FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 04 DIR - Unit 01 - Tape 1P-2.mp3.vtt 9.1 KB

  2. 00:00.000 --> 00:09.000
  3. standard Chinese a modular approach, directions module, unit one, production take two.
  4. 00:09.000 --> 00:15.000
  5. before beginning exercise one, read the instructions in your workbook.
  6. 00:15.000 --> 00:17.000
  7. exercise one.
  8. 00:17.000 --> 00:23.000
  9. for this exercise you'll need to learn to refer to some of the buildings you commonly find in a city.
  10. 00:23.000 --> 00:28.000
  11. repeat the word for grade school or primary school.
  12. 00:28.000 --> 00:33.000
  13. 小學,小學.
  14. 00:33.000 --> 00:36.000
  15. repeat the word for restaurant.
  16. 00:36.000 --> 00:40.000
  17. 飯館,飯館.
  18. 00:40.000 --> 00:42.000
  19. now do the exercise.
  20. 00:42.000 --> 00:49.000
  21. number one.
  22. 00:49.000 --> 00:54.000
  23. 請問,到銀行去怎麼走?
  24. 00:54.000 --> 00:59.000
  25. 從這裡往左走,到了路口,再往右走就到了.
  26. 00:59.000 --> 01:06.000
  27. again.
  28. 01:06.000 --> 01:10.000
  29. 請問,到銀行去怎麼走?
  30. 01:10.000 --> 01:17.000
  31. 從這裡往左走,到了路口,再往右走就到了.
  32. 01:17.000 --> 01:18.000
  33. try it again.
  34. 01:18.000 --> 01:27.000
  35. this time, restate the first part of the directions.
  36. 01:27.000 --> 01:30.000
  37. 請問,到銀行去怎麼走?
  38. 01:30.000 --> 01:40.000
  39. 從這裡往左走,到了路口,再往右走就到了.
  40. 01:40.000 --> 01:44.000
  41. 我先往左走,對不對?
  42. 01:44.000 --> 01:48.000
  43. 對了.
  44. 01:48.000 --> 01:49.000
  45. 然後呢?
  46. 01:49.000 --> 01:54.000
  47. 然後,到了路口,再往右走.
  48. 01:54.000 --> 01:57.000
  49. 好,謝謝.
  50. 01:57.000 --> 02:02.000
  51. number two.
  52. 02:02.000 --> 02:08.000
  53. 從銀行到咖啡廳去怎麼走?
  54. 02:08.000 --> 02:13.000
  55. 從這裡往右走,到了路口,再往右走就到了.
  56. 02:13.000 --> 02:20.000
  57. again.
  58. 02:20.000 --> 02:25.000
  59. 從銀行到咖啡廳去怎麼走?
  60. 02:25.000 --> 02:31.000
  61. 從這裡往右走,到了路口,再往右走就到了.
  62. 02:31.000 --> 02:32.000
  63. try it again.
  64. 02:32.000 --> 02:41.000
  65. this time, restate the first part of the directions.
  66. 02:41.000 --> 02:45.000
  67. 從銀行到咖啡廳去怎麼走?
  68. 02:45.000 --> 02:55.000
  69. 從這裡往右走,到了路口,再往右走就到了.
  70. 02:55.000 --> 02:57.000
  71. 我先往右走,對不對?
  72. 02:57.000 --> 03:01.000
  73. 對了.
  74. 03:01.000 --> 03:02.000
  75. 然後呢?
  76. 03:02.000 --> 03:08.000
  77. 然後,到了路口,再往右走.
  78. 03:08.000 --> 03:10.000
  79. 好,謝謝.
  80. 03:10.000 --> 03:17.000
  81. number three.
  82. 03:17.000 --> 03:22.000
  83. 從咖啡廳到小學去怎麼走?
  84. 03:22.000 --> 03:29.000
  85. 從這裡一直走,到了第二個路口,往左走就到了.
  86. 03:29.000 --> 03:34.000
  87. again.
  88. 03:34.000 --> 03:39.000
  89. 從咖啡廳到小學去怎麼走?
  90. 03:39.000 --> 03:47.000
  91. 從這裡一直走,到了第二個路口,往左走就到了.
  92. 03:47.000 --> 03:48.000
  93. try it again.
  94. 03:48.000 --> 03:56.000
  95. this time, restate the first part of the directions.
  96. 03:56.000 --> 04:00.000
  97. 從咖啡廳到小學去怎麼走?
  98. 04:00.000 --> 04:11.000
  99. 從這裡一直走,到了第二個路口,往左走就到了.
  100. 04:11.000 --> 04:13.000
  101. 我先一直走,對不對?
  102. 04:13.000 --> 04:16.000
  103. 對了.
  104. 04:16.000 --> 04:19.000
  105. 然後呢?
  106. 04:19.000 --> 04:27.000
  107. 然後,到了第二個路口,往左走就到了.
  108. 04:27.000 --> 04:29.000
  109. 好,謝謝.
  110. 04:29.000 --> 04:35.000
  111. number four.
  112. 04:35.000 --> 04:39.000
  113. 從小學到大學去怎麼走?
  114. 04:39.000 --> 04:46.000
  115. 從這裡往左走,到了路口,往右走就到了.
  116. 04:46.000 --> 04:52.000
  117. again.
  118. 04:52.000 --> 04:56.000
  119. 從小學到大學去怎麼走?
  120. 04:56.000 --> 05:02.000
  121. 從這裡往左走,到了路口,往右走就到了.
  122. 05:02.000 --> 05:04.000
  123. try it again.
  124. 05:04.000 --> 05:12.000
  125. this time, restate the first part of the directions.
  126. 05:12.000 --> 05:16.000
  127. 從小學到大學去怎麼走?
  128. 05:16.000 --> 05:25.000
  129. 從這裡往左走,到了路口,往右走就到了.
  130. 05:25.000 --> 05:28.000
  131. 我先往左走,對不對?
  132. 05:28.000 --> 05:30.000
  133. 對了.
  134. 05:30.000 --> 05:32.000
  135. 然後呢?
  136. 05:32.000 --> 05:37.000
  137. 然後,到了路口,再往右走.
  138. 05:37.000 --> 05:40.000
  139. 好,謝謝.
  140. 05:40.000 --> 05:46.000
  141. number five.
  142. 05:46.000 --> 05:50.000
  143. 從大學到飯館去怎麼走?
  144. 05:50.000 --> 05:57.000
  145. 從這裡一直走,到了第二個路口,往左走就到了.
  146. 05:57.000 --> 06:03.000
  147. again.
  148. 06:03.000 --> 06:08.000
  149. 從大學到飯館去怎麼走?
  150. 06:08.000 --> 06:15.000
  151. 從這裡一直走,到了第二個路口,往左走就到了.
  152. 06:15.000 --> 06:17.000
  153. try it again.
  154. 06:17.000 --> 06:24.000
  155. this time, restate the first part of the directions.
  156. 06:24.000 --> 06:28.000
  157. 從大學到飯館去怎麼走?
  158. 06:28.000 --> 06:37.000
  159. 從這裡一直走,到了第二個路口,往左走就到了.
  160. 06:37.000 --> 06:40.000
  161. 我先一直走,對不對?
  162. 06:40.000 --> 06:42.000
  163. 對了.
  164. 06:42.000 --> 06:44.000
  165. 然後呢?
  166. 06:44.000 --> 06:50.000
  167. 然後,到了第二個路口,往左走.
  168. 06:50.000 --> 06:52.000
  169. 好,謝謝.
  170. 06:52.000 --> 06:59.000
  171. number six.
  172. 06:59.000 --> 07:03.000
  173. 從飯館到銀行去怎麼走?
  174. 07:03.000 --> 07:09.000
  175. 從這裡往左走,到了路口,再往右走就到了.
  176. 07:09.000 --> 07:13.000
  177. again.
  178. 07:13.000 --> 07:18.000
  179. 從飯館到銀行去怎麼走?
  180. 07:18.000 --> 07:24.000
  181. 從這裡往左走,到了路口,再往右走就到了.
  182. 07:24.000 --> 07:26.000
  183. try it again.
  184. 07:26.000 --> 07:33.000
  185. this time, restate the first part of the directions.
  186. 07:33.000 --> 07:37.000
  187. 從飯館到銀行去怎麼走?
  188. 07:37.000 --> 07:46.000
  189. 從這裡往左走,到了路口,再往右走就到了.
  190. 07:46.000 --> 07:49.000
  191. 我先往左走,對不對?
  192. 07:49.000 --> 07:52.000
  193. 對了.
  194. 07:52.000 --> 07:53.000
  195. 然後呢?
  196. 07:53.000 --> 07:58.000
  197. 然後,到了路口,再往右走.
  198. 07:58.000 --> 08:02.000
  199. 好,謝謝.
  200. 08:02.000 --> 08:09.000
  201. before beginning exercise two, read the instructions in your workbook.
  202. 08:09.000 --> 08:12.000
  203. exercise two.
  204. 08:12.000 --> 08:14.000
  205. today is September the 11th.
  206. 08:14.000 --> 08:17.000
  207. you've just recently moved to Taipei.
  208. 08:17.000 --> 08:20.000
  209. a new acquaintance is interested in what places you go to.
  210. 08:20.000 --> 08:23.000
  211. answer his questions.
  212. 08:23.000 --> 08:31.000
  213. 你今天到哪裡去?
  214. 08:31.000 --> 08:37.000
  215. 我先到美國銀行去,然後到台灣銀行去.
  216. 08:37.000 --> 08:46.000
  217. 昨天呢?
  218. 08:46.000 --> 08:54.000
  219. 我是先到國賓大飯店去的,然後到飯館去的.
  220. 08:54.000 --> 09:00.000
  221. 明天呢?
  222. 09:00.000 --> 09:09.000
  223. 我明天先到美國銀行去,然後到第一大飯店去.
  224. 09:09.000 --> 09:16.000
  225. 後天呢?
  226. 09:16.000 --> 09:23.000
  227. 我先到台灣大學去,然後到飯館去.
  228. 09:23.000 --> 09:28.000
  229. several months later, the same acquaintance is interested in where you go now.
  230. 09:28.000 --> 09:31.000
  231. you're taking classes at Taiwan University now.
  232. 09:31.000 --> 09:34.000
  233. today's date is December the 10th.
  234. 09:34.000 --> 09:42.000
  235. 你今天到哪裡去?
  236. 09:42.000 --> 09:50.000
  237. 我先到台灣大學去,然後到華美咖啡廳去.
  238. 09:50.000 --> 09:57.000
  239. 昨天呢?
  240. 09:57.000 --> 10:05.000
  241. 我是先到第一公司去的,然後到台灣大學去的.
  242. 10:05.000 --> 10:12.000
  243. 明天呢?
  244. 10:12.000 --> 10:18.000
  245. 我先到台灣大學去,然後到飯館去.
  246. 10:18.000 --> 10:25.000
  247. 後天呢?
  248. 10:25.000 --> 10:32.000
  249. 我先到第一公司去,然後到華美咖啡廳去.
  250. 10:32.000 --> 10:37.000
  251. later in the spring, the same acquaintance ask about where it is you go these days.
  252. 10:37.000 --> 10:40.000
  253. you're still taking classes at Taiwan University.
  254. 10:40.000 --> 10:45.000
  255. you're also writing a paper on the school system in Taiwan and visiting some local schools.
  256. 10:45.000 --> 10:48.000
  257. today is March the 23rd.
  258. 10:48.000 --> 10:58.000
  259. 你今天到哪裡去?
  260. 10:58.000 --> 11:04.000
  261. 我先到台灣大學去,然後到中山小學去.
  262. 11:04.000 --> 11:14.000
  263. 昨天呢?
  264. 11:14.000 --> 11:22.000
  265. 我是先到和平小學去的,然後到台灣大學去的.
  266. 11:22.000 --> 11:31.000
  267. 明天呢?
  268. 11:31.000 --> 11:38.000
  269. 我先到中山小學去,然後到和平小學去.
  270. 11:38.000 --> 11:44.000
  271. 明天呢?
  272. 11:44.000 --> 11:50.000
  273. 我先到台灣大學去,然後到和平小學去.
  274. 11:50.000 --> 11:56.000
  275. before going on to exercise three, read the instructions in your workbook.
  276. 11:56.000 --> 11:59.000
  277. exercise three, one.
  278. 11:59.000 --> 12:06.000
  279. 他們那兒不賣美國雜誌.
  280. 12:06.000 --> 12:10.000
  281. 他們那兒賣不賣美國雜誌?
  282. 12:10.000 --> 12:15.000
  283. two,他走了?
  284. 12:15.000 --> 12:17.000
  285. 他走了沒有?
  286. 12:17.000 --> 12:22.000
  287. three,他沒來?
  288. 12:22.000 --> 12:24.000
  289. 他來了沒有?
  290. 12:24.000 --> 12:31.000
  291. four,他不看中國書?
  292. 12:31.000 --> 12:36.000
  293. 他看不看中國書?
  294. 12:36.000 --> 12:42.000
  295. 那本字典他還沒買?
  296. 12:42.000 --> 12:48.000
  297. 那本字典他買了沒有?
  298. 12:48.000 --> 12:57.000
  299. 他到上海去了?
  300. 12:57.000 --> 13:02.000
  301. 他還沒換錢?
  302. 13:02.000 --> 13:05.000
  303. 他換錢了沒有?
  304. 13:05.000 --> 13:11.000
  305. eight,他沒有孩子?
  306. 13:11.000 --> 13:14.000
  307. 他有沒有孩子?
  308. 13:14.000 --> 13:21.000
  309. nine,他沒到南京去?
  310. 13:21.000 --> 13:24.000
  311. 他到南京去了沒有?
  312. 13:24.000 --> 13:32.000
  313. ten,他們那兒不收美金?
  314. 13:32.000 --> 13:35.000
  315. 他們那兒收不收美金?
  316. 13:35.000 --> 13:44.000
  317. eleven,那份中文報他還沒看?
  318. 13:44.000 --> 13:49.000
  319. 那份中文報他看了沒有?
  320. 13:49.000 --> 13:54.000
  321. twelve,他還沒走?
  322. 13:54.000 --> 13:57.000
  323. 他走了沒有?
  324. 13:57.000 --> 14:20.000
  325. this is the end of production tape two unit one directions module standard chinese a modular approach