Module2-target-list8.csv 1.6 KB

  1. 1. A: jīntiān hái yǒu ma? 你今天还有课吗? Do you have any more classes today? 2 8 [sound:] FSI-Chinese
  2. B: Méiyou le. 没有课了。 I don’t have any more classes. 2 8 [sound:] FSI-Chinese
  3. 2. A: cóngqián niàn Yīngwén niànle duó jiǔ? 你从前念英文念了多久? How long did you study English? 2 8 [sound:] FSI-Chinese
  4. B: niàn Yīngwén niànle liùniàn. 我念英文念了六年。 I sutdied English for six years. 2 8 [sound:] FSI-Chinese
  5. 3. A: niàn Fàwén niànle duó jiǔ le? 你念法文念了多久了? How long have you been studying French? 2 8 [sound:] FSI-Chinese
  6. B: niànle yìnián le. 我念了一年了。 I’ve been studying it for one year. 2 8 [sound:] FSI-Chinese
  7. 4. A: Qǜnián hái huì xiě Zhōnggui zì. 去年我还不会写中国字。 Last year, I couldn’t write Chinese characters. 2 8 [sound:] FSI-Chinese
  8. B: Xiànzài huì xiě yìdiǎn le. 现在我会写一点了。 Now, I can write a little. 2 8 [sound:] FSI-Chinese
  9. 5. A: fùqin shi jǖnrén ma? 你父亲是军人吗? Is your father a military man? 2 8 [sound:] FSI-Chinese
  10. B: Shì, shi hǎijǖn jǖnguān. 是,他是海军军官。 Yes, he’s a naval officer. 2 8 [sound:] FSI-Chinese
  11. 6. A: jīntiān lái le. 我今天不来了。 I’m not coming today. 2 8 [sound:] FSI-Chinese
  12. B: bìng le. 我病了。 I’m sick. 2 8 [sound:] FSI-Chinese
  13. 7. A: Jīntiān hǎo le méiyou? 今天好了没有? Are you better today? 2 8 [sound:] FSI-Chinese
  14. B: Jīntiān hǎo le. 今天好了。 Today, I’m better. 2 8 [sound:] FSI-Chinese