FSI-9-Drill-K-trad.csv 1.3 KB

  1. 1. Tā shi yījiǔsānwǔnián shēngde. 他/她是一九三五年生的。 He/she was born in 1935. Tā shi něinián shēngde? 他/她是哪年生的? What year was he/she born? 2 5 FSI-Chinese
  2. 2. Tā shi sìyüè láide. 他/她是四月來的。 He/she came in April. Tā shi jǐyüè láide? 他/她是幾月來的? What month did he/she come? 2 5 FSI-Chinese
  3. 3. Tā shi xīngqīwǔ zǒude. 他/她是星期五走的。 He/she left on Friday. Tā shi xīngqījǐ zǒude? 他/她是星期幾走的? What day of the week did he/she leave? 2 5 FSI-Chinese
  4. 4. Tā shi qīhào dàode. 他/她是七號到的。 He/she has arrived on the seventh. Tā shi jǐhào dàode? 他/她是幾號到的? What day of the month did he/she arrive? 2 5 FSI-Chinese
  5. 5. Tā shi yījiǔqīsìnián láide. 他/她是一九七四年來的。 He/she has come in 1974. Tā shi něinián láide? 他/她是哪年來的? What year did he/she came? 2 5 FSI-Chinese
  6. 6. Tā shi xīngqītiān zǒude. 他/她是星期天走的。 He/she has left on Sunday. Tā shi xīngqījǐ zǒude? 他/她是星期幾走的? What day did he/she leave. 2 5 FSI-Chinese
  7. 7. Tā shi jiǔyüè shēngde. 他/她是九月生的。 He/she was born in September. Tā shi jǐyüè shēngde? 他/她是幾月生的? What month was he/she born? 2 5 FSI-Chinese