FSI-16-Drill-A.csv 1.3 KB

  1. 1. Nèige dōngxi dào le ma? 那个东西到了吗? Has that thing arrived? Nèixie dōngxi dōuo le ma? 那些东西都到了吗? Have all those things arrived? 3 4 FSI-Chinese
  2. 2. Nèibǎ yǐzi lái le ma? 哪把椅子来了吗? Is that chair here? Nèixie yǐzi dōu lái le ma? 那些椅子都来了吗? Are all those chairs here? 3 4 FSI-Chinese
  3. 3. Nèige shūjiàzi dào le ma? 那个书架子到了吗? Has that bookcase arrived? Nèixie shūjiàzi dōuo le ma? 那些书架子都到了吗? Have all those bookcases arrived? 3 4 FSI-Chinese
  4. 4. Nèiběn shū dào le ma? 那本书到了吗? Has that book arrived? Nèixie shū dōuo le ma? 那些书都到了吗? Have all those books arrived? 3 4 FSI-Chinese
  5. 5. Nèizhāng dìtú lái le ma? 那张地图来了吗? Is that map here? Nèixie dìtú dōu lái le ma? 那些地图都来了吗? Are all those maps here? 3 4 FSI-Chinese
  6. 6. Nèiběn zìdiǎn dào le ma? 那本字典到了吗? Has that dictionary arrived? Nèixie zìdiǎn dōuo le ma? 那些字典都到了吗? Have all those things arrived? 3 4 FSI-Chinese
  7. 7. Nèiběn zázhì lái le ma? 那本杂志来了吗? Is that magazine here? Nèixie zázhì dōu lái le ma? 那些杂志都来了吗? Are all those magazines here? 3 4 FSI-Chinese