Module4-target-list3-trad.csv 2.7 KB

  1. 1. Nǐ chǔqu a! 你出去阿! Oh, you're going out! 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  2. Wǒ xiǎng chūqu mài jiběn shū. 我想出去麥幾本書。 I thought I would go out to buy a few books. 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  3. 2. Láojià, nǎr yǒu mài shūde? 勞駕,那兒有買書的? Excuse me, where is there a place to buy books? 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  4. Wāngfǔjǐng Dàjiē yǒu yige Xīnhuá Shūdiàn, hěn dà. 王府井大街有一個新華書店,很大。 There is a New China Bookstore on Wángfǔjīng Boulevard that is very large. 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  5. 3. Láojià, Xīnhu Shūdiàn lí zhèr yuǎn ma? 勞駕,新華書店離這兒遠嗎? Excuse me. Is the New China Bookstore far from here? 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  6. Bù yuǎn, hěn jìn. 不遠, 很近。 It’s not far; it’s very close. 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  7. 4. Zěnme qù? Zǒuzhe qù kéyi ma? 怎麼去。走着去可以嗎? How do I go? Is it possible to get there by walking? 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  8. Zǒuzhe qù kéyi. 走着去可以。 It's possible to get there by walking. 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  9. 5. Zǒu duó yuǎn? 走多遠? How far do I go? 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  10. Zǒu bù yuǎn, lùdōngde dìyīge dàlóu jiù shi Xīnhuá Shūdiàn. 走不遠,路東的第一個大樓就是新華書店。 Go a short distance, and the first building on the east side of the street is the New China Bookstore, 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  11. 6. Dāo Xīnhuá Shūdiàn qù, zěnme zǒu? 到新華書店去,這麼走? How do I get to the New China Bookstore? 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  12. Cóng dàmén chūqu, cháo běi guǎi, jiù shi Wángfǔjǐng Dàjiē. 從大門出去,朝北拐,就是王府井大街。 You go out the entrance, turn to the north, and that’s Wángfǔjīng Boulevard. 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  13. 7. Láojià, nèige dàlóu shi Xīnhuá Shūdiàn ma? 勞駕,那個大樓是新華書店瑪? Excuse me, is that building the New China Bookstore? 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  14. Shì. 是。 Yes. 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  15. 8. zhuǎn 轉 to turn 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  16. 9. chūlai 出來 to come out 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  17. 10. lùxī 路西 the west side of the street 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  18. 11. lùběi 路北 the north side of the street 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  19. 12. lùnán 路南 the south side of the street 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  20. 13. bǎihuò gōngsī 百貨公司 department store 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  21. 14. Bǎihuò Dàlóu 百貨大樓 name of a department store in Beijing 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  22. 15. shàngbianr (shàngbian) 上邊兒 (上邊) above; the top, the upper part 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  23. 16. xiàbianr (xiàbian) 下邊兒 (下邊) below, under; the bottom, the lower part 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  24. 17. dǐxia 地下 underneath; the underneath 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  25. 18. zhōngjiānr (zhōngjiànr) 中間兒 (中間兒) the middle, the space in between 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  26. 19. pángbiānr (pángbiān) 旁邊兒 (旁邊) beside, next to, alongside of; the side 4 3 FSI-Chinese