	to be long	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+cháoshǐ	潮湿	to be humid	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+chāzuò	插座	(electrical) outlet 	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+chá	茶	tea	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+chèngli	城里	in the city	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+chéng	城	city, town	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+chènshān	衬衫	shirt, blouse	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+chǐcun (chǐcùn)	尺寸	measurement; size	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+chī fàn	吃饭	to eat	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+chī	吃	to take (medicine)	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+chōujīn	抽筋	cramp	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+chōushuǐ mǎtǒng	抽水马桶	flush toilet        	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+chōutì	抽屉	drawer           	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+chuānghu	窗户	window	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+chuānglián	床帘	curtain	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+chuáng	床	bed	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+chuān	穿	to put on, to wear	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+chúfáng	厨房	kitchen	WLF	4, House	FSI-Chinese
+chuí bèi	捶背	to pound (someone’s) back	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+chuīgān	吹干	to blow-dry (with a dryer)	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+chūntiān (chūntian)	春天	spring	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+dàbiàn bù tōng	大便不通	to be constipated	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+dàbiàn	大便	bowel movement	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+dǎ diànhuà	打电话	to make a phone call, to telephone	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+dàifu	大夫	doctor	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+dài	带	to bring, to take with one,to lead, to take	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+dài	戴	to put on, to wear (glasses, gloves, a hat, a watch, jewelry, etc.)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+dǎkai	打开	to open	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+dàtuǐ	大腿	thigh	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+dàyī	大衣	overcoat	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+dèngzi	凳子	stool	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+dēng	灯	light, lamp	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+diàndēng kāiguān	电灯开关	light switch	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+diànhuà	电话	telephone, telephone call	WLF	6, Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+diànlúzi	电炉子	electric stove; electric heater	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+diànshàn	电扇	electric fan	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+dìbǎn	地板	wooden floor	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+-dǐng		(counter for hats)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+dìqū	地区	area, region	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+dìtǎn	地毯	carpet, rug    	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese            
+diū	丟	to lose	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+dìxiàshì	地下室	basement	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+dī	低	to be low	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+dì	地	floor	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+dòngbuliǎo	东不了	unable to move	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+dōngtiān (dōngtian)	冬天	winter	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+dòng	动	to move	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+duàn	断	to sever, to break	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+duǎn	短	to be short	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+duì...guòmǐn	对。。。过敏	allergic to...	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+dùzi	肚子	belly, abdomen, stomach	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+-dù	-度	degree (e.g., on a thermometer)	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+ěrduo	耳朵	ear	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+fángdǐng	房顶	roof	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+fángjiān	房间	room	WLF	4,House	FSI-Chinese
+fàntīng	饭厅	dining room	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+fàntīng	饭厅	dining room	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+fānyì	翻译	to interpret, to translate	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+fāshāo	发烧	to have a fever	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+fāxiàn	发现	to discover	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+fāyán	发炎	inflamed	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+fèiyán	肺炎	pneumonia	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+fèi	肺	lung	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+fěngjǐng	风景	scenery	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+fēngshī	风湿	rheumatism	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+fēng	风	wind	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+fēn	分	one tenth of a Chinese inch (cùn)	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+fù(bù)	腹部	abdomen	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+fùjìn (fùjìn)	附近	area, neighborhood	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+fùnü	妇女	women	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+fúzhuāngdiàn	服装店	clothing store	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+gànbufú	干部服	cadre suit	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+gānjing	干净	to be clean	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+gǎnmào, shāngfēng, zhāoliáng	感冒,伤风,着凉	cold	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+gǎnmào	感冒	to catch cold; a cold	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+gǎnyán	肝炎	hepatitis	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+gānzàng	肝脏	liver	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+gǎo wèishēng	搞卫生	to do cleaning	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+gǎo	搞	to do, to engage in	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+gēbei, gēbo, shǒubì	胳臂,胳膊,手臂	arm	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+gēbeizhǒu(r)	胳膊肘	elbow	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+Góng’ānjú	公安局	Bureau of Public Security (PRC)	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+gōngyùlóu	公寓楼	apartment building	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+gōngyù	公寓	apartment building; apartment	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+gòu	够	to be enough	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+guā húzi	刮胡子	to shave (the beard)	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+guǎnjiéyán	关节炎	arthritis	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+guānjié	关节	joint	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+guā	刮	to blow (of wind, typhoons, etc.),to scrape	WLF	1,3	FSI-Chinese
+guìzi	柜子	cabinet	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+guòmǐnzhèng	过敏症	allergy	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+gútou, gǔtou	骨头	bone	WLF	6,Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+gùyì	故意	intentionally, willfully, on purpose	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+hǎibiān(r)	海边(儿)	seashore	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+hàn	和	and (Taiwan pronunciation)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+hǎoxiàng	好像	to seem (to be), to appear that	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+Héběi	河北	north of the (Yellow) river	WLF	Places	FSI-Chinese
+Hénán	河南	south of the (Yellow) river	WLF	Places	FSI-Chinese
+héshì	合适	to fit; to be suitable	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+hé	和	and	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+hē	喝	to drink	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+hé	河	river	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+hōnggānjī	烘干机	dryer	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+hóulóng (hóulong)	喉咙	throat	WLF	5,Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+hòu	厚	to be thick; to be heavy (of clothing)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+huài	坏	to be bad; to go bad, to break	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+huánjìng	环境	environment	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+Húběi	湖北	north of the (Dòngtíng) lake	WLF	Places	FSI-Chinese
+Húnán	湖南	south of the (Dòngtíng) lake	WLF	Places	FSI-Chinese
+huòluàn	霍乱	cholera	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+húzi	胡子	beard OR mustache	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+hú	湖	lake	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+jiákè(r) OR jiākè(r)	夹克	jacket	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiānbǎng	肩膀	shoulder	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+jiàn, jīn (colloquial)	腱,肌	tendon	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+-jiàn	-件	(counter for clothing)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎn	减	to cut (with scissors)	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+-jiān	-间	(counter for rooms)	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎogēn	脚跟	heel	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+jiào tàiyang shàide	*太阳色的	red	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎowànzi	脚腕子	ankle	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎozhítou, jiǎozhǐ	脚趾头,脚趾	toe	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+jiào	叫	to tell/ask (someone to do something)	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎo	脚	foot	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+jiàshǐ zhízhào	驾驶执照	driver’s license	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+jiàshǐ	驾驶	driver, pilot; to drive, to pilot	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+jílianggǔ	脊梁骨	spine	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+jǐngchájú	警察局	police station	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+jǐngchá	警察	policeman	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+jìngzi	镜子	mirror	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+jīròu	肌肉	muscle	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+jiùhùchē	救护车	ambulance	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+-juǎn	卷	reel (of recording tape); to curl, to roll up	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+juǎn	卷	to curl, to roll up	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+juéde	觉得	to feel	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+jūnshì	军事	military	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+kāi dāo		to operate; to be operated on	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+kāishǐ	开始	to begin, to start	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+kāishuǐ	开水	boiled water	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+kāi yàofāng	开药方	to write a prescription	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+kàn bìng	看病	to have an illness treated/diagnosed	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+kàn dàifu	看大夫	to see a doctor	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+kān	看	to look after, to watch over	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+késou	咳嗽	to cough	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+kètīng	客厅	living room	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+kètīng	客厅	living room	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+kōngqì (kōngqi)	空气	air	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+kōngqì wūrǎn	空气污染	air pollution	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+kǒudài	口袋	pocket	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+kùzi (yìtiāo)	裤子(一条)	pants	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+lā dùzi	拉肚子	to have diarrhea	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+lājī; lèsè (Taiwan)	垃圾	garbage 	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+lājītǒng; lèsètǒng (Taiwan)	垃圾桶	garbage pail	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+lājíxiāng; lèsèxiāng (Taiwan)	垃圾箱	garbage can	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+lánwěiyán	appendicitis	appendicitis	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+lánwěi	阑尾	appendix	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+lèigǔ, lègǔ	肋骨	rib	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+lěngqìjī	冷气机	air conditioner	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+lěng	冷	to be cold	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+liǎngbiān	两边	both sides, two sides	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+liángkuai	凉快	to be cool	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+liáng tǐwēn	量体温	to take a person’s temperature	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+-liàng	-辆	(counter for vehicles)	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+liáng	量	to measure	WLF	2,5	FSI-Chinese
+liǎn	脸	face (of a person)	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+liǎn	脸	face	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+liàozi	料子	material, fabric	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+lìhai	厉害	to be severe, to be fierce	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+líkāi	离开	to leave	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+lǐng	领	to collect, to pick up (something which is issued)	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+liú húzi	留胡子	to grow a beard or mustache	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+liúxíngxìng gǎnmào, liúgǎn	流行性感冒,流感	influenza,flu	WLF	5,Medical	FSI-Chinese
+liú xuě (xiě, xuè)	流血	to bleed	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+liú	留	to remain, to stay; to keep, to save; to grow, to let grow; to leave	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+lóutī	楼梯	stairs	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+lùbiān(r)	路边	side of the road	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+lùyīndài	录音带	recording tape	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+lùyīnjī	录音机	tape recorder	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+lúzi	炉子	stove	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+máfan	麻烦	to be troublesome, to be a bother; bother, trouble	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+mǎlù	马路	street, avenue (paved)	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+máoyī	毛衣	sweater	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+màozi (yìdǐng)	帽子(一顶)	hat	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+mǎshàng	马上	immediately 	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+mázhěn	麻疹	measles	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+méimao	眉毛	eyebrow	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+méi shì (le)	没事了	everything is all right (now); there is no (further) business	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+méi wèntí	没问题	no problem	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+méi	霉	fungus	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+mén	门	door	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+mián’āo	棉袄	cotton-padded jacket	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+miànjiá, sāi	面颊,腮	cheek	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+mótuōchē (mōtuōchē)	摩托车	motorcycle	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+mǔzhǐ	拇指	thumb	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+nǎo(zi)	脑(子)	brain	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+nà	那	then, in that case	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+nèikē yīshēng	内科医生	internist, physician	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+nèikē	内科	internal medicine, general medicine; department of internal medicine	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+nèikù	内裤	underpants	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+nèiyī	内衣	underwear (undershirts, undershorts, briefs, slips, bras, etc.); just undershirt (when used in contrast to nèikù, underpants)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+nílóng	尼龙	nylon	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+niúnǎi	牛奶	(cow’s) milk	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+nòng gānjing	弄干净	to clean up	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+nóngzhǒng	脓肿	abscess	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+nòng	弄	to do, to handle, to manage, to make	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+nuǎnhuo	暖和	to be warm	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+páizi	牌子	sign, poster, plate; brand name, trade mark	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+pífu	皮肤	skin	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+pìgǔ	屁股	buttocks	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+píngcháng	平常	usually, generally, ordinarily	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+píxié	皮鞋	leather shoes	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+pò	破	to be worn out; to break, to tear	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+qiáng	墙	wall	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+qìchuǎnbìng	气喘病	asthma	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+qìhòu (qìhou)	气候	climate	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+qǐngjìng	请静	to be quiet	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+qíng	清	to be clear	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+qípáo	旗袍	close-fitting woman’s dress with high neck and slit skirt; cheongsam	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+qiūtiān (qiūtian)	秋天	fall, autumn	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+qí	骑	to ride by straddling	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+qúnzi	裙子	skirt	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+qù	去	to go	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+ràng	让	to let, to allow, to cause someone to do something	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+rénkǒu	人口	population	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+rè	热	to be hot	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+rǔfáng, nǎi, rǔ	乳房,奶,乳	breast	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+sàozhou, sàobǎ	扫帚,扫把	broom	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+sēnlín	森林	forest	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+shāfā	沙发	sofa	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+shàihóng le	晒红了	sunburn	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+shài tuō pí le	晒脱皮了	skin peeling	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+Shāndōng	山东	east of the (Tàiháng) mountains	WLF	Places	FSI-Chinese
+shàngyī	上衣	upper garment	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+Shānxǐ	陕西	west of the (Tàiháng) mountains	WLF	Places	FSI-Chinese
+shān	山	mountain	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+shàn	疝	hernia	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+shāohǎole	烧好了	to have heated up; to have finished cooking	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shǎo	少	to be few; seldom	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+shāo	烧	to heat; to cook	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shéi	谁	someone	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+shēnbàodān	申报单	customs declaration (form)	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shēnbào	申报	to declare, to report	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shēng bìng	生病	to get sick, to become ill	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+shēng	生	to develop (as in shēng bìng)	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+shénjīng jǐnzhāng	神经紧张	nervous tension	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+shénjīng	神经	nerve	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+shénmeyàng	什么样	like what, what kind	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+shēnshang	身上	on one’s body	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+shèn(zàng)	肾(脏)	kidney	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+shétou	舌头	tongue	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+shìqing	事情	matter, affair, business, thing	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+shíwù zhòngdú	食物中毒	food poisoning	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+shì(yi)shi	试一试	to give it a try	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+shì	试	to try	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+shǒushi (shǒushì)	首饰	jewelry	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shōushi	收拾	to tidy up	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shǒuzhítou, shǒuzhǐtou	手指头	finger	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+shǒu	手	hand	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+-shuāng	-双	pair	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+shuā yà	刷牙	to brush one’s teeth	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shuā	刷	to brush	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shūbāo	书包	book bag, tote bag, carryall	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+shūfáng	书房	study, library,study (room)	WLF	4,House	FSI-Chinese
+shūfu	舒服	to be comfortable	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+shuǐchízi	水池子	kitchen sink	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+shuì jiào	睡觉	to sleep	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shuǐlóngtóu	水龙头	faucet, tap	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+shuì wǔjiào	睡午觉	to take a noontime nap	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shuìyī (yítào)	睡衣(一套)	pajamas; nightgown	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+shuǐ	水	water	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shūjiàzi	书架子	bookshelf	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+shūshu	叔叔	uncle	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shū tóu	梳头	to brush or comb hair	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+-sǐle	死了	like crazy, to death (state verb ending)	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+táifēng	台风	typhoon	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+tái	抬	to carry (by two or more people)	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+tángniàobìng	糖尿病	diabetes	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+tàng	烫	to get a permanent	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+tǎng	躺	to lie, to recline	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+-tào	-套	(counter for suits, sets of things)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+téngsǐ le	疼死了	to hurt like crazy, to hurt to death (figuratively)	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+téng (tòng)	疼	to hurt, to ache	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+tiānhuābǎn	天花板	ceiling	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+tiānqì (tiānqi)	天气	weather	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+tiān	天	sky, heaven	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+-tiáo	-条	(counter for long, winding things; counter for pants, translated “pair”)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+tīngshuō	听说	to hear that, to hear it said	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+tǐwēn	体温	(body) temperature	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+tóufa	头发	hair (on the head)	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+tóu téng	头疼	to have a headache; headache	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+tóu	头	head	WLF	5,Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+tuǐ	腿	leg	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+tuí	腿	leg	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+tuōbǎ	拖把	mop	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+tuōxié	拖鞋	slippers	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+tuō	脱	to take off (clothing)	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+tù	吐	to vomit	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+wàiguó	外国	foreign country	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+wàikē yīshēng	外科医生	surgeon	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+wàikē	外科	surgical department	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+wàishì	外事	foreign affairs	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+wàitào(r)	外套	coat, jacket (that extends below the waist)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+wàng	忘	to forget	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+wànzi	腕子	wrist	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+wàzi	袜子	socks	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+wèibìng	胃病	stomach trouble, gastric disease	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+wèi; dùzi 	胃,肚子	stomach (belly)	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+wèikuìyáng	胃溃疡	ulcer (gastric)	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+wèishēngjiān	卫生间	toilet, bathroom	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+wéixiǎn (wēixiǎn)	危险	to be dangerous, to be perilous, danger	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+wèi	胃	stomach	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+wēndù	温度	temperature	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+wèntí	问题	question, problem	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+wòfáng	卧房	bedroom	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+wòfáng	卧房	bedroom	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+wòshì	卧室	bedroom	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+wòshì	卧室	bedroom	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+wūrǎn	污染	pollution	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+wūzi	屋子	room	WLF	4,House	FSI-Chinese
+xiàba	下巴	chin	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎng tù		to feel nauseous	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+xiāngxià (xiāngxià)	乡下	to he in the country, the countryside	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiāngzi	箱子	suitcase, box	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎng	想	to miss, to think of	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎoběnzi	小本子	small notebook	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎobiàn	小便	to urinate; urination	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+xiāohuà bù liáng	消化不良	indigestion	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎoxīn	小心	to be careful, to take care	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+xiàtiān (xiàtiān)	夏天	summer	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+xià xuě	下雪	to snow	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+xià yǔ	下雨	to rain	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+xǐchénqì	吸尘器	vacuum cleaner	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+xiè dù(zi)	泻肚(子)	to have diarrhea	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+xiě, xuě, xuè	血	blood	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+xiězìtái	写字台	desk	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+xié	鞋	shoe	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+xīgài	膝盖	knee	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+xǐliǎnpén	洗脸盆	(bathroom) sink, washstand	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+xǐng	醒	to wake up	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+xīnxiān (xīnxian)	新鲜	fresh	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+xīnzàng	心脏	heart	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+xiōngbù, xiōngtáng	胸部,胸膛	chest	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+xǐ tóu	洗头	to shampoo, to get a shampoo	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+xǐyǐjī	洗衣机	washing machine	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+xǐzǎofáng	洗澡房	bathroom	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+xǐzǎofáng	洗澡房	bathroom	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+xǐzāopén	洗澡盆	bathtub	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+xǐzǎo	洗澡	to take a bath	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+xīzhuāng	西装	Western-style clothes; Western-style suit	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+xǐ	洗	to wash	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+xuěguǎn(r)	血管	blood vessel	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+xuěyā dī	低血压	low blood pressure	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+xuěyā gāo	血压高	high blood pressure, hypertension	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+xuěyā	血压	blood pressure	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+xūyào	需要	to need, to require	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+yáchuáng	牙床	gums	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+yágāo	牙膏	toothpaste	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+yàngzi	样子	appearance; shape, form; style, design; pattern	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+yǎnjìng(r)	眼睛	glasses (spectacles)	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+yǎnjīng	眼睛	eye	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+yánzhèng	炎症	inflammation	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+yǎnzhūzi (colloquial), yǎnqiú	眼珠子,眼球	eyeball	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+yàoburán	要不然	otherwise, or else	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+yàofāng(r)	药方	prescription	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+yào	药	medicine	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+yào	要	should; must; it is necessary, to need to	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+yá, yáchǐ	牙,牙齿	tooth	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+yá	牙	tooth, teeth	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+yídìng	一定	certainly, surely, for sure	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+yīfu	衣服	clothes	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+yīshēng	医生	doctor	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+yīyuàn	医院	hospital	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+yǐzi	椅子	chair	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+yòng	用	to use	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu(de) shíhou	有的时候	sometimes	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu shì	有事	to be occupied, to be busy, to have things to do	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu (yì)diǎn	有(一)点	a little bit, somewhat	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+yóuyǒng	游泳	to swim	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+yóu	油	oil, grease	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+yùbeihǎo le	预备好了	to have prepared	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+yùbei	预备	to prepare	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+yùndǒu	熨斗	iron	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+yūn	晕	to be dizzy	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+yǔxié	雨鞋	rainshoes; rubbers, galoshes	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+yǔyī	雨衣	raincoat	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+yùyuē	预约	to make an appointment (PRC)	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+zāogāo	糟糕	oh no! how awful! how terrible! what a mess!; to be awful	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+zhāojí	着急	to get upset, to be anxious, to be worried	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+zhàoxiàngjǐ	照相机	camera	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+zhào xiàng	照相	to take a picture	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+zhào	照	according to	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhēnjiū (zhēnjiǔ)	针灸	acupuncture and moxibustion	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+-zhe	-着 	marker of duration for actions and states	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+zhìchuāng	痔疮	hemorrhoids	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+zhījia, zhǐjiǎ	指甲	fingernail	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+zhīpiàoběn	支票本	checkbook	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+zhīpiào	支票	check (as in personal check)	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+zhòngfēng	中风	stroke	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+zhòngshǔ	中暑	sunstroke	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+-zhǒng	一种车	kind, sort	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhuàng	撞	to bump into, to run into, to collide with	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+zhuōzi	桌子	table 	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+zhùyì (zhùyi)	注意	to pay attention, to take notice	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+zìjǐ	自己	self, oneself (myself, yourself, etc.)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+zìzhǐlǒu	字纸篓 	wastepaner basket	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+zǒuláng	走廊	corridor, hall	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+zūchūqu	租出去	to rent out	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+zuǐchún	嘴唇	lip	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+zuī, kǒu	嘴,口	mouth	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+zuì	最	most, -est	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+zuò fàn	做饭 	to cook	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+zuò tòufa	做头发	to do one’s hair, to have one’s hair done	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+zuǒyòu	左右	approximately, about	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+zuò	做	to make; to have made	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese

+ 51 - 0

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+bǐcǐ	彼此	each other, mutually; you too, the same to you	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+bǐjiào (bījiǎo)	比较	relatively, comparatively; fairly, rather	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+bú dàn 	不但	not only	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+bù shǎo 	不少	quite a lot, quite a few	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+chéng 	成	to become, to constitute, to make	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+chéngshì	城市	city	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+dànshi	但是	but	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+érqiě 	而且	furthermore	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+fēngqì	风气	common practice; general mood	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+fēngsū 	风俗	custom	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+fūfù	夫妇	married couple, husband and wife	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+gǎibiàn	改变	to change	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+hé 	和	with; and	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+huì	会	might, to be likely to, will	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+jiéhūn	结婚	(jiehūn) to get married	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+jiějué	解决	to solve	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+jingguò	经过	to go through, to pass by or through	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+jìniàn	纪念	memento, memorial	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+kǎolǜ 	考虑	to consider; consideration	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+kě	可	indeed, really	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+kě bū shi ma!	可不是吗	I’ll say, yes indeed, that’s for sure	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+liàn’ài	恋爱	to be romantically involved with; love	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+liǎojiě (liáojie)	了解	to understand; understanding	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+líhūn	离婚	to  get divorced	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+lǐwù (lǐwu)	礼物	gift, present	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+nánjiā(r)	男家	the husband’s family	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+nánnǚ	男女	male and female	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+nénggòu 	能够	can, to be able to	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+niánqīng 	年轻	to be young	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+nóngcūn 	女家	rural area, countryside 	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+nǚjiā(r)	女家	the wife’s family	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+nǔlì 	努力	to be hardworking, to be diligent; diligently, hard	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+qīngnián	青年	youth, young person	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+qīnqi	亲戚	relatives	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+qūbié	区别	difference, distinction	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+shíxíng	实行	to practice, to carry out (a method, policy, plan, ‘reform, etc.)	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+shuāngfāng	双方	both sides, both parties	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+sòng 	送	to give (something as a gift)	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+tànqīn	探亲	to visit relatives (usually means immediate family)	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+tànqīnjià 	探亲家	leave for visiting family	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+tíchàng	提倡	to advocate, to promote, to initiate	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+wǎnliàn wǎnhūn	晚恋晚婚	late involvement and late marriage	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiāngdāng	相当	quite, pretty, very	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+xǔduō	许多	many; a great deal (of), a lot (of)	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+yīngdāng 	应当	should, ought to	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+yíshì	仪式	ceremony	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+yìzhí	一直	all along, all the time (up until a certain point)	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+zhèngfǔ 	政府	government	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+zhùdao	住到	to move to, to go live at 	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+zǒngshi 	总是	always	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese
+zuò 	作,做	to serve as, to act as; as	MBD	1	FSI-Chinese

+ 286 - 0

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+ài	(sound of sighing)	MBD 2
+ānxīn	to be without worry, to feel at ease, to feel relieved	MBD 5
+-bàng	pound (unit of weight)	MBD 1
+bǎobao (bǎobǎo)	baby, darling (term of endearment for a young child)	MBD 1
+bǎozhòng	to take good care (of oneself)	MBD 5
+běnlái	originally	MBD 5
+bǐcǐ	each other, mutually; you too, the same to you	MBD 1
+bǐjiào (bǐjiǎo)	relatively, comparatively; fairly, rather	MBD 1
+bìngqiě	moreover, and	MBD 5
+bīngxiāng	refrigerator, ice box	MBD 1
+bìnyíguǎn	funeral home	MBD 6
+bìyùn	contraception	MBD 3
+bú dàn	not only	MBD 1
+bù gǎn dāng	I’m flattered, You shouldn’t have, I don’t deserve this	MBD 1
+bù shǎo	quite a lot, quite a few	MBD 1
+bù tóng	to be different	MBD 3
+cānjiā	to take part in; to attend	MBD 5
+chǎnfù	a woman who has given birth within the last month	MBD 3
+chángshòu	long life, longevity; to live a long time	MBD 5
+chǎnjià	maternity leave	MBD 3
+chéng	to become, to constitute, to make	MBD 1
+chénggōng	to succeed, to be successful	MBD 3
+chéngshì	city	MBD 1
+chī nǎi	to nurse, to suckle	MBD 1
+chū bìn	to hold a funeral procession	MBD 6
+chūchāi	to be out of town on business	MBD 5
+chuī fēng	to have air blow on oneself; to be in a draft	MBD 1
+chūshēnglü	birth rate	MBD 3
+cónglái bù	never	MBD 6
+cónglái dōu	always (in the past)	MBD 6
+cónglái méi	have never	MBD 6
+dā	travel by, take (a taxi, bus, train, airplane, etc.)	MBD 6
+dǎ chángtú diānhuà	to make a long-distance phone call	MBD 5
+dàdōu	for the most part	MBD 6
+dāgē	oldest brother ”	MBD 5
+dài xiào	to wear mourning	MBD 6
+dāngxīn	to watch out	MBD 1
+dànshi	but .	MBD 1
+dānwèi	unit	MBD 3
+-dào	(indicates successful accomplishment of something)	MBD 3
+dàxǐ	great rejoicing	MBD 2
+dāxīde rìzi	wedding day	MBD 2
+dāying	to agree (to something), to consent, to promise	MBD 2
+dé	to get	MBD 1
+dédao	to receive, to get	MBD 3
+diàosāng	to present one’s condolences at a funeral	MBD 5
+dù	to pass	MBD 2
+dù mìyuè	to go on a honeymoon, to spend one's honeymoon	MBD 2
+duó kuāi!	how fast!	MBD 1
+duōnián	many years	MBD 2
+ěrduo	' ear	MBD 1
+érnü	children	MBD 5
+érqiě	furthermore	MBD 1
+fādá	to be developed, to be prosperous	MBD 6
+fàn	to have an attack (of an old disease)	MBD 5
+fǎnzhèng	anyway, in any case	MBD 6
+fǎyuàn	court of law	MBD 2
+fēngqì	common practice; general mood	MBD 1
+fēngshī	rheumatism	MBD U
+fēngshuǐ	the Chinese science of geomancy (that is, the influence of landscape on people and their fortunes)	MBD 6
+fēngsú	custom	MBD 1
+fēnpèi	to assign, to apportion, to allot	MBD 3
+Fó	Buddha	MBD 2
+fūfù	married couple, husband and wife	MBD 1
+fúqi	blessings, luck	MBD U
+fúxiàng	lucky physiognomy	MBD U
+fùzá (fǔzá) 	to be complicated	MBD 2
+gāi	should, ought to	MBD 6
+gǎibiàn	to change	MBD 1
+gǎndeshàng	to be able to catch up, to be able to make it in time	MBD 5
+gǎnhuilai	to rush back	MBD 5
+gǎnjǐn	quickly	MBD 5
+gèdì	the various places, each place	MBD 3
+gègè	various	MBD 3
+gēnjù (gēnju)	according to, based on	MBD 3
+gèzhǒng	various kinds, types	MBD 3
+gōngmù	public cemetery	MBD 6
+gōngzhèng jiēhūn	jiēhūn civil marriage	MBD 2
+gōngzī	wages, pay	MBD 3
+guānniàn	concept, notion, view	MBD 6
+gǔhuī	bone ashes	MBD 5
+guīju	special customs, established rules	MBD 6
+guòqu	to pass away, to die	MBD 5
+guòshì	to pass away, to die	MBD 5
+hái	even, (to go) so far as to	MBD 2
+háishi	after all	MBD 2
+hé	with; and	MBD 1
+héqilai	to combine, to join together	MBD 6
+hóngbāo	a red envelope with a gift or bribe of money in it	MBD U
+hóngdàn	eggs dyed red	MBD U
+hóngtáng	brown sugar	MBD 3
+hoòdài	descendants	MBD 6
+hòulái	later, afterwards	MBD 2
+huā	to be multicolored	MBD 6
+huāquān	flower wreath	MBD 6
+huī	to be gray	MBD 6
+huì	might, to be likely to, will	MBD 1
+huí mén	the return of the bride to her parents’ home (usually on the third day after the wedding)	MBD 2
+huīfu	to recover	MBD 1
+hūnlǐ	wedding	MBD 2
+huò	or	MBD 6
+huǒzàng	to cremate; cremation	MBD 5
+huǒzàng	cremation	MBD 6
+hūrán	suddenly	MBD 5
+jià	vacation, leave	MBD 3
+jiǎngjiu	to be particular about; to be elegant, to be tasteful	MBD 6
+jiānglái	the future, someday	MBD 5
+jiàotáng	church	MBD 2
+jiāowāng	to associate with, to have  dealings with	MBD 2
+jiātíng	family	MBD 3
+jīdūjiào	Christianity	MBD 2
+jiéguǒ (jiēguǒ)	as a result; result, results	MBD 1
+jiéhūn (jiēhūn)	to get married	MBD 1
+jiéhūn lǐfū	wedding gown	MBD 2
+jiějué	to solve	MBD 1
+jièshaorén	introducer	MBD 2
+jìhua shēngyù	planned parenthood, family planning	MBD 3
+jíjiù	first aid; to administer emergency treatment	MBD 5
+Jílè Bìnyíguǎn	Paradise Funeral Home (in Taipei)	MBD 6
+jīngguoò	to go through, to pass by or through	MBD 1
+jìniàn	memento, memorial	MBD 1
+jiù shi le	... , that’s all	MBD 6
+jiùguolai	to save	MBD 5
+juédìng	to decide	MBD 2
+juéyù	sterilization	MBD 3
+jūmín wěiyuánhuì	neighborhood committee	MBD 3
+jǔxíng	to hold (a meeting, ceremony,  etc. )	MBD 2
+júzhǎng	head of an office or bureau (of which the last syllable is jú)	MBD 2
+kǎolü	to consider; consideration	MBD 1
+kě	indeed, really	MBD 1
+kě bú shì ma	I’ll say, yes indeed, that’s for sure	MBD 1
+kòngzhi	to control	MBD 3
+...-lái ...-qù	(indicates repeating the action over and over again)	MBD 2
+lǎorénjia	polite way of addressing or referring to an old person ní laorénjia, tā lāorénjia)	MBD 5
+lǎoshi(lǎoshí) 	to be honest	MBD 2
+liàn’ài	to be romantically involved with; love	MBD 1
+-liǎo	can, to be ahle to	MBD 5
+liǎojiě (liáojie)	to understand; understanding	MBD 1
+líhūn	to get divorced	MBD 1
+lǐwù (lǐwu)	gift, present	MBD 1
+māma	mother, mom	MBD 6
+mǎnyì	to be pleased	MBD 2
+mǎnyuè	a full month after the hirth of a hahy	MBD U
+mǎnyuèjiǔ	celebration meal one month after a hahy is horn	MBD U
+-men	plural suffix	MBD 3
+miǎnfèi	to be free of charge	MBD 3
+míng’é	the number of people assigned or allowed, quota (of people)	MBD 3
+míxìn	to be superstitious; superstition	MBD 6
+mìyuè	honeymoon	MBD 2
+nǎ (náli, nǎr)	how (used in rhetorical questions to deny something)	MBD 6
+nánfāng	the groom’s side, the grocm’s family	MBD 2
+nánguò	to be sad	MBD 5
+nánjiā(r)	the husband’s family	MBD 1
+nánnü	male and female	MBD 1
+nénggàn	to be capable	MBD 2
+nénggòu	can, to be able to	MBD 1
+niánji (niánjì)	age	MBD 5
+niánqīng	to be young	MBD 1
+nóngcūn	rural area, countryside	MBD 1
+nóngmín	peasant	MBD 3
+nü	female	MBD 3
+nüjiā(r)	the wife’s family	MBD 1
+nǔlì	to be hardworking, to be diligent; diligently, hard	MBD 1
+pàichūsuǒ(r)	the local police station	MBD 3
+pàng	to be fat	MBD U
+pèng	to touch	MBD U
+píngjìng	to be calm	MBD 5
+pīzhǔn	to give official permission	MBD 3
+pòfei	to spend a lot of money (on  someone), to go to some expense	MBD 4
+qiān míng	to sign one’s name	MBD 6
+qiānmíngbù	guest hook	MBD 6
+qiānwàn	by all means, be sure to; (in combination with a negative  word) hy no means, under no  circumstances	MBD U
+qíngkuàng	situation	MBD 3
+qingnián	youth, young person	MBD 1
+qinjìn	to be close (to a person)	MBD 3
+qīnqi	relatives	MBD 1
+qūhié	difference, distinction	MBD 1
+qùbuliǎo	cannot go	MBD 5
+qùshì	to pass away, to die	MBD 5
+rén	person, self, hody	MBD 2
+réngōng liúchǎn	abortion	MBD 3
+rènwéi	to think that, to believe that	MBD 6
+rù xí	to take one’s seat (at a gather ing, meeting, or banquet)	MBD 2
+rúhé	how, in what way; how (someone or something) is; how is...?, how is it (literary form)	MBD 6
+sān tōngguò	”the three approvals”	MBD 3
+sānglǐ	funeral	MBD 5
+shàngjìn	to be ambitious	MBD 2
+shāngxīn	to be grieved, to be sorrowful, to be broken-hearted	MBD 5
+shǎoshù mínzú	minority nationality, national minority	MBD 3
+shēnbiān	one’s vicinity, one’s immediate surroundings	MBD 5
+shēnglěng	raw or cold foods	MBD it
+shēngxialai	to be born	MBD U
+shēngyù	to give birth to and raise	MBD 3
+shì fǒu	literary form meaning shi bu shi	MBD 6
+shībài	to fail	MBD 3
+shìqū	urban area or district	MBD 3
+shíxíng	to practice, to carry out (a method, policy, plan, reform,  etc.)	MBD 1
+shóu (shú)	to be familiar (with), to know well	MBD 2
+shǒubì	arm	MBD 6
+shǒushù	operation, surgery	MBD 3
+shǒuxiān	first	MBD 3
+shú (shóu)	to be familiar  (with), to know well	MBD
+shuāngfāng	both sides, both parties	MBD 1
+shùmu	number	MBD 3
+sǐ	to die	MBD 6
+sòng	to give (something as a gift)	MBD 1
+sòng	to escort, to take (someone to a place)	MBD 5
+sūnzi	grandson	MBD U
+-tài	birth	MBD 1
+tàn qīn	to visit family	MBD 1
+tándao	to talk about; speaking of ...	MBD 2
+tǎng	to lie, to recline	MBD U
+tánlai tánqù	to talk back and forth	MBD 2
+tànqīn	to visit relatives (usually means immediate family)	MBD 1
+tànqīnjià	leave for visiting family	MBD 1
+tíchàng	to advocate, to promote, to initiate	MBD 1
+tíqīn	to bring up a proposal of marriage	MBD 2
+tōngguò	to pass, to approve	MBD 3
+tòngkǔ	to be painful	MBD 1
+tóngyì	to consent, to agree	MBD 3
+tóuyige	the first	MBD 1
+tóu(yì)tāi	the first pregnancy, the first baby	MBD 1
+tuō nínde fú	thanks to your lucky influence, many thanks	MBD 1
+tǔzàng	burial (the word used in contrast to cremation or burial at sea)	MBD 6
+Wángjiā	the Wáng family, the Wángs	MBD U
+wánjù	toy	MBD 3
+wǎnliàn	funeral scroll	MBD 6
+wǎnliàn wǎnhūn	late involvement and late marriage	MBD 1
+wèi	to feed	MBD 4
+xiānhuā	fresh flowers	MBD 3
+xiǎngdāng	quite, pretty, very	MBD 1
+xiāngxìn	to believe	MBD 3
+xiǎo bǎobao	baby, darling (term of endearment for a young child)	MBD U
+xiǎode	to know	MBD 6
+xiǎoháir	child, children	MBD 3
+xiǎojiě (xiǎojie)	daughter (referring to someone else’s daughter)	MBD 2
+xiāoxi	news	MBD 5
+xiǎoxīn	to be careful	MBD U
+xífu	daughter-in-law	MBD U
+xíguān	habit, custom	MBD 6
+xǐjiǔ	wedding banquet; wedding wine	MBD 2
+xìn	to believe (in)	MBD 2
+xìn Fó	to be a Buddhist	MBD 2
+xīnlǎng	bridegroom	MBD 2
+xīnniáng	bride	MBD 2
+xīnzàng	heart	MBD 5
+xīnzàngbìng	heart disease	MBD 5
+xǔduō	many, a great deal (of),  a lot (of)	MBD 1
+Yángmíngshān	a mountain in surburban Taipei	MBD
+yě	indeed, in fact, admittedly	MBD
+yě jiù shi shuō	to mean; in other words	MBD
+yìbān	ordinary, general, common	MBD
+yìbānde shuō	generally speaking	MBD
+yíbèizi	all one’s life	MBD
+yídào	together	MBD
+yídìng	to be specific	MBD
+yìjian	opinion	MBD
+yīngdāng	should, ought to	MBD
+yíngyǎngpǐn	food items of special nutritional value	MBD
+yíshì	ceremony	MBD
+yíxiàng	(have) always, (had) always,consistently, all along	MBD
+yíxiàzi	an instant, a moment, a while	MBD
+yìzhí	all along, all the time (up until a certain point)	MBD 1
+yuèzi	month of confinement after giving birth to a child	MBD 1
+zài shuō	furthermore, besides	MBD 5
+zàng	to bury	MBD 5
+zǎo	long ago	MBD 2
+zēngjiā	to increase	MBD 3
+zhǎng	to grow; to be (pretty, etc.)	MBD 1
+zhèngfǔ	government	MBD 1
+zhènghūn	to witness a marriage	MBD 2
+zhènghūnrén	chief witness at a wedding ceremony	MBD 2
+zhǐ yào	as long as, if only	MBD 6
+zhòng	to be heavy	MBD ll
+zhù dao	to move to, to go live at	MBD 1
+zǐsūn	descendants	MBD 6
+zǒngshi	always	MBD 1
+zū	to rent	MBD 2
+zùijìn	recently; soon	MBD 5
+zǔmǔ	grandmother (on the father’s side)	MBD 5
+zuò	to serve as, to act as; as	MBD 1
+zuò méi	to act as go-between (for the families of a man and woman considering marriage)	MBD 2
+zuò yuèzi	to go through the month of confinement and special care after childbirth	MBD 4

+ 23 - 0

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+càishichǎng 	菜市场	market	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+cèsuǒ	厕所	toilet	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+dàfàndiàn	大饭店	hotel	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+shāngdiàn 	商店	store	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+dàlou 	大楼	building	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+dàshiguǎn 	大使馆	embassy	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+dìqū	地区	region	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+fàndiàn	饭店	restaurant	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+fàngjiān	房间	room	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+fànguǎnzi	饭馆子	restaurant	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+fàntīng 	饭厅	dining room	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+fēijichǎng	飞机场	airport	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+fùjìn	附近	area	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+fúwùtái 	服务台	service desk	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+Gōngānjú 	公安局	Bureau of Public Security	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+gōngsī 	公司	company	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+gōngyù 	公寓	apartment	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+gōngyuǎn	公园	park	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+huìkèshì 	会客室	reception room	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+huǒchēzhàn 	火车站	railroad station	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+jǐngchájú 	警察局	police station	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+kāfēitīng 	咖啡厅	coffeehouse	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+lǎojiā	老家	hometown	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese

+ 50 - 0

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+ài	唉	(sound of sighing)	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+dàxǐ	大喜	great rejoicing	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+dàxǐde rìzi	大喜的日子	wedding day	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+dāying	答应	to agree (to something), to consent, to promise	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+dù	度	to pass	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+dù mìyuè 	度蜜月	to go on a honeymoon, to spend one's honeymoon	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+duōnián	多年	many years	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+fǎyuàn	法院	court of law	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+Fó	佛	Buddha	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+fùzá (fǔzá)	复杂	to be complicated	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+gōngzhèng jiēhūn	公证结婚	civil marriage	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+hái	还	even, (to go) so far as to	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+háishi	还是	after all	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+hòulái	后来	later, afterwards	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+húi mén	回门	the return of the bride to her parents' home (usually on the third day after the wedding)	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+hūnlǐ	婚礼	wedding	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiàotáng	教堂	church	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiāowǎng	交往	to associate with, to have dealings with	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+jīdūjiào	基督教	Christianity	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiēhūn lǐfú	结婚礼服	wedding gown (dress)	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+jièshaorén	介绍人	introducer	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+juédìng	决定	to decide	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+jǔxíng	举行	to hold (a meeting, ceremony, etc.)	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+júzhǎng	局长	head of an office or bureau (of which the last syllable is jú)	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+...-lái...-qù	。。。-来。。。-去	(indicates repeating the action over and over again)	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+lǎoshi (lǎoshí)	老实	to be honest	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+mǎnyì	满意	to be pleased	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+mìyuè	蜜月	honeymoon	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+nánfāng	男方	the groom's side, the groom's family 	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+nēnggàn	能干	to be capable	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+rén	人	 person, self, body	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+rù xí	入席	 to take one’s seat (at a gathering, meeting, or banquet)	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+shàngjìn 	上进	to be ambitious	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+shú	熟	 to be familiar (with), to know well	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+tándao	谈到	 to talk about; speaking of ...	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+tánlai tánqù		to talk back and forth	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+tíqīn	提亲	 to bring up a proposal of marriage	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎojiě (xiáojie)	小姐	 daughter (referring to someone else’s daughter)	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+xījiù	喜酒	wedding banquet; wedding wine	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+xìn	信	to believe (in)	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+xìn Fó	信佛	to be a Buddhist	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+xīnláng	新郎	bridegroom	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+xīnniáng	新娘	bride	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+yě	也	indeed, in fact, admittedly	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+yìjian 	意见	opinion	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+záo	早	long ago	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhènghūn	征婚	to witness a marriage	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhènghūnrén	征婚人	chief witness at a wedding ceremony	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+zū	租	to rent	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese
+zuò méi 	做媒	to act as go-between (for the families of a man and woman considering marriage)	MBD	2	FSI-Chinese

+ 52 - 0

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+bìyùn	避孕	contraception	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+bù tong	不同	to be different	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+chǎnfù	产妇	a woman who has given birth within the last month	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+chǎnjià	产假	maternity leave	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+chénggōng	成功	to succeed, to be successful	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+chūshēnglü	出生率	birth rate	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+dānwèi	单位	unit	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+-dào	到	indicates successful accomplishment of something	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+dédao	得到	to receive, to get	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+fēnpèi	分配	to assign, to apportion, to allot	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+gèdì	各地	the various places, each place	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+gègè	各个	various	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+gēnjù (gēnju)	根据	according to, based on	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+gèzhǒng	各种	various kinds, types	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+gōngzī  	工资	wages, pay	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+hóngtáng	红糖	brown sugar	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+jià	假	vacation, leave	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+jiātíng	家庭	family	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+jìhua shēngyù	计划生育	planned parenthood, family planning	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+juéyù	绝育	sterilization	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+jūmín wěiyuánhuì 	居民委员会	neighborhood committee	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+kòngzhi	控制	to control	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+-men	-们	plural suffix	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+miǎnfèi	免费	to be free of charge	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+ming’é	名额	the number of people assigned or allowed, quota (of people)	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+nóngmín	农民	peasant	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+nǚ	女	female	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+pàichūsuǒ(r)	派出所儿	the local police station	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+pīzhǔn	批准	to give official permission	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+qíngkuàng	情况	situation	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+qīnjìn	亲近	to be close (to a person)	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+réngōng liúchǎn	人工流产	 abortion	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+sān tōngguò	三通过	“the three approvals”	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+shǎoshù mínzú	少数民族	minority nationality, national minority	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+shēngyù	生育	to give birth to and raise	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+shībài	失败	to fail	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+shìqū	市区	urban area or district	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+shōushù	手术	operation, surgery	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+shōuxiān	首先	first	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+shùmu	数目	 number 	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+tongguò	通过	to pass, to approve	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+tóngyì	同意	to consent, to agree	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+wánjù	玩具	toy	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+xiāngxìn	相信	to believe	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+xiānhuā	鲜花	fresh flowers	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎoháir	小孩儿	child, children	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+yě jiù shi shuō	也就是说	to mean; in other words	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+yìbān	一般	ordinary, general, common	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+yìbānde shuō	一般地说	generally speaking	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+yídìng	一定	to be specific	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+yíngyǎngpǐn	营养品	food items of special nutritional value	MBD	3	FSI-Chinese
+zengjiā	增加	to increase	3	FSI-Chinese

+ 43 - 0

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+-bàng	镑	pound (unit of weight)	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+bǎobao (bǎobǎo)	宝宝	baby, darling (term of endearment for a young child)	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+bīngxiāng	冰箱	refrigerator, ice box	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+bù gǎn dāng	不敢当	I’m flattered, You shouldn't have, I don't deserve this	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+chī nǎi	吃奶	to nurse, to suckle	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+chuī fēng	吹风	to have air blow on oneself, to be in a draft	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+dāngxīn	当心	to watch out	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+dé	得	to get	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+duó kuài!	多快	how fast!	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+ěrduo	耳朵	ear	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+fēngshī	风湿	rheumatism	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+fúqi	福气	blessings, luck	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+fúxiàng 	福祥	lucky physiognomy	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+hóngbāo	红包	a red envelope with a gift or bribe of money in it	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+hóngdàn	红蛋	eggs dyed red	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+huīfu	恢复	to recover	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+jiēguǒ (jiēguǒ)	结果	as a result; result, results	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+mǎnyuè	满月	a full month after the birth of a baby	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+mǎnyuèjiǔ	满月酒	celebration meal one month after a baby is born	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+pàng	胖	to be fat	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+pèng	碰	to touch	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+pòfei	颇费	to spend a lot of money (on someone), to go to some expense	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+qiānwàn	千万 	by all means, be sure to; (in com bination with a negative sentence) by no means, under no circumstances	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+shēnglěng	生冷	raw or cold foods	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+shēngxialai	生下来	to be born	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+sūnzi	孙子	grandson	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+-tāi	胎	birth	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+tǎng	躺	to lie,lie down, to recline	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+tòngkǔ	痛苦	to be painful	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+tóuyige	头一个	the first	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+tóuyìtāi	头一台	the first pregnancy, the first baby	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+tuō nínde fú	托您的福	thanks to your lucky influence, many thanks	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+Wángjiā	王家	the Wáng family	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+wèi	喂	to feed	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎo bǎobao (xiǎo bǎobǎo)	小宝宝	baby, darling (term of endearment for a young child)	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎoxīn	小心	to be careful	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+xífu	媳妇	daughter-in-law	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+yíxiàzi	一下子	an instant, a moment, a while	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+yuèzi	月子	month of confinement after giving birth to a child	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+zhǎng	成	to grow; to be (pretty, etc.)	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+zhòng	重	to be heavy	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese
+zuò yuèzi	坐月子	to go through the month of confinement and special care after childbirth	MBD	4	FSI-Chinese

+ 42 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ānxīn	安心	to be without worry, to feel at ease to feel relieved	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+běnlái	本来	originally	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+bìngqiě	并且	moreover, and	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+cānjiā	参加	to take part in; to attend	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+chángshòu	长寿	long life, longevity; to live a long time	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+chūchāi	出差	to be out of town on business	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+dǎ chángtū diànhuà	大长途电话	to make a long-distance phone call	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+dàgē	大哥	oldest brother	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+diàosāng	吊嗓	to present one’s condolences at a funeral, to attend a funeral	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+érnǚ	儿女	children	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+fàn	犯	to have an attack (of an old disease)	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+gǎndeshàng	干得上	to be able to catch up, to be able to make it in time	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+gǎnhuilai	赶回来	to rush back	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+gǎnjīn	赶紧	quickly	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+gǔhuī	骨灰	bone ashes	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+guòqu	过去	to pass away, to die	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+guòshì	过世	to pass away, to die	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+huǒzàng	火葬	to cremate; cremation	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+hūrǎn	忽然	suddenly	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+jiānglái	将来	the future, someday	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+jíjiù	急救	first aid; to administer emergency treatment	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+jiùguolai 	就过来	to save	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+lǎorénjiā 	老人家	polite way of addressing or referring to an old person (nǐ lǎorénjiā, tā lǎorénjiā)	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+-liǎo	了	 can, to be able to	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+nánguò	难过	 to be sad 	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+niánji (niánjì)	年纪	age	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+píngjìng	平静	 to be calm	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+qubuliǎo	去不了	cannot go	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+qùshì	去世	to pass away, to die	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+sānglǐ	丧礼	funeral	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+shāngxīn	伤心	to be grieved, to be sorrowful, to be heartbroken	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+shēnbiān	身边	one’s vicinity, one’s immediate surroundings	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+sòng	送	to escort, to take (someone to a place)	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+xiāoxi	消息	 news	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+xīnzàng	心脏	heart	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+xīnzàngbìng	心脏病	heart disease	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+yíbèizi	一辈子	all one’s life	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+yíxiang	一向	(have) always, (had) always, consistently, all along	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+zài shuō	再说	furthermore, besides	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+zàng	葬	to bury	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+zuìjìn	最近	recently; soon	MBD	5	FSI-Chinese
+zǔmǔ	祖母	grandmother (on the father’s side)

+ 43 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+bìnyíguǎn	殡仪馆	funeral home	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+chū bìn	出殡	to hold a funeral procession	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+cónglái bù	从来不	never	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+cónglái dōu	从来都	always (in the past)	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+cónglái méi	从来没	have never	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+dā	打	travel by, take (a taxi, bus, train, airplane, etc.)	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+dàdōu	大都	for the most part	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+dài xiào	带孝	to wear mourning	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+fādá	发达	to be developed, to be prosperous	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+fǎnzhèng	反正	anyway, in any case	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+fēngshuǐ	风水	the Chinese science of geomancy (that is, the influence of landscape on people and their fortunes)	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+gāi	该	should, ought to	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+gōngmù	公墓	public cemetery	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+guānniàn	观念	concept, notion, view	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+guīju	规矩	special customs, established rules	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+héqilai	合起来	to combine, to join together	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+hòudài	后代	descendants	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+huā	花	to be multicolored	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+huāquān	花圈	flower wreath	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+huī	灰	to be gray	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+huò	或	or	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+huǒzàng	火葬	cremation	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎngjiu	讲究	to be particular about; to be elegant, to be tasteful	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+Jílè Bìnyíguǎn	极乐殡仪馆	Paradise Funeral Home (in Tapei)	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+jiù shì le	就是了	..., that’s all	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+māma	妈妈	mother, mom	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+míxin	迷信	to be superstitious; superstition	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+nǎ (náli, nǎr)	那(那里,那儿)	how (used in rhetorical questions to deny something)	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+qiān míng	签名	to sign one’s name	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+qiānmíngbù	签名簿	guest book	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+rènwéi	认为	to think that, to believe that	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+rúhé	如何	how, in what way; how (someone or something) is; how is it (literary form)	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+shì fǒu	是否	literary form meaning shi bu shi	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+shǒubì	手臂	arm	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+sǐ	死	to die	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+tǔzàng	土葬	burial (the word used in contrast to cremation or burial at sea)	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+wǎnliàn	挽联	funeral scroll	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎode	晓得	to know	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+xíguàn	习惯	habit, custom	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+Yàngmíngshān	阳明山	a mountain in suburban Taipei	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+yídào	一道	together	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+zhǐ yào	只要	as long as, if only	MBD	6	FSI-Chinese
+zǐsūn	子孙	descendants

+ 45 - 47

@@ -1,47 +1,45 @@
-bǎ	把	object marker
-bāoguǒ	包裹	package
-bǎoxiǎn	保险	to protect by insurance, to insure
-bènshì	本市	this city
--céng	-层	counter for F1oors of buildings
-dǎ diànhuà	打电话	to make a phone call, to telephone
-diànbào	电报	telegram
-Diànbào Dàlóu	电报大楼	Telegraph Office
-diànhuà	电话	phone call
-Diànxìnjú	电信局	Telegraph Office
--fēng	-封	counter for letter
-fúwùtái	服务台	service desk
-guàhào	挂号	to register(something)
-guàhàoxìn (yìfēng)	挂号信(一封)	registered letter
-guówài	国外	outside the country, foreign
-guónèi	国内	within the country, domestic
-hǎiyùn	海运	sea mail
-hángkōng	航空	air mail
-hángkōng yōujiǎn	航空邮件	aerogram
--jiàn	-件	counter for matter, affairs
-jiànchá	检查	to inspect examine
-jì	寄	to mail, to send by mail
-lóuxià	楼下	downstairs
-míngxìnpiàn	明信片	post cards
-píngxìn	平信	regular mail, surface mail
-qíngfàng	轻放	fragile(lit, put down lightly)
-shì(yíjiàn)	事(一件)	matter, affair,thing
-tì	替	in place of (someone), for
-tie	贴	to paste on, to stick
-wàídí	外地	outside the local area
-wàimian	外面	outside
-xiāngzi	箱子	box, suitcase, trunk
-xiǎoxīn	小心	to be careful
-xiěshang	写上	to write on (something)
-xìn (yìfēng)	信(一封)	letter
-xìnfēng	信封	envelope
-xìnzhǐ	信纸	stationery
-yíqǐ	一起	together, together with
-yóujú 	邮局	post office
-yóupiào(yìzhang)	邮票	stamp
-yǒu tǒng	邮筒	mailbox
-post office 	邮政局	yóuzhèngjú
-zhòngyào	重要	to be important
-zuìhǎo	最好	the best; “it would be best”
-zuìshǎo	最少	at least, at the minimum
+bǎ	把	object marker	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+bāoguǒ	包裹	package	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+bǎoxiǎn	保险	to protect by insurance, to insure	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+bènshì	本市	this city	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+-céng	-层	counter for F1oors of buildings	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+dǎ diànhuà	打电话	to make a phone call, to telephone	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+diànbào	电报	telegram	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+Diànbào Dàlóu	电报大楼	Telegraph Office	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+diànhuà	电话	phone call	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+Diànxìnjú	电信局	Telegraph Office	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+-fēng	-封	counter for letter	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+fúwùtái	服务台	service desk	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+guàhào	挂号	to register(something)	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+guàhàoxìn (yìfēng)	挂号信(一封)	registered letter	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+guówài	国外	outside the country, foreign	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+guónèi	国内	within the country, domestic	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+hǎiyùn	海运	sea mail	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+hángkōng	航空	air mail	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+hángkōng yōujiǎn	航空邮件	aerogram	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+-jiàn	-件	counter for matter, affairs	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+jiànchá	检查	to inspect examine	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+jì	寄	to mail, to send by mail	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+lóuxià	楼下	downstairs	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+míngxìnpiàn	明信片	post cards	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+píngxìn	平信	regular mail, surface mail	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+qíngfàng	轻放	fragile(lit, put down lightly)	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+shì(yíjiàn)	事(一件)	matter, affair,thing	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+tì	替	in place of (someone), for	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+tie	贴	to paste on, to stick	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+wàídí	外地	outside the local area	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+wàimian	外面	outside	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiāngzi	箱子	box, suitcase, trunk	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎoxīn	小心	to be careful	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiěshang	写上	to write on (something)	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+xìn (yìfēng)	信(一封)	letter	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+xìnfēng	信封	envelope	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+xìnzhǐ	信纸	stationery	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+yíqǐ	一起	together, together with	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+yóujú 	邮局	post office	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+yóupiào(yìzhang)	邮票	stamp	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu tǒng	邮筒	mailbox	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+post office 	邮政局	yóuzhèngjú	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+zhòngyào	重要	to be important	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+zuìhǎo	最好	the best; “it would be best”	POT	1	FSI-Chinese
+zuìshǎo	最少	at least, at the minimum	POT	1	FSI-Chinese

+ 31 - 33

@@ -1,33 +1,31 @@
-bàngōngshì	办公室	office
-bié	别	don’t 
-bú yòng	不用	no need to
-chá 	查	to look up (information)
-dài	带	to bring with one, to carry along
-diànhuàbù	电话簿	phone directory
-fēnjī	分机	telephone extension
-gōngguǎn	公管	residence, home (a polite reference to another’s residence)
-gōngyòng	公用	public, for public use
-guàshang	挂上	to hang up(telephone)
-guò	过	to pass(some time)
-huí diànhuà 	回电话	to return a phone call
-jiē	接	to connect, to join
-jiēguoqu 	通过去	to connect, to put through (phone call)
-liú ge huà	留个话	to leave a message
-Měidàsī	美大司	Bureau of American and Pacific Affairs
-míngzi	名字	name
-néng	能	can, to be able
-qīngchu	清除	to be clear
-shāngrén	商人	businessman
-shēng 	声	sound, voice
-ting	听	to listen to, to hear
-tīngdong 	听懂	to understand (by listening)                    
-Wàijiāobù	外交部	Ministry of Foreign Affairs
-Wàimàobù	外贸部	Ministry of Foreign Trade
-wàng  	忘	to forget      
-xiàn	线	telephone line, wire
-xiéxialai	写下来	to write down
-yìhuǐr	一会儿	a short while, a moment
-zhàn	占	to occupy a space
-zhǎo	找	to look for, to find
+bàngōngshì	办公室	office	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+bié	别	don’t 	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+bú yòng	不用	no need to	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+chá 	查	to look up (information)	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+dài	带	to bring with one, to carry along	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+diànhuàbù	电话簿	phone directory	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+fēnjī	分机	telephone extension	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+gōngguǎn	公管	residence, home (a polite reference to another’s residence)	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+gōngyòng	公用	public, for public use	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+guàshang	挂上	to hang up(telephone)	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+guò	过	to pass(some time)	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+huí diànhuà 	回电话	to return a phone call	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiē	接	to connect, to join	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiēguoqu 	通过去	to connect, to put through (phone call)	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+liú ge huà	留个话	to leave a message	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+Měidàsī	美大司	Bureau of American and Pacific Affairs	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+míngzi	名字	name	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+néng	能	can, to be able	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+qīngchu	清除	to be clear	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+shāngrén	商人	businessman	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+shēng 	声	sound, voice	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+ting	听	to listen to, to hear	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+tīngdong 	听懂	to understand (by listening)                    	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+Wàijiāobù	外交部	Ministry of Foreign Affairs	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+Wàimàobù	外贸部	Ministry of Foreign Trade	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+wàng  	忘	to forget      	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiàn	线	telephone line, wire	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiéxialai	写下来	to write down	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+yìhuǐr	一会儿	a short while, a moment	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhàn	占	to occupy a space	POT	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhǎo	找	to look for, to find	POT	2	FSI-Chinese

+ 45 - 45

@@ -1,45 +1,45 @@
-bāozi	包子	steamed rolls made of bread dough with a filling of meat and/or vegetables, or sweet bean paste. 
-càidānzi (yìzhāng)	菜单子(一张)	menu
-chǎo	炒	fried, to fry, sauté
-chǎo miàn	炒面	fried noodles
-chī	吃	to eat                               
-diǎn	点	to order                          
-dòujiāng	豆浆	soy bean milk, soy milk           
-gěi nín yùbei	给您预备	to prepare for you
-gěi wǒ lái (...)	给我来(。。。) 	bring me (something)      
-guōtiē	锅贴	steam-fried dumplings 
-hē	喝	to drink
-huǒtuǐ	火腿	ham                                                 
--jiǎo	-饺	dumpling
-jiǎozi	饺子	boiled dumpling
-jīdàn	鸡蛋	(chicken) egg
-júzi shuǐ	桔子水	orangeade, orange juice
-kāfēi	咖啡	coffee
-kǎo	烤	roasted, toasted           
-là	辣	peppery-hot                       
-mántou	馒头	steamed bread
-miàn	面	noodles
-miànbāo	面包	bread
-niúròu	牛肉	beef
-niúròu miàn	牛肉面	soup-noodles with beef       
-páigǔ miàn	排骨面	soup-noodles with a pork chop     
-Qǐng zài lái...	请在来。。。	Please bring another...           
-ròusī chǎo miàn	肉丝炒面	fried noodles with shreds of pork     
-ròusi miàn	肉丝面	soup-noodles with shreds of pork                                                       
-sānxiān chǎo miàn	三鲜炒面	noodles fried with three fresh things
-shāobing	饼	sesame rolls
-...shénmede	。。。什么的	...and so on
-shuǐguǒ	水果	fruit
-suān	酸	to he sour
-suíbiàn	 随便	as you like
-tāng	汤	soup
-tāng miàn	汤面	soup-noodles
-tián	甜	to be sweet
-xián	咸	to be salty
-xiāngjiāo	香蕉	banana
-xīfàn	稀饭	gruel of rice and water
-xīhóngshìzhī	西红柿汁	tomato juice
-yàngzi	样子	kind, variety
-yìlóng	*笼	a tier of a steamer
-yóutiáo	油条	deep-fried twist
-zhēng	蒸	to cook something hy steaming
+bāozi	包子	steamed rolls made of bread dough with a filling of meat and/or vegetables, or sweet bean paste. 	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+càidānzi (yìzhāng)	菜单子(一张)	menu	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+chǎo	炒	fried, to fry, sauté	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+chǎo miàn	炒面	fried noodles	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+chī	吃	to eat                               	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+diǎn	点	to order                          	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+dòujiāng	豆浆	soy bean milk, soy milk           	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+gěi nín yùbei	给您预备	to prepare for you	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+gěi wǒ lái (...)	给我来(。。。) 	bring me (something)      	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+guōtiē	锅贴	steam-fried dumplings 	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+hē	喝	to drink	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+huǒtuǐ	火腿	ham                                                 	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+-jiǎo	-饺	dumpling	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎozi	饺子	boiled dumpling	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+jīdàn	鸡蛋	(chicken) egg	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+júzi shuǐ	桔子水	orangeade, orange juice	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+kāfēi	咖啡	coffee	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+kǎo	烤	roasted, toasted           	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+là	辣	peppery-hot                       	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+mántou	馒头	steamed bread	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+miàn	面	noodles	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+miànbāo	面包	bread	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+niúròu	牛肉	beef	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+niúròu miàn	牛肉面	soup-noodles with beef       	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+páigǔ miàn	排骨面	soup-noodles with a pork chop     	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+Qǐng zài lái...	请在来。。。	Please bring another...           	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+ròusī chǎo miàn	肉丝炒面	fried noodles with shreds of pork     	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+ròusi miàn	肉丝面	soup-noodles with shreds of pork                                                       	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+sānxiān chǎo miàn	三鲜炒面	noodles fried with three fresh things	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+shāobing	饼	sesame rolls	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+...shénmede	。。。什么的	...and so on	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+shuǐguǒ	水果	fruit	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+suān	酸	to he sour	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+suíbiàn	 随便	as you like	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+tāng	汤	soup	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+tāng miàn	汤面	soup-noodles	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+tián	甜	to be sweet	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+xián	咸	to be salty	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiāngjiāo	香蕉	banana	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+xīfàn	稀饭	gruel of rice and water	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+xīhóngshìzhī	西红柿汁	tomato juice	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+yàngzi	样子	kind, variety	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+yìlóng	*笼	a tier of a steamer	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+yóutiáo	油条	deep-fried twist	RST	1	FSI-Chinese
+zhēng	蒸	to cook something hy steaming	RST	1	FSI-Chinese

+ 40 - 40

@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
-shàngcì	上次	last time
-shàngge xīngqī	上个星期	last week
-shàngge yuè	上个月	last month    
-zhècì	这次	this time                                                   
-zhège xīngqī	这个星期	this week
-zhège yuè	这个月	this month                                              
-xiàcì	下次	next time
-xiàge xīngqī	下个星期	next week
-xiàge yuè	下个月	next month  
-báicài	白菜	cabbage
-bǎo	饱	to be satisfied
-biéde	别的	other, different
-bié kèqi	别客气	don't be formal; don't stand on ceremony
-bú cuò	不错	“not bad”, in the sense of “pretty good”, “pretty well”
-cài	蔡	main dishes, food
-chāzi	叉子	fork
-dāngrán	当然	naturally, of course
-dāozi	刀子	knife
-dòufu	豆腐	soy bean curd
-fānqié	番茄	tomato
-hǎochī	好吃	to be tasty, good to eat
-jī	鸡	chicken
-jiǎndānde	简单的	something simple
-jiào	叫	to order
-jīdīng	鸡丁	diced chicken
-jīpiàn	鸡片	chicken slices
-kèfàn		“fixed meal”, a type of meal in which soup, a main dish, rice and tea are all served for one price.
-qiézi	茄子	eggplant
-qingjiāo	青椒	green pepper
-shàor	勺儿	spoon
-tiàogēng	调羹	spoon
-xiàci	下次	next time
-xiārén	虾仁	shrimp
-xihóngshì	西红柿	tomato
-xuédòu	雪豆	snow peas
-yìzhǒng	一种	a kind, one kind
-yòng	用	to use; with
-yòng kuàizi	用筷子	to use chopsticks; with chopsticks
-zhàngdānzi	账单子	check
-zhīdao	知道	to know
+shàngcì	上次	last time	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+shàngge xīngqī	上个星期	last week	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+shàngge yuè	上个月	last month    	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhècì	这次	this time                                                   	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhège xīngqī	这个星期	this week	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhège yuè	这个月	this month                                              	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiàcì	下次	next time	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiàge xīngqī	下个星期	next week	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiàge yuè	下个月	next month  	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+báicài	白菜	cabbage	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+bǎo	饱	to be satisfied	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+biéde	别的	other, different	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+bié kèqi	别客气	don't be formal; don't stand on ceremony	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+bú cuò	不错	“not bad”, in the sense of “pretty good”, “pretty well”	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+cài	蔡	main dishes, food	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+chāzi	叉子	fork	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+dāngrán	当然	naturally, of course	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+dāozi	刀子	knife	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+dòufu	豆腐	soy bean curd	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+fānqié	番茄	tomato	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+hǎochī	好吃	to be tasty, good to eat	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+jī	鸡	chicken	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎndānde	简单的	something simple	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiào	叫	to order	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+jīdīng	鸡丁	diced chicken	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+jīpiàn	鸡片	chicken slices	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+kèfàn		“fixed meal”, a type of meal in which soup, a main dish, rice and tea are all served for one price.	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+qiézi	茄子	eggplant	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+qingjiāo	青椒	green pepper	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+shàor	勺儿	spoon	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+tiàogēng	调羹	spoon	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiàci	下次	next time	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+xiārén	虾仁	shrimp	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+xihóngshì	西红柿	tomato	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+xuédòu	雪豆	snow peas	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+yìzhǒng	一种	a kind, one kind	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+yòng	用	to use; with	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+yòng kuàizi	用筷子	to use chopsticks; with chopsticks	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhàngdānzi	账单子	check	RST	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhīdao	知道	to know	RST	2	FSI-Chinese

+ 52 - 52

@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
-bābǎo fàn	八宝饭	Eight Level Rice
-biāozhǔn	标准	level or standard        
-cháng	尝	to taste, to savor                
-dàjiā	大家	everybody
--dào	道	counter for a course of a meal
-dìng yìzhuō xí	订一桌席	reserve a table for a dinner party     
-dōnggua zhōng	冬瓜中	winter melon soup served in the carved melon shell  
-duōbàn	多半	most of, the greater part of      
-Emèi cāntīng	峨眉餐厅	The Omei Reetaurant (a restaurant in Taipei)
-fēngzéyuán	丰泽园 	The name of a reetaurant in Peking     
-fùguì jī	富贵鸡	rich hicken
-jiào huā jī	叫化鸡	beggar's chicken
-gānshāo míngxià	干烧明虾	dry-cooked jumbo shrimp, Szechuan Style        
-gān yìbēi	干一杯	to drink a glass (lit. to make a glass dry)  
-gōngzuò shùnlì	工作顺利	the work that goes well   
-héshì	合适	to be suitable, to be fitting
-hóngshǎo yúchī	红烧鱼翅	red-cooked Shark's Fins
-jiǎn	拣	to select, pick out, to choose
-jiànkāng	健康	to be healthy
-jiàng	酱	paste, bean paste
-jǐn	仅	(continually), only, Just
-jìng	敬	to offer someone something
-jiǔ	酒	liquor, wine     
-juǎnqilai	卷起来	to roll up                             
-kǎo yā	烤鸭	Peking Duck
-kè (kèren)	客人(客人)	guest(s)                                 
-lěngpán	冷盘	cold dish
-lìngwài	另外	in addition to, additionally        
-míngxiā	虾	shrimp
-mìzhi huǒtuǐ	蜜汁火腿	ham in honey Sauce                                          
-pèi	配	to find something to match, to match things   
-peì cài	配菜	to select dishes for a formal menu    
-ràng	让	to allow, to have someone do something     
-shēngrì	生日	birthday                          
-shēntǐ jiànkāng	身体健康	good health 
-shùnlì	顺利	to go well, without difficulty
-sòngxíng	送行	to see a person off
-suíyì	随意	according to  one's wishes                                                                
-tángcù yú	糖醋鱼	sweet and sour fish
-tiáncài	甜蔡	dessert
-xiāngsū yā	香酥鸭	fragrant crispy duck
-xīngrèn dòufu	杏仁豆腐	almond pudding
-xūn jī	熏鸡	smoked chicken
-yā	鸭	duck                              
-yílù píngān	一路平安	have a nice trip; bon voyage (lit. a safe journey)     
-yú	鱼	fish                                              
-yúchì	鱼翅	shark's fin                  
-zhù	祝	to wish (someone something)
-zhǔkè	主客	guest of honor
-zhá xiāqiú	炸虾球	deep fried shrimp balls
-zhōngjiān	中间	middle
-zuì jí	醉鸡	drunken chicken
+bābǎo fàn	八宝饭	Eight Level Rice	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+biāozhǔn	标准	level or standard        	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+cháng	尝	to taste, to savor                	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+dàjiā	大家	everybody	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+-dào	道	counter for a course of a meal	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+dìng yìzhuō xí	订一桌席	reserve a table for a dinner party     	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+dōnggua zhōng	冬瓜中	winter melon soup served in the carved melon shell  	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+duōbàn	多半	most of, the greater part of      	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+Emèi cāntīng	峨眉餐厅	The Omei Reetaurant (a restaurant in Taipei)	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+fēngzéyuán	丰泽园 	The name of a reetaurant in Peking     	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+fùguì jī	富贵鸡	rich hicken	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+jiào huā jī	叫化鸡	beggar's chicken	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+gānshāo míngxià	干烧明虾	dry-cooked jumbo shrimp, Szechuan Style        	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+gān yìbēi	干一杯	to drink a glass (lit. to make a glass dry)  	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+gōngzuò shùnlì	工作顺利	the work that goes well   	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+héshì	合适	to be suitable, to be fitting	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+hóngshǎo yúchī	红烧鱼翅	red-cooked Shark's Fins	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎn	拣	to select, pick out, to choose	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+jiànkāng	健康	to be healthy	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+jiàng	酱	paste, bean paste	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+jǐn	仅	(continually), only, Just	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+jìng	敬	to offer someone something	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+jiǔ	酒	liquor, wine     	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+juǎnqilai	卷起来	to roll up                             	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+kǎo yā	烤鸭	Peking Duck	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+kè (kèren)	客人(客人)	guest(s)                                 	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+lěngpán	冷盘	cold dish	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+lìngwài	另外	in addition to, additionally        	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+míngxiā	虾	shrimp	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+mìzhi huǒtuǐ	蜜汁火腿	ham in honey Sauce                                          	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+pèi	配	to find something to match, to match things   	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+peì cài	配菜	to select dishes for a formal menu    	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+ràng	让	to allow, to have someone do something     	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+shēngrì	生日	birthday                          	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+shēntǐ jiànkāng	身体健康	good health 	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+shùnlì	顺利	to go well, without difficulty	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+sòngxíng	送行	to see a person off	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+suíyì	随意	according to  one's wishes                                                                	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+tángcù yú	糖醋鱼	sweet and sour fish	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+tiáncài	甜蔡	dessert	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+xiāngsū yā	香酥鸭	fragrant crispy duck	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+xīngrèn dòufu	杏仁豆腐	almond pudding	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+xūn jī	熏鸡	smoked chicken	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+yā	鸭	duck                              	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+yílù píngān	一路平安	have a nice trip; bon voyage (lit. a safe journey)     	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+yú	鱼	fish                                              	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+yúchì	鱼翅	shark's fin                  	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+zhù	祝	to wish (someone something)	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+zhǔkè	主客	guest of honor	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+zhá xiāqiú	炸虾球	deep fried shrimp balls	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+zhōngjiān	中间	middle	RST	3	FSI-Chinese
+zuì jí	醉鸡	drunken chicken	RST	3	FSI-Chinese

+ 46 - 46

@@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
-báobǐng	薄饼	thin rolled, wheat-flour pancake  
-chīdelái	吃的来	Is it all right for you (to eat)? 
-chúle ..., cīwài	除了。。。,此外	aside from, in addition to  
-cōng	葱	scallion
-cōngbào niúròu	葱爆牛肉	beef with spring onions              
-cù	醋	vinegar                                                    
-dòufu fǔ	豆腐腐	fermented bean curd sauce         
-è	饿	to be hungry                      
-fěnsī	粉丝	cellophane noodles                
-gōngnóngbīng	工农兵	workers, farmers, soldiers        
-hēibǎn	黑板	blackboard
-hóngbīnlóu	鸿宾楼	name of a restaurant
-hóngshāo yú	红烧鱼	red-cooked fish          
-huājuǎn	花卷	flower-rolls
-huánghuā yú	黄鱼 	yellow fish              
-huímín	回民	moslem                                              
-jiànyì	建议	proposal, suggestion
-jiàng yóu	酱油	soy sauce
-juéde	觉得	to feel that                         
-kǎo	烤	to roast                          
-kǎo yángròu	烤羊肉	Mongolian barbecued lamb          
-mǐfàn	米饭	rice (cooked)                     
-mùxu ròu	牧畜肉	moshi pork (pork fried with eggs) and served with báobǐng           
-qīngdòu	青豆	green peas
-qingdòu xiārén	青豆虾仁	shrimp with green peas            
-shítáng	食堂	eating hall
-shuàn yángròu	涮羊肉	Mongolian (Lamb) Hot Pot
-suàn	算	to calculate, figure out
-suàn zhàng	算账	to figure out the check
-sùcài	素菜	vegetable dishes    
-tángcù	糖醋	sweet and sour                    
-tángcù báicài	糖醋白菜	sweet and sour cabbage            
--wèi	一位人	counter for persons (polite)      
-wèizi	位子	seat, place                       
-xiāng	香	to be fragrant
-xiāngcài	香菜	Chinese parsley
-xiāngyóu	香油	sesame oil
-xiǎofèi	小费	tip, gratuity        
-xínxian	新鲜	to be fresh                             
-yángròu	羊肉	lamb
-yǒumíng	又名	to be famous                 
-zhācāi	榨菜	hot pickled, cabbage (Szechwan)   
--zhe	着	marker of DURATION of an action   
-zhīma jiàng	芝麻酱	sesame paste
-zìjǐ	自己	oneself
-zuóliào	佐料	condiments, ingredients           
+báobǐng	薄饼	thin rolled, wheat-flour pancake  	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+chīdelái	吃的来	Is it all right for you (to eat)? 	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+chúle ..., cīwài	除了。。。,此外	aside from, in addition to  	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+cōng	葱	scallion	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+cōngbào niúròu	葱爆牛肉	beef with spring onions              	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+cù	醋	vinegar                                                    	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+dòufu fǔ	豆腐腐	fermented bean curd sauce         	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+è	饿	to be hungry                      	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+fěnsī	粉丝	cellophane noodles                	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+gōngnóngbīng	工农兵	workers, farmers, soldiers        	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+hēibǎn	黑板	blackboard	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+hóngbīnlóu	鸿宾楼	name of a restaurant	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+hóngshāo yú	红烧鱼	red-cooked fish          	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+huājuǎn	花卷	flower-rolls	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+huánghuā yú	黄鱼 	yellow fish              	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+huímín	回民	moslem                                              	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+jiànyì	建议	proposal, suggestion	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+jiàng yóu	酱油	soy sauce	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+juéde	觉得	to feel that                         	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+kǎo	烤	to roast                          	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+kǎo yángròu	烤羊肉	Mongolian barbecued lamb          	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+mǐfàn	米饭	rice (cooked)                     	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+mùxu ròu	牧畜肉	moshi pork (pork fried with eggs) and served with báobǐng           	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+qīngdòu	青豆	green peas	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+qingdòu xiārén	青豆虾仁	shrimp with green peas            	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+shítáng	食堂	eating hall	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+shuàn yángròu	涮羊肉	Mongolian (Lamb) Hot Pot	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+suàn	算	to calculate, figure out	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+suàn zhàng	算账	to figure out the check	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+sùcài	素菜	vegetable dishes    	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+tángcù	糖醋	sweet and sour                    	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+tángcù báicài	糖醋白菜	sweet and sour cabbage            	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+-wèi	一位人	counter for persons (polite)      	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+wèizi	位子	seat, place                       	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+xiāng	香	to be fragrant	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+xiāngcài	香菜	Chinese parsley	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+xiāngyóu	香油	sesame oil	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎofèi	小费	tip, gratuity        	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+xínxian	新鲜	to be fresh                             	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+yángròu	羊肉	lamb	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+yǒumíng	又名	to be famous                 	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+zhācāi	榨菜	hot pickled, cabbage (Szechwan)   	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+-zhe	着	marker of DURATION of an action   	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+zhīma jiàng	芝麻酱	sesame paste	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+zìjǐ	自己	oneself	RST	'	FSI-Chinese
+zuóliào	佐料	condiments, ingredients           	RST	'	FSI-Chinese

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Shāndōng	山东	east of the (Tàiháng) mountains	WLF	Places	FSI-Chinese
+Shānxǐ	陕西	west of the (Tàiháng) mountains	WLF	Places	FSI-Chinese
+Héběi	河北	north of the (Yellow) river	WLF	Places	FSI-Chinese
+Hénán	河南	south of the (Yellow) river	WLF	Places	FSI-Chinese
+Húběi	湖北	north of the (Dòngtíng) lake	WLF	Places	FSI-Chinese
+Húnán	湖南	south of the (Dòngtíng) lake	WLF	Places	FSI-Chinese

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OptionalModule-WLF/vocab-WLF origine.csv

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+Āyí	auntie	WLF 1
+āiyo	ouch	WLF 5
+ànmó	massage	WLF 3
+āsīpǐlín	aspirin	WLF 5
+bāng máng	to help, to aid, to assist	WLF 6
+báo	to be thin; to be light (of clothing)	WLF 2
+bào	to hold, to embrace	WLF U
+bèi	by (indicates the one who carries out the action in a passive sentence)	WLF 6
+-buliǎo	(verb ending) unable to...	WLF 6
+bú yào	don't	WLF 3
+cā	to rub, to wipe	WLF 3
+chá	tea	WLF 1
+cháng	to be long	WLF 2
+cháng	often	WLF 1
+chángcháng	often	WLF 1
+cháoshī	to be humid	WLF 1
+chéng	city, town	WLF 1
+chènshān	shirt, blouse	WLF 2
+chī	to take (medicine)	WLF 5
+chī fàn	to eat	WLF h
+chǐcun (chǐcùn)	measurement; size	WLF 2
+chuān	to put on (clothing)	WLF 2
+chúfáng	kitchen	WLF H
+chuí bèi	to pound (someone's) back	WLF 3
+chuīgān	to blow-dry	WLF 3
+chūntiān (chūntian)	spring	WLF 1
+dàbiàn	bowel movement	WLF 5
+dàbiàn bù tōng	to be constipated	WLF 5
+dǎ diànhuà	to make a phone call, to telephone	WLF 6
+dài	to put on, to wear (glasses, gloves, a hat, a watch, jewelry, etc)	WLF 2
+dài	to bring, to take with one	WLF U
+dài	to lead, to take	WLF h
+dàifu	doctor	WLF 5
+dǎkāi	to open	WLF 1
+dàyī	overcoat 	WLF 2
+dī	to be low	WLF 5
+diànhuà	telephone, telephone call	WLF 6
+-dǐng	counter for hats	WLF 2
+dìqū	area, region	WLF 6
+diū	to lose	WLF 6
+dòng	to move	WLF 6
+dòngbuliǎo	unable to move	WLF 6
+dōngtiān (dōngtian)	winter	WFL 1
+-dù	degree	WLF 5
+duǎn	to be short	WLF 1
+duàn	to sever, to break	WLF 6
+dùzi	belly, abdomen	WLF 5
+fángjiān	room	WLF 4
+fàntīng	dining room	WLF 4
+fānyì	to interpret, to translate	WLF 6
+fāshāo	to have a fever	WLF 5
+fāxiàn	to discover	WLF 6
+fēn	one tenth of a Chinese inch (cùn)	WLF 3
+fēng	wind	WLF 1
+fēngjǐng	scenery	WLF 1
+fùjìn (fǔjìn)	area, neighborhood	WLF 1
+fùnǚ	women	WLF 4
+fúzhuāngdiàn	clothing store	WLF 2
+gànbufú	cadre suit	WLF 2
+gānjing	to be clean	WLF 3
+gǎnmào	to catch cold; a cold	WLF 5
+gǎo	to do, to engage in	WLF 4
+gāo wèishēng	to do cleaning	WLF 4
+Gōng’ānjú	Bureau of Public Security (PRC)	WLF 6
+gōngyù	apartment building; apartment	WLF 4
+gōngyùlóu	apartment building	WLF 4
+gòu	to be enough	WLF 2
+guā	to blow (of wind, typhoons, etc.)	WLF 1
+guā	to scrape	WLF 3
+guā húzi	to shave (the face)	WLF 3
+gútou (gùtou)	bone	WLF 6
+gùyì	intentionally, willfully, on purpose	WLF 1
+hǎibiān(r)	seashore	WLF 1
+hàn	and (Taiwan pronunciation)	WLF 2
+hǎoxiàng	to seem (to be), to appear that	WLF 4
+hē	to drink	WLF 4
+hé	river	WLF 1
+hé	and	WLF 2
+héshì	to fit; to be suitable	WLF 22
+hòu	to be think; to be heavy (of clothing)	WLF 
+hóulóng (hóulong)	throat	WLF 5
+hú	lake	WLF 1
+huài	to be bad; to go bad, to break	WLF 2
+huānjìng	environment	WLF 1
+húzi	beard OR mustache	WLF 3
+jiākè(r) / jiákè(r)	jacket (cut above waist)	WLF 2
+jiǎn	to cut (with scissors)	WLF 3
+-jiàn	(counter for articles of clothing)	WLF 2
+jiào	to ask/tell (someone to do something)	WLF 4
+jiàshǐ	driver, pilot; to drive, to pilot	WLF 6
+jiàshǐ zhízhào	driver's license	WLF 6
+jǐngchá	policeman	WLF 6
+jǐngchájú	police station	WLF 6
+jiùhùchē	ambulance	WLF 6
+juǎn	to curl, to roll up; a roll (of something' a reel (of tape)   1 ,	WLF 3
+juéde	to feel	WLF 1
+jūnshì	military	WLF 6
+kái dāo	to operate; to be operated on	WLF 5
+kāishǐ	to begin, to start	WLF 1
+kāi yàofāng	to write a prescription	WLF 5
+kāishuǐ	boiled water	WLF 5
+kān	to look after, to watch over	WLF 6
+kàn	to have (a medical problem) treated	WLF 5
+kàn bìng	to see a doctor; to see a patient	WLF 5
+késou	to cough	WLF 5
+kètīng	living room	WLF 4
+kōngqì (kōngqi)	air	WLF 1
+kōngqì wūrǎn	air pollution	WLF 1
+kǒudài	pocket	WLF 4
+kùzi (yìtiáo)	pant s	WLF 2
+lā dùzi	to have diarrhea	WLF 5
+lěng	to be cold	WLF 1
+liǎn	face	WLF 4
+liáng	to measure 	WLF 2, 5
+-liàng	(counter for vehicles)	WLF 5
+liǎngbiān	both sides, two sides	WLF 3
+liāngkuai	to be cool	WLF 1
+liáng tǐwēn	to take a person's temperature	WLF 5
+liàozi	material, fabric	WLF 2
+lìhai	to severe, to be fierce	WLF 5
+líkāi	to leave	WLF 1
+lǐng	to collect, to pick up (something which is issued)	WLF 6
+liú	to remain, to stay; to keep, to save; to grow, to let grow; to leave	WLF 3
+liú húzi	to grow a beard or mustache	WLF 3
+liúxíngxìng gǎnmào	influenza, flu	WLF 5
+liú xuě (xiě, xuè)	to bleed	WLF 6
+lùbiān(r)	side of the road	WLF 6
+lùyīndài	recording tape	WLF 4
+lùyìnjī	tape recorder	WLF 4
+máfan	trouble, bother	WLF 4
+mǎlù	street, avenue	WLF 4
+máoyī	sweater	WLF 2
+màozi (yìdǐng)	hat	WLF 2
+mǎshàng	immediately	WLF 6
+méi shì (le)	everything is all right (now); there's no (further) business	WLF 4
+méi wèntí	there's no problem	WLF 3
+mián'ǎo	(Chinese-style) cotton-padded Jacket	WLF 2     
+mótuōchē (mōtuōchē)	motorcycle		WLF 6
+nà	then, in that case	WLF 2
+nèikē	internal medicine, general medicine; department of internal medicine	WLF 5
+nèikē yīshēng	internist, physician	WLF 5
+nèikù	underpants	WLF 2
+nèiyī	underwear (undershirts, undershorts, briefs, slips, bras, etc.); Just undershirt (when used in contrast to nèikù, underpants)	WLF 2
+nílóng	nylon	WLF 2
+niúnǎi	(cow's) milk	WLF U
+nòng (lòng, nèng)	to do, to handle, to manage, to make	WLF 3
+nòng gānjing	to clean something up	WLF 3
+nuǎnhuo	to be warm	WLF 1
+páizi	sign, poster, plate; brand name, trade mark		WLF 6
+píngcháng	usually, generally, ordinarily	WLF 14
+píxié	leather shoes	WLF 2
+pò	to be worn out; to break, to tear	WLF 2
+qí	to ride by straddling	WLF 6
+qìhòu (qìhou)	climate	WLF 1
+qín	to be clear	WLF 1
+qīngjìng	to be quiet	WLF 1
+qípáo	close-fitting woman’s dress with high neck and slit skirt; cheongsam	WLF 2
+qiūtiān (qiūtian)	fall, autumn	WLF 1
+qù	to go	WLF 2
+qúnzi	skirt	WLF 2
+ràng	to let, to allow, to cause something to do something	WLF 6
+rè	to be hot	WLF 1
+rénkǒu	population	WLF 1
+sēnlín	forest	WLF 1
+shān	mountain	WLF 1
+shàngyī	upper outer garment	WLF 5
+shāo	to heat, to cook; to burn	WLF 14
+shǎo	to be few; seldom	WLF 1
+shāohǎo le	to have heated up; to have finished cooking WLF 
+shéi	someone	WLF 6
+shēng bìng	to get sick, to become ill	WLF 5
+shēnbào	to declare, to report	WLF 14
+shēnbàodān	customs declaration	WLF U
+shénmeyàng	like what; what kind	WLF 2
+shēnshàng	on one's body	WLF 2
+shì	to try	WLF 3
+shì(yi)shi	to give (something) a try	WLF 3
+shìqing	matter, affair, business, thing	WLF 6
+shōushi	to tidy up	WLF 4
+shǒushi	jewelry WLF 4
+shuā	to brush	WLF 1
+-shuāng	pair	WLF 2
+shuā yá	to brush one’s teeth	WLF 1
+shūbāo	book bag, tote bag, carryall	WLF 2
+shūfáng	library WLF 4
+shūfu	to be comfortable	WLF 3
+shuǐ	water	WLF 1
+shuì jiao	to sleep	WLF 1
+shuì wǔjiào	to take a noontime nap	WLF 1
+shuìyī (yítào)	pajamas; nightgown	WLF 2
+shūshu	uncle	WLF 1
+shū tóu	to brush or comb hair	WLF 3
+tái	to carry (by two or more people)	WLF 6
+táifēng	typhoon WLF 1
+tǎng	to lie, to recline	WLF 5
+tàng	to get a permanent	WLF 3
+-tào	(counter for suits, sets of things)	WLF 2
+téng (tòng)	to hurt, to ache	WLF 5
+téngsǐ le	to hurt like crazy, to hurt to death (figuratively)	WLF 6
+tiān	sky; heaven; day	WLF 1
+tiānqì (tiānqi)	weather 	WLF 1
+-tiáo	(counter for pairs of pants)	WLF 2
+tīngshuō	to hear that, to hear it said; I hear that, I understand that	WLF 1
+tǐwēn	(body) temperature	WLF 5
+tóu	head; head of hair	WLF 2, WLF 5
+tóufa	hair	WLF 3
+tóu téng	to have a headache; headache	WLF 5
+tù	to vomit, to spit up	WLF 5
+tuǐ	leg	WLF 6
+tuōxié	slippers	WLF 2
+wàiguo	foreign country	WLF 6
+wàikē	surgical department	WLF 5
+wàikē yīshēng	surgeon WLF 5
+wàishì	foreign affairs	WLF 6
+wàishì jǐngchá	foreign affairs policeman	WLF 6
+wàitào	coat, jacket (that extends below the   waist) WLF 2
+wàng	to forget	WLF 2
+wàzi	socks	WLF 2
+wèi	stomach WLF 5
+wèibìng	stomach trouble, gastric disease	WLF 5
+wéixiǎn (wēixiǎn)	to be dangerous, to be perilous; danger	WLF 6
+wēndù	temperature	WLF 5
+wèntí	question, problem	WLF 3
+wòfáng	bedroom WLF 1
+wòshì	bedroom	WLF 4
+wūrǎn	pollution	WLF 1
+wūzi	room	WLF 4
+xǐ	to wash	WLF 3
+xiǎng	to miss, to think of	WLF 1
+xiāngxià (xiāngxia)	in the country, the countryside	WLF 1
+xiāngzi	suitcase	WLF h
+xiǎoběnzi	notebook	WLF h
+xiǎobiàn	to urinate; urination	WLF 5
+xiaoxīn	to be careful	WLF h
+xiàtiān (xiàtian)	summer	WLF 1
+xià xuě	to snow	WLF 1
+xià yǔ	to rain	WLF 1
+xié	shoe	WLF 2
+xiè dùzi	to have diarrhea	WLF 5
+xǐng	to wake up	WLF h
+xīnxiān (xīnxian)	to be fresh	WLF 1
+xǐ tóu	to shampoo, to get a shampoo	WLF 3
+xǐzǎo	to take a bath	WLF 4
+xǐzǎofáng	bathroom	WLF U
+xǐzhuāng	Western-style clothes; Western-style suit	WLF 2
+xuěyā	blood pressure	WLF ^(r)j
+xuěyā dī	low blood pressure	WLF 5
+xuěyā gāo	high blood pressure	WLF 5
+xūyào	to need, to require	WLF 2
+yá	tooth, teeth	WLF 
+yágāo	toothpaste	WLF h
+yàngzi	appearance; shape, form; style, design; pattern	WLF 2
+yǎnjìng(r)	glasses (spectacles)	WLF h
+yào	should; must; it is necessary, to need to	WLF 2
+yào	medicine	WLF 5
+yàoburán	otherwise, or else	WLF 6
+yàofāng	prescription	WLF 5
+yídìng	certainly, surely, for sure, definitely	WLF 3
+yīfu	clothes	WLF 2
+yīshēng	doctor	WLF 5
+yīyuàn	hospital	WLF 5
+yòng	to use	WLF 2
+yóu	oil, grease	WLF 3
+yǒu(de) shíhou	sometimes	WLF 1
+yǒu shì	to be occupied, to be busy	WLF 3
+yǒu (yi)diǎn	a little bit, somewhat	WLF 3
+yóuyǒng	to swim	WLF 6
+yùbei	to prepare, to get ready	WLF h
+yùbeihǎo le	to have prepared	WLF 1
+yūn	to be dizzy	WLF 5
+yǔxié	rainshoes; rubbers, galoshes	WLF 2
+yǔyī	raincoat	WLF 2
+yùyuē	to make an appointment (PRC)	WLF 3
+zāogāo	oh no! how awful! how terrible! what a mess to be awful WLF 6
+zhào	according to	WLF 
+zhāojí	to get upset, to be anxkous, to be worried	WLF 
+zhào xiàng	to take a photograph	WLF 
+zhàoxiàngjī	camera	WLF 
+-zhe	(marker of duration for actions and states)	WLF 
+zhēnjiū (zhēnjiǔ)	acupuncture and moxibustion	WLF 
+zhīpiào	check (as in personal check)	WLF 
+zhīpiàoběn	checkbook	WLF 
+-zhǒng	kind, sort	WLF 
+zhuàng	to bump into, to run into, to collide with	WLF 
+zhùyì (zhùyi)	to pay attention to	WLF 
+zìjǐ	self, oneself (myself, yourself, etc.)	WLF 
+zūchuqu	to rent out	WLF 
+zuì	most, -est	WLF 
+zuò	to make; to have made	WLF 
+zuò fàn	to cook	WLF 
+zuò tóufa	to do one’s hair, to have one’s hair done	WLF 
+zuǒyòu	approximately, about	WLF 

+ 47 - 0

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+cháng	常	often	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+chángcháng	常常	often	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+cháoshǐ	潮湿	to be humid	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+chéng	城	city, town	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+chèngli	城里	in the city	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+chūntiān (chūntian)	春天	spring	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+dōngtiān (dōngtian)	冬天	winter	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+duǎn	短	to be short	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+fēng	风	wind	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+fěngjǐng	风景	scenery	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+fùjìn (fùjìn)	附近	area, neighborhood	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+guā	刮	to blow (of wind, typhoons, etc.)	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+hǎibiān(r)	海边(儿)	seashore	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+hé	河	river	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+hú	湖	lake	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+huánjìng	环境	environment	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+juéde	觉得	to feel	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+kāishǐ	开始	to begin, to start	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+kōngqì (kōngqi)	空气	air	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+kōngqì wūrǎn	空气污染	air pollution	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+lěng	冷	to be cold	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+liángkuai	凉快	to be cool	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+líkāi	离开	to leave	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+nuǎnhuo	暖和	to be warm	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+qìhòu (qìhou)	气候	climate	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+qíng	清	to be clear	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+qǐngjìng	请静	to be quiet	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+qiūtiān (qiūtian)	秋天	fall, autumn	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+rè	热	to be hot	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+rénkǒu	人口	population	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+sēnlín	森林	forest	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+shān	山	mountain	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+shǎo	少	to be few; seldom	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+táifēng	台风	typhoon	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+tiān	天	sky, heaven	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+tiānqì (tiānqi)	天气	weather	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+tīngshuō	听说	to hear that, to hear it said	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+wūrǎn	污染	pollution	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎng	想	to miss, to think of	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiāngxià (xiāngxià)	乡下	to he in the country, the countryside	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiàtiān (xiàtiān)	夏天	summer	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+xià xuě	下雪	to snow	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+xià yǔ	下雨	to rain	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+xīnxiān (xīnxian)	新鲜	fresh	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu(de) shíhou	有的时候	sometimes	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+zuì	最	most, -est	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+zuǒyòu	左右	approximately, about	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese

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+báo	薄	to be thin; to be light (of clothing)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+cháng	长	to be long	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+chènshān	衬衫	shirt, blouse	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+chǐcun (chǐcùn)	尺寸	measurement; size	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+chuān	穿	to put on, to wear	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+dài	戴	to put on, to wear (glasses, gloves, a hat, a watch, jewelry, etc.)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+dàyī	大衣	overcoat	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+-dǐng		(counter for hats)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+fúzhuāngdiàn	服装店	clothing store	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+gànbufú	干部服	cadre suit	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+gòu	够	to be enough	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+hàn	和	and (Taiwan pronunciation)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+hé	和	and	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+héshì	合适	to fit; to be suitable	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+hòu	厚	to be thick; to be heavy (of clothing)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+huài	坏	to be bad; to go bad, to break	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiákè(r) OR jiākè(r)	夹克	jacket	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+-jiàn	-件	(counter for clothing)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+kùzi (yìtiāo)	裤子(一条)	pants	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+liáng	量	to measure	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+liàozi	料子	material, fabric	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+máoyī	毛衣	sweater	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+màozi (yìdǐng)	帽子(一顶)	hat	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+mián’āo	棉袄	cotton-padded jacket	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+nà	那	then, in that case	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+nèikù	内裤	underpants	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+nèiyī	内衣	underwear (undershirts, undershorts, briefs, slips, bras, etc.); just undershirt (when used in contrast to nèikù, underpants)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+nílóng	尼龙	nylon	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+píxié	皮鞋	leather shoes	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+pò	破	to be worn out; to break, to tear	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+qípáo	旗袍	close-fitting woman’s dress with high neck and slit skirt; cheongsam	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+qù	去	to go	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+qúnzi	裙子	skirt	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+shénmeyàng	什么样	like what, what kind	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+shēnshang	身上	on one’s body	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+-shuāng	-双	pair	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+shūbāo	书包	book bag, tote bag, carryall	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+shuìyī (yítào)	睡衣(一套)	pajamas; nightgown	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+-tào	-套	(counter for suits, sets of things)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+-tiáo	-条	(counter for long, winding things; counter for pants, translated “pair”)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+tuōxié	拖鞋	slippers	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+wàitào(r)	外套	coat, jacket (that extends below the waist)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+wàng	忘	to forget	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+wàzi	袜子	socks	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+xié	鞋	shoe	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+xīzhuāng	西装	Western-style clothes; Western-style suit	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+xūyào	需要	to need, to require	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+yàngzi	样子	appearance; shape, form; style, design; pattern	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+yào	要	should; must; it is necessary, to need to	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+yīfu	衣服	clothes	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+yòng	用	to use	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+yǔxié	雨鞋	rainshoes; rubbers, galoshes	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+yǔyī	雨衣	raincoat	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhào	照	according to	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+-zhǒng	一种车	kind, sort	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+zìjǐ	自己	self, oneself (myself, yourself, etc.)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+zuò	做	to make; to have made	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese

+ 34 - 0

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+ànmó	按摩	massage	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+bú yào	不要	don’t	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+cā	擦	to rub, to wipe	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+chuí bèi	捶背	to pound (someone’s) back	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+chuīgān	吹干	to blow-dry (with a dryer)	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+fēn	分	one tenth of a Chinese inch (cùn)	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+gānjing	干净	to be clean	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+guā	刮	to scrape	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+guā húzi	刮胡子	to shave (the beard)	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+húzi	胡子	beard OR mustache	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎn	减	to cut (with scissors)	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+juǎn	卷	to curl, to roll up	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+liǎngbiān	两边	both sides, two sides	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+liú	留	to remain, to stay; to keep, to save; to grow, to let grow; to leave	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+liú húzi	留胡子	to grow a beard or mustache	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+méi wèntí	没问题	no problem	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+nòng	弄	to do, to handle, to manage, to make	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+nòng gānjing	弄干净	to clean up	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+shì	试	to try	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+shì(yi)shi	试一试	to give it a try	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+shūfu	舒服	to be comfortable	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+shū tóu	梳头	to brush or comb hair	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+tàng	烫	to get a permanent	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+tóufa	头发	hair (on the head)	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+wèntí	问题	question, problem	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+xǐ	洗	to wash	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+xǐ tóu	洗头	to shampoo, to get a shampoo	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+yídìng	一定	certainly, surely, for sure	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+yóu	油	oil, grease	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu shì	有事	to be occupied, to be busy, to have things to do	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu (yì)diǎn	有(一)点	a little bit, somewhat	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+yùyuē	预约	to make an appointment (PRC)	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+zuò tòufa	做头发	to do one’s hair, to have one’s hair done	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese

+ 62 - 0

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+Āyí	阿姨	auntie	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+bào	抱	to hold, to embrace	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+chá	茶	tea	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+chī fàn	吃饭	to eat	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+chúfáng	厨房	kitchen	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+dài	带	to bring, to take with one	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+dài	带	to lead, to take	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+dǎkai	打开	to open	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+fángjiān	房间	room	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+fàntīng	饭厅	dining room	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+fùnü	妇女	women	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+gǎo	搞	to do, to engage in	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+gǎo wèishēng	搞卫生	to do cleaning	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+gōngyù	公寓	apartment building; apartment	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+gōngyùlóu	公寓楼	apartment building	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+hǎoxiàng	好像	to seem (to be), to appear that	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+hē	喝	to drink	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+-jiān	-间	(counter for rooms)	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+jiào	叫	to tell/ask (someone to do something)	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+-juǎn	卷	reel (of recording tape); to curl, to roll up	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+kètīng	客厅	living room	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+kǒudài	口袋	pocket	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+liǎn	脸	face (of a person)	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+lùyīndài	录音带	recording tape	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+lùyīnjī	录音机	tape recorder	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+máfan	麻烦	to be troublesome, to be a bother; bother, trouble	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+mǎlù	马路	street, avenue (paved)	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+méi shì (le)	没事了	everything is all right (now); there is no (further) business	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+niúnǎi	牛奶	(cow’s) milk	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+píngcháng	平常	usually, generally, ordinarily	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shāo	烧	to heat; to cook	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shāohǎole	烧好了	to have heated up; to have finished cooking	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shēnbào	申报	to declare, to report	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shēnbàodān	申报单	customs declaration (form)	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shōushi	收拾	to tidy up	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shǒushi (shǒushì)	首饰	jewelry	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shuā	刷	to brush	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shuā yà	刷牙	to brush one’s teeth	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shūfáng	书房	study (room)	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shuǐ	水	water	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shuì jiào	睡觉	to sleep	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shuì wǔjiào	睡午觉	to take a noontime nap	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shūshu	叔叔	uncle	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+wòfáng	卧房	bedroom	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+wòshì	卧室	bedroom	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+wūzi	屋子	room	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+xiāngzi	箱子	suitcase, box	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎoběnzi	小本子	small notebook	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎoxīn	小心	to be careful, to take care	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+xǐng	醒	to wake up	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+xǐzǎo	洗澡	to take a bath	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+xǐzǎofáng	洗澡房	bathroom	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+yá	牙	tooth, teeth	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+yágāo	牙膏	toothpaste	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+yǎnjìng(r)	眼睛	glasses (spectacles)	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+yùbei	预备	to prepare	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+yùbeihǎo le	预备好了	to have prepared	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+zhàoxiàngjǐ	照相机	camera	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+zhīpiào	支票	check (as in personal check)	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+zhīpiàoběn	支票本	checkbook	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+zūchūqu	租出去	to rent out	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+zuò fàn	做饭 	to cook	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese

+ 52 - 0

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+āiyō	哎哟	ouch; oh dear	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+āsīpīlín	阿司匹林	aspirin	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+chī	吃	to take (medicine)	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+dàbiàn	大便	bowel movement	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+dàbiàn bù tōng	大便不通	to be constipated	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+dàifu	大夫	doctor	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+dī	低	to be low	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+-dù	-度	degree (e.g., on a thermometer)	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+dùzi	肚子	belly, abdomen, stomach	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+fāshāo	发烧	to have a fever	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+gǎnmào	感冒	to catch cold; a cold	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+hóulóng (hóulong)	喉咙	throat	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+kāi dāo		to operate; to be operated on	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+kāi yàofāng	开药方	to write a prescription	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+kāishuǐ	开水	boiled water	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+kàn bìng	看病	to have an illness treated/diagnosed	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+kàn dàifu	看大夫	to see a doctor	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+késou	咳嗽	to cough	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+lā dùzi	拉肚子	to have diarrhea	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+liáng	量	to measure	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+liáng tǐwēn	量体温	to take a person’s temperature	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+lìhai	厉害	to be severe, to be fierce	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+liúxíngxìng gǎnmào	流行性感冒	influenza, flu	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+nèikē	内科	internal medicine, general medicine; department of internal medicine	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+nèikē yīshēng	内科医生	internist, physician	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+shàngyī	上衣	upper garment	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+shēng	生	to develop (as in shēng bìng)	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+shēng bìng	生病	to get sick, to become ill	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+tǎng	躺	to lie, to recline	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+téng (tòng)	疼	to hurt, to ache	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+tǐwēn	体温	(body) temperature	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+tóu	头	head	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+tóu téng	头疼	to have a headache; headache	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+tù	吐	to vomit	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+tuō	脱	to take off (clothing)	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+wàikē	外科	surgical department	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+wàikē yīshēng	外科医生	surgeon	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+wèi	胃	stomach	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+wèibìng	胃病	stomach trouble, gastric disease	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+wēndù	温度	temperature	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎng tù		to feel nauseous	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎobiàn	小便	to urinate; urination	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+xiè dù(zi)	泻肚(子)	to have diarrhea	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+xuěyā	血压	blood pressure	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+xuěyā dī	低血压	low blood pressure	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+xuěyā gāo	血压高	high blood pressure, hypertension	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+yào	药	medicine	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+yàofāng(r)	药方	prescription	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+yīshēng	医生	doctor	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+yīyuàn	医院	hospital	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+yūn	晕	to be dizzy	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+zhēnjiū (zhēnjiǔ)	针灸	acupuncture and moxibustion	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese

+ 48 - 0

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+bāng máng	帮忙	to help, to aid, to assist	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+bèi	被	by (indicates the one who carries out the action in a passive sentence)	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+-buliǎo	不了	unable to ... (verb ending)	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+dǎ diànhuà	打电话	to make a phone call, to telephone	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+diànhuà	电话	telephone, telephone call	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+dìqū	地区	area, region	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+diū	丟	to lose	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+dòng	动	to move	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+dòngbuliǎo	东不了	unable to move	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+duàn	断	to sever, to break	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+fānyì	翻译	to interpret, to translate	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+fāxiàn	发现	to discover	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+Góng’ānjú	公安局	Bureau of Public Security (PRC)	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+gútou	骨头	bone	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+gùyì	故意	intentionally, willfully, on purpose	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+jiàshǐ	驾驶	driver, pilot; to drive, to pilot	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+jiàshǐ zhízhào	驾驶执照	driver’s license	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+jǐngchá	警察	policeman	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+jǐngchájú	警察局	police station	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+jiùhùchē	救护车	ambulance	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+jūnshì	军事	military	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+kān	看	to look after, to watch over	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+-liàng	-辆	(counter for vehicles)	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+lǐng	领	to collect, to pick up (something which is issued)	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+liú xuě (xiě, xuè)	流血	to bleed	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+lùbiān(r)	路边	side of the road	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+mǎshàng	马上	immediately 	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+mótuōchē (mōtuōchē)	摩托车	motorcycle	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+páizi	牌子	sign, poster, plate; brand name, trade mark	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+qí	骑	to ride by straddling	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+ràng	让	to let, to allow, to cause someone to do something	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+shéi	谁	someone	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+shìqing	事情	matter, affair, business, thing	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+-sǐle	死了	like crazy, to death (state verb ending)	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+tái	抬	to carry (by two or more people)	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+téngsǐ le	疼死了	to hurt like crazy, to hurt to death (figuratively)	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+tuǐ	腿	leg	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+wàishì	外事	foreign affairs	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+wàiguó	外国	foreign country	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+wéixiǎn (wēixiǎn)	危险	to be dangerous, to be perilous, danger	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+yàoburán	要不然	otherwise, or else	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+yóuyǒng	游泳	to swim	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+zāogāo	糟糕	oh no! how awful! how terrible! what a mess!; to be awful	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+zhāojí	着急	to get upset, to be anxious, to be worried	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+zhào xiàng	照相	to take a picture	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+-zhe	-着 	marker of duration for actions and states	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+zhuàng	撞	to bump into, to run into, to collide with	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+zhùyì (zhùyi)	注意	to pay attention, to take notice	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese

+ 36 - 0

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+bīngxiāng	冰箱	refrigerator	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+chāzuò	插座	(electrical) outlet 	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+chōushuǐ mǎtǒng	抽水马桶	flush toilet        	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+chōutì	抽屉	drawer           	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+chuáng	床	bed	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+chuānglián	床帘	curtain	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+dēng	灯	light, lamp	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+dèngzi	凳子	stool	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+diàndēng kāiguān	电灯开关	light switch	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+diànhuà	电话	telephone	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+diànlúzi	电炉子	electric stove; electric heater	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+diànshàn	电扇	electric fan	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+dìtǎn	地毯	carpet, rug    	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese            
+guìzi	柜子	cabinet	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+hōnggānjī	烘干机	dryer	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+jìngzi	镜子	mirror	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+lājī; lèsè (Taiwan)	垃圾	garbage 	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+lājītǒng; lèsètǒng (Taiwan)	垃圾桶	garbage pail	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+lājíxiāng; lèsèxiāng (Taiwan)	垃圾箱	garbage can	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+lěngqìjī	冷气机	air conditioner	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+lúzi	炉子	stove	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+sàozhou, sàobǎ	扫帚,扫把	broom	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+shāfā	沙发	sofa	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+shuǐchízi	水池子	kitchen sink	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+shuǐlóngtóu	水龙头	faucet, tap	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+shūjiàzi	书架子	bookshelf	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+tuōbǎ	拖把	mop	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+xǐchénqì	吸尘器	vacuum cleaner	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+xiězìtái	写字台	desk	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+xǐliǎnpén	洗脸盆	(bathroom) sink, washstand	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+xǐyǐjī	洗衣机	washing machine	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+xǐzāopén	洗澡盆	bathtub	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+yǐzi	椅子	chair	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+yùndǒu	熨斗	iron	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+zhuōzi	桌子	table 	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+zìzhǐlǒu	字纸篓 	wastepaner basket	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese

+ 23 - 0

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+bìchú	壁橱	closet	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+cèsuǒ	厕所	toilet	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+céng	层	floor, story	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+chuānghu	窗户	window	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+chúfáng	厨房	kitchen	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+dì	地	floor	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+dìbǎn	地板	wooden floor	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+dìxiàshì	地下室	basement	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+fángdǐng	房顶	roof	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+fángjiān	房间	room	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+fàntīng	饭厅	dining room	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+kètīng	客厅	living room	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+lóutī	楼梯	stairs	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+mén	门	door	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+qiáng	墙	wall	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+shūfáng	书房	study, library	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+tiānhuābǎn	天花板	ceiling	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+wèishēngjiān	卫生间	toilet, bathroom	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+wòfáng	卧房	bedroom	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+wòshì	卧室	bedroom	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+wūzi	屋子	room	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+xǐzǎofáng	洗澡房	bathroom	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+zǒuláng	走廊	corridor, hall	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese

+ 30 - 0

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+nóngzhǒng	脓肿	abscess	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+duì...guòmǐn	对。。。过敏	allergic to...	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+guòmǐnzhèng	过敏症	allergy	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+lánwěiyán	appendicitis	appendicitis	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+guǎnjiéyán	关节炎	arthritis	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+qìchuǎnbìng	气喘病	asthma	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+huòluàn	霍乱	cholera	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+gǎnmào, shāngfēng, zhāoliáng	感冒,伤风,着凉	cold	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+chōujīn	抽筋	cramp	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+tángniàobìng	糖尿病	diabetes	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+liúxíngxìng gǎnmào, liúgǎn	流行性感冒,流感	flu	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+shíwù zhòngdú	食物中毒	food poisoning	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+méi	霉	fungus	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+zhìchuāng	痔疮	hemorrhoids	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+gǎnyán	肝炎	hepatitis	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+shàn	疝	hernia	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+xiāohuà bù liáng	消化不良	indigestion	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+fāyán	发炎	inflamed	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+yánzhèng	炎症	inflammation	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+mázhěn	麻疹	measles	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+shénjīng jǐnzhāng	神经紧张	nervous tension	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+fèiyán	肺炎	pneumonia	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+fēngshī	风湿	rheumatism	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+zhòngfēng	中风	stroke	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+shàihóng le	晒红了	sunburn	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+shài tuō pí le	晒脱皮了	skin peeling	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+jiào tàiyang shàide	*太阳色的	red	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+zhòngshǔ	中暑	sunstroke	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+biǎntáoxiànyán	扁桃腺炎	tonsillitis	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+wèikuìyáng	胃溃疡	ulcer (gastric)	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese

+ 55 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+fù(bù)	腹部	abdomen	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎowànzi	脚腕子	ankle	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+lánwěi	阑尾	appendix	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+gēbei, gēbo, shǒubì	胳臂,胳膊,手臂	arm	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+bèi	背	back	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+xiě, xuě, xuè	血	blood	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+xuěguǎn(r)	血管	blood vessel	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+gútou, gǔtou	骨头	bone	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+nǎo(zi)	脑(子)	brain	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+rǔfáng, nǎi, rǔ	乳房,奶,乳	breast	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+pìgǔ	屁股	buttocks	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+miànjiá, sāi	面颊,腮	cheek	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+xiōngbù, xiōngtáng	胸部,胸膛	chest	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+xiàba	下巴	chin	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+ěrduo	耳朵	ear	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+gēbeizhǒu(r)	胳膊肘	elbow	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+yǎnjīng	眼睛	eye	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+yǎnzhūzi (colloquial), yǎnqiú	眼珠子,眼球	eyeball	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+méimao	眉毛	eyebrow	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+liǎn	脸	face	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+shǒuzhítou, shǒuzhǐtou	手指头	finger	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+zhījia, zhǐjiǎ	指甲	fingernail	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎo	脚	foot	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+yáchuáng	牙床	gums	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+shǒu	手	hand	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+tóu	头	head	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+xīnzàng	心脏	heart	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎogēn	脚跟	heel	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+chángzi	肠子	intestines	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+guānjié	关节	joint	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+shèn(zàng)	肾(脏)	kidney	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+xīgài	膝盖	knee	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+tuí	腿	leg	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+zuǐchún	嘴唇	lip	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+gānzàng	肝脏	liver	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+fèi	肺	lung	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+zuī, kǒu	嘴,口	mouth	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+jīròu	肌肉	muscle	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+bózi	脖子	neck	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+shénjīng	神经	nerve	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+bízi	鼻子	nose	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+lèigǔ, lègǔ	肋骨	rib	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+jiānbǎng	肩膀	shoulder	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+pífu	皮肤	skin	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+jílianggǔ	脊梁骨	spine	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+wèi; dùzi 	胃,肚子	stomach (belly)	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+jiàn, jīn (colloquial)	腱,肌	tendon	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+dàtuǐ	大腿	thigh	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+hóulong	喉咙	throat	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+mǔzhǐ	拇指	thumb	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎozhítou, jiǎozhǐ	脚趾头,脚趾	toe	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+shétou	舌头	tongue	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+biǎntáoxiàn	扁桃腺	tonsils	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+yá, yáchǐ	牙,牙齿	tooth	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+wànzi	腕子	wrist	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese

+ 437 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+āiyō	哎哟	ouch; oh dear	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+ànmó	按摩	massage	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+āsīpīlín	阿司匹林	aspirin	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+Āyí	阿姨	auntie	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+bāng máng	帮忙	to help, to aid, to assist	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+bào	抱	to hold, to embrace	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+báo	薄	to be thin; to be light (of clothing)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+bèi	背	back	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+bèi	被	by (indicates the one who carries out the action in a passive sentence)	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+biǎntáoxiànyán	扁桃腺炎	tonsillitis	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+biǎntáoxiàn	扁桃腺	tonsils	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+bìchú	壁橱	closet	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+bīngxiāng	冰箱	refrigerator	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+bízi	鼻子	nose	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+bózi	脖子	neck	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+-buliǎo	不了	unable to ... (verb ending)	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+bú yào	不要	don’t	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+cā	擦	to rub, to wipe	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+céng	层	floor, story	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+cèsuǒ	厕所	toilet	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+chángcháng	常常	often	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+chángzi	肠子	intestines	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+cháng	常	often	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+cháng	长	to be long	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+cháoshǐ	潮湿	to be humid	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+chāzuò	插座	(electrical) outlet 	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+chá	茶	tea	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+chèngli	城里	in the city	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+chéng	城	city, town	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+chènshān	衬衫	shirt, blouse	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+chǐcun (chǐcùn)	尺寸	measurement; size	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+chī fàn	吃饭	to eat	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+chī	吃	to take (medicine)	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+chōujīn	抽筋	cramp	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+chōushuǐ mǎtǒng	抽水马桶	flush toilet        	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+chōutì	抽屉	drawer           	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+chuānghu	窗户	window	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+chuānglián	床帘	curtain	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+chuáng	床	bed	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+chuān	穿	to put on, to wear	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+chúfáng	厨房	kitchen	WLF	4, House	FSI-Chinese
+chuí bèi	捶背	to pound (someone’s) back	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+chuīgān	吹干	to blow-dry (with a dryer)	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+chūntiān (chūntian)	春天	spring	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+dàbiàn bù tōng	大便不通	to be constipated	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+dàbiàn	大便	bowel movement	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+dǎ diànhuà	打电话	to make a phone call, to telephone	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+dàifu	大夫	doctor	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+dài	带	to bring, to take with one,to lead, to take	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+dài	戴	to put on, to wear (glasses, gloves, a hat, a watch, jewelry, etc.)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+dǎkai	打开	to open	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+dàtuǐ	大腿	thigh	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+dàyī	大衣	overcoat	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+dèngzi	凳子	stool	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+dēng	灯	light, lamp	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+diàndēng kāiguān	电灯开关	light switch	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+diànhuà	电话	telephone, telephone call	WLF	6, Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+diànlúzi	电炉子	electric stove; electric heater	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+diànshàn	电扇	electric fan	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+dìbǎn	地板	wooden floor	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+-dǐng		(counter for hats)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+dìqū	地区	area, region	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+dìtǎn	地毯	carpet, rug    	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese            
+diū	丟	to lose	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+dìxiàshì	地下室	basement	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+dī	低	to be low	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+dì	地	floor	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+dòngbuliǎo	东不了	unable to move	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+dōngtiān (dōngtian)	冬天	winter	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+dòng	动	to move	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+duàn	断	to sever, to break	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+duǎn	短	to be short	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+duì...guòmǐn	对。。。过敏	allergic to...	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+dùzi	肚子	belly, abdomen, stomach	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+-dù	-度	degree (e.g., on a thermometer)	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+ěrduo	耳朵	ear	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+fángdǐng	房顶	roof	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+fángjiān	房间	room	WLF	4,House	FSI-Chinese
+fàntīng	饭厅	dining room	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+fàntīng	饭厅	dining room	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+fānyì	翻译	to interpret, to translate	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+fāshāo	发烧	to have a fever	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+fāxiàn	发现	to discover	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+fāyán	发炎	inflamed	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+fèiyán	肺炎	pneumonia	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+fèi	肺	lung	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+fěngjǐng	风景	scenery	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+fēngshī	风湿	rheumatism	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+fēng	风	wind	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+fēn	分	one tenth of a Chinese inch (cùn)	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+fù(bù)	腹部	abdomen	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+fùjìn (fùjìn)	附近	area, neighborhood	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+fùnü	妇女	women	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+fúzhuāngdiàn	服装店	clothing store	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+gànbufú	干部服	cadre suit	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+gānjing	干净	to be clean	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+gǎnmào, shāngfēng, zhāoliáng	感冒,伤风,着凉	cold	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+gǎnmào	感冒	to catch cold; a cold	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+gǎnyán	肝炎	hepatitis	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+gānzàng	肝脏	liver	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+gǎo wèishēng	搞卫生	to do cleaning	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+gǎo	搞	to do, to engage in	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+gēbei, gēbo, shǒubì	胳臂,胳膊,手臂	arm	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+gēbeizhǒu(r)	胳膊肘	elbow	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+Góng’ānjú	公安局	Bureau of Public Security (PRC)	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+gōngyùlóu	公寓楼	apartment building	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+gōngyù	公寓	apartment building; apartment	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+gòu	够	to be enough	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+guā húzi	刮胡子	to shave (the beard)	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+guǎnjiéyán	关节炎	arthritis	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+guānjié	关节	joint	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+guā	刮	to blow (of wind, typhoons, etc.),to scrape	WLF	1,3	FSI-Chinese
+guìzi	柜子	cabinet	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+guòmǐnzhèng	过敏症	allergy	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+gútou, gǔtou	骨头	bone	WLF	6,Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+gùyì	故意	intentionally, willfully, on purpose	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+hǎibiān(r)	海边(儿)	seashore	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+hàn	和	and (Taiwan pronunciation)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+hǎoxiàng	好像	to seem (to be), to appear that	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+Héběi	河北	north of the (Yellow) river	WLF	Places	FSI-Chinese
+Hénán	河南	south of the (Yellow) river	WLF	Places	FSI-Chinese
+héshì	合适	to fit; to be suitable	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+hé	和	and	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+hē	喝	to drink	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+hé	河	river	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+hōnggānjī	烘干机	dryer	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+hóulóng (hóulong)	喉咙	throat	WLF	5,Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+hòu	厚	to be thick; to be heavy (of clothing)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+huài	坏	to be bad; to go bad, to break	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+huánjìng	环境	environment	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+Húběi	湖北	north of the (Dòngtíng) lake	WLF	Places	FSI-Chinese
+Húnán	湖南	south of the (Dòngtíng) lake	WLF	Places	FSI-Chinese
+huòluàn	霍乱	cholera	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+húzi	胡子	beard OR mustache	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+hú	湖	lake	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+jiákè(r) OR jiākè(r)	夹克	jacket	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiānbǎng	肩膀	shoulder	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+jiàn, jīn (colloquial)	腱,肌	tendon	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+-jiàn	-件	(counter for clothing)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎn	减	to cut (with scissors)	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+-jiān	-间	(counter for rooms)	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎogēn	脚跟	heel	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+jiào tàiyang shàide	*太阳色的	red	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎowànzi	脚腕子	ankle	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎozhítou, jiǎozhǐ	脚趾头,脚趾	toe	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+jiào	叫	to tell/ask (someone to do something)	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+jiǎo	脚	foot	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+jiàshǐ zhízhào	驾驶执照	driver’s license	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+jiàshǐ	驾驶	driver, pilot; to drive, to pilot	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+jílianggǔ	脊梁骨	spine	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+jǐngchájú	警察局	police station	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+jǐngchá	警察	policeman	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+jìngzi	镜子	mirror	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+jīròu	肌肉	muscle	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+jiùhùchē	救护车	ambulance	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+-juǎn	卷	reel (of recording tape); to curl, to roll up	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+juǎn	卷	to curl, to roll up	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+juéde	觉得	to feel	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+jūnshì	军事	military	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+kāi dāo		to operate; to be operated on	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+kāishǐ	开始	to begin, to start	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+kāishuǐ	开水	boiled water	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+kāi yàofāng	开药方	to write a prescription	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+kàn bìng	看病	to have an illness treated/diagnosed	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+kàn dàifu	看大夫	to see a doctor	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+kān	看	to look after, to watch over	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+késou	咳嗽	to cough	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+kètīng	客厅	living room	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+kètīng	客厅	living room	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+kōngqì (kōngqi)	空气	air	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+kōngqì wūrǎn	空气污染	air pollution	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+kǒudài	口袋	pocket	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+kùzi (yìtiāo)	裤子(一条)	pants	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+lā dùzi	拉肚子	to have diarrhea	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+lājī; lèsè (Taiwan)	垃圾	garbage 	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+lājītǒng; lèsètǒng (Taiwan)	垃圾桶	garbage pail	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+lājíxiāng; lèsèxiāng (Taiwan)	垃圾箱	garbage can	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+lánwěiyán	appendicitis	appendicitis	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+lánwěi	阑尾	appendix	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+lèigǔ, lègǔ	肋骨	rib	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+lěngqìjī	冷气机	air conditioner	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+lěng	冷	to be cold	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+liǎngbiān	两边	both sides, two sides	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+liángkuai	凉快	to be cool	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+liáng tǐwēn	量体温	to take a person’s temperature	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+-liàng	-辆	(counter for vehicles)	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+liáng	量	to measure	WLF	2,5	FSI-Chinese
+liǎn	脸	face (of a person)	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+liǎn	脸	face	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+liàozi	料子	material, fabric	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+lìhai	厉害	to be severe, to be fierce	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+líkāi	离开	to leave	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+lǐng	领	to collect, to pick up (something which is issued)	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+liú húzi	留胡子	to grow a beard or mustache	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+liúxíngxìng gǎnmào, liúgǎn	流行性感冒,流感	influenza,flu	WLF	5,Medical	FSI-Chinese
+liú xuě (xiě, xuè)	流血	to bleed	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+liú	留	to remain, to stay; to keep, to save; to grow, to let grow; to leave	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+lóutī	楼梯	stairs	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+lùbiān(r)	路边	side of the road	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+lùyīndài	录音带	recording tape	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+lùyīnjī	录音机	tape recorder	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+lúzi	炉子	stove	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+máfan	麻烦	to be troublesome, to be a bother; bother, trouble	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+mǎlù	马路	street, avenue (paved)	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+máoyī	毛衣	sweater	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+màozi (yìdǐng)	帽子(一顶)	hat	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+mǎshàng	马上	immediately 	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+mázhěn	麻疹	measles	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+méimao	眉毛	eyebrow	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+méi shì (le)	没事了	everything is all right (now); there is no (further) business	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+méi wèntí	没问题	no problem	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+méi	霉	fungus	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+mén	门	door	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+mián’āo	棉袄	cotton-padded jacket	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+miànjiá, sāi	面颊,腮	cheek	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+mótuōchē (mōtuōchē)	摩托车	motorcycle	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+mǔzhǐ	拇指	thumb	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+nǎo(zi)	脑(子)	brain	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+nà	那	then, in that case	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+nèikē yīshēng	内科医生	internist, physician	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+nèikē	内科	internal medicine, general medicine; department of internal medicine	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+nèikù	内裤	underpants	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+nèiyī	内衣	underwear (undershirts, undershorts, briefs, slips, bras, etc.); just undershirt (when used in contrast to nèikù, underpants)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+nílóng	尼龙	nylon	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+niúnǎi	牛奶	(cow’s) milk	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+nòng gānjing	弄干净	to clean up	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+nóngzhǒng	脓肿	abscess	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+nòng	弄	to do, to handle, to manage, to make	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+nuǎnhuo	暖和	to be warm	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+páizi	牌子	sign, poster, plate; brand name, trade mark	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+pífu	皮肤	skin	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+pìgǔ	屁股	buttocks	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+píngcháng	平常	usually, generally, ordinarily	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+píxié	皮鞋	leather shoes	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+pò	破	to be worn out; to break, to tear	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+qiáng	墙	wall	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+qìchuǎnbìng	气喘病	asthma	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+qìhòu (qìhou)	气候	climate	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+qǐngjìng	请静	to be quiet	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+qíng	清	to be clear	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+qípáo	旗袍	close-fitting woman’s dress with high neck and slit skirt; cheongsam	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+qiūtiān (qiūtian)	秋天	fall, autumn	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+qí	骑	to ride by straddling	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+qúnzi	裙子	skirt	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+qù	去	to go	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+ràng	让	to let, to allow, to cause someone to do something	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+rénkǒu	人口	population	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+rè	热	to be hot	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+rǔfáng, nǎi, rǔ	乳房,奶,乳	breast	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+sàozhou, sàobǎ	扫帚,扫把	broom	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+sēnlín	森林	forest	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+shāfā	沙发	sofa	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+shàihóng le	晒红了	sunburn	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+shài tuō pí le	晒脱皮了	skin peeling	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+Shāndōng	山东	east of the (Tàiháng) mountains	WLF	Places	FSI-Chinese
+shàngyī	上衣	upper garment	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+Shānxǐ	陕西	west of the (Tàiháng) mountains	WLF	Places	FSI-Chinese
+shān	山	mountain	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+shàn	疝	hernia	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+shāohǎole	烧好了	to have heated up; to have finished cooking	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shǎo	少	to be few; seldom	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+shāo	烧	to heat; to cook	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shéi	谁	someone	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+shēnbàodān	申报单	customs declaration (form)	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shēnbào	申报	to declare, to report	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shēng bìng	生病	to get sick, to become ill	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+shēng	生	to develop (as in shēng bìng)	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+shénjīng jǐnzhāng	神经紧张	nervous tension	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+shénjīng	神经	nerve	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+shénmeyàng	什么样	like what, what kind	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+shēnshang	身上	on one’s body	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+shèn(zàng)	肾(脏)	kidney	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+shétou	舌头	tongue	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+shìqing	事情	matter, affair, business, thing	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+shíwù zhòngdú	食物中毒	food poisoning	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+shì(yi)shi	试一试	to give it a try	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+shì	试	to try	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+shǒushi (shǒushì)	首饰	jewelry	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shōushi	收拾	to tidy up	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shǒuzhítou, shǒuzhǐtou	手指头	finger	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+shǒu	手	hand	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+-shuāng	-双	pair	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+shuā yà	刷牙	to brush one’s teeth	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shuā	刷	to brush	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shūbāo	书包	book bag, tote bag, carryall	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+shūfáng	书房	study, library,study (room)	WLF	4,House	FSI-Chinese
+shūfu	舒服	to be comfortable	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+shuǐchízi	水池子	kitchen sink	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+shuì jiào	睡觉	to sleep	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shuǐlóngtóu	水龙头	faucet, tap	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+shuì wǔjiào	睡午觉	to take a noontime nap	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shuìyī (yítào)	睡衣(一套)	pajamas; nightgown	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+shuǐ	水	water	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shūjiàzi	书架子	bookshelf	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+shūshu	叔叔	uncle	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+shū tóu	梳头	to brush or comb hair	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+-sǐle	死了	like crazy, to death (state verb ending)	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+táifēng	台风	typhoon	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+tái	抬	to carry (by two or more people)	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+tángniàobìng	糖尿病	diabetes	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+tàng	烫	to get a permanent	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+tǎng	躺	to lie, to recline	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+-tào	-套	(counter for suits, sets of things)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+téngsǐ le	疼死了	to hurt like crazy, to hurt to death (figuratively)	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+téng (tòng)	疼	to hurt, to ache	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+tiānhuābǎn	天花板	ceiling	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+tiānqì (tiānqi)	天气	weather	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+tiān	天	sky, heaven	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+-tiáo	-条	(counter for long, winding things; counter for pants, translated “pair”)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+tīngshuō	听说	to hear that, to hear it said	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+tǐwēn	体温	(body) temperature	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+tóufa	头发	hair (on the head)	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+tóu téng	头疼	to have a headache; headache	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+tóu	头	head	WLF	5,Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+tuǐ	腿	leg	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+tuí	腿	leg	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+tuōbǎ	拖把	mop	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+tuōxié	拖鞋	slippers	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+tuō	脱	to take off (clothing)	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+tù	吐	to vomit	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+wàiguó	外国	foreign country	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+wàikē yīshēng	外科医生	surgeon	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+wàikē	外科	surgical department	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+wàishì	外事	foreign affairs	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+wàitào(r)	外套	coat, jacket (that extends below the waist)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+wàng	忘	to forget	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+wànzi	腕子	wrist	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+wàzi	袜子	socks	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+wèibìng	胃病	stomach trouble, gastric disease	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+wèi; dùzi 	胃,肚子	stomach (belly)	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+wèikuìyáng	胃溃疡	ulcer (gastric)	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+wèishēngjiān	卫生间	toilet, bathroom	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+wéixiǎn (wēixiǎn)	危险	to be dangerous, to be perilous, danger	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+wèi	胃	stomach	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+wēndù	温度	temperature	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+wèntí	问题	question, problem	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+wòfáng	卧房	bedroom	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+wòfáng	卧房	bedroom	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+wòshì	卧室	bedroom	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+wòshì	卧室	bedroom	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+wūrǎn	污染	pollution	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+wūzi	屋子	room	WLF	4,House	FSI-Chinese
+xiàba	下巴	chin	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎng tù		to feel nauseous	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+xiāngxià (xiāngxià)	乡下	to he in the country, the countryside	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiāngzi	箱子	suitcase, box	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎng	想	to miss, to think of	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎoběnzi	小本子	small notebook	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎobiàn	小便	to urinate; urination	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+xiāohuà bù liáng	消化不良	indigestion	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+xiǎoxīn	小心	to be careful, to take care	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+xiàtiān (xiàtiān)	夏天	summer	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+xià xuě	下雪	to snow	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+xià yǔ	下雨	to rain	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+xǐchénqì	吸尘器	vacuum cleaner	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+xiè dù(zi)	泻肚(子)	to have diarrhea	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+xiě, xuě, xuè	血	blood	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+xiězìtái	写字台	desk	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+xié	鞋	shoe	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+xīgài	膝盖	knee	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+xǐliǎnpén	洗脸盆	(bathroom) sink, washstand	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+xǐng	醒	to wake up	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+xīnxiān (xīnxian)	新鲜	fresh	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+xīnzàng	心脏	heart	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+xiōngbù, xiōngtáng	胸部,胸膛	chest	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+xǐ tóu	洗头	to shampoo, to get a shampoo	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+xǐyǐjī	洗衣机	washing machine	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+xǐzǎofáng	洗澡房	bathroom	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+xǐzǎofáng	洗澡房	bathroom	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+xǐzāopén	洗澡盆	bathtub	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+xǐzǎo	洗澡	to take a bath	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+xīzhuāng	西装	Western-style clothes; Western-style suit	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+xǐ	洗	to wash	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+xuěguǎn(r)	血管	blood vessel	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+xuěyā dī	低血压	low blood pressure	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+xuěyā gāo	血压高	high blood pressure, hypertension	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+xuěyā	血压	blood pressure	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+xūyào	需要	to need, to require	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+yáchuáng	牙床	gums	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+yágāo	牙膏	toothpaste	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+yàngzi	样子	appearance; shape, form; style, design; pattern	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+yǎnjìng(r)	眼睛	glasses (spectacles)	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+yǎnjīng	眼睛	eye	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+yánzhèng	炎症	inflammation	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+yǎnzhūzi (colloquial), yǎnqiú	眼珠子,眼球	eyeball	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+yàoburán	要不然	otherwise, or else	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+yàofāng(r)	药方	prescription	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+yào	药	medicine	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+yào	要	should; must; it is necessary, to need to	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+yá, yáchǐ	牙,牙齿	tooth	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+yá	牙	tooth, teeth	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+yídìng	一定	certainly, surely, for sure	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+yīfu	衣服	clothes	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+yīshēng	医生	doctor	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+yīyuàn	医院	hospital	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+yǐzi	椅子	chair	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+yòng	用	to use	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu(de) shíhou	有的时候	sometimes	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu shì	有事	to be occupied, to be busy, to have things to do	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+yǒu (yì)diǎn	有(一)点	a little bit, somewhat	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+yóuyǒng	游泳	to swim	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+yóu	油	oil, grease	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+yùbeihǎo le	预备好了	to have prepared	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+yùbei	预备	to prepare	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+yùndǒu	熨斗	iron	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+yūn	晕	to be dizzy	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+yǔxié	雨鞋	rainshoes; rubbers, galoshes	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+yǔyī	雨衣	raincoat	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+yùyuē	预约	to make an appointment (PRC)	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+zāogāo	糟糕	oh no! how awful! how terrible! what a mess!; to be awful	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+zhāojí	着急	to get upset, to be anxious, to be worried	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+zhàoxiàngjǐ	照相机	camera	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+zhào xiàng	照相	to take a picture	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+zhào	照	according to	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhēnjiū (zhēnjiǔ)	针灸	acupuncture and moxibustion	WLF	5	FSI-Chinese
+-zhe	-着 	marker of duration for actions and states	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+zhìchuāng	痔疮	hemorrhoids	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+zhījia, zhǐjiǎ	指甲	fingernail	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+zhīpiàoběn	支票本	checkbook	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+zhīpiào	支票	check (as in personal check)	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+zhòngfēng	中风	stroke	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+zhòngshǔ	中暑	sunstroke	WLF	Medical	FSI-Chinese
+-zhǒng	一种车	kind, sort	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+zhuàng	撞	to bump into, to run into, to collide with	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+zhuōzi	桌子	table 	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+zhùyì (zhùyi)	注意	to pay attention, to take notice	WLF	6	FSI-Chinese
+zìjǐ	自己	self, oneself (myself, yourself, etc.)	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese
+zìzhǐlǒu	字纸篓 	wastepaner basket	WLF	Furnitures	FSI-Chinese
+zǒuláng	走廊	corridor, hall	WLF	House	FSI-Chinese
+zūchūqu	租出去	to rent out	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+zuǐchún	嘴唇	lip	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+zuī, kǒu	嘴,口	mouth	WLF	Body parts	FSI-Chinese
+zuì	最	most, -est	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+zuò fàn	做饭 	to cook	WLF	4	FSI-Chinese
+zuò tòufa	做头发	to do one’s hair, to have one’s hair done	WLF	3	FSI-Chinese
+zuǒyòu	左右	approximately, about	WLF	1	FSI-Chinese
+zuò	做	to make; to have made	WLF	2	FSI-Chinese