FSI - Standard Chinese - Optional Module RST - Unit 02.mp3.json 85 KB

  1. {"text": "Standard Chinese, A Modular Approach, Restaurant Module Unit 2On this tape you'll learn some simple questions and answers used in ordering a modest meal.Part 1 deals with ordering one of the fixed meals or blue plate specials found commonly in small restaurants.Here's the vocabulary and sentences you'll need in Part 1.The word for fixed dinner.\u5ba2\u996dWhat is a fixed dinner?\u4ec0\u4e48\u662f\u5ba2\u996d?A dish which is served at a meal and is not a soup, rice, or noodle dish, a main dish.\u4e00\u4e2a\u83dcA soup, a main dish, and rice.\u4e00\u4e2a\u6c64,\u4e00\u4e2a\u83dc,\u8fd8\u6709\u996d.A fixed dinner is a soup, a main dish, and rice.\u5ba2\u996d\u5c31\u662f\u4e00\u4e2a\u6c64,\u4e00\u4e2a\u83dc,\u8fd8\u6709\u996d.One type,\u4e00\u79cd.Is there only one type of fixed dinner?\u5ba2\u996d\u5c31\u4e00\u79cd\u5417?Tasty,\u597d\u5403.Which dish do you say is tasty?\u4f60\u8bf4\u54ea\u4e2a\u83dc\u597d\u5403?Chopsticks,\u7b77\u5b50.Use,\u7528.I can use chopsticks.\u6211\u4f1a\u7528\u7b77\u5b50.The verb to use,\u7528, is a prepositional verb as well as a full verb.As a prepositional verb,\u7528 means with.I eat with chopsticks.\u6211\u7528\u7b77\u5b50\u5403\u996d.Chicken,\u9e21.Do you like to eat beef or chicken?\u4f60\u559c\u6b22\u5403\u725b\u8089\u8fd8\u662f\u5403\u9e21?Now here are some of the words and phrases you need to learn to understand.To be simple.\u7b80\u5355.I want to eat something simple.\u6211\u8981\u5403\u70b9\u7b80\u5355\u7684.Next time.\u4e0b\u6b21.Something else.\u522b\u7684.Next time eat something else.\u4e0b\u6b21\u518d\u5403\u522b\u7684.beef and green peppers.\u9752\u6912,\u725b\u8089.Shreds of pork and cabbage.\u767d\u83dc\u8089\u4e1d.Slices of chicken and snow peas.\u5b66\u6597\u9e21\u7247.Now here's a review of the vocabulary you've just learned to produce.Use.\u7528.Tasty.\u597d\u5403.A main dish.\u4e00\u4e2a\u83dc.Chopsticks.\u7b77\u5b50.A fixed meal.\u5ba2\u996d.One type.\u4e00\u79cd.Now here's a review of the sentences you learned.I can use chopsticks.\u6211\u4f1a\u7528\u7b77\u5b50.A fixed dinner is a bowl of soup, a main dish, and rice.\u5ba2\u996d\u5c31\u662f\u4e00\u4e2a\u6c64,\u4e00\u4e2a\u83dc,\u8fd8\u6709\u996d.I eat with chopsticks.\u6211\u7528\u7b77\u5b50\u5403\u996d.Is there only one type of fixed meal?\u5ba2\u996d\u5c31\u662f\u4e00\u79cd\u5417?Which do you say is tasty?\u4f60\u8bf4\u54ea\u4e2a\u83dc\u597d\u5403?Now here's a conversation using what you've just learned.An American woman and a Chinese friend are out to eat on their lunch hour in Taipei.\u4f60\u60f3\u5403\u4ec0\u4e48?\u6211\u60f3\u5403\u70b9\u7b80\u5355\u7684.\u90a3\u5403\u5ba2\u996d\u600e\u4e48\u6837?\u4ec0\u4e48\u662f\u5ba2\u996d?\u5ba2\u996d\u5c31\u662f\u4e00\u4e2a\u6c64,\u4e00\u4e2a\u83dc,\u8fd8\u6709\u996d.\u5ba2\u996d\u5c31\u6709\u4e00\u79cd\u5417?\u4e0d,\u6709\u4e09\u56db\u79cd,\u6709\u56db\u5341\u5757\u7684,\u6709\u4e94\u5341\u5757\u7684,\u6709\u516d\u5341\u5757\u7684.\u90fd\u6709\u4ec0\u4e48\u83dc?\u4eca\u5929\u6709\u767d\u83dc\u8089\u4e1d,\u9752\u6912\u725b\u8089,\u5b66\u6597\u9e21\u7247.\u4f60\u8bf4\u54ea\u4e2a\u83dc\u597d\u5403?\u90fd\u5f88\u597d,\u4eca\u5929\u4f60\u53ef\u4ee5\u5403\u9752\u6912\u725b\u8089,\u4e0b\u6b21\u518d\u5403\u522b\u7684.\u597d.\u4f60\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u9752\u6912\u725b\u8089,\u6211\u6765\u4e00\u4e2a\u5b66\u6597\u9e21\u7247.\u4f60\u4f1a\u7528\u7b77\u5b50\u5427?\u6211\u5728\u7f8e\u56fd\u5df2\u7ecf\u5b66\u8fc7.Now here's another conversation reviewing what you've just learned.It also takes place in a small restaurant in Taipei.\u4f60\u60f3\u5403\u4ec0\u4e48?\u6211\u60f3\u5403\u70b9\u7b80\u5355\u7684.\u90a3\u6211\u4eec\u5403\u5ba2\u996d\u5427.\u597d\u554a,\u4f60\u5403\u8fc7\u4ed6\u4eec\u8fd9\u91cc\u7684\u5ba2\u996d\u5417?\u5403\u8fc7.\u597d\u4e0d\u597d\u5403?\u90fd\u5f88\u597d\u5403.\u5ba2\u996d\u90fd\u6709\u4ec0\u4e48\u6837\u7684\u83dc?\u6709\u4e09\u79cd,\u4e00\u79cd\u662f\u9752\u6912\u725b\u8089,\u4e00\u79cd\u662f\u767d\u83dc\u8089\u4e1d,\u4e00\u79cd\u662f\u5b66\u6597\u9e21\u7247.\u6211\u8981\u9752\u6912\u725b\u8089.\u6211\u8981\u5b66\u6597\u9e21\u7247.Part two of this tape deals with ordering a lunch for two in a restaurant in Taipei.Here are the words and sentences you'll need to learn.Shrimp\u867e\u4ec1Shrimp fried noodles\u867e\u4ec1\u7092\u9762I want shrimp fried noodles.\u6211\u8981\u867e\u4ec1\u7092\u9762. Soy bean curd\u8c46\u8150Cabbage and bean curd soup\u767d\u83dc\u8c46\u8150\u6c64We also want a cabbage and bean curd soup.\u6211\u4eec\u8fd8\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u767d\u83dc\u8c46\u8150\u6c64.Not bad.\u4e0d\u9519.The fried rice with ham is not bad.\u706b\u817f\u7092\u996d\u4e0d\u9519.To be enough.Go.Two main dishes and one soup is enough.\u4e24\u4e2a\u83dc,\u4e00\u4e2a\u6c64,\u591f\u4e86.Don't be formal.\u522b\u5ba2\u6c14.To be satisfied.\u4fddI've already had my fill.\u6211\u5df2\u7ecf\u4fdd\u4e86.The check\u8d26\u5355\u5b50Please give me the check.\u8bf7\u4f60\u7ed9\u6211\u8d26\u5355\u5b50.Now here are the words and sentences you need to understand in part two.That'll be it.\u5c31\u8fd9\u6837\u4e86.Eat a little more.\u4f60\u591a\u5403\u4e00\u70b9.I am eating.\u6211\u518d\u5403.Now here's a review of the words you need to learn to say.Not bad.\u4e0d\u9519.Shrimp\u4e0b\u4ebaTo be satisfied.\u4fddTo be enough.\u591f Soybean curd.\u8c46\u8150The check\u8d26\u5355\u5b50Cabbage and bean curd soup\u767d\u83dc\u8c46\u8150\u6c64Now here's a review of the sentences you need to learn.The ham fried rice. Not bad.\u706b\u817f\u7092\u996d\u4e0d\u9519.I've already had my fill.\u6211\u5df2\u7ecf\u4fdd\u4e86.I'll have shrimp fried noodles.\u6211\u8981\u4e0b\u4eba\u5403.\u8981\u4e0b\u4eba\u7092\u9762.Two main dishes and one soup is enough.\u4e24\u4e2a\u83dc,\u4e00\u4e2a\u6c64\u591f\u4e86.Please give me the check.\u8bf7\u4f60\u7ed9\u6211\u8d26\u5355\u5b50.We also want a cabbage and bean curd soup.\u6211\u4eec\u8fd8\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u767d\u83dc\u8c46\u8150\u6c64.Now here's a conversation reviewing what you just learned.Two friends are out to lunch in Taipei.\u8fd9\u91cc\u7684\u7092\u9762.\u7092\u996d\u8ddf\u6c64\u9762\u90fd\u4e0d\u9519.\u7b49\u6211\u770b\u770b\u83dc\u5355\u5b50.\u6211\u4eec\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u867e\u4ec1\u7092\u9762\u597d\u4e0d\u597d.\u4f60\u518d\u70b9\u4e00\u4e2a\u5427.\u6211\u4eec\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u706b\u817f\u7092\u996d\u597d\u4e0d\u597d.\u518d\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u83dc\u8ddf\u4e00\u4e2a\u767d\u83dc\u8c46\u8150\u6c64.\u6211\u60f3\u592a\u591a\u4e86,\u4e0d\u8981\u83dc\u4e86.\u5c31\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u7092\u996d,\u4e00\u4e2a\u9762,\u4e00\u4e2a\u6c64\u5c31\u591f\u4e86.\u6211\u4eec\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u867e\u4ec1\u7092\u9762,\u4e00\u4e2a\u706b\u817f\u7092\u996d,\u8fd8\u6709\u4e00\u4e2a\u767d\u83dc\u8c46\u6c64\u5c31\u8fd9\u6837\u4e86.Later while they're eating.\u8fd9\u4e2a\u867e\u4ec1\u7092\u9762\u5f88\u597d\u5403.\u706b\u817f\u7092\u996d\u4e5f\u4e0d\u9519.\u4f60\u591a\u5403\u4e00\u70b9\u522b\u5ba2\u6c14.\u6211\u518d\u5403,\u4f60\u4e5f\u522b\u5ba2\u6c14,\u591a\u5403\u4e00\u70b9.After they've finished eating.\u4f60\u8981\u4e0d\u8981\u5403\u70b9\u751c\u70b9\u5fc3.\u4e0d\u8981\u4e86,\u6211\u5df2\u7ecf\u9971\u4e86.He speaks again with the waiter.\u8bf7\u4f60\u7ed9\u6211\u5e10\u5355\u5b50.Now here's another conversation reviewing what you've just learned. Again, two friends are out to lunch in Taipei.\u4f60\u60f3\u5403\u4ec0\u4e48.\u6211\u4eec\u70b9\u4e00\u4e2a\u7092\u9762,\u4e00\u4e2a\u7092\u996d,\u518d\u6765\u4e00\u4e2a\u6c64,\u600e\u4e48\u6837.\u597d\u554a,\u4f60\u60f3\u5403\u4ec0\u4e48\u7092\u9762,\u7092\u996d\u5462?\u968f\u4fbf,\u4f60\u70b9\u5427.\u6211\u4eec\u70b9\u4e00\u4e2a\u867e\u4ec1\u7092\u9762,\u4e00\u4e2a\u706b\u817f\u9e21\u86cb\u7092\u996d,\u8fd8\u6765\u4e00\u4e2a\u767d\u83dc\u8c46\u8150\u6c64,\u597d\u4e0d\u597d.\u597d.After they've finished eating.\u4f60\u60f3\u4e0d\u60f3\u5403\u70b9\u751c\u7684\u4e1c\u897f.\u4e0d\u8981\u4e86,\u6211\u9971\u4e86.\u4f60\u522b\u5ba2\u6c14\u554a.\u6211\u4e0d\u662f\u5ba2\u6c14,\u6211\u5403\u5f97\u5f88\u9971\u4e86.Part 3 deals with ordering dinner. Here are the words and sentences you'll need to learn to say. To know.\u77e5\u9053. I know you like to eat hot peppery things.\u6211\u77e5\u9053\u4f60\u559c\u6b22\u5403\u8fa3\u7684. Naturally or of course.\u5f53\u7136. Of course, we'll also want a soup.\u5f53\u7136,\u8fd8\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u6c64. To order.\u53eb. You've ordered too much.\u4f60\u53eb\u7684\u592a\u591a\u4e86. Now here are some phrases you need to learn to understand in Part 3. A hot spicy dish made with bean curd.\u9ebb\u5a46\u8c46\u8150. Eggplant.\u8304\u5b50. Yu Xiang eggplant.\u9c7c\u9999\u8304\u5b50. Diced chicken.\u9e21\u4e01. The name of a Sichuan dish made with cubes of chicken, bamboo shoots, onion, and red pepper.\u516c\u4fdd\u9e21\u4e01. Shrimp and sizzling rice soup.\u867e\u4ec1\u9505\u5df4\u6c64. Spontafi apples.\u5df4\u58eb\u82f9\u679c. Now let's review those items you learned to say in Part 3.To order.\u53eb. Of course.\u5f53\u7136. To know.\u5403\u5230. Now here are the sentences you learned in Part 3.\u6211\u77e5\u9053\u4f60\u559c\u6b22\u5403\u8fa3\u7684. Of course, we'll also want a soup.\u5f53\u7136,\u8fd8\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u6c64. You've ordered too much.\u4f60\u53eb\u7684\u592a\u591a\u4e86. Now here's a conversation reviewing what you've learned. Two friends are out to dinner in a Sichuan restaurant in Peking.\u4f60\u60f3\u5403\u4ec0\u4e48\u83dc?\u968f\u4fbf\u4f60\u70b9. I know you like spicy food.\u6211\u4eec\u70b9\u4e00\u4e2a\u9ebb\u5a46\u8c46\u8150,\u4e00\u4e2a\u9c7c\u9999\u8304\u5b50,\u4e00\u4e2a\u516c\u4fdd\u9e21\u4e01,\u600e\u4e48\u6837?\u5f53\u7136,\u8fd8\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u6c64.\u4f60\u53eb\u7684\u592a\u591a\u4e86.\u6211\u4eec\u4e24\u4e2a\u4eba\u53eb\u4e24\u4e2a\u83dc,\u4e00\u4e2a\u6c64\u5c31\u591f\u4e86.\u597d,\u90a3\u4e48\u4f60\u8bf4\u6211\u4eec\u53eb\u54ea\u4e24\u4e2a\u83dc?\u4e00\u4e2a\u9ebb\u5a46\u8c46\u8150,\u4e00\u4e2a\u516c\u4fdd\u9e21\u4e01,\u8fd8\u6709\u4e00\u4e2a\u867e\u4ec1\u9505\u5df4\u6c64,\u597d\u4e0d\u597d?\u597d,\u518d\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u5df4\u58eb\u82f9\u679c.\u597d.\u73b0\u5728\u6211\u4eec\u6765\u8bc4\u8bba\u8fd9\u4e9b\u8bc4\u8bba\u3002\u8fd9\u662f\u4ec0\u4e48\u83dc\u5f0f?\u4ec0\u4e48\u662f\u5ba2\u996d?\u6211\u4eec\u7684\u5ba2\u996d\u662f\u4e00\u4e2a\u6c64,\u4e00\u4e2a\u83dc,\u8fd8\u6709\u996d\u3002\u5ba2\u996d\u8fd9\u4e00\u79cd\u5417?\u5ba2\u996d\u8fd9\u4e00\u79cd\u5417?\u4f60\u8bf4\u54ea\u4e2a\u83dc\u597d\u5403?I eat with chopsticks.\u6211\u7528\u7b77\u5b50\u5403\u996d\u3002Do you like to eat beef or chicken?\u4f60\u559c\u6b22\u5403\u725b\u8089\u8fd8\u662f\u5403\u9e21?I want fried noodles with shrimp.\u6211\u8981\u867e\u4ec1\u7092\u9762\u3002We also want a cabbage and bean curd soup.\u6211\u4eec\u8fd8\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u767d\u83dc\u8c46\u8150\u6c64\u3002The fried rice with ham is not bad.\u706b\u817f\u7092\u996d\u4e0d\u9519\u3002Don't be formal.\u522b\u5ba2\u6c14\u3002Please give me the check.\u8bf7\u4f60\u7ed9\u6211\u8d26\u5355\u5b50\u3002I've already had my fill.\u6211\u5df2\u7ecf\u9971\u4e86\u3002I know you like to eat hot peppery things.\u6211\u77e5\u9053\u4f60\u559c\u6b22\u5403\u8fa3\u7684\u3002We also want a soup.\u5f53\u7136\u8fd8\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u6c64\u3002You've ordered too much.\u4f60\u53eb\u7684\u592a\u591a\u4e86\u3002And dishes and a soup are enough.\u4e24\u4e2a\u83dc\u4e00\u4e2a\u6c64\u591f\u4e86\u3002This is the end of the tape.And of restaurant module unit 2.", "segments": [{"id": 0, "seek": 0, "start": 0.0, "end": 7.0, "text": "Standard Chinese, A Modular Approach, Restaurant Module Unit 2", "tokens": [4520, 474, 515, 4649, 11, 316, 6583, 1040, 29551, 608, 11, 38870, 48251, 27894, 568], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.21345962948269315, "compression_ratio": 1.448559670781893, "no_speech_prob": 0.5598714351654053}, {"id": 1, "seek": 0, "start": 7.0, "end": 12.0, "text": "On this tape you'll learn some simple questions and answers used in ordering a modest meal.", "tokens": [11747, 341, 7314, 291, 603, 1466, 512, 2199, 1651, 293, 6338, 1143, 294, 21739, 257, 25403, 6791, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.21345962948269315, "compression_ratio": 1.448559670781893, "no_speech_prob": 0.5598714351654053}, {"id": 2, "seek": 0, "start": 12.0, "end": 19.0, "text": "Part 1 deals with ordering one of the fixed meals or blue plate specials found commonly in small restaurants.", "tokens": [37012, 502, 11215, 365, 21739, 472, 295, 264, 6806, 12832, 420, 3344, 5924, 2121, 82, 1352, 12719, 294, 1359, 11486, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.21345962948269315, "compression_ratio": 1.448559670781893, "no_speech_prob": 0.5598714351654053}, {"id": 3, "seek": 0, "start": 19.0, "end": 23.0, "text": "Here's the vocabulary and sentences you'll need in Part 1.", "tokens": [17685, 311, 264, 19864, 293, 16579, 291, 603, 643, 294, 4100, 502, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.21345962948269315, "compression_ratio": 1.448559670781893, "no_speech_prob": 0.5598714351654053}, {"id": 4, "seek": 0, "start": 23.0, "end": 26.0, "text": "The word for fixed dinner.", "tokens": [2278, 1349, 337, 6806, 6148, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.21345962948269315, "compression_ratio": 1.448559670781893, "no_speech_prob": 0.5598714351654053}, {"id": 5, "seek": 0, "start": 26.0, "end": 29.0, "text": "\u5ba2\u996d", "tokens": [32316, 41520, 255], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.21345962948269315, "compression_ratio": 1.448559670781893, "no_speech_prob": 0.5598714351654053}, {"id": 6, "seek": 2900, "start": 29.0, "end": 33.0, "text": "What is a fixed dinner?", "tokens": [3748, 307, 257, 6806, 6148, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.0871078888575236, "compression_ratio": 1.197080291970803, "no_speech_prob": 0.0001447726972401142}, {"id": 7, "seek": 2900, "start": 33.0, "end": 37.0, "text": "\u4ec0\u4e48\u662f\u5ba2\u996d?", "tokens": [10440, 1541, 32316, 41520, 255, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.0871078888575236, "compression_ratio": 1.197080291970803, "no_speech_prob": 0.0001447726972401142}, {"id": 8, "seek": 2900, "start": 37.0, "end": 45.0, "text": "A dish which is served at a meal and is not a soup, rice, or noodle dish, a main dish.", "tokens": [32, 5025, 597, 307, 7584, 412, 257, 6791, 293, 307, 406, 257, 7884, 11, 5090, 11, 420, 21873, 5025, 11, 257, 2135, 5025, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.0871078888575236, "compression_ratio": 1.197080291970803, "no_speech_prob": 0.0001447726972401142}, {"id": 9, "seek": 2900, "start": 45.0, "end": 49.0, "text": "\u4e00\u4e2a\u83dc", "tokens": [20182, 33025], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.0871078888575236, "compression_ratio": 1.197080291970803, "no_speech_prob": 0.0001447726972401142}, {"id": 10, "seek": 2900, "start": 49.0, "end": 54.0, "text": "A soup, a main dish, and rice.", "tokens": [32, 7884, 11, 257, 2135, 5025, 11, 293, 5090, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.0871078888575236, "compression_ratio": 1.197080291970803, "no_speech_prob": 0.0001447726972401142}, {"id": 11, "seek": 5400, "start": 54.0, "end": 59.0, "text": "\u4e00\u4e2a\u6c64,\u4e00\u4e2a\u83dc,\u8fd8\u6709\u996d.", "tokens": [20182, 12800, 97, 11, 20182, 33025, 11, 35091, 41520, 255, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.09295972188313802, "compression_ratio": 1.2371134020618557, "no_speech_prob": 3.3649102988420054e-05}, {"id": 12, "seek": 5400, "start": 59.0, "end": 65.0, "text": "A fixed dinner is a soup, a main 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{"id": 39, "seek": 18600, "start": 202.0, "end": 206.0, "text": "\u522b\u7684.", "tokens": [18453, 1546, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.10654701330722907, "compression_ratio": 1.1538461538461537, "no_speech_prob": 1.8367521988693625e-05}, {"id": 40, "seek": 18600, "start": 206.0, "end": 211.0, "text": "Next time eat something else.", "tokens": [31002, 565, 1862, 746, 1646, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.10654701330722907, "compression_ratio": 1.1538461538461537, "no_speech_prob": 1.8367521988693625e-05}, {"id": 41, "seek": 21100, "start": 211.0, "end": 216.0, "text": "\u4e0b\u6b21\u518d\u5403\u522b\u7684.", "tokens": [35829, 8623, 10123, 18453, 1546, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.16471694310506185, "compression_ratio": 0.9320388349514563, "no_speech_prob": 1.9723564037121832e-05}, {"id": 42, "seek": 21100, "start": 216.0, "end": 221.0, "text": "beef and green peppers.", "tokens": [650, 5666, 293, 3092, 21345, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": 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236.0, "end": 241.0, "text": "Slices of chicken and snow peas.", "tokens": [50, 1050, 279, 295, 4662, 293, 5756, 24494, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.13684193019209237, "compression_ratio": 0.9926470588235294, "no_speech_prob": 6.772525375708938e-05}, {"id": 47, "seek": 23600, "start": 241.0, "end": 247.0, "text": "\u5b66\u6597\u9e21\u7247.", "tokens": [29618, 4307, 245, 165, 116, 94, 16668, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.13684193019209237, "compression_ratio": 0.9926470588235294, "no_speech_prob": 6.772525375708938e-05}, {"id": 48, "seek": 23600, "start": 247.0, "end": 252.0, "text": "Now here's a review of the vocabulary you've just learned to produce.", "tokens": [13267, 510, 311, 257, 3131, 295, 264, 19864, 291, 600, 445, 3264, 281, 5258, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.13684193019209237, "compression_ratio": 0.9926470588235294, "no_speech_prob": 6.772525375708938e-05}, {"id": 49, "seek": 23600, "start": 252.0, "end": 254.0, "text": "Use.", "tokens": [52, 405, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.13684193019209237, "compression_ratio": 0.9926470588235294, "no_speech_prob": 6.772525375708938e-05}, {"id": 50, "seek": 23600, "start": 254.0, "end": 256.0, "text": "\u7528.", "tokens": [9254, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.13684193019209237, "compression_ratio": 0.9926470588235294, "no_speech_prob": 6.772525375708938e-05}, {"id": 51, "seek": 23600, "start": 256.0, "end": 259.0, "text": "Tasty.", "tokens": [51, 9820, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.13684193019209237, "compression_ratio": 0.9926470588235294, "no_speech_prob": 6.772525375708938e-05}, {"id": 52, "seek": 23600, "start": 259.0, "end": 263.0, "text": "\u597d\u5403.", "tokens": [34669, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.13684193019209237, "compression_ratio": 0.9926470588235294, "no_speech_prob": 6.772525375708938e-05}, {"id": 53, "seek": 26300, "start": 263.0, "end": 267.0, "text": "A main dish.", "tokens": [32, 2135, 5025, 13], 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"avg_logprob": -0.06497084127890097, "compression_ratio": 0.9431818181818182, "no_speech_prob": 4.86284370708745e-05}, {"id": 68, "seek": 33900, "start": 339.0, "end": 348.0, "text": "Is there only one type of fixed meal?", "tokens": [6802, 456, 787, 472, 2010, 295, 6806, 6791, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1178095817565918, "compression_ratio": 0.9224137931034483, "no_speech_prob": 9.662377124186605e-05}, {"id": 69, "seek": 33900, "start": 348.0, "end": 355.0, "text": "\u5ba2\u996d\u5c31\u662f\u4e00\u79cd\u5417?", "tokens": [32316, 41520, 255, 5620, 2257, 39810, 14769, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1178095817565918, "compression_ratio": 0.9224137931034483, "no_speech_prob": 9.662377124186605e-05}, {"id": 70, "seek": 33900, "start": 355.0, "end": 362.0, "text": "Which do you say is tasty?", "tokens": [33785, 360, 291, 584, 307, 11535, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1178095817565918, "compression_ratio": 0.9224137931034483, "no_speech_prob": 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2.0014584151795134e-05}, {"id": 121, "seek": 60500, "start": 622.0, "end": 628.0, "text": "Two main dishes and one soup is enough.", "tokens": [33594, 2135, 10814, 293, 472, 7884, 307, 1547, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1061141570409139, "compression_ratio": 0.9714285714285714, "no_speech_prob": 2.0014584151795134e-05}, {"id": 122, "seek": 60500, "start": 628.0, "end": 634.0, "text": "\u4e24\u4e2a\u83dc,\u4e00\u4e2a\u6c64,\u591f\u4e86.", "tokens": [36257, 7549, 33025, 11, 20182, 12800, 97, 11, 1787, 253, 2289, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1061141570409139, "compression_ratio": 0.9714285714285714, "no_speech_prob": 2.0014584151795134e-05}, {"id": 123, "seek": 63400, "start": 634.0, "end": 642.0, "text": "Don't be formal.\u522b\u5ba2\u6c14.", "tokens": [7450, 380, 312, 9860, 13, 18453, 32316, 42204, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.2112575504514906, "compression_ratio": 0.9247311827956989, "no_speech_prob": 0.00018313377222511917}, {"id": 124, "seek": 63400, "start": 642.0, "end": 647.0, "text": "To be satisfied.", "tokens": [13342, 312, 11239, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.2112575504514906, "compression_ratio": 0.9247311827956989, "no_speech_prob": 0.00018313377222511917}, {"id": 125, "seek": 63400, "start": 647.0, "end": 651.0, "text": "\u4fdd", "tokens": [24302], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.2112575504514906, "compression_ratio": 0.9247311827956989, "no_speech_prob": 0.00018313377222511917}, {"id": 126, "seek": 63400, "start": 651.0, "end": 661.0, "text": "I've already had my fill.\u6211\u5df2\u7ecf\u4fdd\u4e86.", "tokens": [40, 600, 1217, 632, 452, 2836, 13, 1654, 49161, 24302, 2289, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.2112575504514906, "compression_ratio": 0.9247311827956989, "no_speech_prob": 0.00018313377222511917}, {"id": 127, "seek": 66100, "start": 661.0, "end": 664.0, "text": "The check", "tokens": [2278, 1520], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14977037906646729, 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-0.14977037906646729, "compression_ratio": 1.0933333333333333, "no_speech_prob": 7.047462713671848e-05}, {"id": 131, "seek": 66100, "start": 685.0, "end": 690.0, "text": "That'll be it.\u5c31\u8fd9\u6837\u4e86.", "tokens": [6390, 603, 312, 309, 13, 3111, 21209, 2289, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14977037906646729, "compression_ratio": 1.0933333333333333, "no_speech_prob": 7.047462713671848e-05}, {"id": 132, "seek": 69000, "start": 690.0, "end": 698.0, "text": "Eat a little more.\u4f60\u591a\u5403\u4e00\u70b9.", "tokens": [36, 267, 257, 707, 544, 13, 2166, 6392, 10123, 49042, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.13920868873596193, "compression_ratio": 0.9626865671641791, "no_speech_prob": 0.00010442829079693183}, {"id": 133, "seek": 69000, "start": 698.0, "end": 706.0, "text": "I am eating.\u6211\u518d\u5403.", "tokens": [40, 669, 3936, 13, 1654, 8623, 10123, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.13920868873596193, "compression_ratio": 0.9626865671641791, "no_speech_prob": 0.00010442829079693183}, {"id": 134, "seek": 69000, "start": 706.0, "end": 713.0, "text": "Now here's a review of the words you need to learn to say.", "tokens": [13267, 510, 311, 257, 3131, 295, 264, 2283, 291, 643, 281, 1466, 281, 584, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.13920868873596193, "compression_ratio": 0.9626865671641791, "no_speech_prob": 0.00010442829079693183}, {"id": 135, "seek": 69000, "start": 713.0, "end": 718.0, "text": "Not bad.\u4e0d\u9519.", "tokens": [15208, 1578, 13, 1960, 29900, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.13920868873596193, "compression_ratio": 0.9626865671641791, "no_speech_prob": 0.00010442829079693183}, {"id": 136, "seek": 71800, "start": 718.0, "end": 724.0, "text": "Shrimp", "tokens": [50, 1703, 8814], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.3432238987513951, "compression_ratio": 0.9305555555555556, "no_speech_prob": 0.00012381958367768675}, {"id": 137, "seek": 71800, "start": 724.0, "end": 727.0, "text": 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0.00012381958367768675}, {"id": 141, "seek": 74700, "start": 747.0, "end": 751.0, "text": "The check", "tokens": [2278, 1520], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.09131961398654515, "compression_ratio": 0.926829268292683, "no_speech_prob": 9.381736890645698e-05}, {"id": 142, "seek": 74700, "start": 751.0, "end": 757.0, "text": "\u8d26\u5355\u5b50", "tokens": [18464, 99, 47446, 7626], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.09131961398654515, "compression_ratio": 0.926829268292683, "no_speech_prob": 9.381736890645698e-05}, {"id": 143, "seek": 74700, "start": 757.0, "end": 762.0, "text": "Cabbage and bean curd soup", "tokens": [34, 455, 9742, 293, 16230, 47443, 7884], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.09131961398654515, "compression_ratio": 0.926829268292683, "no_speech_prob": 9.381736890645698e-05}, {"id": 144, "seek": 74700, "start": 762.0, "end": 768.0, "text": "\u767d\u83dc\u8c46\u8150\u6c64", "tokens": [13558, 33025, 45169, 21184, 238, 12800, 97], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.09131961398654515, "compression_ratio": 0.926829268292683, "no_speech_prob": 9.381736890645698e-05}, {"id": 145, "seek": 74700, "start": 768.0, "end": 772.0, "text": "Now here's a review of the sentences you need to learn.", "tokens": [13267, 510, 311, 257, 3131, 295, 264, 16579, 291, 643, 281, 1466, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.09131961398654515, "compression_ratio": 0.926829268292683, "no_speech_prob": 9.381736890645698e-05}, {"id": 146, "seek": 77200, "start": 772.0, "end": 784.0, "text": "The ham fried rice. Not bad.\u706b\u817f\u7092\u996d\u4e0d\u9519.", "tokens": [2278, 7852, 10425, 5090, 13, 1726, 1578, 13, 26171, 21184, 123, 4804, 240, 41520, 255, 1960, 29900, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15256960868835448, "compression_ratio": 0.9926470588235294, "no_speech_prob": 1.8575430658529513e-05}, {"id": 147, "seek": 77200, "start": 784.0, "end": 794.0, "text": "I've already had my fill.\u6211\u5df2\u7ecf\u4fdd\u4e86.", "tokens": [40, 600, 1217, 632, 452, 2836, 13, 1654, 49161, 24302, 2289, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15256960868835448, "compression_ratio": 0.9926470588235294, "no_speech_prob": 1.8575430658529513e-05}, {"id": 148, "seek": 77200, "start": 794.0, "end": 801.0, "text": "I'll have shrimp fried noodles.\u6211\u8981\u4e0b\u4eba\u5403.", "tokens": [40, 603, 362, 15600, 10425, 10480, 13, 32186, 4438, 4035, 10123, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15256960868835448, "compression_ratio": 0.9926470588235294, "no_speech_prob": 1.8575430658529513e-05}, {"id": 149, "seek": 80100, "start": 801.0, "end": 807.0, "text": "\u8981\u4e0b\u4eba\u7092\u9762.", "tokens": [4275, 4438, 4035, 4804, 240, 8833, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.17001192910330637, "compression_ratio": 0.920863309352518, "no_speech_prob": 2.726995626289863e-05}, {"id": 150, "seek": 80100, "start": 807.0, "end": 819.0, "text": "Two main dishes and one soup is enough.\u4e24\u4e2a\u83dc,\u4e00\u4e2a\u6c64\u591f\u4e86.", "tokens": [33594, 2135, 10814, 293, 472, 7884, 307, 1547, 13, 36257, 7549, 33025, 11, 20182, 12800, 97, 1787, 253, 2289, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.17001192910330637, "compression_ratio": 0.920863309352518, "no_speech_prob": 2.726995626289863e-05}, {"id": 151, "seek": 80100, "start": 819.0, "end": 830.0, "text": "Please give me the check.\u8bf7\u4f60\u7ed9\u6211\u8d26\u5355\u5b50.", "tokens": [16216, 976, 385, 264, 1520, 13, 27908, 2166, 49076, 18464, 99, 47446, 7626, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.17001192910330637, "compression_ratio": 0.920863309352518, "no_speech_prob": 2.726995626289863e-05}, {"id": 152, "seek": 83000, "start": 830.0, "end": 849.0, "text": "We also want a cabbage and bean curd soup.\u6211\u4eec\u8fd8\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u767d\u83dc\u8c46\u8150\u6c64.", "tokens": [4360, 611, 528, 257, 22944, 293, 16230, 47443, 7884, 13, 15003, 14852, 4275, 20182, 13558, 33025, 45169, 21184, 238, 12800, 97, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12613873732717415, "compression_ratio": 1.0106951871657754, "no_speech_prob": 2.4183846107916906e-05}, {"id": 153, "seek": 83000, "start": 849.0, "end": 853.0, "text": "Now here's a conversation reviewing what you just learned.", "tokens": [13267, 510, 311, 257, 3761, 19576, 437, 291, 445, 3264, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12613873732717415, "compression_ratio": 1.0106951871657754, "no_speech_prob": 2.4183846107916906e-05}, {"id": 154, "seek": 83000, "start": 853.0, "end": 859.0, "text": "Two friends are out to lunch in Taipei.\u8fd9\u91cc\u7684\u7092\u9762.", "tokens": [33594, 1855, 366, 484, 281, 6349, 294, 9623, 46238, 13, 35102, 1546, 4804, 240, 8833, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12613873732717415, "compression_ratio": 1.0106951871657754, "no_speech_prob": 2.4183846107916906e-05}, {"id": 155, "seek": 85900, "start": 859.0, "end": 871.0, "text": "\u7092\u996d\u8ddf\u6c64\u9762\u90fd\u4e0d\u9519.\u7b49\u6211\u770b\u770b\u83dc\u5355\u5b50.", "tokens": [4804, 240, 41520, 255, 9678, 12800, 97, 8833, 7182, 1960, 29900, 13, 10187, 1654, 22884, 33025, 47446, 7626, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.16948815279228743, "compression_ratio": 0.9537037037037037, "no_speech_prob": 4.9513815611135215e-05}, {"id": 156, "seek": 85900, "start": 871.0, "end": 880.0, "text": "\u6211\u4eec\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u867e\u4ec1\u7092\u9762\u597d\u4e0d\u597d.\u4f60\u518d\u70b9\u4e00\u4e2a\u5427.", "tokens": [15003, 4275, 20182, 12026, 122, 1550, 223, 4804, 240, 8833, 34291, 13, 2166, 8623, 12579, 20182, 6062, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.16948815279228743, "compression_ratio": 0.9537037037037037, "no_speech_prob": 4.9513815611135215e-05}, {"id": 157, "seek": 88000, "start": 880.0, "end": 890.0, "text": "\u6211\u4eec\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u706b\u817f\u7092\u996d\u597d\u4e0d\u597d.\u518d\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u83dc\u8ddf\u4e00\u4e2a\u767d\u83dc\u8c46\u8150\u6c64.", "tokens": [15003, 4275, 20182, 26171, 21184, 123, 4804, 240, 41520, 255, 34291, 13, 8623, 4275, 20182, 33025, 9678, 20182, 13558, 33025, 45169, 21184, 238, 12800, 97, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.10455635388692221, "compression_ratio": 1.232, "no_speech_prob": 1.887849430204369e-05}, {"id": 158, "seek": 88000, "start": 890.0, "end": 905.0, "text": "\u6211\u60f3\u592a\u591a\u4e86,\u4e0d\u8981\u83dc\u4e86.\u5c31\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u7092\u996d,\u4e00\u4e2a\u9762,\u4e00\u4e2a\u6c64\u5c31\u591f\u4e86.", "tokens": [25246, 9455, 6392, 2289, 11, 11962, 33025, 2289, 13, 3111, 4275, 20182, 4804, 240, 41520, 255, 11, 20182, 8833, 11, 20182, 12800, 97, 3111, 1787, 253, 2289, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.10455635388692221, "compression_ratio": 1.232, "no_speech_prob": 1.887849430204369e-05}, {"id": 159, "seek": 90500, "start": 905.0, "end": 918.0, "text": "\u6211\u4eec\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u867e\u4ec1\u7092\u9762,\u4e00\u4e2a\u706b\u817f\u7092\u996d,\u8fd8\u6709\u4e00\u4e2a\u767d\u83dc\u8c46\u6c64\u5c31\u8fd9\u6837\u4e86.", "tokens": [15003, 4275, 20182, 12026, 122, 1550, 223, 4804, 240, 8833, 11, 20182, 26171, 21184, 123, 4804, 240, 41520, 255, 11, 35091, 20182, 13558, 33025, 45169, 12800, 97, 3111, 21209, 2289, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.10778807949375462, "compression_ratio": 1.1137724550898203, "no_speech_prob": 1.3516152648662683e-05}, {"id": 160, "seek": 90500, "start": 918.0, "end": 934.0, "text": "Later while they're eating.\u8fd9\u4e2a\u867e\u4ec1\u7092\u9762\u5f88\u597d\u5403.\u706b\u817f\u7092\u996d\u4e5f\u4e0d\u9519.\u4f60\u591a\u5403\u4e00\u70b9\u522b\u5ba2\u6c14.", "tokens": [43, 771, 1339, 436, 434, 3936, 13, 15368, 12026, 122, 1550, 223, 4804, 240, 8833, 23801, 10123, 13, 26171, 21184, 123, 4804, 240, 41520, 255, 6404, 1960, 29900, 13, 2166, 6392, 10123, 49042, 18453, 32316, 42204, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.10778807949375462, "compression_ratio": 1.1137724550898203, "no_speech_prob": 1.3516152648662683e-05}, {"id": 161, "seek": 93400, "start": 934.0, "end": 942.0, "text": "\u6211\u518d\u5403,\u4f60\u4e5f\u522b\u5ba2\u6c14,\u591a\u5403\u4e00\u70b9.", "tokens": [1654, 8623, 10123, 11, 2166, 6404, 18453, 32316, 42204, 11, 6392, 10123, 49042, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.17678853670756023, "compression_ratio": 1.023121387283237, "no_speech_prob": 0.00011747348617063835}, {"id": 162, "seek": 93400, "start": 942.0, "end": 956.0, "text": "After they've finished eating.\u4f60\u8981\u4e0d\u8981\u5403\u70b9\u751c\u70b9\u5fc3.\u4e0d\u8981\u4e86,\u6211\u5df2\u7ecf\u9971\u4e86.", "tokens": [24288, 436, 600, 4335, 3936, 13, 32085, 11962, 10123, 12579, 40536, 12579, 7945, 13, 11962, 2289, 11, 1654, 49161, 41520, 109, 2289, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.17678853670756023, "compression_ratio": 1.023121387283237, "no_speech_prob": 0.00011747348617063835}, {"id": 163, "seek": 93400, "start": 956.0, "end": 963.0, "text": "He speaks again with the waiter.\u8bf7\u4f60\u7ed9\u6211\u5e10\u5355\u5b50.", "tokens": [5205, 10789, 797, 365, 264, 45389, 13, 27908, 2166, 49076, 4845, 238, 47446, 7626, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.17678853670756023, "compression_ratio": 1.023121387283237, "no_speech_prob": 0.00011747348617063835}, {"id": 164, "seek": 96300, "start": 963.0, "end": 975.0, "text": "Now here's another conversation reviewing what you've just learned. Again, two friends are out to lunch in Taipei.", "tokens": [13267, 510, 311, 1071, 3761, 19576, 437, 291, 600, 445, 3264, 13, 3764, 11, 732, 1855, 366, 484, 281, 6349, 294, 9623, 46238, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15091712258078835, "compression_ratio": 1.0552486187845305, "no_speech_prob": 7.957222987897694e-05}, {"id": 165, "seek": 96300, "start": 975.0, "end": 986.0, "text": "\u4f60\u60f3\u5403\u4ec0\u4e48.\u6211\u4eec\u70b9\u4e00\u4e2a\u7092\u9762,\u4e00\u4e2a\u7092\u996d,\u518d\u6765\u4e00\u4e2a\u6c64,\u600e\u4e48\u6837.", "tokens": [38386, 10123, 10440, 13, 15003, 12579, 20182, 4804, 240, 8833, 11, 20182, 4804, 240, 41520, 255, 11, 8623, 6912, 20182, 12800, 97, 11, 48200, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15091712258078835, "compression_ratio": 1.0552486187845305, "no_speech_prob": 7.957222987897694e-05}, {"id": 166, "seek": 98600, "start": 986.0, "end": 996.0, "text": "\u597d\u554a,\u4f60\u60f3\u5403\u4ec0\u4e48\u7092\u9762,\u7092\u996d\u5462?\u968f\u4fbf,\u4f60\u70b9\u5427.", "tokens": [2131, 4905, 11, 38386, 10123, 10440, 4804, 240, 8833, 11, 4804, 240, 41520, 255, 6240, 30, 10673, 237, 27364, 11, 2166, 12579, 6062, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11823798649346651, "compression_ratio": 1.0970149253731343, "no_speech_prob": 0.0001435940503142774}, {"id": 167, "seek": 98600, "start": 996.0, "end": 1011.0, "text": "\u6211\u4eec\u70b9\u4e00\u4e2a\u867e\u4ec1\u7092\u9762,\u4e00\u4e2a\u706b\u817f\u9e21\u86cb\u7092\u996d,\u8fd8\u6765\u4e00\u4e2a\u767d\u83dc\u8c46\u8150\u6c64,\u597d\u4e0d\u597d.", "tokens": [15003, 12579, 20182, 12026, 122, 1550, 223, 4804, 240, 8833, 11, 20182, 26171, 21184, 123, 165, 116, 94, 35081, 4804, 240, 41520, 255, 11, 14852, 6912, 20182, 13558, 33025, 45169, 21184, 238, 12800, 97, 11, 34291, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11823798649346651, "compression_ratio": 1.0970149253731343, "no_speech_prob": 0.0001435940503142774}, {"id": 168, "seek": 101100, "start": 1011.0, "end": 1040.0, "text": "\u597d.After they've finished eating.\u4f60\u60f3\u4e0d\u60f3\u5403\u70b9\u751c\u7684\u4e1c\u897f.\u4e0d\u8981\u4e86,\u6211\u9971\u4e86.\u4f60\u522b\u5ba2\u6c14\u554a.\u6211\u4e0d\u662f\u5ba2\u6c14,\u6211\u5403\u5f97\u5f88\u9971\u4e86.", "tokens": [2131, 13, 24288, 436, 600, 4335, 3936, 13, 38386, 1960, 7093, 10123, 12579, 40536, 1546, 38409, 16220, 13, 11962, 2289, 11, 1654, 41520, 109, 2289, 13, 2166, 18453, 32316, 42204, 4905, 13, 1654, 7296, 32316, 42204, 11, 1654, 10123, 5916, 4563, 41520, 109, 2289, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1282143495520767, "compression_ratio": 1.054263565891473, "no_speech_prob": 5.414559200289659e-05}, {"id": 169, "seek": 104000, "start": 1040.0, "end": 1050.0, "text": "Part 3 deals with ordering dinner. Here are the words and sentences you'll need to learn to say. To know.", "tokens": [37012, 805, 11215, 365, 21739, 6148, 13, 1692, 366, 264, 2283, 293, 16579, 291, 603, 643, 281, 1466, 281, 584, 13, 1407, 458, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.13556836391317434, "compression_ratio": 1.125, "no_speech_prob": 0.00038799134199507535}, {"id": 170, "seek": 104000, "start": 1050.0, "end": 1059.0, "text": "\u77e5\u9053. I know you like to eat hot peppery things.", "tokens": [7758, 13, 286, 458, 291, 411, 281, 1862, 2368, 39759, 2109, 721, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.13556836391317434, "compression_ratio": 1.125, "no_speech_prob": 0.00038799134199507535}, {"id": 171, "seek": 104000, "start": 1059.0, "end": 1069.0, "text": "\u6211\u77e5\u9053\u4f60\u559c\u6b22\u5403\u8fa3\u7684. Naturally or of course.", "tokens": [33838, 2166, 41606, 10123, 9830, 96, 1546, 13, 34304, 420, 295, 1164, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.13556836391317434, "compression_ratio": 1.125, "no_speech_prob": 0.00038799134199507535}, {"id": 172, "seek": 106900, "start": 1069.0, "end": 1075.0, "text": "\u5f53\u7136. Of course, we'll also want a soup.", "tokens": [40486, 13, 2720, 1164, 11, 321, 603, 611, 528, 257, 7884, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1608891120323768, "compression_ratio": 0.9719626168224299, "no_speech_prob": 2.4559754820074886e-05}, {"id": 173, "seek": 106900, "start": 1075.0, "end": 1084.0, "text": "\u5f53\u7136,\u8fd8\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u6c64. To order.", "tokens": [40486, 11, 14852, 4275, 20182, 12800, 97, 13, 1407, 1668, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1608891120323768, "compression_ratio": 0.9719626168224299, "no_speech_prob": 2.4559754820074886e-05}, {"id": 174, "seek": 106900, "start": 1084.0, "end": 1091.0, "text": "\u53eb. You've ordered too much.", "tokens": [19855, 13, 509, 600, 8866, 886, 709, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1608891120323768, "compression_ratio": 0.9719626168224299, "no_speech_prob": 2.4559754820074886e-05}, {"id": 175, "seek": 109100, "start": 1091.0, "end": 1106.0, "text": "\u4f60\u53eb\u7684\u592a\u591a\u4e86. Now here are some phrases you need to learn to understand in Part 3. A hot spicy dish made with bean curd.", "tokens": [2166, 19855, 1546, 9455, 6392, 2289, 13, 823, 510, 366, 512, 20312, 291, 643, 281, 1466, 281, 1223, 294, 4100, 805, 13, 316, 2368, 9127, 5025, 1027, 365, 16230, 47443, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14352882426718008, "compression_ratio": 1.0275862068965518, "no_speech_prob": 7.105179247446358e-05}, {"id": 176, "seek": 109100, "start": 1106.0, "end": 1114.0, "text": "\u9ebb\u5a46\u8c46\u8150. Eggplant.", "tokens": [38999, 48572, 45169, 21184, 238, 13, 16960, 13067, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14352882426718008, "compression_ratio": 1.0275862068965518, "no_speech_prob": 7.105179247446358e-05}, {"id": 177, "seek": 111400, "start": 1114.0, "end": 1122.0, "text": "\u8304\u5b50. Yu Xiang eggplant.", "tokens": [27395, 226, 7626, 13, 10767, 37935, 43018, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12999130146844046, "compression_ratio": 1.0694444444444444, "no_speech_prob": 0.0002626650675665587}, {"id": 178, "seek": 111400, "start": 1122.0, "end": 1130.0, "text": "\u9c7c\u9999\u8304\u5b50. Diced chicken.", "tokens": [165, 109, 120, 16017, 27395, 226, 7626, 13, 413, 4233, 4662, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12999130146844046, "compression_ratio": 1.0694444444444444, "no_speech_prob": 0.0002626650675665587}, {"id": 179, "seek": 111400, "start": 1130.0, "end": 1143.0, "text": "\u9e21\u4e01. The name of a Sichuan dish made with cubes of chicken, bamboo shoots, onion, and red pepper.", "tokens": [165, 116, 94, 940, 223, 13, 440, 1315, 295, 257, 47135, 6139, 5025, 1027, 365, 25415, 295, 4662, 11, 26156, 20704, 11, 10916, 11, 293, 2182, 8532, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12999130146844046, "compression_ratio": 1.0694444444444444, "no_speech_prob": 0.0002626650675665587}, {"id": 180, "seek": 114300, "start": 1143.0, "end": 1153.0, "text": "\u516c\u4fdd\u9e21\u4e01. Shrimp and sizzling rice soup.", "tokens": [13545, 24302, 165, 116, 94, 940, 223, 13, 47827, 79, 293, 43828, 1688, 5090, 7884, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1688471794128418, "compression_ratio": 0.9675324675324676, "no_speech_prob": 4.6702640247531235e-05}, {"id": 181, "seek": 114300, "start": 1153.0, "end": 1163.0, "text": "\u867e\u4ec1\u9505\u5df4\u6c64. Spontafi apples.", "tokens": [12026, 122, 1550, 223, 23049, 227, 38325, 12800, 97, 13, 1738, 896, 2792, 72, 16814, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1688471794128418, "compression_ratio": 0.9675324675324676, "no_speech_prob": 4.6702640247531235e-05}, {"id": 182, "seek": 114300, "start": 1163.0, "end": 1172.0, "text": "\u5df4\u58eb\u82f9\u679c. Now let's review those items you learned to say in Part 3.", "tokens": [38325, 30337, 13736, 117, 9319, 13, 823, 718, 311, 3131, 729, 4754, 291, 3264, 281, 584, 294, 4100, 805, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1688471794128418, "compression_ratio": 0.9675324675324676, "no_speech_prob": 4.6702640247531235e-05}, {"id": 183, "seek": 117200, "start": 1172.0, "end": 1176.0, "text": "To order.", "tokens": [13342, 1668, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.3071498097600164, "compression_ratio": 0.9238095238095239, "no_speech_prob": 8.086641173576936e-05}, {"id": 184, "seek": 117200, "start": 1176.0, "end": 1181.0, "text": "\u53eb. Of course.", "tokens": [19855, 13, 2720, 1164, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.3071498097600164, "compression_ratio": 0.9238095238095239, "no_speech_prob": 8.086641173576936e-05}, {"id": 185, "seek": 117200, "start": 1181.0, "end": 1187.0, "text": "\u5f53\u7136. To know.", "tokens": [40486, 13, 1407, 458, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.3071498097600164, "compression_ratio": 0.9238095238095239, "no_speech_prob": 8.086641173576936e-05}, {"id": 186, "seek": 117200, "start": 1187.0, "end": 1195.0, "text": "\u5403\u5230. Now here are the sentences you learned in Part 3.", "tokens": [10123, 4511, 13, 823, 510, 366, 264, 16579, 291, 3264, 294, 4100, 805, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.3071498097600164, "compression_ratio": 0.9238095238095239, "no_speech_prob": 8.086641173576936e-05}, {"id": 187, "seek": 119500, "start": 1195.0, "end": 1214.0, "text": "\u6211\u77e5\u9053\u4f60\u559c\u6b22\u5403\u8fa3\u7684. Of course, we'll also want a soup.", "tokens": [33838, 2166, 41606, 10123, 9830, 96, 1546, 13, 2720, 1164, 11, 321, 603, 611, 528, 257, 7884, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.17657977656314247, "compression_ratio": 0.9098360655737705, "no_speech_prob": 0.00031442230101674795}, {"id": 188, "seek": 119500, "start": 1214.0, "end": 1224.0, "text": "\u5f53\u7136,\u8fd8\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u6c64. You've ordered too much.", "tokens": [40486, 11, 14852, 4275, 20182, 12800, 97, 13, 509, 600, 8866, 886, 709, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.17657977656314247, "compression_ratio": 0.9098360655737705, "no_speech_prob": 0.00031442230101674795}, {"id": 189, "seek": 122400, "start": 1224.0, "end": 1232.0, "text": "\u4f60\u53eb\u7684\u592a\u591a\u4e86. Now here's a conversation reviewing what you've learned.", "tokens": [2166, 19855, 1546, 9455, 6392, 2289, 13, 823, 510, 311, 257, 3761, 19576, 437, 291, 600, 3264, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.18692782773809918, "compression_ratio": 1.0578947368421052, "no_speech_prob": 2.0966714146197774e-05}, {"id": 190, "seek": 122400, "start": 1232.0, "end": 1238.0, "text": " Two friends are out to dinner in a Sichuan restaurant in Peking.", "tokens": [4453, 1855, 366, 484, 281, 6148, 294, 257, 47135, 6139, 6383, 294, 430, 38437, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.18692782773809918, "compression_ratio": 1.0578947368421052, "no_speech_prob": 2.0966714146197774e-05}, {"id": 191, "seek": 122400, "start": 1238.0, "end": 1247.0, "text": "\u4f60\u60f3\u5403\u4ec0\u4e48\u83dc?\u968f\u4fbf\u4f60\u70b9. I know you like spicy food.", "tokens": [38386, 10123, 10440, 33025, 30, 10673, 237, 27364, 2166, 12579, 13, 286, 458, 291, 411, 9127, 1755, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.18692782773809918, "compression_ratio": 1.0578947368421052, "no_speech_prob": 2.0966714146197774e-05}, {"id": 192, "seek": 124700, "start": 1247.0, "end": 1257.0, "text": "\u6211\u4eec\u70b9\u4e00\u4e2a\u9ebb\u5a46\u8c46\u8150,\u4e00\u4e2a\u9c7c\u9999\u8304\u5b50,\u4e00\u4e2a\u516c\u4fdd\u9e21\u4e01,\u600e\u4e48\u6837?", "tokens": [15003, 12579, 20182, 38999, 48572, 45169, 21184, 238, 11, 20182, 165, 109, 120, 16017, 27395, 226, 7626, 11, 20182, 13545, 24302, 165, 116, 94, 940, 223, 11, 48200, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14046939905138983, "compression_ratio": 1.1619718309859155, "no_speech_prob": 2.6235138648189604e-05}, {"id": 193, "seek": 124700, "start": 1257.0, "end": 1262.0, "text": "\u5f53\u7136,\u8fd8\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u6c64.", "tokens": [40486, 11, 14852, 4275, 20182, 12800, 97, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14046939905138983, "compression_ratio": 1.1619718309859155, "no_speech_prob": 2.6235138648189604e-05}, {"id": 194, "seek": 124700, "start": 1262.0, "end": 1270.0, "text": "\u4f60\u53eb\u7684\u592a\u591a\u4e86.\u6211\u4eec\u4e24\u4e2a\u4eba\u53eb\u4e24\u4e2a\u83dc,\u4e00\u4e2a\u6c64\u5c31\u591f\u4e86.", "tokens": [2166, 19855, 1546, 9455, 6392, 2289, 13, 15003, 36257, 7549, 4035, 19855, 36257, 7549, 33025, 11, 20182, 12800, 97, 3111, 1787, 253, 2289, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14046939905138983, "compression_ratio": 1.1619718309859155, "no_speech_prob": 2.6235138648189604e-05}, {"id": 195, "seek": 127000, "start": 1270.0, "end": 1278.0, "text": "\u597d,\u90a3\u4e48\u4f60\u8bf4\u6211\u4eec\u53eb\u54ea\u4e24\u4e2a\u83dc?", "tokens": [2131, 11, 35693, 42405, 15003, 19855, 17028, 36257, 7549, 33025, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11299043316994944, "compression_ratio": 1.0575539568345325, "no_speech_prob": 0.00012107275688322261}, {"id": 196, "seek": 127000, "start": 1278.0, "end": 1290.0, "text": "\u4e00\u4e2a\u9ebb\u5a46\u8c46\u8150,\u4e00\u4e2a\u516c\u4fdd\u9e21\u4e01,\u8fd8\u6709\u4e00\u4e2a\u867e\u4ec1\u9505\u5df4\u6c64,\u597d\u4e0d\u597d?", "tokens": [20182, 38999, 48572, 45169, 21184, 238, 11, 20182, 13545, 24302, 165, 116, 94, 940, 223, 11, 35091, 20182, 12026, 122, 1550, 223, 23049, 227, 38325, 12800, 97, 11, 34291, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11299043316994944, "compression_ratio": 1.0575539568345325, "no_speech_prob": 0.00012107275688322261}, {"id": 197, "seek": 127000, "start": 1290.0, "end": 1298.0, "text": "\u597d,\u518d\u8981\u4e00\u4e2a\u5df4\u58eb\u82f9\u679c.\u597d.", "tokens": [2131, 11, 8623, 4275, 20182, 38325, 30337, 13736, 117, 9319, 13, 2131, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11299043316994944, "compression_ratio": 1.0575539568345325, "no_speech_prob": 0.00012107275688322261}, {"id": 198, "seek": 129800, "start": 1298.0, "end": 1302.0, "text": "\u73b0\u5728\u6211\u4eec\u6765\u8bc4\u8bba\u8fd9\u4e9b\u8bc4\u8bba\u3002", "tokens": [25040, 15003, 6912, 5233, 226, 7422, 118, 5562, 13824, 5233, 226, 7422, 118, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.6836969669048603, "compression_ratio": 1.1308411214953271, "no_speech_prob": 6.660849612671882e-05}, {"id": 199, "seek": 129800, "start": 1302.0, "end": 1308.0, "text": "\u8fd9\u662f\u4ec0\u4e48\u83dc\u5f0f?", "tokens": [27455, 10440, 33025, 27584, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.6836969669048603, "compression_ratio": 1.1308411214953271, "no_speech_prob": 6.660849612671882e-05}, {"id": 200, "seek": 129800, "start": 1308.0, "end": 1312.0, "text": "\u4ec0\u4e48\u662f\u5ba2\u996d?", "tokens": [10440, 1541, 32316, 41520, 255, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.6836969669048603, "compression_ratio": 1.1308411214953271, "no_speech_prob": 6.660849612671882e-05}, {"id": 201, "seek": 129800, "start": 1312.0, "end": 1327.0, "text": 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"no_speech_prob": 0.00010206300794379786}, {"id": 217, "seek": 141000, "start": 1430.0, "end": 1435.0, "text": "Please give me the check.", "tokens": [16216, 976, 385, 264, 1520, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.13368719557057257, "compression_ratio": 0.9478260869565217, "no_speech_prob": 0.00010206300794379786}, {"id": 218, "seek": 143500, "start": 1435.0, "end": 1440.0, "text": "\u8bf7\u4f60\u7ed9\u6211\u8d26\u5355\u5b50\u3002", "tokens": [27908, 2166, 49076, 18464, 99, 47446, 7626, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1030639593417828, "compression_ratio": 0.952054794520548, "no_speech_prob": 4.087416527909227e-05}, {"id": 219, "seek": 143500, "start": 1440.0, "end": 1445.0, "text": "I've already had my fill.", "tokens": [40, 600, 1217, 632, 452, 2836, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1030639593417828, "compression_ratio": 0.952054794520548, "no_speech_prob": 4.087416527909227e-05}, {"id": 220, "seek": 143500, "start": 1445.0, "end": 1450.0, "text": 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0.00012677148333750665}, {"id": 227, "seek": 148800, "start": 1488.0, "end": 1496.0, "text": "And dishes and a soup are enough.", "tokens": [5289, 10814, 293, 257, 7884, 366, 1547, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.24557758512951078, "compression_ratio": 1.0256410256410255, "no_speech_prob": 0.000283628556644544}, {"id": 228, "seek": 148800, "start": 1496.0, "end": 1500.0, "text": "\u4e24\u4e2a\u83dc\u4e00\u4e2a\u6c64\u591f\u4e86\u3002", "tokens": [36257, 7549, 33025, 20182, 12800, 97, 1787, 253, 2289, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.24557758512951078, "compression_ratio": 1.0256410256410255, "no_speech_prob": 0.000283628556644544}, {"id": 229, "seek": 148800, "start": 1500.0, "end": 1502.0, "text": "This is the end of the tape.", "tokens": [5723, 307, 264, 917, 295, 264, 7314, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.24557758512951078, "compression_ratio": 1.0256410256410255, "no_speech_prob": 0.000283628556644544}, {"id": 230, "seek": 150200, "start": 1502.0, "end": 1518.0, "text": "And of restaurant module unit 2.", "tokens": [50364, 5289, 295, 6383, 10088, 4985, 568, 13, 51164], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.7340749263763428, "compression_ratio": 0.8, "no_speech_prob": 0.0010169156594201922}], "language": "zh"}