FSI - Standard Chinese - Optional Module WLF - Unit 04.mp3.tsv 12 KB

  1. start end text
  2. 0 5500 Standard Chinese, A Modular Approach, Personal Welfare Module Unit 4.
  3. 5500 10000 On this tape, you'll learn some words and phrases used in talking about moving to live in China.
  4. 10000 13000 Part 1 deals with leaving America.
  5. 13000 19000 Eye glasses,眼鏡,眼鏡
  6. 19000 22000 And the Beijing pronunciation for this word.
  7. 22000 27000 眼鏡,眼鏡
  8. 27000 33000 Checkbook
  9. 33000 39000 To bring or take along
  10. 39000 43000 I have both my glasses and checkbook with me.
  11. 43000 54000 眼鏡跟支票本都帶了
  12. 54000 56000 A small notebook
  13. 56000 63000 小本子
  14. 63000 68000 口袋
  15. 68000 81000 小本子在我西裝口袋裡
  16. 81000 87000 照相機
  17. 87000 93000 suitcase
  18. 93000 104000 照相機在箱子裡
  19. 104000 110000 錄音機
  20. 110000 122000 你帶了一個錄音機,對不對?
  21. 122000 128000 手勢
  22. 128000 139000 I didn't bring any jewelry with me.
  23. 139000 147000 customs declaration
  24. 147000 157000 Did you write everything you have with you on your declaration?
  25. 157000 166000 You have to write everything you have with you on your declaration?
  26. 166000 175000 reals, counter for tapes
  27. 175000 180000 錄音帶
  28. 180000 186000 I have twenty reals of recording tape with me.
  29. 186000 196000 I have twenty reals of recording tape with me.
  30. 196000 201000 婦女
  31. 201000 206000 I knew that a lot of Chinese women don't wear jewelry, so I didn't bring any either.
  32. 206000 216000 I knew that a lot of Chinese women don't wear jewelry, so I didn't bring any either.
  33. 216000 226000 I knew that a lot of Chinese women don't wear jewelry, so I didn't bring any either.
  34. 226000 230000 打開
  35. 230000 233000 Please open your suitcase and let me take a look.
  36. 233000 245000 請你把箱子打開給我看看.
  37. 245000 253000 everything is all right.
  38. 253000 260000 to prepare
  39. 260000 273000 have you got all the things you want to take along with you ready?
  40. 273000 276000 now let's review the vocabulary just presented.
  41. 276000 279000 eyeglasses
  42. 279000 281000 眼鏡
  43. 281000 283000 checkbook
  44. 283000 286000 支票本
  45. 286000 289000 to bring to take along
  46. 289000 293000 small notebook
  47. 293000 295000 小本子
  48. 295000 297000 pocket
  49. 297000 299000 口袋
  50. 299000 301000 camera
  51. 301000 303000 照相机
  52. 303000 306000 suitcase
  53. 306000 308000 箱子
  54. 308000 310000 tape recorder
  55. 310000 313000 錄音机
  56. 313000 315000 jewelry
  57. 315000 318000 手勢
  58. 318000 321000 customs declaration
  59. 321000 324000 深暴丹
  60. 324000 328000 reals counter for tapes
  61. 328000 330000
  62. 330000 333000 tapes
  63. 333000 336000 錄音袋
  64. 336000 339000 women
  65. 339000 341000 莫女
  66. 341000 343000 to open
  67. 343000 346000 打開
  68. 346000 348000 prepare
  69. 348000 351000 预备
  70. 351000 356000 everything is all right.
  71. 356000 359000 now here are two conversations reviewing this material.
  72. 359000 365000 in the first dialogue an American woman is going through customs in Canton.
  73. 365000 368000 你把你带的东西都写在深暴丹上了吗?
  74. 368000 370000 都写了
  75. 370000 375000 你带了一个照相机,一个录音机,一个收音机,对不对?
  76. 375000 376000 对了
  77. 376000 378000 你带了多少录音带?
  78. 378000 380000 我带了二十卷
  79. 380000 382000 你带了手势没有?
  80. 382000 388000 我知道很多中国妇女不带手势,所以我也没带手势来
  81. 388000 390000 你带了多少美金?
  82. 390000 392000 我带了三千五百块
  83. 392000 394000 请你把箱子打开给我们看看
  84. 394000 396000
  85. 396000 401000 好,谢谢你,没事了,你可以走了
  86. 401000 407000 In the second dialogue, a Chinese couple in Taipei is talking just before the husband is to leave on a trip.
  87. 407000 410000 你要带的东西都预备好了没有?
  88. 410000 412000 我想我都预备好了
  89. 412000 415000 眼镜跟支票本都带了
  90. 415000 418000 小本子在我西装口袋里面
  91. 418000 422000 你说你要照相,你带照相机了没有?
  92. 422000 424000 我带了,在箱子里
  93. 424000 433000 part 2 of this unit introduces words and phrases used in becoming acquainted with Chinese dwellings
  94. 433000 435000 apartment building
  95. 435000 437000 公寓
  96. 437000 439000 公寓
  97. 439000 443000 do you live in a house or an apartment building?
  98. 443000 448000 你住房子还是公寓?
  99. 448000 451000 你住房子还是公寓?
  100. 451000 453000 rooms
  101. 453000 458000 房间
  102. 458000 461000 how many rooms does this house have?
  103. 461000 470000 这个房子一共有几个房间
  104. 470000 472000 the counter for rooms
  105. 472000 476000
  106. 476000 478000 bedroom
  107. 478000 481000 卧室
  108. 481000 483000 卧室
  109. 483000 486000 this house has three bedrooms
  110. 486000 491000 这个房子有三间卧室
  111. 491000 497000 这个房子有三间卧室
  112. 497000 500000 to take, to lead
  113. 500000 502000
  114. 502000 504000
  115. 504000 507000 I'll take you and show you
  116. 507000 510000 我带你看看
  117. 510000 513000 to rent out
  118. 513000 516000 租出去
  119. 516000 519000 租出去
  120. 519000 522000 we rented out the house
  121. 522000 525000 我们把房子租出去了
  122. 525000 529000 我们把房子租出去了
  123. 529000 533000 living room
  124. 533000 535000 客厅
  125. 535000 537000 客厅
  126. 537000 540000 客厅
  127. 540000 542000 to drink tea
  128. 542000 544000 喝茶
  129. 544000 547000 喝茶
  130. 547000 551000 let's first go and sit in the living room and drink some tea
  131. 551000 553000 我们先到客厅坐一下
  132. 553000 557000 喝点茶
  133. 557000 559000 我们先到客厅坐一下
  134. 559000 565000 喝点茶
  135. 565000 572000 好像
  136. 572000 575000 this house seems very large
  137. 575000 584000 这个房子好像很大
  138. 584000 586000 to do cleaning
  139. 586000 591000 搞卫生
  140. 591000 594000 to be troublesome, to be a bother
  141. 594000 598000 麻烦
  142. 598000 602000 it must be a bother to do the cleaning with such a large house
  143. 602000 608000 这么大的房子搞卫生很麻烦吧
  144. 608000 614000 这么大的房子搞卫生很麻烦吧
  145. 614000 616000 usually
  146. 616000 620000 平常
  147. 620000 623000 to straighten up, to tidy up
  148. 623000 627000 收拾
  149. 627000 629000 rooms
  150. 629000 634000 屋子
  151. 634000 637000 usually小兰 straightens up the place with me
  152. 637000 643000 平常小兰跟我一起收拾屋子
  153. 643000 648000 平常小兰跟我一起收拾屋子
  154. 648000 651000 dining room
  155. 651000 655000 饭厅
  156. 655000 658000 to eat
  157. 658000 663000 吃饭
  158. 663000 666000 let's go to the dining room and have dinner
  159. 666000 671000 我们到饭厅吃饭去吧
  160. 671000 675000 我们到饭厅吃饭去吧
  161. 675000 679000 to cook
  162. 679000 682000 cook
  163. 682000 685000 cook
  164. 685000 689000 cook
  165. 689000 694000 cook
  166. 694000 699000 cook
  167. 699000 704000 cook
  168. 704000 708000 cook
  169. 708000 713000 cook
  170. 713000 718000 cook
  171. 718000 723000 cook
  172. 723000 728000 cook
  173. 728000 733000 cook
  174. 733000 737000 cook
  175. 737000 740000
  176. 740000 743000 bedroom
  177. 743000 746000 卧室
  178. 746000 749000 to take, to lead
  179. 749000 751000 bide
  180. 751000 754000 to rent out
  181. 754000 757000 租出去
  182. 757000 760000 living room
  183. 760000 762000 客厅
  184. 762000 765000 to drink tea
  185. 765000 769000 to sing, to appear
  186. 769000 773000 好像
  187. 773000 777000 to do cleaning
  188. 777000 780000 搞卫生
  189. 780000 783000 to be troublesome, to be a bother
  190. 783000 785000 麻烦
  191. 785000 788000 usually
  192. 788000 790000 平常
  193. 790000 793000 to straighten up, to tidy up
  194. 793000 795000 收拾
  195. 795000 798000 rooms
  196. 798000 800000 屋子
  197. 800000 803000 dining room
  198. 803000 805000 饭厅
  199. 805000 808000 to eat
  200. 808000 810000 吃饭
  201. 810000 812000 to cook
  202. 812000 815000 做饭
  203. 815000 817000 kitchen
  204. 817000 820000 厨房
  205. 820000 823000 大厨房
  206. 823000 826000 洗澡房
  207. 826000 829000 学习,厨房
  208. 829000 832000 厨房
  209. 832000 834000 厨房
  210. 834000 837000 卧房
  211. 837000 841000 现在我们有些计划
  212. 841000 843000 在第一个计划中
  213. 843000 844000 一位中国女士
  214. 844000 846000 在台北的美国男朋友的家中
  215. 846000 849000 有,你们见面
  216. 849000 851000 有,你们家很漂亮
  217. 851000 853000 收拾得真干净
  218. 853000 855000 谢谢你
  219. 855000 857000 我们先到客厅坐一下
  220. 857000 858000 喝点茶
  221. 858000 860000
  222. 860000 862000 我先生有事到台中去了
  223. 862000 865000 今天晚上就是我们两个人吃饭
  224. 865000 868000 那我们一起做饭,好不好
  225. 868000 871000 不用了,厨房很小
  226. 871000 874000 我已经把晚饭都预备好了
  227. 874000 877000 这个房子好像很大
  228. 877000 879000 你们有几间卧室
  229. 879000 881000 这个房子不太大
  230. 881000 883000 我们有两间卧室
  231. 883000 885000 在客厅右边
  232. 885000 888000 客厅左边有一个书房
  233. 888000 891000 平常我们都在书房看电视
  234. 891000 893000 我带你看看,怎么样
  235. 893000 895000 很好
  236. 895000 898000 好,我们到饭厅去吃饭吧
  237. 898000 900000 好极了
  238. 900000 903000 现在我们有另外一个计划
  239. 903000 907000 这位美国人在北京跟中国人聊天
  240. 907000 910000 你的家在美国什么地方
  241. 910000 912000 在华盛顿
  242. 912000 914000 你有房子吗
  243. 914000 916000 我们有一个房子
  244. 916000 919000 你来北京,房子怎么办
  245. 919000 921000 我们把房子租出去了
  246. 921000 923000 你们的房子大不大
  247. 923000 925000 不很大,也不很小
  248. 925000 927000 楼下有客厅
  249. 927000 930000 饭厅,书房跟厨房
  250. 930000 933000 楼上有三间卧室,跟两间洗澡房
  251. 933000 936000 哦,有这么多房间
  252. 936000 938000 搞卫生的时候很麻烦吧
  253. 938000 941000 不太麻烦,孩子们都大了
  254. 941000 943000 他们也搞卫生
  255. 943000 946000 你喜欢不喜欢你现在住的公寓
  256. 946000 948000 嗯哼,妈妈哭哭
  257. 948000 950000 这儿的公寓还可以
  258. 953000 957000 part 3 presents words and phrases used in talking about childcare
  259. 957000 959000 to wake up
  260. 959000 961000
  261. 961000 963000
  262. 963000 965000 to have someone do something
  263. 965000 967000
  264. 967000 969000
  265. 969000 971000 face
  266. 971000 973000
  267. 973000 975000
  268. 975000 977000 after the children wake up
  269. 977000 979000 have them wash their faces
  270. 979000 983000 孩子醒了以后,叫他们洗脸
  271. 983000 985000 to sleep
  272. 985000 987000 睡觉
  273. 987000 989000 睡觉
  274. 991000 993000 to brush teeth
  275. 993000 995000 刷牙
  276. 995000 997000 刷牙
  277. 997000 999000 to take a bath
  278. 999000 1001000 洗澡
  279. 1001000 1003000 洗澡
  280. 1003000 1005000 before they go to bed
  281. 1005000 1007000 洗澡
  282. 1007000 1009000 洗澡
  283. 1009000 1011000 洗澡
  284. 1011000 1014000 before people go to sleep at night
  285. 1014000 1017000 have them brush their teeth and take a bath
  286. 1017000 1023000 晚上睡觉之前,叫他们刷牙洗澡
  287. 1026000 1032000 晚上睡觉以前,叫他们刷牙洗澡
  288. 1032000 1038000 牛奶
  289. 1038000 1053000 洗了脸,给他们喝牛奶
  290. 1053000 1061000 抱一抱
  291. 1061000 1076000 把孩子给我,我抱一抱
  292. 1076000 1083000 阿姨
  293. 1083000 1093000 睡午觉
  294. 1093000 1098000 阿姨
  295. 1098000 1115000 孩子们吃饭以后得睡午觉
  296. 1115000 1122000 马路
  297. 1122000 1128000 小心
  298. 1128000 1142000 过马路的时候要小心
  299. 1142000 1150000 牙膏
  300. 1150000 1154000 叔叔
  301. 1154000 1157000 叔叔
  302. 1157000 1163000 现在我们来试试新的歌曲
  303. 1163000 1169000
  304. 1169000 1171000
  305. 1171000 1176000
  306. 1176000 1179000 睡觉
  307. 1179000 1185000 刷牙
  308. 1185000 1190000 洗澡
  309. 1190000 1194000 牛奶
  310. 1194000 1199000 抱一抱
  311. 1199000 1203000 阿姨
  312. 1203000 1208000 睡午觉
  313. 1208000 1214000 马路
  314. 1214000 1219000 小心
  315. 1219000 1224000 牙膏
  316. 1224000 1229000 叔叔
  317. 1229000 1238000 现在我们来试试新的歌曲
  318. 1238000 1244000 王阿姨,孩子们吃饭以后得刷牙,然后再睡午觉
  319. 1244000 1251000 平常他们就睡一两个钟头,醒了以后给他们洗脸,再带他们出去玩玩
  320. 1251000 1252000
  321. 1252000 1256000 下午四五点钟给他们喝牛奶
  322. 1256000 1258000 他们晚上要吃什么
  323. 1258000 1261000 我已经做好了,都在这儿
  324. 1261000 1265000 晚上睡觉以前,叫他们刷牙,洗澡
  325. 1265000 1268000 孩子们一天要刷三次牙
  326. 1268000 1271000
  327. 1271000 1275000 现在我们来试试新的歌曲
  328. 1275000 1280000 在台北在星期日的年轻母亲的家中
  329. 1280000 1284000 卫明,我想喝点茶,你要不要
  330. 1284000 1287000 要,但是热水没有了,我去烧
  331. 1287000 1289000 不要,我自己去
  332. 1289000 1292000 好,我去看看小宝醒了没有
  333. 1292000 1295000 听,小宝醒了
  334. 1295000 1298000 你抱一下,我去把牛奶弄好
  335. 1298000 1303000 来,让爸爸抱吧
  336. 1303000 1306000 你看,睡午觉以后,他真饿
  337. 1306000 1311000 是,他每次都是这样
  338. 1311000 1320000 我们来试试新的歌曲