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- Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 2
- A mother and her son who immigrated to America from China five years ago
- are talking after dinner:
- A: Xiao Ming, nǐ zai chi yidiǎnr Xiao Ming, have some more to eat. a.
- B: Mā, wo chībao le, bu xiang chi 工full,Mom. I don*t want any
- le. more.
- A: Měitian nian shu niande zhěme You study so late every day,
- wan, zai bu du5 chi yidiǎnr, if you keep eating so little, how
- zěnme xing na? will that do?
- B: Wo zhende chibǎo le, yidiǎnr 工*ve really had enough. I Just
- d5u bu xiǎng chī le. don!t want any more.
- A: Haizi, nī you shěnme xīnshi Son, what do you have on your
- Kě bu kěyi he wo tāntan? mind? Can you talk about it
- vith me?
- B: Mā, ni zuoxia. Zanmen lai Mom, sit down. Wefve been in
- Měiguo siwǔnian le, laide shihou America for four or five years now.
- wo hai shi ge hāizi, xianzai When we came I was still a child,
- yǐ j īng shi daren le. Wo but now Ifm an adult. But even
- suīran zhǎngda le, kěshi zuo though Ifve grown up, whenever I
- shěnme shir, haishi xiang xian do something I still like to
- he nin tantan. discuss it with you first.
- A: Hǎode, you shěnme shir, nī Okay, if you have something
- jiu shuo ba! you'd like to talk about, go
- ahead.
- B: Mā, wS you jǐge Měiguo tong- Mom, I have a few American class-
- xuě, d5u shi xuě Zhongwěnde, mates who study Chinese. This
- jīnnian shujia, tāmen xiǎng dao suiomer vacation, they want to go
- Yazhou qu kankan, wo yě xiang to Asia, and 工*d like to go with
- he tamen yiqǐ qū. them.
- A: Dou shi nianqīng rěn ma? Are they all yoiing people?
- B: Shi a, d5u shi daxuěsheng. Yes, they1re all college students,
- A: Tāmen qu Yazhou, shi qū vanr Are they going to Asia for fun or
- haishi qu yanj iū YazhSude to study the political and cultural
- zhěngzhi, wěnhua qingxing? situation in Asia?
- B: Wo xiang, tāmen juěde YazhSu 工 think they find Asian culture
- wěnhua hěn you yisi, YazhSu and the social situation in the Asian
- gěguo shěhuide qingkuang yě countries very interesting, hěn you yisi.
- soc
- Unit 1
- 38
- A: Tāmen juěde zui you yiside Which place do they think is the
- difang shi nar a? most interesting?
- B: Dangran shi Zhongguo! China, of course!
- A: Nī likai Zhongguo zhi you You left China only four or five
- siwunian, jiu xiSng huiqu le? years ago, and already you vant to
- go "back again?
- B: Wo laide shihou cai shang When I came I was only in senior
- gāozhong> dui Zhongguo wěnhua high, and ī understood too little
- dongdede tai shao. Wo xiang a"bout Chinese culture. I think I
- wo yinggai huīqu kankan. ought to go "back to visit.
- A: Zhongguode věnhua yǐj īng you Chinese culture already has four
- siqianniānde lishJ, ySu yiside thousand years of history, and there
- dongxi hen duo. Ni yao yanjiū are many interesting things. I’m not
- Zhongguo wěnhua, wo bu fǎndui• against your vanting to study Chinese
- Buguo, zou yiqiān, nī yiding culture. But "before you go you have
- yao he Yěye haohaor tSn yici. to talk it over thoroughly with Grand-
- Ta jishinian měiyou huiqu le, pa. He hasn’t "been "back in several
- y£ding you hen duo hua yao he decades and I’m sure he’ll have a lot
- ni shu5. to say to you.
- B: Wo jizhu le, yiding he Yěye I111 remem'ber. I111 make sure I
- haohaor tanyitan. talk it over thoroughly vith Grandpa.