car12.csv 1.3 KB

  1. Taipei:
  2. A: Nǐ chāo sù le, zhīdao ma? You went over the speed limit, did you know?
  3. B: ।Chao sù? Shénme shi chāo sù? Wǒ dong. 'Chao su'! is 'chao su? ' I don't understand.
  4. A: Chāo sù jiù shi kāi chē kāide tài kuài le. 'Chao su' is driving yòur car too fast.
  5. B: Ou, wo lai Táibei bù Jiǔ, hen duo shi bù zhídào. Zhen duíbuqǐ. I haven't been in Taipei very long. There are a lot of things I don't know. Please excuse me.
  6. A: Nǐde chēzi yòngde shi wàijiào rényuán páizhào, Nǐ shi wàijiāoguān ma? Your car has diplomatic 'plates. Are you a diplomat?
  7. B: Shìde. shi waijiāoguān. Yes, I'm a diplomat.
  8. A: Nǐ dài jiàshǐ zhízhāo le méiyou? Did you bring your driver's license?
  9. B: Dài le. Zhèi shi jiàshǐ zhízhào. Yes, here's the driver's license.
  10. A: Chēzi dēngjìzhèng ne? Yě dàile ma? And the car registration? Did you bring that too?
  11. B: Yě dài le. Yes.
  12. A: Nǐ chāo sù le, děi fakuān. You went over the speed limit, I’ll have to fine you.
  13. B: Wo nále fákuǎndān gái zěnme yang? After I’ve gotten the ticket what do I do?
  14. A: Dānzi houtou you shuōxníng. Nǐ ànzhào shuōmíng ban ba. On the back of the ticket is an explanation. Take care of it according to the explanation.
  15. B: Hǎo.Okay.