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  1. 1 táng shān dì zhèn de shí hòu , nǐ men jiā de fáng zi shòu dào yǐng xiǎng méi yǒu ? 唐山地震的时候,你们家的房子受到影响没有? During the Tangshan earthquake, was your house affected? wǒ men de fáng zi cuò , méi yǒu shén me dà wèn tí 。 我们的房子不错,没有什么大问题。 Our place is pretty good, there weren’t any big problems. 9 8 FSI-Chinese
  2. 2 tīng shuō tā men lǐng liǎo jié hūn zhèng yǐ hòu , děng le zhǎng de shí jiān zhù fáng wèn tí jiù dé dào jiě jué le 。 听说他们领了结婚证以后,等了不长的时间住房问题就得到解决了。 I’ve heard that after they got their marriage certificate, they waited only a short time before their housing problem got solved. 9 8 FSI-Chinese
  3. 3 nǐ zhù de fáng zi shì guān guǎn lǐ de hái shì fáng guǎn suǒ guǎn lǐ de 。 你住的房子是机关管理的还是房管所管理的。 Is the place where you’re living managed by your organisation or by the urban housing authority? wǒ zhù de fáng zi shì shǔ yú wǒ men guān de 。 我住的房子是属于我们机关的。 The place I live in is one that belongs to my organisation. 9 8 FSI-Chinese
  4. 4 wèi le quán miàn jiě jué chéng shì mín de zhù fáng wèn tí , xū xīng jiàn yī xiē gōng yù lóu 。 为了全面解决城市居民的住房问题,必须兴建一些公寓楼。 In order to solve the problems of city residents in a comprehensive way, it’s necessary to build some apartment buildings. 9 8 FSI-Chinese
  5. 5 zuì jìn zhè duàn shí qī , nǐ de shēn tǐ kě zhēn cuò ya 。 最近这段时期,你的身体可真不错呀。 Your health has been really good during this recent period. shì a , tiáo zhěng gōng zuò yǐ hòu , wǒ méi yǒu nà me lèi le , shēn tǐ hǎo duō le 。 是啊,调整工作以后,我没有那么累了,身体好多了。 Yes, since things got reorganised at work, I haven’t been so tired, and my health has been a lot better. 9 8 FSI-Chinese
  6. 6 sì rén bāng héng xíng de shí qī , gōng yè , nóng yè , wén huà , wài jiāo , gè fāng miàn de gōng zuò dōu shòu dào hěn dà yǐng xiǎng 。 四人帮横行的时期,工业,农业,文化,外交,各方面的工作都受到很大影响。 During the period when the Gang of Four was causing trouble, work in the areas of industry, agriculture, culture, and foreign relations were all greatly influenced. 9 8 FSI-Chinese
  7. 7 míng nián , wǒ kě néng dào zhōng guó qù 。 明年,我可能到中国去。 I may be going to China next year. zhī dào bàn shǒu shì shì dé děng hěn zhǎng de shí jiān 。 不知道办手续是不是得等很长的时间。 I wonder if you have to wait a long time when going through the procedures. 9 8 FSI-Chinese
  8. 8 zài guǎng dà gōng rén , gàn de nǔ lì xià , wǒ men chǎng xiàn zài de kùn nán yí dìng néng gòu jiě jué 。 在广大工人,干部的积极努力下,我们厂现在的困难一定能够解决。 With the vigorous efforts of a vast number of workers and cadre members, the difficulties we now have at our plant can surely be resolved. 9 8 FSI-Chinese
  9. 9 gēn guī dìng , wǒ men kě yǐ zài gěi nǐ fēn pèi yī jiān fáng zi 。 根据规定,我们可以再给你分配一间房子。 According to the rules, we can assign you another room. tài xiè xiè le , zhè yàng ér yǐ lái , wǒ de kùn nán jiù shǎo dé duō le 。 太谢谢了,这样儿以来,我的困难就少得多了。 Thank you so much. With this arrangement, I’ll have a lot fewer difficulties. 9 8 FSI-Chinese
  10. 10 chéng shì qīng nián jié hūn yǐ hòu , rú guǒ tā men xiǎng yào yí gè hái zi , zěn me bàn ne ? 城市青年结婚以后,如果他们想要一个孩子,怎么办呢? What do young people in the city do after they’re married if they want to have a child? tā men yīng gāi yóu nǚ fāng xiàng tā de gōng zuò dān wèi hé jiē dào mín wěi yuán huì tí chū shēn qǐng 。 他们应该由女方向她的工作单位和街道居民委员会提出申请。 They should submit applications by the woman to her place of work, and her residential committee. 9 8 FSI-Chinese
  11. 11 xǔ duō mín dōu cān jiā le wǒ men zhè gè dì qū de běn jiàn shè 。 许多居民都积极参加了我们这个地区的基本建设。 Many residents are enthusiastically taking part in our area’s capital construction. yīn cǐ , wǒ men zhè ér de zhù fáng wèn tí kě yǐ zǎo diǎn ér jiě jué 。 因此,我们这儿的住房问题可以早点儿解决。 Because of this, our housing problem here can be solved sooner. 9 8 FSI-Chinese
  12. 12 zhè xiē dà lóu jīng guò dì zhèn yǐ hòu , běn shàng hái shì ān quán de , kě shì hái yào zài jiǎn chá yī cì 。 这些大楼经过地震以后,基本上还是安全的,可是还要再检查一次。 After the earthquake, these buildings were basically still safe, but they still need to be checked once again. xíng , zhè gè gōng zuò jiù jiāo gěi wǒ men ba 行,这个工作就交给我们吧 Ok, hand this work over to us. 9 8 FSI-Chinese