FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 04 DIR - Unit 01 - Tape 1P-2.mp3.tsv 7.4 KB

  1. start end text
  2. 0 9000 standard Chinese a modular approach, directions module, unit one, production take two.
  3. 9000 15000 before beginning exercise one, read the instructions in your workbook.
  4. 15000 17000 exercise one.
  5. 17000 23000 for this exercise you'll need to learn to refer to some of the buildings you commonly find in a city.
  6. 23000 28000 repeat the word for grade school or primary school.
  7. 28000 33000 小學,小學.
  8. 33000 36000 repeat the word for restaurant.
  9. 36000 40000 飯館,飯館.
  10. 40000 42000 now do the exercise.
  11. 42000 49000 number one.
  12. 49000 54000 請問,到銀行去怎麼走?
  13. 54000 59000 從這裡往左走,到了路口,再往右走就到了.
  14. 59000 66000 again.
  15. 66000 70000 請問,到銀行去怎麼走?
  16. 70000 77000 從這裡往左走,到了路口,再往右走就到了.
  17. 77000 78000 try it again.
  18. 78000 87000 this time, restate the first part of the directions.
  19. 87000 90000 請問,到銀行去怎麼走?
  20. 90000 100000 從這裡往左走,到了路口,再往右走就到了.
  21. 100000 104000 我先往左走,對不對?
  22. 104000 108000 對了.
  23. 108000 109000 然後呢?
  24. 109000 114000 然後,到了路口,再往右走.
  25. 114000 117000 好,謝謝.
  26. 117000 122000 number two.
  27. 122000 128000 從銀行到咖啡廳去怎麼走?
  28. 128000 133000 從這裡往右走,到了路口,再往右走就到了.
  29. 133000 140000 again.
  30. 140000 145000 從銀行到咖啡廳去怎麼走?
  31. 145000 151000 從這裡往右走,到了路口,再往右走就到了.
  32. 151000 152000 try it again.
  33. 152000 161000 this time, restate the first part of the directions.
  34. 161000 165000 從銀行到咖啡廳去怎麼走?
  35. 165000 175000 從這裡往右走,到了路口,再往右走就到了.
  36. 175000 177000 我先往右走,對不對?
  37. 177000 181000 對了.
  38. 181000 182000 然後呢?
  39. 182000 188000 然後,到了路口,再往右走.
  40. 188000 190000 好,謝謝.
  41. 190000 197000 number three.
  42. 197000 202000 從咖啡廳到小學去怎麼走?
  43. 202000 209000 從這裡一直走,到了第二個路口,往左走就到了.
  44. 209000 214000 again.
  45. 214000 219000 從咖啡廳到小學去怎麼走?
  46. 219000 227000 從這裡一直走,到了第二個路口,往左走就到了.
  47. 227000 228000 try it again.
  48. 228000 236000 this time, restate the first part of the directions.
  49. 236000 240000 從咖啡廳到小學去怎麼走?
  50. 240000 251000 從這裡一直走,到了第二個路口,往左走就到了.
  51. 251000 253000 我先一直走,對不對?
  52. 253000 256000 對了.
  53. 256000 259000 然後呢?
  54. 259000 267000 然後,到了第二個路口,往左走就到了.
  55. 267000 269000 好,謝謝.
  56. 269000 275000 number four.
  57. 275000 279000 從小學到大學去怎麼走?
  58. 279000 286000 從這裡往左走,到了路口,往右走就到了.
  59. 286000 292000 again.
  60. 292000 296000 從小學到大學去怎麼走?
  61. 296000 302000 從這裡往左走,到了路口,往右走就到了.
  62. 302000 304000 try it again.
  63. 304000 312000 this time, restate the first part of the directions.
  64. 312000 316000 從小學到大學去怎麼走?
  65. 316000 325000 從這裡往左走,到了路口,往右走就到了.
  66. 325000 328000 我先往左走,對不對?
  67. 328000 330000 對了.
  68. 330000 332000 然後呢?
  69. 332000 337000 然後,到了路口,再往右走.
  70. 337000 340000 好,謝謝.
  71. 340000 346000 number five.
  72. 346000 350000 從大學到飯館去怎麼走?
  73. 350000 357000 從這裡一直走,到了第二個路口,往左走就到了.
  74. 357000 363000 again.
  75. 363000 368000 從大學到飯館去怎麼走?
  76. 368000 375000 從這裡一直走,到了第二個路口,往左走就到了.
  77. 375000 377000 try it again.
  78. 377000 384000 this time, restate the first part of the directions.
  79. 384000 388000 從大學到飯館去怎麼走?
  80. 388000 397000 從這裡一直走,到了第二個路口,往左走就到了.
  81. 397000 400000 我先一直走,對不對?
  82. 400000 402000 對了.
  83. 402000 404000 然後呢?
  84. 404000 410000 然後,到了第二個路口,往左走.
  85. 410000 412000 好,謝謝.
  86. 412000 419000 number six.
  87. 419000 423000 從飯館到銀行去怎麼走?
  88. 423000 429000 從這裡往左走,到了路口,再往右走就到了.
  89. 429000 433000 again.
  90. 433000 438000 從飯館到銀行去怎麼走?
  91. 438000 444000 從這裡往左走,到了路口,再往右走就到了.
  92. 444000 446000 try it again.
  93. 446000 453000 this time, restate the first part of the directions.
  94. 453000 457000 從飯館到銀行去怎麼走?
  95. 457000 466000 從這裡往左走,到了路口,再往右走就到了.
  96. 466000 469000 我先往左走,對不對?
  97. 469000 472000 對了.
  98. 472000 473000 然後呢?
  99. 473000 478000 然後,到了路口,再往右走.
  100. 478000 482000 好,謝謝.
  101. 482000 489000 before beginning exercise two, read the instructions in your workbook.
  102. 489000 492000 exercise two.
  103. 492000 494000 today is September the 11th.
  104. 494000 497000 you've just recently moved to Taipei.
  105. 497000 500000 a new acquaintance is interested in what places you go to.
  106. 500000 503000 answer his questions.
  107. 503000 511000 你今天到哪裡去?
  108. 511000 517000 我先到美國銀行去,然後到台灣銀行去.
  109. 517000 526000 昨天呢?
  110. 526000 534000 我是先到國賓大飯店去的,然後到飯館去的.
  111. 534000 540000 明天呢?
  112. 540000 549000 我明天先到美國銀行去,然後到第一大飯店去.
  113. 549000 556000 後天呢?
  114. 556000 563000 我先到台灣大學去,然後到飯館去.
  115. 563000 568000 several months later, the same acquaintance is interested in where you go now.
  116. 568000 571000 you're taking classes at Taiwan University now.
  117. 571000 574000 today's date is December the 10th.
  118. 574000 582000 你今天到哪裡去?
  119. 582000 590000 我先到台灣大學去,然後到華美咖啡廳去.
  120. 590000 597000 昨天呢?
  121. 597000 605000 我是先到第一公司去的,然後到台灣大學去的.
  122. 605000 612000 明天呢?
  123. 612000 618000 我先到台灣大學去,然後到飯館去.
  124. 618000 625000 後天呢?
  125. 625000 632000 我先到第一公司去,然後到華美咖啡廳去.
  126. 632000 637000 later in the spring, the same acquaintance ask about where it is you go these days.
  127. 637000 640000 you're still taking classes at Taiwan University.
  128. 640000 645000 you're also writing a paper on the school system in Taiwan and visiting some local schools.
  129. 645000 648000 today is March the 23rd.
  130. 648000 658000 你今天到哪裡去?
  131. 658000 664000 我先到台灣大學去,然後到中山小學去.
  132. 664000 674000 昨天呢?
  133. 674000 682000 我是先到和平小學去的,然後到台灣大學去的.
  134. 682000 691000 明天呢?
  135. 691000 698000 我先到中山小學去,然後到和平小學去.
  136. 698000 704000 明天呢?
  137. 704000 710000 我先到台灣大學去,然後到和平小學去.
  138. 710000 716000 before going on to exercise three, read the instructions in your workbook.
  139. 716000 719000 exercise three, one.
  140. 719000 726000 他們那兒不賣美國雜誌.
  141. 726000 730000 他們那兒賣不賣美國雜誌?
  142. 730000 735000 two,他走了?
  143. 735000 737000 他走了沒有?
  144. 737000 742000 three,他沒來?
  145. 742000 744000 他來了沒有?
  146. 744000 751000 four,他不看中國書?
  147. 751000 756000 他看不看中國書?
  148. 756000 762000 那本字典他還沒買?
  149. 762000 768000 那本字典他買了沒有?
  150. 768000 777000 他到上海去了?
  151. 777000 782000 他還沒換錢?
  152. 782000 785000 他換錢了沒有?
  153. 785000 791000 eight,他沒有孩子?
  154. 791000 794000 他有沒有孩子?
  155. 794000 801000 nine,他沒到南京去?
  156. 801000 804000 他到南京去了沒有?
  157. 804000 812000 ten,他們那兒不收美金?
  158. 812000 815000 他們那兒收不收美金?
  159. 815000 824000 eleven,那份中文報他還沒看?
  160. 824000 829000 那份中文報他看了沒有?
  161. 829000 834000 twelve,他還沒走?
  162. 834000 837000 他走了沒有?
  163. 837000 860000 this is the end of production tape two unit one directions module standard chinese a modular approach