Dialogue and translation for exercice 2.csv 3.9 KB

  1. Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 2
  2. Conversation between an American student and a Chinese student in their college dormitory in America.
  3. A: Nǐ zěnme yíge rén zài zhèli? Nide nūpéngyou ne? How come you’re all alone here? Where’s your girlfriend?
  4. B: Zài tūshūguǎn niàn tāde Jīngjixué. She’s in the library studying her economics.
  5. A: Tā zhēn yònggōng! Zhème hǎode tiānqi, hái zài pīnmìng niàn shū! She really works hard! The weather is so nice, and she’s still knocking herself out studying.
  6. B: Shi a! Gāngcái, wǒ qù gěi ta sòngle yidiǎn Kěkǒukělè, wǒ gēn ta shuō, zhèiyang niànxiaqu shi yào shēng hìngde, kěshi ting, háishi zài nar niàn. That’s right! Just now, I went to take her a Coke, and I told her she was going to get sick if she kept on studying like this, but she wouldn’t listen. She Just went on studying.
  7. A: Wǒ xiǎng nīde nūpengyou you diǎnr bié, women bānlide jīge shēng zǎo jiu pǎo dao hǎi-biānr qu wánr le. I think your girlfriend is a little unusual. Several of the women students in our class took off for the beach a long time ago.
  8. B: Zhè he tāde jiātíng yǒu guānxi. It has to do with her family.
  9. A: Zěnme ne? What do you mean?
  10. B: Tāde fùmù yǒu zhòng nan qīng nude lǎo guānniàn. Tāmen xiǎng érzi shi jīde, nuér zhǎngdàle zǒng yào Jiēhūnde, Jiēle hūn Jiù shi biérén Jiāde rén le, niàn shū you shénme yòng? Her parents have the old idea of regarding men as superior to women. They think that a son is theirs, but a daughter gets married sooner or later when she grows up, and after she’s married she belongs to another family, so what use is it for her to get an education?
  11. A: Wǒ conglái méiyou xiǎngdào, xiànzài hái yǒu zhèiyangde Jiātíng, zhèiyangde fùmǔ. I never imagined that there were still families and parents like that these days.
  12. B: Zhè méiyou shénme qíguài, lǎo guānniàn biàncheng xìn guānniàn bu shi jiàn róngyide shi. There’s nothing so strange about that; it’s not an easy thing to change one’s old ideas into new ideas.
  13. A: Nà, nīde nūpéngyou yǒu xiōngdì Jiěmèi ma? Then, does your girl friend have any brothers and sisters?
  14. B: Yǒu, Jiù yǒu yíge gēge. Yes, Just one older brother.
  15. A: Tā niàn shū niànde hǎo bu hǎo? How does he do in school?
  16. B: Mǎmǎhūhū, wǒ xiǎng tā shi yíge hěn yònggōngde xuéshēng. Just so-so, I don’t think he’s a very hard worker.
  17. A: Nǐ rènshi ta? You know him?
  18. B: Rènshi. Wǒ he tāmen shi zhōngxué tóngxué, tā gēge zhīdao tā niànwánle zhōngxué jiu kéyi shàng dàxué, kěshi tā fùmǔ ràng mèimei niàn dàxué. Wǒ kàndao tā changcháng yíge rén zài túshūguǎn diào yǎnlèi, jiù wèn ta wèishénme, mànmànde, wǒ jiu zhīdao tāde qíngxing le. Yes. We were classmates in high school. Her brother knew that after he finished high school he could go to college, but her parents wouldn’t let her go. I used to see her alone in the library, crying, and I asked her why. Gradually, I found out about her situation.
  19. A: 0, shi zhèiyang.’ Nà tā shi zěnme lái dàxué niàn shūde ne? Oh, so that’s the story! So then, how was it that she came to college?
  20. B: Wǒ fùmǔ bāngzhu ta. ^ùnián, tā zìyě zhuànle diǎn qián. Wǒ mǔqin shuō zhèige háizi zènme xiǎng niàn shū, women duō bāngzhu ta yidiǎnr, ràng ta hǎohāo niàn shū ba.’ Zhèi-yàng tā jiù zuò shi, zhǐ niàn shū le. My parents helped her out. Also, last year she earned some money on her own. My mother said she wanted so badly to study, that we should help her out and let her do it properly.’ This way she can just study without having to work.
  21. Oh, is that so! Let’s go see her, and make her take a break.
  22. A: Shi zhèiyang.’ Women qù kànkan ta, ràng ta xiūxi-xiuxi.
  23. B: Hǎo, zǒu.’ Good, let’s go!