FSI - Standard Chinese - Resource Module - CE - Tape 1.mp3.tsv 10 KB

  1. start end text
  2. 0 25000 Standard Chinese, A Modular Approach, Resource Module on Classroom Expressions, Tape 1, On this tape, you'll learn some expressions which will be of use to you in class. Some of the items will be sentences which teachers typically say. You'll need to learn to understand these expressions. Other items will be expressions which you will want to be able to say.
  3. 25000 32000 Here's the greeting. Good morning. Listen. 早.
  4. 32000 42000 It has a low tone. Repeat. Good morning. 早. 早.
  5. 42000 51000 Say it ahead of the speaker. Good morning. 早.
  6. 51000 64000 Now here's the sentence you need to learn to understand. Let's begin class. 我们上课吧. 我们上课吧.
  7. 64000 77000 Listen again to the sentence. Let's begin class. 我们上课吧. 我们上课吧.
  8. 77000 92000 Here's another sentence you need to understand. Listen to me say it. 你听我说.
  9. 92000 101000 This is the verb to listen. 听. 听.
  10. 101000 109000 This is the verb to say. 说. 说.
  11. 109000 123000 Here again is how you say. Listen to me say it. 你听我说. 你听我说.
  12. 123000 130000 What does this sentence mean? 我们上课吧. 我们上课吧.
  13. 130000 135000 Let's begin class. Let's begin class. Let's begin class.
  14. 135000 145000 And what does this sentence mean? 你听我说. 你听我说.
  15. 145000 152000 Listen to me say it. And how do you say good morning? 听我说.
  16. 152000 170000 Now here's another sentence you need to learn to understand. Do you understand now? 你懂了吗?
  17. 170000 181000 In this sentence, the syllable ma at the end signals that it's a question. Now here's the verb to understand. 听.
  18. 181000 197000 懂. Listen again to the question. Do you understand now? 你懂了吗?
  19. 197000 205000 Now listen to the reply. I don't understand. 我不懂.
  20. 205000 218000 Repeat the verb to understand. It has a low tone. 懂.
  21. 218000 230000 Repeat. I don't understand. 我不懂.
  22. 230000 246000 Notice that the syllable bu has a falling tone. Try saying it ahead of the speaker. I don't understand. 我不懂.
  23. 246000 259000 Try replying to the question yourself now. When asked, do you understand now? Say that you don't. 你懂了吗?
  24. 259000 273000 我不懂. Again. 你懂了吗? 我不懂.
  25. 273000 281000 Now here's how you answer that you do understand now. 懂了.
  26. 281000 292000 Repeat. I understand now. 懂了.
  27. 292000 301000 Try saying it ahead of the speaker. I understand now. 懂了.
  28. 301000 309000 Try replying to the question yourself now. When asked, do you understand now? Say that you do understand. 你懂了吗?
  29. 309000 315000 你懂了吗? 懂了.
  30. 315000 325000 Again. 你懂了吗? 懂了.
  31. 325000 337000 Now here's what you've learned so far. Repeat. Good morning. 早.
  32. 337000 346000 Listen to the sentence. Let's begin class. 我们上课吧.
  33. 346000 364000 Here's the sentence. Listen to me say it. 你听我说. Listen to the question. Do you understand now? 你懂了吗?
  34. 364000 379000 Repeat. I don't understand. 我不懂.
  35. 379000 391000 Repeat. I understand now. 懂了.
  36. 391000 403000 Now here's a review. Test yourself. How do you say good morning? 早.
  37. 403000 413000 What does this next sentence mean? Translate it out loud in the pause given. 我们上课吧.
  38. 413000 419000 Let's begin class. And what does this sentence mean? 你听我说.
  39. 419000 432000 Listen to me say it. What does this question mean? 你懂了吗?
  40. 432000 446000 Do you understand now? And how do you say I don't understand? 我不懂.
  41. 446000 454000 And how do you say now I understand? 懂了.
  42. 454000 473000 Now here's another sentence you need to learn to understand. Please repeat after me. 请跟着我说.
  43. 473000 486000 This is the word for please. 请.
  44. 486000 502000 Listen to the sentence again. Please repeat after me. Or more literally, please following me speak. 请跟着我说.
  45. 502000 508000 What does this word mean? 请.
  46. 508000 516000 Please. And what does this word mean? 说.
  47. 516000 527000 Speak or say. And what does this sentence mean? 请跟着我说.
  48. 527000 544000 Please repeat after me. Now here's a sentence you need to learn to say. Please say it again. Listen. 请你再说一次.
  49. 544000 556000 Repeat please. It has a low tone. 请.
  50. 556000 566000 Repeat the word for one time. 一次.
  51. 566000 579000 Repeat please say it again. Or more literally, please say it again one time. 请你再说一次.
  52. 579000 586000 Repeat please. 请你再说一次.
  53. 586000 598000 Try saying it ahead of the speaker. Please say it again. 请你再说一次.
  54. 598000 608000 Now repeat. I don't understand. Please say it again. 我不懂. 请你再说一次.
  55. 608000 616000 Try saying it ahead of the speaker. I don't understand. Please say it again. 我不懂. 请你再说一次.
  56. 616000 631000 Try saying it ahead of the speaker. I don't understand. Please say it again. 我不懂. 请你再说一次.
  57. 631000 638000 I don't understand. Please say it again. 我不懂. 请你再说一次.
  58. 638000 653000 Now try replying to this question. Do you understand? Answer that you don't understand and ask to have it said again. 你懂了吗?
  59. 653000 659000 I don't understand. Please say it again. 我不懂. 请你再说一次.
  60. 659000 670000 Again. 你懂了吗? 我不懂. 请你再说一次.
  61. 673000 680000 Now here again is what you've learned so far. Listen to the sentence. Listen to me say it. 你听我说.
  62. 680000 691000 Listen to the sentence. Please repeat after me. 请跟着我说.
  63. 691000 701000 Listen to the sentence. Let's begin class. 我们上课吧.
  64. 701000 709000 Now repeat. Good morning. 早.
  65. 709000 725000 早. Repeat. I don't understand. 我不懂. 我不懂.
  66. 725000 735000 Repeat. Please say it again. 请你再说.
  67. 735000 746000 Repeat. I understand now. 懂了?懂了?
  68. 746000 755000 Now here's a review. Test yourself. What does this sentence mean? 请跟着我说.
  69. 755000 764000 Please repeat after me. And what does this sentence mean? 你听我说.
  70. 764000 777000 Listen to me say it. What does this sentence mean? 我们上课吧.
  71. 777000 790000 Let's begin class. And how do you say I don't understand? 我不懂.
  72. 790000 797000 How do you say good morning? 早.
  73. 797000 808000 How do you say please say it again? 请你再说一次.
  74. 808000 818000 How do you say I understand now? 懂了?
  75. 818000 828000 Now here's another new expression. That's correct. 对了.
  76. 828000 836000 Listen again. That's correct. 对了.
  77. 836000 845000 Now here's another expression. That's not right. 不对.
  78. 845000 855000 What does this next phrase mean? 对了.
  79. 855000 865000 That's correct. And what does this mean? 不对.
  80. 865000 874000 That's not right. Now here's an expression you should learn to say. I don't know. Listen. 我不懂.
  81. 874000 880000 I don't know. 我不知道.
  82. 880000 890000 Repeat the verb to know. 知道.
  83. 890000 901000 Repeat I don't know. 我不知道.
  84. 901000 914000 Try saying it ahead of the speaker. I don't know. 我不知道.
  85. 914000 929000 Here's another expression to learn. What does it mean? 是什么意思?
  86. 929000 941000 Repeat the word for what? It has a rising tone. 什么?
  87. 941000 953000 Repeat the word for meaning. It has a falling tone. 意思.
  88. 953000 969000 Repeat what does it mean? 是什么意思?
  89. 969000 981000 Try saying it ahead of the speaker. What does it mean? 是什么意思?
  90. 981000 996000 Repeat again. I don't know. 我不知道.
  91. 996000 1010000 Repeat again. What does it mean? 是什么意思?
  92. 1010000 1029000 Now here's another expression you should learn. OK, class is over. 好,我们下课吧.
  93. 1029000 1039000 This is the word for OK, which is said when leading into doing something. 好,好.
  94. 1039000 1054000 The word 好 also means good. Listen again to the sentence. OK, class is over. 好,我们下课吧.
  95. 1054000 1069000 What does this sentence mean? 好,我们上课吧.
  96. 1069000 1080000 OK, let's begin class. And what does this sentence mean? 好,我们下课吧.
  97. 1080000 1086000 OK, class is over. OK, now here again are all the expressions covered on this tape. 现在再来,我们下课吧.
  98. 1086000 1090000 Now here again are all the expressions covered on this tape. 现在再来,我们下课吧.
  99. 1090000 1097000 Repeat good morning. 早,早.
  100. 1097000 1106000 Listen to the sentence. Let's begin class. 我们上课吧.
  101. 1106000 1114000 Here's the sentence. Listen to me say it. 你听我说.
  102. 1114000 1123000 Listen to the question. Do you understand now? 你懂了吗?
  103. 1123000 1133000 Repeat. I don't understand. 我不懂.
  104. 1133000 1141000 Repeat. I understand now. 懂了?懂了?
  105. 1141000 1151000 Listen to the sentence. Please repeat after me. 请跟着我说.
  106. 1151000 1159000 Repeat the sentence. Please say it again. 请你再说一次.
  107. 1159000 1173000 Listen to the expression. That's correct. 对了.
  108. 1173000 1183000 Listen to the expression. That's not right. 不对.
  109. 1183000 1188000 Repeat. I don't know. 我不跟着你说.
  110. 1188000 1195000 I don't know. 我不知道.
  111. 1195000 1212000 Repeat. What does this mean? 是什么意思?
  112. 1212000 1217000 Listen to the sentence. OK. Class is over. 好.
  113. 1217000 1221000 好,我们下课吧. 好,我们下课吧.
  114. 1221000 1224000 Now test yourself on these items. Put the following into English. 现在试试自己在这些东西。
  115. 1224000 1226000 Put the following into English. 放入英语。
  116. 1226000 1229000 早. 早.
  117. 1229000 1235000 Good morning. 你懂了吗? 你懂了吗?
  118. 1235000 1241000 Do you understand now? 对了.
  119. 1241000 1246000 That's correct. 你听我说. 你听我说.
  120. 1246000 1254000 Listen to me say it. 我们上课吧.
  121. 1254000 1270000 Let's begin class. 不对. That's not right. 好,我们下课吧.
  122. 1270000 1277000 OK. Class is over. OK. Class is over. 好,我们下课吧.
  123. 1277000 1280000 Now put the following sentences into Chinese. 我不知道.
  124. 1280000 1287000 I don't know. 我不知道.
  125. 1287000 1291000 I understand now. 我明白现在.
  126. 1291000 1295000 懂了? 懂了?
  127. 1295000 1299000 Please say it again. 再说一遍.
  128. 1299000 1305000 Please say it again. 请你再说一次.
  129. 1305000 1315000 What does it mean? 是什么意思?
  130. 1315000 1321000 Good morning. 早.
  131. 1321000 1328000 I don't understand. 我不懂.
  132. 1328000 1335000 If you had any trouble with these sentences, rewind the tape and practice them some more.
  133. 1335000 1337000 This is the end of the tape. 这就是结尾的结尾.
  134. 1337000 1361000 End of resource module on classroom expressions, tape 1. 结尾的结尾.