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  1. 1 yí gè gāo zhōng xué shēng kàn běi jīng de diàn shì jiào xué jié mù , néng néng kàn dǒng ? 一个高中学生看北京的电视教学节目,能不能看懂? Will a senior high-school student be able to understand if he watches educational television in Peking? dà duō shù gāo zhōng xué shēng dōu néng kàn dǒng 。 大多数高中学生都能看懂。 The great majority of senior high-school students would be able to understand it. 9 1 FSI-Chinese
  2. 2 tā chàng gē ér zhēn hǎo tīng 。 她唱歌儿真好听。 She sings songs really beautifully. nǐ zǒng shì gǎo cuò 。 nà shì gē ér , nà shì dì fāng xì 你总是搞错。那不是歌儿,那是地方戏 You always mistake them! That’s not a song, that’s opera. 9 1 FSI-Chinese
  3. 3 jīn tiān xià wǔ wǒ men de jiào xué tǎo lùn huì kāi le 。 今天下午我们的教学讨论会不开了。 Our teaching discussion session isn’t meeting this afternoon. hǎo le , wǒ néng gòu qù cān jiā pái qiú sài le 。 好极了,我能够去参加排球比赛了。 Great, now I can go take part in the volleyball match. 9 1 FSI-Chinese
  4. 4 tā zuì jìn de zuò pǐn shēn shòu guǎng dà qún zhòng huān yíng 。 他最近的作品深受广大群众欢迎。 His recent works have received a hearty welcome of the broad masses. zuì jìn liǎng nián , tā tí gāo de hěn kuài 。 最近两年,他提高的很快。 Yes, in the last 2 years his work has improved rapidly. 9 1 FSI-Chinese
  5. 5 chú le gōng zuò yǐ wài , nǐ men hái jīng cháng yǒu xué xí ma ? 除了工作以外,你们还经常有学习吗? Do you often study in addition to your work? guǎng dà gàn jué de yào tí gāo zì de sī xiǎng shuǐ píng jiù xū píng cháng xué xí 。 广大干部觉得要提高自己的思想水平就必须平常学习。 A great number of cadre numbers feel that to raise the level of their own thought, they must study often. 9 1 FSI-Chinese
  6. 6 nǐ míng tiān wǎn shǎng qù dǎ qiú ér ma ? 你明天晚上去打球儿吗? Are you going to play ball tomorrow evening? , wǒ yào péi wǒ shī fù qù kàn lěi wǔ 。 不,我要陪我师傅去看芭蕾舞。 No, I’m going to go with my teacher to see a ballet. 9 1 FSI-Chinese
  7. 7 wèi le mǎn zú nián qīng rén wén huà shēng huó de xū yào , zhè gè zhōu mò wǒ men yào kāi gè yīn yuè huì 。 为了满足年轻人文化生活的需要,这个周末我们要开个音乐会。 In order to satisfy the cultural needs of the younger people, we’re going to have a concert this weekend. zhēn huài , wǒ yě cān jiā 。 真不坏,我也参加。 Great, I’ll go too 9 1 FSI-Chinese
  8. 8 nǐ chú le ài dǎ pīng pāng qiú ér yǐ wài , hái xǐ huān shén me ? 你除了爱打乒乓求儿以外,还喜欢什么? What else do you like besides ping pong? xǐ huān lán qiú 。 wǒ hái cān jiā le xué xiào de lán qiú duì 。 喜欢篮球。我还参加了学校的篮球队。 I like basketball. I even play with the school basketball team. 9 1 FSI-Chinese
  9. 9 yí pó , jīn tiān yǒu shén me xīn wén ? 姨婆,今天有什么新闻? Auntie, what news is there today? tīng shuō , yí gè yǒu míng de yuè duì yào dào wǒ men zhè ér lái yǎn chū le 听说,一个有名的乐队要到我们这儿来演出了 I’ve heard that a famous music group is coming here to perform. 9 1 FSI-Chinese
  10. 10 nǐ lǎo shì shū 。 kuài lái xiū xī yī huì er , kàn kàn diàn shì ba 。 你老是读书。 快来休息一会儿,看看电视吧。 You’re always studying! Come on and rest a bit, watch some television. hǎo , wǒ lái kàn yī huì er guó xīn wén jié mù 。 好,我来看一会儿国际新闻节目。 Ok, I’ll come and watch the international news program for a while. 9 1 FSI-Chinese
  11. 11 zhè gè xīng qī de měi gè wǎn shàng yòu pái dé mǎn mǎn ér de le 。 这个星期的每个晚上又排得满满儿的了。 Your schedule is filled up again every night this week. nǐ yào dú shū , yòu yào kàn xì , hái xiǎng cān jiā tuán tǐ de huó dòng , shì tài máng le 。 你要读书,又要看戏,还想参加团体的活动, 是太忙了。 You want to study and see opera, and also take part in the group’s activities; you’re just too busy. 9 1 FSI-Chinese
  12. 12 zhè gè jīng xì zhí de kàn , jīn tiān nǐ xiǎng xiǎng qù ? 这个京戏值得看,今天你想不想去? This Peking opera is worth seeing. Do you want to go today? jīn tiān wǎn shàng diàn shì jié mù zhuǎn diàn yǐng ér , zán men míng tiān kàn jīng ba 。 今天晚上电视节目转播电影儿,咱们明天看京戏吧。 As for the television programming tonight, they’re relaying a movie. Let’s go see Peking opera tomorrow night. 9 1 FSI-Chinese