Module6-target-list5-trad.csv.simp 1.7 KB

  1. 1. Wài. 喂 Hello.
  2. Wèi, shi Wàijiāobù ma? Wǒ yào zhǎo Lín Sīzhǎng shuō huà. 喂,外交部吗?我要找林司长说话。 Hello. Is this the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? I want to speak with Department Chief Lin.
  3. Nín shi nǎr a? 您是那儿啊? Who is this?
  4. Wǒ shi Fǎguo Shāngwù Jīngjiguān. 我是法国商务经济官。 I am the French Commercial/Economics Officer.
  5. 2. Lin Sīzhǎng zhèihuír bú zài. Nín yào liú ge huàr ma? 林司长这会儿不在。 Department Chief Lin is not here at the moment. Would you like to leave a message?
  6. 3. Wǒ bǎ nínde diànhuà hàomǎr xiěxiàlái. 我把您的电话号儿写下来。 I’ll write down your phone number.
  7. 4. Duìbuqǐ, nǐ gāngcái gěi wo da diànhuà, wǒ bú zài. 对不起,你刚才给我打电话,我不在。 I’m sorry. When you called me just now, I wasn’t in.
  8. 5. Wǒ nèitiānn nín yuēhǎole jīntiān dào nín bàngōngshì qu tántan. 我那天跟您约好了今天到办公室去谈谈。 The other day I made an appointment with you to go to your office today for a talk.
  9. Yīnwei wǒ yǒu yíjiàn yàojǐnde shì, suóyi bù néng jīntiān qù. 因为我有一件要紧的事,所以不能今天去。 Because I have an urgent business matter, I can’t go today.
  10. Gǎi dào míngtiān xíng bu xíng? 改到明天行不行? Would it be all right to change it [the appointment] to tomorrow?
  11. 6. háishi 还是 still
  12. 7. wàiguo 外国 foreign, abroad
  13. 8. wàiguo rén 外国人 foreigner (non-Chinese)
  14. 9. wūzi (yìjiān) 屋子 (一间) room
  15. 10. yāo 幺 one (telephone pronunciation)