FSI-23-Drill-E.csv 2.4 KB

  1. 1 Wàng qián zǒu yìdiǎn. Wǔnòng zài yòubian. 往前走一点。五弄在右边。 Go ahead a bit, and Alley 5 is on the right. Wǒ zài wàng qián zǒu yìdiǎn. Wǔnòng zài yòubian, shì bu shi? 我在往前走一点。五弄在右边,是不是? I go a bit farther ahead, and Alley 5 is on the right. Is that it? 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  2. 2 Wàng nàbian zǒu yìdiǎn. Liùnòng zài zuǒbian. 往那边走一点。六弄在左边。 Go a little bit that way, and Alley 6 is on the left. Wǒ zài wàng nàbian zǒu yìdiǎn. Liùnòng zài zuǒbian, shì bu shi? 我在往那边走一点。六弄在左边,是不是? I go a bit that way and Alley 6 is on the left. Is that it? 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  3. 3 Wàng dōng zǒu yìdiǎn. Sānnòng zài yòubian. 往东走一点。三弄在右边。 Go a bit to the east, and Alley 3 is on the right. Wǒ zài wàng dōng zǒu yìdiǎn. Sānnòng zài yòubian, shì bu shi? 我在往东走一点。三弄在右边,是不是? I go a bit to the east, and Alley 3 is on the right. Is that it? 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  4. 4 Wàng qián zǒu yìdiǎn. Shínòng zài yòubian. 往前走一点。十弄在右边。 Go a bit forward, and Alley 10 is on the right. Wǒ zài wàng qián zǒu yìdiǎn. Shínòng zài yòubian, shì bu shi? 我在往前走一点。十弄在右边,是不是? I go a bit forward, and Alley 10 is on the right. Is that it? 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  5. 5 Wàng xī zǒu yìdiǎn. Shíèrnòng zài zuǒbian. 往西走一点。十二弄在左边。 Go a bit to the West, and Alley 12 is on the left. Wǒ zài wàng xī zǒu yìdiǎn. Shíèrnòng zài zuǒbian, shì bu shi? 我在往西走一点。十二弄在左边,是不是? I go a bit to the West, and Alley 12 is on the left. Is that it? 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  6. 6 Wàng nán zǒu yìdiǎn. Shíqínòng zài zuǒbian. 往南走一点。十七弄在左边。 Go a bit to the South, and Alley 17 is on the right. Wǒ zài wàng nán zǒu yìdiǎn. Shíqínòng zài zuǒbian, shì bu shi? 我在往南走一点。十七弄在左边,是不是? I go a bit to the South, and Alley 17 is on the left. Is that it? 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  7. 7 Wàng běi zǒu yìdiǎn. Bánòng zài zuǒbian. 往北走一点。八弄在左边。 Go a bit to the North, and Alley 8 is on the left. Wǒ zài wàng běi zǒu yìdiǎn. Bánòng zài zuǒbian, shì bu shi? 我在往北走一点。八弄在左边,是不是? I go a bit to the North, and Alley 8 is on the left. Is that it? 4 5 FSI-Chinese