FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Unit 02 - Tape 1.mp3.tsv 18 KB

  1. start end text
  2. 0 7000 Standard Chinese, a modular approach. Life in China module, Unit 2, Tape 1.
  3. 7000 13000 In this unit, you'll learn some questions and answers used in talking about the different types of work the street committees do.
  4. 13000 17000 Listen to the first exchange from the reference list.
  5. 17000 22000 Listen, they're talking about the patriotic clean-up campaign on the transistor radio.
  6. 22000 29000 你听,半導體收音机里,又再讲到爱国卫生运动了。
  7. 29000 34000 Yes, it's good to have clean-ups often. This should be widely publicized.
  8. 34000 41000 对,长稿卫生就是好,是应该多宣传。
  9. 41000 48000 Repeat, semiconductor. A transistor is a type of semiconductor.
  10. 48000 53000 半導体,半導体.
  11. 53000 57000 Repeat, the patriotic clean-up campaign.
  12. 57000 64000 爱国卫生运动。
  13. 64000 74000 Repeat, listen, they're talking about the patriotic clean-up campaign on the transistor radio.
  14. 74000 85000 你听,半導体收音机里,又再讲到爱国卫生运动了。
  15. 85000 92000 你听,半導体收音机里,又再讲到爱国卫生运动了。
  16. 92000 96000 Now try saying the sentence ahead of the speaker. You'll get a reply.
  17. 96000 107000 Listen, they're talking about the patriotic clean-up campaign on the transistor radio.
  18. 107000 114000 你听,半導体收音机里,又再讲到爱国卫生运动了。
  19. 114000 121000 对,长稿卫生就是好,是应该多宣传。
  20. 121000 125000 Repeat, to publicize, to propagate.
  21. 125000 130000 宣传,宣传。
  22. 130000 137000 Repeat, yes, it's good to have clean-ups often. This should be widely publicized.
  23. 137000 147000 对,长稿卫生就是好,是应该多宣传。
  24. 147000 155000 对,长稿卫生就是好,是应该多宣传。
  25. 155000 163000 Now you try giving the reply yourself. Yes, it's good to have clean-ups often. This should be widely publicized.
  26. 163000 174000 你听,半導体收音机里,又再讲到爱国卫生运动了。
  27. 174000 182000 对,长稿卫生就是好,是应该多宣传。
  28. 182000 190000 Here's the next exchange. Listen. Does the government call on the people to exterminate flies, mosquitoes, and rats?
  29. 190000 197000 政府是不是号召人们消灭苍蝇,蚊子,和老鼠?
  30. 197000 203000 Yes, this is one of the important aspects of the patriotic clean-up campaign.
  31. 203000 209000 对,这是爱国卫生运动的重要方面。
  32. 209000 213000 Repeat, house fly.
  33. 213000 218000 苍蝇,苍蝇。
  34. 218000 221000 Repeat, mosquito.
  35. 221000 226000 蚊子,蚊子。
  36. 226000 229000 Repeat the word for mouse or rat.
  37. 229000 235000 老鼠,老鼠。
  38. 235000 241000 Repeat, does the government call on the people to exterminate flies, mosquitoes, and rats?
  39. 241000 255000 政府是不是号召人们消灭苍蝇,蚊子,和老鼠?
  40. 255000 265000 政府是不是号召人们消灭苍蝇,蚊子,和老鼠?
  41. 265000 268000 Now try asking the question yourself. You'll get a reply.
  42. 268000 279000 Does the government call on the people to exterminate flies, mosquitoes, and rats?
  43. 279000 286000 政府是不是号召人们消灭苍蝇,蚊子,和老鼠?
  44. 286000 292000 对,这是爱国卫生运动的重要方面。
  45. 292000 296000 Now here's the next set of sentences from the reference list. Listen.
  46. 296000 302000 Before liberation, if you came to China to visit, you would have seen that every place was dirty.
  47. 302000 308000 解放前,到中国来看看,到处都很脏。
  48. 308000 312000 But now it's not the same. Quite a few places are clean.
  49. 312000 319000 但是现在不一样了,不少地方都很干净。
  50. 319000 324000 This is the achievement of the government and the people in doing a large-scale cleanup.
  51. 324000 331000 这就是政府和人民大搞卫生的成绩啊。
  52. 331000 334000 Repeat everywhere.
  53. 334000 338000 到处,到处。
  54. 338000 346000 Repeat. Before liberation, if you came to China to visit, you would have seen that every place was dirty.
  55. 346000 356000 解放前,到中国来看看,到处都很脏。
  56. 356000 365000 解放前,到中国来看看,到处都很脏。
  57. 365000 369000 Now say the sentence yourself and you'll hear the continuation.
  58. 369000 379000 解放前,到中国来看看,到处都很脏。
  59. 379000 386000 解放前,到中国来看看,到处都很脏。
  60. 386000 392000 但是现在不一样了,不少地方都很干净。
  61. 392000 398000 这就是政府和人民大搞卫生的成绩啊。
  62. 398000 401000 Repeat, but now it's not the same.
  63. 401000 405000 Quite a few places are clean.
  64. 405000 417000 但是现在不一样了,不少地方都很干净。
  65. 417000 424000 但是现在不一样了,不少地方都很干净。
  66. 424000 427000 Now say the sentence ahead of the speaker and you'll hear the continuation.
  67. 427000 429000 But now it's not the same.
  68. 429000 437000 Quite a few places are clean.
  69. 437000 444000 但是现在不一样了,不少地方都很干净。
  70. 444000 450000 这就是政府和人民大搞卫生的成绩啊。
  71. 450000 454000 Repeat, achievement, good results.
  72. 454000 458000 成绩,成绩。
  73. 458000 464000 Repeat, this is the achievement of the government and the people in doing a large scale cleanup.
  74. 464000 474000 这就是政府和人民大搞卫生的成绩啊。
  75. 474000 480000 这就是政府和人民大搞卫生的成绩啊。
  76. 480000 483000 Now here's the next exchange. Listen.
  77. 483000 485000 Where did you hide that package of insecticide?
  78. 485000 491000 How come I can't find it?
  79. 491000 497000 你把那包药藏在哪儿了?我怎么找不到?
  80. 497000 499000 Go into the room and look.
  81. 499000 501000 It's probably right on the table.
  82. 501000 507000 你进屋去看看,大概就在桌子上。
  83. 507000 512000 Repeat the counter for packages of things.
  84. 512000 516000 包,包。
  85. 516000 521000 Repeat, medicine, drug, certain chemicals.
  86. 521000 526000 药,药。
  87. 526000 529000 Repeat to hide.
  88. 529000 534000 藏,藏。
  89. 534000 539000 Repeat, can't find, unable to find.
  90. 539000 544000 找不到,找不到。
  91. 544000 548000 Repeat, where did you hide that package of insecticide?
  92. 548000 552000 How come I can't find it?
  93. 552000 563000 你把那包药藏在哪儿了?我怎么找不到?
  94. 563000 571000 你把那包药藏在哪儿了?我怎么找不到?
  95. 571000 574000 Now try asking the question yourself.
  96. 574000 576000 Where did you hide that package of insecticide?
  97. 576000 585000 How come I can't find it?
  98. 585000 590000 你把那包药藏在哪儿了?我怎么找不到?
  99. 590000 595000 你进屋去看看,大概就在桌子上。
  100. 595000 599000 Repeat to enter the room.
  101. 599000 603000 进屋,进屋。
  102. 603000 609000 Repeat, go into the room and look, it's probably right on the table.
  103. 609000 617000 你进屋去看看,大概就在桌子上。
  104. 617000 620000 Now try answering the question yourself.
  105. 620000 627000 Go into the room and look, it's probably right on the table.
  106. 627000 637000 你把那包药藏在哪儿了?我怎么找不到?
  107. 637000 647000 你进屋去看看,大概就在桌子上。
  108. 647000 654000 Here's the next exchange. Listen.
  109. 654000 658000 What should we do before lighting the mosquito insecticide?
  110. 658000 663000 再点着新闻字药以前,应该先做什么?
  111. 663000 666000 You should close up all the windows and doors.
  112. 666000 673000 应该先把窗户和门都关上。
  113. 673000 678000 Repeat to light to ignite.
  114. 678000 683000 点着,点着。
  115. 683000 688000 Repeat a fumigant for mosquitoes.
  116. 688000 695000 新闻字药,新闻字药。
  117. 695000 701000 Repeat, what should we do before lighting the mosquito insecticide?
  118. 701000 712000 再点着新闻字药以前,应该先做什么?
  119. 712000 720000 再点着新闻字药以前,应该先做什么?
  120. 720000 723000 Now try asking the question yourself to get a reply.
  121. 723000 731000 What should we do before lighting the mosquito insecticide?
  122. 731000 738000 再点着新闻字药以前,应该先做什么?
  123. 738000 742000 应该先把窗户和门都关上。
  124. 742000 745000 Repeat, window.
  125. 745000 750000 窗户。
  126. 750000 754000 Repeat to close up to shut.
  127. 754000 757000 关上。
  128. 757000 760000 关上。
  129. 760000 765000 Repeat, you should close up all the windows and doors.
  130. 765000 777000 应该先把窗户和门都关上。
  131. 777000 782000 应该先把窗户和门都关上。
  132. 782000 785000 Now try answering the question yourself.
  133. 785000 789000 You should close up all the windows and doors.
  134. 789000 798000 再点着新闻字药以前,应该先做什么?
  135. 798000 806000 应该先把窗户和门都关上。
  136. 806000 809000 Listen to the next exchange from the reference list.
  137. 809000 812000 Do you get some exercise every morning?
  138. 812000 815000 你每天早晨都活动一会吗?
  139. 815000 821000 Yes, in the morning when the air is fresh, it's good for the health to stand on the balcony for a while.
  140. 821000 830000 对了,早晨空气新鲜,在阳台上站一会,对身体很有好处。
  141. 830000 835000 Repeat to loosen up one's body with exercise.
  142. 835000 841000 活动,活动。
  143. 841000 846000 Repeat, do you get some exercise every morning?
  144. 846000 855000 你每天早晨都活动一会吗?
  145. 855000 859000 你每天早晨都活动一会吗?
  146. 859000 861000 Now ask the question ahead of the speaker.
  147. 861000 862000 You'll get a reply.
  148. 862000 868000 Do you get some exercise every morning?
  149. 868000 873000 你每天早晨都活动一会吗?
  150. 873000 882000 对了,早晨空气新鲜,在阳台上站一会,对身体很有好处。
  151. 882000 886000 Repeat early morning.
  152. 886000 891000 早晨,早晨。
  153. 891000 894000 Repeat balcony.
  154. 894000 899000 阳台,阳台。
  155. 899000 902000 Repeat to stand.
  156. 902000 907000 站,站。
  157. 907000 916000 Repeat, yes, in the morning when the air is fresh, it's good for your health to stand on the balcony for a while.
  158. 916000 930000 对了,早晨空气新鲜,在阳台上站一会,对身体很有好处。
  159. 930000 941000 对了,早晨空气新鲜,在阳台上站一会,对身体很有好处。
  160. 941000 943000 Now you try answering the question yourself.
  161. 943000 950000 Yes, in the morning when the air is fresh, it's good for your health to stand on the balcony for a while.
  162. 950000 959000 你每天早晨都活动一会吗?
  163. 959000 969000 对了,早晨空气新鲜,在阳台上站一会,对身体很有好处。
  164. 969000 971000 Here's the next exchange. Listen.
  165. 971000 976000 Is your street committee area doing a full-scale clean-up again today?
  166. 976000 980000 今天你们接到又搞大扫除了。
  167. 980000 985000 Yes, the residents of our street committee area dare to think and dare to do.
  168. 985000 989000 They're determined to make our areas clean as an advanced street committee area.
  169. 989000 999000 是啊,我们接到居民感想感干,一定要把我们这儿搞得像先进街道一样干净。
  170. 999000 1005000 Repeat, general clean-up, full-scale clean-up.
  171. 1005000 1011000 大扫除,大扫除。
  172. 1011000 1017000 Repeat, is your street committee area doing a full-scale clean-up again today?
  173. 1017000 1024000 今天你们接到又搞大扫除了。
  174. 1024000 1030000 今天你们接到又搞大扫除了。
  175. 1030000 1033000 Now try asking the question yourself. You'll get a reply.
  176. 1033000 1041000 Is your street committee area doing a full-scale clean-up again today?
  177. 1041000 1045000 今天你们接到又搞大扫除了。
  178. 1045000 1053000 是啊,我们接到居民感想感干,一定要把我们这儿搞得像先进街道一样干净。
  179. 1053000 1064000 Repeat to dare,干,干。
  180. 1064000 1069000 Repeat to do, to act, to undertake a job, to do work.
  181. 1069000 1075000 干,干。
  182. 1075000 1077000 Now here are these two words used in the slogan.
  183. 1077000 1082000 Repeat, dare to think and dare to do.
  184. 1082000 1090000 感想感干。
  185. 1090000 1096000 Repeat, yes, the residents of our street committee area dare to think and dare to do.
  186. 1096000 1102000 They're determined to make our area as clean as an advanced street committee area.
  187. 1102000 1111000 是啊,我们接到居民感想感干,一定要把我们这儿搞得像先进街道一样干净。
  188. 1111000 1121000 Repeat, yes, the residents of our street committee area are determined to make our area as clean as an advanced street committee area.
  189. 1121000 1135000 是啊,我们接到居民感想感干,一定要把我们这儿搞得像先进街道一样干净。
  190. 1135000 1138000 Now try answering the question yourself.
  191. 1138000 1142000 Yes, the residents of our street committee area dare to think and dare to do.
  192. 1142000 1148000 They're determined to make our area as clean as an advanced street committee area.
  193. 1148000 1161000 今天你们接到又搞大扫除了。
  194. 1161000 1167000 是啊,我们接到居民感想感干,一定要把我们这儿搞得像先进街道一样干净。
  195. 1167000 1171000 是啊,我们接到居民感想感干,一定要把我们这儿搞得像先进街道一样干净。
  196. 1171000 1176000 Now here's the next exchange from the reference list. Listen.
  197. 1176000 1181000 This morning there were people in many places on the streets of Peking speaking through megaphone.
  198. 1181000 1183000 What were they doing?
  199. 1183000 1191000 今天上午北京街头好多地方,有人用广播同讲话,他们在做什么?
  200. 1191000 1194000 They were publicizing traffic rules.
  201. 1194000 1197000 现在宣传交通规则.
  202. 1197000 1201000 Repeat street.
  203. 1201000 1207000 街头,街头.
  204. 1207000 1211000 Repeat megaphone.
  205. 1211000 1217000 广播同,广播同.
  206. 1217000 1218000 Repeat.
  207. 1218000 1223000 This morning there were people in many places on the streets of Peking speaking through megaphone.
  208. 1223000 1225000 What were they doing?
  209. 1225000 1242000 今天上午北京街头好多地方,有人用广播同讲话,他们在做什么?
  210. 1242000 1252000 今天上午北京街头好多地方有人用广播同讲话,他们在做什么?
  211. 1252000 1262000 今天上午北京街头好多地方有人用广播同讲话,他们在做什么?
  212. 1262000 1267000 他们在宣传交通规则.
  213. 1267000 1268000 Repeat.
  214. 1268000 1277000 今天上午北京街头好多地方有人用广播同讲话,他们在做什么?
  215. 1277000 1282000 他们在宣传交通规则.
  216. 1282000 1283000 Repeat.
  217. 1283000 1287000 Rules and regulations.
  218. 1287000 1290000 规则.
  219. 1290000 1293000 规则.
  220. 1293000 1294000 Repeat.
  221. 1294000 1297000 They were publicizing traffic rules.
  222. 1297000 1303000 他们在宣传交通规则.
  223. 1303000 1307000 他们在宣传交通规则.
  224. 1307000 1309000 Now try answering the question yourself.
  225. 1309000 1312000 They were publicizing traffic rules.
  226. 1312000 1325000 今天上午北京街头好多地方有人用广播同讲话,他们在做什么?
  227. 1325000 1330000 他们在宣传交通规则.
  228. 1330000 1333000 Now here's the next exchange from the reference list.
  229. 1333000 1334000 Listen.
  230. 1334000 1341000 When doing the cleanup, if the masses have a good way of doing something, can they talk about it with the revolutionary street committee?
  231. 1341000 1348000 在搞卫生的时候,如果群众有一个好办法,能不能和各位会谈一谈?
  232. 1348000 1350000 Of course they can.
  233. 1350000 1357000 The masses not only take part in all activities, but moreover, they often help us think of ways to take care of various jobs.
  234. 1357000 1359000 当然可以。
  235. 1359000 1369000 群众不仅参加街道所有的活动,而且经常帮助我们想办法做好各项工作。
  236. 1369000 1373000 Repeat only, merely.
  237. 1373000 1380000 仅。仅。Repeat often.
  238. 1380000 1385000 经常。经常。
  239. 1385000 1388000 Repeat the counter for items, articles.
  240. 1388000 1393000 向。向。
  241. 1393000 1395000 Repeat, of course they can.
  242. 1395000 1404000 The masses not only take part in all activities, but moreover, they often help us think of ways to take care of various jobs.
  243. 1404000 1406000 当然可以。
  244. 1406000 1417000 群众不仅参加街道所有的活动,而且经常帮助我们想办法做好各项工作。
  245. 1417000 1427000 The masses not only take part in all activities, but moreover, they often help us think of ways to take care of various jobs.
  246. 1427000 1429000 当然可以。
  247. 1429000 1439000 群众不仅参加街道所有的活动,而且经常帮助我们想办法做好各项工作。
  248. 1439000 1446000 Listen to the next exchange from the reference list. Does it matter if this medicine is used by older people?
  249. 1446000 1450000 年纪大的人使用这种药。有没有关系?
  250. 1450000 1454000 No, it doesn't matter. Take a look at the instructions.
  251. 1454000 1461000 没有关系。请看说明书。Repeat to use to employ。
  252. 1461000 1467000 使用。使用。
  253. 1467000 1474000 Repeat, does it matter if this medicine is used by older people?
  254. 1474000 1485000 年纪大的人使用这种药。有没有关系?
  255. 1485000 1491000 年纪大的人使用这种药。有没有关系?
  256. 1491000 1500000 Now ask the question yourself if you get a reply. Does it matter if this medicine is used by older people?
  257. 1500000 1506000 年纪大的人使用这种药。有没有关系?
  258. 1506000 1517000 没有关系。请看说明书。Repeat, instructions brochure, explanatory pamphlet or sheet.
  259. 1517000 1529000 说明书。说明书。Repeat, no, it doesn't matter. Take a look at the instructions.
  260. 1529000 1539000 没有关系。请看说明书。Repeat, no, it doesn't matter. Take a look at the instructions.
  261. 1539000 1552000 没有关系。请看说明书。没有关系。请看说明书。
  262. 1552000 1558000 Now try answering the question yourself. No, it doesn't matter. Take a look at the instructions.
  263. 1558000 1566000 年纪大的人使用这种药。有没有关系?
  264. 1566000 1571000 没有关系。请看说明书。
  265. 1571000 1577000 Here's the next exchange. Listen. What do you think of this method of fumigating mosquitoes?
  266. 1577000 1587000 你觉得这种新闻字的办法怎么样?It's a good method. When everybody acts in unison, the results are certain to be good.
  267. 1587000 1597000 这种办法很好,大家统一行动,成绩准不错。Repeat, to smoke, to fumigate.
  268. 1597000 1609000 熏。熏。Repeat, what do you think of this method of fumigating mosquitoes?
  269. 1609000 1623000 你觉得这种新闻字的办法怎么样?What do you think of this new method of fumigating mosquitoes?
  270. 1623000 1631000 Now try asking the question yourself. What do you think of this method of fumigating mosquitoes?
  271. 1631000 1645000 这种办法很好,大家统一行动,成绩准不错。Repeat, to act, to do.
  272. 1645000 1654000 行动。行动。Repeat, for sure, certainly.
  273. 1654000 1666000 准。准。Repeat, it's a good method. When everybody acts in unison, the results are certain to be good.
  274. 1666000 1678000 这种办法很好,大家统一行动,成绩准不错。
  275. 1678000 1686000 这种办法很好,大家统一行动,成绩准不错。
  276. 1686000 1694000 Now try answering the question yourself. It's a good method. When everybody acts in unison, the results are certain to be good.
  277. 1694000 1716000 你觉得这种新闻字的办法怎么样?这种办法很好,大家统一行动,成绩准不错。
  278. 1716000 1727000 这种办法很好,大家统一行动,成绩准不错。