FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Unit 02 - Tape 1.mp3.vtt 21 KB

  2. 00:00.000 --> 00:07.000
  3. Standard Chinese, a modular approach. Life in China module, Unit 2, Tape 1.
  4. 00:07.000 --> 00:13.000
  5. In this unit, you'll learn some questions and answers used in talking about the different types of work the street committees do.
  6. 00:13.000 --> 00:17.000
  7. Listen to the first exchange from the reference list.
  8. 00:17.000 --> 00:22.000
  9. Listen, they're talking about the patriotic clean-up campaign on the transistor radio.
  10. 00:22.000 --> 00:29.000
  11. 你听,半導體收音机里,又再讲到爱国卫生运动了。
  12. 00:29.000 --> 00:34.000
  13. Yes, it's good to have clean-ups often. This should be widely publicized.
  14. 00:34.000 --> 00:41.000
  15. 对,长稿卫生就是好,是应该多宣传。
  16. 00:41.000 --> 00:48.000
  17. Repeat, semiconductor. A transistor is a type of semiconductor.
  18. 00:48.000 --> 00:53.000
  19. 半導体,半導体.
  20. 00:53.000 --> 00:57.000
  21. Repeat, the patriotic clean-up campaign.
  22. 00:57.000 --> 01:04.000
  23. 爱国卫生运动。
  24. 01:04.000 --> 01:14.000
  25. Repeat, listen, they're talking about the patriotic clean-up campaign on the transistor radio.
  26. 01:14.000 --> 01:25.000
  27. 你听,半導体收音机里,又再讲到爱国卫生运动了。
  28. 01:25.000 --> 01:32.000
  29. 你听,半導体收音机里,又再讲到爱国卫生运动了。
  30. 01:32.000 --> 01:36.000
  31. Now try saying the sentence ahead of the speaker. You'll get a reply.
  32. 01:36.000 --> 01:47.000
  33. Listen, they're talking about the patriotic clean-up campaign on the transistor radio.
  34. 01:47.000 --> 01:54.000
  35. 你听,半導体收音机里,又再讲到爱国卫生运动了。
  36. 01:54.000 --> 02:01.000
  37. 对,长稿卫生就是好,是应该多宣传。
  38. 02:01.000 --> 02:05.000
  39. Repeat, to publicize, to propagate.
  40. 02:05.000 --> 02:10.000
  41. 宣传,宣传。
  42. 02:10.000 --> 02:17.000
  43. Repeat, yes, it's good to have clean-ups often. This should be widely publicized.
  44. 02:17.000 --> 02:27.000
  45. 对,长稿卫生就是好,是应该多宣传。
  46. 02:27.000 --> 02:35.000
  47. 对,长稿卫生就是好,是应该多宣传。
  48. 02:35.000 --> 02:43.000
  49. Now you try giving the reply yourself. Yes, it's good to have clean-ups often. This should be widely publicized.
  50. 02:43.000 --> 02:54.000
  51. 你听,半導体收音机里,又再讲到爱国卫生运动了。
  52. 02:54.000 --> 03:02.000
  53. 对,长稿卫生就是好,是应该多宣传。
  54. 03:02.000 --> 03:10.000
  55. Here's the next exchange. Listen. Does the government call on the people to exterminate flies, mosquitoes, and rats?
  56. 03:10.000 --> 03:17.000
  57. 政府是不是号召人们消灭苍蝇,蚊子,和老鼠?
  58. 03:17.000 --> 03:23.000
  59. Yes, this is one of the important aspects of the patriotic clean-up campaign.
  60. 03:23.000 --> 03:29.000
  61. 对,这是爱国卫生运动的重要方面。
  62. 03:29.000 --> 03:33.000
  63. Repeat, house fly.
  64. 03:33.000 --> 03:38.000
  65. 苍蝇,苍蝇。
  66. 03:38.000 --> 03:41.000
  67. Repeat, mosquito.
  68. 03:41.000 --> 03:46.000
  69. 蚊子,蚊子。
  70. 03:46.000 --> 03:49.000
  71. Repeat the word for mouse or rat.
  72. 03:49.000 --> 03:55.000
  73. 老鼠,老鼠。
  74. 03:55.000 --> 04:01.000
  75. Repeat, does the government call on the people to exterminate flies, mosquitoes, and rats?
  76. 04:01.000 --> 04:15.000
  77. 政府是不是号召人们消灭苍蝇,蚊子,和老鼠?
  78. 04:15.000 --> 04:25.000
  79. 政府是不是号召人们消灭苍蝇,蚊子,和老鼠?
  80. 04:25.000 --> 04:28.000
  81. Now try asking the question yourself. You'll get a reply.
  82. 04:28.000 --> 04:39.000
  83. Does the government call on the people to exterminate flies, mosquitoes, and rats?
  84. 04:39.000 --> 04:46.000
  85. 政府是不是号召人们消灭苍蝇,蚊子,和老鼠?
  86. 04:46.000 --> 04:52.000
  87. 对,这是爱国卫生运动的重要方面。
  88. 04:52.000 --> 04:56.000
  89. Now here's the next set of sentences from the reference list. Listen.
  90. 04:56.000 --> 05:02.000
  91. Before liberation, if you came to China to visit, you would have seen that every place was dirty.
  92. 05:02.000 --> 05:08.000
  93. 解放前,到中国来看看,到处都很脏。
  94. 05:08.000 --> 05:12.000
  95. But now it's not the same. Quite a few places are clean.
  96. 05:12.000 --> 05:19.000
  97. 但是现在不一样了,不少地方都很干净。
  98. 05:19.000 --> 05:24.000
  99. This is the achievement of the government and the people in doing a large-scale cleanup.
  100. 05:24.000 --> 05:31.000
  101. 这就是政府和人民大搞卫生的成绩啊。
  102. 05:31.000 --> 05:34.000
  103. Repeat everywhere.
  104. 05:34.000 --> 05:38.000
  105. 到处,到处。
  106. 05:38.000 --> 05:46.000
  107. Repeat. Before liberation, if you came to China to visit, you would have seen that every place was dirty.
  108. 05:46.000 --> 05:56.000
  109. 解放前,到中国来看看,到处都很脏。
  110. 05:56.000 --> 06:05.000
  111. 解放前,到中国来看看,到处都很脏。
  112. 06:05.000 --> 06:09.000
  113. Now say the sentence yourself and you'll hear the continuation.
  114. 06:09.000 --> 06:19.000
  115. 解放前,到中国来看看,到处都很脏。
  116. 06:19.000 --> 06:26.000
  117. 解放前,到中国来看看,到处都很脏。
  118. 06:26.000 --> 06:32.000
  119. 但是现在不一样了,不少地方都很干净。
  120. 06:32.000 --> 06:38.000
  121. 这就是政府和人民大搞卫生的成绩啊。
  122. 06:38.000 --> 06:41.000
  123. Repeat, but now it's not the same.
  124. 06:41.000 --> 06:45.000
  125. Quite a few places are clean.
  126. 06:45.000 --> 06:57.000
  127. 但是现在不一样了,不少地方都很干净。
  128. 06:57.000 --> 07:04.000
  129. 但是现在不一样了,不少地方都很干净。
  130. 07:04.000 --> 07:07.000
  131. Now say the sentence ahead of the speaker and you'll hear the continuation.
  132. 07:07.000 --> 07:09.000
  133. But now it's not the same.
  134. 07:09.000 --> 07:17.000
  135. Quite a few places are clean.
  136. 07:17.000 --> 07:24.000
  137. 但是现在不一样了,不少地方都很干净。
  138. 07:24.000 --> 07:30.000
  139. 这就是政府和人民大搞卫生的成绩啊。
  140. 07:30.000 --> 07:34.000
  141. Repeat, achievement, good results.
  142. 07:34.000 --> 07:38.000
  143. 成绩,成绩。
  144. 07:38.000 --> 07:44.000
  145. Repeat, this is the achievement of the government and the people in doing a large scale cleanup.
  146. 07:44.000 --> 07:54.000
  147. 这就是政府和人民大搞卫生的成绩啊。
  148. 07:54.000 --> 08:00.000
  149. 这就是政府和人民大搞卫生的成绩啊。
  150. 08:00.000 --> 08:03.000
  151. Now here's the next exchange. Listen.
  152. 08:03.000 --> 08:05.000
  153. Where did you hide that package of insecticide?
  154. 08:05.000 --> 08:11.000
  155. How come I can't find it?
  156. 08:11.000 --> 08:17.000
  157. 你把那包药藏在哪儿了?我怎么找不到?
  158. 08:17.000 --> 08:19.000
  159. Go into the room and look.
  160. 08:19.000 --> 08:21.000
  161. It's probably right on the table.
  162. 08:21.000 --> 08:27.000
  163. 你进屋去看看,大概就在桌子上。
  164. 08:27.000 --> 08:32.000
  165. Repeat the counter for packages of things.
  166. 08:32.000 --> 08:36.000
  167. 包,包。
  168. 08:36.000 --> 08:41.000
  169. Repeat, medicine, drug, certain chemicals.
  170. 08:41.000 --> 08:46.000
  171. 药,药。
  172. 08:46.000 --> 08:49.000
  173. Repeat to hide.
  174. 08:49.000 --> 08:54.000
  175. 藏,藏。
  176. 08:54.000 --> 08:59.000
  177. Repeat, can't find, unable to find.
  178. 08:59.000 --> 09:04.000
  179. 找不到,找不到。
  180. 09:04.000 --> 09:08.000
  181. Repeat, where did you hide that package of insecticide?
  182. 09:08.000 --> 09:12.000
  183. How come I can't find it?
  184. 09:12.000 --> 09:23.000
  185. 你把那包药藏在哪儿了?我怎么找不到?
  186. 09:23.000 --> 09:31.000
  187. 你把那包药藏在哪儿了?我怎么找不到?
  188. 09:31.000 --> 09:34.000
  189. Now try asking the question yourself.
  190. 09:34.000 --> 09:36.000
  191. Where did you hide that package of insecticide?
  192. 09:36.000 --> 09:45.000
  193. How come I can't find it?
  194. 09:45.000 --> 09:50.000
  195. 你把那包药藏在哪儿了?我怎么找不到?
  196. 09:50.000 --> 09:55.000
  197. 你进屋去看看,大概就在桌子上。
  198. 09:55.000 --> 09:59.000
  199. Repeat to enter the room.
  200. 09:59.000 --> 10:03.000
  201. 进屋,进屋。
  202. 10:03.000 --> 10:09.000
  203. Repeat, go into the room and look, it's probably right on the table.
  204. 10:09.000 --> 10:17.000
  205. 你进屋去看看,大概就在桌子上。
  206. 10:17.000 --> 10:20.000
  207. Now try answering the question yourself.
  208. 10:20.000 --> 10:27.000
  209. Go into the room and look, it's probably right on the table.
  210. 10:27.000 --> 10:37.000
  211. 你把那包药藏在哪儿了?我怎么找不到?
  212. 10:37.000 --> 10:47.000
  213. 你进屋去看看,大概就在桌子上。
  214. 10:47.000 --> 10:54.000
  215. Here's the next exchange. Listen.
  216. 10:54.000 --> 10:58.000
  217. What should we do before lighting the mosquito insecticide?
  218. 10:58.000 --> 11:03.000
  219. 再点着新闻字药以前,应该先做什么?
  220. 11:03.000 --> 11:06.000
  221. You should close up all the windows and doors.
  222. 11:06.000 --> 11:13.000
  223. 应该先把窗户和门都关上。
  224. 11:13.000 --> 11:18.000
  225. Repeat to light to ignite.
  226. 11:18.000 --> 11:23.000
  227. 点着,点着。
  228. 11:23.000 --> 11:28.000
  229. Repeat a fumigant for mosquitoes.
  230. 11:28.000 --> 11:35.000
  231. 新闻字药,新闻字药。
  232. 11:35.000 --> 11:41.000
  233. Repeat, what should we do before lighting the mosquito insecticide?
  234. 11:41.000 --> 11:52.000
  235. 再点着新闻字药以前,应该先做什么?
  236. 11:52.000 --> 12:00.000
  237. 再点着新闻字药以前,应该先做什么?
  238. 12:00.000 --> 12:03.000
  239. Now try asking the question yourself to get a reply.
  240. 12:03.000 --> 12:11.000
  241. What should we do before lighting the mosquito insecticide?
  242. 12:11.000 --> 12:18.000
  243. 再点着新闻字药以前,应该先做什么?
  244. 12:18.000 --> 12:22.000
  245. 应该先把窗户和门都关上。
  246. 12:22.000 --> 12:25.000
  247. Repeat, window.
  248. 12:25.000 --> 12:30.000
  249. 窗户。
  250. 12:30.000 --> 12:34.000
  251. Repeat to close up to shut.
  252. 12:34.000 --> 12:37.000
  253. 关上。
  254. 12:37.000 --> 12:40.000
  255. 关上。
  256. 12:40.000 --> 12:45.000
  257. Repeat, you should close up all the windows and doors.
  258. 12:45.000 --> 12:57.000
  259. 应该先把窗户和门都关上。
  260. 12:57.000 --> 13:02.000
  261. 应该先把窗户和门都关上。
  262. 13:02.000 --> 13:05.000
  263. Now try answering the question yourself.
  264. 13:05.000 --> 13:09.000
  265. You should close up all the windows and doors.
  266. 13:09.000 --> 13:18.000
  267. 再点着新闻字药以前,应该先做什么?
  268. 13:18.000 --> 13:26.000
  269. 应该先把窗户和门都关上。
  270. 13:26.000 --> 13:29.000
  271. Listen to the next exchange from the reference list.
  272. 13:29.000 --> 13:32.000
  273. Do you get some exercise every morning?
  274. 13:32.000 --> 13:35.000
  275. 你每天早晨都活动一会吗?
  276. 13:35.000 --> 13:41.000
  277. Yes, in the morning when the air is fresh, it's good for the health to stand on the balcony for a while.
  278. 13:41.000 --> 13:50.000
  279. 对了,早晨空气新鲜,在阳台上站一会,对身体很有好处。
  280. 13:50.000 --> 13:55.000
  281. Repeat to loosen up one's body with exercise.
  282. 13:55.000 --> 14:01.000
  283. 活动,活动。
  284. 14:01.000 --> 14:06.000
  285. Repeat, do you get some exercise every morning?
  286. 14:06.000 --> 14:15.000
  287. 你每天早晨都活动一会吗?
  288. 14:15.000 --> 14:19.000
  289. 你每天早晨都活动一会吗?
  290. 14:19.000 --> 14:21.000
  291. Now ask the question ahead of the speaker.
  292. 14:21.000 --> 14:22.000
  293. You'll get a reply.
  294. 14:22.000 --> 14:28.000
  295. Do you get some exercise every morning?
  296. 14:28.000 --> 14:33.000
  297. 你每天早晨都活动一会吗?
  298. 14:33.000 --> 14:42.000
  299. 对了,早晨空气新鲜,在阳台上站一会,对身体很有好处。
  300. 14:42.000 --> 14:46.000
  301. Repeat early morning.
  302. 14:46.000 --> 14:51.000
  303. 早晨,早晨。
  304. 14:51.000 --> 14:54.000
  305. Repeat balcony.
  306. 14:54.000 --> 14:59.000
  307. 阳台,阳台。
  308. 14:59.000 --> 15:02.000
  309. Repeat to stand.
  310. 15:02.000 --> 15:07.000
  311. 站,站。
  312. 15:07.000 --> 15:16.000
  313. Repeat, yes, in the morning when the air is fresh, it's good for your health to stand on the balcony for a while.
  314. 15:16.000 --> 15:30.000
  315. 对了,早晨空气新鲜,在阳台上站一会,对身体很有好处。
  316. 15:30.000 --> 15:41.000
  317. 对了,早晨空气新鲜,在阳台上站一会,对身体很有好处。
  318. 15:41.000 --> 15:43.000
  319. Now you try answering the question yourself.
  320. 15:43.000 --> 15:50.000
  321. Yes, in the morning when the air is fresh, it's good for your health to stand on the balcony for a while.
  322. 15:50.000 --> 15:59.000
  323. 你每天早晨都活动一会吗?
  324. 15:59.000 --> 16:09.000
  325. 对了,早晨空气新鲜,在阳台上站一会,对身体很有好处。
  326. 16:09.000 --> 16:11.000
  327. Here's the next exchange. Listen.
  328. 16:11.000 --> 16:16.000
  329. Is your street committee area doing a full-scale clean-up again today?
  330. 16:16.000 --> 16:20.000
  331. 今天你们接到又搞大扫除了。
  332. 16:20.000 --> 16:25.000
  333. Yes, the residents of our street committee area dare to think and dare to do.
  334. 16:25.000 --> 16:29.000
  335. They're determined to make our areas clean as an advanced street committee area.
  336. 16:29.000 --> 16:39.000
  337. 是啊,我们接到居民感想感干,一定要把我们这儿搞得像先进街道一样干净。
  338. 16:39.000 --> 16:45.000
  339. Repeat, general clean-up, full-scale clean-up.
  340. 16:45.000 --> 16:51.000
  341. 大扫除,大扫除。
  342. 16:51.000 --> 16:57.000
  343. Repeat, is your street committee area doing a full-scale clean-up again today?
  344. 16:57.000 --> 17:04.000
  345. 今天你们接到又搞大扫除了。
  346. 17:04.000 --> 17:10.000
  347. 今天你们接到又搞大扫除了。
  348. 17:10.000 --> 17:13.000
  349. Now try asking the question yourself. You'll get a reply.
  350. 17:13.000 --> 17:21.000
  351. Is your street committee area doing a full-scale clean-up again today?
  352. 17:21.000 --> 17:25.000
  353. 今天你们接到又搞大扫除了。
  354. 17:25.000 --> 17:33.000
  355. 是啊,我们接到居民感想感干,一定要把我们这儿搞得像先进街道一样干净。
  356. 17:33.000 --> 17:44.000
  357. Repeat to dare,干,干。
  358. 17:44.000 --> 17:49.000
  359. Repeat to do, to act, to undertake a job, to do work.
  360. 17:49.000 --> 17:55.000
  361. 干,干。
  362. 17:55.000 --> 17:57.000
  363. Now here are these two words used in the slogan.
  364. 17:57.000 --> 18:02.000
  365. Repeat, dare to think and dare to do.
  366. 18:02.000 --> 18:10.000
  367. 感想感干。
  368. 18:10.000 --> 18:16.000
  369. Repeat, yes, the residents of our street committee area dare to think and dare to do.
  370. 18:16.000 --> 18:22.000
  371. They're determined to make our area as clean as an advanced street committee area.
  372. 18:22.000 --> 18:31.000
  373. 是啊,我们接到居民感想感干,一定要把我们这儿搞得像先进街道一样干净。
  374. 18:31.000 --> 18:41.000
  375. Repeat, yes, the residents of our street committee area are determined to make our area as clean as an advanced street committee area.
  376. 18:41.000 --> 18:55.000
  377. 是啊,我们接到居民感想感干,一定要把我们这儿搞得像先进街道一样干净。
  378. 18:55.000 --> 18:58.000
  379. Now try answering the question yourself.
  380. 18:58.000 --> 19:02.000
  381. Yes, the residents of our street committee area dare to think and dare to do.
  382. 19:02.000 --> 19:08.000
  383. They're determined to make our area as clean as an advanced street committee area.
  384. 19:08.000 --> 19:21.000
  385. 今天你们接到又搞大扫除了。
  386. 19:21.000 --> 19:27.000
  387. 是啊,我们接到居民感想感干,一定要把我们这儿搞得像先进街道一样干净。
  388. 19:27.000 --> 19:31.000
  389. 是啊,我们接到居民感想感干,一定要把我们这儿搞得像先进街道一样干净。
  390. 19:31.000 --> 19:36.000
  391. Now here's the next exchange from the reference list. Listen.
  392. 19:36.000 --> 19:41.000
  393. This morning there were people in many places on the streets of Peking speaking through megaphone.
  394. 19:41.000 --> 19:43.000
  395. What were they doing?
  396. 19:43.000 --> 19:51.000
  397. 今天上午北京街头好多地方,有人用广播同讲话,他们在做什么?
  398. 19:51.000 --> 19:54.000
  399. They were publicizing traffic rules.
  400. 19:54.000 --> 19:57.000
  401. 现在宣传交通规则.
  402. 19:57.000 --> 20:01.000
  403. Repeat street.
  404. 20:01.000 --> 20:07.000
  405. 街头,街头.
  406. 20:07.000 --> 20:11.000
  407. Repeat megaphone.
  408. 20:11.000 --> 20:17.000
  409. 广播同,广播同.
  410. 20:17.000 --> 20:18.000
  411. Repeat.
  412. 20:18.000 --> 20:23.000
  413. This morning there were people in many places on the streets of Peking speaking through megaphone.
  414. 20:23.000 --> 20:25.000
  415. What were they doing?
  416. 20:25.000 --> 20:42.000
  417. 今天上午北京街头好多地方,有人用广播同讲话,他们在做什么?
  418. 20:42.000 --> 20:52.000
  419. 今天上午北京街头好多地方有人用广播同讲话,他们在做什么?
  420. 20:52.000 --> 21:02.000
  421. 今天上午北京街头好多地方有人用广播同讲话,他们在做什么?
  422. 21:02.000 --> 21:07.000
  423. 他们在宣传交通规则.
  424. 21:07.000 --> 21:08.000
  425. Repeat.
  426. 21:08.000 --> 21:17.000
  427. 今天上午北京街头好多地方有人用广播同讲话,他们在做什么?
  428. 21:17.000 --> 21:22.000
  429. 他们在宣传交通规则.
  430. 21:22.000 --> 21:23.000
  431. Repeat.
  432. 21:23.000 --> 21:27.000
  433. Rules and regulations.
  434. 21:27.000 --> 21:30.000
  435. 规则.
  436. 21:30.000 --> 21:33.000
  437. 规则.
  438. 21:33.000 --> 21:34.000
  439. Repeat.
  440. 21:34.000 --> 21:37.000
  441. They were publicizing traffic rules.
  442. 21:37.000 --> 21:43.000
  443. 他们在宣传交通规则.
  444. 21:43.000 --> 21:47.000
  445. 他们在宣传交通规则.
  446. 21:47.000 --> 21:49.000
  447. Now try answering the question yourself.
  448. 21:49.000 --> 21:52.000
  449. They were publicizing traffic rules.
  450. 21:52.000 --> 22:05.000
  451. 今天上午北京街头好多地方有人用广播同讲话,他们在做什么?
  452. 22:05.000 --> 22:10.000
  453. 他们在宣传交通规则.
  454. 22:10.000 --> 22:13.000
  455. Now here's the next exchange from the reference list.
  456. 22:13.000 --> 22:14.000
  457. Listen.
  458. 22:14.000 --> 22:21.000
  459. When doing the cleanup, if the masses have a good way of doing something, can they talk about it with the revolutionary street committee?
  460. 22:21.000 --> 22:28.000
  461. 在搞卫生的时候,如果群众有一个好办法,能不能和各位会谈一谈?
  462. 22:28.000 --> 22:30.000
  463. Of course they can.
  464. 22:30.000 --> 22:37.000
  465. The masses not only take part in all activities, but moreover, they often help us think of ways to take care of various jobs.
  466. 22:37.000 --> 22:39.000
  467. 当然可以。
  468. 22:39.000 --> 22:49.000
  469. 群众不仅参加街道所有的活动,而且经常帮助我们想办法做好各项工作。
  470. 22:49.000 --> 22:53.000
  471. Repeat only, merely.
  472. 22:53.000 --> 23:00.000
  473. 仅。仅。Repeat often.
  474. 23:00.000 --> 23:05.000
  475. 经常。经常。
  476. 23:05.000 --> 23:08.000
  477. Repeat the counter for items, articles.
  478. 23:08.000 --> 23:13.000
  479. 向。向。
  480. 23:13.000 --> 23:15.000
  481. Repeat, of course they can.
  482. 23:15.000 --> 23:24.000
  483. The masses not only take part in all activities, but moreover, they often help us think of ways to take care of various jobs.
  484. 23:24.000 --> 23:26.000
  485. 当然可以。
  486. 23:26.000 --> 23:37.000
  487. 群众不仅参加街道所有的活动,而且经常帮助我们想办法做好各项工作。
  488. 23:37.000 --> 23:47.000
  489. The masses not only take part in all activities, but moreover, they often help us think of ways to take care of various jobs.
  490. 23:47.000 --> 23:49.000
  491. 当然可以。
  492. 23:49.000 --> 23:59.000
  493. 群众不仅参加街道所有的活动,而且经常帮助我们想办法做好各项工作。
  494. 23:59.000 --> 24:06.000
  495. Listen to the next exchange from the reference list. Does it matter if this medicine is used by older people?
  496. 24:06.000 --> 24:10.000
  497. 年纪大的人使用这种药。有没有关系?
  498. 24:10.000 --> 24:14.000
  499. No, it doesn't matter. Take a look at the instructions.
  500. 24:14.000 --> 24:21.000
  501. 没有关系。请看说明书。Repeat to use to employ。
  502. 24:21.000 --> 24:27.000
  503. 使用。使用。
  504. 24:27.000 --> 24:34.000
  505. Repeat, does it matter if this medicine is used by older people?
  506. 24:34.000 --> 24:45.000
  507. 年纪大的人使用这种药。有没有关系?
  508. 24:45.000 --> 24:51.000
  509. 年纪大的人使用这种药。有没有关系?
  510. 24:51.000 --> 25:00.000
  511. Now ask the question yourself if you get a reply. Does it matter if this medicine is used by older people?
  512. 25:00.000 --> 25:06.000
  513. 年纪大的人使用这种药。有没有关系?
  514. 25:06.000 --> 25:17.000
  515. 没有关系。请看说明书。Repeat, instructions brochure, explanatory pamphlet or sheet.
  516. 25:17.000 --> 25:29.000
  517. 说明书。说明书。Repeat, no, it doesn't matter. Take a look at the instructions.
  518. 25:29.000 --> 25:39.000
  519. 没有关系。请看说明书。Repeat, no, it doesn't matter. Take a look at the instructions.
  520. 25:39.000 --> 25:52.000
  521. 没有关系。请看说明书。没有关系。请看说明书。
  522. 25:52.000 --> 25:58.000
  523. Now try answering the question yourself. No, it doesn't matter. Take a look at the instructions.
  524. 25:58.000 --> 26:06.000
  525. 年纪大的人使用这种药。有没有关系?
  526. 26:06.000 --> 26:11.000
  527. 没有关系。请看说明书。
  528. 26:11.000 --> 26:17.000
  529. Here's the next exchange. Listen. What do you think of this method of fumigating mosquitoes?
  530. 26:17.000 --> 26:27.000
  531. 你觉得这种新闻字的办法怎么样?It's a good method. When everybody acts in unison, the results are certain to be good.
  532. 26:27.000 --> 26:37.000
  533. 这种办法很好,大家统一行动,成绩准不错。Repeat, to smoke, to fumigate.
  534. 26:37.000 --> 26:49.000
  535. 熏。熏。Repeat, what do you think of this method of fumigating mosquitoes?
  536. 26:49.000 --> 27:03.000
  537. 你觉得这种新闻字的办法怎么样?What do you think of this new method of fumigating mosquitoes?
  538. 27:03.000 --> 27:11.000
  539. Now try asking the question yourself. What do you think of this method of fumigating mosquitoes?
  540. 27:11.000 --> 27:25.000
  541. 这种办法很好,大家统一行动,成绩准不错。Repeat, to act, to do.
  542. 27:25.000 --> 27:34.000
  543. 行动。行动。Repeat, for sure, certainly.
  544. 27:34.000 --> 27:46.000
  545. 准。准。Repeat, it's a good method. When everybody acts in unison, the results are certain to be good.
  546. 27:46.000 --> 27:58.000
  547. 这种办法很好,大家统一行动,成绩准不错。
  548. 27:58.000 --> 28:06.000
  549. 这种办法很好,大家统一行动,成绩准不错。
  550. 28:06.000 --> 28:14.000
  551. Now try answering the question yourself. It's a good method. When everybody acts in unison, the results are certain to be good.
  552. 28:14.000 --> 28:36.000
  553. 你觉得这种新闻字的办法怎么样?这种办法很好,大家统一行动,成绩准不错。
  554. 28:36.000 --> 28:47.000
  555. 这种办法很好,大家统一行动,成绩准不错。