FSI-33-Drill-D.csv 1.6 KB

  1. 1. Shénme shíhou duì nín héshì? 什么时候对您合适? What time would suit you? jīntiān 今天 today Jīntiān, míngtiān dōu kéyi. 今天,明天都可以。 Either today or tomorrow would be fine. 6 1 FSI-Chinese
  2. 2. Jǐdiǎn duì nín héshì? 几点对您合适? What hour would suit you? sāndiǎn 三点 3 o'clock Sāndiǎn, sìdiǎn dōu kéyi. 三点,四点都可以。 Either 3 or 4 o'clock would be fine. 6 1 FSI-Chinese
  3. 3. Xīngqīduì nín héshì? 星期几对您合适? What day of the week would suit you? Xīngqīyī 星期一 Monday Xīngqīyī, Xīngqīèr dōu kéyi, 星期一,星期二都可以。 Either Monday or Tuesday would be fine. 6 1 FSI-Chinese
  4. 4. Jǐhào duì nín héshì? 几号对您合适? What date would suit you? sìhào 四号 the fourth Sìhào, wǔhào dōu kéyi. 四号,五号都可以。 Either the fourth or the fith would be fine. 6 1 FSI-Chinese
  5. 5. Shénme shíhou duì nín héshì? 什么时候对您合适? What time would suit you? shàngwǔ 上午 in the morning Shàngwǔ, xiàwǔ dōu kéyi. 上午,下午都可以。 Either in the morning or in the afternoon would be fine. 6 1 FSI-Chinese
  6. 6. Něitiān duì nín héshì? 哪天对您合适? What day would suit you? míngtiān 明天 tomorrow Míngtiān, hòutiān dōu kéyi. 明天,后天都可以。 Either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow would be fine. 6 1 FSI-Chinese
  7. 7. Xīngqīduì nín héshì? 星期几对您合适? What day of the week would suit you? Xīngqīliù 星期六 on Saturday Xīngqīliù, Xīngqītiān dōu kéyi. 星期六星期天都可以。 Either on Saturday or on Sunday would be fine. 6 1 FSI-Chinese